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- / WB& I ' i | i !h ' ? ' "' "v, # # * * 0 ? ">-'vM%v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ rtr>- ^ ^ i 'mii i in ii ii i 'i inn i 11 jb i i " *: w~swtiifvol. i?no.t* / Tflp CAMDEN?M3NAL. I I >8y p- *>> SOCOTT. I g ~~ term: si ?^ ' 13 .HabHI*! M 4 ? " ,t - * - 3 90 .. a ? ... oo J. j | ; # Rate* for Advertising: *JOJ ' ; ."For o#c Sqtttfv? ;xr*jv* Ism tes*?~ TWO i p i.--i tad.Ufe> for lb? &*t ^ 03fjg i>0A-4 al LAH and FIFTY Clwts fof web tatfoM&jae&i. ? w , oktuast Xaniaas cr??Un^ <?w SqV^ ckj^i 1 ; *t *drert&?? rate*. Tra&wtii A^rcrtiaem^f* awl Job W#r* MUST S$K 1 * ' FAID FOR IS AOVAXCK, 15 Ko doducticgi cxcxpt to our rrgT^ar adv^rua- ci it# patron*. n ?MM Jl I'LL! 8 ."! -JIJJ'M'ML'U!ll.l*'J "'L "M'"" ? /, 'Art panned by (be. ofi, ???lb Carolina HI the Rqnuiar Se** jlt ?l enui%M3. in AX ACT [di To nxxkt Prorfclow for tlie ??py?ort of the faimt* ]w lio* of soldiers from tlii* Slate in tic Cow* I 0 /edcrato una Suite service. I ** J* 1 '' -fc . i - -. : ?} 1* Sscno* f. Mf il tmtted hy (ht Senile and \ tj ^ Ji<m*e r>f Reprtvtnfaiis**, ispjf mtl end totting in j J(J Grthtrtii ^J4rmUy% artdly the anttrtsrity of tin j0j jams, That a tax iit kind oftwo per etui, ahall be paid by the producer* in *nv Dklrict ot i'aNfp. ?k wben required by the I'-oord of Clfttimi*- j itoncn: Provided, Ihnt tiie producer of wheat f have leave to ftubaltlutc forty pounds of flour in j| place of each bushel of wheat, on the gntoa ^ amount of all r*o% corn and wheat niUcd and ^ grown in the State, and *11 to!! made by lire ? An|iicr of the grain milU during the year one ^ , thousand cigb* hundred and mty three a'*o? a tax in kind of 6ve percent, upon thegroa* pro* t:{ dacta during the year one thousand eight bundied and wxty-tbrcc, manufacturer* with- fTJ in the State, including cotton yarn*, leather ami mil, except audi articles a* may be manuhqp ,|; tared by any person for hi* or her v? v u*o and not for aale or barter, whi^h **id tax *imiU be ' ^ *?* ' " * *'*?r>ns*t .1 cotwcteo son Pftju ^ -M ? ' tfc. 1 (fV: ^ j j5j Bsc. 2. Thai ibesevcral Soldic*** Bogi*!* of u, IlchcC to coK?b4gftf bot Icaatkau tbffcc cor more , than iwciitv -ftHir, and to be appointed a* here- ! v; I idbrfc prescribed by kw, ftlmlj <lirkl? their ic- j , j | ajxecufy D?iricu or l'aritto* mo *c<;;on* j ^ ?g&ai to their owa tiomUet, sm#k*wig? lo ouch | of Osnotmkmtr om of *?id magjLktro, That far; ^ tikf&rfK*6 of aacertellfag a?d colloeung the ^ kiwi, of rise, com at*I whci^ lhc jw?s4 IJ Commh*xmcT9 *h*ll adopt, t* a dffek epon j ^ which they arc to a*N>? feakl Ul,tbe psw j ^ assooot each producer ha* or msy rvtfcnj for $k*vmr owe Utoowtmi eight hundred altd *ix- j to the Confederal? AieiMt^ir the ,j lax b kiwi of &e Confederate Butc^tlurt4>t ^ ?**jnp&i&g tWo u bo arc tool liable to *M l*\ oask ibe actiif the Confederate .<d?oagnwk And far liftJprpOM* of collecting ?