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f "mtSlmRML * V% YbeC*8Ki?i ,fl'Gekfj' Joc%xaz. again gnrti the dU- ; i ss&t bf Kmhiw Coottocted fcj ?nock?km '+1 wHfe^?rttesadsyw? ptesetit to tbem in J m % oMaadttWd tmmL It it wa&seifeted under mv *m? P\\; fif fedteg, and kbdi in&%*isot*, m y&xtvvrtv ? its former editor, i*** be *xfc?dedtn us.? Vtrt&aH enroitie bk bneetty, SMtfgy and earnest detint to promote u? get?m4 |. , . Permit t? bcw to ftlfade to&s fixntr Kditor, our | he* ftfe&d, Tbo*U3 J. Wakmc*, Identified wkfe tliit p*> , B w?kfoe saanendnd kit pnbttatkm taserre Ids ccnmtnr, jW aal fell Gatp&*ir%, to tfes >rr?;Mbi* )eit of fab ; , ' Mf, gtiif of ^i It i? mind saldifae d*gb of eras. Itsd aia period mien gre*r otefate ? tr?M|rfriafe tad a fa?T* people ?* betiUis# for ttair afcar* a&d trbco mexneaUtt* tiese famtinKi, sod grat fediag bote develop*!? fkk iHftiggie fee* n&gaged tb? *st*otio& ?f U? vortsL * x . * H b rtiwtJed at lfa? litsgeixam of tfeSs wsr? *t?d tto de4 f \ tyifea) ftfid octastifie moons* o& d* J;. tfctrsSdft. &pkxn*cy aod loiwMlloatt law lam i*> | etfredim enptwMdt&ftd topeto*?ire ban otmoo* gmst difes&te*~-won Bltauwas rfctori?k mx\ item* 1 ? * wed ?*&? totrvataL Owr ?&**?*, wet*!****, h*?p?g * fait mitti&m. Hktan&bcfs fern m mftod, Litres ? ftareee afttbcoo&i&g weaktr. He in Uwlijr w?ekcf flMttlMewtmia ftMdii ego- H?kn hot pea#tteted frer iwsttt llr*llTOw^l toffr b bdfaw* Uin. Owr m top^fy ?? ko?M I ao fafiab hop*) wx woold v# frits our riforttf hm4 torj moA is before m Tbo bydnt n?r m J VtOmn* tboroegiiijr |*J?*t$ora4*L * The wtetet gim J * ?* naptofc Let as {Htpttr* fatly to fbe mxrrtaost ri I :l mr caposkj for tbo mxI tpriaflt* tod ?ake '64 gjwi* j ooriy tantitai* ttdft war- lita?Mittt?lririfi?tf ^ aod add fofondrisfnotata. Kow is U* tin* for Mi tegMatta, b%b potxwtism. tod &*t dsn f?*s? apwd, |)mi ttdags MM be done; bRMfetb ..tiiiijn1. wmAsa dweofttoor nwhtf and #rw> rr '1 eo? MppwHL FtntberoKwis, letos d*rtfg.*s* people wr|Ms awls to tbtewar. Lttaftgo feto it villi OBtpfeot aafhari?n. Let tbs tiaiifbty doiitr rest for irifo If Mat *01 dMpdrKritk are before l^v, tt??wo bat* atresdy pud ikreugh t*ty atx*. W# tew tfea >3?note of wra sritbib on, tod let or waritoarerireeofttwift. A cooeaotiotiootof ttfodtad <-* * fwpmr w?. sdbtere oor Sttertf, The *Amh&/a*ibxi 1 wd teiariiri bo fl ifjj us si gm rwif iffniT irmoJ^Jk rnini MSB S^'^ipH p>wWI IMPHBMi Wf fwySSWUOO'* ctiflfoift wpjinsftem tad dkafflwrtir* w3l wostoa aod m&atafc It tea tSawJfor tatrtial oooonKteo tad uruftrinftnfrj of osodutt. The Sttfo deotodi tfw grari'wfifc tod aervteea of story dtcwo. JU1, *Q ?re rStafoMaaaffwadfefldBi^ Mtetakre tsar* b?? j awaattaA, tettewnAttenfoite(ao?biHer,?ri| 6*yi0%rftfm. WowAI &m*m mm *wl tsmmm frwfy mbm time feafcir or tfc&cfe am aoch a* to rat4hr gfrafr mryfcwgjtla to U? fetoratu of &e *# ?0ttdx7, ?fci*wfea? owgsarftw n m-at** diMnarioa i writy, tmraaay *?* pffi&w w*? wIiem *fl tottr. : m?mA iffwewUp. 