Newspaper Page Text
From Bethel A. M. E. Church. t We the,pastor ami members of this a church wish to thank our good peo- a pie from the depth of our hearts for 1< helping us to entertain the annual 0 conference so royally and hospitably the past week. We had over one ^ hundred and fifty ministers to en- f tertain an.! every one went off well 0 pleased with his treatment. It was a said by the bishop ami others that ^ it was the best conference that was ever held in the state. During the ? conference $13,946.15 were raised for ^ our school, Allen University and church purpose. J Sunday morning the ordination * sermon was preached by Dr. K. C. Rarnson of New York. More than ( thirty preachers were ordained to go s out into the world and preach the t gospel. Dr. Ramson is one of the ^ best orators of his race. v Bishop Chappelle was very much a impressed with the good people of t Kingstree. He said he had never seen a beter lot of people anywhere, j and that he had never heard a bet- b terf speech made by a mayor thart what t he heard by Mayor Scott on la.-t c Wednesday night. It was very point- a ed and instructive. I We pray God's blessings upon the n good people of Kingstree that they ? will continue to work for the church ' and for the up-building of Christ's jj kingdom. 1 D. N. WILSON, 1 Pastor. * ti o e "UNCLE" CHARLfeS JAGGERS I li Ninety-Year-Old Colored Missionary v Now u Seminary Student. t t "Uncle" Charles Jaggers, famous ^ negro missionary of Columbia, made j famous by a write-up given him in the American Magazine by the late a Samuel C. Derieux has assumed a J i new role. He is now a student of the ? Columbia Theological Seminary, in- ii stitution of the Southern Presbyterian c church. He is "sitting in" on class- ^ es taught by several of the prominent j, theologicans. "'Uncle' Jaggers is a s great admirer of my white brethern," d as he terms the divines of the sem- ? inary. He is ninety years old and * says he is happier than he ever was o in his life. He was a slave prior r to the civil war. , J Send us your oruers for job printing See list of contestants an page 5. ? ; 666 cores Dengue Fever. ? Now is the time to place your or- v der for Fruit Trees and Strawberry e pl.vnts. Call at Seed Department o Kingstree Drug Co.?adv. It. P ? o CITATION NOTICE. e STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ^ County of Williamsburg. By W. E. Snowden, Esquire, Probate t] Judge. t .? ?. MT T miH* C TTMWW) f? W ihh.b>m.5**> > suit to me, to grant him letters of ti administration of the estate of and v? effects of B. A. McKnight. & These are therefore to cite and ad- o monish all and singular the kindred s ar.d creditors of the said B. A. Mc- e K light, deceased, that they be and e appear before me in the Court of Pro- y bi te, to be held at Kingstree, S. C., a 011 the 13th of November, next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in ? ttie forenoon, to show cause, if any b they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 30th day 1' of October, Anno' Domini, 1922. Pub- lished on the 2nd and '9th days of > November, 1922, in the County Record. W. E. SNOWDEN, Probate Judge. li-2-2t d To prevent a cold, take 666 ^ TAX NOTICE. J o: The tax books will be open for col- cl lection of taxes for the vear 1922 on rr the 15th day of November. Tax levy V as follows: x? nu. mill c A x ur piaic < /x iimij ? For Constitutional School 3 mills For Roads 7 mills II For County-? 4 mills For San tee Bonds 1 mill For Federal Aid Proj. No. 80, 2% mills Total 25 mills School Districts having1 2 mills special school t$x are No. 33. T School Distorts having 4 mills special school tax are Nos. 2, 7. 9, 10, 38, 21. 30, 31, 38, 45, 51. J School Districts having 6 mills special tax are 32 and 47. School Districts having 8 mills spe ' -* - * -i a r- r? 4 4 4 O oai scnoox tax are 4, o, o, o, n, 10, 24, 17, 20, 26, 29, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 43. 48. 49. 50. 53. 54, 55, 57, a i>9, 60. 