**! tax, each fc Cemmkuotw k hereby aotkorawl to <lra* list *' order for ftwuj ixi on any produces %* :U?h? the ^ flection to him, to be (jrltvmd to ?uch pcrvoa or peram* m mav 1< named, awi in y aoch propotttott a* ma)- L? juai and psoper? j y the 'order to be the voucher for the pa) jsietit; j J IkI In *&d? liUtricU ti* may have an vice** of j **' aroraiofa tunicf lh** biil, aocli dee** shall be J , demanded at such time and place ? the Tom- ) " jnisakmers *ha'd order, after urn *Uu notice, s'. r the purpose of being tran*|Hj:tcd to nlhrr por- j . " tioitf of the State I I*ruriii<J, 'i hat bO pot?oi; j ahaii be rapiiad to deliver hi? produce at a distance exceeding eight niftcs from the phrc of production. Ami in the event that anv j' perwflt W fkbitt] (art or re<?A<* Jo Ucli*er the amottM of said tax within the pre acTtbc^ oo the orxJcr oi* the Coitu: # cfcllff, Of pelson ;f ?r hint, shall give in formation thereof on oath to ifac Chairman of , the Board, why, on receipt ??f such information W herebv authorized to issue an execution - ill against Uw dciuKjucnt, directed to the Sheriff of the l>i*irist, repairing Mm to U>\ ami r-i/c double the emoatit of the artn Irs in hind tor ^ which he wm liable, if to Us found, and if not, 1 then to kvj and collect of hit got*!* and chatilea three lime* the amount of ti/e value of ol each tax in kis<h according to the value tiiod i? *7 the Confederate Coniiniwiuncr* for th;* u State for article* of a like kiud. The co*Z-* of b the proceeding to bo paid kv <UUnlur, to bo regulated by the fee bill* for Sheriff* cc*U << in cases of execution isaucd from the courts of u law. And if any las payer shah sat,<fr the S collector that prior to the ratification of this I* Act. he. the said tax payer, ha-s consumed ??r ) owed, or sold the whole quantity wheal tn which he? may hate raided during il.e cuncVit M tallenjer tear, either by hi# own oath, <?r bt h ? the Imti&onj of others then tht said t?i\ pu h .er ahall atxi may pay his wheat tax by ?<Uti -< toting corn therefor, at the rate <>f one l?n?h? f ?1 of corn for one bushel of whpat, by meagre. ' n< Sec. 3. That for t he purpose of ascertaining !M? collecting the tax in kind on manufactured ?K?ifo, mentioned in theftrvCsection 6f this net, te jaid several Ihmrda of ludief in I>t*trttl? i which Well fn?m:factnr? mar be '* situated, ~u? Jnli require ibn owner, or ow?cr$ or person erson* tii charge of atxch mamsfaclari**, to dorcr to *at?l Hoard, ou or before the i\ia* day 1 Fel<raan' next, fire per cent. in kind ot ali >Oc!ft mentioned in t'?e said hr?t ^jioii^iimn* rac.tiift\l or pttKJiic&i at ihrir nMpeciirb e*ibUdifncM* during the ^c;?r one thousand ?7r j?ht hundred and aitty-throe; the amount, ** -' i * - ^ - * * /w? tf mo mm oi vaci* w? ? 1 9 VJ *V aC-"** p <" T>u +-*n oard, when recbiiljd, to the QunptfolJer (ieo*1; and the raid I>oard *h?H !io?d the rame ibjeet to a distribution nittonpM the several oards to be made by th?? *a:d Comptroiier cueral 6nder the sapcrr??don of the Governor, i proportion to tfm number of pcr*oi? of aid* k*J>' fniidiks arid *jdd distribution -!m?! be iadc a* soon after the raid first day ofFcbnta' Asgn&y to practicable. In the event that it manufacturer, or manufacturing cotppany, uo?r or maker of rail, orotb?r article* mdnjtivd in raid fir>; section, *br.