6tttfiirp?t It to iofensw. Ita? to ffea 3&&rtel. Wfcfcojotll tirfeefeft! stSaeijoto 1 titofe *6l6wtiL wE 61* y g???? p?. pw&it* mdium of eafeinrakaUoa. Uf m U tn* taaowalm* nmrtiriki t#*citew of htomrr. j&A # go forvari. wcfe nx4 tvory our, ptvpstM to do rW? 4htft Uttd pHCA Wifi 4aw* <3# ttt Mid iad??todt*t ^aopfe. for tU day apaadil/ Mto wKrfe war *hal! wn iad j*o*fartty sHm Oft OCT feto&ooakad tOOOftfrv, JUasefjr m coniotf of aqttal &f*d? of Xorm, too ansfftjoit of *fea Omhti mad ttatoftk; tfea &t*?tatfeg raid of AuDit; \h* at ? /f' ;' tW^O^tiw SfcHlte of &e X*0*rkiMl* * Sfer sad ftoswtbeod fcwl ?f Kegtod, or U* iTfWSfci' . of Ctwtf* III, ac?iai4 %h* Cr&zfct of *M, ir? tot oMspoftfcfto to & Thtjr am Mom* tftJt {a Intend, b*ito& <taig? or not power of ow v ft*, novel! Mia tits tboragfe rtffetawww* of tto krv?M litir momiwm agnta* stack odd*, sod Mr giiwijilgiowllnMi <oMyoalhotwMm Tfcofef - fl|P rapw# wwH *? te?i it* ebiroW? tojmlM*. Itnm \ feataotamsicf ?wo?xs?|?j a von* fxa&oo fe Mx i OOttartfo &*? did Greece, SMftM*,Sjoia <* T?ftf& when ?nb? of its pow?tsfeat? igpgnimdead ?iota*d * jrttta *f?oW j ttMf Mir* ric&ted lh#if own U?ert>tsfee*! coda* sod t V: % ' ,$*ooote8?t. "Ti? smko to aUwwjrt an of Mr motfnf* Wo b**? wo frfcada of <***M<genM* f * Xompr. Oar point ft ife^?weumssr?if soferijr, an* fl 4*f & gwdanc* ctf Prorkko^oooofovni 1 .ftfed bear* heart* Wo fur* ? rati fee! to M end oor revtfae* wUi jwwflf sdrentage, ultimateIf. peri*?* jo snaking os took oof eg** sqtmttijr in ; tbn/*? tod preparing lor itt emergend**---a?d furt- j henac** \k$f prevent? rekisitaft of our effort*. . ??*'"" i *# I. * I.. GtJf. J(MX IX. MQft&A*.~~This dteUagnisbed Owr, * ; si paared Ihrrogh CoiambiS, ksi woek. on hN* way to { .Btehcnend. A geat&mao who n?4 with him ee tfe* ] aGieetml&f ireta informs the that Morgan, * ofter neiaerai* wtimtares, pesned through Comber- ? tend Oef\ liMi Tennessee riw, and crooned to f Wdhsftn, io IWs Ifttte, where be took the <are~?W* .J &ire seen i* stated that be spaeoft foot to WaJbalfe* Wel?'g?s???*??* theOfwwal prepared to ittvra f * ?nriM tfibk bestowed noon fcim trhife> ? I HT Ho*. ? St. Senator from Chester J dferf Hi S*CKW?s*,? Hotel, Colmabta, on Moo. \ *| 4er M?t.of fttwiyt?- H? bedbeea tick tiaee eboatLS jA ffwk befo* the *4je?miecet ef tbo Legabuire. } W , %M '"' # - *' * * " ' ' ' ' '*. r; . !?? _ >'.' : f<|ajgS "?}..-:?, v ,ci?i It'V ~ - . T, .W S> ** *.. I? TO ' ^^8fev ^Tv, ;7>v. V:', J''* ?"' '.i--? * * I^RATH OP J W. DOBV^ WQ. The death of this highly ropcubto cstixcn, which xcurmi on the 22d ult., ban cast a gtoom over our entine commoDhy.jjgor savors! years he was cashier o* iba Branch of the Bank of the State, at this plaoe, a$d fud teen elected Pft*idcni, in place of CL J. Stuxs&t Ksq., who preotded him to the grate stent three r^eka. 3Jr. Dour was 45 years of oH leaves !