Newspaper Page Text
I ' . . ; ' . . ; <m / " W *->,. ? V; . . \f , i l!foL XXm-NO. 1. CAMDEN, & C, FRIDAY, MA^'lS, 1864. ' NEW SEME3-VOL.' 1?NO. 20. wmy " * * MMte, ? a?Iiwwi I rm I \wmnwnmam*BmammHimmmmmmmmammmmmi m n wnumimmmm.m^m, m i imii ji a., .- i ^JaaiittsM^Ma.4', h.t #-. .. ..- "$'.. -?M . . . ?s?? t ?i <* I 919 2 ** . 9 - /r. -j, 1 11 1 ' , Kates for Advertising: j . For m Smmm? bam or taw-.TWO J , ftOLE-iSS fer tbo tot inowtimt. tS &MIB01toi nm cssts far?Mii $ft??*?r Hoysoh, *xg*#8ag&&e dwgtri S*yt?&tUkK mm. KM &; Aorjunat wade, U> oar sdrotfe- ? TMtWOARMWSL M >. | ? y - | Mt smsmrwmnfs f S^j^n* .yy* g IW WB8W W m tM'WMJJ ^ ^ t%lii nditet, <J Tfe?*0i tirfe*|# . ? jfitiwcet nBpy frncwt}ftftt kttoit *1 ... ^ * # unw iwwW| . A J I*18 WWy W#Mi ISM* MWW^pil 4b9 MM ^ 33tt?fiStc2; y - p f i J t. if,, ,, . ..^i >>ivm f^L , MiiV BMUUA *** aAtt^A ^^1 t^^WIIWiflJ tS^ WwOi Wl| ft ' Al&* may *foih& tltf Sk*? r,L ". ' -;'ll topuit wf% ftwu iw J ?fe Gtmfeltrpt* $i#ftx if Amrim* j I Ym *? tse^hfod aeder etrsaoHUncrs cf 1 vo?f co?irt*V; and 4l t? fert?- * Hate that* mmta?, as roe 4 oewfr efoetad by 1 the fngfc&k **d familiar with the mdifoa of * the t*m*? yen *it fc# the belter 9 ttblg to de*m immmtt* adapted v% meet the J ?3*t? of lb* fw*|$k ?mc?i Wheat imposing ' iwmMilff twiilil ob the cstfeett. The * Wief jpcpw whscSt has elapsed *ttw* the Ittl ll (Amy ?? | SetetdJ? OfpOffrBltf t*> Usst lit* effeaarvfthe [ MM P*p??rt?ftfc htw* then inaelnil, ??r hare 1 iht <Mk occcrriog m the interval taea mth 1 at mstamtly to change She state of the cenfo- 1 tay. The wgatf war tiMUPOftcad agsitwt a* fa 1 vk?la*km if the right* of the State*, and so a Mvpetiea of pewer eot delegated to the 0<tf? 1 wraneotefthe fcssitfd States, is still character* f ufed hp the barbarism wth Which it ha* bm? J # te^t hww aaadartad b| the eaemy. Aged J Ma^ hebhas w6?w a?i dbiMrea, appal in 1 m? (dtU lmMr which shoofct ha naptnrf 4 py ww anawt| lor iMBnwty w&ra www, i iBasreemw* or hanfchmtftt fhoo their homes, 4 Ptwfcr aad dmstetta* ef the property of ( *e*<*a&tfeot^ dotmtfe* of* private dwellmas and even of edtflcee devoted to the war* I ship of Citod, txpe&ttai orgal&eei farthest I purpose Of s*d?ag efthn^ coo&gniftg the? to 1 the fbroes* killing the aasnaed mbahiUwU aad < lefidiog ktfiUc ootrsges oa women wd chit- < dree, *?. seme of the eeofetastlj roearvfag i stroestxe of the iarsdn, It eaaaot mswmhlf 1 It anfta&ded that each arts epodeee to aa? # ?sd which their arthots dire grow before the < ettfead world, aad sooner or lifer Orate* ? 4m must mete out to them the tftodemnatioo < -Aul>*?*k WaKte d*s?r*^ TW- 332 i && mkforif sofkied apo? the jpeopie of the i Mdd?u?te h*a sorted bat to iliartfjiio j * thek patrktksn. Betsre snaniroitjr and seal < &r their arcatrfs *uaae hat beta prc^mistct- i ly UMWigiifmfini aaeoog tbeao whose sacri&ca * lniMrigiWM. So the mwy whkh t*? ] <: aiL r, '.k -s ?rod the trab sad dangers of the war; which tea selected to privations t&d dasppvist (to* of manly fortitside tar mm severe has the brief fatigues and perils of actual ombdh) ha* been tae centre of cheerfulness md bofee* From the camp warn the voice of beaoMbr patriots ia voicing each who h at wwae; hi the sphere he betl may AH, to devote i? whole eamjpea id Use sopport of a cam* in he success of which their confidence has never shared. Tbey, the Veterana of many a hard ooghiteM, tender W their country, without iwmoftim^aaen'i^ofpncefawraltjeto ?e which posterity frill bold in gretefitt r& aembramx. Is cota?dermg the aute of the cooslrr, the rfoxlkm h sstitmU* aomtUdL thai ih* s*the bh&Co^t?i^of t?fe Coo^|et*te States of Imartea. The I'fovWnal Government was armed, it* e?grt?