OCR Interpretation

The watchman and southron. [volume] (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, November 04, 1922, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067846/1922-11-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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The Watchman and Southron
P?bltefced Wednesday and Stxivr
m . :\ day by
^?Osteen Publishing Company,
Samter, S. C.
$2.00 per annum?In advance.
One Square* first insertion . .$1.00
Every -subsequent insertion ._, ?50
Contracts for three months or
longer will be. made at . reduced
All communication* which sub
serve private tnteresta WiU oe
charged tor as advertisements.
Obituaries and trtbutee^of re
spect will be charged for.
The Sumter Watchman was |
founded in 1.850* -and the True i
Southron, in i 86?. ^The Watch man
and Southron now has the com?
Lined circulation and influence of
both of the old papers, and is man
ifestly the i*;Kt advertising medium
In Sumter. * . - ?*?-J
~ '- ?]
The year's cotton crop is a small
one?larger than last year's by
barely 2.000,000 bales, and the
yield of 1921 was the smallest in a
dozen years. But the cotton is
being ginned and finding its way;
to market at a rate almost unpre
cedented. - '
Although they might reasonably
look for a stronger market some
months hence, in view of increas
ing domestic consumption and 33uV
ropean demand, the farmers are
selling for cash as fast as they can
because they need the money, and
already the South is feeling the
business improvement which this'
practice has made possible. j
Cotton is the big money crop to.j
which 20.000,000 pepole look, and j
when they get their money the |
effect, is felt throughout the na- i
tion. ^Fhe cotton growers mighcj
have profited more by holding out j
tor-high er prices, perhaps, but as j
'i. ie the whole nation is profiteer-|
ing in a business way because of)
them. - i \
3h Los Angeles there is, a new
kind of a farm. The owner. Mr. {
Gav, "raises lions for,circuses, mo-!
tion: pictures, etc. With our snake
. farms^^fOx farms, ostrich- farms; ]
pheasa|Bt^farms, wild dpcfc farms j
and others, we are, in a small way,
retarding the rapid- extinction of j
the world's wild life.
(T^oTpjgists can tell of the many
f0J^^l<^--^n*aV insect life
- wh^h hayepassed out of existence^ j
For sonjtgXof these endings they
hai'e surmised the cause. The!
others may always remain a mys
Nature is complicated. Every
, thing depends on something else, j
The=-httle fishes eat worms. The!
big- -fishes eat the little -fishes, "the j
birds eat the big fishes, the animals;
eat . the birds, we ear the animals I
an$t Jhe worms eat us. j
Or 4? we ehange to a vegetable
diet, the1 vegetation hass to mtthi
r^^tj^gl^replace itselt To do this
it ih: ^^vis dependent on the bees "
for. fertilization. Without the bees, ]
the tr^esj and plants would"; die j
and -there would be none, to take j
their^Shiee. Perhaps that is why '
God gawe man his liking for honey,1
so'thaVthis ~ould gusupantee man's ]
protection. of the bees ^hd thusj
insure^their perpetuation. ?
So it goes in'eternal circles of ]
eating^ breeding, dying, being eaten i
in^urn and fertilizing the-soil. The !
circles, mingle and ? cbuntermingle,
disappear and re-appear. We make
way'on "mosquitoes and rats and j
flies,, but in killing them do wei
destsoy also hving matter which tsj
beneficial to us' and whose loss " will j
be harmful?
?We can only progress blindly,
and if Mr. Gay with his lion farm.
Dr. -Amaral with his snake" farm |
and: Clones; Brown and ?mith with]
their various animal iarms are
doing a work whieh providence has
pr^jared ior the good of the uni- j
verse.-the .world, should wish them;
success. . I
$Tben asked "What do you ex
pect "from an audience?" an Amer
ican orchestra leader replies:
"That the men and women com
posing it should not have eaten too'j
much before coming to the concert
that they, have had sufficient rest
before the time for beginning the!
program in order to be in the mood j
to receive what the conductor has ?
to offer: tor be partakers in the per- j
formance?to lend themselves;
thereby sending to the conductor a j
magnetic quality of life and com- j
prehension of what is going on. It j
is-not a question of applause, but
rather -of- the subtle something
which a conductor gets or does not
get and which inspires or depresses i
him as the case may be. -An aud
ience' has much to contribute."
Here is something worth consid
ering by the individuals making up
audieiice.c. not only musical audi
ences but dramatic and lecture
audiences and every other kind,
including church congregations.
