Newspaper Page Text
mmmmmaomammmrnrnmn r i n i in wiiiii mi 11 mi 11 IP Salt Works, and carried off i 1 operative*?a!! , f white. , ?] |; Rxchmokd, April 21.?An official d^patch s |ji| from General iloke, dated Plymouth. X. C-, " April 20, say*; *1 have stormed and carried 0 this place, capturing one Brigadier, 1600 men, $ with a large applies of store?, and twenty dive jiicces of artillery .n M > A telegram to the President from Colonel (* John Taylor Wood, *ar?: About 2500 pri.%o* ? net*, including 400 negroes, were captured at li 1Dl?MM??k *I?a flA m/utni rtf artfilftpf. 1 AnOOO 1 ?Y UIVUMIf WJV wv ^ivvvo wt ? ><>>v> , f pounds of meat* 1000 barrels of floor, with a ^ foil garrison outfit* Two gunboat* were sank, * and Another disabled, and a small steamer was 6 captured. Dor loss was about 300 io all CoL e . ? Mezeor was amongst the killed.. I Rictmos^ April ?Jttig. Gen. Weiusrl 1 B commanded the Yankee at Plymouth, * || He was summoned, by flag of trace, to sdrren jB der, but refused to comply when ihe <m&d* S crates charged and gained the inner works. f B The Yankees threw down their arms. The 1 jjm number captnred is now stated to i*c 2300.-x- * BB *??&?* of negroes. An*, ngstthe gtim taken ( W is a 200 pounder Parroll gsm. 1 W rffaJX OEJT. u&#* *?mr. I Oaasctf 0. II., April 23.?Obserratioiir J( % dfrom Chirks Mountain dadopt no change in \ the Yankee camps, ft k reported tbnt the % enemy begb today snoring op thdr rear i preparatory to rtj ivotiimg 3s gomg 1 j 0f? ie front to indicate nn immediate ldtju|c?. * The rmd* ane now dry and har^ am! the I weather ? dutiful. 0ju*or fe IL, April 25.?The ei-cmyV car-1 c airy y*!*terikr tttade Miiite ksrble demop*tr*- j ; lioiitw 5? if intending to rro** in front o! ?y% J # and Vt-w rn ; h r onis i*at tptickJy wb?d?Nf!**t|} and r&ited m the dsreethm of Culpepper. (X U j t There h nothing efte of interest here. j t 1&*H caw ttear taptomjrihc tmin earn* 1 jag Gea. Grant to Brk*f Station, on the 15th. j *ICM1la*D*, It Eicanoxo, Ajmi 22.?The tweood c*cc?p?-1 r tkm of Padaeaji by the Confederals* p&rted go \ * be a mere raid hw pfamfgr by i*dO men. They j * took away a tiwmU^of borMR and cetwidera- ii ? hie booty, ^Several ?nn* h&ptured In* Form*t * at Fort rihow were spiked before falling into tk ItAnd*. " *> A hsUer from the Hon. dame* X M^*on to * 5 Governor Smith f&te*: % ?wb?t t for the ittatoe of General (Stenewilf) *j*ckwn 1 has hrsar*i?d hf V.? ?n<{H*li A?o6wik?tt.* TbeootaUodiag anion i*t ?vf- Treason* note* t ktrnmifsxlifm $5 ami under s? *ioni ja \hm S^p*h**tioek ?rjh Pott ftoral, W, will W the (feue of jitlfia&dc*j * .wteewt* * * V' The Sj^ttOO ?r.s?Hr*al* haio kfi the 1 \> Imatshek Hirer. Before W*iB? $00 waro!