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rXltra ^oi tlj(3 I tM^aUiaCUy. Promo* to the battle of Mi*> ?iV ndg?t the Yankee army vos reduced ?f ; $p stanraticm, and their mules and horse* <daily t>y. b n nd red s for the want of Will ggy * *?9 Yankee! cut down ail Che corn \, - tftdh# and n^weed* standing m the country p^ rnyvtm<i ^nd haidod tliem mtoU>we for their EOUlk 3CHTC9 iivttl IMV ??'! Vv'r^ ??~ *ekiioirj?*ige a !?** of fifty two lumfloel and wwndcd iti iW late battle. |lod in the tenure were hauled down tridge and buried in the graveyard at K$(&. Their number w? about two] ir *h?d has been eoMrertcd into tt i^M 6 ?U v aroatm! thp laws, fence*, f bouses shared in the gsser* * ** ....fll $J*There is not a fence in a-dox* ' tn mfe. of jEwaw The da* tt*idctM? ?f2Jr. | ^^^J^stera down and the ianat^r barst I 1 %e trt6$d&ety of the reHiug mill* whiJi t wes foingmeted fey S. B. Lw <fc .?*, w? . vhars^ IsKt 'at oid man trngrcd Rifey^"pe&tted ^ t; est Umj ^I where it ws* interred, and when mt itfatnmt left* ft nctaber of Yankees were engaged iemamctfe^ rt. They had a&e V dagttp a *ic*n> mpne barfed by TIhwsw Webster 4r''lCe^ near their foundry, and taken ?' ^ MW with the canine belonging, to the Mloise, and one they had taken front D. Kay tar, stid placed then, at the river, and were growing- W?r apoa Hog hill, and from that 4 * p?at%en5 dfeiribasieg h ibroagiimii the town, % wad fiheir carapa by the aid ot iru?j?li*. I; " ^ The Unfoaist* were, an a general thing, trea* v ted m feyiy ?* the Southern people. Bill Cruid>?cl4*:who was ordered out ofCh sltanooJ g* by Bragg, and whoawasi the met jfedl v tcfeedibc Yankees and remaiad! with Cru-I tewfeaVeotfctaa&d oppnttto ChafcUnixjga da-l tag the shelling of the place* add who was * his efon* in their favor, was <&?pp*? aff#flryihiag. ? Ji k ti#k4 thai he * .W?US> ?9 WJQ W WW? ??WHVM?W^ "?? -' . t&e dftrtm&km ?f Ik pmpett*! *??! dtasaggjed * a pm'io spmc Bw*tht mving tfeat fee ?Wd wfo ?*,e. tfwt fee wedkl fee hum, aim * mtted Ifee aattef^aiefelf wtt. We ferfWtc V TS^etjiec* fined urn? & we were k, cowpci&d to l&ivesi (Wt*mwir&, ?j*d wiiii ,, ^ ?cw tjrp# mgthkk <wr War BalUtm vm * - * jmmtdt *m: prmiog their Offers p*per% etc* {t?st] ~ JPfl^^ ommfeeiV eflk?* Tfe?? * . Vsus occupied** > ^ * fe^^tSMSer*. If' Geo* Tfeoai&i.?CkatSM&ttf& J<** i*m?, i Jpfee fe*? Wl (MMiicg ^jwa First J^teaiat ie Confederal c *<rmc<% mod feat vmtwl times ?*&p|S torn different places of c^fcetot&t, fe^la oat of^ro guard. feefi# 10 large. B*kI Mtvvitr ? about 2$ veart efd, flril feel tea, iccfeei feifffe^ aelbw cofiopfexioru coahe | feair, lot ioMy ; ? m wSsw. or torn, fee tad or wfeec jm feft - * - -? . - W I . ? - y? t Vil'j-i.?Offii;iai xv v ^** gmnl Win ?^t ul UL. ^ L* s*li*?t imp* ???L. *$?*, Bat ^ fzl?n"w?! 8OTr ^ia P~ !^f., e?t, ^P* *eoi ?iUi Ui? vjcwcf j^^pwbostafrfog tfcc eajr cr.lii tie ^8^0 w*hry csffll ??t ?t?l got m hk rtut* sffts*1 -?~? * - ?*?? if ^c?a# oet mg vj* *sa down we river, *n<* of K#tcb?*.~C??xa? * J YmJjm&o* V+gm ilfel &e Nortk ^ * * ' r>: ' l1'11!,.1, . 11 1 .".J"". . J L?. I .'