Newspaper Page Text
I ?- ' '( / - < l i. c **** .- ( ' <X:i l- ^ _, ?-. \ ;:| " _ , ? -.' ' _ * 11 ii mi i?irniii?miiiiiiii?ii?iiii i imn?mima wn. -- * x**''r~ry- * VOX* xxn-NO. 50. CAMDEN, S. 0, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1864. ,. NEW SERDES-VOL 1?NO. 1? * ?r g; P. go??^ 2 tsbSs. wi 12 ?? fr * mw9 r* ' t * ... 300 ? _?h- . 1 Hates for Advertising: 0< Ter o? Square ? v**\r* bote or Imm ?TWO f fit ttOLU&S for tfoe first issBfUoa, aoi OfB DOIr f\ LAB ?4 FIFTY CKSTS for ead? *ub*^a**L J* OanvAMt ifoncw, ?xe?*Uag o&c aqjure, cbargad " at adrsrtit&jr rttw. I ** TreMaont Admrtfoeiasflta and Job Wore MUST BK so TAID JFOR IK ADVAKCK r? KafiodoccSott o&dc, except to oar regular admtb-' Dr ?U? MtMM * 3POST?a CXaKlflTBR.' . spmsa. tii * *7*T J I p? it BntT rrxsdo. ; % | oh ifcal MB^WI imtfwf ja tin ^ *y? wfefcfe 4w*8? wish all Mr; . j Ufwioa. vi&bergokta m&s?a6*&?tef nm, *? 1* wicka* once *&*&. |#j *p& fa&it londf *?rf? ttojssats* Van* !* Jtt tttgWW* *t? wM , 11^ J?t? ft Itgrsa CKtflWlti} <p?*& fiWBOO^t YJ Tbn btf&ft of dw* bgfloo*. Lti - .. Is tiMHfeep besrt of #*t*y fcnst cm in, 3P*,.\ , . a<> AMI WWW iuriniu ww?? , _ Iv. ??**&?? ?t?ry ?W# ** twee tb* haatf tin Of*isJw?ttoko4 f- mi JQ gjtlB JfcAfr QiW ww awyii IWWWI w wf ?iwB| ??% w ' V '-^ ' ^'CS^ til. ' AUiMdfjr^ lu?9? e??^ ?M? IMIM& ?M?C4 J** .? J| Jajw4iM^*??B>i<fe!e<h?R!s, J? Tte&om?\tri^wriki *f ** y.frgs*** *?*? ?*&???* ?* ??. 2! &Jm y.wpii mm, tmm, *rum ' T flkii HM&JT sjlwtcw? ?B4 fewlwnt WMdi ?ssst jutst ^1 jfe f*E%.- *$j?f? ? f* kmpb & fetawM jprt sibsmt ^ fepTfCTnn^i ** S* . ^ ** wiL &*, h1 4WWtotf.>* wtfcft ?*f?r erowd* mmt : jg j - -.i* .,: ?,' 4 _ I Skvii^v^iialm ?* ?% ^ Ux AAiniwx p| 2g .!???? ?l<afita W 4Mpvr I??im faar pMn ,; Tta? *& lm *** & ftto, %4g; *' M???ysM#^leBiilW8itt^ ot C?. uMirw torn fl? gwwwi Pi i-> 35>V ' .-: ... rfr-li^ 4 ^6ags?cv^ri^ r .***!* . i ' M?tfei*te?4M! WwR r1 laltof Wfato<4y iiMif^toOod, *n3 Spftog iqniiGf in lie Aadailift* w&k t&t veto <tf*U)*r rife a. T<T&Ii sad efarii th* IJIMI ?*S tto f$|n* ? | MttittHTJK I Si*w the war, a owr aSaateat ha* bees isI treebeed into the free Bin?n on both atdet of (be Potomac. The Yankee*, under c? the United State* Comtterthm, hail eutbroned m m the freed absorbent and Errant of their ?v?-, w| teoi of Goterament, "the general welfare T j wj Thi* wa* ia tha dajreof their immaturity, when ,;n, %b? Soothers son qnktesed into life tenon* # impediment* Us **? growth aad progtwUot lass "M*n*l welfare* was their dark* mainlr g,, terohhiwlhe Sooth. ltect op banks, it M feaSt Yeataw breakwaters. If efeaswi oat bar fa H a honaad ttvan. It gtre ibem oar territoma. J H| It Hsa&iSated States, ead made tbe? Coustiw * r Districts Id fact, made them oar masten at 'general welfare" is no where since tin sr. Itt vocation is gone with oar departan 9m their clutches; and is dead and baried at a new power baa arisen, braver and atreo f, and purtr (since it eomes not oat of tbj >nstitotion). That power ii ?iii/ery nxti fjf t No more refiakl sophistries about Um >nstit?]tion. No more reliant on Chief Jos ? Marshall or the great' expounder of tin mstiuttiond