*! tsil ??r refato > make return on aoih (which raid oatb eit&cr 'raid commissioner* is hereby a.Uiorizcd to Iminister) on or befotfi the raid first day of ebttary next, of the atiiOHCt, kind and quality article* menrionoSTin raid fcl section anufactmcd or produced by him or tbcgi du Ig the year otic thousand eiglit hundred and |ty ihrrfi, and to pay tbo tax in kind thereon i above repaired, it?m\\ bo the duty of the h Airman of raid lR>ard. and be h hereby aniotiiosl and empowered to torn, hi* warrant*, tcr ten day* notice, fur the ninr*t ami dcicn ru of burner, iiianufccltircr or runtrc&ieirvr\ or pmot; or per <4#* i? charge of *u$}i atjo&elorv or utmerr. tittgii ho or they aha!! * + \pfj 0 ire thr itwrn* abort reqitirr?!, and p**J ir ?nv in hm! ?* hefeitttafrtfcdirected. Siir. 4. rhat the sjaoohi of corn, neo and heal to lefsniiiiMtl to each inditid&d cultfrd to tVitef in the no? fjrecd c rate of ten bn^cCjfer AOtmm, to i?? furnbet] in ?uch j>r. portion* a* the cotsunhwioncr* 13 ?: j to he cxjxfdieni; an<i ?fth the t;ve : a:ix;nti?<? tyjn5.s,i:v &* near a* pr;o J:cae, i f??;h lk<a;J of ' o<:i<iii**ioncn?dfmli j?r pure peciai return Jo the Comptroller *?"< u- r:i . ! ? . before the tii>l. t-av of \ < hroar^ J ? ?:, Mc'.lnij # . f nil how many person* within their rv*pe?' Vc UrieU or par^hc* are pruvi . for, and ?: .it not:OS of p?Oiloce of each -j i,ai in en t ' ip<j or ti?cv are vnlilJoi to; am! n ] c C dutt of tho CottipUv'hr <H-wrs', <?? t? * ipl v? reinr?!*, l?? IIKU a tab'iUr ?JaJfr* cut, *howijt|^ the iMjrnUcr Jo provided for, * ' ' ? ? . 1 .1 . c Allipttttl fpCtrii oyj l?V ? jio.nru, a' ; , -r ?tHkit)va ?|}Afv lu ?}IK)I UI? Mai fjtiantil* 5:rain &*** other ? wi'l ensile cIt unlit sJnaj to 1*0 pro* fur#* afure*auJ. nJ lb* Coinplrt)ii<!| Genet*! i* lipn?l?v author* p*l, ??eh Use of ihr Co<cr?or. lo i?c fOijumlnji* rjH?n tbo*? ltr?3u?j* Imping an ;m* ovc 1 the averse *upj?)\, #js?| in favor of CM?- Iflme aupjuy ?? <K6rE??M? att<!1fit? a. ! j;u<^ of ?!????tl.e < n U ruau'c #U j?#y i!?v c-v*?* ?kf Uaf-tpoftAjion, Sftu. a. 'jflist slip Chairman m*1 T?x A*iircr any Jhar*: * ho>h;J! fail lp u:ako a return !u the |?frcc<ifoj? ?haU ?"h ;.aU?- to a fi? pflno 'ri J (JoHaft, 1 hv fccot?TciJ hv St<\ 0. tp**! U?c <ain of five humlfo# thounj aim] iLu U Approbated i<? lw- U?*srii ulc4 in i#rppori*pn lo ih? ? of ? t..? C r* ?v w -i arrtut^n; tl:,>?***? iJmtTi-* i?! !?' 4? ' i>| *, .;* Slxtl>\ n* I* w n'.M'-i in iL- Af\ raSi'nii liiv ojili'nMjnth ^ ? tM a ?'! i talN-r. tn ill* * < af ore '.So* * f j^-it >:l! > Jhm, ? : J3??< 11 "A'I A? I ? 15. a'<'. ??l0*v ialJiih * o! >' lv r*. i \u it ih, a', ,t(j t ?} ?i;;? 1 Act to |"f?i all t<? t!;i ?- 4 i J*. M<l ' v ill !*K?ai i n ;!i - "*.-j:J ffjs \ ? t!s< : ?' * ' * > I'.d ?Ct. A!iil U. ii < A t?. }* > ?. r* '.. *5 >U - *? T; ITliCUiftr, u <.J?t .*? Ii- :< .? . Joj? j j. ? . i C<>M?nKMiov u !!>', ?. ? ;> r .v iiii ?4 f Ii* ; r? > *r *.a! o *, <>0 *. v i i' . " * ' * bill w ?" j?v a !?' '>2 ',< IA \ iolk>n to r?v??n*KI??r t! \. n > t? * r m Sflrv innjontr : W}o fra?. It) the ; r r ; ? ol tlx VHtUy. il tiN|Usr<-% tin* a;<l , . -,i ar ? l*ar arms iho 1 s* . f 5:.. < .' i<- ?* latot iff America {, : V ! exemj'*< ?! frvit. mtihtnn ? r-. < i v ?. ** ? iiliinii*!n ?l ;* ' .5 . !, olimt? 111 '.'?? f??p J: j ?;-< *i , \ nii?i a* t<? relieve "lie- ? ,! ** ';5* !n?! 1 rt!>? ' <?fU?*u <?r liaUtiu ? <i ill) ;t* Midi Mil'*' t 1 ' . > i -; *' . ' ' 1 " ? cofi*trwe?i as to ; ** 1 1 - \ w i,<<. 