OCR Interpretation

The independent press. (Abbeville C.H., S.C.) 1853-1860, September 09, 1854, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067882/1854-09-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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of _rubllsh*0 ktkrt saturday mornwo.
-; j
TiuZividwiUi Jikt uaibm*, SaiL in nothing ychirJi u
4Kej/ boUBg +ttttnpt,, nhtmAngUtU^dJt^ trftwwr U
mirnuii ai^i(?mriiiu??(r^m7u(iiin.wftevnt Ci aV.
Terma?Qne Pollar a Year, in Advance. "
. ABBJETVrilLpB CTH. ^ *
. i ..I ^ _- ' * ? fl
F^tojt Vhc daily reportd of "the city register in
Cbprlo?tOD, ?re fear this fearful "scourge is in- 1
-oteasmg. From" four to ten deaths daily arc re- 0
ported. It willhefteen ,ftSJm fen extract else-w.bere
that a Vonhg man recently a citizen of
- Abb^wHo, has fallfn before it. ' j
<" ' Anderson Gazette. '
"Wr learn "that Samuel G. Eahlk, Esq., whose
reeejut trithdrft'wnl from the fraternity weehron- 4
icletj, ihw> JHirchascd the interest of John V. 1
lloouL "?sq., present editor, and will again rc- .
sumo tho yoke, -ilny on . abundant patrdnagc 0
render inH strong for a successful, support of 1
the Ito^n.VW't have none but good wishes *
for both gentlemen. 8
- OUVjf JL tUUuvt v I
The first number of tho Hamburg Valley t
PioiwerhM been issued. Our friend and patron, ?
C. W. Sm-xa, Esq., in a very appropriate snlu- 1
tatory, (olios ?pon himself the editorial rospon j
sibHitiee. 'Weerpect l.itn to discharge them
-weH and \fe*riesajy.: Success to th? Pioneer, i
and all other^good dollor pnpers I 8
Farmer and Planter. - t
"Dbk September number of-this agriculturnl
journal greeto us. We rejoice with its gentle
manly editors in the brightening ot its prospects.
The Farmer and Planter, wo believe, 1
was the first effort to establish a farmer's jour- *
nal in South Carolina, and the noble enterpnze
of its founders should not go unrewarded.
' The Spy-Glass. s i
It is dot obr eustom to puff every little piper <
that presents itself, and enter it as an exchange, i
The former we cannot do with a clear con- <
science, and the latter we care uot to do, us we (
have already as many exchanges as there is <
timo or disposition to rend. But for the RpyGlast
we must find room. It is an exceedingly I
neat and racy little sheet, issued semi-monthly, t
at Colombia, S. C., at 25 cents per quarter. <
..v . ^ ^ c
Bishop Davis. - ,
We attended on one occasion during the rc- j
cent ministrations of this eminent divine. lie
combines the qualities of an excellent minister.
Possessing a fine flow of pure, unaffected language,
together with much clearness and depth
of thought, his discourses are highly pleasing
and instructive.- It is to be regretted that euch
men arenpt plentler, and that the country and
country rilk^gia'are-not oftener favored with
their labor*.
Jfteligioua Notice.
Rev. Do. Baser, the celebrated revivalist, is
expected to preaoh in this village, on Thursday
evening, 14th > ihstaot^ and will remain ,until ;
after the succeeding Sabbath.
Dr. Bakbb has been ministering for several j
days to the people of Greenville cbarcli, in tliis ,
District, add has been eminently successful in
arousing them to an interest in tbe business of (
life's grand end. Be is a man abundant in !a- (
bors and-blessed in reward. ,
. g- ^ J
"rf'V Sale^-Day. 1
AiraocaH opprcsaiVelj'hot on Monday, there
was quite a large attendance?much the largest *
we have seen here during tho 6umrncr. v
Some nine or Kin negroes were Bold at tolcr- c
ably fair rates. 1 a
The house'and lot; known as tho Gofk, sold ^
ai somctning over six hundred dollars. Mr. D. k
G. Westfibmyof tbia.placc, was tlic purchaser. c'
No other very important transactions oc- ^
curred, as we arc aware. Somo ebullitions of 11
animal heat, we believe, occasioned a fisticuff or ^
two for variety, towards the close of tho day. ft
? ^ ? i(
Deatu of a Co-worker. f,
Tms intelligence of the death of J. W. Ross, f,
Esq., co-editor of'.the Keoxeee C&Srier, and Com- ^
misaioner in Equity for Pickens District, will t,
excite toe sorrow of all whose acquaintance ift f<
possessed. |fr. Hoss ^as a young man of true ^
worth and fluttering promise. He was just en- 0
tering upon bis career of manhood and useful- D
ness, and was.a prominent candidate for the c;
Legislature at tbetime of his death. He is the f<
second young man who has fallen, within the c
l??t two year*, in Pendleton election district, n
whilst cayaselpg the fle)4 ai*4 filling the post n
Of cditof?0. .-j ?