* fteJd foofr gemots, lived t? appoint*] term, am! p**a*d awar* The tiftoaitent Govern meat ?m tb*Sorg*jufcd, it* ftferettt D?psttm?ftt* csUMbhed. a Cougtom lu.l.aj.t ALOA I.JLI /am* MtttAM tfytft) I MSV snrm iwei i* fall term *&J cspirwi. Yo?? br nriM&d Cuftgrcm uihI# lite permsnsni JofcmitteuU aits t*?w iMgiplcd M iht 12m mfplifco ?j*pomted bj few fir* coronicodag <mr ifltooft. ?11 tbe*? crcnt* feme pitew *&> b&tam ii^wttlteuindiaf tli? t&rexi of <mr fvwipi tNi^Qpu98| WMCQ HlfifC JtWIIa Sg9| OT p<Me m pr?i to avert a titto go*n? SMet ?mm aepantg and inAjWwt wcragotr ?m fwoguta*! by Imty with KaMNtaad 6t?at Britain is the bM eeuttifr. Had} frtt WiH>T>fif e<eieinWitilflna?nmrf ?*? li. te <1RP|?W A^wMfBWw wf SteMljr UfW s? agtMigg* Um \msu uk*? of our prefect r>**li2M?t. ami on* ndtt* have U*m raI*U-4, or of wnr detained io f?orU to which I Iw* hi# t?i*ito4 l?t |??od**tMtlb?*i*f nc??1 refer, next in ooo iacttMe o?tr lU-r aIm iomsIi4 tb? mttbd right of **vlum ?u Mip*msJ l<* tei-orc; obtfo *$tw %4 them Gof* nnitekl hm ewttlcMed iuelf Willi ?$tt)fdr <ltp> o&titti l*v <ltf?*<t*titift2 rttprewnutkrot t&r k*&? loct oftntr cwwtfy m the rvcnrring ttftUoem ?f hi* tofltwijpliKww dWrcaril at u$?i^ lid right* and Ibgmnt vtufatiom ofpublic bo, t ma* be that famgp Go**rm*e*f*, like our memw*, kft?e t?t4slet> our <!ectt* far peace, HumtnAlj emrna*d*k* evidence of chan*ion, md h?*t IJhcnce iokmd the probability if mootm in the effort ti> ftit^ogaieor extenm ansmorv ?? ww* ***&$ 84ftaiinit& [ IN no 'ptfwf*?ci of *? mh change in the 00mm herHofdftj pottoed >r Una# l?rt cnimeftU; hat when thb <Jcltt?toi> ball have bean <f bgolled, dm! when onr irnle madane?? hj the frafor and fort itoe of onr people, ahull bare been won again* all the hoMtlo ttfinsoce* comb!nod again** m, i* can no anger bo tgaoifed by open foe* df profct^l wau*t*i thn war will have left with iu proud Bfioojfoi a iwetm! of manjr wrongs which it iubr not wwbecoma o? to focgiva?noma for im wo ma? not properljr kAw from 4* eatdtag rearer* in tbe meantime H b moa^bfor na to know that every avenue of legotsathm k doied acitis* tsa; that our e nest ia making woeWed and atreneooa effort* bar oer deatrectfonj and that the sole ramie* '**> ?* ** ? iiiiiabiafniB in tika Iwtiat of car an**, isxl holding oar liberties lo be more n&ktm then *11 otbe* eerthfy fomtifoo, a to iouibtne end apply emy element of power for MrMaam pramoii Oe the entject of the exchange of praonm [ giveiS? ivgnrt lo be north to gin yon mikb haory wfamttson. The Government of the United State*, while smarting in it* feSoX to ixecuto the tetme of the cartel, mokooccatioo*! Jeiifem* Of praonrn, and Ibee swpeed action wHbont apparent came, I ?oofm my inability to ecsuprebend their policy or pnrpata.? fbe praonm held by at, is spite of hnman ore pembihg fiibm the inevitable effects 3t imprwoeme*! end the homfeieknea pro?M the boMlttftfim of release from con i&emen? fbs ftp^ctaele oftheir saffitring Aug- j ?ents out longing desire to reftett from rimi&r trials oaf own bwre mea, who h**e spent to tuADjr weary months in a erne! and u?clest mpraonae?it endured with heroic cotwUocr. Ilts delhsty, tfttr ft SBftptosfan of sorat'WoeicB, tss just been resumed by the enemy; bat ?s they M wanoce of intent to tun oat the cartel, en interruption of the eictaoge mm e?An? ?t a*0 mAment mumr *?wu mm mm*w u*v>an.w*i fbe report? of the Departments, herewith fchmiiied, *** re&md to for foil information ts/*l*Uoa to the matters appertaining to each; There are tiro of theat cm which 1 deem it yxbl smuk. The r?