OCR Interpretation

The watchman and southron. [volume] (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, January 17, 1917, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067846/1917-01-17/ed-1/seq-3/

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In Answer to Wilson's Note They Sny I
There Seems Small Hope for Just
Settlement Vntil Their Arms Have
t hang? d Situation.
Washington. Jan. 11.?The enter
allies, replying to President Wilson's
peace note In a joint communication,
express the bo'.ief that it is impos?
sible at the present moment to attain
a peace that will assure them repara?
tion, restitution and such guaranty
as they consider are essential.
In a separate note the llelgian gov?
ernment expresses Its desire for peace
but declares it yoould only accept a
settlement *hioh would assure t
reparation and security In the fu?
Both of the communications, made
public by the State department to?
night, are dated January 10 and were
transmitted In translations from tho
French text through Amhassad >r
Sharp at I*aris.
Ths translation of the French text
cf the entettte note, as cabled by Am
tassfidor Sharp at Purls, follows:
"The allied governments have re?
ceived the note which was delivered
to them in the name of tho govern?
ment of the Inlted States on the
19th of December, 1?16. They
have studied It with the care im?
posed upon them both by the exact
realisation which they have of the
gravity of the hour and by the sin?
cere friendship which attaches them
to the American people.
f **In a general way they wish to de?
clare that they pay tributo to the
elevation of the sentiment with Which
the American note Is inspired and
that they Associate themselves with
all their hopes v lth the project for
the creation of a league of nations
to insure peace and Justice throughout
the World. They recognize all the
advantages for the cause of humanity
and civilisation which the institution
of International agreements, designed
to avoid violent conflicts between na?
tions, would prevent; agreements
which rruint Imply the sanctions neces?
sary to insure their execution and thus
to prevent an apparent security from
only facilitating new aggressions. Rut
a discussion of future arrange?
ments destined to insure an enduring
peace presupposes a satisfactory
settlement of the actual conflict; the
aPiee have as profound a desire as
the government of tho Unued States
terminate as soon as possible a
war for which the central empires are
responsible and Inflicts surh cruel suf?
fering* upon humanity. But they be?
lieve that It is Impossible at tho pres?
ent moment to attain a peace which
will assure them reparation, restitu?
tion and such guarantees to which
they are entitled by the aggression
for which the responsibility rests
the central powers and of which th 1
principle *t?elf tended to ruin the
security of Europe; a peace which
would on the other haed permit tho
establishment of the future of Euro?
pean nations on a solid basis. Tho al?
lied nations are conscious that they
are not fight lr g for selfish Intere** S,
but above all to srf. guard tho In
depc-Tui >f p"uples. of right end of
"The allies are fully aware of the
losses and suffering which the war
causes to neutrals as well as to bel
Hjterente nnd they deplore them; but
they do no* hold themselves respon?
sible for them. ha.lug In no I y
either willed ??r provoked this war,
nd they strive to reduce thefcc dam?
ages In the measure compatible
the Inexorable exigencies of their de?
fense against tho vlolenco and the
wiles o^f the enemy.
"It Is wMh flon. therein; .,
that they take of tl"- declaration tint
the American communication Is lit ?:?>
wise associated In Its origin with that
of the central powers transmitted
the 18th of December by the gov -
ment of the Fnlted State*. They d !
not doubt, moreover, the. resolution of
that government to avoid even th.i
appearance of o SUppOrt, even m< r 1.
of the authors responsible for th ?
"Tho allied Sfovp; r.mr nts bei 1
that they BJHMl pTOfc It in the RIO I
friendly but in tho no t specific ma11
ner against the assimilation Mtabll
ed In tho American no ? between tl i
I we croups of belligerents; this ass ?
Hat.on. honed apos public d els
tlons by the central powers, || in
rect opposition to tho evidence, bo
as regards responsibility for the |i
and an concerns guarantees for th<
future; President Wilson In ment o
Ing It certainly had no Intention
associating himself with it.
"If there is an historical fact S*1
I died at the pfSSSOf date. It is t?
Wilful airrresMlon of Oerms v I
Auatria-Humrary to Insure their h
mony over Europe and theirOCOno
domination over the world* Gert
proved by her declaration of M ||
the immediate violation Of Bell '
nnd Iaixembiirg and bv her ma: ?
of conducting the war her siiuua ;
contempt for nil principles of
inanity and ail ' for
states; as the conflict developed the i
attitude of the central powers and
their allies had been a continual de
HCA?i of humanity and etvtliatlon.'
Is it necessary to recall the horrors
which accompanied the invasion of
Belgium and of Servla, the attrocious
regime. imposed upon the Invaded
countries, the massacre of hundreds
of thousands of inoffensive Armen?
ians, the barbarities perpetrated
against the populations of Syria, the
raids of Zeppelins on open towns, the
destruction by submarines of passen?
ger steamers and of merchantm .? a
even under neutral flag?-., the cruel
treatment Inflicted upon prisoners oi
war, the judicial murders of Miss Cj
vel, of Capt. Fryatt, the deportation
and the reduction to slavery of civil
populations, et cetera? The execu?
tion of such a scries o'' crimes per?
petrated without any r >gard for uni?
versal reprobation fully explains to
President Wilson the protest of the
"They consider that the noto Whl ih
they sent to the United States in re?
ply to the German note will be a re?
sponse to the questions put by the
American government, and. accordii
to the exact words of the latter, con?
stitute 'a public declaration as to the
conditions upon which the war could
be terminated.*
* "President Wilson desires move. lie
desires that the belligerent powers
openly affirm the objects which they
seek by continuing tho war; the al?
lies experience difficulty in replying
to this request. Their objects in the
war are well known; they ha e been
formulated on many occasions by the
chiefs of their divers governments.