The audience that merely sits'
back and waits passively for;
musician or defiantly for actor or
orator to entertain it not only puts j
a "damper on the spirits of the en-,
tertainer but bars itself from pleas
ure and instruction. All entertain
ment is a mutual thing, and en
tertianer and audience are both at
their best when they do their best
|o help each other.
The practical suggestions about
not coming to an entertainment too
full of food or too worn out from
worlf to appreciate what is offered
are good. : American music and
drama have sunered much from
*he *^ired business man" evil, due
as much to over-eating as over-j
working. -
* Surely any concert or play or lec
ture worth going to at all is worth
the effort to have mind and - body
fit for intelligent appreciation.
. ' - * -":
Natural gas production decreases
rapidly in all too: many sections,
but the American housewife who
has known >its blessings declines to
return ro-the use of wood or coal
in the kitchen range. Production
of manufactured gas, checked now
and again by the abundance of the
natural fuel, is sotting new-records
Sfith?-"every month.
A^ Per capita consumption of arti-j
?ci?lgashas increased 80 per cent j
in .the last, ten years and three-;
"fourths of it goes for lighting or
other domestic:- purposes.* Despite
thV advantages of the- electric-cur
rent, nearly iff per cent of the to
tal is used for illumination, but it
is the kitchen that is the really
dominant factor in the change:
Convenience is what counts, and
the coal scuttle and wood box, to
gether with their dust and- ashes,
are on their way. It may be that
men werk harder nowadays than
did-their fathers, although this may:
be? questioned: It- can hardly be
doubted that succeeding genera
tions of womenfolk find household
duties simplified with every year.
^- ? o ? ?
"It is hard to understand a
sex," says the Brookville Record,
"that is too . proudVto do -'house
work at $15 a> weekl butrwitfc marry
and do it fur. nothing:"
Not so"' Jmrd^aiter j wheti one
.considers it as the ? d ifference be
tween- being a- slave--and having, a
business - of one's, own-. --Many a'
man who, as an employee,:thinks
he is abused if after five- easy eigjht
hour days the" bossr&slcsirim to- put
teT-an-' extra, hour or -two Saturdajy
afternoon, finds wlreu he. starts his.
own businessv^at iwelve or four
?iseii .^ours a day s?k days a week
and an occasionalbreak into Sun
day are merely fun. The house
maid has no easy eight "hour day.
-/There remains, however; -under
the fun in the Record's remark,
che sting in the serious fact that
only when women iearn to-be good
employers will other women cease
to be "too proud to do housework." 1
It is not the work itself that causes j
difficulty?it is the employer's point
of view.
The- woman who treats her em
pioyeea as she would wish herself
or her daughter to be treated un
der similar conditions seldom has
"trouble getting help". The woman,
who is afraid of "spoiling her maid"
by- a little human consideration, or
'who doesn't-know how to organize?
her household routine on an or
derly basis must expect a high la
bor turnover and constant trouble.
? m ?
Previous federal laws to regulate
child labor have been declared un
constitutional. The National Child
Labor Committee has now pledged
its support to the McCormick Sen
ate resolution which proposes to
amend the federal Constitution so
that the labor of children under 16 j
years shall be prohibited. -
Hasty and ill-considered amend-!
ing of the Constitution of the Unit- \
ed States is by ail means to be
avoided. But that groat document
was intended to be a bill of human ;
rights, and with the exception of j
two or three routine matters it has
not been amended except in the di
rection of extending human liberty.
Even the eighteenth amendment,
construed otherwise by some peo- j
pie, is in reality directed toward
the abolition of a slavery just about I
as bad- and more widespread than
that abolished by the thirteenth.
The nineteenth amendment is
concerned with the rights of wo
men. The resolution proposed as I
a twentieth is an-attempt to safe
guard the rights of children. If
men are people, if members of the
colored race are people, it women,
tardily recognized, are people, then
surely children are people and en
titled to every protection the Con
stitution can throw around them.
The proposal to prohibit the labor
of children in any commercial way
under the age of 16 deserves
thoughtful consideration from
every point of view. It is the duty of
every citizen to study the child
labor situation in accordance not
with the theory that "a little work
doesn't hurt a child" but with the
facts of the cruel and stunting la
bor performed by thousands of
children who are not protected . in
loving homes. The National]
Child Labor Committee has plenty
of facts to supply for anyone who
cares to go into the matter.
To those who have spent years
investigating-this condition and try
ing to remedy it. the only solution
semes to be the federal amend*
? ? ? .. , -
No doubt it matters little, in di
rect results, whether or not
Woodrow Wilson has a vote. His
vote "would hardly decide an 'elec
tion in New lorsey or Washing
ton, D. C. Yet his disfranchise
ment gives unusual emphasis to an
injustice and absurdity of long
standing which affects hundreds of
thousands of American citizens.