OA * Similar! c
TpuT.Wa may allow the 'Independent to be C
f^lly represented 90 the occasion of a barbecue n
pinner to bfegiyita it White H?H ?
V"' , ???ur?uny, I"
we put t? pr?* * earlier than usuaL? c
Hence some thij^i^y'perchanco be neglected, d
However we pfcjjiuui^no bne xrill find fajxlt. t>
We anticipate a ?ph fea*N physically and ?
mentally, At White Haiti SO fascinating t? F
the rumojwTeaching n? Wf the fat .tiling! to be 9
there, aewow in the 1
*aw*y g^" refreshment t
of the hiu>dr?b .io$gtfijffH *? ^ 4
made by de<*rr#^> pppuUr 4-ep- *
and next ^ ^ ^ ^ k
if''.; V~ V1' ' ; ?'
| - # ^ ., ' ; . * : % ,.; -.
- ., :
; '^-.t ^ s&lfire*
Again, he must, under all circumstances, give "1
something now" in every week's issue, else hU' i
nper is prophesied to death before its time to i
An editor is often the focul-point of murmup
igs and 06mplaint^. lie must act as postmat*
:r?rogulnto to tiio'exactness of u minute the
rrirala of msile, and be responsible for the
lithful delivery of e.very man's paper, 6r else
thore's a row in the camp." Poor follow ! who
rouldn't pity liiui.f
lie is less pitied perhaps than any other
lortal. His calls for money are as ineffectual
s the chanting of psalmri over lifelcw horselesh.
And wjien, to add to the many sorrows i
f l>i? lif- liAfimtn n. r>iir.a<rrnr?li Riiilo 1 to hm
loneet taste, he feels for his scissor*?1?>, they
re lo?tl 5.
Educational Enterprise.
, Pubsoant to'tt call made through the papers
wo weeks since, a portion of the citizens of the
'illago'and vicinity met id. tlic court-house on
Friday, 25th ult, to consider the various inatcis
connected with the educational interests of
he community.
The hour of the mcotiug being set at so short
lu interval eubseqticnl to the publication of the
all, there was therefore not a full attendance.
Jut those who did attend cvinced the proper
pirit. Upwards of eight hundred dollars were
'aided, to be applied to tho neccssary repair#
>n the male aeud-.-ruy, and to finish paying for
he new and bauddome female academy now
ipproaching ita completion. Two hundred dob
nrs more, we arc told, will satisfy the demand
n both cases. .
Wc like tho way these things aro done.?
L'liarc nr? no.great efforts to establish univerities
and collegiate iustitutcs, a"nd sd oft, at atf
icville, but we imagine tlie students here will
>e none the less benefitted by being taught in
?liools whoso pretensions arc not above their
ucans and names. Wo don't need and wc
lon't want collcge* in every village. Good
ichools are the idea, and such wc think can
lore be found.
The female academy building is not to ' surpassed
in convenience, taste and elegance b}iny
we have seen lately. It is built after a
lesign?not the tumbling together of rocks,
nortar and lumber as if by a half-tutored earthjuakc.
There is science in building, and its
genius has been wisely consulted in the erection
>f the several new improvements here.
The foregoing statements (which should have
jecn made last week), with the accompanying
lotions thrown in, are freely given, in hope
>f at least ri degree of good resulting to the
ichools tlicrcfrom. It'mny be well to let the
ivorld know tliat if we time got grogshops we
lave also temples of learning?the foundation
if insuperable barracks which are eventually
:o obstruct the progress of intemperance with
ts hideous train of curses. Would that we had I
i more potential offering to lay upon the altar ]
)f 60 glorious a cause! We would nourish the ^
eaglet of education until full-grown in vigor
iud strength he might drive before liim to
sternal exile from our earth the vultures of ignorance
and depravity I
New Cotton?The Abbeville Market
Very much to our chagrin, we neglected to
announce in our issuo last week the sale of the
first bale of new cotton in tliif> place. Mr. J. |
SI. Caiison was the seller, and our enterprising
rricnd Krnn the purchaser. It wtin ??!d on
Monday tlie 28tli ult, and nt nine ec:;N.
Two several lots of six and nine bnles re.'-pecivcly
have subsequently been sold nt 84 und 0
sento; 3Ir. Thomas Crawfo?d and Jamks Fair,
"sq., being the sellers?Mr. Wiiitk und II. 3.