* landed Aft'i ih?*tr<ore4 SQQ Ui?4ul* iff com and t IwirtMMf the &rahftB2??& I The w'cf jW {W r**i?wHiii ?f A?- v * ?Ji?->r? Bttr&ttt to kJontgomtiy, buss Wo eoatt* ttfitfttvii). " J gi .-,?;v . ' "i IH Ifccnitos**. April 23.?U <t iittr information ffiKlrt 4lit JVftiiwuI* of the of a Ifttpe h BttmW of Y-nakf# tr**>p# at Yofilwiii (tout J gq^'tfmn ft i* reputed sh*t ih* ': ivfftiwsniss *i&rioiir?! {litre M bo^Q tka)?>? ^ *H*?4 JW?4 Wi? *ct*f away. " B?K BtttW* ft*? of {nice Wt ?mw>l ft! * C^v Point y<why i^niobtt mJi'fiMmtba to the <#ra?tamliti? <$Wr a! CitV *' Point aaf? *"TltC limit of titm arrived, wlMi *AI |i?4 fy. Wwocw tW jj f repn**tti*!t?c* of the Emperor of France #t*4 j J1 the United S?*Us?for shipping the i-?Wt ?i j t Cite Point, 1 hare sent oi. IVtte, of my rtatf. j for the Itmgfe fOTptsw of tfeliefcrmg 4e*p?tebr* ^ * for the commanding offiznt of tl*? French trv ! aek* The Preodb tiwmar* left dottfcg \. tcrnoon. No tobacco n? mai 4<m if."" j Gotten! Ifokc- who command^! got land j j fores** t? the late **ms!t on Phftooiftb, ha* b?n \ * piwnobd lo the rank of M*j. General. v The tetiwfc. jiwttwtkg to bo a eoiTO*p0ttd*j v ?. r s .?_^ *> i flQI WlWini waru ?<>? ?? wj >iw * jrs??v?v ? j j Prtvuk Secretary, are pnononoecd Nir^crio j j ft In oflkmtfy estimated that the bacon sup- j ply thh year it? the, Bute of Ocorgt* will exceed j 5,000,000 pmmdt. L* ' Jfo farther development in regard to the j Freaeh tobacco. |n ri Hie Supreme Court of Appeeh of Virjfimm j ha* granted A now trial to Fofde, convicted of j ,s the murder of I)non, the farmer ckrk of the j fi How of Bepreeciitative*. j T General Weteel atwfa number of other o?B-j cer* ceptared by General Hoke at Plymouth ; arrived at tbe Libby prison to-day. rovutte* k*w?. * ? fKOK Tits r*rrfiD &T&TIUU c Adner* from the Army of the Potomac indicate 0dOt9 preparation* for the campaign. number* of the aick have been transfer- I fed to Wnabingtoo, and all-the ?itler% 2000 in t as? her. have idt the army? Orant baa c*tab- j i foh?d h? hea&ftiartera in the field. j)e*rrter* j v fttrn Lee* afiuy report h? whole force 60,000* *ed that mioiWcements arc constantly arriving. ) k Gen. Bnroskle has nearly completed the re- 1 jk of the troop* under hh command c Sk They arc understood to he in fine condition, j a Kfc and are axpected to reader important acrricc j n Bin ^RHn :|Kg?i,. ': -i". >n3?.p?: / I'iVi;.' i nmiirwMMiiw.iliu uiirmw ?;My.m >iiwmiimi hiwwriwnnwi mil i, iiiy fen mimic left Wellington on the 21?, in pecsal steamer for Fortsess Monroe. 