-J Patriotism of Souihcrn Women. The cheek glow* and the heart swells with honest pride at the recital of the noble acts of sublime heroism and self-sacrifice displayed bv our bonny Southern girls. Hearken to the story of their wort has recited by one of their most intense enemies. The writer is an anny correspondent of the Chicago Journal, who confesses that his mean Jijjie soul shrunk beneath tbeir withering look of batoll&d pride, s God bless 'era : I I *baii never be done admiring the patriotic I faith ami untiring devotion of the loyal women of the land, but 1 tnu*t toll you that the rebel women of thc,&outh are worthy in everything but t *acnd c&tfteof their Northern Thcrc l? nothing they will not Mirremlcr with i fc Mnile; the gemmed ring, the diamond bracelet, the rich waidfobe* iliej? cut up the rich carpel* for soldier*' blankets without a $igh; jtljcv tdte the 6ttc liocti fnr>m their pernm#" lor P& c Jaamge& Wb*'U !U0?of Lonftlrrct'* men ^ - **- ,J~ t\f w?r ic)w>nf CfUHU Bp W prnvuvm vt >- *?? , **? ? .... Ui? r^uglVeiML, wiltei fellow* the sun ever shone on, nod a Sight of stair* in the hulldmg Sacy twspted fell, faffing and mounding a large ntmitai of them, you should hacc ifecti i tl*o fair young inMorc**** come forth from the bid aristocratic mansion*, bearing restoratives sim! dclieack* in their hand*; mingling in the dying cfobd, wiping away the Uo&J with ihcir while'"fmtidkercbick aud altering words of *hmhl bare wen them doing this, with is vine!red* of Union fcoMicw al! around, and abtffing hack 'an the rongh blackgnatdt of rebel* a* they are left. But tn aff thm was a defiant air?a pride in their Immunity strange y> ac& Of a truth, tbcv carried itotf grandly. And almost all. thow girl* were *n tnosrning for dead tcfceU?brothers lorera, friends, * horn these same giris had sneesed into treason and Aviv*ft into ion. afiri Li!ta?r*d a!! the .Sooth with their grave*, ?m) ibc least they could do was to wear black for thcin and flaunt black from the window Msmk Clothed be their fr$ate in sackcloth! 1 **id they were worthy of their idstrfa at the North in ?U hot their righteous cause, but 1 aaid wrong. There H a bitj temc?R? there are glimpse* of the Pythonm that make* you shrink from litem. JUat they are fearfully m earnest; thev are alm?%t grand in itdf-sacriflyc, Oh^ thai lUcy were true and fotitog dasghtcf* of the old dag I The C?rc ateit Utorni Etsgltse. Say what you will, it a no a*& talking, poverty 14 more'pUent and powerful, a? a moral engine, than all the "Hynftaa and *oda water," law, logic ami pmon discipline, cfcr atartpd.? Ati a man wants, while he ha* a chance \o he honest, and to g?f? along smoothly, i? a good iHitalkm and two dollars a day; give Mm S*? dollar* a day, *nd lie get* hay am! ?arcl?**; while at ten, or a hundred a day, he U wire to caJuiaie beastly feelings, eat and sleep to ?*? JmimWi v&m*. or a rollefiftxditiciaw a |?oor mat* in misery applies to Got) lor comoi&tioo, while a rich mat) applies to bis banker, *ud trie* on a "bendbr.