OCR Interpretation

The watchman and southron. [volume] (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, January 01, 1913, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067846/1913-01-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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*4 MT1I1 W VI* ??
undated ^ *881>
!.?? .Fd^i and JVar i>?>:?I-?' till the ?-ml* Thou Alms'', at be
(mo killed mmw.
>iu ur iiium.N sinn
u h ? i \rn i. ei
?|4l Siwin Untwn ?
NUvr Hern At-ttlpi
l&di??. OUmtv. i~< tu
on Mm it ana V
Ibe p??l> It?ro. Dac.
I^Hn, nicht \*< n oUnti
|Ht i v Hr.. rrt aaa
h Churl. * StaoK"
1|mid i?n Urler d\r4%
%u HuMn l'n.wn,
? man. claim that t
Oll. %Ut the Holl
fhe evidence In
tfc4* fc\..t> ::-ent
b6h>\e thAt
?a a col4?beood.M muider,
rfob? hand and <>*?*< ited
OM*Hae afgack wa? arr
ff o'clock Saturn ?s m
!tea hi?
abtrnee. ?Xta? King
ibaaqueftt to thf ?h
?oer?. a. D. Ow?oi
??an and Depoty Khe
weon made the arroa^
them approached th
rail ?Uta and Ma
?V wt* hont rea
Iba oAeec after
39Em at the b^me
Orfor Street /
ir ? iit<tae?t i,
and ibe J
Cn,rn ff
the h
? ut
|kU>r<>t??l of tV tUM ?i.a J ?lue.!
that ^h* AtoatifH,' Jp^nru-d aVur U|
O-Woe? fit . ^??Tiii^ loT Kom|(r
#nru |?r?J A irA?o. ' i g \fcc* h ia ?
kmi ?ta^at Vyi I
?rown TjunpA when* v r tier huslMinit 1
Wae ?iW* ' * <
' AoaafyqklWa'Htated't^at the rfcuat- (|
jftke, hnjiken pU**? a ho ff! 9 4* * war'
ptr *urHi&4 w ?ituait oo die tiio
> |>oin afl M^k on tfc* <?tber
th *?4 ffvaa .'^lfcrtod, ncci
Htr lb^a|flh?Vth*n rot up
Where be*fall,
of th? hotM?
*(*e r^ iMLlh bad iram t
n?ea. iUaa* oft? notUW^ him or the
mff mi?T haa warned it*
Hark t ok th? Rim ofr with
T"n be weit
rWrnlplMi?! the-ofttcerH that ^
Tkr|??i) win in f^aduHaek planned
Aa- kUIRUo r? l'.i ?n > V? n he nnu:
%6/ue fba* ntvht and, that M ? k hat
? tbd eSip When be
*!??? fRlcm^nt of XI
Wanistr that the ?hn
t*a1. ?a* not 4fr\">
ft - lirMH etnted tb
?# on* ?ld? f the r
Kd a4 aeaotl ?tHlna
rticed? (arapt at the
feet awa> A!
ered th* door,
and the nr. wn
WaA aroMen
th? ff>. rs a?
the man wa?
m wh-n ?hot
ra to be no
oor. ttn or
l?i. , Mood m
if waa tbat the kun waa cloa??
I^ara'? body wheM \h? ?hol wrni
?hlU th? wot.wm abd man ?tat?
a the two men we? neroaa the
|;h#^i the Run wu har??d.
taahnap that ha* did n>t|
tore waa loaded s lie
led the, crinfer I^JU
eanpty lliie n ornl
"M^T be app?- * rrd vary
me?4e<l. ajklaff Den Ayj
>ai# waa foina ?a <o w|
I a, vvaa arreatib*.
her rio#eV?. ai
|ut wAr-anu f.?i b
i Whi? hrc Mr,
ifta 1
hj>iw\t?h.m t iuxt:ivi:i>
|tii i'n i in si \sin iukth
ilia a* <;uth< r by I IioiisaikIh toUo
nor to l>istin?uish?il xm?stailn
i Was Ablaze with I uihu-ia>ni.