Military necessity P* strides ona d trample* down a!! Constitutions. At tin rr opening of the ' war it sewed editors 0 wspapert and pot thttp&to prisons d rang bis iittfo bdN^&rtiNrttitmm& Iscfe m w retcfi wm seised it) 1ft bed, of taken onl hi* fidd, and marched olf with baronets b* ?d him, to some secoye frrto*?.' It made per money a legal tender. It arrested the tmbeisofthn Legislature <?f Maryland and tperacd il Itpdt tbe judicial &ntitorif*e?oi t States and of the United Statesat defiance d when Chief Justice Taney and Judge Duo > ventured to Woe writ* of llabn* Corpus liberate it J vkusa, it Unshed at them. It abbitsbed the whole Co^iititation of the Md ?uu"?, *n?, bya isw ofCosgraa, made Weill & *h?*pA?, No*. *U teach a* that t*il ? catchf. ft ?r*? imjx**ihta t? what "mttttAfy eanihy'' bid ft&ttmpitfthetj cm the other wde the rotdmoc, without a Jonffipj? Wwg raised mr shk? to taste of its *?M*. Presently, ? he were he And wbispm in the wind that Iftsrr iMrtoifity repaired that the Executive MthJ he, on tkk side of the Polomw, en ong j? he *iw on Hie other, lite military oorces of the Confederacy fthoald be ?o?* itrsted under one head faed how ean tim dk>tse* with A to M^rrsae and e*J&n f Coajgw* * uuwuww*, ami most P|M aceordinglt, by baring iutaws com upttafeai? *vtii itomnimni* It mm know, limt It knA * met, like Uncoiir* Coogro*. Aad ? k mi tiHf tb*t "ratlitaty -tmcm-fy* rt^fes^fanitaL to! it? Km # men or wont? I Why iboofl W4 im&J ifoiiroad* I The Oon^Htftoa taw I A Sj^ygf *b* Conttittrtiom And ? want it to lirottM.' t^u*e who cralicacnod A lUitio the Uorc&men15. Huhze* <****! vs. not Lineofo kicked It on tbo other m$ of * ^ou^twsc, and why tbotthl it axiit on Uikf liihary nmmtf* mptim that ejrery tsmn *o ranmrthnHbi* be pot in I. Am not ilio greater put of the people in t> mttiT f Ami k north? wmjradaratioit f by tbofihi tbofte it?H in the arttty fare Mt*r? i not have a d^pot^m *W oirhrtbefn f, Of Am *v mm bar? adeapoUtm, nod *??iHtiirv eonBty^feJn^w thti^ to nceomf^iob ii w%&n 9uy% aJPho do we, that utter the -war O*?A and ftsfHjufy oocmitf" no t, lie < oMjaatm# w?f get oa TW? a*. e$b! aad only one it fbe.ihe diaditflae of -* ? * a k i * <-t , ? littlAfit fieftmi tamper* mm oegwroa fitanr Coort*, woekl otjaei to tL?Mefrmry, A CojoTAAtr.?To tk* Editor *fti* Mmm* ">-A rtnukr \*km tk l&ortv of atodlmr fot 6 Afrmrry tVo kcU, from Drunoft*# cf Soy ih Carolina, p*gt* 220 and 3, rolwtift ]*t: Tax* **it Nosr.?From \he 8ih March to e 20ih April, 1770 iSioro *** cwlkpctcd tot s poor of Bwtoo, Mm*. from St. tmli (Charleston S, C.) XI400 in caab. and 1 barrel# of rice; From Su Michael'# i'aroh roo m <sa?b, and 14 baral* rttr, from St epben? r*mii JWUO turn; irom ?i, mu m jC600lft owh.- > -, '' Vivitt Mtrnoo or B*re*>iso Bo**o*c& c?flbrta of Corner*! W**fc' rtois tto e*peJ the British tot*** from Bottoa 1t75 wooM probably biro foiled, hot for the rwhr aim*! of ft *upply of powder, , nal to ?tbets toffcring Yewfcim by the cfttssnt ol Mtfiftiioit, S. C. who obtained it from their od friend* of $fttAft!tiib, Gft. The Yankee siocy Ad?w?OiH?ioro h*& been, (or eigbl yeth* pari* returning tbu powder to Chartois (oatied with Greek HHt) inside ineetidtary ilk ' A LAtroietR tfrD?I5TA?Cap*.