^or goo* on a tour to Europe, and Mudic* foreign folly am) jfebch hc^ows. I'ovejty b grval; in a Christian-'tornmotiity or a thriving ullage it i% c<pt*l to martial law," it* snnpreadng moral rebellion an,] keeping down Uju "dnnJi-r ?' Ami bow faithful, too, t* poverty, ?ty* Or. Ltticrage, for it ticks to a man after all bb fribsuk ami the real of mankind bare deserted !? /Wlrmtlwdpr. ^ L9ntO40MMK*a?aa?BMt?? A* i*ctn*?T at Garrraiioa.?A surgeon of the Virginia anny relate* the following incident: A? I vai packing rov way through a crowd of idle spectator*, at the Ur.d corps hospital, Gettysburg, one of our wounded, from a North Caftdina regiment, called to urn in a feeble voice. I went to him, and ho*aid; "Von are a* Confederate surgeon, am too m*r 1 I answered hini, MYcs; what can I do for yo?r - .r*k, I Ho caught mo nomatlr be the arm, and in a manner very striking and vary eloquent, he 1 -Ja ??m itiit.L,* t f am OIWHWi '? I?#v W ?W?i I I lain wounded and d?it$g. in defence of my country, and these people ?te trying iopeWado mo to talc* the uoU> of ?J !^i*?c?s to limit* H The crowd around him tottered** tfn bonb bad fallen in their fiddil/while I, overcome by Um fervent eiwjueoce of hit words, rooid only bow in silence over the gallant fellow, upon whose brow the damp ahadow of death wa# ah t&y gathering. llow to Saciim Scccww.?"That yoa may find succcav* said K?r.<?ha?lc* Brooks* in an address to bot*? "*Vi tn? tell you how t? proceed. 'Co night yo?i begin your great plan of life. Y?*i have but one life to live, and it i* measurably iinportanl that you do not make a mistake, To-night begin carefully. Fix your%ye oo the fortieth year of your age, and and then aayeto yourself; At the age of forty I will be a temperate man; I Will be an indus Irion* mm $ and economical man; a bencvo)3*t m**< * ?*!! Twad man: a religious. man. TV- r - c and ? oaefal roan-M wiii bo soch an one; I reaol#, afid I will stand to it, M\ youa^ friend*, lot this resohition be as firm as adamantine; I lot H statu! like the oat which cannot be wind (shaken.*' * a -4 , ;> t * Prayer as the Opening of Congrc**. i Dr. Moore delivered, on the first day of Congress, the following beautiful prayer, tba pobli- i cation of which many members have desire*)? Almighty-God! We desire in simplicity and ( devout sincerity, to come before Thy throne to , Thy blessing upon the Congress here a*- ] scmbicd. It has met in a time of trouble ?nd j < darkness, bnt Thou art a very present help iiTL * >' ? ? _ .. i.; every time of trouble, ana <jo?t cause jigm 10 j rise out out of darkness \Ve beseech Thee, f thct$, so to bless these members that their I hearts may he pnriBid from every unworthy | motive, and their mind* he enlightened with j that clearness of judgment thai shall enable j thorn rightly to Oevisc such measures as may \ he needful to deliver us from some of the great calamities now preying noon us. And grant! Thy blessing, also, to eacjf co-ordinate branch : cfr authority, to our armies am! to our people,? that they mar jfhticntly hear all their burdens j and cnflinch?t:gly go forward through ail their j trail*, until it shall