VeaH obi.
?t alont
e wfi\,ftre ^H;i>t'-t "the
Pa^od r*d lights fi/r?>w a\ festive
Blur^ at all ?taljons aion* t ha' route,
ttough th*% train^iriided by iW>?t of
Trem k w^twirt stepping. *
!?<ra> W^sorJ?ood wijh h< r husband
n t he /earjffatform oil the train and
mJoyed J#e demonstratio ns, too. <v*
"r?hi^p the real presVlent-rbct."
ud 0< v. Wils ,n a* he Introduced her
0 trie oiowd at Alexandiii. A great
leer followed.
Senator Claude A. Bwanson of Vlr
Inla. Representative C'arlln and Rep
??MeDtat:\ ?? William A. Jours of this
?t*t?^r?l aboard at .Alexandria. Oov.
|WH*in win unable to speak at any of
he stops enroute>hls physician hgv
ng forbidden unnecessary exposure,
enator Swanson explained this to the
rowd at Culpepper ? .d Oov. Wilson
raised his hat to i .('knowledge the
'Put your hat on." cautioned an
aged Virginian on the fringe of the
irowd. "Thank you very much,"
uughed the governor as he took the
advice and leaned forward instead, to
shake hands wKh tho crowd.
"How does it feel to be back in
Virginia? * and "Let tne just touch the
tips of your fingers." "Hejlo, Wood
row." and a tsrles of salutations were
directed at t^?- president-elect as he
? nt from tje platform of- the train
und endeavored to greet as many of
the crowd Individually as he could.
The goverhor did not respond to
?ny of the many cries for a speech
The crowds wer? good natured a
did not Insist.
I must say they are v
In taking the t
luch for This Hate?Horn In
ih Carolina ll?- i.une to South !
dimi I'.nily
rs of Am,
hi hu-Was 72
nwtll, Doc.
s, editor
nestor o
dism, Com
er of the W
man, Christi
horning at
R health, in
2 9* -Majoi
>r John W.
the Harnwell
South Carolina
lerate veteran,
ice house, scholar,
friend, die?! here
[4.30 o'clock after
?B 73rd year of his
had been confined to hie
the past 10 days, but until
o one thought that
ear, and the news
as a great shock to
whom he had la?
st? earnestly and so
were Wet with tears
rt^news v.ent aj^roatl, o,nd
y life of this JreSPifcft^
k-ussed In hushed tonew^
jit He red. .He was loved
Hhtgh and low. rich and
I<T"black, with only the
Bog for his fellow men
?knewn to say an un
uny one, but instead
L/V(>p those wW were
of this lovable trait
friends by the hun
be'no anerqiea. .
rast, retiring dirfposi
?*talk of ? self,
^lis' known of his
H&n in Shelby, N.
& oarents were
ng^ a Metho
? to the North
P^Kh, Without
.. r,wed many
W5jn his early
Z .r ,.;o\ ti to
State, uid
csident: of
fiLHolmes. as
jungly ealt*d
a gradiu. e
|T a l
you**, uiiti h?
>m \Nhich Stai^e X* trt
ttr was 'luclared b?
ttfe?. it wart In the V
m his llrst iutive ieirv
e four long years of
re and the years imm
wing that^ tried men's 3
>ver found* wanting wl
At the close of the w
? this State, and ta
rnwell county at wW
Rlctf'lLand acaderj
At,'he studied
ilsslon to tne ba?g
lershlp with the
on of Wllfiston,
?sljUed. Major
ve part in QUfl
lot" and In ht
>f 1876. In whi<
to the house o
his county, aifl
now famou
greatly lnstruii
rule and in ouj
Etwags and
trol of the
In the past
llshed a num
Inlscences of
He la the' AH
be claimed t
ion held at 1
In is77 h
People and
torial mana
his death
good wil
Some of the I ??<>*. isions of the -New
Law, Which Must he Compiled
With by Thosr Sending Fourth
Class Matter Through the Mails.
