OCR Interpretation

Orangeburg times. [volume] (Orangeburg Court House [S.C.]) 1877-1881, January 30, 1880, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067804/1880-01-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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Carriage factory.
The undersigned respectfully ih
forms. (fliu-.public that he is prepared
to do all
Kind of Work
ia the .ab.ave line .on iho-shortest no
tice and at.
Living Prices.
best possible manner.
} nlr=o have in full operation my
All work in ibis line done without
delay and on reasonable terms.
A share of the public pntVona^e. is
july 25 ii. riggs.
a r itt i:
Established in 1871 by the Propri
etor, who is still ready ami willing lo
iill orders in
c a k i-: s
ni i t\i--,u: i jti lulls.
By the BAKUM, or ?OX.
B 11
A .1 )
anv oilier Kind Ol
For Camp-Meeting
.' .ist received
|?rcM!l ('onfoclioiaru'Scs.
Fitiicy ?t?oti<t-s
Ami RiS Si;.im
Whielt will '>e Mi Id sis LOW a* any that eaii
bo-hon "lit in tIrangehurt/.
Thankful for ilo- past pnlrouii^e Of im\
frinids and die buhlic I still so lie if a con
tinuance of their cn-uoiu.,
T. W. Alhri-ivd i i,
f.i!--el! Slreel, next tloor
sept 11, 1878- ly Mr. .1 P. barley.
J{Dr. SaxfokiYk Livek Inviooiiato; ?
Sis a Standard Family Remedy for ^.o?
??diseiiacH of tboLiivor, Stomach ?/*?jsTOs
??and Dowolfl.?It is Purely <h*?J.a ??^WS
jVegetable.?It never ?.?*"'* ? j|
J?ebiiitatea-ltia .r '<V? ;^ {@ ti
?'Cathartic auj **
f>'ly o n i c.
ru<A? VU V? >S> t
\\0 n^:<
* \ ??i*%3lrl 3 ^il I 0 Bf> &'vibrator} '
WS?> b"''7, ??bell
i? ?y practiceS
for nioro than ."5 years,J
*?* with un precede ntod result*).}
$S. T. W. SAN FORD, M.D., ffl??S4KiVrf
? ASY DHt'OdlKT M l Mi TKI.I. YOt> ITS KU'l T*Tln\. ?
Ncpt H) |y
buddein tit nni< ?.' Orniitl Introtliietlon
Salo continued until Nov. i, 18S0. Only sale ol
the ki..d ever successfully carried out in America,
n.otio superbinstrumentsat fueiorj- rntoi for
Intrmlucl Ion and .\?Iv?ti iMfment. Nrw
plan of Helling; Ho Agtttl I "o Coaaijstoo! I los'.rs
Borti itltpsl airoct from i ictoty to prcsier?. Itidlli
rssa'i prtfits t:vcl. Arant'i r&tos to all. Oaly boat*Dccth
MllltgODtblipUn. V1ANOS, 7 oct. A12$, 7) net.
$155; Square tirands, till. OltUANS, O Stop*,
tfii 13 stops, $71; 13 slops. Mirror Top Case, ts>.
New, handsome, durable. 0 years guarantee. 1.1
days trst trial, t'nr. haiers cnoii e ftmn ten lend
tng makers nud HUU different *tytm. Join this
KtjCM ill le ?-l nl? of c pun lusers and seenro
?n instrument at wlsoleaisiti I'ltlvn. Sp<-cl?l
terms io Music Teachers, Churches,aM Vttstort
Addirss lor IiitttMl u< 1 lou tin lei Lirculars,
LUDDEX & BATES, Savannah, (hi.
dec l!l 2|
Fi > K S A I
A house and lol opposite Wni. Willcock'n on
tlie be'levllle Kond. The house is in coin*
pleteordor with every convenience- l or
particulars apply to
Russe! Street and Railroad Avenue
A lull Stock of
Whioli will 1)0 sold C I E I? A 3? r"? O A H> I T.
