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After repalsiag tbe enemy trow Spoltsyiranij ?&? marma*, hi m?ired remfarcemenf* and fcwaewed the aUaek on w powtktfi, bat wai agsia handsomely dmea taek" eaemy bare i&awbmed their portion/ *?d ?Pe wreaiag towards Frederic b&urg." This aswi 5- ^ ?f t ?A 1_ n Ufwiwj ooonnufu m wrc?? **02* WW*** TIEOIKW. ?wbmo*i??M*4y tefegram from H?m^wbor^ Y*. wn *fc*t aatbestfe in t tetti^eekfeib^ McNoili BaJthrmse * J? Ohio Railroad at Pk*JmoiitMi Saturday, destroying the railroad bridge, the machioe ?to$? iad s?fte kKomosm*. The * damage will mttmust to sevent tmUkma of dotW? ha** information from Ljnchharg thai fiurtry la lie Kanawha Valley, with ihc intcntk*K <*f making a raid oo the Salt Work* u TOO* THE r*?T?> ?*AtSi. Tfc* Peons* ttrw>f>s, whc**e term* expire k Majr, h**t aotsS**} the internment that we? will not obey the order receotlv s??ed coetinu% tag? them io service until MfTlst v A raptor* i* the Yankee Ctlnwei i? reported, sod Chase it said to bore resigned. GoM <M ct ISO. On thelSlb ok/ibc Ftasskw* assaulted and ?urmd the lha&h ?<wb ?t Dupp?). Lou beoft'oo Mb The Dose* retreated to HflSUaBK m _* -; ? the feisfk! ff AIM. AIk? eonScfciK* regaining the !>ai*?h Gemaii?? was to meet on As 2?th. The iieamer Bur ana, fr"*? Hamburg for New Tort was Cardura! ?a the 17th, I? a Daaidi * ftyWy" MatimfHra h& l wmle4 for Mexko. 'S'Tbe itea&Am Alt&s*irn had teea released a&d gk?& kf.k to b?r at*?e?*. It was fafxtoted that Oanbaldi wowld leave Eeghrad imWedUtslyt at the iottaace of the The London T**m attribute* the rally o*tbe Confc*fcr*t* loan and the reaction is the I#Sn? ih?orfte to the odaoa of the Yankee llouve of JkgttMtalire*, or the Metkaa ^Matka Cotton had adraooad 1*44 IMtfi wer* deli. "vf^r-^ii| Tux IMnrmo or o*Q*xm.-~U<m Am the w&ai h*ter**4 ? felt to if? asarmblinf Iran the feet thai it i? a new Co%rm> &r3 mo* t pwad, ia a greet me??ert*, of ??w ?im* For * ttofeftei; trinrm hot one of her old ***** HiMktMiiwwvd'of' o?? handled and ftve *twfW?hw,aB?i fomc &Hv?tbf*? or more of the*r are m?w Vwi has mem %mh CmnAiwi tttu C*ro!W at*, ffewjght |p^ $W*|* tw?4 Alatama niftr. Mk*U? !s?ib&ati* mi, Arkansas* f?ar. Texas w; T??n?e**es afartu, Kfotcckv tWfiw?-??iikmjrt in <w? hundred urn! S?re m*f?l?ei*, There are three ?I?Ic^mte6 Wool led t*? ***** its the !?4jr-~?n$ fr*m Antona. one frnqgpfie < Iwkr* natvwi, ami or* front the CfcOCt&W !)&l#cijj.-~ .*x> sjk "+"* '? ' '3r. ;>* * "_ '"" u'fr ' ? ^ farowriyT A?feiv*iA?W? h*r? in^rowthai of I????**& mrriral at a Uj&detaia pott, f&mtfy opened to blockade nmncfiy of frmr "rake!* beatite laden with Map?*, el?fhi??^ arm?t ?if iffiffiftm# vuloe lo the Antoi^tk prx.vktom Iwoaght m-*w throe million jwatftd* of kaeotf and Src heodmJ fcagi of ?ftr Dent Fhj^f, ?tf the Yankee gnnboat Mu ??**, at Pit mouth, X. C. ww kilCd hjr the ftbo&ad of ft shell freed Ut bin,*cll *g*hmt the tide of our ram M&*m*rfc The two vowlt were hot half a length apart, and the fragment* ?f tkft &&*$! nMHAti kk cheat. iico and tkoll. inoftijr WStftrtkg him. Hh fcte i. not .4ewfeOTO b? *** UlllKMIflll to pwoice CTtTT ^?f>jw*s?So? *od iortitu St^m-Ao iwpefftw^W ***? . amfcif&g Umstt by u&m*g U* klk>wpg * Ihmtommy^n&artif: aeon* iff kwt among tfewowd1W Awtmmm would km a brother; Bat womae ?*at to km to bod, % TtefJfami kmMkvh**." Wbereopon ^encsIWd ib* <m the back of so entefope, and left it fer tb? fooTa ta*&KAKft: ?M? do 301 ki? among tbematlrce* f Aw! W$ watt tbat tbey reJraiw; the bitter done would m tb?ra *?t H?j would oorer km Agnfo. Is sometime* on poor woman's Hp , h applied thk naaaeou# krtkm, We b.**e to km*m?K% oe?*?!m it * ??art?mti?g potion * ffeft amonfti of provkkvot aeenrad bj the fill] % vrfPlym^th k said to be far greater ibaa ?nj WfetMatppoced,tad tbtcooatry opened to m^S ferasfe enough to feed a life may few >* $? -* w #F i t M mi i n i ? [ Sharp Fiucnca,?The Charleston correspondent of an exchange writes at follows; 1 The men in this department bare been getting ten day furloughs for each recruit they ' bring into the Jtald. Considerable talking, 1 abme writing and mack of a struggle has been 1 saisff on. ?hh ^i? vi?v of thai nioinff the T"> ~rr- ?mryr-pmileg? of "going homtS Some day* since, a soldier, whose furlough bad expired, and whose persuasive eloquence had l?ceii exhausted > ifi the raia effort to procure a recruit, blessed i bis lock and started for camp. On the road, t fortune smiled: be "picked tip" a youth who desired to volunteer, but, like himself, had ? empty pockety no transportation1 and "ware" ! passport* The furlough moat be made; so be . took the youth *!!? tow," entered the train,] scented a scat and act bis wits to work. Ho soon t bit upon a plan, left verdant to take charge of > the seat, entered the next car and bawled, - *Ffc*spert*r Iii ail instant?in the twinkling n of an eye?a great fidgeting and fumbling took pUee^-erery band eagerly sought a pocket, am! the aforesaid documents were produced. ( 23d ezsntitea mem. nmu many ^wsioimiicp ; 006, sod passed on to the next car. aranmcd the importance of the conductor, end shouted. Ticket* !* The? wore brought forth, examcd sod one retained. Tbti* ticket ami pee** ' port were MCtsneri, recruit liken to camp, and ten data at home realized by the andacio** ebtp in grey. Jit ail! be *cftn, from the Jul Sowing liet of t Y*rkw military ^mit!**, which we eHp from the LosttdUe /oe ram/, that jbe Smith fiatcrt ?r- * | tjilr in a martial family: Major Gob. Charto L Smith. r Major Gem VV, F. Smith, i Brig, Gen, \V. Lew Smith. Brig. Geo. Giles A. Smith. -H Brig. Gen. Jk JL Smith. Brig. Gee. ifcSL Smith. Brig. