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HORRIBLK AND FATAL CALAMITY. - e Fifty Children killed! and Forty-nine in- C jured!?One of the most distressing calamities n that ever visited this city, occured yesterday e afternoon, between 2 and 3 o'clock, at the ti Ward-school house No. 2G, in Greenwich ave- I ?nntfar (mm .Toffprsnn Market. We were O UUCy UV/k lUi II win v vuv.wv.. ........... upon the spot a short time after the accident oc- j ii curred, but cannot convev to the reader any j adequate conception of the excitement and an- j tl guish and desolation of the heart-rending j s scone. Fifty children, or upward, were killed, a and forty-nine were more or less severely ! a wounded. There were 1,833 children, of both j g ? sexes, in the school at the time, of whom about j t six hundred were in the female department. v The school house is a large, five storv, biick j building, the basement being level with the j v street, and forming in fact a flagged playground I 1 for the children, the building being so construct- I ed that the children can play either in the ojen , s yard, or run for shelter underneath the school ; house. The four floors above are reached by i ^ a winding, or what is technically called a "well" ' , staircase, the bottom of the well or terminus or' | | the staircase being upon the flagged floor of ,j the basement, and about ten feet square in ex- i 1 tent. It was by precipitation into this well i that so man) of the children were killed, many ' of them by suffocation alone. ' t Miss Harrison, one of the teachers of the fe- : j male department, who had been for some days <. indisposed, was seized with fainting?some of, g ?lir> mnrnim- nanus sav with paralysis, but we 1 were not so informed, and a call for water was ' < raised b}' some of the children near her. The I cry for "water" seems to have given ri-e to the idea that something had caught lire, and this 1 ( alarm spread so rapidly that before any proven- 1. tive measures could lie taken, the main hotly of ^ the scholars rushed toward (he door, and a ; ( scene of indescribable confusion and h-oror j succeeded. This department was in the third story, its clevatioa fi< m the flaggetl floor being about thirty feet. In the rush some children were forced over ( the banisters of the stair cases, and lading up- ( ??n the flags below were mangled and instantly j ] killed. The panic spread also through the other departments of the school, including the male , department on the fourth iloor, and under the ] augmented pressure the ballustrades from the foot to a point above the second story gave way or were forced out, and the children as they | eagerly rushed forward were instantly precipi- ] tated into the well of the stair case, the upper- ' | most smothering or suffocating those wlm lay i . beneath. Mefnre the current coma dp arresiou, the well was filled with tlio bodies el' children to the depth of about eight feet. At this juncture the alarm readied the Ninth Ward station house, the fire hell was rung, and ' a detachment of police huriicd to the scene.? ( Here a new dirhci'ty presented itself. The j1 afternoon session of the school having com- : meneed, the main outer doors, which ojien upon ' the loot of the stairs had been closed. Against v these the affrighted children were wedged in 1 masses, and as the doors open inward, it was .:i some time before relief eouid be given them. ] We know not wbv the doors of public build- ' ings are not in ali cases made to open outwards. It would often be the means of saving many ' lives. The police fortunately effected an en- x trance by a rear door, but for v hicli timely help 3 probably many more of t!:e children would . have been suffocated. j j1 Much commendation i> duo to llie teachers *' for their presence of mi:;d. Miss MeFarlaud, j j' one of the assistants i:i t!ie prim try department, 11 finding the children of her department becom- j v ing alarmed, placed herself in the doorway, and j " exerted her utmost strength to arrest them as i v they endeavored to rush from the room, and al- e though several,times thrown down and tram- i e pled upon, she still persisted in her efforts, until " finally she was so much injured as t<? be com- c jielled to relinquish the post So impetuous , '' was the rush, however, that five of the teachers, 1 . Miss Margaretta L. Smith, Miss Cornelia L. !! llarnes, from the female department, and .Miss n Ellen D. Traphageu, .Miss Louisa McKarlaml,!ll and Miss Julia Blake, from the primary depart- ' merit, were forced over the bannisters and fell 13 with the children into the well. They were s happily not seriously injured. The sterner ilia- { f cipliue exercised over the boys' depaitments " prevented them generally from joining in the 1 rush. Only three of the pupils in the upper ? male department were among die killed.?.V & Y. Com. Adv. lj _ _ !,: Thk Mbtiiouist Cash.?The Richmond " Kxaminer comments as follows 0:1 the prnpu. ; ' gition to reunite the two sections ol the church * j < " The Northern majority of the Methodist (> church, hy its tyrannical intermeddling with ( the domestic slavery of its Southern brethren, 1 compelled them into a division ofthe connec- ^ tion. The Nortiiern fragment then grabbed j (| every dollar of the common property. About I this arose a law suit, which, as the reader ; knows, has been decided in favor or the South ! j. ern church hv Judge Nelson. " We allude to these facts, h? cause they have given rise to the strangest symptoms among . the Northern Methodists wmcii can It" con. ceived. The Yankee newspapers are absolute. ; ly, and now for the liist time, malum; overtures V for a re-union of the chnrcli! All their seru- v pies of conscience about slavery have been suddenly cleared up by the decision of Judge NCI- ! ,v son and the lo^-ic of three or four hundred \ 1 thousand dollars which they have got to dis- i ' gorge. They have pst learned ' that nuion is 1 greatly to be desired, for it may he that the eon- ' ' dition of the country w ill soon need, in order to i * keep it together, the best efforts of reli^um-. men ' in all parts of the ' land ! .So says the N"\v Ymlt 1 Journal of Commerce. Hut nobody beard this ,note from the Yankee Swan until be bad first heard of four hundred thousand dollars to he , i paid by the Northern Methodist church to the s Southern Methodist. To us,thisovertm<' seem* surpassing!y impudent. What says the Sun; - j ern Methodists?'' ! t ! A'**- * THE SEVENTH CENSUS. Some idea of the immense amount of dirty ! involved in the preparation of the census may j j. be inferred from the fact that, although about ^ one hundred and thirty-five clerks are employ, i ed upon the work, it has been found necessary ! to employ the greater number of them during J ( xtra hours nt night, in order to lay before longress, at an early period in the session, as luch as practicable, of the prepared returns, mbraeing, in addition to the population reams, and the apportionment of members of ongress in the several States, and the returns f interest, statistics of the cotton, woollen and on manufactures. We further learn that it is the intention of be chief of the Census Iluicnu to append the tatistics, complete, of Maryland, prefaced with brief history of the settlement of the State, nd that of every county in it, embracing their ;eograpl.ical and "gricultural character. All ; will be laid belore Congress in a printed olume. If Congress approve of the plan suggested; villi reference to Maryland, the statistics and list ory of every State will be similaily arranged, i fwe understand the matter, it is intended as a ! ample of the great work. Recently, in looking over the printed vol j inios of the sixth census, we notice that the [renter part of manv of the tables were blank; | ?ut under the present arrangement, there will >e no waste spaces. As a <-onsequence, the >ulk of the work will be considerably dimin- J shed. We presume that no one has yet accurately :alculated the number of any particular sized j lages the work will occupy; but from what j ran be guessed, three volumes of the dimen- | iions of the Xiuericau Archives will contain the j lighly interesting and minute results of the ; seventh census.? Washington lit public. The A'dtio/i'tf Revenue.?The Journal of Commerce publishes the following statement is authentic, of the public revenue for the last isca! year: Customs, .... S 19,000,000 Public Lands, - - . *2,000,000 $51,000,000 : Eight millions of the public debt have been extinguished in the same period, by the pur. base here of seem ities to that amount, at mar' i iet rates. >' - i i:.... I...... on icr.n ?1.? I r or me iiscsii vrar I'nuiug Jiiiie uw. mc eeeipts from customs were $31),(>G8,l)86 Prom Public Lands, - - 1,8">t),8{)4; Tot;.], $ 11,523,580 The excess of revenue from Customs and Lands, for the year ending the 33th of June ast, over the preceding year, is therefore nine , ind a half millions. ? 