Having removed his residence
from his state, Mr. Wilson cannot
vote there. And having estabiish
ecf his residence in the District of
Columbia, he does not -acquire a
right to vote there. Residents of
the District?which means, for
practical purposes, the national
capital?cannot vote. They have no
voice "in either local or national
It is" hard to understand why
Congress has so long allowed this
anomalous situation to continue..
Surely that problem is not beyond
>the power, of the human inteb
lect. This is supposed to- be a re
public. The people who live in
Washington would like to ?ee their
home city made a part - of the
United States in practice as it is in
theory, and so would the-rest of the
? --.-.V '
?. . - . . . ., ,? ...
- ....-?- . . .
.Thirty-three high schools in the
United States have taken advantage
of the provision under the Nation
al Defense Act of 1916 to give, mili
tary training under ? the Federal
army to high school boys: The ]
work has been particularly ' sue-'
?cessful in Cleveland.
? ' ????
The plan in operation- requires^
every boy in the luth and 11th!
grades unless nhysicalh/ unfit, or
unless his parents are "'eonscienti- J
ous objectors," to take four:school
periods of training a week. There
are three periods of military train
ing and . one of physical training.
In addition to' infantry drill and
various manuals, there are lectures
on the army, military courtesy, the
rifle, physical training, military
hygene, sanitation and first aid.;
Signalling, scouting, bayonet work;
and woodcraft receive some atten
tion. An annual field meet, at the
close of the school year, when all.
the high schools of the eity com
pete shows what has " been done.
No boy can graduate from a Cleve
land high school without this train
Those opposed to military train
ing feared it would create, a spirit
of militarism, snobbery, contempt
for law-and order, v and perhaps'
encourage criminal-instincts. The;
?general opion of today is that the.
course has improved the boys phy
-sically and morally, given them ?
sense of responsibility, not obtained
otherwise and raised the quality of
their citizenship. Most of their
parents express approval of the
The physical education side of
this military work is its most im
portant advantage, in the estima
tion of most < i*zens.; But the mili
tary training in discipline, quick
ness of action, prompt response to
authoritative command, and so on,
teaches valuable lessons for youth
ful citizens to learn.
? ? ?
Nobody need pity Lloyd George.
At the present time he may be
down but he is far from being out.
As to Mrs. Lloyd George, she is
glad her energetic husband is pro
vided with enough enemies in pol- |
itics to use up his abundant fight
ing spirits away from home. Not
that he is a wife-beater or any
thing like that, but just as a safety
valve to keep him in good humor.
"He loves a fight and his spirit
goes up and his health improves;
when there is a fight going on." J
says the ex-premier's wife." I am-,
always pleased when1 there is a
'.ght because he gives me far less
trouble. A fight i? like to tonic
to him."*
Many women will echo her sen
timents. Fighting in both cases
ficsxs constant, absorbing work.
They know that an idieMnan in the
house is more trouble'than six chil
dren. They find this out when
their husbands are home with k
eold. or in between jobs, or in the
first year of retirement from ac
tive work.
Men are but grown boys, and
a man's work and a boy's work
serve the same purpose, namely, to
keep him out of mischief. The
best doctors do not advise a busy,.
j active man to retire -shortly :and
i merely because he has' 'rehehed the
age when men are supposed to
j retire. Such, retirement has been
found to be surprisingly -anfortu
nate. Many such men f,die within
a year of stopping work., chiefly
because of the abrupt let-down of
their accustomed activity and a
morbid stagnation of their vitality.
? So it is easy to see why Mrs.
Lloyd George likes her husband to,
be well occupied. This little
Welshman, who is the very essence
of action, would be a trying per-:j
gon : to manage- continually within
the four walls of a home.
17 BALES iiN
Dr. Durley Explains Process
of Fighti?g Weevi* in
(Memphis Commercial-Appeal) t
. Can cotton be made profitably
amid the ravages of the bplLweevil?
Yes, by cool-headed,; systematic
methods, says Dr. Howard Durley,
.Whitehaven .physician, .who is the
owner of 17 bales of Foster cot
ton produced oh . 20 acres, this .fall
?the biggest yield per acre in
Shelby County that has been, re
ported to County Agent W. M.
Landess. The Durley cotton patch
at Whitehaven lay along the high
way through that thriving /little,
suburb and. thousands of passers
by -paused during the summer to
wonder at the superb cotton crop
that was making all the way up
despite, weevils. ?