Their objects in the war will not bo
made known in detail with all the
equitable compensations and indem?
nities for damages suffered until the
hour of negotiations. But the civi?
lized world knows that they imply In
all necessity and in tho first Instance
the restoration of Belgium, of Borvin
and of Montenegro, and the Indemni?
ties which are due there; the evacua?
tion of the invaded territories of
France, of Russia and of Roumania
with Just reparation; the reorganisa?
tion of Europe guaranteed by a sta?
ble regime and founded as much upon
respect of nationalities and full se?
curity and liberty of economic devel?
opment, which all nations, great or
small, possess, as upon territorial
conventions and international oKreo- j
meats suitable to guarantee terltor-'
ial and maritime frontiers againat
unjustified attacks; tho restitution of
provinces or territories Wrested in t'ac.
past from the allies by force Or
against the will of their populations;
the liberation of Italians, of S'avs,
of Roumanians and of Tcheco Slo
vaques from foreign dominations; the
enfranchisement of populations sub*
ject to the bloody tyranny of the
Turks; the expulsion from Europe of!
the Ottoman empire, which has prov?
ed itself so radically alien to Western :
civilization. The intentions of his
majesty, the emperor of Russia., re
guarding Poland have been clearly in?
dicated in the proclamation which
he had just addressed to his armies.
It goes wl'hout saying that if the al
lies wish to liberate Europe from tho
brutal covetousness of Prussian mili?
tarism, it never has been thc!- d<
sign, a? has been alleged, to encom?
pass tho extermination of the Oer?
man peoples and their political dis?
appearance. That which they desli
above all Is to insure a peace UpO?1
the principles of liberty and just.?
upon tho inviolable fidelity to Inter
national obligation with Which the
government of th/e United States has
never ceased to be Inspired.
"United in the pursuit of this | i
preme object, the allies are dett i -
mined, individually and collectively
to act with all their power and 10
consent to all sacrifices to bring to a
victorious oiose a conflict upon which
they arc convinced not only th? lr
own safety and prosperity depends
but also the future of civilization It?
Paris, Jan. II,?The entente re?
ply to President Wilson was publl h
<d this morning in all the allied cap?
itata Petrograd, London and Rome
report that the reply was given tho
utmost approval by press and public.
Prance Is pleased with the Alsi ?
Lorraine demand* It is felt here thi
the war will continue Indefinitely. Ru i
etnn papers express doubt that Ch
many Will aerept the term:; dictated
by the Allies,
Field Headquarters, Perehlng km ?
dltlon. Mexico. Jan. 1L\?Five desert*
Ors In uniform were broughl In la t
night from the mountains wh<
they had Red? After tWo days' I
speetion fien. IVrshiuR stab s Ihi
Ihe expedition in splendid rood
tlon. Tb?- officers praise the u i <
morale of the troops.
Columbia. Jan. 11?Willi;, u .
Rtuckey oi* Blshopvllle announc I
po ktlvely tod ty thai he will be n ?
race for governor in loix. i ??
well known and ?uccessful farmer
Lee county. Il?> has been coir al
the matter of entering ihe 11 ? i
everal Months
Lat kind of a
would YOU cal
sensible ?
Check up and see how nearly this comes
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ASENSIBLE cigarette must
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and smooth to your throat and
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you may smoke more than usual.
In short, it must be comfort?
able. If it isn't, it can't be
Fatimas are comfortable be?
cause of the balance of their
Turkish blend. The milder to?
baccos in this blend are in such
perfect balance with the richer,
fuller-flavored leaves as to en?
tirely off-set that uncomfortable,
froily heaviness" found in so
many ether cigarettes.
You'll notice the difference as
soon as you try Fatimas.
The Original Turhish Blend
? . . .... J
Real Estate Transfers.
The following transfers of real es?
tate have been left at 'the office of the
clerk of court for record since the
first of the year:
J. II, Kolb, T. E. Hodge and S. A.
Harvin, trustees school district No. S,
to S. A. Harvln, lot in Privateer town?
ship containing one acre, $25.
Perry Moses, Jr., to W. T. Andrews,
lot just outside of city, $125.
Annie E. Strohecker to W. A. Bow?
man, 27 acres on public, road from
Sumter to Catchall, $50.
Mrs. Louise L. Corbctt to J. M.
Currie, 2 lots on Church street, $10
and other considerations.
Emma Dennis to I\ory Chatman,
27.4 acres in county, $300.
Mrs. Elisa M. Dee to Richardson, j
, Jr., tract of 231 acres in Stateburg
township. *S,500.