110M ESTK A D KX E M P IT O X. We are gratified to notice that Mr. Tucker.; if .Spartanburg, contemplates the introduction ! >f a bill to increase the amount of property ex- ! mipt from levy and sale. This is a step towards i perfect homestead exemption law-a law which | las been adopted in a number ot States, and i vliich will doubtless prove a salutary one for . I.e interests of the localities in which it may he 1 idopted. L >t a man's home be inalienable, except by j ns own free will, and be will have an addition1 tie *n hind him and his children to the soil. jet the industrious farmer know that the roof' vliich covers his family and the few acres that 1 aippnrt them are exempt from the conse.jnen- I es of the rev u ses he may meet, and you give | lim fresh energy m his d.iiiy toil? you give im additional motives to beautify his home, > nd improve his farm. Sneh a law give* no j ieonse to idleness, for his small tract of land ! rill not yield without eultivatiou, ami he will ! le unable to maintain himself or his family ! vithont he so cultivates it. Such a law can ' ive no protection to fraud, for it will allec' no ' xisting contracts, and all future ones will he > uade with a full knowledge mi the purl of the ..... i , ..., .. , roil nor wiiii uio uoiiiesicuu << i 1:10 larmer aiioros ; im 110 security. A strong tendency of such a law will he tr I )crease the numher of land holders, and recent ( nvcstigatioiis in Kurope have demonstrated liat such a condition nf things in an ngrieiiltu ! al community is the hest; that this class ofcit- ; tons, moderate and small landholders, give trcngth and vigor to agricultural pursuits. and ! ucceed in bringing ah nit the highest state o| ! n|?rovcment nfllic soil. 15ut the most henelicial tendency we think f such a measure would he to check the eini 1 ration of that el is~ of tanners, lor whose pro i-ction it is designed. \\ ith a house and sinal | trill goarantied lohiin. the d -ire to go in search i l a new home and fresh 1 nnls uill lie greatly | imiuished, and the homestead won hi lie cIit died to an extent We know nothing of in t lis cction. Stability would lie given to the inlease ol our population, and we would hegin o approximate in this rospoet to the legimale alio ol increase. It would tend to lo op South 'aroliniaus at home, to inijirove Carolina, and levelop !ier resources; and without some such loliey we must retrograde. We hope liiat liie ! it'ji proposed will in *et with the favorable c*?uideratiou of the Legislature. Situ ill CuroHn uu. Wohtii Nori*.r..?The Louisville ('mirier' ins l!ie follow iug; ''It is a fi*i**iil;ir fact, that I vliile all tlic important provision markets of the v o: hi are declining daily, great excitement ami ligli prices prevail in the Img market; ami it is 'erv evident that hogs are too high, or provisions arc too low. Ami it may he well for all tallies to ronifinher that high pries for lim's Iocs not always re-nlt in high prices for t'fir iroduct. In the last >i:< days, pork has declin I in New A ork ami New Orleans aiiont >i'2 ier lianel, ami Ineon sides nave jus' declined wo rents jut pound in Cincinnati. Thf. Vbmvok Fua.vcf..?According to official iitorrn inoin the general cllertive land force canisted on die '.s of Octoher, of 3*s7,51!> men and il.300 bores. It rirciuii-laiiecs present no olita de, ;his elf clive force will he brought within li" iniits of the I ill d get of which reduces It o 377,130 lie n and M3.455 horses. HIT The California trade has decreased in the i-t ten months live hundred ami forty-six vessels, tt piesciit there are hut eleven vessels loading ?r alii >rn.n at the purls 01 itoston and Newfork, whilst at thi-: tinir? la.-t yar i|i--r?