County Agent Landess selected
the.20-acre plot as a demonstration
! field in the spring, and, finding put
|Dr, Duriey-s- determination to make,
a test, permitted-him to do so un-.
| der-.the Usual jnethods with xmly<
! a little advice now; and-* then. The
county.:agent watched^ the. crop
closely and >4sv authority for -the
record yield of Shelby. Coimty.
In 1921 the- same land was 'in.
corn-xand peas. ^Ifl the. winter: of I
:I?22, *he -land was broken deepi
with ^wo-horse. plow* and., eight!
l?cres -of It were listed and bedded j
imfche spring; m brdeT".to determine*.]
j the difference in"fefeed beds.' TJ-fere (
t-was no .difference- in production.]
fJDr. Durley says, this year, r? ;, HeJ
listed the flatbroke land and ked-j
ded it out with a middle husten, j
: i Feed PlowOltew
"I < used *20? pounds V of acid
.phosphate ? ?and 100 pounds of hi-;
tr?te, of soda to eaohr acre" -re
ports Dr.--Durley; was'applied
with a small distributor in a fur
row ? in the' bed- \ jtre,t ? before ? *? j tbefj
planter and' a common;' harrow,
! which made a smooth 'bed for the
j seed: The cotton Was"- planted from
I April 18 * to 23, using Foster on 12
vacres and Sprowl big boll on- 8
?acres. I' began to cultivate with a
one-horse "Gee-Whiz" harrow just |
as soon as the cotton . was up,
plowing it with this plow, and- a;
cultivator every week. I saw that
every row was plowed and that
it was just as shallow as possible.
Plowing continued to August 15.
"The cotton: was left just as
thick as a 6-inch hoe would leave
itr with one to three stalks in a
hill, i started the last" of June
j picking up punctured 4sp|^s, :do
I ing this three times in as many
weeks. Theri. Ii used "tj^o. applica
tions of calcium ^.arsenate everv
j fifth day until the .drouth, and
northeast winds began' and then f
stopped!; ?'. '.
fashion news. 1'".
' ? . ???>'
For Mourning., ...
Paris, Oct.. 25.?Velvet today is
even, being, used for mourning,. a
custom contrary to the ...formerly
strict French rule which , prescrib-.
ed nothing more attractive than
serge, cashmere or garbardine. The
black velvet is trimmed with, wide
borders of black crepe. The lines
are simple to. the point of severity..
Touch of Lace.
[ Paris, Oct. 25,?Only the mer
est, touch of lace is permitted on
lingerie at the moment. The ten
dency is toward very simple up
derthings in pale tints, the chief
decoration being buttonhole stitch
ery in a contrastign shade, or a
few embroidered medallions.
Protest Skirts.
London, Oct. 25.?There are still
heard voices today raised' in pro
test against longer skirts.--- or. in
deed, against skirts of any sort. The
magazine "Health" declares a skirt
jerks the body at every step and
would cause a strong man to be
come exhausted if he walked ' a
short distance in one: Knickers,
on. the other hand, ''make a wo
man feel so shamelessly young that
she can hardly keep her heels on
the ground." >
I New York, Oct. 25.?A scrutiny
of crowds at recent football games
j proves that the sub-deb wears a
[costume which accords with the at
! mosphere of the afternoon and also
with that of the informal dinner
party which inevitably follows. She
selects a gay costume that utilizes
the fancy coat blouse in some
bright combination of shades a
sports length fur coat of benver
or raccoon and a close fitting h?t-of
metallic cloth.
. .County of Sumfer.
Notice is hereby given that the
General Election for State and
County Officers will be held at the
foting precincts prescribed by law
in said county, on Tuesday, No
vember 7, 1922, said day being
Tuesday following the.first Monday
in November, as prescribed by the
State' Constitution.
The qualification for suffrage:
Managers of election require of
! every elector offering to . vote at
[any election, before allowing him
to vote, the production of his reg
istration certificate and proof of
the' payment of all taxes, includ
ing''ji>oll tax, assessed against him
and'collectible during the previous
year. The production of a certifi
cate or of the receipt of the officer
authorized to colleet such Sap?
shall be conclusive proof of the
payment thereof.
Section . 237, Code of 1912, as
amended by Act. No. 6, special
session of 1914.