*hftid him a Urge family and &ucQercpjjHB?res to mourn hhkusiL Some one competent, wo hope, will wrrlf? m wxwutr Ifftmffl (n his mitnurr .L D8ATU OP JAMES T. LVi.FA R*s. On l*ih oil, Mr. Lrm* txcomd In ih;< 1 * town, Alii tough Mr L, bad titled but a few jraam ia ibis cwacjuaiiy; it nrw* k?ag enough tor bi? kmc qwire tbo oateon sad ct/n&ie&ee of all trbo knew him Wo an* proestowi an o&taarv from a friend wbofcna* him troll tor many ream. - I * Math OF CHIRK /crane# O'SEAL i Jou* Bnrey O'Neal U notour*. On the tiih ult be expired at bin resident*, in Newberry libUkt Truly a great man has feiten?<m* whose name j# Wee lilted with Swtth Orr?i?m lie ha* a number of vtJalions m this tNmkt who, in common with the ?lwfa State, will tMtum his death. He had nearly mm pic ted hit stvajjitjMBnt veer. t iwnrwa* - * % %3T ^ t?? gitd to team UtaMhe report* noticed b?u on Saturday had, of the effect of the tMliog oi Oharkftton by the Yankee*. on Friday t mm tprrtiij Xtfgerbted, ytall particular# of the a3Mr w? be faobd In our onbtmra u><i#r ?gT We send this number of the Journal to lh? SBbtcribefiof the late CosWmte. Ah who xiafe u. mttocribo, will ptetn wn4 tej their name** with the f*k*o( subfccTipUoft. Our terms are e?*fc. am) in nc mm w^i the paper he sent until it ta paid for. C 1 in i *!?- ' if ifc tm a>h*a? ^ - n i .! a * Aft !??? W HMW W IW WW* " Use Jusrn&i or at liwr Qfik*. ? ??? Jf T?>? reefer l? reSemsl to ow fourili poye, f- s a Bttbbrr of new ?*i*orU*Mrri?JA. WoitjTiw attention Vtifcocard ofD* Gtncx* of feriajr U>? of lite CWiiaiae *:*1 Cob** butt faxxtr, for ftsk. H * iU If footed oa our fouttt V&Attention t? ?Uo catted lo iboeard of Mefei Utti Ittr k Da tux, oflcriitjp lb# ofikv of ifec Horry jHtpaJ^A TAX OK PBdFKRTT AND CREDITS IK ERR SHAW DISTRICT. Wo bare fec*a faroWted viib the fottowsog *Utc meal by A. M Ktsxtotf, CoS'ector of lb* .War Tax a K*rU*wjDi*tfkt; \ * * Karat, 8wr*. .? $3?,t33 Witt#*. M?3 Cotton, bate* 1MI*) tfe. uapecktd, 1.463 l.tTMH Son tefctttd, ?&, &6d) 'Ivbmxvi |t3?0 Flow, Wo Hire. c 1300 Other ftftfoil prc*Tu, 64*40 ?Uh?,iy-4c **b*. $14.1 Si saw.- is?sa? - u.m Catth in ??4 tfefxtft* 40S.M2 Ci*4iis l,3tt,M # UOM*3 4 L|L_<? MASONIC. TV fcfcaring t**thn?ft wm iiutoJkd aSwa v K*a*vav Urn* So, t$n for tteyttftttof jr**r, ? Tim&ft evening taK:?2wan Srxnti.r, V. Jf. T, It $MJm & W. ?. D. Hocon. J. W * C A. Trtwnm. Turn L 2<&m> BwbiaitJ y. J. OaK*. TfWr, ^ J? L I>*>AC*n*Wi. ?L4h JRctuti* Hocon, J,& W. D 4*?at#r?*, ... ft. II. Busf^crr, fSMwwwW. IL tlvomon, Ch*pktn? * > # ? "? "- 1*1 m * At) English piper ?jr* that to {touching tb* ayekotos o* nwitot & h*?4, cbtWoo, Wife Affr ?!** atari. icqatf* taws % <tart*ffy ?f 10 1+ ?&to iSWrh t hsraas harr, awi thread it tar^ft aaothtfTOr tlw ifaowatool of vtoftor*. There t* a d?al of war phftoiopbjr to the ftUowtog screw, How oranjr pwpto tiwre are la tb* Sooth. whn ***o ?a aSmndatttttif th# Artoums Ward *o?t of pro iaction, XtUemiM Ward ?j*. * * f bAvo alh^djr jdN? two cootfns to the war, and ftrfnd ruddy tii ntcftftcce tnjr wife's tiretiwr rat horn &<* ee lb* ertorfct Aad, *xm tswt* to a u*? U st^ed ?tiwy drop of bi$4 jny #hfo-U&tod re?