61. h School Districts having 10 mill); a special school tax is No. 19. tl School Districts having 12 mills n special school tax are Nos. 22. 28, b 27, 41. 42. and Andrews A-12. d School Districts having 14 mills tl special school tax are Nos. 16 and 24. tl School Districts having 19 nyiUs n special school tax is No. 12. tl The following school districts have bonds as stated: ti No. 5 7 mills ii No. 22 4 mills 0 No. 36 2 mills g< No. 42 4 mills o No. 45 6 mills Ii No. 48 1 6 mills > No. 61 6 mills F No. 52 4 mills a No. 25 4 mills n No. 11 4 mills a ?V. 12 11 mills b ?*o. 12-A 14 mills u No. ."5 7 mills a Cia.ondon Bonds on Clarendon tl ownship, Nos. 14 and 53. 1^ mills./ Drainage tax is due and payable i t the same time with other taxes. All parties between the ages of 21 nd 60 years, inclusive, are liable, un-1 ?ss exempted by law, to a poll tax j f $1.00, also to a commutation tax i f $2.00. Upon all unpaid taxes after Decern- , or 31 a penalty of 1 r.< will be added or January, l'/c lor February am:, r/c to the 15th day of March next, iter which the books will be closed .nd executions issued upon all unpaid axes. A tax of $1.25 on dogs, (which in-' ludes tag) due and collectable dur- ! ng month of January and must be i aid not later than February 1. (See j log tax law in full herewith.) In Act to Provide for an Annual Capitation Dog License Tax and Penalty for Non-Payment. Section 1. "Be it enacted by the ieneral Assembly of the State of louth Carolina: That from and after he passage of this Act there shall ie levied-on an dogs, six montns old i >r older, on January first of each ear, in the State of South Carolina, .11 annual license of one dollar and wentv-five ($1.25) cents per head. Section 2. "That upon the paynent of said annual license of one bllar and twenty-five ($1.25) cent y the owner of any dog in the State, he County Treasurer shall issue to he said owner a receipt therefor, ,nd a metal tag marked 'Dog License' nd the year tor which it is issued, iach County Treasurer shall keep a iumericai record of every dog license, nd, in addition thereto, furnish to he owner of each dog such number tamped on the metal tag. Which icense shall be paid to the County 'reasurer not later than February st of each year: Provided, further, hat this license shall be in lieu oi .11 other tax or license on dogs, eith:r county, municipal or otherwise; *ro\1ded, That all such license colected hereunder shall be credited to he schools of school district from ?hich it is collected, to be used in he support of the schools of the disrirt* -fiirtViAr tKaf cniil icense shall become due and payble on or before the first day o: February of each and every year. Section 3. "That every owner of , dog shall be required to collar and ilace the aforesaid dog license upon he said collar, except when such dog hall be used for the purpose of huntng, when such dog shall be upon a hase or hunt. Section 4. "Any . person, owning, arboring or maintaining a dog, failng or refusing to pay license aforeaid,shall be deemed guilty of a misemeanor, and, upon conviction theref, shall be fined not more than Five $5.00) Dollars or imprisoned not lore than Five (5) days?one-half f said fine shall go to the peison eporting said failure .to pay said icense, and one-half t*> the public chool fund, in which said derelict cours" Section 6. "The school trustees f the various school districts of the itate shall be charged with the duty f aiding the Treasurers and Magisrates in the enforcement of the proisions in this Act. Section 7. "This Act shall go into ffect on January 1st, 1922. All Acts r parts of Acts in conflict with the irovisions hereof, or providing for ther tax on dogs, are hereby repeald. Approved the 15th day of March. l. D. 1922." Those who desire to pay their taxes hrough the mail may expidite mat era oy dropping- tne treasurer u and asking for the amount of their axes, so as to avoid sending the Tong amount, also stating the townhip or townships (if property is wned in