" ? Section 237. There shall be
?three separate and distinct ballots,
is follows: One ballot for Rep
cesehtatlves in. Congress; and one
'ball?t for Governor, Lieutenant
'Governor, State officers,. Circuit
Sdl'ieitors, members -of the House
of Representatives, State Senator,
Sourity officers^ and one ballot for
ail Constitutional amendments and
special questions, each .of three said
Tioxes to be appropriately labelled;
which ballots shall 6e of plain
white paper and of such'width and
length' as to contain the names of
"the officer or officers and. questions
??to pe ! voted, for or upon, clear and
even cut, without ornament, des
ignation, mutilation, symbol or
mark of any kind whatsoever,
except the' name or name.*, of the
person .or persons voted for and
the office to which, such person or
-persons are intended to be chosen,
: and, all. special questions w'hich
name or names, office ,or offices,
question or questions shall be writ
ten or printed or partly written or
partly printed thereon in- black
ink; and such ballot shall be so
folded as to., conceal the name or
fhames, question or questions
thereon, and so folded, shall be die
posited in. a box to be constructed,
kept and disposed of . as herein
provided^ by law, and no ballot of
any other description found in
either of said boxes shall be
counted. .
On all special questions the bal
lp^, shall state .the question,, ur
kju&tibns, and shall .thereafter have
'Che words , "Yes*' and 'tNo*';'in
-'se'rted so-that-the. voter/may indi
*cate' his# Vote by striking out one
or the other of such words on said
ballot, .the ^wprd not so stricken put
ro be counted,
I ^Refore the hour fixed for open
ntg tb& polls, Managers and Clerk?
mast' .ialte and subscribe the Con
stitjational oath! The Chairman .of
-trae Board of ' Managers can ad-.
- minister the oath ^to. the other
members and to the derk; a No
*tary/- Public:-'must' administer the
oath to the Chairman. The Man
agers elect theirChairman .and
Clerk.; ; ?v; f^t ,
Polls at each voting place must.
be1 opened at' 7 o'clock a. m. and
closest*at 4"b'elbck'Pvm. 'except in.
.the 'City of 'Charleston,' where: they
.shah be: opened :at T .a. m; and cdos
'ed at .6 p. m.
' The Managers h'dve the power
to'.fill ? vacaucy, "and if none of the
Managers. attend, the citizens can
appoint from among the qualified
voters, the " Managers, .who,. after
being sworn, can conduct the elee
;tibn.'. ... . ..
At the close of the election, the
Managers and Clerk must proceed
publicly to* open the ballot boxes
and count the. ballots therein,' and,
.continue without adjournment until
the same, is 'completed, and make
a statement of the result for each
office and sign the same. Within
three days thereafter, the . Chair
man of the Board," or some one des
ignated ? by the Board, must'. de
liver* to the Commissioners of Elec
tion the poll list' the boxes contain
ing/the ballots and written state
ments of the results of the elec
tion.- ' . "
? At the said election qualified
electors will vote, upon the adoption
or* rejection Of "amendments to the
?State^ Constitution, as provided in
?the following Joint Resolutions?
A. Joint Resolution to Amend;
Article X of the Constitution so ?s
to--Authorize the Town of Greer
.to Assess Abutting Property for
.Permanent Improvements.
A Joint Resolution to Amend
Section 5 of Article XVII of the
Constitution Empowering the Gen
eral Assembly to Regulate the
Printing for the State.
A Joint Resolution to Amend
Section 5> Article X, of the Con
stitution Relating to the Limit of
the Bonded, liebt of School Dis
tricts, by Adding a Proviso There
to as to the Due West School Dis
trict No. 38, Abbeville county.
A Joint Resolution to Amend
Section 7, of Article Vin and Sec
tion 5, of Article X of- the Consti
tution;, so as to Exempt the City
of Beaufort from the Provisions
. A Joint Resolution to Amend
Paragraph 5, Article X of the Con
stitution Relating to Bonded In
debtedness of Counties, Townships,
School Districts, Etc., by Adding a
proviso as to the County of Beau
A Joint Resolution to Propose
an Amendment to Article X of the
Constitution by Adding Thereto
a Section to be Known as Section
13-A. Empowering County Au
thorities to Assess Abutting Prop
erty for Permanent Improvement
[of Highways.
A Joint Resolution to Amen.!
Section 5 and 6, Article X. of the
Constitution, Relating to the Lim
it of the Bonded Debt of Townships,
by Adding a proviso thereto as to
the Township of Christ Church
Parish, Charleston county, S. C, as
now Constituted Embracing in
Area of Said Township the Town
of Mount Pleasant, S. C.
A Joint Resolution to Amend
j ', ? . .