All my Old Friends ami as ninny Now Ones as will favor me with a
call is respectfully invited t<> examine my Goods and Prices.
inn i
^ ?t> U s3 uU<lg i.. 11 -j i ' 5 2 EiS i a 0 ?j
fr. wonderful In Its conception; un
precedented for doing n lar&a rarc-n of
sowing In tox:i!o fabrics nnil leather. Us
motions nro continuous, admitting of rn
extraordinary u?lo ai speed, either by
steam or foot power. Every motion of tito
troadlo makes rdr. stitches, tints produc
ing about one-third rnoto wcrltina day
than other Sowing i.. ichines. Ii- no
stop motions, and V ?? hi ::s the ctlicri with
tho ncocilo out of '. io f>'.*!c usos t!?o
well-known Wilson Compound Food on ! co," the needle, it
has two-thirds less parts than any ether first-class S6wlri? r.-'.;-- :i!r:o.
Its arm is fully eight and one-half inches U-.--: and five r.'id ono-haif
inches high, and the whole Machine i~ yery compactly and scicn
tificaiiy constructed in proportions, elegance, design nnd appear
anco. Its simple, powerful end perfect mechanism places it r.s tor
In advance of all other Sewing Machines ctn the telephone o superior
to the tin speaking tubo. The WS'-GOfd WIEKDJWG ATT/tCHr??KT,
for repairing all kinds of textdo fsbrics WITHOUT PATCHING, fur
nished FREE with all WILSON SEWiNC MACKSNES, together with
e Tucker, Rufflor, Corder, Set of Hemmers, Binder, etc,
l-'vivmls i otcnir.vm- ?>
?">n lint .VJlil mi: il ? ? :: ?.J?i?nd
I vrv vi. Ill in ; i:ir<> ?!?? I',
T k ? I'l'sjlJAIfS vom-1 i i nn ? i i" !
? Mi bb.'i r..v h: H \ MS fen t'iiee,
U}\uu]t k :ii ibo !.<>'? Ii- T i'lt?<*K.!
-!<>?/ ih>! Iii- Ploii'r -'?> Ihie
hi t'-<-. sind \ I !. :liin^- in Ill's I n ?
**:iv. sonii' l! T! ?'! - in around ?
Ivvi'ry iVuiii - lit ?t 11 < I bayo :i punii'l ;
\ ml ii \? ii ii '< < ? v. t:.i and iible.
I'm iiir .M.\i'l\ 1 11 l-'X on \ imir Table !
,.iitii nr?r iill ildi'ijis in hi- Sim'.
J i ??:? - mi c.iiii >.i ;isk fir more!
i .v\\ i'ry Iii? "i:s ,.,,?>?
? itn'l Ik- i'i|inilli'd ;ni wlifii !
Ivveri iiuui w bo know- I ?i:M
"iii-lii-- I'nr hi- iron 1 ? k-\- !?? !
Jr. Iiis S?nitii|?.> I loom diey Ily,
very time thai lltey aivdry !
oiue hin!: to 1> lliyin 'I.'/ * lit ? m in '.
\ ml lip nlw iys It? <1 t'.< v in !
\ev? r yet ilii'l lie h i Pat,
&j|oii'| vi ii know li>- ii ib'l be bca' ?
? unk within his Stnrusii iratnl;
n Iii.-? I'mi - l??ti ii ?tie ii" i It;? ??'*!';
tljco-tion him :i il yon wills >r -
i S i>; \i ??. !1 it * ?> ?>i' :
)h ! 'v iii n k liii y i i n? vi-vr.
I j t-IISOli J'oil.l ? to M*". Ill-Sl'iit,
.-v'iiii - iinry iJrii Wrt |(? ail??
ivt ii: iii lisch i i; i r;ii i-aI .
i>?-nt ii.-?iuieii, 1 U...I \ s-. lls clican,
ml I ho Inn si ?iiis w|:i keen,
/v i \ 11 11 ;..-i-in b.?\i.ii; siars
. >ii\i ii w tili all - exct j'i
1 ><? M A U.S.