more than one) and if posible give school district where proprty is located. After paving taxes, xamine your receipts and see if all our property is covered, if not, see bout it at once. By following the above suggestions implications and additional cost may e avoided. R. B. SMITH, County Treasurer. D-26-22-D3-15-23. fOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given, that the unersigned will apply to W. E. Snowen, Judge of Probate for the County f Williamsburg, State ox South Carona, at his office in Kingstree S. C., t 11 o'clock a. m., on the 18th day f November, A. D. 1922, for final disharee and letters dismissory as ad linistrator of the estate of William f. Mishau, deceased. S. B. GORDON, .dministrator of the Estate of William W. Mishau, deceased. }-19-5tp. NOTICE OF SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg. Court of Common Pleas, he Peoples Bank of Lake City, S. C., a banking corporation, Plaintiff, against . S. Rodgers, Coe-Mortimer Company, a corporation, and the Farmers & Merchants National Bank of T O f A AAtmAWlflAn TVl ua&c y o. v/?i a cvi|/viOMvii) i/v fendants. Notice is hereby given, that under nd by virtue of a decree signed by is Honor, Judge J. W. DeVore in the bove entitled action, bearing date be 29th day of September, 1922. to le directed, I- will sell lto the highest idder for cash, before the court house oor in Kingstree, South Carolina, on be first Monday in November, 1922, be same being the 6th day of the said lonth, during the legal hours of sale, I- ? -^-*1 f J M S i. i. ~ A 1 1. ne ioiiowing aescnnea tract ox i&iiu: All that certain piece, parcel or ract of land lying, being and situate i the County of Williamsburg, State f South Carolina, containing seventyeven and one-half (77%) acres, more r less, and bounded on the North by inds of William Fulmore; on the Northeast and East bv lands of S. I Rodgers; on the South, Southwest nd West by lands of William Fullore, and has such form, lines, marks nd boundaries as a plat thereof made y M. A. Thomas, surveyor, on Janary 18th, 1873, will more fully show, nd the same being the tract of land hat was conveyed to Hamburg Ful1 more by David Fulmore, Hager; Speights and Frierson, by deed dated i July 18th. 1876. Pureheser to pay for papers, and in the event that he fails to comply with his bid on the day of salel, the ( land will be re-sold on the same or | some subsequent salesday at his risk.' J. D. BRITTON, j Clerk of Court for Williamsburg i. County, South Carolina. Kingstree. S. C.. October 19th, 1922.' 10-19-3t. J. D. B. NOTICE OF ELECTION. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg. Notice is hereby given that the General Election for Representatives in Congress will be held at the vot-1 ing precincts fixed by law in the i County of Williamsburg on Tuesday, | November 7, 1922, said day being i Tuesday following the first Monday, as prescribed by the State Constitu-! tion. The qualifications for suffrage are \ i as follows: Residence in State for two years, I in the County one year, in the poll- j ing p^pcinct in which the elector offers i to vote, four months, and the payment | six months before any election of any j poll tax then due and payable. Pro- < vided, That ministers-in charge of an organized church and teachers of public schools shall be entitled to vote after six month's residence in the State, otherwise qualified. Registration.?Payment of all taxes, including poll tax, assessed and collectible during the previous year. The production of a certificate or the | receipt-of the officer authorized to} collect such taxes shall be conclusive j proof of the payment thereof. Before the hour fixed for opening j the polls Managers and Clerks must' take and subscribe to the Constitutional oath. The Chairman of the Board of Managers can administer the oath to the other Managers and to the Clerk; a Notary Public must administer the oath to Chairman. The Managers elect their Chairman' and Clerk. Foils at each voting