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^ mer TBUMS. Rates for Advertising: ???* * or -xwy , V* Sn>l^ U r.: : > ': - Usmi, it WJ ta*. t? $*??& ?5*fc ; = . ^acsos^ r ?j?s~?*?? trntnmf*** xsmwi**flw?wu*^ j pgyfUAvVatrtr. j , The Jliitii'o Tnfa*> ;;?i "t?g# % ; v%ik?i aw4 ^fttatator nku % z&py : of ?jifet-&?*i* plmv' Wmee* Us* BntW* *#!&*?&* ;?#d' llivtub: ^ ;-J|j;; ' ?st ifa attljfe* #fike tarn* .Va little tra*ti&?, . - we an? a**jr??4, ?-* wew&CMftl. fa;pmfiriq* ^f>ii''i^tiutR<t #4o(is?fli wlsv tht*ta l>e 1 ^<ks*ir# to imm U*t pablk vx$ ? * { sot &% me. Wr **# our <^frw j &m |il 4<*aimeat* for ?s I fetrJiave oar rcaMJ*^* **U'f?eift$*s ibcm *iili | II. II M.'ft LwiATtUX, \ \ ivW**stt?er^ D. April J * 1 &H j Jtgttmii Itamf, &r.$ Rithmad Va : 1 ?*?? I 3*a*? heisa |rr Kari j BdUiw ^ of Sikui for | |gB Affair*, {o w?^ to Uie following j id of a 4**p?:eJ* wfcidi ba forward tiw 1* fet* fcnfclrip. .1 tare ?W mhkh appeared to m* to t*> thv ; vmj trtak&ti* Gft?,emfor she pnwni aoimppv ' m wbkb ih$ smtery m fb?$iv&j,' ' jmmI 1 tf^ ffedi ifee abfriifccfc <rf til rccos^htttd | tliplofaaik^ eoraaiar mhtafc or 01 l??r agroi* - of H?f Majottyne&r flkfemoful ?#! L<mom &r flu fcol fcan# fkit taroogfc tfefeoHtti etendf. I Ctsd warecfy fc?y v J &S.. ^ ?<* b^Mter &i tteb whom yon b**o co&srirt&t so albw to wit Richmond, !?#*] t\nhzmtfi hr the Gofmment of the United $ut?s to pai* bto yottr fine*, c?a the v'^Vv* ?f 6w the parpuec of delivering your permmion to morn (a I ^ wh^gton by tb* Mtme mode of conveyance. |?TWp bosor U> t?o . **1: J ..M^ '. v: '"vaR* b# mp^t, lofir obetii*nVh*Ufc|>ie servant. will sIao eo6v*y to Mr. Davis at Ilichmomi, through racli cbansei us *hal! i?? ami)* aed ftsi you may, in your discretion itetm proper, the formal protect ami rnnorMranco of JJcT Sil*j?5tv'*'irovewim^ot, against tbo efforts of the authorise* of the so-called Coofcd rtlc Stftict, to buM war rv&xb with is Her M*;.es> tr? ddfoimon*, to be employed sgattmi the (Jorsrnineiit of the United States. Perhaps year Lordship might bc*i accomplish tii;^ r<jw jecl by obtaimog permission from the autforh Jj ties of both beJi'igereat* to Seed a *f*dal m?*? j aeager to Iliehrsond, with the ncce^arv div t | patch, jo which yos will transmit this para-j | itraph, or the substance of it, together with -Ml thai fdlows, to the dose of this cotnraamcatkm. r "Her Majesty* OovcrftroeU ia Ufc;n~ Uis coam desira Mr. Davi* to rtwiaj&ored that H K adoplod c&tirtly fo thai spirit ti neu?Trf;tT whsch has besu dccfared the pdky of this wrantry, with trgaid to the two Mistreat* m J lameaiabiy desolating Aroensa, aad which will Mfs.linnn IA tw> fttiffeied. With ft ?Aft*ftll Alhl *5Jl I ' earnest <&?**!? muka h otekctfire to tW UKtot i%k? it!3pa*iia&? ac<J *Afef cbataltieg Us? Jaw \ Crowtj, Hor Majesty* 'C^cr^tboot !?*** ! to tiic ?JccS??mt tbsiir ibc amlianfejstf | V wwk-ili'fi^ Stole* itirti < *>+ i 1st i'U&ting ?0*l& vhidi WodM ha j #1 a g*?ttf?Hy fot t**r parpen kvbk >S?*a inMtitfNt> tJwt! !f, w ;, WW itmth n<mU awtoaMif k ?,?