T I I r.
tUU Iv, WATCil.UA Kl ii
It EI> AI It Kit.
'; riiiic ibid (ii*k, ' both tvantc 1 .uv,
Poi \\ atch iniil ('jock anil |.|dt? In it,
11 lit-' yi n iii cd. i?r iinie to sei,
I ii-i sannn r rni im I to C'liiyiette.
i'nr two ily y ar- and hv'i. lie's Rjieii
ii 11 ruin!: how his ?i! - to know
llv .-|n'ci:il I'r.ivi le'i ?? lie's senl
I'm < iranei bnrj? ilinl ait to -bow.
II :i \\ itlch will ki eji ii" lime,
^ini if a (Jloek will civc.no tick,
"I i--ju-i because yoii've inisseil ihi- liii ',
Abieli tells oftjmiil wm'.^, true an?! i|iiicn
If your Wairh willkoe|i no lime,
< in i, ? T. !),?( ?iivictto;
If yoi.r * l"i'k will u'ivr n ? lifk
(in tu t' be< hiviette.
"Tick ami tihie" arc iieciled hero
l!y I'livniei'H, hoclors, Lawyers, all,
11 litis t*o true, tbonlako pood rare
i )n 'J'. I>. ('hi vi \n c ill.
I.- N<) l'K T'. Ali Wim hr n niaiitini
wilb me lor renairsen tin- 1st Nov., I87J
will be sold ai anctiOn il' tioi railed lor ho
fold the lir-t Monday in December next.
inly 4 tf
?| ! '? HN !?; AND )lKllll.\Nir.A i
|:y I.!,-, i.. ?. \\'<>i.!';-. ?>rti.-.> over
M. Lhiiin >-j<i ^atinf.ciUiii gu.U:pitc-e..l
in r?11 Optfr :1 !<?i|s,
f-- " Tce'li i'A'lf.ii'h'il without pain. ' y
!.?? .i .? ni Niirn t)<;^' ll.i.?.
. YS Si tit a/HivCS^ ">r.,
ma; k::; --T.:.:r.t
Koj.ic'.!.i!.y inform^ tjie |'?tt 1 ?Ii?i
g< nerully} 11-nt 1'iS Mhblt* it re com:1 ???
it .1 nnil lilleil sviili KI N K
Wiiiilti lie i- <>!i* rinr ti v ry
r.o w .i * i m c' i:
Those in wnnl ni'.Htiiiil *5 <><?'; are re
- (Ti i; ? lly in vi 11 ?! t n ?jive ino i ? ?:'.!!.
.1. '\ . !!. hl!KK .fi:.
Tr' O TT T 23 3S
Will ours orjirovenl ni?.-n.!e.
?fo Unnas will dlonl t'i MO, J!i 'H.-r I.c.-.'n F?.
?\ ?::. i f l ?utc'a I'owitan are uvjd Iii tttiu>.
Koitlx'sl'owdera wilt run nit I prewn 11 :<><; ('tiAt.::n \
t'otiu'a I'owdur* will |..-. out is tri:? in I <>w i
KoiiU't l'owilttra will Im*ri'n5i Hie ipntiititv of millc
nn.I cn-arntwenty percent., ?ni| niuUu the liutlur firm
Uli'I SW.'Cl.
? Pout/.'* Powder* Will our.- <ir prov.-nt ftlinoM r.\ ichy
DtSRAftR t.. w hi -a lion 'i and i ittUi aro ?nt\'i rt.
POVTZ'n I'omukkh ?11.1, OIVK f-A i Ci'Ai-1 1?>.\.
?ul.l ever) w |i?>ri?.
UAV IV E. FUCTSS. Troj rlotl r.
lJAUi IUultK.'aid.
