OCR Interpretation

The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1864-1864, January 01, 1864, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93068003/1864-01-01/ed-1/seq-3/

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boary fire OB the flank and rear of oar loner
batteries, aad compelled oar troop* to fell back
a ehori distance. Tfcefoa* on tm? ride was
& Private W. II. Ancrom, of tlie Palmetto Guard,
killed oa lbo field, and five other* severely
woonded, two of thero mortally, and rinco dead.
The bet words of the gallant Tooog Ancrmn
wm as exhortation to hi* comrade* to preset
cms and save their piece*, regardless of himself.
Eight artillery lwrw? and oiwf ambulance mule
were killed. Xo ejwttaiities eccarVed among
In conaeqaeace of U*e 1?&8 of mrr nonc*, two
howitzers were kit behind, ?fbteb were after*
ward* brongiit in. at a kief boor in tbe erentog.
The expedition wa* wet! ftassod, but
- |?rtlr tsbcamed from unavoidable eonUngcnOa
Oxtr troops however, h*r?$ been tSit&obi*
by the trial, ami win vet snow wbat t&cr arc
aula ts> ?ccostjplisJi wfteneter ther arc called
^ t^poo for actkm.
Wc have had nothing of *ptckl intemt to
mate since <wr b?t -fern,. Between 10 ami It
o'clock on Monday morning five shell* were
thrown into the citr. No one was injured.
' At Fort Saxater all is quiet. Colonel Elliott,
eomacdi^r, report! that the encmj hit now
? bet one light gun bearing upon lb? fort AW
day Monday signalling vu Relief going on
between the Yankee* on Morris ItSa&d ana the
fieri ?tttski#, The comber of reaeeb iiaoco the
bar, etc., t* abooi the Is ratal |
The enemy fired ten more *M1* at the city
between two and three o'clock Taesday morning,
&*e of wbicb fell ftb^t Ihtring'&c day
^ torac heavy gring wa* beard in the direction of
)$toao and $ec?*sionvyS?% lb# cats*# of wbicb
War not ascertained. About ?i* o'clock Tnc*da?
cfcning the crwmi? rc-opened fire on the
city, and kept it op notil aeven o'clock.?
TwoSre tbelb were thrown, with aboet the u?iia1
effect, the damage being oaroparitirely trifling.
Onr batterio* kept up a constant fit? on the
(enemy thnmgbont the day, and cc?cd firing
at night.
Affair* at Fort Sumter continue* <jn*cU?
There *a& no change of importance among
Jhe rrml* oI the fleet.
? ?'"* TlaA ifl ^tK? ?<tf?
'litd *i *be ?*f thi? morning. Xobwly imtl
The beard tn the direction of Sumo ?m*
v u fakement between our Utteric* at $ccoMtonvsL-e
ami. tbe enemy at Light Home inlet,
on B&*k I*Iao<L Toe gunboat* were &i*o
V IiUmL caunltb reported.
The Yanktc* are throwing up bcary
* work* opposite Secmkmriitir, iber arc aUo
landing more pm# at the Inlet. They hare
(ewmmenftd dragging the channel abrcnat of
.of Wagner with two bargw, for tbe auppmed
guffme of taking the Weebawkcft; The cnefiny
we again a|work cpon Grog*, and bare
0&moaad tbe emhrawtre, with 1 (brock Coloro.
foiadt Leakag sspoo Fort Sumter.?Co/aaikm
dUmvrdtan. * _
* sa&roosn.
IUoixoyo, Jtotober. 28.?One hundred
jt&d fwettlg^At^riiJr m<icw bare been reGtrt**I
attle Libbjr prison.
Om^tmn&r Chdd aeat dowa five bandied
Tasked ** -eauibange /ar sk ?enfcderai$4
bnmgbt.-WCo^ J'oinii but embraced the op.Jjp|Somtf
to inform Hiiebcock tk Cooicdmie
^mbontks oottld bokl no communication with
Genera! i'attacand eeqneateS that m furtHer
. * effort* bo jussdc a g* partial esdhatge of
The recent 6re in Yorktown resulted in tbe
'Um of smt km than one million dollar* to the
Yankee gwercio^t. The fire broke out in a
hospcul and estanded to tbe arsenal provided
h itecaendoo# report fulb>w<ed.