| swwiatl. |te*Soiftsl i>t*t??,i??wmn ?it!, ?4fe$ .jj^.i < nmcnl m ?i **?<*; ^y ^ Wt^Vllwjtemwfoy ?f (W n^in; ?*j ' tiwl the W?nwM?i ?.f (iv Upifcrf J #oa!?i to** Ml g^y :ur ^ agWiMl Her JlnjcrfVii Jovcriiiitcc!, oWM tln-v ' Kifrarti(j?j <yt J4?iifVjJjic i fceiweeu tlm op the oottil^rt 9x4:. % wfcldi h*? Jb|4af&f in the f? he J*** W? L &iHw? lIw f**ft U?r$?, v??*r* ft>r ? ??|| jjt$ tfejsm^l *??>.* *?f iW p&w$?m trhich }1<t| [ v !?*?* ukea ?f*K X* tu&ht be use ?feS-1 ? ciiiij' <4*pmsrosr sis 5* ?f **? that fjfc pr | j ik? ittbe&rccgr ihe V-IIK** vmokim j. J^WS? ..^ Ual ffc*! ll*|-at*;*& . *?$ fT^-r M*^y% B2r?;i- i 4#?^s. 4^ *az$*to&i ijbH Mr* Lfei* u t<fi j9 w^)" ''i^ifeey &T? t*^c i^ti*l/'sj)Cl4?i| jhuus i 1 zrc, ibct wodM cntasak W i? IJ a Cd&iiim* on feirSsig p^r? l* mtft;* ih& lto*41 * i&iizgs- v? **m* ;< _&au% m,ft& *!}U*<1 by lli<i &?&* ?*''&? C;i^W?ttfi4 ITwiWl *&<$* I! i&?ips Uy t|?? ram iti?*?iy by |^ | j ^ tit* C^iVd-ml -':. |fi ?? .ill Hjjie&g* %u\i i < ^W*4temt?hi n|.fi he .1 ?W, <af a?t Jll?f^<y;a> f ? iliiSiiHiAittk iHii &***>?&#* 44 ^ > ijiLfl w . ti-? ^ *** *CI^' T7,- >, -,.- * r. wtthl *# ift?? *iH*v <?f *to &rm*i? %rh \' #Vf^lSi%' fii^tfftff '$* * *?**?*/ k lieh! kr |' * tp?wi??i talimltii* t!?? fbr?wiling tif * war rc*i*j WWhfisg wfeivlt it | loyivtk $? pst ii^n 1^, or ihi: 8l(i> ? 'matr^y f&ttafcj; of ofeli o*? kfy **%hl-'k? *<*?-!; <i > > A a ^mirtict^n ?IJ . v ?i ! tpKni?kl:|br ifo U UvUw ? jko*! Ofi^J a&l 'imnty &n*'wlp wugM k t/wifr-fc .1 % par|?#fli wjjti "*&?. &pt$h& efb*r 4* m i*i$frl Mi k?W*l? fcttkiO^h #Jfl? fc|jS<i ttift w * > .? 1 jHrwrftil or *o d&CJ*!?t ft* *&? ?^l5? U if iktj, Bttdthc ohoar t>( iu A rain Wj&ofcj 10 *&! for ?r?r ftHjboafh lb# tk 1 fWe offr w|iwi??i sikl ammniiK^ might ivmkr h?r h-** dfaftke limit ?k would k j with ihcnti, Tlri* a u prminic*l, by her Mn*H - "-** - ?? -? ? Lt^Li i.* u't 1 I'HV * "*'H ?Hf ' ? ??? <i> t , Itovi*. without further atgisim i.t <*r i!$o*ir?* ou j in tappdtl of i?. *13ijh t?ud) U;ftg c?%uMUiir4 to the petfi*cl \ tsmvkitan ?f wr 5j*jt*iyV ?<of<T?ftwml *t?h | the taw '*fH?r of tiie i^tn, sm?! *vl muted, ** l\n x art* con*4 U ?a??t U\ by .Mr. ]*?*;* | ?j,t{ by ***** olivet psiyon of ^>Ui?i xuA kn^wa- \ parts*! judgment# there fe fcoi lb* ?!5^i! i \ fOoOi ty doubt ihlt ll ?* pttrpO*Ot| to u?e ;h?' j IrmeU in 'jmotion the UitHfed ?:&!<*, a j country nitb which thta llllltftv j* at jw-acu audi on i?rim of amity, ami that the per.i>?uing of . them to leaie thf pott* of her Majesty* W j t (ninkroi *o?ki be riolatioH of th* tkmtrivlity i j lawa of the kingdom, naif *nclt an iftjttrion* wi I | toward* the Ifofofrd Stale* a* would jiotifv the! ! Government of that country in tertoudv ctm- j plaining of it m unfriendly ami olfenfcfru in the | ibifhe^t degree, ?5*et? to Uie immmem pent of j rupturing we peaceful relation* now ctUlngj I. ^afoMi tlaf t?o eon nine*. ntfcr Uk^ he? Mnj<M*% \ protects and rwiiotiMmlf itijaro#! ; aav further hiring mA<ii? on the part of j tlie so-cnBe^i CoiifiKfemte Stau> or the aoifcori-1 Uc* or thereof, to jbiti!?l or OHfec to bo j any *tffh ?m*i? #s tboso style*! | V- n : ' '" ram*, or anv ether vessels to be oacd for war j V? T < , purposesagstftslthe United States or against} any country ?rith which the United Kingdom j i* fti pence and on terms of amity; and her j Majesty's Government further protest and re- j mon^tfata against all tueb acts in violation of j the neulraiitr laws of the realm. *I have the honor to be, your Lord*h?p*t obedient servant, 'iLUBBELL:' TJU; kF.pir. Rtcauoso, Vju, April 6th# ISO*. To the foqkt ifmmihif l&rd Lwm, i\ B, fj <&' ? Tt. If. .If. Miaiitir to the Gar- [ *W?N 0/ 'flu United Stffa : Mr Lout*.?*I hare been instructed bf the] j President to acknowledge the receipt or a d&? j i "" ' "" A nnn? ^.1* 5 irwm vum; ? yv?Y i.-< : ? portion of % (fa-pat eh from Rsrf K j i li M. fcccreiurr of State lor Foreign Afer^ f; popMtmg;w he a 'formal protest .v>d retoo fttttlttp of Hi r MajMr'ft tJoveromenL agaitwt j j % rfform of ii?c aodfomie* of til* to-caitaij . '\wfedmta StaleM<> bmW war \'i&*k witiiio t domisioti*, to b* employed < ipiftst wc (Wenmhjttt of ilia Unteed Stalin" t lite I'r^km dcstrcs mo to to yemr Aft l&tby that while bo ? not tmwilijng to in WPHSHg ;ntr uanwi j too <*i sneb ji <io?3troeo* through other than t he n*eaf ami prwper eharmrK it vatiU In? in* t ita&teift with the dignity of the position be t in* ** Cbkf Mags** rate of B nation comprising i i peculation of more tlia? twelti* minion*, oc- < mjmng * ismi/sry many times larger than the i Kingdom* wA pqjwaMnjfr fsKwrce* on- y atrpxM^i by the^e of any country on Uie face J 4 ihV gkd**, to alio* tb? attempt of JUri U?v * <?* to S&hto the fiotoai ex|fvOtfeo of the <>n cderate atil to coftitmieiioc^Y i4yk < iicra avH*aP<r4/' to pa * without a fonua! prtv j 3*lVttfe3 rtJ*K?t^ras&& Th4 Prewdeut, there- t orv, dor* i^'t^t ab*1 vv-\)^*tnnXt} agaitik thk \ t^y tflNdk; aifcf fee retract* m?- Jo any > hat In to locumetit to ?hkh k may ; ^.r^tc4- *iljVf?tii^J un*?is?erci *t*l a etfta&j. fohi Kari ^ Jfe* mr to <nU\ ji\at tin* pica of *tf?ch i< it^dl to >5^tarlt tlu? eonrM! of * [fc.f pn-^rnMi t' ?gain%i tin ] wo*?ntm?&l of the Coftfc-?ef*te HtnttK v* *? j" ifar^t iontradidU-d % their acti ? >< thai i! l? j ] ? * <t _. _f ? >..i? ?t? >?.? I w? v ?? M?V , (ini'.tsfSta??.? ? iwtc < ?*? for #??? , lifer, ami siw i':f-*!<*:<t <*?"?? !'"> feel ?>>V ??; W??, indwd. ll-r ; * Woternweo' ("iswcre in a dwire and j !, c'Kiiosiwn t? ??Hr*i.ty. the I'rv?- ( wit !mi fori tl-al they would , n?- , [Imt I* kw nor jnH?? ? *&?* ,Jit- "?'?)"?* , ii?f. ,.f a I3? tin- Confedewlo Statin, by f iati a Mibwtt despot;: race m are cow, atIfinftiiig lb lie eamt'it l?st fori. ?"<!'? '-1"' I'^tory .vsd ire<if tl?? An^?K%eo? before him. that under a 'ioH-nHiK-nt feiithf Jt* repnwetitin,; Hte ' hoosdr ofOfMt Hrttain, itfc? *l&* ?'%?>? ??d L?Vf.rftfo?t * >??! k- auli??ta!mg!y i!.f..wK Jnjo ?*???&'? - = 'pk>? at (* i'?reiB?tl, <>o * w States *? ?MMBf foimsd. I* **!? ?'