1! j.. Dt HnMe to r v<! * n : 0 n , lave [ VCI tli< ic?r* jut 55. .1 ftca. Boeiiri'sard asirt Charleston* Scficrx! Beauregard lias entitled I.iinsclf to ' tkc gralituJo and admiration of the country I Kv lm magnificent defence of Charleston.? ] Under hi? auspices it ha* withstood triumph- < I gntfy inch a combination of naval and military i engineering as wa* never before brought to < l^ar upon any fortified place. TUodefrnce of I j C^adc-ston rtandft without a parallel. 'The j ;^||g$bd skilljof lite beat engineer of the Unite*.' 11 Sh&> the terrific armament* with which fl hi* fortification* were supplied, and tlic naval j j morwlm which co-operated with the land j I f ?roe% hate fur mom tlian fiwiir months expend- ' j t*\ nll'thrir cower ?:*??? the Palmetto City, and < }*.;:!! ;S< flnau in proud defiance; and the j i N?w York Tiiticgt now virtually admit* that j 1 i harlc<<>n cannot he taken I What a lame ar*i impotent conclusion ?>f all the Jfi^antic j I i ctFort* ?nd prodigious vaporing* of the vin- '; ! dfc tive foe! * Charleston cannot be ; I tik^a ! Ti?e hot-bed of she rebellion! The of irwwon ! The accural city ! For j j nearer three year* the object over *hoac at- ' ? : IhtUinc nt*' Yankco malice itad floated, and | 1 I tvh^h it ? as raiac-1 fire and iron upon day and ; i flight, in in storm. for four month* ! j ! I WU vrc ?* your swamp An^cl i Where ??. sour <*rvck fire? Where arcyonrMonitors? W*acre j i U yoor Gil ssorei And. after all, to find out : thai Charleston cannot be taken. That even j < Fort SottiUr cannot'Ih; taken! That all the j cnonnooA itms* of iron hurled upon it has onlv j ! made si *tr< u?er and snore impugnable ! Vc j j ea& aJmo?t hair lb?? Yankee* ?i?a?lim? iiicir j, j tevih and yelling in impotent a* Ckark*-1, j ion look* lurtfttcly down upon the La Ailed ma! j j ice cf fiend* in I he *hapc of men. 1 j . (too*! reason* have these wretebe* to hate 1 I the name of Ucanrcgard ! He Lai been their ! cvtt geiiitts from flrn IoJaM. The Swamp Am , I ge! hs*hr] i * *;iccotnb to the Guardian AngnJ j of Charleston, and iaok> tip at hi* maimer a* I,u? cjfer mar !>e $oppofc4 to have looked ur? at the j pm>?r and mora powerful tpiril who hnried han ; .honjjoi" ftv?*n tHe bsttWmrnfa of i!?.*iti*n io j1 f liia fr&ficr place. From thu time the flr*t gnti < 1 j w.v fire! at Fort Sqrntcr to the present hour, ? I Ilcaii regard ha* inflicted ?ich mortal blow* J ' v. pot; Yankee pride and vanity that lliet can 5 ' i v>? r fotpto iiim til! the crack of doom ?Fort I S jmt? r. w|?ic)r with a few fee ha* gw>i? he icaieiivd :r ni the Y.?ck?c* in t*-? they ti i < : rtiablo !??f4'^-till with the iimh' jw.b {' i-rf .: ami >iit ?'* in the **orhi in f i :uot^h?, j At M-tpAv,-i* |?* j*u2>eturv.i the graodot inihta* [' ' 'v 5 aj ? ; ilir age, A> >! Ji'i the ker] ?-5 *.ir ^r-afia march of ^'wlliciu victories. j All ?;?'t5'>r ' ^!;r |?!ii*noiifiMi!<iicr> IfttWgrnntl ghhiv. ;} N. ml hern bet?e* hit *tar will *hit?e .u u! J no.! tunjeatv. | I. i ( ...u ft'tiu rvjoi. t\ lot her novrr re* 5 \ lax her *i??cc. I f-c \ a*.Leo terpen? i% ^ xrotchoi. not kn'icd. The priro of ber Bccuritv ! , { ; elcrnil watch'.sine**. I*f0* i.lenoe ha?t *\>z I nam rescued ber from the rnidicc of tiio in-; , I tndef. Lei ber prove herself worth) of that j j iniorpoahioii hv eootipuing to work out her:' own unlvjitkm with e-ncrjjy and wilii tve* that lacier aJecp.