Fi r raM y I r. a; N a \i ,\ K i 1.'
Hi il l>r. a. ? 1)1 ik k.<- uovlJ Iv
wax wmtmi
Having neenllv ni'ivi'tl into my
S r - ??. i wot:Iii ii ?.? 11 i \ ?? in
form my oM frii inl-i ami ??. hlio
g neraily 'Iml i h ve o . hi con
tin o to keep on h mil tin
I' n-.-i I ?inj-,
l!c-i I 'ti mts uml I i:;-,
1 .:i ni|>> n 'i.l I- . \ f ill .
] im > ('igii r niiti I'o in ?>?,
i lain an I Inline t !:tn ? .<? .
A ni ii liict, evcryiniu^ sii:ili> ??.< p
:u :t . . i ?. class
DL ? Li Si ORK!
I also occupy, willi my fami v. tit"
rooms ov. r I lie store, ami llicrnfnri!
v\ i t ? l)t> nlile to put up prescript ions
a any tuUl n'l liiuirs iluriug ilie ni?rlit.
Sec Itcll mi Iroiii iltior
\. C. DIK KM, Mi 2>.
rail :;l if^T'.i ly
u. t. )n i)cx ... <???>..
;?!??:.;, s~i< .<?? I(l<?n apt?..?.;.n F*n?noia?w fJatifurhl?,
und nur. ??! tViwhiiiKtun and Chuxltiin Sts.. N. i'.
SolU by nil Urugyiite and I>ral?rs.
AiTuin of Fortuno's Wheel.
2.' _ _
Charleston to Bo the Entioput of Ihe
Trade of the West.
.New York, January 22?The
tiMi.il demand, during the. lest few
dn\s, for South Carolina Railroad
stuck and unsecured bonds is explain
??d ;ii last. A syndicate ol New Yoik
capitalists, |iromin:nt among whom
arc Samuel Sloan, President of the
Delaware and Lnckawm-.i liti!r>nl;
M< ses Taylor an I Rieh ird huh ?r?,
has been formed lor ihu purp'MC of
taking control of the .South Carolina
Railroad Aiid rclea-dn r it from the
litioatTliii whi<di now keeps it in the
ciiMidh ol the l'i:i.cd Slates ( Vin t,
with a eitw to uiakino ,i without de
lay the iciiuiihu link in ihe chain oj
roads whtedi sliali (iaiiii ?et I .lie great,
in11r u'l system ?< ol the West wicll the
Atlantic ??: .t oar I a ( ' i u i -r > i
11 llti j Iii ii- of tin sy ml ii i ?> ar ?
eayrn-d . t road is iu he in -.::a..
i-o vufi . i < I. . i.e.-^ \ :. wili s-peedily
lender Chariest u the leading ?Inp
pn.y i'tih -on h id New Y'ori;. Sixty
iiiiii oi ii ad at re to he httiit iin tin di
al \\ to connect the South Carolina
II liil \'{t\ j? . i an mir cniii i nil
:Vihi \ihit ' nek Willi ti e > ineiithaii
Siiiilhciij linitd. Hot ?d new and
-[ letidid .sieauii i's :.- to Iii .-.< ed on
11 ' a "v V- l k and < hiirli slon hoc
'!!.?.-., i; i .:;;id, will m l:p ? thbi - n -.v
j lying '?ii tie- ??? i v|< it tilt i i . id i
I U'l lidcif-,1 a/l' II . - '. in ft :? . Ill i'v| I ? Hi!