**him* utjgot to pMpfcout thenar/*' ? 1^1,-? ?.?* ? " *'i ? A N?*r Featchb.?A cortou* case came up s abort tiino since before the Supreme Court ft the city of New York. A voting gir!f aged ixfocn, was dismissed from one of the public choola fdr having refused to ping the chorus ?f an abolition school song?"Tho Battle lyinn of the Republic*?recently introduced, ler father Applied for bdr restoration, ami ap died to the Supreme Court for a mandamw? oropelling the rettoralion of the young lady to ier privileges. The justice refuse*! to grant he motion. The abolitionist** it wo?S<l thus ippwir* are making rapid advance*. Ifoubtless n a fbort time some alVslition tmrd will introInee into Northern schools amakramation *7 rrics* and scholars who refuse to endorse and ing them will be dismissed. Thank Heaven^ ays the Mobile Jhyi*ttr% the children of the k>otii are at last free from the inflnencc of 'ankee teachers llll?I? l D* ' ' : :k% ' ' $ DISTRICT OFFICERS. '* Tlw foltowiog appoistoenU for Kcrahaw District' i were made at the late aenioo of the Legislator#: I BAJUGftRS or ELECT10K& ? i Camde*?John 8. Mereoer. C. A. McDonald, W?* i McKaill. * ,J \ f Osrttox t M\il.?Frederick Bowcn, J*?? Team, . Emanuel Parlctr. i ftnl Back.?Jesse Tntcsdcl, Jame* Fletcher, George ' i K. Miller. ^ S [ ifc/ofc.?Wilitem Mtmgo, GHkm SotreU, "William I Cato. i Ltstxty*?John MrGoogan, IWrnl McCaflkfil, Don* < aid McDonald ? * SckriKk'i^kU.-^K T. McOt, Alexander McUn4 , 11 Henry Ratclifle. > j 6W*$a-# Becjaaio Cook, John B, Mtckfc : > S J?ch? H Vaogjbu. I Jliberty not?A, P. Jooet?, Jr., R. C. Palteratm, R. ' B. Cunningham. ... ^uutMtnvrna ap revt ftciinnia rrw m ???? ; w. Ifc It Workman. Wiley KcBoy, William Dixon. , Jatnea Team, C. C. Hail*. J?s? Tnra&l, Dantei Be&, two A. L iTcDoven. J , co?Mt?*so*Eft? to Armors rusuc sKcrnmss. John Workman, K, U. Kennedy, it B. Jobnaon. F. t L. &??*$*, L. W. It Blair, Jainca R. Cur* ton, William Ikilcltowatt JtAGlHTKAlX*. X K. Wiibettpoon, WiBUm t>. tlojaa, W. It 7*J* tor, CmUxk Mnaely. Henry Bros*. Jofcn B. Sfeaw, 11 Rfctard L Wfcluker, ? Barker. rj roxtft*sso*Eiui or hoads. A U L Wbimker. B, ? HcGoy, WUlaun K. Hogbc*. 11 Bnniet D. XirtUwl 3*m** iI Hctto-waft, Lwri* J. Bailor*^ J. EtaM Itofer, I>?rwJ 0. Rofcertaoa, I Lr&di H. Dew, wto N>*rU. Bkkaood It Ttmil | and Jfato Gbatey. ' Tb# sittfc Strtbo o?ihe "Act lo cuabikb err Ufa Ko*K Br&ge* ami December H. k . 1 Mi MtMMI . f mm rwvp* ? t *Thau ft^mfcwkncr ef R??r!? (ft etBe*. or hereafter apt""<**d, abaft serve ttatil a *ww*ar k in applaud. and baa aet*pb?L TUlt Sortteo So be it* H force during tto w. Kx-PiumDcrr Ptwao-The N'nr York Iferohl dt ' the ti\k siH t v?y? a cooTeotk** hx* been caikd by the 4 *$iau* Hifhu Amrocna Psr^r." of the ?<*th'w?& and KxdVsidmi Ptarc?> of NVw H*sjj*hin>, pia?$d . UdSof tb* peopie iha future ?at?jrMu?i <>f Unas!* and hi* policy. Tb* HeraM predated U?