Cr.nn, tho buyers. Quality fair in all eases.
It would please us to see the sales of cotton
cry much increased in Xbtteville village; for,
rhilst we consider the interests of tho farmer
ould not sufTerupon the whole by Mich trans
etions, the life and activity of the town would
e vastly more quickened. Btisinc." of all
InA* ??n1.1 "
i.vuiu ivu? u|i, vxsruiiniy xvncn pries
approximating those of more distant mareta
can be obtained right hero at home, nothig
is gained by pawing Abbeville and going on
j those markets It need not bo expected?
nd we.bave no thought of presenting such an
lea?that the cotton buyer here will give the
ill prices of the city markets, saving the bare
eight, and so forth, incidout to its further
rarisportation. IIo must be allowed n chance
j realize some compensation for his time and
>r the risks he incurs. Everybody knows that
l?o cotton market is among the most variable
f earth's variable things; and hence it is our
otion (though we are neither farmer nor merhunt)
that the nearur home It is found the &ajr
and batter. H? *hn hi?*? ?" ???<!
? ? ?.i ?Ku"i, nivi
ra risks which no foresight can discover. A
mn may purchase cotton here, for example, at
ine cents, when the Charleston market is ten
rith a seeming upward tendency; lie pnrs
ash, and next week his cotton arrives to
Iharleston and findsthe fickle foarket back at
Sne. lie cannot afford to sell at snch profit
thai, and hence he consigns it lb the care of
ommission merchants, (and of course they
ou't care, for nothing,) and goes back home
o await the rising of the market* to get his
I(M1?V IwVli?>V tifTf' it. - ? "
(1^,^ ^uwuHDiae iarmor nu in liul
ocket or at interest,) and happy i? he if, after
oonthg of waiting, ho does got as much no ha
*id.. This is one view of tijeeafw./ Bo?*time*
>e realise* quick tela* and large profit*. Bat '
h? chance*/or a.?j>eoulatioa ..each way?-profit
ml floe*-?ere ahopt *qnaL?'Opmin? ey*?W 1
n tha cotton market, do not "east tbairshsd- <
IV* before." '.* .', 7 , ,iv <
' Is it not true, that ja makia^aeoUen marraf
ft# ' w " "
P"<"- rsawieMt: * UtU*mXr- [
:ct for othat prod octal V A?we Imve Mia, ie
acre we* trade and nil oth?r kinds of bu*ihe?{ ad
bence the dem*nd (of prodocfer far Worm
\ 1 V
- ,
.' r;. i
to selling cotton here OQ.v?hc ground that there
w but ono buyer, wejuiay state that we are assnroij
that such objection js unfounded?that
thero are atleast three different gentlemen irho
linvo already entered, orpoon will enter into
tint biulnnss; bo no fears need be cntertuined.
we presume, that thero will not be a sufficiency
of competition to insuro (air home prices. And
wo nrc further assured that good articles of
bagging, rope nnd twine nre sold here at less
nctunl profit thnu in Charleston.
Try Abbeville, then. Bring?^OTM^*<&btl<>ii alongsell
it, if u fuir prieciBrofi&jred?if not,
one end of the railroad is fife nnd Charleston
mwr is
at the other end. ^
[roR TJIK imukpxndent pre9k]
Due West, Aug., 31, 1851.
Mcmr*. Editor*:?In the last miinber of the
Pre??, I sco a call on mc " by ranny voters," to
become a candidate for the Legislature. 1 feel
very grateful to my friends, for past favot*, and
and it would afford mc pleasure to sorve them;
but knowing the position to be ono for which
'[ am altogether .incompetent?together* with
other circumstances not necessary to mention?
I do most respectfully decline.
A. C. Hawthorn.
Union Campmeeting.
Jfctar*. Editors:?Allow me to prosent' to
your renders a few facts in relation lo the ftbovc
named Campmccting. ..
The situation of the camp-ground in one of
great convenience, and soinc beauty, although
the close proximity of the railroad subjects the
meeting to some disturbances on the arrival
and passing of tl>?trains. It is about five miles
from Cokesbury camp-ground, vlitck located
near the village. Campmceliugs form un
indispensable part of Mcthodistiu economy and
operations; and whether we regard them in
their * iol or religious tendencies, they cannot
well c discontinued.