Section 5, Article 10, of the Con
stitution Relating to Limit of the
Bonded Debt ?f School Districts by
Adding a Proviso Thereto, as to
School District No. 10, Cherokee
A Joint Resolution to Amend
Section. 5* Article X of the Con
stitution Relating to the Limit of
the Bonded Debt of School Districts
by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to
the School District of the City of.
Florence in Florence County,
South Carolina.
A Joint Resolution to Amend
Section 7, Article Vm of the Con
stitution, Relating to Municipal
Bonded Indebtedness, by Adding a
Proviso Thereto , as to the. City of
A. Joint Resolution to Amend
Section. 5 of Article XI of the Con
stitution "Relating to the Forma- \
tion of School Districts, Etc., by
ad.ding. a Proviso as to . Certain
School Districts in P-ickens county.
. .A Joint Resolution to Amend
Section .VII\ of Article VTJI and
Section V. ofArticie X of
the Constitution so as - to Ex
empt the , City, of Sp?rtanburg
from the Provisions Thereof.
A Joint -Resolution r.to Amend
Section 7, Article VIII, and Section
5, Article X,. of the Constitution,
so a? . to Exempt the City of .Union
from ther-Provisions Thereof.
. Election Managers,
The following Managers of Elec-;
tion have been appointed to hold\
the election at the : various pre
cincts in the said County: .
Sumter, Ward J-rL. E. White,
L. W. Jenkins, Edgar Skinner,
Ward 2?J. M. Fogle, A, W-:
Moseley. E. L, Dncom... o
Ward 3?J,. A. Calhoun, Major j
Shelley. J. S. Kennedy,. .
.Ward 4?A. L, Gibson, G. E..
Richardson, S. F. Stoudenmire.
Concord?H. D. Brunson,. Albert.
Brogdon, L. W. Warden,
. Providencer-:S.r. F. Moore, C. J
GaiDard, Ben Carlisle.. ... ,
. .DuBdse?:M. R... Rivers, T. S. Du-.
Bb?efi-.Jr;,. Marion Dprnr :. .. ;
.Manchester?S.. M. Coulter, E. R.
Williams, F. M. Coulter. . .
Mayesyille ? Russell. Dear, C.
Taylor* J. C. ParneH,
. Oswegp?W.-J3. McLeod, M. M..
Brown. J. R.. Terry., . .
, Priyateer.-T-.R- H. Broadway,
Harry Hodge, G. A. Nettles.
Pin e wood?A. P. Ragin, L. * A.
Graham, W. D. Epperson.
Rafting Creek;?L. S. Vin3on, J.
A. Reames. J. K. McLeod.
. Stateburg?P. C. Kirk, F^ K.
Bull, W. W. Sumter.
Shiloh-T-Wi W-. Green, J. C. Mc
Elyeen, T; J. Keels.
We'd&efield?J; J.' Geddings', E*.' L.
Bifrrest^ 'W. L. Dew..
. %e\m'anagers: at each precinct
harnied above are requested to dele
gate oae. of their, number to se
cure1 boxest and ' blanks* for the
eleetion from E. F.' Miller, Clerk,
11?-N. Main St., on Saturday, No
vember'."*; ir922.
- ' L. e. WOOD,
? T. E. H?DGE,; '
Commissioners ?f . State :and Coun
' ; ty Elections for Sumfer .County,"
j. s; c. ; . ?. : : ?? ?
? -October 24, 19.22.^ "
I . :County of Snmter,.. k..
[" Notice is hereby given that the
(General 'Election for Representa
jtives in Congress will .be held/at.
Xhe voting precincts fixed by. law
in. the Co^nry. of. Sumter on Tues-<
day, November 7. 1922, said .day
being. Tuesday following the first
Monday., as prescribed by the State
?Constitution. .
The, quahfications for suffrage
'are as follows:
j Residence in State for two years,
in the. county one year, in the poll
ing precincf in which the elector
offers, to. vote, four months, and
the payment six .months before
i.any election, of any poll tax then
due and payable. Provided, That
ministers \ in charge < of .an orgauiz
ed.. church and teachers of public
schools shal,!.. be entitled to vote
after~six months' residence in the
State, otherwise qualified
? Registration -?Payment of alt
I taxes,. including poll tax, assessed
land collectible during the previous
[year. The production of a . cer
tificate, or the receipt ?f the officer
[authorized to collect such taxes
[shall be;, conclusive, proof ,of the
.pajpnent thereof. '?' ' ? (
I . Before the hour fixed for open
ing .the polls Managers- and'Glerks
[must take and subscribe., to. the
(Constitutional, oath. The' Chair
man of the Board of Managers can
administer the oath to the . other
Managers and to the Clerk; a No
tary Public, must administer the
oath to Chairman. The. Managers'
;elect.their .Chairman and Clerk.
