Newspaper Page Text
III! Tli! * mmmmmmwmmmmmmmMwmmmmmmm Thi s is die / dollars into To apprecial mnn valllAQ 11AV11 V U1UVU must see th< % S. M THE BIG STOR ^Cingstree^ I Scott-Log Wholesa Provisioi Meat, Lard, Flour, Ri I thing wanted in . at lowest Cotton Seed Corn W. T. Wilkins' old st; Kingstree, I Real Estate Country Farms ai If You Wai If You Wai We can place you in an you want. Address al Gourdin & Har F)R yoa:s, the n c??t j-?cc<-- -i tjt have heon rr.h-o -g ih?:' ! rasiket prices icr vo :r t. x- \r.Greatest R??.w Ft" *' for oar F?-ee p. c - ii. c. : . c . V/e charge no Cyrr.r.ii. i da\tp&uj-t;-t ' filtr Tim! J. Ml 1 UN ? 1 .1 . . ..t. place mat puis your purse n iirnot iinr>Am. .c wnui uuvuiu these are, you e goods. larcus E ON THE CORNER - - - S. C. an Comnanv I i 1 ?r ? le Grocers | i Merchants | ice, Grits or any and every- g Bulk can be gotten here i| ; possible prices. !? 1 Meal and Hulls J i and Hay | md. Near the Depot. SouthjCarolina g Farm Lands. id Town Lots For Sale! nt to Buy, See Us nt to Sell, See Us iy section of the County that 1 correspondence to per, Kingstree, S. C. ft i f. "s*r i -P3 in your vicinity . '!>?? H?! o t j . ??? . Yet if Ti '-./tii; W'cild's I i' ... . . y .rvJfT^n I - .?i ir fii x?.^. - (!-. >' ' *' ' * V. '-'ir. -'' *V- "e.' 1 Legal Advertisements, j Notice of Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG, 'ourt of Common Pleas. L 15 Roper, as Administrator of the estate of Pocahontas Roper, deceased, Plaintiff. vs i S C DuRant. Levern DuRant. Emmett DuKant. Sarah DuRant.Annie Laurie DuRant, Madeline DuRant. E W DuKant and W W Singletary, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that, under and pursuant to a decree in foreclosure j in the above entitled action issued out 1 of the Court of Common Pleas for Williamsburg county. South Carolina, and bearing date the 8th day of December, 1916.signed by his Honor. Judge George E Prince, to me directed, I will sell before the court house door in Kingstree, county of Williamsburg, State of South Carolina, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of January, 1917, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the following described tract of land, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the county of Williamsburg and State of South Carolina, containing three hundred and twenty (3"20> acres, more or less, and bounded as follows, to-wit: On the North and East by lands now or formerly of B Wallace Jones; on the South bv lands conveyed by Edgar W DuRant to J W Johnson, and on the ! West by lands formerly <>f J Headley : Brown deceased. j Terms of sale: One-third (!:t) cash and balance in equal installments of one i and two years, the credit portion of said ! purchase price to bear interest from date of sale at the rate of eicht per cent I (8%) per annum, to be computed and 1 " J 1 .1 I paid annuauy ana iu ue sctuicu uj win. of purchaser and mortgage of premises sold. If purchaser fails to comply with bid on said salesday. the tract of land herein above described shall be sold on the same or some subsequent salesday at his risk. Purchaser to pay for papers 12-14 3t HOB'ritton, C C C P and G S. Williamsburg Co. SC Kingstree S C. December 12, 1916. I Notice of Foreclosure Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, col'nty of williamsburg, In Court Common Pleas. S B Poston, Plaintiff, against C J Williams and Moses Lewis, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that, under and by virtue of the decretal order in the above entitled action made and rendered by his Honor Judge Geo E Prince, in open Court and dated December 5, 1916 I. H 0 Britton, ( lerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Williamsburg countv. will sell at public auction to the I highest bidder for cash, before the court house door in Kingstree, S C,during the legal hours for sale, on Monday, the first (1st) day of January, 1917. the same being salesday, the following described tract of land, tc-wit: All that certain tract of land lying, being and situate in Williamsburg county and State of South r Carolina, containing fifteen acres and i known as a part of the "Hannah Wil| liams estate," bounded as follows, to, wit: North by the lands of the estate of West K Cooper; East by the lands of j C K Cooper; South by the lands of Lem, isu Lewis, and West by lands of H E Spivey. | Purchaser to pay for papers. H O Mritton, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas, Williamsburg county. 