-? Hifhmtmd jfi*f?tick. | ^ Inrlfienti of ttoo Wnr. j i A correspondent furnisher the Monfgouirrv \ Mali with the following incident# oi the w.?r in ' : Virginia. ! Whilst in the cisv of Winchester, on our j #iv hither, there occurred in incident which we think wortJir of hotc.*~The Yankee cava!-I ? rr stationed At Cbarhestnw n made n raid , tW rmriitfY forwthe til lie*above Wire cli* i$r. afcvi ruinntetl w:?h n nrnnUr of horN-* U-fi-n from ibc fatmorsand with ><>??< Jiron pri-onc?* picked up oniiifir mamamiing t\p<<H|}f?iu A Yankee officer riding through the ?!htU a filth* in the ftaf of the Iv-iv of h * c<>rt ?-~J?y hh? #hlc ?a* walking a t<??ng it;an * horn he convfyinj; to a pr M^trr. At they ihuH p?>Mrd alohg jw>m^ one ? *"i '.] -*>Jc m aiked hmled the Yankee* a* an a -? ; '.Mi' s, w )jc? Mopped for a minute to rr{t?r; the ^Aittlalion. No *ootKT had the \ ani ? t ff v?J \i> head, tiiMii the young man by i. - * :? , iiv a *uddoii ?pMi?jy, u retted li;? i?s>tol :u ?:, : . ' ?j.i | relenting it ** hi* head, >i .s?!vii him t^laniiv t?? alight or have In* !{/*?' out, I ho \ankro down . . .v '. the roung man van (loci in hi* mo] , i h.s hat ?r?*ibe net?presenting ? \ ?'.??; nt tl>< head of the Co t)fotl tided oflh ir<;fr?'.| |?m) to band him hi* ha!.* 1 - i ; .litiii. he ]*>t ajmn to hi* )ior>c i l{ ? ! j 'ij <>J !i-W l| III Mil V..... s ' ti ?).? Vas k?i* for c, *i??J safely effect* C?i !. ? *' ' ! ; n i??r day ?c met a party of Imlxv \ ;,i' , ?,{* ,. }>< ?| to the fommaH'l of Major ? n- v? x? j ?ii i 4 :rur?h with the Yankee* c ?. WiJiff grratly outnumber ? !. i.v( i by the different routes to re-1 unite at their rendczrons in the t alley. One uf the party-had been unhorsed and look to the wood# for safety?laying there concealed. IVescntly he saw a solitary Yankee hor^man :oming along, and be rerrtnred ou; take a look %t him; seeing no others coming", he at ,<-pM jnt in front of the \ ftnkec horseman and found (liin to be the chaplain of the rogiiucnL The Yankee preacher acgpsied otir Confederal? fxiv, risking Idm if he was not tired of the civ ' * rice, telling him it nscles* to fight anr longer, and suggested thai it would be wiser and, letter for him to go with hiio and surrender *nd gel a parole, adding that- he was in great 'anger where he w as. Our Confederate look* ? ? -i t ing very serious sa:d : **l)o you rciUJy Uiioc I am in dangerl~ "Most cciUiolv/T **id the ^ v ? Vaykee Chaplain. "You are a preacher/* said he soldier, "I most believe you, and as I can jol out of this dinger much sooner on borsetmrk, I shall have to thank you to get down.* Seeing the preacher Jook a little blank at the ruepoMttgn, our fricim mid: "Conic, he tjnick, ir; you said I was in great danger, and X aant to be otT." The astoonded Yankee d?HOQnted, and our young friend sprung into he saddle, left him to his meditation*. We taw tltc voting man afterwards with the chaplin'* horse which was a fine blooded animal, tirl l?t* ma*!er utTtllt'il to he vcrv nrood * ' ~ "" "" ^ I ?f him. The tnltcd State* Finance*. Mr. CoIkIct:, in a speech, which he lately Je! ire red at liix-luiaie, England, remarked, in tracing the financial evil* likely to result from i war of micIi magnitude a* that in which we %rr enjjaged, that the people of the United slater arv mistaken if they th'uk they can earT on n civil war like this, drawing a million of r trnf uen from productive industry, and spending .wo to three hundred millions pound* sterling, without a terrible collapse, sooner or later, and i great prostration in every pari of the community. .