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THE'CAMDEN JOURNAL. ' tha gallant td&tt wOlaborti? beptawSsd?Ifitdaod . Jtis Hay GfOtttS,hta v*& h&nakwAj "" ' '' ' ?MIKHWMI I '? '**">',Vaa?|^l?aa>l|HI|?HI llll I llll - ,'?$ * Tfe? aeiwjapw teafeMtt & toefcfog up fo C&ades, W. ?. Boa&saa Bp? ^<$0% twtwqmmemos watkl. Bern eC odr cn&MgM mo ? % great!/ e? 196 IW^iK 01W tWIIllr 4RMf inHt WW MamSMmstf aftAiymfer ti* aw ?f tb? S*r, ?aS MSattees ara (tan tiM riab of ftair ?w^w!wHL To#imyirtiMftitat??#s^wowu? m auiipi o WBWJ IN vxLeraiw ? wnvj power , li jftvars ??&; bat wt ? nsrprtod tl*t& tbl? $**?&. tikfiwwwt <fra3dtai nfegfrd ii*fct watajact of obpk hfcy^^?g^n^&tiljaw6>f rapMBy trutportk# trwsp* *&? ?8$pttfR to tfemtotttd potota. Emif i^ vsm&to * km to ^OMfiMwt JliiaBtbl^Mfl(lVW?lMM Mli pitrots m om baptmuM j^f1, ? Ik* &%&*&*, (tb*% fe, &? right to are tbtaj *rs * 0j ydfatnaxMm. ftb?ot aaipairtili ro prem*cro* <Sgr so ft* actor ftcfrMdlcf [tortici to iMr torIj&m fpotoat te ftp ifagit otorvtag &ss03ot fai fNir arigfrfcrnftowl Ufes** to to mmm& to 0? mo* ifiim papas ?od &mhstwt op ifro ?* B8i??o ?)E*ctey *&*! j<e$wi!, so fifeodtatt jcwor orvr tlw fi*fc *0^0$00*B^fc th* ?5^?t of *&tofc5r3* <?tts??& Aad ?rh?s ft* (for* ; taw of * totwftpi AM* satoffoto to tttwpmt ft* -( i ftfeWpf fiftto DwMwJj^Ry totreo** twtjpod jwww ^ Mo Mlbai trttetc, WIma ft* ooMMonU ' t. jfcjJTtog(| o4||* MMMHMkM A^1 I^A *8Sw ?9BR WHK^W^ wWfW j "'WBt 'fevyflpd tt w?> j *$bm$ mt ^k^jt tot &? i&$? ?f Ife Jai Ifefai ?g^wnwB^# J J. ? jKidt jTUIhW- ^IfytflHiMni 4%kiASb AMMIAfik ilb^tw Ikiawti - ? ? ? t wwmwto toss, yciwwMi ww wwi is $& tup*?** iMriMtt* ?a dbw?tt'-llk? JMiUto ? ? *>*<**?***, .*B ttw untiMiii ^ yf^ mimm ^VB^W-W ? * ? IB tMC^pSV^ j j ji .* Mtffi Vt tftwif tit gf? iff* irffHtoftftHid turn ! ; f w&fe &* am> | f ^ ^ ?&** ?*& &*&*? &* Urn Ml uns W ^ 1 $64 Ufmmmtfm ? ma& pht* $* A$&, om e?wdi aawsy peroes *ri? ten fct tani & tiMetim. Tcm wilt ?*fc? ? few opca i?s> Ak?, Ckm* ffe, ObeftWM, ft o&, , ? ok, Mace, Mi* (gagtr Mi 6a8N# ?Mh i pta&, bea* 0* etoe Mt&k* Ss* tsd j?e* m a M fea&w?. Ttfct i to * l^ie^pdo6ftd*ia^MiBi% ft ? * - I ;v < j? 1 * SPVf ? fc^r^Vv" -Vj-v *?;' A * * ? f " I Hi t i i i . ' ii -u. . NEW88UMMABT. z ? . . o no* TH* 19ASB-MS&M1PPU * Mn&ioux Miss., Hay 9ik?Steele s array, J 500? ?trong, surrendered tr> General Price at . Camden, Arkansas on .the SOtto uU. ^ Summit, Misfi^ Hay ?.?A gentleman who crossed the mer below Bayou Sara on the 3d instant say* thai the Louisiana forces had per- * sued the*enemy down Bed River, recapturing \ Fort Do Bi?aey and Cbeciville. On the 25th R the enemy made a stand at Markham, where , .* * .. % a _ ? mi ?_ i ??i_ I M tfcey were atiacaea ana aeicaiea wuc Heavy los*, estimated at not \m than 10,000 men. Yankee transport* going up Bed River with reinforcement* bad been whipped back at Fort * DeRoaaej since we re-occupied the post He Yankee wounded have been cent to Ytcksbuig. General Walker** division bad crossed Red it River in pursuit of the retreating enemy. The a Yankee* bad burned four gunboats above the a F?!k n Mammy, May 0.?