- wort- 1 irly ( st'ls loading at tlii'saint* p >rl-, ln-sidcs seven t liallinrjit', fix at i'liiladrlpliia, and ont> at NetvIrleans. legislative fl*roeeedings. Cotu*niA, November 20. The Senate met at 12 o'clock, pursuant to adjournment. The Clerk read the journal of the proceed ings of yesterday. Pursuant to notice, and with leave of Senate, Mr. Witlicrspoon introduced. A bill to afford aid in constructing the King's Mountain Railroad. The bill received the first reading, and was referred to the committee on linance and banks, and was ordered to be printed. Mr. I. D. Wilson presented the petition of sundry citizens of Daslington district, praying for an additional place of election ; which was referred lo the committee on puvuegus mm | elections .Mr. Muzvck, from the special committee appointed at the last session of the Legislature, to which had been referred n communication from her Britannic Majesty's Consul, for the Slates of South and North Carolina, relative to the law of this State to prevent free negroes and other persons of color from entering into it, submitted a report, which was ordered tor consideration on .Monday next, and to be printed. Mr. Taylor submitted the piescntment of the Grand Jury of Ker-haw district; which was read, and referred to the committee on the ju diciary. Mr. Taylor also presented the return of the i commissiiiners'of free schools for Kershaw uis- I trict, for the year l?Sr)l ; which was referred to the committee on the college, education and religion. Novemhba 27, In the House, the Speaker announced that he had appointed Messrs Lylf.s, Preston, Sinclair. K. P. Jones and W. P. Hutson the special couunilte on the part of the House, to whom should he referred the subject of monuments to Mr. Calhoun and Col. Butler Mr. Chesni'T gave notice that he would ask leave t<> introduce a hill to amend the act incorporating the South Caroli 1a Steam Navig:;. tioii compan v. so as to extend the time for the purpose of building two vessels i Mr. Philips, pursuant to notice, introduced a bill to alter and .onend the constitution, so as to tix the dav of general elections on the second Wednesday in October; read first time. : Mr. I'ni'it mi ui m introduced a hill to prevent citizens of those States in which laws had been passed to obstruct the fugitive slave law from using thecomts of this State for the collection of debts; read first time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary. Mr. Torre gave notice that he would ask i leave to introduce a hill to suspend the election ! of members Iron this State until the ivpresenta. | XoVEMBKR. 28 | Nothing of special importance was transac- I tod in the Senate to-day. 'l'he usual number ; of petitions memorials, and, Arc., were presented, and at an early hour the body adjourned. Io the House during the morning hour, jk?- > tifiniis memorials and accounts were present- I ted, together with returns of free schools, pre- : si'iitnieotments of grand juries, Ac., Mr. Ashinore presented the report of the' President and Directors of tlio I>ank of the j State of So at i Carolina. Referred to the ' Conimiltee on \N*:?.ys and Menus and ordered J to he printed. Pursuant to notice Mr. 13. r. Perry inlro- I dueeil a bill to provide for the election of elec- I tors of President and Vice Pr .-sidciil of the L'oiled States by the people of South Carolina, i Read tile first tiui ", and on motion of Mr. lvr- i it, was made the speei d or.|<*r of the day for J Tuesday n- xt, at one o'clock, in committee of | the whole. In pursiiMiico of notice, Mr. Torre iutrnduc- j e<l a hill lo suspend tan election ol meinliers of Congress until the representation of the .State nodi r the census shall lie ascertained. In pursuance of notice, Mr. .Middlcton introdurcd a lull to define the p'ineiples on which joint stock Banks shall he incnrjiorated in this State; read the first time, ordered to he piinted. and ordered to he made the special order for the day on Wednesday next, at I'd o'clockMr. Chesuut, pursuant to notice, introduc- | ed ii bill to nniend the act incorporating the j South Carolina Steam Navigation Company. .Mr. Middlcton gave in lice that on to-iiionow ' lie would ask leave to introduce a hill to incur- ! porate the Northeastern Railway Company I .Mr. Torre offered a resolution that a coin- ! mission Ii appointed, hy joint le.