* triumph of tfw now porty. tot. ogcordtag to the latest paper* from ? Ibe CaHed Sui**, baa raeooamoM 6?, Grant as | lh? ma a %c head thai jart r. ' \ *J. K. Joexsro* ?Tto Richmond Wl^ an, j aoitftcni by acitlxtfiir. that tbi* MrvajrfbtteU soldier ! has few? plated io command of the army of Tenor*. see. *Tto peupS* of the Ctofird*r*rr hat? the higtotl j confidence ?n hi* ability. and we toftcr* wftl Welcome j hi* appointment as a proper tribute to hit worth. ^ j (Frq? the Sooth Carolinian J Our Jlcxl Covcrnar. Mr, Eorro*: The old rule in Sooth Carolina i | was to nominate the Governor the year before | the vacancy i? to be filled. This wat a good | rule, because it gave the people an opportunity to canvas the merit* of those proposed before the election of the representative*, whose duty it ? to select a fit person to occupy this high place. Of late years ibis rule haa been dtsreI garded. It is tone to retire a practice so con 1-. m - ,.f.u tr.,. i WrrailTP. S"" 'JV ??l incnw w i?v nun, ,i. If. Hoy kin, of Kcndiaw, who bate served with him in 1I19 Legblatune and in the ?mrt a?k Ic**c to prrwrni bit name to lbc$tateaft? very At man to wccced our preterit able and work1 log Governor. Mr,'Hoy kin U a man of ex\ prtieitct in public affair*, baring represented j bt? Ditlrtct lor man? rear* th both branches of j | the LegbJatm*. Of S?<* butinet* habit*, a* ? ; f proved by the admirable manner in which be 1 da* managed hb large estate, and the high character which he ha* a!?ava manuincd a* a pntdcnl and wbe legislator; of clear, calm, deliberate judgement, with firm pnrpewe and fixed principle*, be it regarded at a very proper per on to bo put at the head of affair* in ihctc trying lime*. lib tfiong, good rente will alwa|* lead him to fortify hit judgement bv taking control on all important micfttiorb witli lb*** who have experience and tne confidence of the people, lib ervicca It the artny. as tiie \ leader of a cavalry corpt, rni*cd apd e^uiped bv I hi hint If, when ho wax not required by law 10 take the Held, and to (he neglect of hit largb planting interest, it the highest evidence of hb ptlriotbiu and devotion to tbo gTcat cause for which wo are now batlling. Ho U not nominated with a vciw to excite a conical at thi* critical juncture, but simply be-11 1 ca?*o lib friend* think him a very proper man j1 j for the time*. It i* right to promote those \! w ho hare wrvtHi toe ?ute MHhiuur. it u ' aUo proper to take the Governor the next lime :' from tfoe middle conntrr. Since tho time of ' | Governor Hammond, this part of th? State ha* ! i not het-n represented in ftio Executive I)cp*rV ! ment, while the upper anil lower counlrv, and \ the SavaiiA/i Hirer region, have had able and j ] dialing a tailed men in the ofltcc. If a (jood limn 1 can be found, the next Governor should come 1 1 { from tlio Middle Country. lMriut&sMK*T.? We hope that the planters i ; of this District will unanimously conclude to 1 disregard lite late impressment notices, re<piir- < 1 ing them to retain ail of their surplus produce I < for the Government, in ?