(Ten. Taylor bad demanded the surrender of Alexandria, where j Banks' forces am forteficd. Tbc^reault was not ? known. At last aapounu the enemy was at- c tempting to dam Red River, for the purpose of $ getting their gunboat* over the Rapids. >. mou Miasiaarm. f< I Mbmdujp. Msv $. ?Advices fount Olive ? Branch stele thata 8gbt ocestred on th? Stud j11 insh, between 1300 Yankees ami Colonel $ Scott's cavalry, 800 rtrong. The fight fated Jl eight hoar*, ami the enemy ta driven acme* (Thompson's Creek. The Yankee force eonrial*d of infantry, cavalry and artillery, from Port 0 Uadaon and Baton iiwge awl was commad* I ? dcd by (fat Andrew*. At fart aceooatethe e enemy was in foil mt to Baton Itouge, pur' b ttted by Winggekf ? cavalry. Ds* oroua, At a., May O^lefcnnatloe ** from Mfofatppi state* that the enemy, with b 10,900 idhnty, 2 tartaric* of artillery and 200 * cavalry?aJIneder command of Cfemrral Mo ' Artfa~ftfi advancing towards Yam CSfy. * before fat, eight mifa y*ow as* AKVT. "4 mofafi Ofdcr p%nliag *tall panloo to *ll|Rj|| Mn *s&r am*** eseqHicg that torI ^ p!m*4esiagaK! piilagtfif. Daltox, liar t(k~~fhe tnemy em ??ie milH* rc?d ilk point Mil Heiasa verierrfar , m?i( tlicrfl, 4ft- If ifag mm tor &?r mAe^ &? itmnr m*k??g a * tUihbam rm*tsnvt>. Th* aaemjVfot* t$ t?* . imatt*i ?t ten tltfetiam!; eaaipm^l of iwfcas- P J ' Tin?tew''nm<4 M s?V"f# ?f Jtmea ***!? t?m majorat;? of tarco** >er u*?* are J# ! :.; 'Tb<? Tftftkct*." > ?!? cirofUtiftg ImndUfa .? kiMflfc ?i%?W||*? , M ?*% tmnMng Sk Sklim?o4. $!?# wm *m m 'tem-mmbU rckarj- * mmrn*&r Tbt ?ffii5r at Um& im a L * 14 t*tek tJbe KW* &K&JT* 0#p *** kfc M bttl ln>oj* w?*% *>*ii I?) lb? rear $f H aswi <Js ^lyUi&g i* pwpmd to istm ibe ???!%?* m fom* Is? tw* v?i kmwia #b?ih*r st>* !*>r? H l&ri& Jrtd? f ^ITilji 1**4 litlHli &tifcr9dto?ir9 f^ KW ? S99 tWwjf t Wree Ml Ww u^ppl? f }??) vmmu. $ to Mieoy, 61^ ** AaJMftit rf? jjBflfcMT. 4MtA(L4t&ta> *? #>#0 >A ^ 1 pWBB 8R9 w ttif| 9y mmwwrn Iw WyV ?WW* HteisfcooMVwfci atfttfii ether laMiafe w*f* " Mnmed? al?o^ MGO IvAkHi ol "' ete&aga tnuUl iaw?iiiofGownptel cotton. *< fmmtwmA, ". y SUtmtera, Maj fcr~Tbi folfowiftfr ??cW /Cf Kpatefe wm received ii I>*f*?troe&t Head- 0I jaamra* b tfca citj, Toswk? awrefog: ISiB&B liMiAVVlit* Utv Mk ) Vu Cetomre* May IQtb. { Awik at the cat**?'* tte*m*n ? Mown w bto fragment* lha morning hr a torpedo in the ^ Si doba'a a abort dbtaace beW Jacfaonrilk ^ Bb? bad two gaaa aboard awl *w iowiog a ^ wbaiiar. Tba Utt*r eocapod. ft b not known! ^ be* many Um were toai Tbb b the third g, timam which ha* mat thb fate in the St n] John* within the fat fair daya. ^ PATTSK A.YDERSON, m Major General. rao* aowrw caaou*a. Wttttwctiw, Mat 7-?Comaaodaw by neb, 1< oommandiug aatral defence* here, went out last 6i night with the iron-dad HalrtpK the gunboat PadAia and the Copt Fear, the laUel wiUx Wb tling on beard* to attack the &***?' j d< a4t?i? Osly three tbota were fired* *od "*e to bold fieet dngfefaeiL Tbia morning noo# of ibt Yank** temeb are in light- Tba irnn-ctna Rairigk