^Qeovwi >* * innfe* the public, *<! pftftforlarhr the Ltfodl ia did bun in competing s work on lidb bo ? and the object of Itch k to >ecord ana preserve we!I attested ttdmits of "rciDjirkabio daring, endurance, Bering*, sacrifices and other trial* in unprrs iment, hospital, marches ?bd battles." The eta "wurt be attested by one or two pawns, fd, endorsed by a Mipenor officer, giving If II the command" letter* to Captain Chaw oakf bt addressed i> the cam ot *Th* Afo*. X* Witty? Richmond, V*. *' $ L THE POSITION OP THE DEAD OS THE BA\ t TLEPIBLD. 9 A prominent officer attached to the Frenc I. nrtny in liaiy published some time Ago tKe r " suit of some carious and interesting' observ\ 6 done made by himself and others npon tho ha 5 tieffeld oithe late Napoleonic war with A oatri . imfegard to the position which the bodies < s the shun afoomcd under tho effect of tnort f wqp&d* produced by different missiles of deal) j, In a cumber ot owe* the deed soldier an found almost in the speaking attitude of lif r A paesage fo Dr. Arxnand's report says: I A Hungarian hussar, killed at the wiroe to< meat with hb home, was only slightly move ! in bb saddle, and sat there dead, holding th t point of bb sabre in advance, in the position i I %!. 1 k !?_ ! ? i |L I C&arglBg. A pilXIIQI CMC VWUfTCU ?W Ul f death of fin Austrian artilleryman. The* wounded in iho bead, it ww remarked, genci mtljr fell with Ctcc aid aUiorncn fiat to lb ' ground, Won nils fa tbe cbcsl and heart pr< doced o like posture of tbe body, though in Ui Utter caire modifications of the pnsitkm am expression more frequently took place than i the former. A Zooare struck full in tbe ches was "doubled upon bis musket ? if biking i position to charge baronets his face foil of tt crgT? with an attitude more menacing than iba at a !ion:* "c . Bat the rcgtort of Dr. Armand, after all, con ains ?o cases id remarkable at the two wbici are reported io a North ere paper to bate beei observed opoo the battlefield of Shibh. i k&Urm the Sew York Journal of Qmmm * * Co that Uoodr fichi, when the carnage wa over,* soldier was (band standing, bis flfimwbat, spreadfpart, aad Ins arms throw eonenbiecly oatVard, bis pbrtor* that of a lit mg man, agitated, perhaps, by a rcry stnmj tssotaat; be wis nevcrthclm stone Bead, t \ ghastif monument of seeming Hfe alongside th . hecatomb of (alien corpses. Another Utah- Is; Mftuslfjr prostrated on otm skht the tifHi *W< holding to the month a piece of cheoe* wfcid the set teeth were almost in the act of grasp )?g. kftsg opod use dick," vnn lavannn vi tewed, and the knee* drawn op toward* ifo face, w*fr a pottore Ot^nentljr to be. ofomo oft Ust^ a* well as other fte!*k ?Kli?aA*et*? tloftt wdnid be of tntemt, if described; feat th living aiiitode of the dead soldier ?UI Ipsa b&fWt, and Uto grim mockery of life ii we appnrout *fl?r effbod to a eorpte, u hanliy aorpaaied ht any reported incident c war* tf?e fact* am amw4fttl to ItSm I ^kft-witftemod the qgyl spectacle. Coaprito* or Amis* t* Yoas?