OCR Interpretation

The watchman and southron. [volume] (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, October 16, 1901, Image 1

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FH3B SUMTER WATCHMAN, Established April, 1850. "Be .Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God's and .Truth's." ?SE TKUE SO?TKRON. S? tablished Jone l?66
Cosolidated Aa?. 2,1881. SUMTER. S. C.. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1901. New Series-Vol. XXL So. ll
Published. Erary "We?aesday,
BT. Gr. Osteenj
- TBR3E3 :
{1.50 per annana-in advance.
0n?> Sonare first insertion..*..$1 00
Ivery subsequent insertion...... 50
Contracts for three montos, or longer wil
be made at reduced rates.
All communications which subserve private
interests will be charged for as ad versements.
Obituaries acd tributes of respects will be
charged for.
Systematic instruction of P?
School Teachers Advised.
Columbia, Oct. 8.-State Superin
" tendent of Education McMahan, who
"? is ever alive to anything that will tend
to improve the general condition of the
public schools of the State, is now en?
deavoring, to have the county superin?
tendents inaugurate in each county of
the State the plan for the training of
the teachers that has been so success?
fully put in operation in this
county by Supt. "Wallace.
Yesterday Mr. McMahan issued the
following circular letter which is be?
ing sent to every county superinten?
dent of education in the Stace, and
which is published in order that the
teachers may the sooner get a full ex?
planation-of what is expected of them:
Dear Sir: In order to assist the
teachers in putting into operation the
course of study-especially in follow?
ing the suggestion as to classification,
programme andprimary work,rit would
be well if you could provide for t?tern
some sort of systematic instruction
through the school year on Saturdays,
once or twice a month, to begin at
once. This system has been inaugu?
rated in several counties, the superin?
tendents and their boards being anx?
ious to bring all the schools into a well
organized system, well graded, and
well taught. Those teachers to whom
the county seat is accessible are met
there on one Saturday in each month :
other groups of teachers are instructed
at other points in the county, most
accessible. For instance : In Richland
county, at the initial meeting in Co?
lumbia last Saturday, thirty-five teach?
ers were present; next Saturday Supt.
Wallace and his-assistants will meet
the teachers in the lower part of the
county at Eastover, and the following
Saturday they will meet the teachers
in the upper part of the county at
Camp Ground-three groups for this
county. Here the teachers are being
instructed in arithmetic, English and
Landon's 4 * Teaching and Class'Man?
agement. " Special attention is.given
to the problem of grading the schools,
arranging the daily programme, and
keeping the smaller children profitably
Six meetings should be required of
each group of teachers between now
and the close of the school year. The
work should begin this month. The
law'requires that the new books be
Used as each school now opens and the
gradation be made as prescribed in the
course of study pamphlet by the State
board. Every school must conform,
and at the end of the session we are to
report to the legislature the number of
children in each grade in each county.
Regular teachers' meetings under
the authority of the county board not
only assist the teachers in the organ?
ization and management of their
schools as well as in the better mas?
tery of certain branches of study, but
bring them under the direction of the
county superintendent where he can
instruct them in the proper keeping of
schcol registers and rendering of the
reports required, so that hereafter the
statistics of the county will be more
acccurate and the county superinten?
dent can make his annual report with
comparative ease. The schools of a
county are thus brought into a system,
and the teachers feel the helpful
stimulus of contact with co-workers,
all having more definite ends in view.
Another benefit is that we follow up
the instruction of the summer school
and prepare for that of the next-avoid
the loss of spasmodic effort and build
up the teachers by continuous instruc?
tion, not only theoretical but prac?
While I have not yet assurance of the
funds to compensate the instructors
that will be needed to assist you, I
can promise to reimburse them for the
necessary expenses of travel, etc. I
am sure that all progressive educators
are so interested in this work that in
your county as elsewhere they will
gladly contribute their services.
(1) Will your board approve the plan
and adopt a rule that the teachers
shall attend at the places designated
by the county superintenndent and
shall do the work as required?
(2) If so, would you approve the fol?
lowing named as your assistants?
(3) Can you obtain their services
upon the terms stated in this letter?
You will appreciate the need of hav?
ing similar instruction given to your
negro teachers. In some of the coun?
ties competent negro instructors have
been secured. Can you not find such
a negro instructor for the negro teach?
ers of your county? If he only instructs
them in keeping the statistics required
in the registers and in making a proper
report to you, it would relieve you of
the innumerable annoyances from
which, when you come to make your
report to this office, you now suffer.