4 Beast Butler demands to be relieved froi h present |K>sit ion nnb< he car? have centre f the military movements having their has utbin the limits of his Department. The Governor of New 'York has determine d call out the State militia regiments to d< uty attlie fort* around New York harbor, ii Tfler to allow the forces now stationed I her l> bo ti*n*&?rred to the Bold. A fleet of war steamer* went to hxi fror icw York on Wednesday last The flee ril! touch off Hampton Roads, and the scale rders, under which it sails, arc not to be open d unttf after its departure from that point, Baltimore papers of the 23d fr,rnish ftddi ional letter* from Havana, wiiich mention th rrival of the Confederate m earner Florida a a * .1 * ? t r> i . I a aoa on Ujc nui. ?cvcra? union gunooai live gone to overtake her. Andy Johnson ami Hiownlow hs*l anothft Jnion meeting in Knoxvillc on the 16th, ii rhkh rwwbtiouA were parsed endowing; th< idtomiKtraiion. and denouncing the action c be Coppcthcad* in their late convention, LinciJo, in ? *jvtrch at the Sanitary Fair ii ?*!tiniorc, referral to Use massacre at Fori Pi! c?w, and aaJd, if it congested, he wouh akc retaliatory *mp?. The New York World any* that Cham? ha i$ed into Tv^jni^slioti all hi? orpins p?M ami hat he will evidently lie competed, before th ?ear is ecu to fc?y g*>"d wherewith to pay th utert^t on tho public debt. At Saw York on the 20ih. ronton was fine r *nd higher. Cold 167 3 I. Cold closed 01 he l*2d instant at 175. Fao* feeio?re. lite 1'^'M IMSVC delivered a judgment nd * -t - - >- ? - -2- .? t t. . ..... fefr-wj" *. P*ws i -f i?<: ?tur? wkjwj-t* ?; ? f be app&sl from ;jsc j^^nenl of t$* Il3 tl??? IUmz *?f T.or>K EaH inchlcii ally rdl^l b* ils* *pnrku* Wf**rt at SvrtU * itfci]?rr, a:#4 intimate) thsrtjic *&? original y kJ by & nn.%1 t/? tlic* fc|K?rt n* emu K'i kit* E*H, $e*nfd ?iau? battxtj tt?*k t&Sbrr m^Tiirk# t be Sad* i" to have We: J& f^r a forgery. \ it! tfae. Hrit^a Uo*i*e *>{ Qnti&mnftK on the tUl Mr. Latter! ?ti 1 ilia* t!a? (kvemmvn ? ? takiag wwart* UI iavtvtipitc the aikgei ndtutyg'tng? of lK*h emigrant* Ibr *ervice in ill jt&k*? army* S&imHfokf, tins lutialf'r df iho Ji?>n?u* <1 !*?mim?ii* implies^ 3 h t1$c Maaini e??n*pini^ $aii??t Naptlfon, !s?* ?n* cfc?&u*i&^{fc&Iiy wekomed *>i 3 arrira* at $<?asivttaptnfi? #&2*mrr httth at ttins?^>?r for tl*? G?i sd *?*!*% slid boti&di fewa Cci-ilif jbr 3 nsb* s**% io$athr ?rwk*>l on Lady IAhhL I ? nnoittd thai tiir }*9fnr*tro < ** ha* kftj wi led, the owwer* to a tfftlkl fo he eswt*, ? ith the umtisna^foHbitare ot th? A hrfvr <*ofii|*any ha* !x?