oGtsfo* fbe bar to protwt _ mh and So 4rite iwit Urn tmmf. r Weu>oh, May To (fr* S*m*dJ&*u ; General Martin repoita, on the fith imt-i from w Plymouth thai Uin if on-clad ^ the fwrny'i raked gonbesi BomA SMI, en- to countered, yesterday at four p. ra, two mortar- Ibeafc#?? U* month of the Roanoke, nod woo to I unboats, three very large, train the blockading jnidron. The fight lasted till night lie nnk the largest gunboat of Use enemy, and babied at least two others, without fccridu* intry to the Albemarle, but lost bit tender. Hie wm encouraging. ? G. Ti BEAT;REGARD. GoLosnono, May O.-^-Tbe expedition to rewbem retained on Sunday morning, the oren to attack that plase having been joonicrtbK/4*il RH nri?*n<?PL Onr JOIJVaVAJ* ? V %> vv jrttwHvw ? ? m WES slight The enemy eracoatcd Washington on the it iott Before they left they fired the town, cd ft huge portion of it was eonanmed, mo* vwofjrii?mow rnt aocTfi-stos, Richmond, Mkr 5,?Information has been ?cei*cd at the Wat Office that fbnr monkors nd fire gunboats (including two iron clad*) od fifty -transports are in James riror tbn toramg? coining up Rtcawoso, May #tlu?The Yankee ficst in a rocs River came np on Tbmsday to Bermuda [ondredt, alorn City Point, and' landed se*ra) regiment*. The enemy's force there is e?matcd at 9,000 men. The steamer ScftBlU, with Yankee prisoners ir City Point, was turned back by the enemy ii* morning. It h reported that additional wiiii tnuvm r?me no (Itt? Jamas firerto-day, and unite a hup? force has been rnded on Use soutn *tdc of toe rirer opposite % Point A despatch frptp Chaflio'* ftlnff cars that ne of the enemy's g&nboaU had been attacked nl disabled, ami afterward* Uiardcd and barn1 Two iron clada bore down on otr force*, ot jmhftc^ncntJy withdrew, liicttMOXD, despatch from ftbes!Tf on the line of the Richmond and Petmorg Railroad, in id war Ul*wi the two cities iy*; *Tbe Yankee* hare been rcpobed from m point with the torn of 1000 kilted and ?ended. LA?**. RlSSt WflBwk The enemy in he*tef$dd county hate with' ?wn from the railroad to their entrench icnt*. irttts. UaUlr Smith and Q, A, Oillmoro are mmrnndiog lUv expedition, with their headeaten ?t City Point where a negro brigade entreoshed. There wa? no fighting at Walthall Junction klay. The entmf* km fttihal point testeriy waa 1000 killed and weamfei Ihsnd iA{?f ttuulif a narrow fttraoe frocn five of oar Poini on Kndny cluing, f UiGHxast*. Hiir- a.?Notliicjr detoiui fc*? frn UrnH fiiMn wayi ml ibe ettemr <m work* at. Fort tas*ry tl?? fctftnooo. rfcosi cieibbji. - 1 nirnwoyt*. M*T The &*? of life? t**l? &* oflfcvr* Si^ f?w*t& for 1*. 1*1$*, f;--^ f * -;-x M*V 9. ?f SlA&ifU*# fiJftC* il U**k $>U?*? ilii* UK?roi?s k Htni ?}<*? Jcbkm* >i? nfirtmwu. TSie memLcya of Congm? ni? m* ?o # Wy. * Ihc o&*p*s?*im4i tut** it unwipmuot mat* at*. ve?* Amr+ Sbenjcoyp* M*y 4v?Hurnwde** *Me e#j? Jlb lbvet^tksn #* #*?TO left ?t atUtH the ibpMtanfim^k ot* Mooiy, " r&fux#% C. II? tyit 4.?A My of the ennr*i w^lry craiiSff ai EVi ftsvf fWw?flk 0f4? Urt ini&fet* M *r? r<Wte4 tUfe mow? moving from t!if? c?