* < 'oUlen, remark* the Richmond Whig, is >r*.bablv tl?e most 2enJou* acvocat? of the .sum} of our cuctny now in England, and in ;)iat new vv.? must regard h? opinion a* to the *" * ? - . ?.! _ nevitaldc result ot We cumvagsm amine, mddent to lh? w.^r of aggression, m very *ug;t>D\c. Mr. Cohdcn hi regarded theablest filaticicr in the Hntish dominion*, and in giving ,h':\ opin; t- he *pe*fc* upon predication*, which in- altogether irrespective of the merits of the ??wtr?t according to ht<* prej?J?ce<i hund. He, H however, aligns no 1in:it to the abiiitv of the * # North in the matter of ootinv, nor doe* fee prelicl, ns he should have done, in order to give [Miint and merit to hi* opinion, how long the North van carry on a cival war iikc this" beFore the threatened "terrible colla|*v" occurs. He doc* not any whether thev can carry it on for a year or ten year*, and the reader i# left to infer the limit which hi assigns to their linaorial ability. If wo consider the strong partiality which that Abolition sUtoHiaan b hnvwft to entertain tor i!>e North, wc aught reasonably conclude that ?h? MCOtisp*C lo which ho rcfcfj, U Qt&tiX si band than he wonld l*s willing ;o admit, ].. predict that contingency a* imminent, would * ' not comport w i'h hi* advdeacv ot Northern interest.*, i. i j n-Mi. t: . ionic to this war which lie n* v?r'i A financial. collapse would a* ccrV'ui", , p;.i ,i:. t nd t?? thi* war, aa would the rout .?!? } >: < 'r i;* t on ?'} tbo whole Northern armv, i- . ? ? isr*t < ?d<?h n would n?>l !oou*l'ir couMi r.i? * ! - i?*ornncf to the jH'i?j>io ?>} Locho r, > 1 ? ? r t ?! minYv of the North, i'\ a J>rid':. tiOU of it.? \ it. . aj;,j , a rlv financial ru;ii, which would invofw* the necoM >{ a {M-ft?c Jatorabie '< \!,< >. ;h. 1 hftfc Mil h n collapse ;?* Mf. l\>l Jen predicts t* imminent, there can be lilth doubt. That it ha* not occurred l/ctoro now, i?. o? :ng to the iucccmvi which the N??fth hcI. ?*%?*! in Tcniit'wec. A rovervc there would have precipitate! ?nch a financial crash a* tM country never before witnessed. 'What is |*vcu!iar!r significant in connection tftth the financial operations of the North, j- lhe*f&ct, that, nr4 withstanding the advantage* gained In the late battle*, gold slil! maintain* pfaly much the same standard that it held be!ore these |>atl!e*. The prestige of a great victorv frns not sufieicnt tocnchancc frovi ri.ruenl securities to anything like an approximate value to gold. The repr&rion from natural influence*, such as must ever result * - - ?... fr? ?m too vast a UT*p?vjHm?on oeiwcen paper currency and specie, wai too violent to be counteracted l-v any more artificial appliance or external contingency. The evils of tins disproportion c*i*t in full force, an<] it ncedt but the influence of a serious disaster to Northern anas-, to bring about the "terrible collapse"' which Mr. Oobden predicts.?Charleston Mercury. H? - - -