? ?? inn Hifiji [(.. h' (1; 1.1.4 trad l-iie
> inlii;.V.^'-;.1rotdv ?yd -ii.:- ry
Iii ii i(M't?-n-irr' 'f ..? ( ?- the
?- ? ii n VLiilwi K..i .n.ci v ouipaiiy.
ime oi :\, 'in ailn*. - nloii-' holding
twenty tijptusaitd .-hir-s. I'liay Bdo
n * ^liJtiii^^J^ii^l-''n _iir f o'-,!)it-.'a; i ?-,
with o'.her roads, hm ex poo in win
-n (?? s.- hy dint ol Ihe completion o
llio rihori .-! and nm-t diieci route
Ironi In Ohio liyei to ihe A laiii c
?sealioilid. I he) ?ii* ili.i ? .?? .Maren
report .Uli gimw ::; ? Suii'l Carolina
1... hoi l i i in uvcclle it lioune .it
condition 1 ,i- atternoiii Sid >>
v. ,:- (clvollered tor ."south Carolin \
Uai i o i i'k, hut hoi i - w r ask;
? iu c-1 > i 'i 1'ghl b?ei inj?
diiiday iUiy,ht.
11im ? ivi et i he ii t e to t h .? in.in oi
1 i; in w a'ry h - i. . -- ! and ttorro.v
> ???. .i! To little hubbies that
I a t d iriii.? the ivueU ??. i e in an
j Uoy, i .<? eni iti ins oi ? n/y. |> i lo, je.il
jou-? and mal iii ty y odd lo the soot
inj? ind-.i 'ii.-c- of tins hour, tu. t c
I in ii. i. i has come that h i- i;^
hiii o.v i. ijui-jl an I peti te. The
! weekly pi; us -d tin- hone" . in lusl ? i
mi- man Ii ive ail bot n con. en uat - i
I the hull- er iin- in ti ide _n n r d
tue !,?! don i it-i bud I cap a oi I -sit
oh* nnd now at peace with eon
science ami all tin World, iddiiinio
1 mi I. . i nnui, no k-ii g in puiale i
l Ii i .-o happy umlci the .-oothinu in
j dm iici - oi ? iOv- i
> t c. d \' U|i>iil '. ainlin^ on the
In".in- it wli.i win sh dl v lie . p>r
I Lioll ol 1". ity, del n a-Uin -olc;UH
ip.C i . Ulli II4C WlliLJ 11.401 ol I 11 .'
I 11 at *>liil'ii ilij? daWil poll o - c.re
{ a not 11- i week, i iici >i in ten iii in an !
I inerens, -hau ii c ii reciiril oi life
iii.it and du v'i 1'housaniis ol c dllii
i ?'
lids have ?iinoln cd doaii the hop -
of i a; I \ hmiM hiihls?? ihou.-an > ?!
mis - y'.- children have nu- ; i want
I nuil w-ie, an h i d- i . w < in
\ ed wy o ueijo < j>iiii?,
whilst . ,c uioine .i ?)? ine .. ? il
\v i i i\ i i.i 11 ; . i n ,<i i U- ill ?. ill a i
ii.? i i n 11; ? e ? if mi iu lie?.? /?.'.
L o.-nr.ii.. .. 1:1 -r Li^slij
A II .1 lit o. j '111 1 III 1\ ? ll-.l ? It IS
iiccii i ('o. ii ii. iii.i ...i a dayrtfiriwo
ehdea vorin-i m induce ihe State
:t hi In i iii-.- procure the arrest ol C.
1'. Le> ie, the nolornuis Ian! eom
nn.-.-i lur. who is now residing near
Topi*) ., I\iiu-fii>i . pplii'stti -ii lor i
ri ij'i.-iii hi ?v i- made to la ? ti ivur
nor, I'm ^ a- i ufiLscd.
Kan as don't wain him, and oven
the South Landina I'oniicnnary ivolit
have him.
Keeping up the Honors.
Untied the above caption, the
Columbia Yeoman^ among other
tilings, says :
V He hnppeu to know it to bo a
lad that not a few men of very ordin
ary intellect an 1 mental ability, hy
accident or fortuitous circumstances,
attained to positions of rank in the
army, and, that, in point of fact, they
commanded men who were their
superiors in every respect except that
oi military rank.