place must be | opened at 7 o'clock a. m., and closed at 4 o'clock p m., except in the City of Charleston, where they shall be opened at 7 a. m., and closed at 6 p. m. The Managers have the power to fill a vacancy; and if none of the Managers attend, the citizens can appoint, from among the qualified voters, the Managers, who, after being sworn, can conduct the election. _ At the close of the election, the Managers and Clerk must proceed publicly to open the ballot box and count the ballots therein, and continue without adjournment until the same is completed, and make a statement of the result for each office, [and sign the same. Within three days thereafter, the Chairman of the Board, or some one designated by the Board, must deliver to the Commissioners of Election the poll list, the box containing the ballots and written statements of the result of the {election. Managers of Election?The following Managers of Election have been appointed to hold the election at the various precincts in the said County: BLOOMING VALE?J. Earl Cook, J. J. Casselman, R. D. McConnell. CADES?J. E. McFadden, J. L. Thomas, R. L. McElveen. CEDAR SWAMP?D. A. Brown, John Y. McGill, W. B. Epps. EARLES?W. P. Wheeler, W. E. McCants, M. H. Parsons. GOURDINS?W. R. Chandler. W. J. Brown, H. P. Brown. GREELYVTLLE?C. H. Lesesne, J. K. Godwin, Dr. W. M. O'Bryan. HEMINGWAY?Van D. Harper, B. J. Chandler. L. L. Ard. HEBRON?6. W. Baker, C. L. McElveen, G. F. Williamson. INDIANTOWN?G. J. Graham. Jr., M. M. Wilson. T. H. Stuckey. KINGSTREE?R. M. Vause. A. M. Gordon, Sr.. J. N. Hammett. MUUZUNS?J. Tea merson, i. c,. Dukes, S. R. Mouzon. MORRISVILLE?J. M. Rodgers, Solon T. Nesmith, R. J. Nesmith, MUDDY CREEK?W. H. Harmon. W. F. Joy, Nedo Huggins. PERGAMOS?W. D. Fitch, N. M. Young, S. J. Gasque. POPULAR HILL?T. S. Chandler, B. B. Chandler. J. B. Hemingway. SALTERS?J. H. Covington, Sr., W. S. McCollough, A. R. Moseley, Sr. WORKMAN?B. E. McKnight, D. E. Evans, D. A. Mcintosh. SUTTONS?0. C. Hinnant, W. C. Garner, S. R. Walters. TAFT?J. R. Barrineau, J. Man son Brown, J. B. McCollough. TRIO?G. T. Rhoad. J. H. Rowell, J. W. Locklear. The managers at each precinct named above are requested to delegate one of their number to secure .the box and blanks for the election from D. A. Montgomery, County Secretary Democratic Executive Committee. P. G. GOURDIN, n a pddo vj. v/. m a ut D. A. MONTGOMERY. Commissioners of Federel Elections for Williamsburg County, S. C. October 20th. 1922. NOTICE OF SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg. Court of Common Pleas. S. W. Gowdy, Plaintiff, against M. J. Woods, P. L. Woods, Robert A. Woods, N. S. Woods, (^rant Hickfeon, Healon Hickson, Roscoe Hickson, Ethelan Hickson. J. A. Kelle.v and A. C. Hinds. Defendants. Pursuant to a decree in the above stated case, signed by his Honor Judge J. W. Devore, on the 19th day of October. 1922. I will offer for sale at public auction before the court house door in Kingstree, S. C., on salesday in November, to-wit on the 6th day of November, 1922, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described parcels or tracts of land: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land known as my home place, where I now rer;de, containing fifty (50) acres and I ..ded as follows, to-wit: On the North and East by lands of the estate of B. A. Burgess; on the South and West by lands of R. A. Woods, the grantor. ALSO All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate in Williamsburg I county containing fifty (50) acres, j and bounded as follows: On the j North by lands of Rina Burgess; on j the East by lands of \V. E. Nesmith; j on the South by lands of H. Graham; I and on the West by lands of Elliot | Thomas. ALSO ' One (1) lot in the town of Cades j containing three-fourth acres and bounded as follows: On the North b\ j lands of the estate of C. C. Carsten; I j on the East by the A. C. L. R. R. | i Right-of-way; on the South by lands | of the estate of C. C. Carsten; and on the