Forty companies will take part in the
Augusta Firemen's Tournament dur?
ing Merry Maker's Week.
In a-duel on the streets in .Houston,
Texas, on Tuesday last, two men were
Commander Hodgson Explained
Why He Called Editor of the Sun
"a Liar and a Blackguard."
Washington, Oct. 8.-There were two
new witnesses before the Schley court
of inquiry today. They' were Com?
mander Richard* Wainwright, who
commanded the Gloucester during the
war with Spain, and Lieut. M. L.
Bristol, who as ensign" was a watch
and division officer on the battleship
Texas during that period.
Lieut. Bristol had not concluded his
testimony when the court adjourned
for the day. He did not see the ioop.
made by the Brooklyn, the greater
part of his testimony turning upon a
chart he had made showing, largely
according to his memory, the posi?
tions of the various ships of the Ameri?
can fleet at different times during the
engagement of July 3. There were
several spirited controversies between
counsel over questions asked the wit?
ness by Mr. Raynor concerning this
Commander Wainwright's testimony
dealt largely with chart-making. He
was for a time senior member of the
board of navigators which prepared
the official chart showing the positon
of the American ships during the bat?
tle off Santiago, and "he gave details
of the method of its preparation. He
said that he did not consider the posi?
tions assigned in that drawing accurate
but that they were given as the result
of a compromise of the views of the
members of the board.
The proceedings of the day began by
the recall of Capt. Wm. Folger. He
was asked by Capt. Lemly if he had
any conversation with Commodore
Schley during the blockade.' He re?
plied :
"Toward the evening of one of the
days, the 30th, there was an extended,
very severe rainstorm, so severe that
I feared- Cervera had gotten out, as it
was sufficiently long to have permitted
him to do so. I went on board the
flagship the next day thinking it my
duty to tell the commodore what I had
seen a's to the blockade as kept by the
Japanese off the port of Wei Wei,
where similarly an enemy's fleet was
within a fortified harbor. I said to
the commodore that the adoption of
the tactics of the Japanese, forming a
circle directly in front of the harbor,
in my opinion, would be preferable as
then "it would be difficult for anything
to get out.
judge Advocate: "Was there any re?
ply by the commodore?"
"He did not agree with me as to the
necessity for that."
Capt. " Folger also said that he had
no recollection of a picket line on in?
side of the American fleet.
Lieut; Dyson was questioned by
Capt. Lemly concening the steaming
condition of the Brooklyn on July 3.
The Judge Advocate asked :
"'What does the Brooklyn's steam
log show as to the number of engines
coupled up and the boilers in use July
3, as compared with the total engine
and boiler power of the vessel?"
The reply was:
y "The Brooklyn has four engines two
to each shaft, connected together by
coupling. She has seven boilers, five
main and two auxiliaries. . On the
morning of July 3 both forward en?
gines were uncoupled: there were
banked fires under three of the main
boilers. The other boilers were what
we called ' dead, ' no steam in them.
Judging from the time it took to start
fires in these boilers after the Spansih
fleet came out of the harbor I should
say the furnaces were not even primed
and two of the boilers had to be run
up to the sea steaming level. It took
from 9.35 toi 0 o'clock to start fires.
Mr. Raynor asked if it was not ne
essary to stop the ship to couple the
uncoupled engines and the witness re?
plied that the ship could have been
kept going with one engine while the
other was being coupled. The engines
were designed he said, to be kept
coupled during war.
Discussing the speed of the var?
ious vessels of the fleet on July 3 the
witness said the Oregon got up a speed
about equal to the Brookjlyn on that
day, notwithstanding that on her trial
trip the Brooklyn made over 21 knots
to the Oregon's "17 knots. He called
attention to the fact that the New
York had made 16 to 17 knots speed on
the day of the battle. In response to
questions from Capt. Parker he said
that the New York had not had her
engines coupled on the day of battle
and that the Brooklyn had made all
the speed necessary.
After Lieut. Dyson was excused
Lieutenant Commander Hodgson took
occasion to change some of the lan?
guage of his prveious testimony. One
of these changes was made in response
to the questions asked yesterday as to
why he had designated as "a liar and
a blackguard" the editor of a news?
paper which had originally printed the
alleged colloquy between himself and
Commodore Schley. He said he desir?
ed to alter the reply that he had yes?
terday given to this interrogatory.