We therefore say I hat in looking
tor nun to liil our 0 dices this tiling
o! going back to hunt our Generals,
C lonoh en 1 Majors, wit a now an I
then a Captain. \\\ the Confederate
army is ail wrong. There was many
a private in the ranks who did more
and holier aevviee. taking everything
into con-eleia i m. th.iu < nnu o.*rh >s ?
who wore epaulettes and earriel
.-?vurds. We .-;> nk from actual
knowledge oi the facts; ami as one
who occupied nil intciuicdh.te posi
tion in guide ol rank, we hesitate not
to ttixj that the rank and lileofthe
old army ol the 'lost cause' had j ist
as much intelligence, courage and
true patriotism in it as did the higher
grades rank, lion riug neu for
pa.-t -ti vie-s is all right, provided in
men h h<i i >? il iy ?-ii arc .honor-id
Let us away forcvoivwith thi*1 n'la i
tout only those wiio were ollicios in
the uiinj iti'i worth via lit l our o'.h 'C
iii??t fid*I p a-i ?> .ui-i i?e made lor
the o ii me :t.re idy >,"C -i \< dn?i
w.. ? utr o a sword, we sey, in ah
enndo. and none ty thai :n i ii of jiio
v. iy b< -[ material in the .-onto was
in the ditches, on the vidclt. post
and in the ppe'it Held in the front
iAii!.?, a;.d tints, ninny}oltvhctrf are a* I
dl.se tying, when homil'S are l>> he
conferred, as :;n_\ oltieur, fro u Gen.
l.i-e down. We know this i-n >t a
p....it..ti view o ihii tpiestio i, hot tt ,
dins not deter us from expressing our J
h UKSi, views in th. mutter, i ook in
the rank and file, and see what it
contains, u iw and i in n
Shcridau in Forn-.tndina.
''Three cheers for Gen. Sheridan.!'
These woids cam.: over the telegraph
to us Iroiu the calm and balmy city
ol Peruauilina. (irt:it heavens ! Can
it ho; is itsh? Can human nature
_>?; si) low as this? Was i: Fail
S'liCri Ian, the _ivat despoiier? W.i
i: ihe rullian who made the fair wo
in. ii d'the valley ol Virginia so p mr
tti i' ih >ir bodio- were unable to give
milk to their sucklings ? Was tins
to- brute who i\a> hurrahed and
? ii ei>- i lor in the beautiful city of
Tun idiii i '. Surely not; out .i s
wo think that the devil himself is
in-; y cutiiled t- a furlough, ami th it j
Irom Richmond to GaUeston the
drum und liieaml throat >ii v.thl gieet
him. l'nii She dan greeted in the i
South? Oh, Lord, please deliver us!
t'crhap-" our senses arc ii| on the Kip
! Van W in ^ I" oid-:-, but we would
snoiier p.iy hoiii.ige to the greatest
lie.iay.-r j: oi'tle I in Sacred Writ
I.:.hi io i.ivs a button in h ?nur Ol Ulla
j.; ea it o onvici I criiiliu ti. 1> it Ulis
p..of our iiistory bj el ?so \.-C/s *r ;e?
loten Time*.
Tht re i- s long tu k in the fhird
( oiigic tonal 1> ?n el oi iayiug Con
I givn man t >. ?\ yuii Alken n the
. shell aller ihi> i<a: * oiig less man
I Aikeu is one ol ine ablest K*piesen
I laiives Sooth Catolina has, btii the
j pi upie tue mo ji eased wi.n the iude
j pet m o coili 4u win. n ue has shown
i a; iiiicuii iii to pursue.? Gci>ryeluioH
Gto. W. Willidins.
The suit of the Kew York Cotton
Exchange against Gen. W. W illiams
tu recovi r io - ol $200,000 has been
goinj! ? i. nail) ninco i>ci"ber 1st.