Exploding shells and taming bearm were
scattered ia everv direction. Twenty fire per fen*
were injured and every teniae la tbe town
* The nest morning tbe main tnagxtk* vu
reached. The captation which took place
tbook the earth for many miles around.
nos tiic wast.
DatToa, December 2(t.?Intelligence having
reached here dav before* yc*te/d*v that a larsrc
wagon trai? belonging to the eneajy was
moving fro*? Chattanooga toward* Knoxriile.
Major General Wheeler tw ordered to take
whit troop* of Im command that could fee
spared* from the front and, if potable, to cap
tare it
lib force, sixteen himdred sl/ong. under Uie
^immediate command of Brigadier General Kelly,
reached Cleveland yesterday morning.?
landing that the train had not punned that
root, be pushed towards Charleston, Tenn.,
whan bs encountered a brigade of the enemy
&ad&o*e their, to their reserves, within 9 two
miles of that place. Our little band had th?
* fortification to see the last of the wagon train
putt through the town safely.
The enemj's force was competed at eight
* .thousand infantry. Orders were gives to fall
.hack, whew a Yankee cavalry force of five
thousand, which had been thrown out to flanfc
our fcroops, was observed, and their object corn
jpfeteiy fruatrattd by the $k\\\ of our cominan
der. The enemy's approaches were cautious
,$a if apprehensive of an ambuscade. The\
ab> & ~
./ "$*$& 4
,;? '' ' t : 'if *
??MB? ?p?
? V
evinced no deposition to charge, bat kept op a
running fire with revolvers
Tbe tetreat was conducted with cotwnm mate
and succ&a. Lieut. Pointer, of General
Wheeler's Staff, was indebted to his courage
and coolness for a narrow escape. Two of tbe
tnmy bad their sabers drawn over his bead
and demanded his surrender, when he "deliber
? . ? *. ? i j .1. . .1 ..
ateijr arcw a \>mou xmea one, ana .me outer
lied ?fier dtsehargeing hit revolver, the *hot
passing through that officer * orcrcotL Otjr
cataaluie* turn op ?two killed, fire slightly
wounded and six taken prisoners, The taw on
the part of the enemy * a* ttx killed and ten
or twelve taken prisoners.
Atla5tas December 23.?Later intelligei.ee
from liooston, Texas December 3d, via
Shtcverport, La., December 18lh, hssjott been
Geoeml Kirhr Smith hat taken the field
against the Yankees in Arksoax The cnctnv
bold Little I lock with * force Mppowd to be
a five thousand strong. under the command of
Steele* The season t? dnrj and the country is
in excellent condition for military moremcnu.
The river* are lower than thcr hare been known
j for rcsttK
In Texas the Yankee invasion it the sole
topic. &ottng and old art pleasing to the
acetic of action with unprecedented nnanmitj*
The people arc moving their negroes and dri*
ring their caUie into the interior, stripping the
ooast and teating an open licit of 6ftv utiles
The enemy at Matagorda Pa** arc preparing
to adranee along the beach to the month of
1 the Brazo* river. The Yankee marine batter j
tea on the ?ieat?en? on the MwsWippi. hare
committed great havoc on the West aide of the
river. The enemy bare been raiding aoroc ten
! mile* inland, stealing everything, erca down to
. negro blanket*.
lat**t svaoriCAir vtwa*
1 nicvtwoan, December 27.?We hare advice*
from Liverpool to December 12,
ll?e Confederate steamer Pamparo ha* been
formally acifed by the Cttrtom*, authorities
"The /fa/7**Atf**w>rk is rapidly approaching completion
at Calais
ttimia, in her reply to the proportion (or
an European Congrow, eipromc* an ardent desire
for the pacification of Europe by an andcrstanding
between the aovcriga*; bataaya it?
?. ^4 - a t?
IWtapWilWC mu UH9 JMR|WVr VI IUC rivnvu
should define the h*ri* upon which the .underj
standing should be established.
The A Mama wa? expected at Madras. The
<'Vnfcdcrate Loan ?r? quoted nt 36 a 46. The
Liverpool Cotton Market wan firmer, * and price*
1-2*1. higher, (tonaob 6L
The llnti?h Crown Uwrem bate pronounced
the . ondcttwation of LritUb bark $pri*pM
by the New York IK-trict Con ft Illegal and
% elation*, and Lord Lyon* k to remotunrate.