*u formed in Efijj ?ih, with a fafiul of a nullum doHar*. f<?r Ui i^rrhaM? at *? ift ^mnciv l? run the hoKkad nd l*riuj? coX??u. The Or-n* ??f famdmi, Boiur, Vv nnm Ih*t is, St.?Sjain oik! France h*v *re<d ju r&?*%iiit6 the Ktitpemr of Mexico o The Kmprw < f Au?ln h*% alio* el the : i of a &?rf? af 6000 toltmuvr* far th * VHmf*r?*r All t3** n^anl t<* Muiiailku/ itf lb(* JJciicaa <rrr?*p Uv?' km a?! it*iwi. MiuttnsHua * a* l?i Mil on th<? I3l! A ?T*?t }JJUl eif liiC City *4 httftttM W h*C [finned hv ?r*\ The Jo** i* cfttimaUti a r * r*?m l*? to sum* un'mo* of ?fa!lsr*, ??m A mo?l am! imprcam* crre?i??!i ***k jitace t\l the i inirvh is? iMh n ft \\ ?*{!nt*M!3T, is the rotitiniiatinu, t*r Ut*h<? * * ? *iiiott, 4 (<>ur Uviu r&U of the unity. <>! I entics ty. LWut. (h'?. Hardee and tieu*. ihufw* and Strab!. The bi*t wuned firmer! its* fir*l jwimi into the church bv bdjidm ,nd then ihn rite* *4 conSmnAlhm c ndmii stercd to him with the other*. COjcrxoRtx KjrtHAt?Rr?i***r.?V> hy U I th sa&pif*t letter in the alphabet I hocjia^c Ml" i* alwayaiti bU?*. "K" is in hei iod all the n*t arc in potatory. *T?e Hne*t army on the planet" lu** com I own to three *5?rp?, ch-vctt division*, an ittout thirty brigade*, and pn?!?ahlr about 12 ?gittt?Qt&? A wonderful failing off! To give brilliancy to tfu ? r< >* dust tbefn ea y nt night and open them early in the rnori ng; and let the mind lie constantly intent o he acquisition of knowledge, or on the cxc; i? of benevolent feeling. In the city court of Mobile, lately, Jaco tiehmond ?ft* convicted of the crime of rttoi ion. lb* wtl? fined ^jOO^and Myitenced tothrc uonlhs iuipii*<HiH?#nt in the county jail A 8m?05ta?t?t Hkmioop.?When the Ilci Jr. hc*rti An tniwei je*ni?gf? ?j a ray* spend tbo Siiuiny in ruling' my a* ount*," tiuii venerable minister turned roan ad raid, in an accent of deep soiemmtr, "Yo nay find, sir, that the day of judgement is t io spent in ciacUy the same manner." y . - i> ' - ~ a * Dr. Fmnklin Bacbc, the oldest great gram! son of Dr. Franklin, died in Fhiladelpbia, March n 10. He was born October 25, 1702, and was d the oldest fon of tiro DocioFs oldest grand? c child. |fo wa# Professor of < hem'strv in tlic ] Jefferson Medical College, and in conjunction ^ j with Dr. George II. Wood, publisher of the ^ United States Dispensatory. lie leaves four n sons and a daughter. ANNQ1; NO EM ENTS. ^ Ma. Ei>!Tt?ft: As the time is approaching when tin? ^ people d Kershaw District- will tare lo select, iIkhc ^ who will represent them, in tho ensuing 'Legislature wo nespcrtfullr recommend tbo following gentlemen 9? a candidate*. I* e For Sri,aim. ? | Ma;. A. n. IHJx h.i*> jl I Fvr Hrp f atioes. M*j. J. M. taSArsSCRK, r Cavt W. Z. LKITNEB. u . Br 3ft.