???. "w On-; J-.' ' .J-T^ s,V-.!i-r*U* Stoic* ?nr? how He e.ifinut hut jfcyl that with *tidk n iuul with the pica afiwtiinUity ur^v< upon the jH*>p'e a* i\ uow in 110 *ueb pi l i Oil fgfc&toclo ctfuM U* whoewMS*!, tw i* oftw manifested by Her Xl-ijev ty\ prfttftnt Gorermocnt in the pt*s>i?teiil porRation of the < Vdtwdcrai* Stoteto nl the jy*]j j and bidding of ofBcjew of ill* United Sfafc*,! wiiili' a priino minister inoch jrnd uk itrteibgene* ol it Jiou*; of Common* mil of j tli<> world. by cicUMttg the permtaian to alio* Dritidi swbj^ct# to go U> tw Uoitod Stot<r* to fiihi against un by til? paltry itibterfuge, that it ?.1? the gretft demand f>r ls!*>r Aud the high tut? of Hut *cfe taking them thither, j lleottO^W 4b?l that a neutrality tan*! cunningly, attditdCMJily fawning and tu*f death eoaght nun ittgrd, hedged and demanded !?y one M%ere:a sod repudiated by rhti other, iutJ*l b? Wti tiv nil impartial men to be * mutt? I pit let! for aiding the ism*? of our at the ex- \ jn jiM* iff the Other, while pretending to bo im* I j#{4rliul. to b?\ iii*hort,lmt a row for secret,mi- J fcgwint, treaehrrmjA hMty. A& for Ui? ape- f MjHllll)ll^yyy])^ .Mihktt of tlx) nmm, I #d?Wt'vj l?i tetff Ku tfic President d< Mrv* I inr t? *?atc that b? i* content to foite the i \r?rh2 wk! hits r?ry to j>ncnoonoc? iijv>n j ill?* attempt l<? heaj> injury agw>n .tn*u!t, bv do- \ clarin# that Oer Majesty's (joremmcnt stul law I oftioers mv of tlws qiiwtionir inrol^d, while ti?o*e qua* lion* are stul before th** high' est legal tribunal of the kiugdom, composed of member* of tit* (n?vc?mu*in and the highest ' i" - ''M - - >' ' " ' . - ' , ' T:~- '#$ ' - C ' -. . V 3-* .- ... - V.' ^txA f ' y .-J-;. . 7 law officer* of thecrown, for their decision. The President himself will not condescend to notice- them. I bare the honor to be roar Lordship's obodico U huibhle servant, > ^ ,' >> BURTON X. HARRISON, Private Secretary. ?- ?? ????? ?? Mexico,?Thf' superficial arsa of Mexico in round mm&ci* ? 800,000 ai?nam miles. Its population U 8,000,0(h). Compart! with Franca, it li%? four times jw ninch territory, and lea* * - - ? than Aoefotttlh itic numfcer Mm habitants, iw jxtreroc length N. W. and & ? U over e,000 ttiilea; and its brmftKrn latitude 20 is* than 1,000 mile*. Tbs Mexican Co&fedcntotv under iho Omstrtatkm of I857 embraces t weuty .tfcreo State*, otio dhtrict andatte territory. TV hr^-r portion of Mexico ? reiy sptredy pptjfcitfifK The Northern Sotitkr States?Tir.auHpa.% Xnera Leon, Coahoib, Chihuahua, ifcaot*, tad Lower California, together with 'm interior State* of Sbatea and Duraiigo ^?WiKp^j? feii -swa rif 400_0S0 *oaAT? njiiCS. ~T. We-* A* wry ? ? v _ ^ _ which is worfrtfcan ha# of the en'iiv territory vf tLtt eotiStrr. And Tt% the aggregate popala* ion of iLu fast regies ta less than 1,000,000. ~ ' "_ >^ " j.^.' " yr-Mtn-V) n?n^?K4rt?.?No one doubts, savs the * W%*v. thai w<? lire under the best, he tnofj impsftiai, the moat itHttpapribld Go? trvmtnt in the world; wefeit, otWiriw; User* rjMdd. l? no matter of surprise in the tact that r? are jprnj; to mrirtKm; And it strikes as a* me of the most remarkable j&vidents m the -' -Jt " - fJt SSjfiiffcSk. .?tt>?v tta*. Linn PWUTIWR SW8 nru ffiHUI >?