The J Ultimo?* Gxstti* wti that the two
*!earner* built at Glasgow for the Confederate*
hare Uccu purchased by the Euariaa Government,
Otuyoc C. IL, DwmW 2fi,?Gen. Itowcr
made a circuit of the entire Yankee array
during the pa?t week. Starting from Fredericksburg
and entering the Valley at Conrad**
Store, he burnt the bridge orer Poncft Head
Stun, near Langaton Station, joaloot from Alexandria,
capturing and destroying the troops
left a* guard. Owing to the nigh water and
bad weather, he was prevented from doing
? * > -
more*, itfcgg? i noxcg cjitwij |Ni?wg w?
dul not overtake bim. Homer waa forced to
. * ira Use lin!) Han, Oar km wa& very altota*
if any. . ? \ The
enemy, while in pursuit, destroyed two
UnnefK* containing leather,* at Sperrrirille,
Rappahannock county. Abo,.two tanneries,
a door mill, and tome Government workshop*
at Tom, in Page county. ttty committed
many other piwmi, including the taking
ewer of negro**, ami *hot a Confederate named
Smaller,'at Washington, Rappahannock coutt*
ty, after awreodering.
' Parties ju*t from Culpcper report the enemy
ia he pulling dawn all the racial and outhousea
in thmr Utm* including all the churches, to
coa+invrt winter quarter*. The enemy arc
issuing ration* to c intent in Culpeper county.
Th? enemy moved some infantry as far 10
this direction as Mitchell** Station, on Tbura*
day evening, to aet as front pickets and relieve
the car airy to go rearwards to recruit,
& %
Fort Jacacaoy.?The mutiny of black troops
m tb? oar of the Vankaot it a feature in the
war. It will prove a tboro to tiie Yankees and
'?tttfMmlwrtM in U/Ml/in
j>rwMM' u1~?? ? " -v-i,*.,
and Eictrr ball. The example u one likely to
Income contagion*. Sambo has already found
out that Yankee? do not know how to treat re*
speclaide (Urine*. It take* the Southern gens
ticrnao- to know how to place and to appfei
ciata him. The suggestion hat been made
that President Darit ought at once to offer
i by proeWtmation freedom to every Soothern
i negro who it enlisted in the Yankee army,
s on condition of coining to om linen, w&h hit
: ?nm and accoutrement*. A general contra
bind llegira following ?uch a prodamation
would astonish and frighten Abraham Lincoln
, ont of ai least two years of hit time of pcrpetur
a! dictator.
% ' >
w v'_' ~ - " 'C -r- r* r .w? .
* :f|&
*' #'*' * q it.':n
^)fL - -IP ' v-;
M' -*f, *
Gen. Bank*, by the way, is having bis temper
sadly ruffled by events in bhtoiiiury do.
minions. Dick Taylor bangs his generals
wherever be meets them ; the Mississippi nver
is too hot for b? transports, and now his niggers
bare turned upon him, mordcrered all the
Yankee officers over them, aid are holding
Fort Jackson fm the benefit of their lawful
) master*. Banks must be disgusted.?Mobile,
; Jltyiitrr.
* - ^ * ,B
rT*l?a mac i 1m .1 l.laa. ikam in i*>w\r)
1HV vwy VIWB HrjMi ;
time with the bc*1 husbands tbe army affords
?arc plying their tiny firgcn jealously for tbe j
benefit of tbe soldier*. Tbe Savannah Rqmtb j
/#>? * M?J>J
The knitting of seek*. glorea, and neckties \
has been a Regular employment among them,
j anlf many a dollar hat passed through our j
! hands alone, that eras the product ef their
wrings and handiwork. "We hare before us j
i sow the noblest contribution of them all. Lit- j
tie Bessie Hamilton, of Bryan County, has sent
\ t? Ha excellent pair of sock*, and one bhndrcd r
| dollars which, to a f*ot? .accompanying them, ]
aho boff* i? to give m a "Cbmtmau piescot" to j
the aick and wounded roaldicrm.
Tribute to Ifk'JIctnory of CttsrlciJ. j
At a meeting of the Semkm of ibe nresbnerian
Church of C* ^i?s, beld on I be 27 lb i mU pment.