*rrlh}jgr tJiCr above, roti Trill obligG p| AprB is. many voters. * $ ,! , Ml.. H > ^ I. ~ For .'ieprctmteUr*. W?.? arc ?olborix#<l to .tnoontc? CoL A. D. GOOD11} WVJi, ft;* a enidkbtofar lis# I>p?UtaJV at ibo ?m?J \ lag J April 22 if * i Mk Kr-rrvs: Yon trill pkswc aoBoannce Cftjrt. }, | WILtl Ail CLY8URX. r> a ca?4kbi? forrnlodoQ C . ??ckrV of Um* r^jnofCwmiKm Wcs?. fr?r K??i1taw c j DbttVl oWijpi M AN Y KB I KNUS. | April 15, 5 Mr. Kntjijs: aaxtoti-dce (Vji,W. R? TA YLDR. ft 1 as ft c^rl&ate f r ito '^kr of Cbri of ito CVj?ik a! ithc ?retl ctr..V,E?- s&K&ioa, *ttt! 0**%**, April I. MANY F81ESM j} Vt$ cto l? #3&0WKS> ilr. VM. T. AY j Lg' -K (* | at* a? o*t>4?4i*!i( for Cc*k of ibv Cwt at the nzzf L? | Ap*fl"92 ? ?- m .m i mi nnwp wiw< mini i ?.>?i ?>!i?>ii ? ?; u?m*v ? j* 2^.AJEVRXEr>T K] % tic JW. Ur Se*tl L ?. RICHBOURGK* of J | Rk?b?i io JIfcs RU2V A. BaMHV, of ' 9*,imm m,m1 111 " ' ' 1 .. " ' ;J rXTlUCT. J f BRANCH BANK STATK SO. CAj I CAMOSX. ?. C\ April CU\. i1?4 foiling pftaiufete .i&4 r?ov5uik?a* rrrro ifttro. i 4ocHl >ivi usm.jutcufcy ?4op3<?dL ; Whwtm ilHa* ?<*tiw\! Sit so aa tUi viae Go?d, fa fefa ' j ijMeniUb!* ??*;'* fcrorjtfr i? nfUkt thin Board r i by lbo ftpttusw) (/. a oborifSHsi (Head tod A^'intpd, it> ' ifc* dcaSii oT U J AW HKNCK ft'UITAKKR, fcr a n k?t;? mtsir* of year* ? of ch;+ B*ok 1 /& ! />v^v>cJL I. XUas. in Uw <ta*ih of L. L, WfcU _ j aker, U;?* Bank UtA ?ft ctfSm. UUlifnl do, , vote*! cwSui; <k E>nflU"r* of iBW Boa 4, and o*? . ?v* u*fr\ ?itJ ffV*?d JOftS <s:;4 snrcf isoi 11 in cvvrv rv^ot of U& Th* eosanuistttv s > I flsr.4 Crista. * ?*>?? tic,? Ill cfMlii^ > K5tU Y >' v*ii.i cvca v? Jjwsi (U '**??kUc? ttuu j^cptJ csrrt? wuo J B-Utch *<? Ifaftour mu-uetl. P | 4. T5**s 4a rc-^tct IA Ma sm-aio?/ *t?. will iroor ilw ? u.?OAI a? ttr-taum'o^ for sMtt** <!?*** > i X Thai a ojfcyf AttauU^t t?? to J r? t ; ffiMti- rr ?&S ?t r?i ^' 0^ RnojatiutiHi >*? fcnfsfiii-J i U? 1*5* &a*i!r will, liw> %kv~j* H4 i?f Ou :i**frrvi W. J!. sHaSS'OX. Itrrf-s. I wiw?mw?i mm titmrn wum *m w?m ?i wiiMii>>iiiiwfc>?i fi %co\ Kirrtuv# ~~ C I IV !i,L be* fxtrvrd wfitM Uk* l&iii Uitv of A**r BfcAi, *H ff fcfier ??fki? wii! in dealt tniSi a*? | o*dit? U? kflr. s ) jVr--v-'Ui" !*<?*'ii?g Iff tlefcrru*' of Air* J rjUcV r*oH{>?ft v for tMf 5?^ls? b iMiM, ?v tetfr&r it&tfsnd |{*ai #ucfa 4 fttvlg*!* ?r?i ii-p/ A*U?4 joake Uhtir :> tarn, to wvc. ' JOijUC CANTKV. * { C&'MQti ApfiJ Vjs -t As.**-*fcx. ID^MIfiTR At OHM *\I. K. q j T) Y |?nr;^.'.u o? \ L AU-Dvca!;!, CwJiwjrr for (? ? 1 ^ DiiViti ifciih Cuo^di, J *U2 rtA M 1 5bc i**o rw. :roo? ?#f W'n** u t^fv'd, US) !? ? 5 J2fli d?/il?r j?I iJw j*c*?FtwtJ pfw$#f*]r H ^ ; IwAJf&i? t? Uip <u( A^Jrrson Nuditf*' iVc-d <x*s' .fciij&jj * { (St)^ 4?>q4j!k afft-1 *j*j? fi'.i, *??? foil W| "' : *vt iS. GUfKiHSiV ?<.vi\ A"* i t>l?<i.5ift>*i)f I }? 41 ? HttOW,Vv S,* Ajfn 2! M T<* MIRK 4 V '*,;r* 5f* It* 1? V/roTA <r K"* ** i V tenter |??niniii| *ppir ?l Pot: 0&c$. iJ Apr J 2^ ' ' II MI IURCM W AHTVl). |C \VA KTKU ii fin; s?u* U?a4f**t\ w * jw*1 oaok T ? fef * Uxu wii;M WU! U> pa>.i J, ApfJj 31 (b Journal tiff** April 2d ifi iG FOR H4LC OR BARTER. '1 j TW? dtxyr* al*>T* U* l\*l Oflk*. CotUifi Cfcf*K y ' 1 Ck*. U%orp?x>J *t*i C?Mt?i 8*li, NaiL\ ToWrsv ? Outton Y*w*L Fi^ur, lU.xxi, and La:4. ty April 2d I) I>. riOCOTT. r HE A IM<IM RTEIttf, OOKBCRIIT DEPARTMENT. W OouxtlA. April 20. 18<M r"1 GKSKP.A!. ORDERS SO 7 IPKRHOX8 between liw of t~ &r,d 1* ab4 Wliwn.45 $u4 &0 rmr*. wl*? to nrpwl for ^ ; <rar*>HsK?n; by UK* 14?ii instant will rtp^rt U? til# KRr j rollirijf Odvxr? of Utt r IHttncU "* or t*f0 f.yr* tV fa* 1 >* Mnj tt -i ?<?! *- ill Uo wKl.< ui i\*vyti\ict oi vudb tl??.u;f. <"fl xwlcrinp a #?4?rfart-^T exfttfefr tfc?rr$fer 11 Th-**n> who fait io report frilhlo iNo llfoc bwhv * ' * * 1 ??v Iv 1 *;!! oi?jw.xijna ?i??w j. to with liiont *ho *t* b*iw?a iho afpe* of *6 *n<f 44. *jr.**h ib<*T th*H render a jttU^aciOry excuse ? fr,r <irfd i!t U> I-- ji. !.?t?! of by I bo- Bnrftatj ?f fV-*,?i~rif? : ? *1 H - hrtww><i C. D. M KL70.V. il Apn) 5 l'onjm*R<!ant of (Y>n*enpts. 0 VtT Ttt-Wtikiy Gcmmr a fid Mercury copy four Urao* til <Khcr paper* m ibc ulc* V II EAi>Qi;.t UTKBS. ^ COMMJ:'f.\!ir (iKSKKjir.S DEFT, & C., Coi?Ciisii. April 20, 1S64. : /"iO?dPC\JXT8 p;^f st th?- ;i'.T!)U5 io manufacriin? ? V/ *** District? taring roacixxitijifr v iAepmtJm-n;. showing no t\:Aful ritfsan&tvtniHf^ ami m'itusw^iructiun of tiw Ant atxi their ron tracts. the foiIrwi^irrgrt6tk)n8 are pnb&hcd lor the better iufor-in&tinri of the aix! ail sfcnceroed, which aia^t be strictly complied with: J st. '1 s:c/ j?5riltf i^nufsc'nrerf to \? *-M oolj to rquterir practising physicians ?t>: registered rfrug gist*, residing to same restrict* ^ith agi-nt. lorcvrrenf fkr.d\ .>t lite j>r;cc n&jned in the cunt?act. ? t?i - - if..:.? r j i tJV^scuiw m lug, '? uiu iwrtu uus pritcuriug io another and adjoining, may be allowed to draw a portion of ^ptrilj* from the dUtiJjer of that Ewtfict* lor UfO us* of their patient* residing therio. 3d. apent bn* n right to drtnand grain Ibrrpifittt\ 4th The following pledge wil?. be required by tho' agentv and mu?t be given in orary instance before ai?