True, there are churches nnd organized congregations
all over the wholo country, but
i > _i i ?
wiiiuviiivn lire iiui. imuijii unci, lllHi cnilgn'^Utions
<lo not always have that life uinl energy
iu religious matters, which their profession and
privileges demand. We need something to
qiiieken the Church,- and animate the zcalj^l
her membership; 6ome feast of tabernacles, 61
general assembling of the masses, that hy r
common law of otir nature men may Htimulutu
one another to dilligcncu and activity. Man is
a gregarious animal, and if you will not furnish
an occasion for the gratification of this
j propensity under suitable restrictions, he nevei
j fails to make one subject to no rule but the
most unbridled liberty.
No candid observer will conclude tlint tlu
occasional and incidental abuses or disturbances
overbalance the numerous and substantial
benefits thut so oft?n accrue to tlio interests o(
The meeting in question was largely attended
front the beginning. All the tents were occupied,
n>nny of them accouiniodating several
families, and although there was n'numeruju
attendance ?>f yung persons from the neighbtfr!
ing schools of (ireenVood and Cokeabury, und
iiiiiiiY en "i cii pcopte iron) ine contiguous plant!
utions, uinl tlio convenience of the railroad for
the coining uml going of the listless and the
wilful, y<:t tlx 1*0 whs the utmost good order
from tir*t to hist ns fnr as the writer hnd information'.
There was no rebuke dircct or indirect
from the pulpit, und the intercourse of tlio
people with one another was of the kindest and
most cordial nature. There was a large attendance
of ministers, and among them much real
ability, but the chief object of tlio.se officiating
neen>oil to be to "win soulu " by the mo of
" words of soberness and truth," and it was
lunnuesi ironi numerous and palpable indications
that tlieir efforts were not in vain. Conspicuous
among tlic clergy were Bishop Cavils
jiudDr.TATLonfroni China. BisbopC. hasscrved
his day and generation as itinerant Methodist
prenchcr near .fifty years, and "his bbw still
abides in stre^gtb" m wax obvious to themyl'
titudes who waited upon his mlnislrktSon wft>*
such veneration and delight on Sunday and
Mondav while he nrenolincl nntft tlmm " tlio ki?.
pel of the graco of God." We would gladly
furnish a synopsis of tha two sermons he
preached, but our capacity is inadequate to the
task. His appearance' is stiH with admirable
grace, and his voico full of mclodj* and power.
Dr. T. gave a thrilling account of soma of his
toils in his missionary field in China, and while
ho gave the incidents of ono of his visits to the
camp of the insurgents, full many a one concluded
that he was in cool deliberation, and in
unblanching, pertinacious courage, akin to old
imck oi nuennvistn memory, and Although moro
than two hundred dollars had been collected for
missions before hi* arrival, the good people
contributed in fuvflr of IjTfwSrlr more than one
hundred 'and twenty-five dollars. Dear me,
how far am I going ? Well, Messr#. Editors,
How mc to eoncludo by saying that the capp*
meeting was In every respect pleasant and successful;
nod'we'eaa only say, thatsuch meetings
should continue ten instead of four days,
which would make then ten fold mora a blessing
in all the objects contemplated or sought to
be secured by their in^jEumeotality.
Four Days X*W* fiftfe Borqp*
The .turner F^A*S*|*dr at NewTdrk .t
^ " hH"?,h* r.iv?rpool dates
*** J?*?*1* A* adeellno r?
" s&sa iv,1',*^ <?.? ?- ,..,.,
' ^
I -y A
Premium Baby. . ..
We saw, the other d*y, i most extraordinary P
infaut which wc think merit* much tee di
[ notice of an editor than a large beet, ora in am,- '?
motli potato, or oven a fine.colt This little u
fellow is seven months old, and weighs thirty-; I>
three poundst Ho is larger than hit brother, 8
' - ^ liftorttr Oima vaAM a1() t Wi* C
a ?vui> "v<..v j ?
kiioW.aAveral fine little boys, three years old,
who s? eonsi dered large of tlieir age, and who
do not weigh an much as this infant of seven ?
tiiouths old I In form, and features, and ap- ?
pearance, he is a little Appollo, and by no means ''
, possessing any unsightly, superfluous flesh. Wo
j told his father, I)r. A. M. Cox, of AblKjville, ! !
I that lie ought to exhibit hiiu at the Slate Agri- i u
j cultural Fair, in Georgia, this fall, where one I
I of the premiums offered is for tlia finest nnd | n
' largest baby 1 We think Lhii |ireiniuni a dc- ('
eided improveiucnton everything that litis heretofore
been done by iigrieii'turin societies. . It
is an inducement to improve tho human race, V
nnd wliv should not attention be paid to that, x
lis well os to the raising of horse*. and raulen,
and jackasses I Wo linve no doubt nt all, as
inucli improvement can bu made in tlic human
race as in that of tlio horse or cow. And we J
think, too, in many ins?oncc?, the ncccssity '
much greater. This is not a uew idea. Fred- '
eric the Great, practised it successfully in his
army.?Southern Patriot.