He then said:
"In that letter I did not accuse
this newspaper of lying for printing
that statement. In fact it was to ab?
solve it from lying that I gave the
paper authority to use my name for
the correctness of the gist of the
statement. The lying was in the mat?
ter of the fact that the commodore
displayed cowardice on the Brooklyn
the day of that battle that he ran from
the Spaniards and took the Brooklyn
to the southward and away from the
fight in order to detract from the
credit of the commodore in that bat?
tle. It was the words to that extent
that I characterized as lying."
Important Point Gained Thursday
by Schley-Message to Him
From McCalla
watch officer on the Scorpion as a wit?
Lient. Holden signed the entry in
the Scorpion's log, giving the particu?
lars of the receipt of a message for
Commodore Schley from the Eagle
which that vessel had brough.t from
Capt. McCalla on May 19, 1S98, when
the flying squadron, then bound for
Cienfuegos, fell in with Capt. Mc
Calla's sub-squadron, which had just
left that port. The government had
sought to show that by this message
Commodore Schley had been notified
that the Spanish fleet was not in the
harbor of Cienfuegos and Lieut. Com?
mander Southerland of the Eagle, had
testified that he had megaphoned to
the Scorpion that there were only a
torpedo boat and several cannoieros in
that harbor. Capt. Lemly told ' the
court today that the log of the Scorp?
ion did not show the receipt of
the message in this form and that
there was no evidene to show the de?
li verv of the message to Commodore
Other witnesses today were Lieut.
Commander W. H. Schuetze, who
served on the Iowa, and Lieut. A. W.
Grant, who was on the Massachusetts
who testified concerning the general
campaign of the flying squadron.
Lieut. E. F. Leipner concluded his
testimony begun yesterday. Capt.
Lemly asked him concerning the
blockade of Santiago by Commodore
Schley. The witness said the vessels
were flying in column from six to eight
miles off shore at night they steamed
slowly back and forth in front of the
harbor 800 yards apart They were so
far out, the witness said, that it was
impossible to distinguished points on
shore of to determine where the shore
line met the water line.
Mr. Raynor called attention to the
fact that the log of the New Orleans
placed the distance of that vessel
from the Morro at four and a half
miles, and the witness said this was
true.: .
Lieut. Commander "VVm. H. Schuetze,
who was a member of the board of
navigators which prepared the official
chart of the positions of the vessels
engaged in the battle of July 3, said
'he had not been satisfied with the re?
"I protested,'' he said, "against
the singing of the report as being in?
accurate, but I was finally persuaded
to do so by the senoir member of the
board, Commander Wainwright, who
thought that was the best he could do
even if we stayed there until doom's
day and 1 signed it under protest.
My?rst objection was that the charl
wasrinaccurate. That the position of
the Iowa was plotted on this chart as
giving her too much speed. Another
objection I had was the inital position
o f the Brooklyn when the Spaniards
left the harbor. I contended that the
Brooklyn's position was too close to
the mouth of the harbor : that she was
not in her regular position ; she was
south of it."
Capt. Lemly: "I want you to state
whether you saw the Texas?"
"When I first saw the Texas she was
heading to the eastward or north.
Soon afterward I noticed her again
and she was headed ?o the westward
and apparently lying dead in the wa?
ter. I called Capt. Evans' attention
to the fact that she was in our way :
that she was lying dead in the water
and cautioned the captain that we
would probably run into her if we
kept on the way we were heading:.
She was then on our port bow. We
were trying to get close into the har?
bor and steamed at first directly for
the mouth of the harbor. As the
Spaniards turned to the westward we
turned in the same direction, and in
this move we were hindered bv the
On cross examination Mr. Raynor
questioned the witness in reference to
the official chart.
"Why did you not state'This chart
is wrong, and I will not sign?' "
"I did."
"Then why did you sign?"
"Because I was persuaded by the
.other witnesses of the board that that
was the best we could do and they
wanted to come to an agreement that
was a 'compromise. ' '
"Then really this chart was signed
for the purpose of coming to an agree?
ment and not for the purpose of show?
ing any accurate results, was it?"
"The board was ordered to show ac?
curate results, but it was an absolute
impossibility to make a chart of that
kind showing accurate results. There
was never a chart drawn of any battle
in the world that is correct."
When the court re-convened after
luncheon Lieut. Commander Scheutze
said he had seen no evidence of a dis?
position on the part of any of Cer
vera's ships to ram any of the Ameri?
can vessels.