> far a* it rt-spcc's the i i j sale of product? to consumers. A disregard to j Jaw, (if it ss law.) either civil or military, should S 1 I not be countenance], except under circumstances j 1 ! similar to those which govern in this case. The j 1 ! calls of humanity and considerations of safetv \ ! to the country alike combine to induce the ? i producer* to furnish the poor with bread, the j j orders of Government agents to tb? contrary j notwithstanding. \ $" t m ' "ij S' \ ^ - . */: - V # ' * g saeeggssgggeg "| ? ? ' Two ifwtaoees of peculiar hardship, brooglt ibotit by this order, Ssfive lately fallen under >#t own observation. One was that of a solIk* on tick fu*lon?h? the other were two families of aoldiert. These were t?I4 by these * ffho had corn, that, in consequence of this action of the Government, their extreme want* soaid not he ?applie<L Hundreds ef similar cases no donht exist.* The people should not ?afJVf fe to be so; the? m*m supply Uve want* of these people, if they would do what hamauily and justice retakes of them, ami if they would preserve our armies from demoralisation, ft is too much to expect? of soldiers to remain* it their posts whet) their families arc su feting; for the absolute neeessaric* of life. \Vc baT? beard severe? gen?leBie? say thnU thev will continue to aupolr the needv, n* the? ? ?, # <* have done heretofore. lh? is what ail sflonicf do, and in oar judsrwtfnfc the? arc perfectly safe in doint? so. The idea of a man being. %r punished for seHrng ? bertjcia of cerr/ to ft needy family ? presort* ronx % Lmiemter Zedyrr* ? - ' ? ???> [From the Cliarietto* Merctirj-.J The Siryr-Oao Hundred and SeTen" lhuf* The Chrirttna* of 1863 wiH locate rciuem^ tered by those who passed the day m %? City1 ot Charleston. For boors before the eastern ?ky wis streaked with the first grey tisei of morning, the cold sight air wa%rcnt by olaer sound* than Use Joyous peal# from the bclf?T and the exploding cracker* of cxhiiiratcd boys. At one o'dock, *. the cnctr$ opened fire upon the citv. Fart and Crrio^slr worn the *belU rained upon the city fterii. five^garu? three at Kattemr Grrer. om at Cutmninea' Foisi and on* at the Sforiar Battery, Tho ihrlling was more severe than upon any former 0&a?on%"tbc enemy generally throwing from three to five shell* almost simultaneously. Our l?Uerit? promptly and vigorously replied to the fire, hut without their usual ctTecl in checking the bombardment, which was steadily maintained by the Yankee* dnring the remainder uf the nigbt ami a!! the following morning, until about haJf-p*?i twelve o'clock. Up to that boar no lew* than 134 shell* had been hurled against the city,'4 There w? no mora firing, until about fire o'ofock in the afternoon, u hen one more shell was fired. On Sunday morning about three o'clock, ibur shell* wero thrown in quick succession. They had been no further firing up to a late hour last night, Tt. i - t i , ine uanmgi', vie ate gisu to mv, mur cm proportion to the severity of the Ibu&ardment, Save?