I ' "I have seen a number of reliable gentlemen
I front the mines to day; they bring very flat1
tcring reports. The mines aro coid to be very
; extensive, and red coarse gold. Specimens
1 have been found of the value of from one cent
' to us high as tj?n dollors. Many l?olieve that '
1 < > * i
^California tluit exceed these in richness?that j ^
| they are extensive, the gentlemen to whom I j ,
j re er, nav tliey arc sufficiently large to occupy i (
' from five to ten thousand miners. The mines J (
ore from thirty to forty miles directly east of i'
! this, on the south fork of the Coquille."
Another letter from Judge .Smith, dated June j
29, says:
" Yesterday nil exploring party returned,
confirming ail the rumors that had previously
readied us. The sold that 1 have seen is quite
eonrcB, in lumps from twenty-five cents to
I ; twelve dollar?. Six miles have alreudy been
i prospected, and there seems but little difference 1
, in the richness of the diggings. 1 am assured |
by ex|ierieiiced California minersthattho ground j
already prospected will t?ivo profi tabid employ
j merit to "at leiiftt two thousand men. There nro i
, | only about fifty there nt this lime. Those i
i now nt work arc* making from $75 to $300 per i
j duy to the mau."
I Tho Case of Captain Gibson.
, The Dutch Government has offered to pay |
. Captain Gibson the price of his ship, l?ut they j
are unwilling to recompense the Captain for
his loss of time, or for tho eighteen months
II imprisonment in a vile dungeon, and the indig- I
, nities heaped upon him.
The l'nris correspondent of the A". Y. Tribune, J
1 i writinir tindpr dntn nf tlio 7tli in>t?n>
i'*Cnptain Gibson is now in thin city. When >
lie arrived a short time ago at the llngru-, it win |
. I a question with the Government whether he i
| | should not again he arrested at a ftiyitive from j
justice! One of the first demands of the Cap- j
tain was for u return of the ship's papers. The
request was accedcd to, and, on-the f?Jlow?n? I
. day, it bundle of papers was brought to him by
; a Government servant, large enough to till it
bushel basket, regularly bound up and Healed
with the Government seal, and marked 'Onpt.
Gibson papers.' The Captain was surprised, but
said nothing. When the servant was gone, he
opened the bundle and found to his astonishmei.t
that it embraced all the State documents
concerning his ease; the history of his three 1
S trials in Javn; the secret, correspondence be- i
tween the ]>utch Government and the Provincial
authorities of the Island; and, in.fine, the
secret and otficinl history of the whole atfair. 1
This was tc'o valuable an acquisition on the
part of the Captain to allow it to j>ass out
VI ins nuiitis witiuniL uii eiiori m retain It, BO
the pnckage was immediately despatched to
Loii'aon. The next <l?y mi agent of tlio Government
called upon the Captain in great
trouble, mid, Rtnting that the bundle lind been
sent, to bim by mistake, asked for its reatora- 1
tion. But it was too late?the pneknge had left. 1
The (Government was furious towards the
Captain, and Mr. Belmont, being about to leave
for his residence in Paris, informed hiin that he
had better absent himself also, for that, when
lie was gone, it would hardly be safe to remain
Mail Robbery in Tennessee.
Tim X ash villi Ilanncr of the 5tli jmtant, say*: 1
"For sevci'al month* past, letters contain* i
ing money, which ought to have arrived at the
I'oot Office in Kn?hvil!o on the mail lino from
Sniithvillc, have failed to con)o to hand. Bur- '
clay Martin, E#([., U. is. Mail Agent,, in eonjunc 1
lion with Col. S. R. Anderson, pt mu(?r at l
this place, recently conceived ? plan for the de< i
iwlon bf CtiA'tlilef. on'ct'tbe forrtrtr1 proceoded to ;
Smith villc to put it into operation. Ilia malted :
at that place a a letter containing #100 in eoUn- (
tcrfeit and $2 in good money addressed to a I
citizen of Nashville, and got into the stago to ?
p....j .. ,.w no uL-Biiiiuii?ii. air junrtin .
had a key lo the way mail, containing the pack- *
age, and just beforo nrriving at the several poet ?
offices on the route examined tlio bag to see t
whether it was safe, and alter leaving the offi- jj
ccs repented the examination. Just before raching
the office at MoWhirtcrville, six miles from
this city, the package was in the bug, but when *
the bag was examined here, after leaving that
office, it was gone. Suspicion immediately fell
upon tho post master at MeWhirtorville, Dr. J. 8
0. Patterson, and he was accordingly arrested
on Friday evening in this citv. ana on search
the money enclosed in the package was found
upon hint. Mr. Martin aecoropanfftd by proper A
officers, visited hit office, And found ibore &
number of packages of letters addressed to tl^is place,
which Dr. Patterson had detained there.
