OCR Interpretation

The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1864-1864, April 29, 1864, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93068003/1864-04-29/ed-1/seq-2/

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* WmL
?HJPWILLL'iLi" "L. ! - ." 111 . i-"1", - 1-'". "ft 111 1 11
FSt&AV APIS f L I $64
To Out admtisiirg friends* wifi :
o5>fe us % haadiag lu their advert teeaosts ?a or
befor? Wednesday. Oyir paper if vorked off cm
Thursday ateracoa, sad, as w? are i-bort handed, it is
^npowibls for &s to $H up the sdtemsfcmeato, if fits*
' norms*, in addition to the other sutler neoeaawnly
postponed QRtil that day. Btrtqficr so adser titematit
TffUl bt rectified en Tkxr&ky.
Bo* a slave condenrood to be hua* for burglary
?nd who was rep*kved, w2i be executed this mom'
ar.. ' - i "* - ; ;j&vc *?3*' v?t:iv 'i">v '#
fe* *
* r ?i i ii n ii _n_r?rinj-\j?ij"vn-irvr\.n_ r h i m- m
The fine Cavalry eoffipecy, ofCapt JT. H. Team
eocuaped with its for a day or two, ia theeorty pan of
the week, sad attracted ??eh ait^otkm. They ice ca
route for Vufiaa, where they win unite, wiih the cavalry
of the fctee??*S? l&poa, in a &cv regiment
to bt attache to Geo, Hax)*tos% division,
They ?e * ftne tookiaj body of tsea. *sd will we
doobt cot* gi*9 a g?wd aawcni of tfcemeeJves wheos w
ihey ewes, tfce ewMsy
tmm i imaiII in "?
W* saireader a penfca of oar opace to our com*poadeat
"Planter' to wboot ooggwttfoft* we invito ?- j
n iectjoo. We are oo advocate el the L-nprwweaeot *r*-1
wta. w? it to to w?g to pftodpp, awS <t^ 1
^Pfty*f?3gg is J&act&9 :bctf??W &T?0 to OMl&ltf
tot s* ton uritow *ft2? fciwpififtgr
to asportation of to coca Ac. of tor? oto tora tok#f%pa)
tofr wettotftog $??trSei- whtf* tolr
acagfebeii *f* s?g& *urni#;;
Tsrit TUara* Fere ts Oaa*asu,--Tto? c&vii****
fofctiftbea, to aft ?xt?x ? foil and jj^witks aeswmt of}
to feto* ??*?s & toawr of to Ftrss. osd Seewsd &1?H
BBtosof Oiv^ryt ?od to ito&jftm Lpgtoo, wtodt j
vw& !to to to tOT?ito3m? ?f ?? bad rwsta, \
Tbo G&p&sAtei &*?&? to ??tar tut to ttxwt tx&%' 3
eitoifftt tttote jfct to oat ?aki*m *xd *? <nn \
trttt tetoois, If to reporter h*x iadolged to ttoi
* po-siie Ikssaw,
* Tfa? w&p&t&t&i w*? *dJ-ba?pi. u it bad b&ea j
UAxmx *ad Id* bw* twfra; Mftl
sot ?dy &? boy* bttttB <rar -fcoff?dwem* *fi ti?j
eoeplMMai* *?d aU tb* *abe*?ii*i b??*fU*, tfesi Ota 1
be ?b*wrer*d ?pp? tbcsa, aad ?* bop* tiwtoj wSi tw? \
h&% be ]Mtp^ wbctt otter Sra&tern to*aa wOi
?a to trt&cnae tees* tteir own j
tea*ete3d (roo^ sad ibow tew testify ma rpirssd ]
ftebfTO. V* ",g,l
JilW) III *iv? ^ ?* ; <c*we- < ,
Tte skw* JtanaS quarto** i# dbe^^, and the
?it&|*%atoojwftud ?i ftwxws^iUv lor tte
Ceai?dofat?i ** ite leant srdm j^Ln<rt otKtfd tks^re.