*? un uvvu ?rt tat# the annr. UW? say; put adviscdlr. itich iftrn <?f Richmond ftHajg and middle igi4. hive enteral the luilitvr Krvies vulannrily.of ?k<!9? have died gleritfteiy and it hers sti'd rental a to light their eountn'4 tathut nose ?l those ojpttltnt ri'.iser;5 whose wtrv iisov ta'jiKei ihcmtoparch^e ?ib?tiiat?f mw, mihjc 1$$ repel of the snhstitRic in*, seen put ta. They h*vo n\l been found absolute* y tata*j^n*fthh? m elfcmlian* known to the army la *V#i place*.* It is roir remarkable. A^Iytnimio Pltiiuur.?We hope that trill, carij ta Ui* ). Hftp wwi mf w?^ uinjfScrvf --^ ?jfers. elerkt snu attach** in the employment ? the CortfMerst* Oov?n>it*fcat in fttehmotid, *tvl at the tartana post* throughout the const* try. Thv tafonanijon will form a valuable bisr ?Mj? ?rflrtL it "aril! th.our the cvteat of the wastHaf c (Bend $ tort ? well am conscript c*a?;*u, jv^ltingfrotfl the mnkipliciir of o&cca vc-1 sttf^tvjsfcn ^ duih** is t'w radons departm*nt& ai**l Imrraas;. The seL'tfas khoohi cihibit the SM9C, tta&rilv, par asuj perquisite* jf the various emj&?rc\ an?l whet* facetted rhoulisppn^pmulv cb&ificd, aa<l ptfUtshtd in parapatel form, f.?r the ii^nnaibn of tk* present aoi] edification of future jjcncratioiw.?Let m hare ibfi record by all mean*. Hkhvwni Hi>. Ltfnunr a?tt> Scntmnc6'jtawuuji--?Some rniKKnt commanders hare not boon scholar*. tldt the three groalr?i generals the world has wrr prodneed *-** A bxandcr, CVsor. Napoleon ?won? axl wen of letters. The tir*t an anno* ** - ?!-.?. ?t it utitKnr* UU>P OU UOJRIT, mr napuvmt .? tht* tliini 9 philosopher, if hi had not been an ewpernr. "1)? you think," said Napoleon, uif I hiui twt been and the iostrato j* mighty thai I vronld have a*ccpt?d pbutt ami <hpemlwjcel So! J vronld have thrown ttmi ifii&t tin* atndr ofexad foicDiV; my path trowM bare been that of (iaiilco and Xewtoti; and, *ince I have always etj^wofti in ray ip\vat enterprises, I 4ionJkl have highly dhtmgw&hed myself also in my I should have lift the memory of many beautiful dSsc4W$rfc&." * ' ~r i .irf-t-'tTui j#a^bi'. Wj. ?_iuu?au A Kku Toarkdo.?'The indefatigable inten lor/ Mr. James fh lotion, ha* oftaincd a right for a new torpedo arrangement, which, we understand, haw been tested, and found to work *?eetWullv. The peculiarity churned for thh torpedo by the inventor is that it Will ? ? - ???? ?r (in/U "ttOHC IU WHY HiOUg 3 uuitviifr ??*w? rv something ill liie fbapc of a Yankee vm?1, when it will arrange itself conveniently, and , then explode. Mr. Pulton the 'Jliint!!!^ Toipedo." He wiil *oou enjoy an opportunity or testing its practicality upon hostile waters - we understand. llichtnumi Enquirer. Another Yjt5u? Craft si'ml ar a Tonpneo. ?A "tp&Vh r^etvcrt ai inc viar yo^terdny, stating that a Yankee cruivr was blown up on Saturday by ;Korpcdo in St. John'* river, Florida, in the rioifcUy of the destruction of the M^pK Leaf, by a similar agency., The partiruhos hare not been repotted, &bkmon& Enqwrtr. % >- . r /' >: ?*1'-*'- v Asi^r