Rev. & H. IIat, end Jobs Workman, W. H.
a Workman, a J IfcCieigbt end A. Sf. K?*rfjr,
Ruling Elder*. The fallowing preamble and r**ela*
Uoa? were unanimously adopted:
gtootUwlani renting of the Sewooo cf ihl* Church,
we have been called wpcm to mourn Uie dtwlh of e be*
j loved aod uacfidmember-CIURLKS J. SIlANNOX,
1 who hat been as active Ruling Elder since the 28lh of
| October 1832, at which time he wa? grdaincd, having
j tanked with this Cbcrcb on the Irtof M*y previous,
then under the charge of Rev. 8. 8. Parse, & D.~
Punctual and regular inbU attendance,bb i&terocorae
\ with bfr bmhna in Urn 8**km was Always oarttoo*
j and agreeable; firm in bis optokma, ha aver manifested
< Oiri#?*?u meant to Ute cminkrtss of othora?of sound
i j&dgmrat* aod deeply l&tmtttd to the spiritual w*J?
Ut* of the Cbtnrh. Committid to the overnight of
the Sesato, hi* vlcvri were highly valuedand m*bed
with that to which they were emHled. Ia
the reception of number* to the church. it was always
an ocoaskm of IoUt*?< to hint, and com ooeld laii to
sit the cordial welcome he extends*! totbtm.
On U*? 24 inu?:cnh having served his gonsreito,
early eootpfetia# hi* totb year, he pasard frccn time
I to el*roity, after a brief illaeat of sixteen days, to mart,
we bstsbiy trout, in the bosom of that Sartor, whoso
profetttd forraat he was. Be ii
/famfeed, That we deeply tatmrn the death of tmr
I brother, C J mujtxo*. and shall ever cherish a grateI
fttl recutle.tto of him ttitrfcoww? and bnsbw ly regard
j as a member of this Seaaloo. ^
/Wt*< That Utb tmuwto he enured upon ow
hock of record, and a pege he dedicated \o hit mean
dry, with bis ago and length of time a Kultog Kid*.
ArwdocC That a copy of tfcu tribute b? ftintUhed
the ftuniiy of cur deceased brother. and published in
the IVnwU Journal and ttothero Preabytrrw?n.
From tbdlitao:** A li. K KSNKDY.
December 2ft. !$?. Cfefk of Scssto,
PfWP-In Camden. R C. <? Ttmday. December '
U. IMS. #f*d 21 y?,r*. KM If A W. STOCKTON, j
wSf?* of lieutenant Edward C. Moefctoa. C i S. 1
jo the commankxi oC the Catiiolk Cbordv la the '
croCkWtK* el a certain fcilh, and in the cocnfewt of a 1
rvatcosb!* religion* end tody hoj*, aim atop* in 1
Jo?ua> Grade, kirely ard s&Labl* e warn fhettd. a
dertxcd wife. i tender mother end ntncm Ctihethm \
Thocf^i a etrenpw among atreogn**, the had jnt lead* <
benetf e hem* tr? metiv Heart*, who, white titter mourn
her ?*Hy tote, ?m*i feel that ehe hash hw ensured info
the met <4 God?lying down wish her Sevtoar in
ihath, to rtm with Him to the life Immortal "Thank*
ho nnto God who gtvetb tu the ricbarr through our
herd H.
nil m tbajlsl ?S?w?ml*r ea the bloody fteM f
ChkhameogiO^ h UXBALD, eot of the hmvm'tbd
beet w>Wk** $? the CwMtWf, He entered the
aervfcw oCJNRtaifedefete State* oa the ftth oC April
IM1 aa?^Hvato?ad 'waa promoted on the Uth
Hay. IMS, ?the office of Sergeant, which poet he
atWi till (a tila aflMNk Hm Imti in^l
with ftUaoiry ba lite memorable banks oC M*n*sj*?a
Fkto, 3?*lta cratod UWuiwod, fe*ryiaftd
Heigb ta, &t?r psbtttg. Getlyitafg iwl Chidwnw^
>wta* h* aspired, pwrwd through lit* tatt% *>bl?