Tte brs&*?i fktofr AiQ?a$b? fe&rcrvd to qakfc ??>
6B*t*K, by tte rstwfet of ?&xs&*x, tfw aau-hiUik**
of Qazssro*, tte reputes of Brf ??*>*<%
V I I -www Mf 'T^pynStT''b Ketiitrk? ]
*wl ltate*x?, tko drfcat ef Bassos tte alhirof
fteMost HiH, *T>i tfet c*owsi?^?x|>MtA of floss s?
ifarthOlfSiBo^teltaSlgrf pftftdfreaibtttteBa fc fit j?gfr?
?it gftefe, tad <xsc&ximd (if tit>?c<dtfd ooa&fBjsika^lte
ouortdtcto* tftte^ peopte Somite t*x&m d
itetf mtm* A A tte Taster# ters Vsrse-d, to si^r
coat* tbsi w? art* jatgojte *i *12 pc4st*? tad te8tor
praptnd lhaa c?w. to meet *ad **i?e* tferm.
Fow h*'i$m j*H wtoaia t*> te &x$M. Ttei |
??a JoasaRO* wtB via btiw VP csa THA dxDute, aod a* ]
tar Lf&t Hf* ?&&U4*d. by the lTaate*? tbrswwh tv*? |
t&a Lasoaut ha* mat tia*** ?* v*?- - ?--?- ?3
U&WiJ- w*
bar* lb# f&rdi uVca oat of h??u Wither *# *ba!i
b? abto to ?bi*o Udt U* drtate* of 6<ps*.
17 k4 ?sumia?a <xwott?&d?! . aiprwwBt.
bf ifsasixafe* atvi Soktiibi?, atatiiea to fee an*.
Btbojpnaw sod tfca Pttm wiiltk thair <feiiy,a* {**&
abtj will, te & *ey wa kx& &fw*r*t t* ?b* j
fetsw w5^b agar* of d?*fffa&ef#4 tbwi w? fc*r<? &U j
?*jm* to*.
n 11 i?i? ?wnr *i"i"* ~in,T' n~ - .?
Oft ma 6m will b? fattd aest*d!kte!
w#|?db4^k? betosft lirf? rrcosS?il sa4 Ler4 kjroa*,
4? tb* rabbet ?f lb# tuM, crd#.4wl it: ffe/;a*>4 *b*
C?afe&?f*tw Stetta, #&& witi l*> :sao4, ^ t&v* r?o j
<k>wt4, vstb by er*nr o*a, Wt &**? U#r6 |
m kmg awastattwd la aw Mr. I>,irc* torta* & 1
baod, st oHb# Karaites OtSm? tika*;
vawitt# almost Wtorf to daota wtwit** b? r?lly W-5
ft?ted binuttf tfe* &tf hUffctrstaofa grval fangfo,
a&l m2 a jsauy rrbtl e&tf vtxwt trtty qm to^bt
4Bob wUb iapR&kr. H vu tkt^cx* aa s^wiW4
wsqpte* to at to team tfeat ha had tt b#t Swgaa to fa*
ab#a tba trat^ of tte ot4 a# &9 oatitm*'
--^ l-Jt-H. *- ? - ?
Are* ?24 mpwA ktaw?3fj
who woak^'.vfe ti? mpxi eg tab***.
It i? ofc&rt wiwitf, bo vvxt r, that 0* tome paper, from J
Which W# Clip U? CCCW^pCStcJcs^ ?HiS*itt? *&ftCO0tSSt j
of &? interview Mtreea Or to atd Bmu frenxs j
which it eppesir* that th* Utter has heeti "recs^icptP J
?o4 tf* qytUwry docLurod ejjaaMS him, withdrawn 0 J
centra* ibis w*? not dun* at Hrwifus'a dk*atfc>a Neither
WKsrc the rawa $#uwd otbrrvri*? &?a bf U * pure
Jy voiaotary *ci of Eaal R?*Mpu~ Tfee cnsiUwry *u
' revoked la the iatmaia of humso'dy," the maim
***$ nwxk- "in U* interest of aowtrahty." G*)j we
hope that Pnstdeat will ivrdet x& more rasa, a&d j
swue no more poodUma^os*.
P~& Sine# the ai**** *?** ?? ?* w** ? '
?- - ? ? ?; pv ?* uwr WW31 HO- |
Doeaee?i. 6xm Rtcbmood. tb*l corr~*^m<k??x* it a'
fofferr; viieh *re half iacBned u> *&?pect from |
the first.