-olutious, lor the purpose of iuquriag into t!ie subject ot improving the liar at Cliaileston harhor, and (lit this committee obtain all the information they 1 can in relation to (In* matter. ^ Mr Hunt introduced ;i lull to extend the charter ol tin* I'.ink nl tin* State to tin* war I iS70. Made tin- special order of tin- day lor Wednesday next, at 1~ o'clock, in committee of 1110 whole. House adjourned to 1*2 o'clock to morrow The Senate granted leave to Mr. ISariies to J withdraw from it-5 li'es tlie |>i-tilion o| Josepn | Kenton. presented at the session. On motion of Mr. Kvuis, llie Senate adjourn- | ed, at 17 mi mtes pa-t I oVIock, p. in. (ion under the new census siiould he deter- ! mined iip ta. Mr. Si'Mmrat introduced a l?ill tor the punishment of persons laying iihstruelious on rail oail tracks The penalties I" he 82,1'OU line and too wars' iinprisoinnent. I lie hill also ii'ipiires lailroad narks to lie fenced. The ( 'enemi Unlets were then taken up and the resolutions oll'eied hv Mr. Dittow lor the appointment i?f a speci il eommiltee to whom should lie referred all matters relating to the inroi'piiruih.n of hanks was lost. Mr. Avuu gave notice that he would as?. leave to inlrniiiiee a hill to the i liect that no ' --I ' I I I - ?: ' ...... 1,1..,1 l'1-inmi 11 . > 11 I? | I.UiH II.IUT 1M ?UO ">??' ?* ,,,%'* tin less tin* 1 ir^est portion ill his pecuniary | interest* was wit.mi tin* Slate, ami all persons liuliijnir ulliee contrary to this foiulition slionlii resi*rii. Mr. I?. |\ Pi:ititv trace notice In* woulil introduce a liill to provide for tin* election of Presidential electm > l?v tin* |ii'o|ili' of thi' Stati-. ill* al so ji'i'si'iiii'il tin* pi-t it ions ol citizen- ol I A ,.K> von (|j,iiii't, |na\iiio that tlie* election ol ?ii .'I't'iiiir lie given to tile people. Mr. Koiii:kt?on presented the report ol the i examining committee on the Branch of the Bauk of the State of South Carolina at Columbia. The report spoke very favorably of the management of the Branch. A large number of petitions and presentments of grand juries, &c., presented. House adjourned until 12 o'clock to-morrow. In the Senate, petitions, memorials, free schools returns and presentments of grand juries were presented by several Senators. Mr. Adams also, in pursuance of notice, introduce a bill to renew the charters of certain private banks, and to provide for the chartering of new banks under certain restrictions and provisions. NovF.MRr.n 25. In the Senate, a number of petitions, presentments, and reports were offered. Mr. Adams gave notice that on Monday next he would ask leave to introduce a bill to fix the time for the meeting of the State Convention. Mr. Buchanan, from the committee on finance and batiks, to which was referred a bill to afford aid to the Kind's Mountain Railroad, reported in favor of the bill with certain amend- i meats. .Mr. DeTreville gave notice that he would ask leave to introduce a hill to authorize Courts of Law to receive as evidence the statements of negroes and free persons of color in the trial of, any abolitionist or citizen of a free soil State i for certain offences against the laws of this | State. Senate adjourned until half past 9 o'clock j on Monday. In the House hut little of importance was ' don*. A number of hills were read, and petitions. reports, &c., presented. Mr. Lvles introduced a hill to prohibit the introduction of slaves or free negroes into this State. Read a first time and icferred. Mr. Ayorgave notice that he would introduce a hill fixing the time of the meeting o! the State Convention* Mr. Verdier introduced a hill to sell the ser- , vices ol I'ree persons of color for debt. Mr. Owens of Ibirnwell, introduced the following preamble and resolution, which was ornered lor consideration on Monday next. Whcrms, The people of South Carolina in the recent election for delegates to the proposed Southern Congress, have by a very large majority decided that it is inexpedient for South | Carolina to secede from the I'nion, or to take j auv action looking to that end upon our past , issues with the f ederal (Jovernment. Therefore, he it rrxalml, That while we do j not consider the right of secession to he an i open question, and while we are determined to maintain it whenever the people of this State shall'demand its exercise, yet \v?? hold that the recent decision of the people should he acquiesced in, without appeal to any other tribunal or attempt to destroy it. CAMDEN, TUESDAY EVEMXG, DECEMBER 2, IS31. THO. J. WARREN, Editor. Our Market. The activity io our cotton market noticed on Friday ha< abated, very little having been offered .