%bW!i<toJ of Ctt?w* JforarilUj to?s*.]* Prwlcfkk*l?irjj, Thl wWo Atikoc wisy b itwmng from Colpepor Cora? IrtWftfei* K5tV IV.k. at?r bkti tbej bar# thrown pootooo bridge*, irow vbl^b their in&tttfj are repotted to itf? t**o pasting a!! tlar. Some flight ?ltrrobiog ?Hlt ??all amta to(k plac* Itnliy *t tb? id*. Tb? caewjr withdrew ht* ptdttfa en tr front At tba upper ford* !t*l nigut the rwtrr o% ruvmnr. Otoot C. E, M?y fit?A ceawdefablo c?igtmrttt occurred yesterday on tbt pJaok *d aear Packer'# Store, in HpctUTlcam* maty, aboni twenty mtk* Mow hero, bo* ecofiia part of Kvctf* corpa tod Fifth Yasw arm? eorpA (infantrr), jadodiag U?? div?* q of Ufiiiol State* Regular* under Mij Gen. jrke*. The cootert Mad ftorn noon until ghtfal). Otir farts* repulsed the enemy hand* roclj, capturing 981 private* and 40 comfaioncd officer*. The pmooeta bare arrived ire. - "V * Gtu< J. M, Jooct and Col Wama, of the Hh Virginia regiment* were kitted, and Gen. w i _* ? _ <1_ ? . j iWIUIU UJWUMIJ VOttWCU. GISEBAL IKl'l OfHCUL ACCOCjfT. fectMOJnx, Mat 4L?The foHowiog official apauh waa received ml the War Office this ?w#giiSAD<lt'Afcri*e, ) AftMT Of jroittt'tftff \TAO!friAf Jlay5. b thi Honor a bit Stcrttory of War : The enemy baring crossed the lUppabanwk at Ely's and Gcrmaeia Fords, two com this army moved to oppose him?Ewell by e old turnpike^ ami Hill by the pU&k road, bey armed tb?s moroieg in close proximity the enemy's Hat of march. * * * * * mmmmmmmmcmmmmmmrnrnrnim, A strong attocic v. as made npon Ewell, who repulsed it, capturing many prisoners and four pieces of artillery. The enemy subsequently rwt M taw I nn/tn Tlili wliA Mtll< U^tk'a ??<t MMi, W MV| UiCll U^UIO OUVI Wjlcox's divisions successfully resisted repeated desperate assault*. A large force of cavaltt and artillery, on our right fiank, was driven back by ltoiwer * brigade. By the blessing of God we maintained our position against every effort, until night, when' the contest doted. We have to mourn the lota of many brave officers and men. The gallant Genera! J. M. ' Jones ww killed, and Brigadier-General Stafford, I fear, mortally wounded, while leading his command with conspicuous valor. R. R L*t. TIIK JIATTLK OS F8J&AT. OuAXocf C. li., May 6?9, p. nv?The at, tack of the enemy thU morning was very violeiit,%ut it was repulsed in every instance. A* strong dfort was made to torn our right We drove them on our left: bnt their line ntkmd' <ubl*>rwlv on our right Loocftreet however. finally forced them To giro way. General Longstrcet received a severe wound in the shoulder, and General Jenkins, of Sooth Carolina, was mortally wounded, Col, Brown, * of Georgia, of the Virginia Artillery, wis killed.' Amongst the other ciMialiticft reported are the folloaitig: Colonel James I). Nancer South Cafblina regiment, killed ; Cok Miller, 12th Sooth Carolina regiment, killed; Lieutenant Colonel Gookter, l'Jtii booth Carol ini regiment. mortally wounded; lieutenant Colonel Franklin Gaiiiimi; 2?1 South Carolina regC mcnt, (and formerly editor ??f the Columbia CunJtAH???