- doing hi* duly hi wmurfa d of On, K, td ?o, <? Ifcegi*
a*>?i fia native t>i?iriei hat reason to be proud of
bin. cw*?f to mourn hi* low. He tbepa the ?fefp of
the Ware IV*** to hi* aatau A Kwrto
A LI arson* havhtg claim* agpta* the aetata of
J*ie Wttan,d?***edt w8l?*?Mst tba tww <to*
ly attested to toe, and all person#Indebted to add aetata
wift ptetw make payment to me el their rwpac- 1
tier tsdttadnraf a&an eefty day. ?
? J. J. HtaUBKK,
Janacry t 5m * Admmtarotor.
A LL pereen* baring a bunfteaa or proAwstoc regie*
/\ kwi, are required to tab? out a new registry 1
from the 1A instant, ami pay the one. Also, to r&tke
return* of sales and pay on the same lor the quarter
ending klrt oil t
The iax on iwoma and mlarwa, rants and all other
ct-tipationit are now due, and returns are required ?o
be made Murmg the month of January. The Asm*
*>r will be found at ro? office ?wj day (Sundays excepted)
during the month of January, Notice w01 be
Ipiwj wh^n the A M*a?or Will rfc*t trws air? treat precinn*
in the FKttnct. /&. ML K KENEDY, ,
JeiDATT 1 5 C. lith 0. IX
- . t t ! | , j
January 1 1
* '
" 1 J1 'I' MMKBBJgggEI^ CIRtmB.
ft On Sttrral SfkOeri Board* cffy&f fit At Steie.
Colt misi. 8. c., De*.*3?1w8.
X aercrai IK*lricts end Pariabe* of thta Slate, Mm
hereby notiStd ibat, onder tbe rcfjatftmefiU of tbe
Act of December )?, 28 S3, entitled "An Act u> male#
prorinion for"the wppon of the fa m Use* of cokfofli t
Jrocn tbia State in the Confederate aod Stile mrioe,
the amount appropriated by aaM Act has beea appoft
toned opoo the baa in of the white population tbowa
* * ? - * ?* !_ .1^ .1 _ 1..I
i>y in? c*L-?ua w j??y, asa mi jone mi uw kbwbw
below, Tbe Ad afortsaid reqeinag the prer&ows
of the "Art to make appropriation* to aid of tbe famillie?
of ?oW5er*,>* dc, ratified Deceabcr 18, 1$CS, tn 4
be observed, notice la also hereby given that after one
fcenb of the aatooot now mbjert to the draft of the *
Chairman ot each Board haa beta' drawn' from the
Treasury, a statement ol tbe tras&tctio& of each Board
m required to be made to the TrewtrhrPbf the Bivbdoati
in which the Board la located, before afpp further paymeat
can be made, which will be tbertaiief spc? quarterly
drafta upon the Treasury*
Cftairtnaaof theeeepeetive Board# are particularly
requited to aopeMiotfitta with tfcie office at aeon as
they are prepared to proceed in Sire discharge of their
dtJiicA. Pari*ncirtr attesttafia c*ra to tbe Act of
Decern wer 17, 1868, (poUwhed in xhrGwdut* of Slat
inrt J ui aU **? W? U>*7 yi^rti
u> b? nutde to (bit o& & beicreiko flm day of fcbnt>
?fj twit, which rrpofti *hou& pro Ih* suorttiiftfcNi
rtqalrodictrtwhrtimowa, ftreotiforarity thi tb*>
porMootof Mid Act JAMX3 A. BLACK,
Cotsptrolfer GoaawL
AbbevtOe. #1%M?
Acxtam, S^4w
Boreweb, *?,?? 41
Owner. 11.M4 W
QwmiMd, IJ.4W so
CUrcodoe, 0,903 10; .
Jfetftegtoe, K.dui 91 .,
KfyHtetdt, * 2^m OS
FoWWd. U.0S5 OS
:'i *< 2?tm4Sr
Jtexfeftw, SyOSS IK
i ? tsi*.** u
MUKHSWT, (VfttlV f?
Laurvw* lt<$93
Lftxinjgtoa, K^O
Maiibgfo, - M26 It
JUwtenj, ^ 11,463 99
umk, 6.34t It"
Picton* 14,313 K
Rrcfetod, 1MW St
?pfthaiib3rg, SLtU S3
Sunt**. .18,333 19
f*.M?b?w% r 3,313 33
Cnioo, 11X9*9 19
Tofk, * *6,616 33
Ail aim* %9i9 30 ?