West by lands of the estate of C." C. Carsten, near depot. ALSO All that certain piece, parcel or I tract of land situate, lvine- and beinir in the County of Williamsburg, State of South CaroLina, containing twohundred (200) acres, and known a? a part of the Staggers place, an bounded as follows, to-wit: On the North by lands of Mrs. H. Pake, on the East by lands of R. A. Woods, home place; on the South by lands of H. J. Williamson; on the West 1; lands of Mrs. F. R. Wilson. ALSO All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and bein? in the County of Williamsburg, in thr State of South Carolina, containinr twenty-four (24) acres, more or less and bounded as follows, to-wit: On the West by lands of W. M. L. Burgess; on the East by lands of H. S. Gibbs; on the South by lands o R. S. Burgess; on the North by lands of R. A. Woods; being the tract conveyed to me by Sheriff J. D. Daniels. Deed dated September 3rd, 1899.. ALSO All that certain piece, parcel < tract of land situate, lying and 1 in the County of Williamsburg, rn State of South Carolina, containing twenty-five (25) acres, more or less and bounded as follows, to-wit: un the North by lands of Ben A. Burgess; on the East by lands of Tv ward and Isaac Burgess; on the South by lands of the estate of Burgess; on the West by lands < R. A. Woods; being the tract of lr conveyed to me by P. L. Burgess b his deed dateJ October 11th, 18" and recorded in Book 'X' at page 3Pf however, reserving from the ope" tion of this deed one (1) acre in tR North-east corner of the above d* scribed land, whereon Union Methodist church is now situate. ALSO All that certain piece, parcel c tract of land in the County of > liamsburg,' and State of South Caro lina, containing fifty-four (54) acier and bounded as follows, to-wit: 0 the North by lands of Rina Burgesson the East by lands of the estate < W. D. Coker; on the South by lands of Hughey Graham; on the West lands of S. W. Gowdy, and Denni Mouzon. , The said premises will be sold i parcels or tracts as above described. Purchaser to pay for papers. J. D. BRITTON, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Williamsburg County, S. C. 10-19-3t iWeAre o ? ? ? ? ? ! : i ! : i BAl > \ When we find a b; \ \ does not cease to be a f; the price we pay for j 7 J have gained the repul C; selling Store." 5 We are now sho\ I real bargams-in Lad | Furnishings, Etc. It jj; fore you make your w i money on them. B X ii[ I We have gained ? /? ji i Iing ior rne ieasi possi titors. We are glad 1 much satisfaction for tomers are satisfied is bers. CHAgj [; "The P; Kingstree, ' ! SHIRT ECi | I ?? * I If you Apprecia' | Fits, One that is ,M ' Material in the Best " i Manhatta The Manhattan is McGILL BF " Store F< | Kingstree, - PHON FO Electric Lam] Material and Appliai Special R : ELECTRIC # i : Mngsirse tinuiriu I 7-27-tf. iiiiininimiiimiiniiH < ?JMI t l>t It if TfilTi "T-fTJt it fit flit Tilt T ?www?X3w?wwwwwww% Always \lcrt For lOAir argain, we buy it. And w , bargain, for we add small it and pass it on to our oust tation expressed in our sloj ring some exceptional ba ies', Men's and Children's is to your interest to see 1 winter purchases, because many customers tnrough t ble price and selling for lei that we have been able to c us to have a satisfied trai ; manifest to us by their ev L? ... . . tLES TUC "Tfrmersclling Stor ONOMY! | te a Shirt that ^ [ade of Quality f i Svl PC 1 I OLn blurts j' Shirt Economy! 1 LOTHERS | or Men South Carolina. f ~ E 63 I R ps, Wiring ii ; Electrical ices. - ii M I > ate On ill RANGES M i: ' i Light&lceCo ; i > | - I I I VWWWWWWWWWWWIi On the 91 hen we buy it. it >*, margin of profit to omers. Hence, we ] JJ; gan: "The Underb ft b rgains?we mean j JJ I Clothing, Shoes, !' I these showings be- ; we will save you i J \ i'E ?i? i his system of buy- j ss than our compe- ijj \ lo this, for there is j1 j mk de. That our cus- j i; ^ er increasing nrnn- ! J \ J ' ill j - - ji; KFD . ? . 1B.JLJAV 4j *? e South Carolina |: