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VOL FRIDAY, J^IAEY ^ 1m'4. ' 2. ters oftbs by u, mm ** ***** fetter ib* f*nhm *vay (rout ihc &*? ^m:M: iK m$t?f tl? a & n^v mber vtoipai to tic Tk* SoaUt?C*tt>iio* ami tfe w**e rbdtiog tm t3*e r^kfcs t*fe *08te%*?J Of sis kfiSMfef? TttKfe MbST* Of tb* in..k wwSPi-. ^ T\sa $&&** ;'?tta;4W fw&io* oftb# fit?t when m&k trim tfee -%. ;.Vc.tM;h$mrt*$ ^ & -f * ^Vrtflti i'~': V ' 'jfr - 3 ' : ;:' v;: *?#$ <fe$Ha?f$*w5*& l??tr *?*taattoft, am! k tb*| > Smfe Qx&lit&t whka ?f?t two vffecr feite to 1 ^ ibe a$4 Tbe tr&* Damfaifeft 1 ' ?&? In* also at mm <a!ic*i ?r?. ami with J J; liaia-CtKowswtior JDfcota^ of ike A^tkeil wk> chanced to be on the 6ag*bij*, add in cob-1 *tmtbs '{rUE wtat* tbc signal 1 SMiesifi, jweeddl immrimuht mtth U*e| fec$? of rcanhfr bk teasel on the UeacW Ho I ittdacjiredj !?? Ui? Adaawi w^ft the ollkf? I of ibo 4eck ro*&? &*t from thb \Wbawk?o *1 pU^T - Mrir *%wsl,aad mmsodfeteh rcf*?ried fe*r to W Amome&iafters&edown 1?T *tho bead, c*h*?edl *%bUf ow to *!arfe?r<J, j and dfesppMrftl ben?otfe iha ajprife*. U is mpmmhk to ooin^fanv *!?* of *tta jj i If r*m* Whit ] I vy ftnf? ?> > r^r ? .-^ , - lb* ?? a thntidetWf. Wlmitbe of diitts*. A m*de m> 0?e dtvkad j ho* wwmism ike Kroger, am] *hp&, at j Iftisgtk, the -*?**?? mml down, iv ?*? <h8ieak &r ttow irta m* htr dfoeppw to wdrr?*m tfc*enda>o$ ofvfiew-t^ft stows,' Tfee ?otifcK ?b? oo the amir.-: ?s?isif? from the df&htHy ofkaadwog het hmU, am] the <kw# of a&d i?ea to fee Swt in tlmm, w? mm imtm *&l p&inM, The wiod **? owhtew^ wfchfr^* fun, asd ike fo??j wkkk ka*te?od fn>m &?! **d?i to tW teetra pn? & ptah&f up fr*tn the -i' water the fcf aho had ??cceed?d in grttitt# &*&? f?*? tks WwhawJtco \mhrv *he '?tnk? Almost at the tmm*nt went down *om? twenty or more sprang to the taste and sue* 6 eroded in getthgg away. Am many others were 3 reastotd fcm the sorgmg ware* by the lauivh? of tk* ship, the &mik Carolina, asi<] the tog bo&& Ihu^lioo and Irk Thirty jjerisbcri AS day the Wta&Jta*kcsi Lad labored hear** fy fa the *e&> wbkb kept her decka eonaianUy aaftnerged aad whkk ntqwntly awrpt m knga vota&et into her forward batch. Toward* > . ^ fiooa the ww earomcoeed paying out chain, to tat* iter, but* accustom?*! as they ware, la ?rny gale* to aktypkg of tocb ttaa, it k believed that the? had grown confidest and csrefatt of danger, and paid no beed to the aneroachicg water* mm! it wu too life to ii gist tfeem. Tboy dreamed of no pcrii till tW w*v? bad t?rlj fawned to swallow thorn. Thsfe, when it inotrc for a ccftainlf that tbe vewie! wsa to be kwt, a panic of frigot and ^ fear benamhed thersi, and the terror-stricken jtfT Imw beJow bad little power to help tbem*e!rca. m!\ There were men in irons between decks, and Ht ft the sergeant -at a m*? ty?fe$4 frantically away to fe\ release thastt. Poor BH^tbcf went down. W j \ Tbera were Htfafok HtKMpiAck bay, and tol > lh? Msrjvors wet bis ?cw*rrf, r. r?Sj?aRii. There were firemen ai Ujc I on)j van rfwb for a i;c?pj^ SPS? went down., $' lliat aone V-f the 0(W fferafc ????**?%'who w. ,J,Pr'- H?eVl>Bii?n I,. m mi$\ moment*! ' ' ' u- y~ fifties wore picked ap! *mi fc&cm t? % wfjerg crcrv >' ** ^?r romfcri noil re-j WV5V *v-v-**? | Arc m>? 3c*i$crr*<i m ?yall *jmuk Usroogbom ' Urn JiccL It f* io proeore at pro j 4?#t Ike t**ste. ofiho*# who wero lost, ?i/nmw ?>'l liy'tot J ^Yasser BAfcaA&ry^Tbo fcheJimg of Char Ic&ofj on day v*** _nhr artm*em<mt of j1 teoolnV annj on Mom*' Isinmi. Tlier have 11 ?ot $b"? o?r*e to attack Charleston to take it, I j Jpt iocf hate a special malignity in throwing ' Into rt to H. lliey bate *o fi> " Until * few hottte+< inicJ two women, and 1 shot oCT a kg from an chlcHy bdk, and caa^l | a nembcf to kawo Uwlt bed* at midnight, with ! i imittt&i child reo^ rxpcwl to the pttow? bl**i ; | of a toM Xarth fMt wifcd, Can the de?p?e*? 1 W* Yattfc*** asmmnc (or a moment that their ( j pstijr malignity of rktating ihe roSe* of civil- , | u&l waHaiw will hare aov other effect limn i t&ttm# still more \hr iftirauaiioa of oar pro- ! j^lcf Can they toppote 3tm their infatnam ] I mlftlfty ha* any te&'em? to h?fnUe Carolina 1 f rii ana tfcrtrov 'be afcdi&g conferee that ar effort* are u>c<wcc lo naught / &*| for- 1 thai iintr ?rom?ii or ?l?iU ihoaM tolerate 2 vicbiitig as inch to the con- j in trite ' fert^feaShNriwaTiiaiwi^L^.^ai1 ui lijilffiaWfan ! i 'if $ ! j Yastfcer T?iti> o* Ciisjrt**/?Two of tlm ?*- I j c*pcd pn*Qtiers from the Columbia jail* wew hrooiljt into oar loan, oft ThttmUy by < Mr XcfUr JIaHk; and other cfakc'ns of tisc ' Western pan of oar District, br whom tfscy ' wcrt? uk*n, near Bu!k>ck*? Creek Church, on < *J vHNiir ? ktrtofo. lb* otbor Adjutant Camp, both from j J Couoeetknt, capinml At Ikuc?y Wagoer. j( Through tiro eomtesr of * Mr. McDonald ?c j ] were pffttmttmi to have a com emaotj with j1 slicm. totWfi Uictn true ami loyal sub-11 jzm ami ?mu aJmktrr of tlic gram* of < Abraham lbs 1st?Uwt defend bis cmaaejpa* ? tk>u |>rwlam?i:oft a* a *ri*e ?r*r itic-i*?re? miy iht? arc fighting for tbrir country, ami < iov<v rc^rsito ami adore Uio ""Glorious old 1 flag," ami !<k>k for* art! tuvprfa&y to the time j when, cumd of oar dcioshvis* wo w ill come < back into their food embrace*; meantime they ! am for a vigorous pyw&cuiwro of the war. They ? am right intelligent room but have Wo on the 1 0**1, where the? bare aeon but liulo of the < hardship* and horrors of war. t [C&rsfcr Standard. .1 Amcmc l*cm?*T<?Whilst the French troop ^etc encamped at Boutaugc, public at- i tcntjon w?* touch exeited by the dating at- ] tempt at ncspc made by ?o English sailor, j i Thk nenott having e*c&jm4 from the depot ami j < ! g?vin>J the border* of tfe *ea, the wood* 00 j 1 which acnod M^Tof con?je?tUJcfct/oooi^fti:ied. 1 ! with lid other isutmroftOt than a knife, a lxau t I entirety of the hark of tiw. When the wcath. 1 er w*? fair bo mounted a tree and looked out I for the Eugikh &*?- an<J baring at hut o!* ( | ,,cri <: J * BrH?& crower, he ran to the bore j \ I with hk boat on b? hack, and w*v about to < [tro$t on bti frail re*ael to the wate*, < when bo was wirMed*# arretted and loaded 1 ; with chjunt, wetjbodj in the amy was ! j anxious vo?ce the boat, and Napoleon, having < \ at length heard of the affair,*ent fur the; bailor, < * and ittterrogited hifl*. wVou muat," raid Na- s I pofeoo, Mhare had a great deaire to kfe joar i I country again# *in<* J ow retire to "trust , yonmeff on the open wa in 10 frail a Urk. 11! iuppcasorou hare ieff % tmwiheart there?. I "No/1 Mid the tailor, poor mnnn ruoint er, whom I ansion* to *ee,M "And you ?h*)i m* bcr " Mid Napoloon, ^nving at the i - uttnc liftio orders to set him .1> liberty t and to i l?**ow upon bun a considerable tuw W money for h? mother, objuring that the most he a good mother who had to good a ton. letter* from i^r.-aoncrs on Johnson Inland | \t\~ that lh?T receive ics? than half rations. # . ' rn ,*~i. -, , Ik. ft***. Hpftfeclt'* CrUlcigjxt ?r the Van| He? < *ntpui$n of Ihe jwut Year. [Ipe Yankee comamndftif in chfef, Gen. Hj\I- J .wade a Jong report of the Yankee v ! of the pa#t year, in which he raotf I MKCv^wIhr lift# all blame from bis own sboaltl&ami neatly di4rita?i it trpoo the hacks- Of ' Bp- gecemk JsTotbing failed ] flfci be ordered, au i nothing sneci^jcdthet hei 31 Hi vanity a eqtiMied bvmotbj^but hi* falsehood. The Nevr York Time#. ? fjfcpmenj?|ipa; hi* report, m*: . } ' - ' '-irMe, m hk ow& aJMwim, fey-1 ntrzrr to';fc*4riBMjJ oipk Mipcncr it* bt* march on Fredenekbnig, the faction* Unoder <irf Lit'pontoons in put tie- 1 lflpM?1r off hi*tbdnlders, and the defeat of.1 is idlribated to the faifare or ! fehcdiVns? oi Geo. Franklin in lis* fLmk *t? , tack. Of*. II *>kcr a unfortunate csropa^*? ? |Gick]v pisced oufchk of the ropoftsiUlttT of ttm pacmldiMdsie^ from the fact that no re pom w rendered to hfm br Un* ofScrr.? ticn. I>ix k alwqilr rapped over the knuckle* tor lii* moswtigft again*! ftschttiood. In the [ttttlfc of G*?Uv*boig wo d&over, to our ?nr | prttK% that no ^ifOr* of On. Sickle* noar'v { i3s and On. Mcsdc hiimlf get* but (stint pt*i?* fct lih Wetwnr; while the escape cf Lea over the Potomac call* oat *ome word* <?h%h. though not dirtetlv averting, iroplr the .1 go*t tensor* of tin*junction of that geocr>h Gen. Pope h conrictod of a p<*y* blunder iii hi* operation* against the Indian*. Gee. | Bank* rwvitc* no pr&hc, and h ? intimated * that Tort Hudson emifc? hare been tak* t; rrr;. b tariifer bad we known hi* ?i&km*a. Mr. Greet? campaign nlonc. in the rear of * Vkkvburg, U *pokcn of with enthusiasm, Jiotigh here the great room of that ofifeer \! vm> to he thai he alwar* obeyed cfctf order j1 from Wa^b?ogti>% ?wl never ?wfiif4junei] of 1 want of mnh>KN!m*a?! If. by Uii* mtiro* : lion, the war alike of th* gctural-m-chicf in* ' tend to take any of the %h*y of bsi enrapaign 1 to themWres he rerarmbeml that we I bitrc the hoafHcon]b?ieo of the indent j* iot7;epbSkabilny cfUi5r>Sr^t*<ii-a Vfeki- i *>&. ! like review of Itottoeran*' am! Buitn&k'c ' rafimttigtw for the pt?*js*ioo of Tewpea k. 1 if <&uree? torero ami ftcarckieg. If we may 1 lake their own atatrment, the department were 1 itetdih^lr dwa??ti*divd with the delay o( (?cn. 1 Uc# nrfAt? after the battle of Mnrftec^bora^ J *u<! were constantly urging him forward toward ! ****? ???? An-* rkiiimn and * IjkHCiffin. 4 WMfi, ti [?rol*bt? not believing he had a wiiHeient ( catcher of men for w .grpt an adrinrc, waited I rmmh after month to *treugthoo hi* posqifon j Ind to organic. f Geo. Halicek claim* that ho 1 cwight to h?*?? advanced during the ??ige of ' V"jykt>burg. He admit* ttsat when fttieiigth he 1 J:<| W>v*, Uk combination* were ?i the ttu*t ]1 remarkable aqd brilliant natty*,forcing ihcene- J' ittf out of Tcfinctoee without a battle or any ' ftpeeud lo*% on o?r path The Hanking and I lakmg of Chattanooga he t* forct*? ?!*o to ad* nit a* rjty cfficiefSl military morcruent*. The f tclr^fajdr?c dmiateiwem^Jiod ?'n the report " ."ortftiiily prove that tf?e generaM'H&fcf had at ' die time a clearer idea of the dangers to which 1 JOth Kowrncraft* and i??rtj*i=ie were exposed ' lhan either of ihoe otljeer*, }>nrf?idc wraa ordered to conned ha right 1 ?r|th ihwcosrnn*' left, and, if possible, OCQttpy * (lahou and the into Georgia and North Carolina, a* that the two armteft infgbfc act a? J ?ne bodv, and Mpport each other. Jtoacuoram j9 *a* not to advance into Georgia and Alabama It present, but to fortify hi* potiiion ?r*d con* < neci with Iturndde. If hi* week point?hi* * * - __ t ?i with Nashville * rtgnt ami uie wmmH ?? ?T?r . _ ? aero threatened, J o vm to ham! otcr Chat t Lau&jgn Id ftiirmi<lc, and *winj? round to cover 'ha; tbtuk. At the same time force* wore or- < lured np from Memphis ami other quarter* to guard that side, a* wdha* hi* hm? hue of com* j \ mtirJcaiiotwi fi*n Ityndde, we nee cnrtij in-?$ formed, cntirclv dfeoreved or ueglcftwi hi* or-1? for*, ami did not connect with the artorofthcj f'umbeflftnd, Ifating a greet pp between the ! j Iwo *nni<w, and e*p<*ing hi* cm l* ring detach-f J mc&fo, #o that wreral were cut to It j | cannot be double'] that had the jnatfHcflfcm " j the department \*ecv. atrirtlr followed *hv? div j j fcter of Cbtrkamaujga would not b*'?coeenrred. j | Still it mtui be remembered that *c hare t here but one side of thcm^\ Tho officers so 1 Mtrcfelr rriticiwl arc not permitted bj military [' etiquette to an*w?-r. No doubt f?en. Ihirnddu cool4 *bow various *at^{jnrtorr reason* for hi* j ] {he riubltr ] i wftM of concemrnwuuf v? _. _ , kjiow nothing; snd jx>*wb}r General Kosen* i eran* coni'l furnish equally plausible reason*.1 for hi* ?Jx month*' <!clav. The Ueieat of Gen.* < Kosencranv right wing is attributed primarily I by Gen. Flnllecfc to two tauses?to hu adranejtos: *> wido* fiacT (forty mite m ieagtb j and to a mistekbof Gctt, Wood b the battle, who was ordered to tfrc^iefi another portion of the li&c* aod (fid it, tsot by Mttf up, bot bj a man'h arbsnd to the rear, tbus3cwvic^: ft ^ ' gap for the enemy's attack. Gt*. Thome*' rc&istcoce on the left wicg; is characterised**-* for a wonder?with warm praise. 3$r&~ defense of Got IfaUedfc ?mm the las- ' patfttk??ft of the inlaid toHoaescniCft* aktnpaign, ft^etfioaaiy tgrlor? the eapcdal ffflft 311 * * * ? * . . 52 , tr.c pncuc ccpjnr^rtiicft m um use t&t&jrccmtnt* pf v *eoi : - . .i,,- ; the Cumt&rt^rv! ta Sej^ttobe*,wcrelbt M*1 > < month or two month* iftHjgi* wbc? rtkwd From the siege of Vieksbnn*. We demand, ttalGrtUr, of a general in-chic^ that be shodd look orcr :1m whole held and not act apaaraod- 1 icalIt or ses*ationalfy. !f Hosenenma waa not tfroog enoagb when be Entered Georgia in "kptetaW^ thc department ktrcw it beforehand us we!!'** tbftft. and onght to fearcaop|il?H^tfe? needed strength. They knew that Bragg night at a?y time be reinforced fa>m Virginia, rod they od^ht to hare provided agsfhtt the :ontirpnri. TJgpy furl the men on the Mia >?