For the Joaroal.
Mr. Sr>rn>r: I de*tr* to cail tbc? attention of s
planters of Kershaw ? strict to the stem reaHtk* of car
coo4itioe. lu? tvrteia ?ttal &? Hammer is ap.5proftdiisfr.
that darit^ tho ?*B?g rnsxm, probably j
?'-f ~ . . ^ m
msm ^aggs aEaHRESKSPtf '' *MSS? w-. ^ r^s1' *; w
-i>.c.. v' . . /.. i:.~ ';. - : *
I in
?.,.?? ,r.M >**-!- mmmfrntm , ? ?L. ,. . ?,.i.? fc, ,WV
W&r? Striae b&s well fit fu, the Government wiU
2tmmsQ th$ contents of every com crib in the district, jj
nod rwlttt? then* to the narrowest subsistence for the w
&?&?. negroes, stock kc. The exigencies of tbe iasr* t!
trk? wifl demand it afid none ofos should complaic: jw
but b?fore this Is done, planters can ward off some of U
the suffering that will result, and at the samo time dia- \\
charged the highest duty. There is a great demand * ?
for com amon tfeo poor, other ?Jdiens families, J U
X*i cv?y planter j?wr open h(? granaries and suppijr | *
this demand to the extent of bw capacity. It can now j ?
he dote conveniently, and the poor even can pay a* ? it
tnncb as the Government will allow. Whereas, if j
"corn si withheld" until she Oofummtnt hah reduced j a
tw-aU to *!iort ration*, lb* poor be Rtffcrlog help- j11
k#s!y at car doom %" * ' J0
I ?a> weft awsre that oar plan!*** have born libera!: I *'
that dons haa been *>M fey at half, are, at a fifth ! j1
of tiw pritm prevalent to neighboring district*?that j
feme bar? area supplied the n&dy qntB ther bare ! "
had to hey at higher price* to napply their oww venni* { '
thai away may ?y that they hate r.ots* to spate? ) ~
and that ihi* t# true, etfttoaii&g a fttU allowance void j ^
"Wa ???rs in," bet the Cloversment will * ksx ycxir, j'
jale" with a ere. So 1st each of m de'en?#- j
ice thai white tre rill ehmftiiiy ^re tip to the Gov*f (,
enuresi what tt iswy need Uwri U ahaiLtwrt Uke sday C
com which we hate w&hbekf' frost the poor j *
Precpt action in this matter wii! jr^cnl fnflertog : ?
and texgUwar aad nnarasHog regret j **;
EFFECTS OF THE WAR /A* ?77ff XORTtl? 1 a
The New York D<?ih Timet, ntprs an end '
- t? Ia |Vim Wa* ftf If If iflt'i
WW W *" <? I %.J|TV*'? >?? <? "V??? .
thai il 9 a war of *conc^>ot md cUvrmina i ,j
tiotC and that uHi advocates recall anil shame \ j,
the day* of the liuta* and YitigotW The
Tim** gitfc# tlac faiiowiftg picture of the sUtc
of affair* rt hat produced 18 ih* North : f,
Th<? Administration i? perpetually t xcrcUmg p
military and forcible control Ofer ^ ballot-U
box, col only in the border States Iikxi in those J jj
wmi remote from the tccnc of convict, lJene, j {,
m New York, a major general of the United ]
States otrer-rhio*. with -military ne^iy," lf)c j,]
function* irf the tiotcmor of New York and ; ^
the law? and r?2?ht> of the State and it# chief ^
mhninp&JHy. KrerydayV telegraph bring* i? SJ
tiding* of aome outrage commit ted by the re- 0
ionmi soldiery, for opinion'* **kc, opon peace- *
?' '*?? ??twtli! /?*? mru'lif-,11 (itu
jk-j^hS?*<>roe Deim?cn?tic ,>rr*? deMiwrM.?
Tfev Stinwctai tstwfi of the Administration
| are pslitjg op, day afrer day, mountain* of in- ft
| dc!*tcd?ew, which, sooner or latter, ma*; top? c
i pht o^r A??i ern^i t+ There k not *? acre of ?