12- 14-3t Kingstree, "S C, December 11, 1916. Foreclosure SileSTATE OF SOU TH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG. I Court of Common Pleas. J i Capers G Barr, John J Barr and J D ! Watkins. Guardians, etc, Plaintiffs. II vs \ 0 M Mitchell, Defendant. [ Under and by virtue of an order of 1 * 1 1 i F ioreciusurc unu saicr mau^ wjr ihj >iv.iv. i George E Prince in a certain cause en5 titled < apers G Barr, John J Barr and ? J D Watkins. Guardians, etc, Plaintiffs, j vs 0 M -Mitchell, Defendant, dated the I 4th day of December, 1916, 1 will sell at t public auction, in front of the court i house at Kingstree. during the legal [ hours for such sales.on Monday, the 1st ? day of January, 19 .7, the following de|* scribed real estate, viz: i All that piece, parcel or tract of land lying,being and situate in the county of ' Williamsburg, State of South Carolina, measuring and containing one hundred and eighty-six (186) atres and butting and bounding as follows, to-wit: To the North by lands of D I Wilson; to the East on the county line road between the counties of Georgetown and Williamsburg; to the south on the road leading from Home to Union church and to the West by lands of the estate of W A Hemingway. Being the same premises conveyed to me, the said 0 M Mitchell, by George S Hemingway by deed dated under his hand and seal dated the 28th day of November. A D 1913, to be recorded. Terms of sale, c:Jsh, and in the event that purchaser does not comply with terms of sale, premises to be re-sold at purchaser's risk, as directed by Plain tiff's attorney. H 0 Britton, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. Williamsburg county. 12-14-3t Kingstree, S C, December 6, 1916. Citation Notice. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG, By P M Brwkinton, Esq, Probate Judge. Whereas, H 0 Britton, Clerk of Court of Williamsburg county, made suit to me to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of J L Bennett. These are, theret<?re, t?> cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said J L Bennett, deceased, that 'hey he and appear before m?* in the Court of Probate, t? be held at Kingstr-e, S C, on the 30th day 01 uecemoer next aicer piun caiion hereof, at 11 o'clock in tlie forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said adiuirn>t:ation should not be granted. Given und-r my hand this 15th day of November, Anno Domini. 19 6. P M Brockintox, 11-lC-Jt, Puihate Judge. '( Foreclosure Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. : , COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG, J Court of Common i'leas. Planters Fertilizer and Phosphate Company,a corporation created by and ex- % isting under the laws of the State of South Carolina. Plaintiff* against i , Jane Graham, Ella Fulmore, David D Graham, iooy > uranam. oanrj vjm; ham, Peter Miller Graham, Fiby Ful- " more, Clander Eaddy, Wash Greeley p ( Graham. Benjamin Graham and Mrs Sarah Ida Fuimore, Defendants. p ; Pursuant to a decree of foreclosure ~ and sale made in the above entitled | j cause by the Honorable George E Prince. I A presiding Judge, on the 4th day of De- j ? cember, 1916,1 will offer for sale at pub-1 j . lie auction before the court house door j j, in Kingstree, county and State afore-! ~ said, on Monday, the first day of Janu- y iary, 1917, the same being salesday, the ? ; following described premises, to-wit: N "All that certain piece, parcel or tract 1 of land lying, being and situate in the j county of Williamsburg and State of u South Carolina, containing one hundred . (lOO)acres, more or less,and Bounded as follows, to-wit: On the North by the run of Long Branch and Rease Graham's land; on the East by the run of Long J Branch and Bill Fulmore's land; on the South by lands of Lawrence ruimore and lands of Mrs Irean Gray; and on T the West by lands of Sam Graham,Sr." Terms of sale,cash. Purchaser to pay for titles. H 0 Britton. , 12-14-3t Clerk of Court. Foreclosure Sale of Real Estate. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ? COUNTY OF WILl IAMSBURG, j In Court of Common Pleas. J E Porter and C L Porter, Plaintiffs, jV against u Amelia C Kirk. Defendant. Under and by virtue of a decree for c foreclosure and sale made by his Honor, .1 Judge George E Prince, in a certain ! cause entitled J E Porter and C L Por- . ter, Plaintiffs, against Amelia C Kirk , Defendant, dated the 15th day of No mi/1 r ?:ii vemDer, isio.i win sen a. pun auvnuu . in front of the court house door at Kingstree, during the legal hours for such sales, on Monday, the 1st day of , Janucy, 1917, the following described real estate, viz: '"All that piece parcel or rnct of land with buildings thereon in the town of Kingstree, county and Suite aforesaid, measuring and containing seven-tenths of one acre, be the same more or less, butting and bounding to the North on lands of W H Kennedy three hundred and fifty-one feet; to the East on Rail- y road avenue one hundred and fourteen feet and three inches; to the South on lands of Mrs Hemingway two hundred and ninety-one feet and to the West on Hampton street (or Logan avenue) a! eighty-nine feet and nine inches. This ai tract being copiposed of those two lots e, designated on the plat, of said town as a; Nos 2~>6 and 2*9." 1< Terms of sale, cash; purchaser to pay J for papers. George J Graham, t. Sheriff of Williamsburg County. S C. h" Kingstree, S C, December 11, 1916. h< 12-14-3t 1 C Tax Notice. The tax books will be open for collection of taxes for year 1916 on the 15th day of October, prox. Tax levy as fol- 11 lows: a v l'"- fil J mills <1 \J L u baiv ? i, Ordinary County 4 44 a Roads 3 " js < onstitutional School ?....3 " 3 A tax of 50c on dogs. \t For High School at K'gstree .2 44 r 44 retiring bds " 44 2 44 G'lyville..4 * 44 sch bds at Cades ..3 ' 44 44 bds at Hemingway 6 44 g 4 4 44 44 4 4 Johnsonville..7 44 4 44 44 annexed territo- | ry Clarendon county, Court X House and .Fail l'o 44 All parties between the ages of 21 and 60 years.inclusiye, are liable, unless exempted by law, to a poll tax of $1.00, r also to a commutation tax of $2.00. n Special levy on all cows, hogs, goats j and sheep in parts of Penn, Anderson f and all of Suttons townships for fence ti ?50 mills. r Levy for special school dist-icts is as a follows: Nos 2, 32, 34. 40 and 47?2 mills. No 31?3 mills. j Nos 22, 46. 48. 50, 58,4 59,5,41,52,60,6, I 17,19.29, 43.53,55,56.14. 18. 57, 28. 8, 38. 51, 61, 37, 45. 11. 42. 13 and 25?4 mills, e, Nos 36 and 49?6 mills. s' Nos 12. 15. 16, 26. 39 and 54-8 mills. u No 23?12 mills. jr Upon all unpaid taxes after Decern- S) ber 31 a penalty of 1% will be added fnr.lanuary, 1 V, for February and 5% _ t. 15th day or March next, after which ? the books will be closed and executions X issued upon all unpaid taxes. Those who desire to pay their taxes through the mail may expedite matters by dropping the Treasurer a card asking j for the amount of their taxes, so as to n avoid sending the wrong amount, also j stating the township or townships (if property is owned in more than one) and if possible give school district where .. i- i ? i a r. : l-' properly IS locaieu. nuci [mvuiu ibacs examine your receipts and see if all ? your property is covered; if not, see / about it at once * By following the above suggestions complications and additional cost may e; be avoided. J Wesley Cook. ^ 9-28-tl2-31-16 Countv Treasurer. t< Registration Notice r The office of the Supervisor of Registration will be open on the 1st Monday in each month for the purpose of ? registering any person who is quali- J fled an follows: * Who shall have been a resideut o the State for two years, and ol tin h county one year, and of the polling pr" V cinct in which the elector offers t< s vote four months before the day of f election, and shall have paid, si? t months before, any poll tax then du> s and payable, and who can both reju and write any section of the constitution of 1895 submitted to him by HSupervisors of Registration, or wh ' can show that he owns, and has p-m ? all taxes cuiiecume t?n miring ,r< , present year pinpeny in this Si ? ; 4 assessed at three hundred dollars o; r more. B E Clarkson, * ' Ie, ! i)i 4 tiend us the news. (* Auditor s Notice. For !he purpose of taking tax returns I nr th year 1917. the Auditor's office , J" .ill b- opened from January 1 to Feb- t uary JO 19.7. s All tax returns taken after February j 0 wil. oe charged with 50 per cent pen- . lty. ,! Tax returns must be made by town- > hips and school districts. v All inulii norcnnc Kotti'oon tKi> orrno r\f mi n'aiv pv i uv i>?? v.vii *.iiv. v_ j v/* ^ 1 ana 60 years, inclusive, are liable to .. oil and road tax and most return same. ' Tax returns will also be taken at the t; laces and cn the dates mentioned below: e January. reelyville 16 and 17 anes 18 ades 19 c f C Wilson's Store *20 j c L Gowdy's " '23 i artell Bros' " '25 ! utton's (Hinnant's) 26 J J" Iclntosh Bros' Store 27 | b loomingvale 30 | a esmith 31 , j February. |, Dhnsonville(between trains)....6 and 7 Hemingway " " ....7 and 8 Ci ndrews " " ... 