-&! X?t York letter m Use Philadelphia Afef |tv?s Ike following accdaat of ike mad fbll remioglo tissidtr; l^^thelbfidftfottof New York iodety b eot metly indicated hy the tooe abd 4M of oar pel He jeemsh jsm now, f am afraid a orange coming among nsm^Ukc *vi to behove * i am rapidly geiagjgjhe bad* The Pott, fe example, telb orrnHh p#?pte op town who ar I wiklmg va\irb!? ifflfee for ihdr borae*, ami c other* wbo am eostttrtsciing edifice* for privati theatrical* Ho am giving dinner parries tba mat one Utostetsd dollar*, and partial to chii 1 dmtt where every chiM was clad m 4mm en tir^ imported from Park Ike Times dsretb on the gorgeous dbpiavac jewelry rt all o?r placfca of pnblic amnmtnent on the cotiHfttfs of the eqnipagea which whit throagb iHfc aristocmu arcane* almost ever boor of the day, and the otter alien* prodigi sty which prevails eke where. The Journal 1 Commerce, the Bxprewi and the World ad* other illustration* of the lame character, whifc \\ the Daily New* it showing that *wbile the ricl are tbu* getting richer, the poor ere gcuwj poorer " Hie utmost prominence ?%iren ti the working men ? strike* for higher wagv* awi the woe* of tbo poor needle women are * K o*?al made the burden of elaborate hmm , mm. A paper called the Nm Xaiion haa bcei t alerted in New York, h the interest of Fremont i ^Uich Uji down the following platform : I Urst?Absolute, complete and irmrtediak F wfUioat distinction of race or coihr, 1, Second?'The absolute maintenance of tbi , afotMne IXietrine. Third?Another nod better militate organ* i sation than that of President Lihcom. , Fourth?A diminution of the powers of th< i ftnentm and a larger r<s*rxrtii1t>ilitr of C*bi s ?et msot$ter? to Coogftsfc Fiftb?A cttioff )fi tbe pltco of a coofedera lion. r- "iuscbamamir at tub sorts. . m -MUwgoMlion"-the new terto for .maJgwmatson?i* the i^&t and newest phase of abolir *" liomsm at the North?openly and unblcshingly 4* avowed, and preached even from the pafpit ^ The New York Tow* makes the following rea* markable confession abdnt the matter r 91 \r?AV ABE w? cok&o TO f * * * * A rage for rrfarrying " black people baa late!? taken poeseaakm of the w Ucpubiican party* The Radicals have carried a, every thing before them, and if things go on at : | their present rata it ? feared tha?, in three month*, emy white tnatf who ? not connected by mwriage with a colored family will he *rcad oor of the party. The gusto with which the ' ' * abolitionists go into the msane movements li something at once disgmtkg and alarming.? e We tbipnk from potting on paper the stone* * which reach e? as to the prevalence of this ^ evil. Wo will only say that therg will very * **? * * soon be hardly a family in the city belonging K to the Republican persuasion which will not be * glorying in the passion of a negro son-toj law. It i* said, we know not with wha* troth, ? j that the Union League Cfeb has fitted op a * * " * " - ? * ? r > v | oigbl at iU door, acid Xf*ps a oiacr mint* * j tor on the prtrnbc* who marries all edaple* of *' i different cotO*? at toy hour of the day or night Soon.we nmjr expect to bear of daek