An investigation of tho affair took Jnlace r
yesterday before James A. McMurray, U. 8.
Commissioner, whfch resulted in the accuse J be* 0"
iogbeld to bail in the. emn of.$3,000, which he
was unable to give, and was therefore sent, to ,
jail to /iwait- his trial at the ne*t term of the
V-j 1 i - ^ ' "# " '
cutTHi euuru auorofyi tor <ne uercnee, A. _
Ewiny and John Iteid; *>r' the prosecution, T. ~~
B. Chillier*, U. S, Di*iriet Attorn*/.. - ; -..*r: v: 4'Dr.
Patterson lias heretofore been oonaider- *
ed an boirf?t rann. IIo in a regular practising ?
physician, but ha* been ait" times an actor ana L
a Universal!*! clergyman." v" "" M
- , . PI
|; The Tallow Fmr at Haw Orleans. CS
The editor of tiie Xaw Orfcart* Oourier vi?
it?d the Cb?ri*y Ilo?pital: on th? 56th iiitaht l*J
end found that Ujere wcr# at l?Mt M "emot ?
V- % "v
- ajfer -- ?V,Vv:-"v V
One of opr moat d&tagtiikh.d physicians, a |
rofessar in t!io?3Iedical College, considers tlie
lsea?o au cbiJcmic. v&dcofduig to the usual ]
Lw as to*epuloniics,' it-Will not probably contin- f0
e m eucb 1st October. The cu>?c8 in
rivate practice *rc mild and tnnnn^enble, nnd ?
ood medical attendance and nursing readily
lYorcomc it. >
Melancholy"Casualty.?About half-past ten
'clock yestet'day forenoon, Mr. Thotuaa M. _
Lnox, while under the influence of dclirum iiiuced
by Yellow Fever, jumped out of the tliTrd >
^ory wittdow of Ids hoarding house, at Mr. ^
.yncli's, in Market, between Meeting and King- n1
freet*. ?
An inquest \vns held l>y Coroner DeVeaux,
nd n verdict rendered in accordance with the _
uregoin^ facts. 1
Mr. Knox wus a printer by profession, inteligent
and gentlemanly in hid deportment, and
steemcd by his acquaintances. Ilia funeral
rill take place this morning at 9 o'clock.
[Mcrcury- 1?f in ft.
Tiie Feveil?Wo" regret to stato that the *
lumber of new eases during the last two duvs
las considerably increased. The report of the I1
,'ity Register shows also a large increase of
iiortality. We cannot too 6lrongly impress
ipon nil unncclimatcd persons the impor ance
?f living with careful regularity, of avoiding
til unnecessary exposure, and, if attacked,
vasling 110 timo and strength in quack experiments
upon thctnselve*, l>ut at once calling in ,
ncdical advice. With those reasonable premillions,
a man has no need to look nnon yellow
"ever its a formidable enemy.?C/iarlcstoii J/irr- "
^ m ^
Among the invention* of tho day i?& plough
to go by steam. Its construction is simple; ft f
iclocijMide on wheels sixteen feet higfc and 8
eighteen feet apart, with a governing wheel *
eighteen feet high. It may be converted into :
[i steam land locomotive, and on a smooth firrh *
road travel at the rate of twenty-five miles an j
hour. It- is the invention of Mr Henry C<?wing,
of Louisiana.
Col. 11. B. Ilouknight, of Edgefield District,
died one day last week. The Advertixcr pays,
in announcing his death: "Col. Boukniirht wiib
n voting limn, yet lie had ulready served liis
District efficiently in several responsible capacities,
and gave promise of much future usefulness.
He was in the Legislatures of 1840 and
'50. Wo know not a man in the Saluda llejjiment
calculated to be more useful to bis Dis- triet
than was Col. It. 1$. Douknight." J
Lk-rnsk Qi'Kstuin is Tkxas.?The question
of granting license to retail spirituous liquors
was voted upon by the people of Texas, on
Monday the 7th. As far ns heard from the '
vote is very decidedly against license. In Marshall,
Jefferson, Nacogdoches, and other towns, |
the vote ngtiiust license wa& very large. (
Sai.k Day.?Janue^silotel was sold at public
uuetion yesterday for the sum of $37,000. W.
s .?- ?i? - i ? --
. . woij., n.u miu ^urvmisur. ninrcn
<t Sharp, Auctioneers.