\% Leila C. Stuckey to Samuel Atkins,1
trad in Concord township, $925.
ft M. Nabers to D. E. Wood and M.
B Josey, lot on West street inside in?
corporated limits, also lot in southern
limits of city, $1 and other consid
! erations.
I Master to Prince E. Capers. 100
' acres known as Swinton place, $1,050
and mortgage of $2,250.
Catherine M. Bryan to Prince IS.
Capers, her interest in Swinton place,
tract of 187 acres, in Providence
township, $2,150.
McCallum Realty Company to R. I
D. Epps, lot on Salem Avenue, $1,-|
Elizabeth R. Mead and Relle Lenoir
I Sanders to C. J. Jackson, 12 3-4 acres
} in Btateburf township, $1,200.
William Judson Shaw to E. James
Shaw, tract of 155.3 acres known as
"Mill Field." also tract of 525 acres
? in Rocky Bluff Swamp, $"?.
B. James Shaw to William Judson
I Shaw, tract of 11.7 acres, 105 acres
'on Browtngton public road. 115 acres
known as "Home Place," $4,500,
Emmie P. McCallum to C. D.
Drunk and F. B, ' Vecch, lot in city
on Green Swamp public road, $1,100,
Isaac Strauss to Minnie Pitts, 15
acres in C ?unty, $ 1,500.
I. C. Strauss to Willie Cooper, 21.1
acres on run of Haynsworth mill
j swamp, $S0(?.
Magdalene II. Yegdon and John
Heynsworth to Rooth-McLcod, Inc.,
lot on Salem Avenue, *sno.
Win. Judson Shaw to Lucia Wil?
liamson Shaw, l'>:, acres on Brewing
on public road; also 1415 acres known
as "Home Place," $G and other con?
Margaret l. Walsh to L. H Peas,
lot and buildings on Church street,
f 1,2100 and other considerations,
P, P, Sullvan, ct al. as trustees for
A A. Strauss, to Edward W, Lewis
and Abrain L. Ardis. ?;o acres on
Southern Kail?, ay, $2,000,
}i-E. Millsap to R. J. Mayes, Jr.,
^i^W^icres on Plowden Mill road,
$i'o;too. ?
Master to J. H. Clifton, tracts of
31 1-2 acres, 13 acres, 5 acres, 53
acres, 9 acres, $100.
Master to J. J. Rritton, two tracts
of 34.20 acres and 9.20 acres, $300.
Master to L. D. Jennings, lot on :
Edwards street, $100. j
Master to D. D. Jennings, 600 acres j
known as Dove tract, $100.
Bartow Walsh to Janie W. MeCal
lum, lot on Salem Avenue, $300.
E. W. McCallum to Join Brogdon
Jones, lot on Rlanding street, $2,
5 OS,
San Antonio, Jan. 10.?According to
an official report compiled at the office
here of the chief surgeon of the South
ern department of the United Statea
army, only 2.74 deaths hove occurred
during the last seven monthsamong
tho more than 150,000 National
Guardsmen and regular troops on
duty along the American Mexican
border and in Mexico, Of these 108
were caused by violence and 100 wer?
due to disease.
Of the total deaths, forty-sevon
were caused by gun shot wound.',
This includes tho men killed at Car
rtaal In the engagement on June 21,
in the San Ignacio raid on June
Parral and In other minor clashes.
All were regulars. *
There have been twenty-nine ac< l
dental deaths. nineteen committed
suicide, ten died i?y drownifig and
three as a result of sunstroke.
Out of the 1G0 other deaths, forty
four were due t.> pneumonia, tho
largest number of a y specific dis?
ease and thirty-four of these occur?
red during the month of December.
Most of those were In the western
portion of Texas or In Arizona, where
the climate la said to have been ex?
tremely severe during the past two
Only one death from typhoid fevee
has resulted during the entire si\on
Chicago, Jan. 15.?The mayor Ibis
afternoon threatened to seize all the
coal held In railroad yards by specu?
lators, if a eoal famine Is forced on
the city.
agssji ssjsj sjanafsjsj Msajsasaajsjpsji pjssjgg sjasjsjsaasn r??*i**ws#r ?.^" sn
s^sjMsnsgen m I I
Geo II. }h?rz>
Hfl n grftfft 1 It 4, N *u)n
Phones SBffft,
I Your Boy's Xmas Gift.
1 ?-?
t> Last Christmas his father gave him a Bank Book with a de
(} posit in ii of $10. Today he has in hi3 account $178.50?every
dollar besides the interest he earned himself, lie is 14 years old.
Before last Christmas he had never put by a dollar. Let's start
your boyq with Christmas Accounts this year. $1?$5?$10 does
it. May we. make them out for you?
jj We pay 4 per cent, interest in our Savings Department.
The big opportunity that comes t j practi?
cally every individual at one time or another
almost invariably requires some money.
The wise plan is to begin saving ta-day?
now. With the start and a determination to
succeed financial progress is sure.
It only requires $1.00 to make the start by
opening an account in this institution.
Phe National Bank of
"On Sumter's Busiest Cinter."

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