please Thee to bestow upon j J as liberty and independence, peace ond proa-j ? polity; and then, having served Thee JaitlifuHjn S in our generation, receive u*ni last, thtongtr j 1 sprinkling of the Wood of atonement, aud { 4 ^notification of the Holy Spirit, to that gen* | | era! wdcoiWJr and church of the first horn that I . arc united in Heaven, through Jean* Chita oar 1 Lonl. Amen. fJaon rot Crrrtt.?Three free negroes iu j Goochland coohtf, nutated tamcfaw days since*? and tnrne<l over to the proper authorities a! trio of Yankee de^rter*. found prowling about < the country. Dull as negroes geiicraily arc, | begintifcig to appreciate properly their Yankee j friends and will soon learn to shuu them m\ j they would a rattlesnake* Those who have j been North ttid^inmed wbh no more cxperi- i | meuU of Abolition ktodne%$and Yankee free* j iioxu, and they arc right?Richmond j HOie. IN v&w of tho facfc**od demands ojwo :be Way. *kfe Home, die Executive C^nwtiw charged trHli 1 iu mana^?tti9i3t hare appointed Ore following smite- j teen Ajnrot* of tbi* itssotuuon u? tMca, aontribtitexu j h tttoney and provisktos a&d Org that thaw friend* will ?et promptly Without farther opocv. The cvn; doctors of ifo Various railroads will jpre lb* if ge?e* ' it**# aid fa tbCr tm&sj^rtatioii of n!t wppik* I V * V 4A.^K? (Itttrowi) ytp irm,. A&4 Tfc&*wf? \\a)-*iiiv iit'-sw. Dr. Mltif OamUbr, Vance* ifptty Vmdx.) 1\ ttmartnto&d, &> Milie u C. ( WH?Urnx**, 0?a?#<<fcuf? C. IL, Rcr, f O. Fiwnoa, Kibgwec. JL Bmgia, , v . R^r, B Js. frMfxn, Uiimm-1 Col / J. Bjrms, BUdcrtU*. B L Kerrt^a. Coi??lU. JteiP. i. kJmp, aHoml ^Mla* JeteOteats, berry. U B. ik~Mu^c<. ftathorai Jfcv. J? B? IVaUicJ^a, R?v W A. UiawwtU, itvi-ca A 0. Xt**?*, jbq > A?4r**?*. B**. u McOtfiita utti W. M. AbfccnLV. ijctsiHfcl J. A* Urwkjr, Cixvim. ? f. A. AaU* .art. ^ ^ J. Kjris, R*i L?or*&*. ftor. J , l> &ScOuU?H?$ti>, Cojo?. C, J* (j'wrtjrjlk 7W* V. c KirtLtf*4. ^|W(fU?fcurj. j3ST i4*!*** uf lA# Mate j4ra#o txfjTJMitt#r I ^ i NEW GOODS!! Jin. I.. Il.lJljiI'R?LorGII, RasrscctmxY invitksthk vmyrnqaij vf h#rf? ??ted* feo4 ru#i;?e>cr^ i&?t *j>? }?** bt?y | j twebwl mm* very tk*in? Um i< u> pWt ^ *164 j i-4 Jto?US i'.'lOU, , I Ls&M. * BWk Crap#. Uiack AtytCCK, Pri*i*i Oiallkw; | 4-4 and t-4 OraotWruk .SbifUiigii, tttiitri* V.nm*, Flax Siww Firing Spool CrtUBs. kc. A :d liaiyr ollatf article*, it* addition to a uictr wwoftujfjjl <4 i ? MltZLINERY GOODS. Fart!** Wt aM of j?nv of lho nbovo u eoi.accd iU?m?* Wi*l do well by calling rarly ?l j!R& l January I 3 ALMANACS, Millkels almanac Km im for salk at j THK POST OFFIK j JeBtmir I ,.,t "Ill >1 , I Negroes For Sale IfNPKI&IOSKD W!LL8KLLIN C A UI)KN,! X on tho Urttt JJ.judaj m January urxi, a k>; ot lib U*m Choice Ncgraw, tvtmiahng vi men. kti-um-ju 1>o>s I and girl*, o?0 oxcidkiil ttagoa*r, ao?ik, trailer and irorrr, chil l'# nun*. Ac. Term* otih. ThW trlwdeidry tnay giro bond and #raunr, parable its oo<j twar l'urvlia?*r* in par i?