Seventeen town lots, belonging to nil o.stnto,
were sold for $(,051.
Three lots were sold for $2,200. Messrs. f
Allen ?fe Phillips, Auctioneers?Carolinian. I
B ank Failure.?Tlio Farmer's an<l Merchant's j
Hunk of Memphis, suspended operations on the
2*1 tilt.
The Market.
AnnnvtLLK, Fept. 7.?Cotton ranges from
6 to 8J. ,
Coli'Mdia, Sept. G.?The tnnrket utmost at a 1
stand, and prices merely nominal. No prices '
CiiAUi.tftToN, Sept. 3.?The sides of cotton today
were only 87 bales, at a fl|.
Aovnnvr m. w* ?r
vum m u AM K >'
DIED,?Monday morning, September 4th. ,
after a pjotrnete<f illness. LKWIH W. McOOW- (
AN, son"of Gen. SIcOowan, nearly two j-em s
old. lie whs the youngest and the survivor of j
two lovuly children, upon whom fond hopes rested
only eight months ago. Now, the purents
are childless. May god sustain them in their .
sore affliction.?C'oimiumieatrd. 1
VALUED TESTIMONY. A citizon of Hal- '
tiniore, well known and highly respected, (Wm. '
1L Tiiumlert,) say# of STABLE ft'8 ANODYNE |
CIIERHY EXPECTORANT, that it cared him
of a threatened Consumption of six months
standing. If persons generally, while suffeiing
from Coughs, Cold*, and other slight diseases
uf the lungs and thront, would regard them us
n "threatened Consumption," and apply an ef- j
Seient remedy at once, there would\l>? far less
btality from this fell disease than nit present. ,
? jiuuu^ug yuorrj- expectorant is coufi- j
lontlv recommended in all'auch cpses, uit rare- J
y fails to cure, and always gives comfortanjP
olief to the sufferer. STABLER'5 DIAR- *
UICEA CORDIAL is an excellent remedy for ^
lisenses of tho bowels, and is also offered . to
lie public, with all confidence Jo its merits. H
ice descriptive pamphlet^ to be had grntis of
he agents. Prico for cach, only 60 conta, or ol
is bottles far $2 _60. ?
a. 11. ?i'AUBLER <fc CO., Proprietor#, ^
Wholesale Druggists, Baltimore. jr
old by Pit. F. F. GARY, Cokesbury; Tl
Wholesale ngenta, Charleston; A |
ind by Merchant* general^'.
Aug. 12 '54. 14 2t f.:|
rllE Following ticket for Council for the en- ^
suing year will bo supported by those
ppoaea to uic granting of liocnae:
For Intend*,U?R. H. WARDLAW;
Vardent?J. A- Axi.ek, Matwkw McDoxaid, "
Joti.v Esntoin-, and B. r. llcouea.: *
TO the Public. j
THESaWrlber roanootfully pV
lln informs the public that Uie rfn *}
irge and Commodious SUblo Adjoining the
World's Hotel," on Washington rtreet, tHfl hi w
>#b for their.accommofiation, 90 Monday of *"
tart WeeV ertsuing, 25th instant , : > ?*
Tha supply' of provertder will l>e abundant, ^
id of the very best tkfr country can afford; fje
id the rrioet experienced and cafefnl hostlep '
ill be in attendance to seo U> the proper faafr;eme'nt
ana dure of tbeftoo)t r '
BaRgtujK, Pope
V 22PD SuPPI* 0t BAGblNQ,, ROPE ?ad
\?5I1JE,i'Ust Rcc*ivod and ?" S?l8 taw,
r <**Aonty. by -y * EL 8. OT!?n
Sept.?, '64. 2-18
Naili. 7? -
- ( \ ivj'-urj a aiu*, in store ond to nrriv*, for
)\J snlc low, by II. 8. KERR.
Sept 9, '64 2-18 tf
3F SOUTH CAROLINA, by John ton and
Walker, cau bo bought cheap by applying
t this office. A rare chance. Tltere are *??
more of the same sort" now for sale. . .
Sept. ?, '64. 18 tf <
riiree Likely Negroc* for Sale,
A Yountc Woman and nor Iran nKtM~
I BELONGING to tlic Estate of the late WiUL>
iaru Morrison, will be aold nt Abbeville C.
I., on sale day in October next. Also a Four
lorse Wagon.
Terms.?A credit of Eleven Months, by th?
lurcbaser giving note and approved security.