*ippi, Why wire Uj*\v scattered oC over Arkan?t*, and Ix>n?iatja ? What an** AikjvP*** to us for a moment, compared *ilh a docbivc march to Atlanta ! - v/ A CHnttge, There lias been * great change in mot* of ?ur people sine? the commencement of Us* *ar. As 6wj there wm a ^Bwns rtadi&MS c in respond to every call of too Gor&nonot&V md *rt*y wbh uf * military commtsden When clothing am! blanket# weft fttked for [he soMut*, crrrv family hastened to toed in U coi tnirtlions. When BeaiiregsriL at Mautt.M* ip?dc proclamation among the people ironud that he E>rtflca Uiur tism no t&sm in Jigging his fortification*, th?v scat thetn ia frith awenty. Whea ho a%k<d for their wajon*. the? wo?!d have tent ska? to the last if ho bad wasted ther? alt, * ,fs * kii it ?.%?. ,i?u*4 Vivfc " -**?? how III' Jo tl*efv can do, and So# Jong they can delay ft. The caoae of this change w? believe to be tmr of explanation. In the beginning of the W, the reofi&wcro not thinking of tanking motley. Their tttind* were intent on a sacrettful proaccatjon of the war, nor did they itorn a stale of war a time for mosey-making, but a Uiuc of genera! trio! and privation, whan :it?efcs ?oat ail stand by each other u broth* rn. !>ut opportunities of gain soon an<3 azuxEw-.'tedly showed themselves. The appetite ptr* upon what it fed, until itkt that of lbs no!f which Km once lapped human blood, it became a cotniirmug passion. Many a is&a wfrb at first had a heart fat his country, and i:ehl himself and all he had at her cail, has nosr lurncd aside from his noble devofcon, aod throw u himself headlong into the demoralizing [wsnit of wealth.-?liichnond Statu* I. * This chanty deserves ex pi*nation. We sob- - * nit to the Seu-ihu( and other exchangee who fuve 'oham&i j??d reg:< tied Uic c&ioga, 139 jucstion, how fir it ha* been induced or ig- jtaratcd by incompetence and win4, of ??ra- ??tnea* and appreciation on the par; of oftciak. Were the Uborrr* originally tendered fWaljr t md patriotically to the u*c of General* and * ftiginccn uned a* they should hnre been f Have the volunteer* who r^hed to armt * for. in a!{ eatet treated as citkm and soldier* 4?mU;?1 hef 11# ve the appointment* for the pnrcafiiDfc ^a?i *?pp;CJI5g depa:itcenti >fthe army, taen made reference to qttal* ^cation* tor a war footing of for a peace c* jtbhdimculf . , t Have ?c ?u!Tercd more from want of rooa of >f ortlceis ? Wbcro wo have suffered for w ant of men, -**? the abtence of men due to want of ftrY&ne** ind vigilance in discipline on the pari of offerer* I What h there in "the situation," at present io cveite alarm? Who ever heard ?i a doicrny>i#<\ itod united people being M^ug*t*d tor enemy that coma noi even roarca an ?r* my tlroup*:? their territory I H*?e the Yankee* been able to do ilot f Why, they htm iwen eighteen months working their way Ihroegh 7t>nne**ec, a about oae handred mile* in width from Xotth to 009th, and no tfhem ctac have they gained a t iie within the rear past by an advanec ojv land! How long," at this rate, will it take tbeja to pencIrate into the interior of Georgia i-~Chnr. Com, * ' ? - ??? Genet d Michael Corcoran died at Fairfax CL If. or the ??d iwstn from injuries received ^ how a fall from his horse. * * ' *>'i- * j ? * * .x L v vjkc.'? *?&& '* < >1 ' .- v..' .. >._ - . 'AfffZ -cSSr