-ii:ce that day. Prices have receded, 1-1 to 3-S. Sc. be jug ill- highest ligure. ?*riloii. J. A. Woodward will accept our thanks l".?r a copy of Pi)^tt*r and Whitney's Geological R port Commissioners in Equity. The following gentlemen have been elet'ed by tlif Li-gis!?.ture, to (ill vacancies in the office of Commissioner in Equity: Kershaw?\V II. R. Workman. j< s York?John L. Miller. Edgefield?Arthur Sim!; ins. Sumter?W. IJ. E. IJaynsworth. Haruwell?Johnson llaygood. Fairfield?W. It. Robertson. Greenville?S. A. Tovnes. Pickens?M. M. Norton. Charleston?Jame* Tupper. Columbia-Legislature, etc. We have little to notice, worthy of particular j comment so far, as having taken place in Columl?ia. The first week of the session of the Legis- I lature is never very interesting?the ordinary | routine of business is commonly prop: s d in a sort of matter of course manner, and no one appears particularly interested one way or the ottier, except .-uch as attend who are candidates, or liavitnr claims of a pecuniary nature ,'o be looked after. W e !relieve however, that L.msideruble bu- j sines* has been despatched. through the energy ! of trie Speaker of' the House, Mr. Simons, who is said to he quite a business man, and an admira- ! ble presiding officer. Elections for Commissioners in Equity for several Districts have been In Id. Mr. Wm. II RWorkman was elected for Kershaw, in place of Wm. M. Shannon, Esq., who declined a re-election. Mr. Shannon has filled this responsible position for some years, and to the entire satisfaction of all w .o have had any business in this de- ! partmeiit of the law. Mr. Workman will, we | have no doubt, di-charge all the duties of the of- 1 lice in a manner that will give universal satisfaction. Hut litt'e has occurred thus far, to develonethe political stale of things in the legislature. It is ' .i fair presumption however, that a few caucus ; meetings will show us sights, and we may rea- J suitably expect that in ilie discussions which are likely to occur during this and the following ' \ ....ii i i. weeks, <i irnr oi words (jiouung mure,; win un-.m out. Should this prove the cnse, we have a sort of desire to hear what will he said. We think the whole Knglish language lias already been e.xhausted in portraying our Federal wrongs, and providing ways and means lor redressing them. (On paper.) The Merchants of Columbia complain of the falling oil' of trade, which is mainly to be attributed to the Railroad accommodations, which the people now-a-days enjoy, by which, if a pound of; ??^mm pepper is particularly needed, it may be obtained a lUlle cheape* in Charleston! Improvements have been made quite extensively in Columbia, and it may boast of some of the finest stores in the couutr?'. It is a beautiful place, to say the i least of it, and one so disposed, may pass the time away quite pleasantly. 1 Among many other improvements in this town we observe Mr. J. T. Zealy, the unrivaHed Daguerreotypist has recently fitted up an elegant sky-light gallery, where .he takes splendid pic tures, which, for elegance and finish cannot be H surj assed, we are confident, by any operator in the Union. Mr. Z., who is an enterprising and M worthy gentleman, deserves much credit for K his zeal arid energy in this department of seiencej B and we are happy to say he is reaping a golden B harvest. M On Thursday last the Grand Division of the H Sons of Temperance of South Carolina, assembled V in Columbia, Judge O'Neall the Grand Worthy fl Patriarch presiding. It may be interesting to our H Temperance brethren to state, that the meeting I was well attended, and that our worthy neighbor H felljw-citizen, and brother in "he fraternity of L. P. F., A. M. Kennedy, esq., was elected Grand V Worthy Patriarch, for the ensuing year. Mr. Z|fl J. Dellay was elected Grand Scribe without op-^B position; he has discharged his duties for the past year with great fidelity and to the satisfaf, H lion of tin* Sons. We have said but little heretc Jg fore, since our connection with the press, relatiu to Temperance. We know there is little attei tion paid to such things by many people in thin* our day. Lest our silence may be misconstrued, we are stili the unflinching advocate of that cause which seeks to elevate man, and to place him where it was intended lie should stand?above the selfishness