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Childrc Letters From Kingstree Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl eight years old. I will tell you what I want you to bring for me: a doll, a carriage, and some fruit. I hope I haven't asked for too much, so 1 win ciose. Your little friend, Margarette Hanna. Dear Santa: I am a little girl six years of age I would like for you to bring me a doll, a carriage and some nuts. I dont think I have asked too much. Your little friend, Florence Hanna. Dear Santa: 1 arr a little boy ten years old. I want you to bring me some marbles, some Roman candles and some frust. Now I will close. Your little friend, James Hanna. Dear Old Santa; t nrant vrm tn hrine- for me a rub x nnui jr vu w 0 ?? ? her doll, a carriage and some fruit. That is all I want. Your friend, Alice Hanna. ! Dear Santa Claus: fciPlease bring me a doll that willI go to sleep, a little lamp and iron. I am going to school and am eleven; years old. I have two little sisteis! that are going to school but are not I large enough to write, so please bring one a doll, a bucket and shovel, and the other a doll, a carriage and a little clock. Your little friend, Pearl Player. Dear Santa Claus: 1 do not want to ask you for too much, so won't you bring me an air rifle, a game or two, and a story buok? I also want you to bring me a little sword, some tire works, ana some fruit, nuts and candy. Your little friend, Carlyle Epps. Dear Santa: How do you feel? I want you to bring me a doll and a little bed. I know you can't give us many things this year. I have been a good little girl this year. I get blue and white cards this year. I want you to bring me a doll carriage too, ard an Indian suit. Camilla Plowden. 9 years old. A kiss to Santa. Dear Santa Clans: I am 9 years old. Sister is 17 months old, and brother is 6 years old. Send me a pair of goat harness, some fireworks and fruit. Send sister a doll and some toys. Send brother a velocipede, toys and fruit. You must be good to all the little chilren this year. Wilmot Scott Allen. Dear Santa Claus: I don't want many things this year, as I have lots of toys, just bring me a Japanese tea set and a little blackboard. Steele and myself would like a little Christmas tree. He wants a tool box, a drawing book and paints. Don't forget nuts,fruit and candy. With love and best wishes from Anna Laura Singleton. Dear Santa Claus: My little cousin will be at our house this year to eat Christmas dinner. 1 only want a cap pistol and some tire crackers. From your friend, James F Cooper. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl ten years old. I have a little sister. She is a little over a year old. 1 want you to bring her a little rocking chair, a doll and some fruit. 1 want you to bring me a bad, a d<. , s me fruit and a little phone. Your friend. Abena Burgess. Dear Santa Claus: I am in the second grade at school. 1 am eight years eld. Santa, you will find my stocking hanging by the ' fire place. Please bring me a doll and some fruit. I want some fire crackers and a box of candy. Your little friend, Margaret Lesesr.e. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a bicycle, a pair of feet warmers, a little sewing box, a wrist watch, a nice school set and some fireworks. Your little friend, Jane Gilland, grade 3. Dear Santa Claus: I gu?ss you have started on your journey. I want you to bring me a doll and a little bed. I want a tea set too. I want some candy, a paint box and a little stove. Your friend, Hazel Fulton. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a baby doll and a do'.; carnage, ar. Indian suit, a tea s? t, a.-.- ?.:t r colors and some soap b,:bK.-rBelva Jenkinson. ;n s Chri& | Dear Santa Claus: Tell your snow fairies to come j down to see us Christman. We: j haven't had them to come to see us j in a long time. Santa, I want vou to bring me a little air rifle. 1 want some nuts and fire works. Santa, I want you to bring me a little boxball alley. I want you to bring me ervmo KaaIs trin Ymi had better be [careful, our chimney is little and I you might get fastened in it. Your friend, Dick Blakely. Dear Santa Claus: I am going to write you a letter and I am going to tell you what I want for Christmas. Santa, I want a bicycle and lot of : r v / ! y Letters From Andrews. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl ten years old, and IT want von to brine me a doll, a tea | set and some fruit of all kinds. I, wont be so hard on you this Christ-1 mas as I know you have lots more j children to ^o to. Wishing all a mer-1 ry Christmas and a happj new year. 1 Bela Benton. Dear Old Santa Clans: I am a little pr! ; eaj.- , and mas Appw fire works to play with Christmas, j \ Will you pive them to me? Wei! 11 Santa. I am only in the secon<l!( grade. I am eignt years o;<i. r Santa, you will find my stocking hanging by the chimney. I want it filled to the top, he sure and do it; for me, Santa. I Your little friend, Lamar Dubose. j j, D -ir Santa (' aus: I want a painting box, a parU r 1 e rill ', a big canvas tent, a football, a cowboy suit and some fireworks, j Jack Arrowsmith. Dear Santa Glaus: t I thought I would ask you to bring t me some fireworks, some fruit and b some hair for my doll. I wish you b k lelling *" t ' i ; jj s ^ ^ ll Jl . *v" i f: . js$. ,r i , > v^ I'want you to bring me a doll and a si doll carriage, and some fruit if you t please. Thanking you, dear Santa, b for your kindness toward little children, and wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Daisy Benton. jDear Santa: I am papa's baby hoy, and I want s you to bring me a little toy horse and ' c wagon, a try auto, and some fire. a w.