8 and 9 C enry " " 10 J J II Montgomery, M4-t2-15 Auditor Williamsburg Co. 3 Notice to Creditors. !h i the District Court of the United ^ States for the . Eastern District of! a South Carolina. I a i the matter of S J Cannon and C C j r> a j: 1 ? i L,armuri,uu-pttnntrr?, iruuiug unufi txic firm name of S J Cannon & Brother, Bankrupts. In Bankruptcy. Take notice, that S J Cannon and C C annon, co-partners trading under the J( rm name of S J Cannon & Brother, of e ohnsonville, South Carolina, who were ijudicated Bankrupts in this Court on j? le t'Sth day of December last past. ! t! ave filed their petition therein praying! <> >r a discharge in Bankruptcy; and a ; earing was thereupon ordered to be '1 ad upon said petition before said Court j 11 t Charleston, South Carolina, in said i 0 istrict, on Tuesday, the 16th day of j tj anuary, 1917, at 11 o'clock in the fore- j s oon, at which timfe and place all cred- j 1 ors of said Bankrupts and other per- j 11 ms in interest may appear and show I mse. if any they have, why the said ischarge should not be granted. l2-14-4t Attest: R W Hutson, Clerk. ? ii Notice of Sale. g STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. county of williamsburg, Court of Common Pleas. S B Poston, Plaintiff, vs I M Cooper. Maggie Cooper, William Cooper, Lessie Cooper, Cherrie Cooper, Josephene Cooper and F Rhem & Sons. Defendants. F Notice is hereby given that, under nd by virtue of a decretal order in the bove entitled action made and renderi by his Honor. Judge George E Prince, nd dated the 25th day of October, A D )16, I, H 0 Briuton. Clerk of Court of a ommon Pleas for Williamsburg coun- tl f. S C.will sell at public auction, to the d ighest bidder for cash,before the court ii ouse door in Kingstree.S C, during the 1! ;gal hours of sale,on Monday, the first li lst)day of January, 19l7, the same be- ti lg salesday, the following described f act of land, to-wit: ' S All that certain piece, parcel or tract ^ f land situated,lying and being in Wil- tl amsburg county, in Indian townsihp, d nd State aforesaid, lying on the headraters of James swamp and containing t lirteen acres,more or less,and bounded c s follows: North by lands of M L Lew- r i; East by estate of Wesley K Cooper; t outh by lands of M L Lewis; West by 7 inds of Robert White and estate of 2 osanna Cooper. li Purchaser to pay for papers. b 12-14-3t H 0 Britton, o C C C P & G S Williamsburg Co, S C. e lingstree. S C, December 12, 1916. a ? " a lotice of Application 'a for Final Discharge. 0 Notice is hereby given that on the r 5th day of Janury, 1917, at 12 o'clock s oon, I will apply to P M Brocking'ton, li udge of Probate of V\ illiamsburg coun- e yr, for Letters Dismissory as Adininis- t rator of the estate of Mrs Mary I u :odgers, deceased, (cum testamento t nnexo.) E O Rodgers. s 12-14-5tp Administrator. J Administrator's Notice All persons having claims against the 3tate of S D Carr, deceased, will pre- 1 ?nt the same, duly attested, to the ndersigned for allowance. All persons idebted to said estate are requested to ?ttle the same. W H (,'arr, 12-7-3tp Administrator. lotice of Application * for Final DischargeNotice is hereby given that on the 3rd 0 ay of January, A D 1917, at 12 o'clock, a oon, I will appiy to P M Brockinton, t udge of Probate of Williamsburg coun- ^ for Letters Dismissory as Adminis- c ->r of the estate of Marian E Scott, de- p ased. N D Lesesne, 12-7-5t Administrator. p LdmiL Istratrix' Notice o All persons having claims against the ? state of Mrs L V Baxley, deceased, ? ill present the same, duly attested, ! ; the undersigned for allowance, and 11 persons indebted to said estate are pquested to settle the same. w E Spivey, | 12-7-3tp Administrator. Lake City, S C. Administratrix' Notice 2 Notice is hereby given tha? all persons r aving claims againsi rb* estate of H I J V Moore, deceased, will present the 11 ame duly attested to the undersigned t or allowance, and all persons indebted d o said estate are request-d to settle the I ame. Mrs Eliza Moore, 1 Administratrix, U-30-4tp Lake City. SC. , TRESPASS NOTICE! e p All persons are warned not t to trespass on any lands own- p ed or controlled by ourselves. ? ^ ll-'*0-4t F. Rhkm&Sons. Danger Signal. If the fire bell should ring would ou run and stop it or go and help o put out the fire? It is much the ame way with a cough. A cough - a danger signal as much as a fire ie!l. Vou should no moie try to uppress it than to stop a fire l)ell