I land in &0 whole Stoib-?not a warehouse, a )
d*cUing, ft factor??which Mr. CSm*c as not fl
,.<&**fit: :l. &Us3gL *?**> * *? *?*+**?**+< | ?
| eaelt heavier 3ian the, last J Xtamwh ifc, the j ?
; e?*t of ihc comfiion?*i ncce**ark* of HA? U bo-1 w
j coming frightful to the poor ; and* the ctw?r- j tl
! nioffi* sapcrsthttndance of |*apcr money SMitmt)- j h
btliflg csiiavagane** and *g*ccuht!ii??ti to ?!i# a
;i&ddo*t (rir)c^?aM; every element ?*f demur- n
a]t?il>on k nl work to eorraj* the prfcplf; pah*
; lie tiRttt appear* to litvc ioiiJ U**df, sgswi private
integrity, *wd <*vet. ch*?ti; v. a?v. Ur*u-grd \ *]
Ly the most tempting noil ottpttrctvlvm^l *U,*
Jamttentx The vlttb, In fine, app arto have ? ?
i job!**! hand* in an in&mott* *4t$t??>ah* *4 I *
Mood fcinl moral or phy?iza! do&tacbery* Th? j u
i very capital of the JSrpobfte h*t become boi a j *
| gigantic votltei, a here iewod am) de*pen?t& *
j wo*iftti acmrcijlr rival, in their *h*iwt*i< m way
the moral pnotsttttiort of the Legislative and *
S&xocotivc Chamber* I *
L Ui? exaggeration! Let the reader who t
think* to spend hot a week in Washington, or, j,
explore St* Vo?k for but a day.
I Paus****** Dsvoncit Cjufc?Tftc London ^
corresponds fit' of tbo PhSladelp hi* laqviTtr *
&** : # J
The FiliRtDjatt !>ivoicc ea*? ha* received*
it* qtutfwi) Uic p:aicli6* having withdraw a from t!
the further p?oo?culio?? of hi* sail, xtaS i? Mich
a mannerthat Lord Paimcmon i* ^
reHoted from all rt*po;j*ibii:ty. The agkir |m
been a canon* om*? The plaintiff allege* thai ,
he ha* bec? with, bat aver* that no ^
compromise lwu? been matie with M Palmer* *
*Mm, ami that, aJthoagn he ha* been induced }
to abandon the prowcutfosi, from motive* s
factory to himself, he conld and should have y
moved *i! h? allegation* if he had gone up. j
Of course the natural tnfereMV is that *w.
My has paid hi* cost* and given hitn a *a*?wfacto;rjr
compensation for bt* injured honor, and,
although the complaisant judge declared that <j
Lord ralmcrstoi* left tbo court without an im- q
potation upon h?* oh a racier, there art* rerv * J
few people in London who do not believe 3hat j ?
hi* lordabip's money ha* been the mean* of hi* j *
escape from at least a very unpleasant ram *
paign in court t
m*r 11 w "i-as fffr-Q1 ^
lKrR88E#TS*? Cl;BM*CT StlTltTIC*.?The
whole amount of interest bearing Treawirv
note* tMtied since th# formation of tho Confcu- t<
erate <iov eminent, up to .April 1, 18*34, :* <\
#132,640,000; of nun interest hearing note*, *
np to the same date, #072,305,305, csdatiie o?? o
the fiftr cent note*. l*f the &t)y cent t ot- ? I ft
there were up to the Mine period?first; *
of April?#808,000. The amount funded nince j
the formation of the Government, up to April |
1, 1884, in rix, seven and per cent, bonds was j d
#27,000,000. * I h
" > r"\. L:-"''.V-'N' 2?&v p 'r - '
f _ . *
AH men are pliik*opher&-~$avs Arscnc
!ou*<a)c. in his^dtnirnbie preface to that adorable
book of his on Philosophers and Ac*
x$se*'?all women are actresses; Socrates
ho studies with Aspasin?Aspasia who roles
ic world under name of Pericles; Abclard
ho gives lessons to Heloise?Heloisc who
iV? to him in a low tone, Ignoramv* ! Volure
who teaches the art of acting to MadcraoiiHe
de Livry, who so*#n returns bis lesson*.?