By the court: "Was your position
during the battle of July 3rd such as
to enable you to observe clearly the
relative position and movements of
the different ships?"
"No sir. I never observed the rela?
tive positions of all the ships on ac?
count of the smoke and the attention
we were paving to our own ship in the
Schley's Last Active Day.
Washington, Oct. 8.-Rear Admiral
W. S. Schley will end his active career
in the navy today, as tomorrow he goes
on the retired list by operation of law
on account of age. His retirement
will have no effect whatever upon the
court of inquiry now in progress in
this city.
Habana, Oct. 9.-A. W. Miller,
former clerk of Sandusky, O., who has
been arrested here in connection with
an alleged shortage of nearly 8100,000
whfch came to light after his disap?
pearance from Sandusky eight months
ago, will not resist extradition, but
will leave for the United States next
Saturday. He says he can explain his
Washington, Oct 9.-The postoffice
Colombian Revolutionists Act
Very Rashly.
Colon, Colombia, Oct. 8.-A force
of Liberals, numbering at least 250,
attacked Morro island, commanding
the entrance to the port of Tumaco,
Sept. 24. The island all along had
been garrisoned with fewer than a
hundred troops, well supplied with
arms, ammunition and commissary
stores, including more than 150 head
of cattle and other provisions in pro
do rtion.
The landing was effected before day?
break by means of canoes. Simultan?
eously the island was stormed from
the other end by Liberals on the main?
Morro island is surrounded by shal?
low sand banks and the only means of
approaching Tumaco is by the narrow
river which it within easy range of
the island.
The British steamer Quinto, bound
from Guayaquil, Ecuador, for Panama,
and touching at ports between,
anchored off Morro island on the night
of Sept. 26, and weighing anchor at
daybreak, started up the stream toward
Tumaco. The Liberals fired a shot
across her bows.
Suspecting the situation she imme?
diately turned ; but rifle shots and one
cannon continued to be fired at her,
the former striking her several times
and the latter once, the ball making
a hole right through the water mark,
though the damage in other respects
was slight.
. The Quinto then steamed to the
farthest point the tide would permit
and again anchored. The firing was
now resumed but it quit after a few
minutes, the Liberals seeing the im?
prudence of their action.
It is significant after the Quinto in?
cident became known the British war?
ship Icarius left Panama for a destina?
tion not made public, but presumbly
The steamship agents have been
officially notified not to accept freight
at that port.
The situation on the isthmus is un?
changed and quiet.
Atlanta Always "In lt."
The Man from Macon listened
intently for half an hour to a group of
Directors of the Southern Inter-State
Fair, which is nearly at hand in At
lanat, expatiate upon the greatness of
' ''Nothing important ever happens
anywhere," one of the Directors said,
"but what there is an Atlanta man
there. If Atlanta hasn't a man there
she has some one there directly con?
nected with Atlanta. It all goes to
show what a big city Atlanta is.
"Now, look at the unfortunate
death of our President," he continued.
"When he was shot down there was an
Atlanta man beside him who struck
down the assassin: now I see that
Emma Goldman has relatives in
"Yes, that's true," said another.
"You can find Atlanta men every?
The Man from Macon snorted.
"Yes," he finally exclaimed, "when
I die and go to Hades I expect to find
that Satan's chief cook and bottle
washer is from Atlanta."
There was a thoughtful pause.
Mrs. A. J. Witneer, of Dayton,
Ohio, is being held as the murderer
of four husbands, five children, one
sister, and four members of families
she has worked for.
It is proposed by the city council pf
Augusta to establish free baths in
that city.
Eighteen persons were injured in a
street railway accident in Atlanta on
F. H. Lynes, a well known cafe
proprietor of Greenville, S. C., shot
himself probably fatally on Monday
Seven thousand dollars has been
raised so far toward the McKinley
monument fund.
The dead body of a five-year-old boy
was found on a doorstep in New York
city on Monday morning.
The Parish Hotel, Yorkville, was
burned Monday, loss 89,000, insur?
ance ?5,000.
The report reaches London from
Simla, India, that the Ameer of
Afghanistan died last Thursday after
a brief illness.
President Seth Low, of Columbia
University has resigned to become the
Republican candidate for. Mayor of
New York.
Fifteen negroes were shot, four
. fatally, by white caps at Coney
Springs, Tenn., on Saturday night.
Frank Hemingway, a musician of
Savannah, Ga., was shot and killed by
a woman called Clara Stuart.