< ' ' JOHN J. TRANTilAM Jamitny ] I Notice. | VU. PERSONS HAVLNti CLAIMS AGAINST o( Jztm* Im Haifa, (fcowf^. ?'ill j k?te s im-vilt the Mnw dulr atu-*ifd. and all indebted to { j jikJ will malo- to uw? t?f their rt*]**}' i tiro indch'.rod***. at an earl 7 dar. A.J. LIAIU1 January 1 1 Roads J rPHK OOMMISSTON RR8 < ?K ROADS FOR KKRj X S1IA W J>i?iTir?% trill meet in < am dsn, on the wxj ood Monday in January, M J i o'cioclc ' CO UN ft ACRAE, Clerk. January 1 2 v -:7- .7 , i a i P jits . - ? . :7\ In flie Conn or Ordicarr?-&cntyiff DKiricf. fn the issuer of the E?ute of of Samuel Herrca, dci ? cetwed?Fins! Settlement. M ' J AUKS Kf BODGERF, ADMLVISTBATOR ?fc bonU -Mn of Samuel Honoa, deceased, Uayinp applied to hsvo a tai s*;tktneut of tlw* estate of b? im<*tiat*? the following turned Heirs and distributees are hereby oniared to appear in this court on Monday iho 13Uj of Ja unary next, to ttsceire their distributive fhare, r'vt: UaHa Skinner, Manuel lienors; K3iw Delk? f>avkl iHdk, BobmJDeJk, J*?? Delk, Icy Moore,?. Neilz Mary Dejk, Sancy K. Deik. Win. Skinner, John Skinner, Janet Skinner, Nancy Outlaw and fybecca ilerroo. &..** ; ' - }. & KODOKBS. AdmY. A. L. McDonald, Ordinary's Gfiice, October 8, J3S3* .QettitWfepL, ,,V : ^ 3BIOS ~ ?? " - <* -.? ?A it ill Urorma ? &cr*linw iimnri. VirilKhKAS.WM. IL TAYLO& 0. E. AT> ' plkd to u>? &r Uttm of Admin 5s? r&ikra on ail and rittgttiair t1>o goods any ctotleis, rights and credit* of AUvn Sanders, fate of the district aforesaid,, doc***edi / , . ? . + ;_ , TJx-^ ?re thcrefrrfOto dfu? and" admonish all and 'singular, tb? Iriodrcd and creditors af askt deceased, to oc and appear be&tt? tn? at our o*3t Ordinary*# <>?rt lor the said District, to be bolder* at Kemhaw. Court Houw the 25th day of December ins*-, to Miow cause, if any, why tho *?id admiotssralkxa tkxxfiA usa lie granted, Gfartt tjjidfer c-'y hand ac4 &-*l till* 20th day of Nohi thfc-y ear of our Lord on? thousand eight hvndrrd ami Aixty-ibrce. and is the eighty-eighth year of the tadeprndenoe and eoferdg* tr of the State of South Carolina. A- L. ildJOS aU>, 0. K. I). Kofvtnbcr 20 % 4 T THE KOI.L OF IIO.XOX, lb Ike /?TOi the* */ fitcroAtd &&&**?. + Tbd%agv?laiure baa continued tta agency to record (be UAtnmof soldiers (ran this State vrbo v& v? Silica in wffTke or died JVwm'iBatase during the pftattit war. The fdbwiag reaolotiott to adopted by both braoehea of she G^wwl Assembly. "fifaJrtd, That the Agent do urga, by public adrcrtwcavct. the CuaiBti of ckowted #oid?cns to report to him. that be tu*y have the roeeua of verifying and eonrvcting Kesriawntal mums." la actxwdaiwo witti the above fesnhitkm of ih? Gob-?* * t ? >m?nir rvotMt iho 2aiLttif?9 lad frWtyl# <A deceased to krwaM tor&o ibv namar af (ho bratc ?ca who haw &Ues 1a Ust*k> or died n? jktrrw during lb* prvx-t*! \r?r. The ia&rmolioa re* qaimi i? Sh? name. rank, number of fe^inicut, ktta# uf cotfsjwtiT, date of dratii, cause of death, to what fcaV ?Ue, or writer* 4k*L < I woubi abo earnestly m)Xic*l oil the ??^*Sn^ oftkt?