iverr man who is not coupled with a, woman,
s not a man. A poet has said, 4\?od coraienccs
the artist, and woman perfects liim,"
t .t - . - r? .t - * t
no last poet was ngui. r.ve t? inc into ooosc
j which Adam *:adied. God has give* phi!*
nophy to man, bat he ha* taught woman the
ri of acting. Ala certain diapason, ail the
n.t and women who have taken a bite of the
ttrr jniil of knowledge, among the privileged
f wit and beauiv?artists, thinkers women of
0 >
Lshion. C0vtftier*-~f0r there i* always a court
-the greater part are pbii<*<jplier% the greater
art arc nctre**c*. It ? only at the Sorbotm*
nd at the theatre thai they are seldom met
Ks?w*ack$ Dtscawiao.?Knapsack* have
lilen into genend and dwcttedH in the
Confederate arm if*, and in dcrbkw of them ih*
ddicm call them *haod organs," Whenever a
aiupaoT or regiment if seen marching with
koap<aek* idoig," the.taunt i* nsru so folic w :
r wr, yonVe got your organ*, where'* yonr
loftkey* ? Von left thcm'Miind, exporting to
nd bigger and belter mornkev* dow n here,"
A blanket tixii tostafoth, u&wl into Use *hap??
: a i*>* constrictor, and *lm?? sUeil the Ajonb
of* of lh? *>M;er, ia the it^k nl for
cart, rapid marching, w>?*
Arraiiu isr the VALMtr.?From ail *e cap
car from the Lower YaiJey the ewmt^arc
arti^iSarit zc*'eu< in guarding the Bailtmurc
n<i Ohio Kadfo&l of The inference U
bat they arc transporting Iroop&iw thai road
i mnforco the Army of the rotomAc.
AUwit a week r?-^o, a battalion of negro of*
im r?ilwl Winchester/whom liter tesaainrd
feeisd hc?ar\ hot did bo damage daring thvir
tav. A centliftftan ?ho n?w them wivn thev
* *?> *
itm to )?c dcjwted, ami looked wore like pr>
ncr* tjnder guard of tk few white tidier*
ho accompanied them than soldier* with am*
i their imsMdsw?Kxthts**;**
?&?-. ? > ?
The liiohm^n*! journal* an? en4ea*?*rinj?' %?>
tfhottt nil lie froeftrU connects! ?iih tb* ev
hau^e of j?rUt>n?r< Otfr/?fimiQH in it ?ill l>v
rj??to *av but little on ih?* A* the
^wm/Mfr wy*. tJu?rc ha* been tome *e?m ?hul
in*. not very ere*li"?h*c to our auth<?rilu*N by
^kLlIuUti' as??iii^?Mf??} 's* ^ fnilibirv
&f&mi*?tOKGr t*vati&?t ? 3th th:* Government,"
rt?dh wnoitnU So a *ipr3li<ral wiibiktun] ai
!at ptsbUe, gpjkttltt proclamation tienotttKuig
]m a* a tmmltutfr/" ??le* There Im* kvs
\wk oat h? lii^h [Qii^iou$Hf, Nwiaa
* ? *
tare nre! he *>ii4 !
? *
fc I)tart-'***- * or tilt jnucc?**~ MI am vol o<
be ctpraUm rtf th*?*e ijeotlemcu *!o> ar^ oppofc!
Uj <Ji?t8ri*iit* tbi* pttblir r^jKor. VI like s
b? or u'i rn- there it ?a ?bu*e, Tlttf f;re bcl]
t iittarb* Tour *Wp, hnj*it keep* yon
r*?rsi U ?;jj burnt in your l>?dL TIki hw ? anu
rjr a!&r;a the ttintrr, pff*ftrfcft the i : -p
nv of the p'?viur>." ~
\ portion of the Georgia pn^, 0.?v. Bfo^
n4 Vice I'rertpi^nt Sloven*. hare l?ena ehara:
brired a* of the praee.**
?j. ? -??There
j? n? tw ^?ilv f<?r breaking jotjr word
n the* ftr#t phw, iifwt frn>miv> anything
ink** vott know it to !?? in your power to fu'i*
ill; and in the M**?t:d place, itmi? up, your
nimh bofoiv vofj prottii*#, iluit vhi^itr
on do jnr?mwe, von \a ill fulfill. By *o doing,
'**tf nil! jjain an ! enjoy tJtn confidence ofthomj
you. Wb?:j mcb a duutie^r I* e*tab?