Ex-Policeman O'Neill, of New York,
is the first of his rank to defy Chief
Devery of that city. He lost his
place as a consequence.
I. Goldman, of New York, has been
arrested as the king of gentlemen
Baker County, Ga., has no white
preacher and but one doctor.
It is reported that Miss Stone, the
captive missionary was alive and well
on Sa tn rd ay.
The Episcopal Convention in San
Francisco has ruled out all divorce
persons from re-marrying.
Seth Low promises to oust Chiefs
Murphy and Devery, of the New York
polcie force, if he is elected.
The State Board of Dispenasry
Directors have rescinded the action
whereby they withheld Charleston's
share of the dispensary profits.
There were six hundred guests at the
Rcckefeller-Aldrich wedding in Pro
Except for Causes Existing Be?
fore Marriage.
San Francisco, Oct. 9.-The action
of greatest importance taken today hy?
the triennial Episcopal convention was
the adoption by the house of bishops,
by a vote of 37 to 21, of Canon 36,
which relates to the solemnization of
marriage. All of its provisions had
previously been argued, except those
contained in section four which ror
bade the marriage of persons divorced
for any cause not existing before mar?
" Fpr any cause not existing before
marriage, " is understood to refer to
such causes as insanity, inability to
execute a contract, the existence of
a living wife or husband, or like
reasons which practically render the
marriage null and void. "This section
has been a bone of contention, a strong
element in the church holding that the
remarriage of the innocent party to a
divorce, granted on the ground of in?
fidelity should not be forbidden. The
bishops have refused to accept this
view of the matter.
The question is by no means settled,
as the whole subject is now to come
up in the house of deputies, where it
is expected to cause a protracted
debate. The canon, as finally passed
by the house of bishops, reads :
"Canon 36- Of the solemnization of
"L The solemnization of matrimony
in this church, in which the mutual
consent of each party entering into this
state of life is given in the presence
of a minister who, having pronounced
them in the name of the holy trinity
to be man and wife, invokes the divine
blessing upon their union.
"2. The requirements of the laws of
the State regarding the conditions for
the civil contract of marriage shall in
all cases be carefully obseved, before
the marriage is solemnized.
"3. No minister shall solemnize the
marriage of any person who is a minor
under the law of the place of marriage,
unless the parent or guardian of such
minor is present and consenting, or
shall have given written consent to
the marriage, or is permanently resi?
dent in a foreign country. No minis?
ter shall solemnize a marriage except
in the .presence of at least two wit?
nesses, the minister or the witnesses
being personally acquainted with the
parties. Every minister shall without
delay formally record in the proper
register the name, age and residence
of each party. Such record shall be
signed by the minister who performs
the ceremony, and if practicable by
the married parties, and by at least
two witnesses of the marriage.
"4. No minister shall solemnize a
marriage between any two persons un?
less, nor until by inquiry, he shall
have satisfied himself that neither
person has been or is the husband,
or the wife of any other person, -.then
living: unless the former marriage
was annulled by a decree of some, civil
court of competent jurisdiction for
cause existing before such former mar?
The bishops have yet to consider
Canon 37, providing for the discipline
of persons marrying after having been
divorced. This also will cause lively
Greatest Horse Eyer Bred.
Among the anecdotes current in
Washington is one about Senator
Blackburn, of Kentucky, and Colonel
Pepper, of whiskey making fame. The
Senator and his valued constituent
were discussing horses, when Repre?
sentative Crain, of Texas, entered.
" 'Wb-at are you talking about?'
asked Crain.
" 'Horses,' said Blackburn.
" 'Oh,' remarked Crain, 'why don't
you talk about something worth while?
Why don't you discuss literature or
something to improve your mind?'
" 'Literature?' said Blackburn.
'What kind of literature do you recom?
" 'I like poets,' answered Crain. 'I
am particularly fond of Tennyson and
Longfellow. '
" 'Longfellow?' interrupted Colonel
Pepper, suddenly taking an interest
in the conversation. 'Oh, yes; I know
Longfellow. He was the greatest
horse ever bred in Kentucky!' "
Savannah, Ga., Oct. 9.-The Geor?
gia Sawmill association, embracing
yellow pine lumber manufacturers of
"Georgia, Alabama and Florida in con?
vention at Cordele, Fla., last night ad?
vanced the price of extra large coast?
wise lumber ?1 per 1,000 feet. This is
the second similar advance since
That " surrender tree" at Santiago
is a very remarkable tree. There have
been made from it as souvenirs 100
tables, 75 chairs, 154 work boxes, ll
desks, 283 knife handles, 288 cigar
cases, 1,200 umbrella handles and 10,
000 pen holders, and the old tree is
growing right atong and flourishing
as if a toothpick had not been wrench?
ed from it.-Columbia Record.