? r. Wi.unnis'plea is that ihe specu
lation - w ere made b) his par tin r
, woh n, hi .knowledge, und Wero oi.
eide ?'. liu regular l?u i u? -s t! s
case i* conducted by the tiria ol P.
H. Chamberlain A Co.
A dispatch in this morning's \\njis
tcrt dated Sumter, January 22, says *
"Preston I). Mood, editor of the
Clarendon Frest. and teaoher.of a suc
cessful private school, blew his brains
out hi t night at Maiming, where ho
l(.sided. It ia rumored that the re
fusal <d? a fair daughter of Israel to
reciprocate his attach incut) caused the
rasu act He v\as about 21 years old,
ate vvas the s< n of Rev. Henry M.
Moid, a distinguished Methodist
Minister, and a most exemplary
gentleman The young nun was
talented bat erratic?some pay not .
always wine. He was, reckless a* an
editor, and was recently chudeugod
by young ( buries Pool on accouut of
newspaper remarks Rotn patties
wete willing to light, hut tne see-puds
could not agree upon the terms- Young
.'i.iod was well yesterday, attended a
party last evening, and killed himself
alter returning home. lie has a
lurge jtuuUy connection here. The
sad cent has excited much sympathy.
The Mood family are remarkable lor
p ety Uttel worth, and have furnished
several able members to the South
Carolina * 'onferenee.''
A large cnucousc. of people atteud
ed the Inneral and burial services of
ib.- deceased, w itch took place Thurs
day altcrnoon. and prominent amonx
those n attendance were all t,he pupils
I ihe mining Academy, who, with
. hi ii;i ? y s '.-tood around the grave
of their teacher while the last sad
rites were being performed.
Aa.ecti.?tu of Patrick Henry.
When the celebrated Patrick ^r?^*,
ry? of Virginia^wa.t near the close of
life, and in feeble health, he laid his
hand on the Bible,'andaddressed an
ol I friend who was with Iura. "Here
is.a hook," said he, "worth more than
till ever printed; yet it is my misfor
tune never to have read it with pro
jar attention and feeling till latel)
About the same time he wrote to his
daughter: "I hear it said'that the
Deists have claimed me. The thought
_;ives me more pain than the appella
tion of Tory ? 1 consider religion of
iiifin tely higher importance than
olities, and I lind much cause to re
proach myself ?hat I have lived so
long and given no decided and public
proof of my being a Christian."
Church and Theatre.
The Savannah Sunday Telegram
-ays the Chicago preacuci8?are discus
sing win iher chifreh members ought
to be allowed lb go to the theatre. Tn
Atlanta the question has long been
settled in the affirmative. The Presi
dent of the State Sunday School As
m.v union, the Presidi nt of the Young
Men'- Christian Association, as well
as Suhtlay School Superintendents
and church oflicials, attend the thea
tre in that city It does not seem to
hi a tnatier of discipline in auy.ofthe
churches, yet we presume there is
tpiitu as much re igion. it riot piety, in
Atlanta as in Chicago.?Columbia
/'.< met to Yeoman,
Whose Ox?
Stop and think about it, stalwart
haters of the Sou n !' This Maine
business lias a lesson lor you. Here
J is Lien. L'ha tuber ;niu i i charge'oftho
Augusta Stute House, and tho'netvs
papers are tilled with talk ab Hit
"guns," "revoluti mary measures,"
"iia id" and st> on. How you would
have railed at such an exhibition be
low M.iion ami Dixon's hue a few
years ago! Your hatred of the
"rebels'' w ouhl have glowed at white
heat and justified any use of federal
troops for putting down tho "now
j rebellion." Charity is best learned
by experience, to be sure- We of
New England now know how it is
ourselves, -S,>' -n:/ji??Id Republican.
Mr Denis Iveantey when in E ?sfon
was interviewed by the Herald, which
was ob' iget) to go nut and borrow a
J tot of dashes to fid the blank places
I in his conversation.

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