Ldtod, si will he of atme vnh& than ermine
^4 or prtnerh diadem*.
In the course of l**t week, two bro?l cJtf^u
rue noMol on the gate* and d<x?r* of Shmnft
"asinine Churchy in Dahlia. IV>th anr nignrd
&*ccrdov' Ofio i* hea W of hii
Joline** Pioi |X on the American War," nnli
h* other, "tetter* of John Uitdidl. Wiilintn
inrith 0* Brum, John Martin, and Sneerdo#," on
b# American War.''1 Their object is to div
, ?
nsnige Federal ctdUtmenl* in Iwhni
The Latent Pari* fashion in ladies* drew is foi
int of door*,* gnrwent vert like a man,*
Teat c?4AS. fitting ch>?c Mid covered with hra><
?button.* not only for t) e hot for onui
neat, *om* of ilicin even h<ih? vtuck on tba
hmtldenju Several knlic* arc to bo met in the
five* with this ?tm&^ Tftftroent, hut the ruultidirit
v of hntton*. nlii' h ifUre finelr. m hIiim-s
r- I
n direct more *? range llian aide.
A German MatHtical writer remarks that ii-c
nunlion of ilie w-wing m*<dsin? ha* i-nahh-v]
isi? woman to #* w a$ a* a hundred c<m5d
r>* by '-and a ref Jury ago; I ?!, he eoniinuv*,
nf woman now demand* a* much clothing i
hundred! did. a century ago??o that the aiiutK?ti
i* not m> mtich changed afte r aH.
Two hundred ami ?ichty-fiTC pcrv?>r* wore
n?wwd hy ihr rv< < nt inundation nt Sheffield,
,C -r.'^VV ^ -. ^.V.*:;'-'- ' '" '. , .: , / >. -;
.,...,1?..M?i?^..Mm..?i>. ,
I Mobile, April 23?~rOGr Western despatches
confirm the defeat of Banks on the 13th and
15th iftsts., at Grand Eeore, Louisiana. iie
j lost 4500 prisoner*, with all the camp equipage.
; On the 18tb inst^, eleven fteainl:>oa'o% carrying
the Yankee wonwicd, passed Bonnet Carre
1 Landing. B arks is r< w at rort Do Rossj,
calling for reinforcements. His army is demoralized,
and Taylor is pressing hirn closely.
| Reinforcements arc now going from New Or
leans to Baton Rouge. The Yazoo Valley is
j clear of Yankees af last.
| Dalton*, April 24.?Northern date* of the
I 21?t have l>eeu received. New Orleans paper* 1
\ of the 16th state that Banks' headquarters are /
at Natchitoches. The rebels arc burning ali
the cotton on the Red Hirer and Ouachita.?
We have had *kirTni*hcs with the rebel cavalry
near Sbrevcport and Natchitoches.
# HlOU
| Momt.i*. April 22.?On Wednesday last
Win Adam? rcpoUed 1500 Yankee* near Mc|
chaoicanlle, Mi&A. His hi** i.? not Anted.
Dsuoreu*, At.*.. April 23.?A despatch >*
from Oi-n. Wirt A da at*, dated Vacoo City/
April 22, says : **A sec tion of artillery and a
detachment of sharpshooter*, under (5ol. Grif<
fir:, to dav, attacked and captured a jrnnboat
- _ .v r c?..
Rear in;* n acr. .~av viw IM uiv
Miorr. and our mm drovethe eoemy from their*
nf:d finally foulii ik boat. OQL GrifBm
removed her Hoc arfiuuurnf, counting of
eight 20 pound***, Wiih a forge quantity of
ro<?i riuitabfo uorw^ aod tbcu turned her to
t!i>* sifticf"* edge. A number of the Yankee
r-vr *,re billed, and ybe Di|?Uio and I'jfot
pretr uhcfi 0*?:r <^^(lct.vtre but
I Letter* i? Chicago AWmi^ Jwrtvtf,.
i dated ?eof?t Aprd ICKh, lay Ibut the Federal
' wvilty met with n Kfk>n* retme at Fi?i*4t2t
j Hill, DeSot* Fars^b, with a k-+* of over two
I thousand roe??, killed, weeded and fn>vjog~
ffo*. IktiftOD, cemmxndiitg, i? aroonj the
- vooO^d.