being fought about tome black washerwoman, and h crowd* of dbtte men throogiag the basement* t of those famines who hare colored wmagk tti i their houaiw for the purpose of eotkitfog the ^ honor (j) of their hands. . It? vra great reluctance that we speak out H $1/ 1j|l our minds in this matter. Bat we We so hesitation in ?ayhg that if we had at the oota eot coocoked it gamble that hostility to slavery ^ f* woeUf erer ha*e led to wholesale tarermamg* q with negrow, the BepebTreah pan? abasM never bare receired any oodoteoance or wtp. * noit irMwtlm foantaL We owe it in oar&dfet * Ami lo posterity in my that ibe ihinsf hm e lafcen di by catpra*. It ms?er^?tiM out.. ? f jlttad. Wa dow*? ami wakm^ggfo tit $ *.. . J?%4- -U^ kf TW<jm*fc<>? which now natural]? safest* - I'^Mff toemy right-minded whit* m*t**a? w<k i | man i*, wber* fr thing: to #*d / Wh&Ser are * * ?e tending r Wfeaif* to be do** to rfop Urn 1 tt&Oa&iml awl 4v*i?*Jabl* moTWMfit. For it ii - ** tiwu a#* pake aiaff that if-H camione* tb?* e win be.eaoh no white* left $ tbit ofcee great' - 3? J Npm <*?ut*y? We ?b?iiall bo HfcK ^ t??Bi?c^3^.wilJ^ 'ujt lbs paaiHtri*. $8* both meat*! and physical oftbat unhappy - < $ ry&. Tito wge* ?f this %rt&% and term . ^ r *&?*?* already begin 'w Itlflifi tbdoj^Ivt'S SWAUr1 -; *> <9j,'4??:; ifert to oo? itieeu; for tin* most carele? ob? * (%ref who walfo 4owa Broadway 9**' hardly ' &1f to oWrte the appearance of a number * * of fcc* of tfc? well kttora brownish tfcg*.? f Ut that tinge once taiomd general, and then ; fcw#cH, a fam farewell, to all our ^tftaoeat* V^jpij * - - ?* ? 1 w T&ete w OUt one ?$UAn??r?ium? wm jn -.wi? y? 4&*m*d to own ii?m wfeie?*, in oar opinio*, r v* can look for either help 6r comfort, at tfe? e feriri* aft! lb*t? to tb* great, old, tns?j natieftai r Demoo^ It *w? fti feoft*; eobody Q Ml && forcedto call attention to fbem of-? * A ?; >f tvtwrWao ftijJwt it bw new jet proved ? flto rW*?d we are ?ikM .thai what-' $ I ever So be done $y U WjM be dooo to'pnMprt U tW panty of oar blood; ? Ma* Maaoa ik Loapo*.*-?^ia London tor* r?poit4?ot of tbe NW York^mi/<f writei: ^ |* noted fa conaedioa^ ^ i$S2a' 1Tin^Ns? a rumor of jwtsse tigg dfff ioiaerio mor?nnmt#?f tbe Empeft1 wpitfe of Wo newe o^lhc Federal fKt???% &# ; Confedtrtte etock i* riling, and taking fa I ; changed tor toe .ueim?n, iiiiwl ima * f degree ofeotS'leodlwbioh ccitJnj nrnrim * thai Mexico anMVaneo ?ilt ami miBtnelre I <?# Uio indcpcndcoco of the Odofed^fafe ' 1 State*. Ido^wcthegreowJ, for the * wrtkn, and it may teat entirely opon euDBoaed ' nocrasty of interposing a Hidlf ptagT - . * , tweea the Mexican Empire and the great '?-?* % , jfortlwra KepuUic?the neeeaity fvr? haltnce M power on the Western continent, | t-i? 6= The New Tori lltrtkimm t the New t ' t York Tribunes da% circuktirt has fallen off . out halt nod oidy amot^M> 22,000, and thai . its weekly has been 100,000. * Jerroid once wen* to a party at which a Mr, * Pepper bad kftesibled bis frietidi and said to bis host on entering the room "?y dear Mr, * Pepper, howgWd you roost be to sea your friend roa2tered.,w < * 2 . : A '>? ' - dgoj?-},;