. .Pells at each voting, place/must
ibe opened at. 7 o'clock a. m., and
j closed .at 4 o'clock p. .m., except
tin the City of . Charleston, where,
they 8hall.be opened at 7 a. m., and
closed at 6v p. m.
The Managers have the power
!to. fill a vacancy; and if none of
jthe Managers attend, the citizens
? can appoint from among the quali
fied voters, the Managers, who, af
ter being sworn, can conduct the
i At the close of the election, the
Managers and Clerk must proceed
publicly to open the ballot box and
count the ballots therein, and con-'
I tinue without adjournment until
j the same is completed, and make
;a statement of the result for each
j office, and sign the same. Within
i three days thereafter, the Chair-'
! man of the Board, or some one
?designated by the Board, must de
| liver to the Commissioners of Elec
j tion the poll list, the box contain
ing the ballots and written state
'? m.ents of the result of the election.
Managers of Election?The fol
lowing Managers of Election have
been appointed to hold the elec
tion at the various precincts in the
said county:
Sumter, Ward 1.?A. K. Berns
house, Henry Strother, W. D.
Sumter, Ward' 2?E. W. McCol
lum. C. C. Cooper, E. E. Seale
Sumter Ward 3?J. M. N. Wilder,
Silas Mellette, R. L. James*
Sumter, Ward 4?A. F. Boatneld. i
John Wallace, John Garry.
Concord?B. W. Brogdon, W. L.
Brunson,. L- -J. Newm?n.
Providence?A. C. Thompson, A. |
C. Burrows; Curtis Edens.
DuBoee?W. E. Dick, John Riv- j
ers, William Burrows.
Bloomhill?M. A. Coulter, H. B.
Barkley, F. M. Coulter.
Mayesville?Henry Weldon, H. L.
Thomas, E. E. Alexander.
Oswego?F. W. Andrews, Russell
Lee, S. M. McCoy.
Privateer?W. O. Cain, Henry
Troutman, D. O. Pierson.
Pinewood?D. R. Lide, B. C.
Mims, A. G. Stack.
Stateburg?Nelson Murray, ?.
G. Simmons, J. L. Frierson.
Rafting Creek?Harry McLeod,
Corley Gillis, D. K. Lee.
Shiloh?S. B. McElveen, S. W.
Truluck, W. F. Green.
Wedgefield?E. E. Aycock, W.
H. Ramsey, C. W. Chandler.
The Managers at.each precinct j
named above are requested to del- j
egate one of their number to se
cure the box and blanks for the.
election from E. F. Miller, 115 N.
Main St., on Saturday, November
4, 1922.
Commissioners -of. Federal Election i
for Sumter County, S. C.
^October 25, 1922.
Of Mrs. Phillips Charged
* ??? ^With Murder :
Los Angeles, Oct. 31, ? The
?prosecution rested this afternoon
in the trial of Mrs. Clara Phillips
for the murder.: of Mrs. Alberta
\y Mrs. Phillips is a "moron subject
to epileptic convulsions" and has
?'the mentality of a child," her at
torney, Bertram Herringtqn. de
clared today In opening the : de
The attorney asserted he would
prove that the defendant did not
wield the hammer with which the
state contends Mrs. Meadows was
beaten to death.
He declared, it would be shown.j
that Mrs. Phillips' every action that
.day was "guided by Peggy Caffee,"
eyewitness, who testified she saw
Mrs. PhiHfp8 ~ striking Mrs. Mead
"ows with the hammer. .
Herrington declared he would
show, that Mrs. Meadows was. slain
?after an "altercation-and -fight herj
tween her and ...Mrs. Phillips, in
.which the. latter's. little . finger .was
practically broken and she appeal
ed \o Mrs. Caffee for ;aid.. .ft. was
[Mrs. Caffee, he suggested ?who
brought, the hammer, not Mrs;
Phillips. ? : . . . h
i Referring to; his. client's- mental
^condition; Herrington said- her fa
ther .and several other near-- rela-i
! tiv.es had. .been,; meptaliy-iraesppn-i j
csfbje. ;?..?:... .. ? ...... ? .. ? . ?. > .?
!? , ..\ ?-? ? ?
! Dallas, Oct. 31*?:The civ? court;
of appeals this afternoon .ordered
set aside, the temporary restrain
ing order granted by Judge ?A~ M.