%) hilled. The fighting was principally with musketry, the ground being unsuitable for the me of atlillcrr. The battle was fongfit nrtir the *W?Idemo*,* and the etifcroj his Seen pmhed hack nearly to. Chancellors* life. Everything looks wciL The Yankee General Wadercotth, who was the Abolition candidate for Governor, against Seymour, in the last New York election, was killed. Up to this time seventeen hundred prisoner# have been received here. OSXKIttl. Uts's <mctit DK$rATCIt, i Btefiuoan, May, 6.?'The following has just been received at the War Office: HSAUQtS flTlltS ) ? % ? it . v 1ARXV AOKTIIKK* \ IRfilMA, JUST O. t ' ? ^ Ji> Swrtary uf War : ^ KarSr lla* morning, .v the division* of General Hill, ??g**ed yesterday, were being relit? vis], the enemy ?dranged, creating .*>mn * # cOMtWion; tat the ground lo&t *n* recovered \ t? moo at ?mr fresh got into position, ami fW enemy * a* dmou kick to bk original line* AiV-nvartk *re turned the loft of b? fresh Hoe and drove it from the lieM, Jvavtng a hrgfe ntttnl* r of dead and wounded in our ihaod*?amount them General Wadewortb. 4 A ^)W'?inenl.fttUik f\??w! the enemy inf?> !ik cmrem-hed line* on lite 3?rm?k Load, nIciwling from the W&krnej* Tavern, cm the r%hC to Trigg a Mill Hsttv advance on hi* ptirt? thanks 10 a itMfv&u! God, has been ro? j??Wd. Our !<*? in killed k not Urge; but *e have j many wo?nded~-mo?l of ihnn slightly, the j nrtfttoy baring li#eu little u^i on cither ride, j I grieve to annonnoe that Lieutenant (literal I*jftg?rreci *** severely wotmded, and General Jenkins killed. General Pqjraro wa* badly winded yesterday, General &tatfofri, it ? hoped* will recover. R ?, Our b*Mt,lhu? tjar.kaboul tff0Q0,ofvho?n a large gKOporuon were slightly woungted. The fcglt ililpt* l? ltMu>>4 '| njyiwiya ? ?v? ?*? ? , ??w?vw Ifttle or no artillery *? used. a Geti. Kef****** commanded McLaw'* division W)tbdtlUg?m*bod IHWoT. Iff* *AtTt& 0* $ATTBOAT. Rtrmto***, Sr*t>Ar, May 8,?Tue following ww received ?t the \Y*r Office tb? morning: IfSAXHiC AK.TRI19* ) A*?T Nowrnami ViMutiA, M*r ) To /A/ ^rcrrfciry 0/ JFor ; <Tyn. Gordon twucd the enemy * extreme Hjgfit mtetday evening, and drove birn from b? ride pit* Among** the prisoner* captured art Generals Truman, Seymour and Shallot, A number of arm* were afro *AttL The enemy ha* abandoned the Gennacia, For*! Head, and removed his pontoon bridge toward* the Ely a Ford Road. There hat been no attack to-day; only light skirmishing along our lino. R. K? Lis* TJIE CAVALRT FIOtST OS AUKOAT. Richmond, May 9.?The following baa jutt been received at the War Office : V*Att Sromri.tfitii ^ H Vx. UKT fi - - ? V ?/ ?f To the lion. f. As StdtUm :?After * thorp encounter wt& the Fifth Army Corps, we were attacked by WamaV and Tenedltta diti?on*a of Oar airy. Gen. R. II. Anderson, with the adrance of our artny repulsed the enemy with heavy slaughter and took poeeeanoo of the Court House. I am the more gratefol * to the Giver of ail victories that our loss is small. R. E. La*. . Rrcstforo, May 9.?A despatch from Gas* era! Lee, dated 9. r. on Sunday, says : f