The parcels post law, of Which so
much has been written in the papers
and said during the past two years, is
about to go into effect. On January
iirst and thereafter all parcels, or
fourth class matter must have par
pels post stamps on them or they
Will be held, at the postorhee until the
new owner can call for them and pro?
vide the special stamps for the ;>ack
Ahe local po8tofflce has received a
*UM>ly of the parcels post stamps and
w1|| place them on sale on January
1,WU3, when the parcels post law
goea into effect. After that time any
stamps on packages other than par
ctdJM^ost stamps will be useless. The
^tmrceTs post provides for the carry?
ing ttt^ouKh the mails of all parcels
Containing mailable matter weighing
less fchan 11 pounds. The rate has
been' fixed in the regulations and va?
ries according to the zone to which
the package is sent, there being eight
zones in the United States. In the lo?
cal ?Vrfte the rate is cheapest and the
cost of sending the packages increas?
es w^th the distance it is sent.
All packages sent must be deliver?
ed-, at the postoillee where they w 11
be W*iged and the proper stamps pro?
vided. No parcel can be registered,
although provision is made for in?
juring it at the same cost as for reg?
istering packages heretofore. >.'o
parcel must exceed 72 inches in com?
bined kngth and girth to be se:nt
through the mail.
One. of the provisions of the parcei.s
post is that all parcels must contain
the name ^nd address of the sender,
no parcels being sent unless these
are provided.
Tljk n.>Mguration of the parcels
post Hfe-v ice means a great <l?al of
Apparent Determination tu Rob Al?
lies of Fruits of war With Turkey
and Willingness to See Turkey Re?
tain Territory Rattier Than Rave it
<io to Allies Blocks Conclusion of
Peace on Balkans Terms,
London. Dec. 27.?Turkey's reply
to the demands made several days
ago by the Balkan allies as a basis
for peace in southeastern Europe will
bo delivered tomorrow to the peace
t onference in St. James' palace. In?
terest, however, again has shifted
from this phase of the stiuation and is
centered tonight in the question of
what are the intentions of Austris
with respect to the Balkan states.
The peace delegates are prepr ^
to confirm the fact that sever
government and its counter p
startling though the latter ina. . as
simply points for future negotiations
It is well known that Turkey has not
the least hope of obta'ning what she
will demand and also that she has no
intention of resuming a war whic".
may result in further disaster to her.
This aspect of the situation seems
to conform the fact that several ef?
forts have been made unofficially by
Turkish delegates to get the Montene?
grin, Servian and Greek delegates to
secede from the demand that Adri
anople be surrendered, promising in
return that Turkey will not object to
their respective enlargement ? territo?
rially. These advices and reports
emanating from Constantinople that
Bulgaria is negotiating with Turkey
independently are considered as an at?
tempt to divide the allies.
Representatives of the Balkan
States, however, heve resisted all
temptations placed 1?"? thelf way aii?
today presented as unded a front as
they did the first day of the negotia?
tions and are just as determined as
ever to have their own way .In con
eluding peace.
Austria has not j
in to de
FER WITH c ol \( II .
Mian Choaen to rill Portion Im CMi
Engineer and Practical Road Build?
er?Formerly Of Mainland. Now
Ha* II<adquart?M ? in Cliarlcston.
Mr. W. M. Worthington, a civil en?
gineer and practical road builder,
embployed by the Atlantic Coast Line
Railroad company with headquarters
at Charleston, has been seelcted by
Council to 1 the position of city
manager ' ^ he Sumter Plan of
city gov 4
Mr $r Jngton is about thirty
yep and has been in the em
i vN <he Atlantic Coast Line Rail
^ .ornpan-/ for the past six or
A\ years. In this capacity he has
ad much exrerience in road build?
ing and in handling men, qualifications
which will be necessary to an effi?
cient city manager.
He will come to Sumter on January
Tth to confer with conucil concern?
ing the position and if he and council
can make a satisfactory agreement as
to terms, Mr. Worthington will b*

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