Adm'r, wHl annexed.
Aug. 31, 1854. fc-J8 - St !i
Abbeville District-?Citation.
WHEREAS, Moses Winstock lias applied
to ine for Letters of Administration, <m..
ill and singular the uoorto
md credits of Albert Ucnschell, lffcte of Um
District aforesaid deceased.
These arc, therefore to clto and adtmjhlsh all
ind singular, the kindred and ereditoM of the
aid deceased^ to bo and appear before mo, at
>ur next Ordinary's Court lor the said District,
o be holdcn at <\bbcvi]lo Court House, on the
wentisth dny of September inst., to show cause, fyony,
why the said administration should not
>e urnntcd. _.v .
Given under my hand and seal, this fourth
day of September, in the year of our Lorif
011c thousand eight hundred and fifty fouf,
nml in the bcverity-ninth yonrof American
Independence. 'ft*.
w. hill, o. a. m.
Sci>t?nibcr 1, '64 18 2t.
Attention! Well-Digger?!
.4 Steady and industrious man may got fipt\.
ployinent in difrging and walling ^ w?|l
^ vuijc m uoi?n oi. rvaiKer, at niDtty^x
3epotou the Grccavillcnnd Columbia Rrtifpoaul. .
yep 3 .W; &&&K
1^0 patrons and the public geifcMilly, that tay
. Mills lins undergone a thorough State of W-:^
mir*, nud is now in complete oj>gra#^JR^;._
rrindiuc whent mid corn. " ' " ' xx&lV
' ? JOtf N ttO&AiiipC ^
August SI, 1851. 17 v ,
: =-=-?->
Application wnibc mndc at the L*g?luturc
of South Carolina at ita ttexttSsslion,
for mi Aot. nf a e-i - * *
? ? -mvvi jn/i uviuii^*
or the support of Indigent nndSuperanniwtjiSl,1 k'
Ministers of tho IVesbyTerlflti Church andptbef *f
benevolent purpose*... ' ' ' " '
Abbeville, August 2.'64 2?17>'
?' ..
Notice. , ; '*
^TLTE, llic Trustees of Smyrna jQhuftiti And j
V T Camp-ground, do
that wc will apply at the nexjt senaion of tho ?
[jopielaturo for an At I incK>r^rfKftigus aa a '
body legal and politic, -with tb? privilege of
extending our jurisdiction half n niiieeaeh way.
?, B. IK KAY.Sec'y. .
August 24, 1864 17 8m
'v . :u*v~. -ir. ' -
*?or safe.SITU
ATED on tho Waters of TiljllUm JHTp t>
in Abbeville District, in i. very f
?nd henltliy scot ion, about th'ree miles nrejfc^X? _
Hodges' Depot 011 the Greenville and Colnnbli
Railroad, and containing '
23 5 Aor?it '
About onc-lialf pood woodland, and the other-'
!iuir mostly fresh and in a high ?totQ-of cnlti'
ration. A very comfortable dwollinghoute,' .
new gin-honse, and serow, good ucgro cabts*^ >
and alt other necessary oat-building*. , *
Purchaiei* nr?> n>nn?li<it ? "ll'
?^ w wit Huu ''"r
for themselves. *4y C-i^f
joapru AGNEW.wW ,
Anguit 23, 1854. 17 tt
Ii5?nd? for Sale.
Aft I'liitend removing to tho West Uie ansu*
ing winter, ( offer my lands for wj?i A.f
Consisting of my home place, containing abou^. ^
, MO AcrMt1 " !
yfngop tlieltnilroad, two and *
ot DoualdsvillQ. .The plantation is
out repair; on the prewi?oaar?m issifettMJ*. >
welling, gin-boose and .screw, and arerrtfat* '. >?* .~ary
boffdfhg, toMtf+figg
n?Kllnnd. .. .?. ? ;
&*&* l>,acoJie* on OoowcCwelr, teioir
hAif miles from DpuoJfiselUe, *?d eeirtrtw ' yiin '
. : - -"' - ' .
very excellent land. OflrtMf rintif
ecessary buiMfngs, and a "
he plantation is in good tMiar^wSf^S^t '
?V place, at least, u in wood,' the
esh y cleared l??d and i.|# ?# -**|53Slfe ?* 4S
toon.. _ , , ltAk t.?
good bargain. ** as 1 am .1
Aogurt *4, .18*^ '
8y Now berry 8eatlne) copy s tftnea a*# ' IvHuf
0*di?*y'? offleft,
M7 HEI&EAR J. I Tlrin?I 111 r? 1TI n i J"Vi i H
' ' ' .J.?i4.
St " .. #

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