Blackman Saturday .to keep the
name -of Earle B. May fie Id off the=
ballots as the Democratic-/senator
rial. candidate.
Secretary of State S. L. Staples
and .W. A. Keeling, attorney gen
eral, .were cited today to appear
j'in .the fifth court of civil appeals
Jionday. and show cause why they,
should hot be adjudged in contempt
of court. The citation was made
following a- motion of. counsel for
the plaintiffs in the action for in
junction to keep the .name of May
field off the ballots. The case orig
inally was filed* at Coriscana
Texas. .....
It was alleged that Matyfield's
name had been certified to the
county election boards by the Sec
retary of State - who had advised
.with the attorney general, before
?nal disposition of the injunction
.case pending in the court of-" ap
j.peals. . _ . . :
President Obregon Suspends <
Business Relations With
New York
New York, Oct.. 31.?Loeal^
firms , doing business. with. Mexico r*
and the various "departments;, of ijfche
Mexican government were unab^.'/
today to determine Jkjw far .Pres-.
ident Obregon's .order to suspend *'
all commercial ? relations with -
New York business , firms., would
affect their Mexican...business.
Most of the firms .furnishing.
steel and railroad supplies to f t&e
Mexican government have . only
local offices here. Officials of okH
and mining companies doing, busi
ness in Mexico and having .their v
headquarters here refused to com*
ment on the order until tbe3' h?d
received from Mexico City official ?
confirmation of the government's
intention. ' -.. ? . ;
Export firms doing business vjth.
Mexicans ' as individuals. sale ? the :
order would not affect ~their..ref
lations so far as they, could determ- ?
ine at.this time. -. .- ?>.>. Sgm
The Mexican. consulate, which .
was cldsed last. Friday as a protest ^
by the Mexican government against
the grant by -New York, courts -of
a writ of attachment against --.its
funds in. connection with -a suit ^.
for damages of the. G?.ver Ameri^
can Trading company, still remain- :
ed closed tonight. The orders va
cating the- writ of - attadraseftt
against the eon.inlate v/as furnish
ed the attorneys for the Mexican
government today, and it Vfasrstal
ed that orders to reopen the con
sulate were% momentarily expected >
from .Mexico City. I? the mean
time, the usual business of -the
consulate was. - referred to >rfeex
Mexican consul at Philadelphia for *
disposition; ' ?? '
The view was expressed by a:*per
son familiar with negotiations
leading up to the imerna*$??ai
Mexican debt agreement /for - the -
present the agreement for the set
tlement of Mexico's- external'debt
would not be affected by the pos- r
sible suspensio-i of commercial se- ^
lations ? between the Mexican gov
ernment and New York business^;
firms. .' ^
Attorneys for the Mexiea? gov- S
ernment here refused-to'say'any
thing in regarO to President Obre-'^
gon's reported action:-:g
-.? ?. ? ?.
St., ..Gej^e,
Pendaryis, .Jr., ,24, - in ... ^Lh^e^*
charged ? with., .a lstaiu$?ry /iffenp$
against a 19-year-old:whi^e.^pmjip*
having been .held, fpr .trial ^s, tlje
result of a preltoina^j^
t erd' ay. ? befo re-v Magist r^', ^Parjer^ ;
'AU "p^?ao^" under.. 2*1 years <^c*
were exdude^ "f^
ary hearing,' wiich,- 3^ ^'a?ended,
by relatives of the abused and
the . prosecuting , witness, :^asu "w^? - ';.
as .many ( other spectators*, ^he
young wopan and ? physician cwer^
witnesses at the bearing..
Hannah EJdred says being. ?Ifta
years old Is great. It.is great,. Han- *
nah. but it takes so long. .. .
FOR SALE?New"hue of hats in'.*
; velvety felt, duvetyn; noveljy
line just received; Also orna
ments for dresses. Come if you
, need anything *n my ;line:' . ?ra:
Ci "W. McGrew. "N. Magnolia and
Myrtie Sts.'
? m H
Stops Malaria,
Strength and Energy.
Our large Capital Stock and Surplus indicate our Ability. ^
Large Loans and Discounts?our Liberality." " "
Large Deposits?the Peoples' Satisfaction with our Service \
and Confidence in our Protection/
* We offer yon our Service and Protection and want -your .
Account. 1 ^ a
The National Bank of South Carolina
The Bank With the Chime Clock.
C. G. Rowland, Pres. Earle Rowland, Cashier jj
.V Ix*."
First National Bank of Sumter

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