|)oc of th? Secretes^ of the Tiettory tiSte&ds jwtifriog the conclusion that the fcw patM a* the la& teuton for the purpose of withdrawing from circulation the Urge excess of Traacrr notch heretofore imicd, has > fetid the de&rcj effect; and that by the 1st JuJt the amount in circulation will bare been Mated to 0 sum not exceeding 1230,000,000. J|fcWfeM to be of primary importance that CO forther bene of notes should tare place, and that th* use of the credit of the Government SiouW fee restricted to the two other modes pmmdeif by Coagrcia, via: the title of bonds awl the wwie of certificates btttHeg interest, for the price of supplies pvr chased within our ftpftfc, Ibe !*wf ?it bow tfaatb, sefbofizet fb* mm hf lb* Tr**?ry of t*cw rtot? to the tf&miof t*o thir43? of liic ?reo?nt tteeited an* ?kr it* pwrobti*. tbt estimate of tb? smoooi footled emfcr \be Uw?w tlmwo to be OSOOO,mptoi *r*l tbmfcef tim era be reINedi we tb?!l ?t?f* est eddttioa of $220*000,C?iO, to oar^rfcolnuo?*, bbfcvcd to be simdy srale forth* Umi of tbe wmtry. Tbo awtfoti of dm large warn to tbe foira* of coerac? woeM be *Uaided bjr dratfra efecf*, **! wo?W praJsce tbe mw" wife* of tbe erik from wbfcb the funding lew hte fvu?wd the cottslm !r<wr sra* are with the w&xte which havfc reason to k>|H% ray writ expect that n?i r*#r. afrl moling vanM ?'m?ch reu*d the Ixttoefitttit inHaettreof grace all tin? ;& **Upto4 to commerce with fofdgn centra* f* *mr present ritt^ratunce* I I now of no ttffedc ? providing for the pobfte want* which w.rtiM rntail WcrtHccs ?o great a* a frwh i*stte ??f Trtauorv nou*, jbum! I trart that voa will cwm i\} the propriety of aloofeteiy fbrUiding *?* lucre** of thcsx now to ctfcttlmm. if*- m K m" - > -.- ??J jj ,a,jI tPBhem fcavr twn appoimea ana aapwcwg t?> the Tr?^\f?*i*sippi State*, and the ntce*~ iary msmw'* Ukm for the elocution of the !*?* enaofed .lo olirtai* dehtf* in adminateriflg the Trrawrv m?d other Executive Department* in ih<*c Sutc*; but efficient time Im not ciapt* td |o ascertain the mult*, i- In rdbnion to the wo*t important of ail subject* at the j*e*?nl time, the eflkitticy of ow ftnnijfc in the field, il i* gratifying lo assure tm that lbs dtnciplbe ami initflrikm of tbt t/oopahav* kept pace with the improvement in materia! and equipment We have nman to eoomtwlato ourselves on the remit* of the Mhim on thii isb^ct and on the iaereaawl a&bUtrativqi^ergT b the different bureau* of the War D^Srtiheoi and may not tmreaaooab!v mdulo* sfiUcipdk>a of commensurate ww" io tbe ejumine campaign. Tbe on taniatioa of mttrxm is in progress, and H is hoped thay will be valuable in affording ic?iJ prot??ci?0li without requiring details and datachmeata from active forte. Among the recommendation* contained in tha report of the Secretary of War, jonr attention b specially invited to those in which legislation is suggested on the following subjects, via: * f I The tanOre of office of the general officers to the provisional army; and a proper disciimioatioa ia compensation of the different grades: The provision required in aid of invalid offi cam who have resigned in consequence of wonnda or stefcocM contracted while in service; The amendment of the law which deprives officers in the field of the privilege of pureha ring rations and thou adds to their emnarraaa! ** MiifeiriMF the benefit intend* I niQIi v? ?-. ded: The organisation of the general staff of the itrtnjr, in relation to whifch a special message will ahorthr he address*! to yon, containing & resaons which compelled me to with hold my approrai of a bilipUed by yoor predecessor* at too lafe a period of the session to allow time Tor morning ?