( I portion of the *prit# manufactured <nm be obtained? i "1. the undenrifrned, (regularly practicing physician or \ registered draggtM,) of L*ari?ct, do Int-rcby pledge my lr>;,or that i wilt r-ot \yte, *ell or depose of . any portion of the apinu fan?i* to ice by , agent to manufacture pure ?priu for the l?i-rtrict of . except fyr mtdfcfoft! ptfrpow*. and that I vri-l not h*U or iJiht.rwi.HJ dispose <>t ihe kum at an advance I of mere than tiFeuty-Jiv? j*-r cent, on it.* coj?U" [ 3Ui. lb** quantHv u U? rold u> caeb regularity practising phyjuoan uu<i r K'd drnjrgtc*. under the Act, i? ? ?( fo txhe-i fifty prions of w tinker and Hv# < . t t J. - <> __ . J; .t ???"'*** *?: aiiwi-.'-, ow?v. 7 , yr-7?". sir;cwy mji atw.coi parpc*<rs? TU< 3gjwit? srt? rw?ttn*kod"d to deliver tl?e flitfrYC quA^Uiy $>ft?|i}irtd) wLeu practicable, ift equal mootnly foaiajmeots *0 a* to ffrre to oid> a for. < skm wheti lor, s:k1 ikh to deliver ?ay one ibo wiled-? ^nar.yty fit? ucv, to U.e esduimm, lor the iimt, i of otfcot*. I <*?Il A veals are tv/jo? sl?"l to oaVc out and forward 5 to this Department puactnnh y. <n> the l.wl day of each < tptafirr. or a- *&on ?fur as poMitk, their return*, oo . tfr* h*nnfe? ftrnVmbcd of an *j *rii? tsaoulactnred sod I ?owl l>? liters during the quarter. Br order of U>?- t?ovcmor. RICHARD CALDWELL I5*ut O.-L t>uii&i;<u&ry*ffcn?rrati S. C. 45T* A'? S3 jfae State? plcaweopy ooee, and rcxid bilb in e>?pt> Wi*b copy of advertl^rtncnt ale udM U? ihi* Drpartarctti for jwytn-WL BUb paid ^ ^ttar^rly. I A or{i 2D t South Carolina-Kcr^hatr I>i?lrict. BY \. L. XsXrtXXIZt. ?QCt*K. *HKM3?StT I IIMIKRKAS, U:kU AVhtekeraadT.M. Whit, t ? Wcr. a; >fosd io tf e ftiT of AdaiiiiiiiAtkkit - on all and iti.-jU? th-e p**U j?ad charJrt. and errdsl* tti L L WbUfcier, Ulvrsf the Du&rici aforesaid, d&je*j*vd; J Tint## *nf, therefore, to and ftdattteld* nil, ?ml MnjmJjtr, tb* kindred etci cfrdiwK of the imM 4cct*#? *t*i u> ho and appear before re at o?r utxt Ordinary *e ? Court for ti* ?*id DbisrU-i. to be m Konhnw | Coyrt ffouw ?*?? thy Jfth day of M.ty prux^no, U> *how cs?i*t?, tf any, wny tbo *a;d administration *ba*dd ??'{ I< ^raafcd. iit*e? under tut Hand and S<*1. tins tweoiy-niath day oi A pnl in the rear of our Lnrdooe themeaod eight hundred stsd ssxty-foar, and io the eightyeolith year of the Independence end Suvch-^atT ot the Stat? of South Caroline. ALKX l Mcdonald* O, K. D. April *9 1 nTirrlm ASSESSOR'S OK KICK. CxJibO. April Io l-Cl, I I ,\ rn.1:1 tCft JO liter lax IK l-HM. ItiC i'feWW? X a44ilUft**i ta&r* lixce U>?n leftk*!, wader