-rks. I'b a- dont forget my little'e sals to 01 vould brinpr me a pencil box. I think ] hat this will be enough for this i Christmas. I hope every body will < iav-' a merry Christmas. . 1 Your friend. 1 s-1 T\ 1 ! 1. t uenevieve neauicK. j j )ear Santa Claus: I wish you would bring me a hilly toat and a wagon, some fire orackts, some Roman candles, some watr colors and a soldier suit. !' Samuel Fulton. 1 }ear Santa Claus: s 1 guess you are on your way from he north pole. I wish you would I >ring me an Indian suit, fire-works, 1 i sewing box, a box of water colors, i pair of bedroom slippers, and a Santa jpife. I I I \ ister Ruth, as shpisnot large enough h o write. A merry Christmas and a est wishes to yon. Jarms Kenton. Letters from Sailers. j )ear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me some | f parklers, a checker-board and so;.-? c heckers, and I want some fn s j r>d bring mo some t rs and Roman candles. 1 : -\nn I d Saint Is pair of skates. I will not ask for iny more, for I have two brothers ind two sisters, and I want you to oring them something i.oo. Please oring mama and papa something too. [ will close for this time. Your friend, Ethalee Cockfield. Letters from Hebron. Dear Santa Claus: What will you bring me this time? r> *ul _ J _ 11 j Driii^ me s>ume riuuun, a uon ana some fruits. We are Koing to have a Christmas tree, won't you come and hand the pfftsents around? Your little friend. Virginia Buddin. > 4 iave asked enough, being as times ire so hard. I will close for this time. Yours truly, Bert Davis. )ear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me some ruits, some iparklers, some fire J rackers, some Koman canuies ana a jack. I will close for this ime. Yours truly, Gertrude Davis. / Jicholas j | My Dear old Santa: I want you to bring me a tricycle, ^ j some fireworks and all kinds of fruit ! and my brother, Hoke, wants a toy gun, some fireworks and some fruit and candy and don't forget my sis' 1 -i ier, larger tnaii we are, when you i are passing by. From your friends. James and Hoke Smith. Dear Santa Glaus: We are two little cousins. I (Bertha) am in the second grade. I am I going to ask you to bring rr.e u doll J that can laugh and talk, fruits and 1 candy. ; I (Kathleen) am in the third grade. 1 want you to bring me a doll, a carriage, a pencil and some fruit j and candy. Your little friends, Bertha McElveen, Kathleen Wallace. Dear Santa: du?^ i?: ' ' ' i a ito=c utiiij; me a oaseoan glove. I will appreciate anything you may bring me. I especially want the glove. Your friend, Marion Buddin. Dear Santa Claus: 1 am a little girl nine years old. I am writing you to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want you to I bring me a doll carriage, a doll, a doll piano, a stove and some fruit : and candies. Good bye Santa. I am your friend, Lola Dubose. Dear Santa Claus: i Bring me a doll, a ring, a bracelet and a locket. I wish you would come and hand the presents around at the Christmas tree. Good by, Santa. From your little friend, Bernice Baker. ! Dear Santa: I am a little girl seven years old. 1 am writing to you to tell you what 1 want Christmas. I want you to bring me a doll, a doll swing, a doll carriage and some fruit and candy. Good bye. Santa. Your friend, Mildred Dubose. rv o n\ uear oam.a ^iaus. I want you to bring me a water pistol, Roman candles, fire crackers, horse and wagon, fruit, train and a little automobile, and if you please, bring me these. Your little friend, Charles Smith, Jr. Dear Santa Claus: 1 I wrote to you and gave the let- J ter to my teacher to 3end you, but j she got it misplaced, so I asked her g to let you know not to forget me. Remember my little sister, too. , Your little friend, Joe Chandler. Dear Santa Claus: We are three little girls in the first grade. Our teacher says we are good in school, so you must be sure and remember us. Girls always like dolls, picture books and fruit, but you may give us anything i you wish. Your little friends, Adalene McElveen, Bertha Coker, Leona Coker. Letters from Lake City. My Dear Santa: Please come Christmas and bring us an automobile, a wagon, a horn, a rattler, all kinds of fruit, candy, and also some fireworks. We are two little boys, age two years and a half and six months, and be sure and bring something for Dadie and Mother. HoDinc we are not akiner too much of you. Very respectfully, Herman and Philip McKnight. P S. Pve forgotten to tell you we live on Route 3 out in the country. Dear Santa: I am writing you that I have been a little cripple boy for three years. I had to stay in the infirmary for : ever so long a time and was operated on thirteen times; but now I am well and can run and play and go to school. I am a real good boy, and I want you to send me the spotted diving pony I saw at the fair. You need not send the dogs, as I am teaching i Jip to dive. Also send lots of good things to eat. I am seven years old. By-by, Santa, i Jimmie Fitch. Letters from Bryan. Dear Santa: I am writing you to tell you what , I want you to bring me for Christ! mas. I want a pop pistol, some caps, some fireworks, fruits, candies and nuts. As it has been a hard year I will not ask much of you this Christmas. I am a little boy ten years old. I have a large brother and sister. Please remember them. Your little friend, Chesley Foxworth. (Continued on page 4.)