*! house* were struck, but in rnost instance* the tremendous mwdka bo vied thero* wire* harmlessly in the earth. There wero but two casualties; Mr. MeKnightr.n, aged S3, while Siting by Jits fireside, had his right leg ufcfeti off by a tfeol!, another fragment of which crushed the foot of his si*ter4n law, Mi#0Pla*ie, Up to last evening both sufferer* were doing WeH. &"j At bWuSnmtcr at! ha* Wen quiet since ear la*i t\ port A? old shell cspleded on Christma* day, wounding Privates Theodore leanl| am! Joseph Lee, of Company K, l?i S. C, A. Unr h&ur.v* kept-up a steady fire Sunday nftersuwon a Yankee working party at tho extremity of Cutnroing** Point. The enemy have closed the embrasure at Gregg* formerly accnpivd by our 10-inch Colwwbiad. They have now at Gregg hot one gtm (a heavy Parrot) bearing upon Fort Sumter, but they hart constructed the embrasure of Chi# place with a view to giving it a very wide 8eld of fire. On Saturday cvenim? our lookouts noticed that at the signal of a steam wht*t!o a Urge Yankee flag ww run up at their middle UftUery. In their Attempt to hoi?t it the "old flag" Wont up union dovfrt, s mishap which evidently eafocd much confusion amongst the crowd present On Friday moniirg, about daylight, in the mid>t of the shelling, our citiiena were startled by the report of henry and rapid artillery firing in the direction of Stoito. Many conjecturct were mnd?hnd varum* rumors circuited. Tho facta, however, as we have learned them, are m follows: An artillery and infantry foec&wMON dered up Thursday evening to proceed to John** Island for the purpose of rceonnoitering the enemy's position at liegareville, and, it possible, to drive aw ay or sink the gunboats gon L'rnlly King in Stono near that place, and also, if deemed feasible, to capture Uic garrison and post at Legareviiie. Accordingly, every preparation for the exp<s liton having been made, the batteries were got n readiness and everything in position by dayight Friday morning. At the hour fixed, our batteries opened with spirit itpon tbc Yankee gunboat Marblekeod, lying Jabotit three hnnIred yanl* from the wharf ot' the village landing. The Yankee garrison at I^egarek was found to be strongly posted on a little island, with a narrow defile leading to the village.? Col. Page, of the Virginia brigade, resolved to make an attack an the enemy's position with the field artillery and the infantry, and awaited the driving away or sinking of tbc MarbUhead t>v our fevge gnu* Jrom the *ljarf. The gnnboat received ocr tire in ?ilcnccfor about twen- * ;v minute*, and then opened with full broad* rtdc*. < >?r hatteriea continu ed the engagement ibont an bonr, but failed to drive her away. The Pawnee and a fttorter boat, during the iction, ran up the Kitwah River, opening a -iiiac