of depraved human nature?high on the ground of morals in his social, religious and political character. We have yet to see or learn that there is any good or reasonable grounds why this cause should not prosper, before we can be . induced to sever our connection with it. We i ! earnestly wish it great success. The Hotels in Columbia are large and commodious, and in ordinary times quite adequate for all purposes of accommodation. If, however, a gentleman visits Columbia thisjwepk with the expectation of having things alt his own way, he | will be disappointed?it is a matter of great favor to get accommodations at all, in some of the houses; there is a super-abundance for the wants , of the inner man, but in some other respects it is < ) hard times. j At the American Hotel we have been kindly I entertained by Mr. Jariney, than whom there canj not be, nor is there need to be, a more gentleman- I ! Iv and obliging host. He is assisted by Mr. Har. 1 ris, who dops his part well in adding to the con- I venienceand comfort of their visitors. We ear- I i npKtlv rernmriipnd those of our friends visitioff ) olumbia to give them a call. ; Thu? bring commencement week with the Colj lege a great many attractions may be found in Columbia, and no doubt as is usually the case, the City will be filled with strangers and visitors. | ^ The President's Message. i The Charleston Courier of Saturday, says : '-On Thursday last we stated that the President's .Message would he trauf-mitted tj the different Postmasters throughout the Union, wo have since dej rived from an authentic source in Washington, ' the information that the mes^ge has been already I mailed to the different Postmasters to be handed out to tiic different newspaper offices on intelligence being received by Telegraph that it has been delivered in the U. S. House of Representa lives." Co-operation Platform. The following r.soluth ns were adopted ?s ti e Platform of the Co-operation party, at a meeting held in Columbia on Thursday last. We copy from the Charleston Courier of yesterday. At a meeting of the Co-operation party, held at Columbia, on the evening of the 27th < inst., the Hon. Laogdon Chevcs, Hon. K. W. Barnwell, Chancellor Johnson, Col. Jus Citesnut, Jr., Col. T. N. Dawkins, A. P. Aidrich and the Hon. John Townsetid, who at a previous meeting, had been appointed a Committee to I . -- .i- . ?r #1,., 1 report mailers inr uiu <uuuu ?/i w? wy?n>^| submitted tin* following Preamble and Resolutions, which were adopted: The Committee of seven beg leave to Report, That in the present aspect of affairs, they * deem it inexpedient to do more than to indicate by a few simple resolutions, the Platform upon which, according to their judgment, the people of South Carolina have placed themselves by th? recent election. Rrsolrei/, That we regard the State as having decided, that whilst the right of seceding is fundamental and indisputable, the exercise of it by a single State, without well-grounded assurance of the concurrence and support of other S'ates, is not the appropriate remedy for existing grievances nor the sufficient safeguard against those which menace us in the future, .-Hid that any attempt either directly or indi iectly to accomplish this purpose would ho J in contravention of the clear declaration of tho J public will. <1 It r sol ml, That we regard tho State as having decided that concert of action among tho slnveholding States, or n sufficient number of then, to make their action effectual, is as essential to remedy existi g evils, and to protect themselves against those which impend over them, and that a co operation among them for these purposes ought to he earnestly sought af- ' ler and promoted. ilcsolred, That the State maintains a deep^J and in lignant sense of the grievances and daii^H gers which oppress and assail her, and persi.^^B veres in her determination to remove and avcrl^H them, so soon as the co-operation of other slave ^ .w.litimr Stares shall trive to her action efficiency j and render her security permanent. } Resolved, That we regard these declarations ! of the public will as having taken away the i causes which separated those who advocated " separate secession from 'those who advocated 1 co-operation, aod that we shall feel sincere satisfaction should they now unite in pursuing ( <