* r^ow otx. ron&caV'a couxiyt*.
/ Daitox, April 25.?A lady who ram?
ihmttgh thu line* jo day reports th?it Fom>t
| iiir attack**! the garrfrott at I Jeralnr, TeniM*\
Mr. knlitt* meat of the garrUon iud capturing
i a ln$]?e number of prisoner.
| A Cato]?U|? JCeiiUJCky, de* patch of the
? 19th ?ivh: "CanUsn Taliiek airim! with one
a *
1 Iiutdtd j'itiwir. r*? cAptnrr>o nt PjiinunriJIe.?
j relnri brigade attacked oar force* m.
| f'ainmilk Tuesday h.*t, i?ut were rrjmWd.
fVdanei fidk^phj pcsni-ti them, and ?urpri*cd
| *hvm al Itad" Mountain. capturing twenty pri*~
?j oner* and property. together wi:h a wagoe
The ridn-b Vi. r * romttunded l y Colnmd?
\ Ql?y and i'fptilkt. Mitjoi John^n and Cvlo*
turl Cby arc RWtoVjg the, prattler*. #
raoa crjr. jMixtrci*** am?y.
April 23.? A piftT jusA through*
| the Tank's? !::?=> wprU that all the tn^[tv
ilmd l?rji UtttiUViltoxthd Kn<*\^tS!.? 1?t a >mnil
garrison. T?UMitv?kui? *r*l a tr^tn if 4(PJ
had arrived a? Ck'tc?8fl4 fsuln Knoxf
rule. The font1! a: CkteJatw! onder Ho* aid
| w?* 25,O0tf. The enemy won? throwing up
| wo?k? ?; Athens Chariot on ?u,l Cieve
, | Und. Ivtt thoo?ind arv at Chattanooga,
j T*o of llic army rcfoHs to rfcnliij.
The lime of omrthirQ of the army empire* in
May. TW enutcy arc concentrating tr*K>|?*
-! from all other point* to Virginia ami Tcnnc*'
* w, Waving only ??;ad ;*afri?otift. The Van*
Ikcc* m*\ they will \K> ready to ftdvancc on Atlanta
within -the next 20 day.
>axu hundred Wt*eOQ?n cavalry made a
mi-l yesterday on Boiling Sprit g*? 14 mile*
n^tliWOit of DaStoo, capturing 14 of our men
and t^o officer*. AH . ervne*
j Daltok. April 23.?The enemy** cavalry
j capture 1 twenty four of our cavalry "*mr
Spring l'lac<% and killed the U? utenant in
; command, ye*softlay. Wheeler, hearing of it,
1' ordered Cot. ftoaa to nuke a 3**b ou their
| picket* in front of Tunnel Hill at daylight th?
f morning. which rewltod in the capture of
ivrcn^r-otto men and thirty home*, and the
i killing of fifteen men. The enemy are reporIted
?juito active at Cleveland.
IHltojs, Id, April 25.?General Wheeler
I had a grand review of hi* cavalry to-day, which
- ws* wltm ^d by a large number of goners!
Two hundred and Uf!v? Federal prisoners
I captured by Foircrt at Fort POtow, and Colo11
ne)? he#* Kay and Jack.*on near Florence, were
\ i brought bene to-day.
\ (General lulpatrick has been assigned to the
i j command of the cavalry in General Sherman's
I Ulto*, Gam April 2f>.?It is currently reported
that Grant ha* arrived at Chattanooga
and Tv?uix-<l the command of the "ArmJ of the
CumWIittd." The enemy rj?y>orto*I to have
1 moved l ack toward* Cleveland* from Kcd Ciav.
I % - 0
!>av<V (Yankee) division is reported to bo at
) ^ *
Wii.M!N<;?o.v, April 22.? About 150 Yan|
kces landed last night in seven boats at Mason- ^
' bore Sound, and partially destroyed the State

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