When u:
powder it is
omy to buy
Royal mal
most wholes
Sharles?on Wi?l Kow Beoeive Profits.
State Dispensary Board Repeals
Rule Withholding Profits From
That City.
Columbia, Oct. 9.-At today's meet?
ing of the board of directors of the
State dispensary a resolution was
adopted rescinding the rule passed by
the board on July 17th withholding the
dispensary profits going to the city of
Charleston on account of the failure of
the city authorities to enforce the law.
Since the rule was adopted the city
council of Charleston has passed an
ordiance providing for the stricter en?
forcement of the dispensary law and
the punishment of offenders and, the
State board being satisfied that an
effort is being made to enforce the law,
the following resolution was adopted :
"That the rule passed by this board
on July 17th, 1901, withholding the
share of profits going to the city of
Charleston on account of dispenasry
sales is hereby revoked.
That the county board of control of
Charleston county is hereby instructed
to require the county dispensers of
Charleston to remit to the State treas?
urer an amount sufficient to cover ex?
penses, on account of the constabulary
for services in said city, from July
18th, to October 9th, 1901, inclusive ;
amount to be computed by clerk of this
board, and furnished to said county
This means that the profits which
were suspended will be allowed to go
to the objects from which they were
diverted. However, if the board hears
of any flagrant abuse of law in
Charleston the pro:its will be held up
Young Lady's Awful Death.
Special to The State.
Newberry, Oct. 7.-A terrible acci?
dent occurred in the Beth Eden sec?
tion about six miles from Newberry
this morning.
Mr. Ernest Schumpert took his gun
and went out to ki il a hawk that had
been troubling his chickens and when
he came back he set the gun down
behind the door. Miss Clara Whit?
man, his sister-in-law, was sweeping
the floor at the time and it is not
known whether she struck the gun
with her broom or whether the door
was pushed against it, but it was dis?
charged and the load struck the young
lady in the eye tearing: off the entire
upper part of her skull, killing her
instantly. Miss Whitman was 17
years old and was a daughter of Mr.
Quincy Whitman. Mr. Schumpert is
a son of Mr. Fred Schumpert of this
The Goebe! Murder.
Georgetown, Ky., Oct. 10.-The
second trial of former Secretary of
State Caleb Powers on the charge of
complicity on the Goebel assassination
was resumed in the circuit court to?
day. Among the witnesses for the
commonwealth who did not testify in
the prisoner's first trial are former
; Gov. W. O. Bradley, former Congrress
? man John Henry Wilsen, Dr. C. G.
j Cecil, Wm. Dillon, a Republican poli?
tician of east Kentucky, and Wm. Par?
ley, chairman of the Republican com?
mittee of Knox county, Powers' heme.
Gen. Basil Duke of Louisville and
Judge Clifton J. Pratt, former attor?
ney general, were among the new wit?
nesses for the defense.
A motion by the defense for a con?
tinuance on account of the absence of
material witnesses was made, and the
case was postponed until tomorrow.
No Funds on Hand.
I It appears that the General Assem
I bly expected no deaths or resignations
j during the year from either the House
or Senate, as no a?propriation or ar
' rangement was made for the blanks or
: paying the managers of election.
There will have to be an election for
Congressman. Mr. Towill, of Lexing?
ton: Mr. Raysor, of Orangeburg: Mr.
Housb, of Chesterfield, will have to
be elected as the result of primaries,
and Mr. Ragsdale successor will have
to be elected in Fairfield county.
The Attorney General's office will
make the necessary arrangements for
the printing, and will have all the
blanks and forms gotten up, and the
General Assembly will be asked to pay
the necessary bills.
- ? ? ?
Mrs. Ben C. Perkins, wife of the
jailer at Shelby ville, Ky., is dead as
the result of shock and fright suffered
Wednesday morning when a mob at
! tacked the" jail and lynched two negroes.
At that time Mrs. Perkins was ill with
a nervous attack and Dr. W. F. Baird,
J her physician, declares that the raid
of the lycuhers is responsible for the
i woman's death.
On Tuesday night five acres of coal
! were burned in Chicago, causing a
j loss of $250,000.
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