hen it is ringing, hut should cure he disease that causes the coughing, 'his can nearly always he done by iking Chamberlain's Cough Remdy. Many have used it with the n<?st beneficial results. It is espeeilly valuable for the persistent ough that so often follows a bad old or an attack of grip. Mrs 'hoinas Reechir.g, Andrews, Ind, rites: "Duringthe winter my husand takes cold easily and coughs nd coughs. Chamberlain's t\ ugh lenicdy is the best medicine for reaking up these attacks and you an not get him to take any other." Obtainable everywhere. Hubert Vaughn of Darling'on, 1 1 A - 11? _L - I ? years, was accidentally snoi uy is six-year-old brother, Moorehead, ist week. The child was immeditely taken to the MmLeod infirmry at Florence, where his condition 5 favorable. \ Stiff, Sore Muscles Relieved. Cramped muscles or soreness folnving a cold or case of grippe are a<od ami relieved l>v an application f rMuatr's uiument. uoas itot suun lie skin or clog the pores like mussy intuicnts or plasters and puetrates usokl.v without rubbing. Limber p your museies after exercise4drive ut t he pains an?i aches of rneumais! 11, neuralgia, lumbago, strains, prains and bruises with Sloan's Linilent. (Jot a bottle today. At all )ruggist*. 2-h'. Dr F M Harvin has been elected ltenhant of Pieewood over'E C reiidinvs, by a vote of 23 to 22. Notice of Foreclosure SaleSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG, Court of Common Pleas. [ M Cooper and T M Cooper, surviving Partners of Cooper Brothers,and Mary 1 Cooper Plaintiffs, against Robe I 3 Jooper, Defendant. Notice is hereby given that, under nd by virtue of the decretal order in he above entitled action made and renered by his Honor, Judge Geo E Prince, l open Court and dated December 5, 916, I, the undersigned, Sheriff of Wilamsburg county, will sell at public aucion to the highest bidder for cash, beore the court house door in Kingstree, C, during the legal hours for sale, on fonday, tne first day of January, 1917? he same being salesday, the following escribed tracts of land, to-wit: All of that certain piece, parcel or ract of land situate in Williamsburg ounty, State of South Carolina, and epresented on a plat of the lands of he estate of Cain Cooper made by M A 'homas, Surveyor, and dated January 0, 1902, bounded on the Northeast by ? T XT fk. inQS OI J i> ot&uia, uu uic uvubiivucv y lands formerly belonging to James; n the Southwest by a portion of the state lands of Cain Cooper set apart nd surveyed for Robert Witherspoon ,nd on the Northwest by a portion of he estate lands of Cain cooper set ipart for Samuel Cooper; also All that certain piece, parcel or tract f land in said State and county and repesented on the above plat above decribed, bounded on the Northeast by ands of S L M Graham; on the Southast by a portion of the lands of theesate of Cain Cooper set apart to Samlel Cooper; on the Southwest by a porion of the estate lands of Cain Cooper et apart to Nelson Barr and on the Northwest by lands of Bill Green. The two tracts of land above describd containing in the aggregate fifty-two nd one-fourth (52l4) acres, more or less. Purchaser to pay tor papers. 2-14-3t George J Graham, Sheriff of Williamsburg county. Kingstree, S C, December 14, 1916. ANNUAL MEETING )f the Board of County Commissioners. Notice is hereby given that the Board f County Commissioners will meet in .nnual session on the first Thursday afer the first Monday in January, 1917. U1 persons holding claims against the ounty are required to present them, iroperly attested on or before that day. Further notice is also given thatcomletitive bids will be received at the ame date for the year for examination if lunatics, jail, pauper and chaingang iractice. This includes 8 miles to chainrang. all medicines, and surgery that an be satisfactorily done outside of a lospital. J N Hammet. Chairman. December 11, 1916. 12-14-4t Notice of Application for Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the Oth day of January, 1917, at 12 o'clock loon, I will apply to P M Brockinton, udye of Probate of Williamsburg couny, for Letters Dismissory as Execu or of the estate of Mary E Hanna. eceased. J J Hanna and S H Hanna, 2-l!l-5t Executors. Administrator's Notice All persons having claims against the state of W 11 McUary, deceased, will resent the same, duly attested, to he undersigned for payment, and ail ers. ns indebted to said estate are reuested to settle the same. TJ Davis, 12-21-4t Administrator, irio, :S <J. . ~~-? ,