ibo } Act of Go*:.err** of |?tb Ft brwiy* 15ol. (0 which the | BMvniioa of aU cXKHWicd n MfliMtal: J " Hi aft profit* Butie br buying add aoiltag at any j uax* Uftwwa tto 6 art day of January, 1S63. asd the j flfsf day <>4 January. |5tM, aut wpritu*HJ$ nor* flour, I w heat, wra, jicp, *ii^.?r. tiH>U*?rT, of *?U, haroo, \ j**k, hegr*? teeefur bfcd cuttk, *UtfcfS oat*, hay, f?xkkr, j r**r b&O* V?st <r?'. ho?*?* emir* boohk *boe*, cotlttB i yani#, wn< WcXfc'*?, COttoaor KiiXod cfc*s?, hat*. wa? | $???, fettrateftt iron. *te*\ or uJuK a tax of tea I jsrt cent. l*r a.s*Mtt**d and copied, ' fVu fajr v </n 4*ii?Ajxsj ft* tk Thjr o? Iwtmz ?*d Pf?&* u*xUt ikt Jk* Actof&t Jlik ~v>? ail nrohi* masio by baying and *>IUog boftwu th? Sm <tijr cf inttunr, a:.<S tivc fir*: day of January, li$4. ox*jo, shJ?i miv?r. frcigh exchange, itfdtv notes, debit, credit* of obUfgalwai of any kind, . aad utay twor &***?< v, or /;-*.??? ej ?*|f A;*a<i | ;kHCOtiatervltfti {it tbo jaTClvdiffl? jvjra^IjJpb, a Lax of J Scu j*r ivnt% it? addtfc y*s i,? t.b* !&:?< * oa awch pfptita or iocotoe taxlyr i!w? Ad of Silk Aprft, 1^3. *bail bo j ai'-J oaikdedy * *1>ft tl c JJarniRl OJ *JJ !**CatT-flV0 ? I ppf <cr?..i nwiv durtsjf Uw ;. or J Ml;. by ar.r half or , baakasy uoifreiir, <m?% wufip?l??, toport#j* wsd ictagrapit, rsptt**, raiiroad, tractt* 1m dry dock or joint atock c Kapajr of > ?- * -. - . , ?i?.^.?: . . t Vi.l tk ?JkT ftf : ' ?>-. - .. >. | !*<iiiv-H?c {<? cpftl. ch*U s^twfld awl <n i Mid', vxnm* io addition to tfcs Itvooavo Tax of web j batik*, o? <vrjH>raSjKvn*t under iro Act of j 2|tfe April, l*<& " iTl;? nwswirf k>rm* for the return* of t?o abore xc# hari&x Wo rwrivoi uj-jarvnt are mpw**Usd ^ \t> make ibcir.rxNurn* promptly, and jvot*cr r? hor?br luivtm Hm? ?urh return* muat be ntdo wjtUia thirty da#r? from i*?i? data Thaw who huve { tied tr* wwiVo ihrir return* for tbo Income Tax tit" 1 **>3, will mvo tbem^ive trouble and cxjxrft** by making ibem forthwith. JOHN CANTKY, Amcmor ITtU OUfdb :?Itatricl, S. C. April 15 3 WANTEDr "/ w\ BrSHKLS Senrom ?<*~4, for which tba r )' Ft f bight ?t pr,cc will t^c given. ApnJ i& , < D. anOCOTT. NOTICE rpifK ffuWriixwla* diic-'verwl that an improper L imefwurw cxiav* between moao of hi* Xe$rroei <ai-i people nr? tit?s *? or 1JC;,r f^mdet, very injurious to tbero b? theiefore fori vU all trading of any kind. iu ith cither ?iav? or frt^etuaii wult any ?d hi? negroes, the law wiil be enforced again*! all ofiftxktn. JAMKSCli ESXTJT j April 22 2 COOK WANTED. VHA1R j'Hoc in j rvv will b- for a ncjrro wowsaaL who is * good cook Ac. Vpply at tberI\*n< April 3 if