* IVI twtl The neeewitr form increase in the allowance now made for the transportation of officers traveling tinier order*: Ine nftodc of providing officer* for the execution of Hie conscript khfr: lh? means of sawing greater dispatch and mot* regular admiimtraaon of josacc as examimng and disposing of the records of cases reported from the eouifcHnarti&i and military courts ia the army. The recent emrU of the war ?e highly creditable to oor troops, exhibition energy sad rigiteace, combined with the habitual gallantry | which they have taught ns to expect on a8 ocI caaicosr-We have been cheers*] by important | and rateable soccesac* in, Florida, Northern | Misskotppi, Western Teanesee, and Kentucky, | Western |/>tii*naa and Eastern North Caroli| na, inflecting highest honor on the skid and conduct of our commanders^ and on the incomparable soldier* whom it is their privilege to lead, A naval attack on Mobile wassosuccess' /Uk*?AMk, MMltHl ft tklK*- stftA of. I Twiiv rupiutcu uir vu?c{ >? tempt wjm abandoned, wad the mse month* siege of Charleston has be?o practice]!? sospen<M, karinff that noble city and its fortres! let iinperkhabte dbtwmcnt* t<? the skill and '. *?-i ?L^n4un TIia flnntM in IIVniHIUV Wl IW WI?HUV1? * MV m miyg >? Northern Georgia and Id Northern Virginia 94111 cpptke, witb nmlmken front, a formidable barrier to the progress of the ifcrader, sad oor gecemli, tmi^ and people, ate animated by cbeeHbl confidence. Let o% theo, white raolnte la devoting all tmr energies to mctiH&g the realizaHoa of the blight awpteet whkh eocborage as, cot forgcLthat ear bumble sad most graudb! thanks are doe to Si?, witboot whose tftidante aad protecting etre; ell htfman effort aw' of no avail, and to whom fftferpodtkm are dae Use manifold aaccefieea with which we have totea cheered. JEFFERSON DAY1S. Richmond, May 2d, 3064. Yocxo tVoiusV Ki^*?.~TLe octfon of prolonging lite by inhaling the breath of josag women, o&enti Mr. Wadd, 4m an agreeable dcttssfoii canity credited; and one pbyakia* who bad himself written on health waa ro indacueed by it, that be alMf look lodging* in n boarding school, that ft might never be I phm. Fhftb Thick?***, who winto "The ISnide )T. neK; any* he, turned of ahrfy., and in gcwwj though ! have lived in r*fhm climates, and suffered severely both in body afcd wind, yd hum always partaken of the breath of young ' I jmmen, whenever they catfb? in my way. I (eel none of the indrmftka which 10 often strike wb fret dnd ears in tlm greet ?tr * (Beth) of sicks**, by mc6 man? jmm ymnjgyt than mmi? - - ? ; -. ? - r I &. Krtcs ro* SVt*or,?Profowoe Davw, the eminent rbatbefnatimse ffi convening with a young friem! of hi* opoo the ititportAfK* of system in studying, at well at in eremhicg nbe, took a piece of ptfftr end wrote of tor him the following i&portafrf mica: ? I. team one thing at a time; ?. Learn that thing well ; 3. Learn iu connections, as h? at possible, with all other thing * 4. Believe that to know everything ot wm? th'mgy^tter than to know something of |9 | The ntler of Cashmere fa* recently talon stringent measures to f >revenl the forthm; mannature of the inferior shawk which are now sent in toch base quantities te Europe, to poseIj made at to he nearly unsaleable. In tfcr city of Sirec Nagger or Cashmere, them are tercnty thousand jfersona engpgad in th^r macu&einre. ^ Frtemamnw rear ha curios* to knd$ their strength in the worlds population., From rery accurate satieties we can slate ihstift thejfew ,* ^ .'5 and in the Old World there are 8258 b%?s* ? with 500,000 active members* JThe number of non-active and those who !mv* withdrawn ir nearly 3,000,000. A gentleman was speaking, the other day, of ihtkindiHSA of his friend* in visiting torn. One old aunt in particular visited hha regular* It twfee a year, and staved ?x month* eaeh tune. v-i - 4 l'|r A London sar^on recently pat a dog to sleep with chloroform, and taking oat a piece ^ * of his stall, ha* inserted a watch cmtsJ, tkwmgh which be can see the change* in the brain prods ced by sleep * W I t _ #_ ^ f. Wttff if 10 do urpogati ironi wie iww wr* ? dsn to boptho Ibc Ecgikh Prince. M. Afexoadr* Votte?** dfod rowntijr hi Trm&t. " xL. : .... z$i*