** cf frgtotetitt frvtn U<? Sfa*? to fenrar* sem isftktal rotoro* of she oroajtsc* m their yetpoefere re?ninnd* from the brstnosojr the war. aAd l'j coctmoe ? *a*l rvturos doting their term U sorrier, that (ho , iloB of llo&or coax I* ai j>er6xl aod ew&ptotG jx?tsitt*. WW. ? ^OHKSTON, Record jog A gem of Utt Stole . fJT* AH the :? U*> aut? *ui please copy throe Uimso. ?iwi U5U u> mo, u BieonBa^ Agent tX the fiiet*. Jiksiuary i Ji!i:\n<iriuTi:Ks. OOUMISSARY?CKX^#JM5Wraa J, Cow xra. S. C., Dec. 20, .1 tCX ? I 'pUBGKSK&AL A&iKSBLY II AVISO PASSED* j X an Act lo sawtxi #o Art, nwfth A "An Art to. j ?appn*? the uudtic dUtd'abett of ffnritwotta liquors i? Ji? State," ouiborutag a:*1 empoWYtiAft hU Kuxlkfi* rf Use Gotfntorlo coatiac, with A*XiUcd audrrspoor^cut to M*rti tf the i?s*trci*cf lbs* Stale lo tuanijactaro % hi&hcd quantity el pure tptnu, at a Ut&ited and :?HQoatde fifta. not to elcved I Or** dollar* poc ga!k>c: *akS tpirfG ixil lo U> ?oKl to ?&V butfesfttkxri IT pTOCfcutag |^tcot4 ?u i regisU'fvd' Xotke *a berehv givvfc (bat proposal* in writing, tat.iig pike* wfvi N rccr.rtd at tin* Ifepottmroi for the manufacture ami oic, *? abute, of a qturahty of purv ?|?nu *d4 akotioC *ufSi*kct Ut tlx? demands of the l*or.ct ftwn wbieb the o?Trr b mad*. Rmd ol lea llnnaad ?MUns vrSrh adequate aeetiritjr, ujH be retjumwl tor in* fatiblul performance ?4 Use coctr*ct. K?rir art? n^ucjied. JUr c-juvf of ib? Governor. ? . HICiUllDCALDWEU; Lieui. CeL ?mI Ceetmtaujr'OitatiftI &, C ?Hr AH paper* in the State Insert four tamo*, and wrtni tnli* in duplicate, with cupr ot ifjvcrtufcroetat ttl ritwd, to Ihb DepartcattJt for payment. UuU paid JainuiJ I 4 Fiiif Opportnislty for Cuvpiimeat Iwirin^ to retire, I otTer fefrAafe the SOUTH CAROLINIAN ANl> COLUMBIA BANNER OFFICE with tUe|M|*r??daily, in weekly ami weekly?BISDKKY. JOB UFFlcK and ell appurtenance* The lot flitss*tfcvs ft! bv HO feet, and the building b well adapted fcir it? purpose There ii i vai**bfe HOK(cYUNDKlt) POWER PUK*S&,an AIM MS PKKbS and Hi CARD PftESS. The Kngiq* b a very tupcnor HciV. vertical, aad the aupply of TYI'K aivd MATERIAL abtiiMiA&t. Tbc circulation oTtbe jwijvr* i? r%jiial to that of Any in tho State. Terror oufch, hi confederate Utda. R. W. GIBBES. Columbia, Dccetubct f?. 1$G3. KOAI> AND ItAYk f>lYIK>i:\D. south Carolina rail road com paI NY having deda?*d a DIVIDEND of SEVBN DOLLARS |wr .-bare ?*t ti? Old Stock, and Tbrea I?oIUn* and tiiir pent* jer Share on the New ]?hjo? k>r tin- nwmch* ending iV-eembcr 31*1, 1S63; and the HOrTHWKsTKRS BAIL ROAD a DIVIDEND of ONK DOLLAR an I FIFTY CENTS for Share for the Ukt* period, the wrno wul be paid at the aforesaid Bank, m Columbia, in Confederate Si*tea Treasury Notes, en and after il yuiafr the 4 th proximo.? The Diriden I on Road Shares not connected with the Bank will be paid in th* Mine manner and at tho aanu^time and ptam na rI?ot* stated. ami at the Branch ..r,?... . _, /> a.^ t>h?h y? M'v c*vavv vt ouihu *-?ivuu? av v>a'-mi??u. J. R KM KEY, Auditor South Car^inn Railroad Company. JOHN' C. COCHRAN. Cashier South western Railroad Bank. January 1 3 Rags! ?TM1K RICHEST PRICES PAH) FOR WHITE 1 linen or ooiion Hag*, delivered in Urge or saoali qua otitic-* at this office, or >t iLu Poai ofiice. January I % *