CferiK Ornish, l&rr 99
Hoc?j% *Mx 63
Marion, ^ 13,163 63
Priw* tei Wizty&h, 4,431 &t
Prion* WUfea* M? 36
8L Aodrcvit, 633 43
J6L BartlKMMBCva, 3,613 33
St. eccrffert M??tir 3,963 63
Sl Josob** Qoom 0<?fc, 3,663 61
?k^ww* Saatees, 169 63
fit Jobn't Btftekfr, 1,613 33
a Johft'iCvUtto?. 5,641 91
a Kiim, ,t,61t t6
a tote* 3,4)3 9
a tank 1.693 91
a Pttw*. " %*6$ 13
St PtiijtM ?wi8LMie4i^L * 49.993 92
& Stepbaw,
Si 7homft? and Si. Desmia, 440 tS
ftllhwlwn, 4,91313
)?owj 1 1 j&,4W 40 *
I II ! II I II I 8% ' Mil" I Ml II I I II I II II ? A
PKBTKD m any mm, and tqmasMf feradvertWagt' s v
gfr trofk tad ??Wdpiioa to Tax Caxbsx Currta
nurr, wilt naltt Immediate aHsSraMnt ey tsott or *
??h. by the fin* of February aext, aa X with to oteaa
my book* by that tfa*. Tho** at a dfetosee ton lb*
town way the at Otftdeo, S. C.
AU <xbrt? tmf find feto at hi* 9&Q& ia Uw rear room
n Mr. J. M. Ga/ie's turn iv&xl qt Eatraooa?
North aid* of the Market. 5?1 &KESBMA&
/notary 1 ^ ' f / *
T# the Planter* at Krralt&w nanl
Lancaster Utatrteta,
HAV1KG been authorised by Mftjtt I.&&
SLOAN", Ofllroiffc* Qaart*ra***tof of South v
CsratSM, and Hefcr C S. CASKlNGTOK, Q M.
Chief of ?<**? Oe|?rt?a?t, HfcfcswH Virginia,, tor *
cottect the Tax is Ki&d, *** Vor^o of ?y aetife %
Bifir?d r?
1 mo* reapoclfbnj mforn the Racier* of Kershaw
arid Lftocaatof Dwtriont thai I a? now prepared to iaw*
whilaacka may ha required to boW ihe>Tttfc?
^ rJTI^rv,i. . v. i??L Mr WM D KTYItrtlf
(wboaa fcrfwc^turtrr* am nk Cataden) in authored to
mow pi m my mw fof *bmtew ami Oats nur
be delirmd to turn, and In tttrj instance but receipt
wtQ be a good voucher to the JUMNT tor the amotsst
! bet tkalewy Planter will feel it bis duty to gtt*
the ali jidpotire bit prompt attention u our armies * *
aro mad*la need of com and oats*
! am authorised pordutttng^Quartan&sster for Dl*.
trie* So. a, and as the prku of 90m has ham pot bp
to $3 bO per bftthel, I trust ercty bushel not abao
lately requital for home ooneampdoo wilt he reported
to my agent, who to always ready to boy end pay the
money tor the same. Terr respectfully,
JAMES SOWERS, Cfcpt end A. Q. It
Florence, & C, December 12,1S&1.
January \ x tf
AjCfood Chance to Invest Profitably!
T^HE entire outfit of the Awry DitpUch, iodadra*
A Pr?w, Type, Ic, all nearly new, will be acid ate
bargain. Buy while you can. Apply to Gilbert Jfc'
D?rr, Sumter, &. CI
ESTATE in the town of Camden. Also, several
likdy and rahiabfe Kegrpea, among them house aer*
rant*, washerwomen, amftreaaM, bekwKr?g to
the residuary estate of the lata Charles J. Shannon,
If to* disposed of a* private safe, the shore prop
erty trSI be aokt at pewte *?e> bistro the H?rir< in
CexBdeo. on the first Siocda? is Febjoery tiwxt, femn*
the first day bf the maaih, f
Junuryl , %
I ? , "<
... ' . -.A

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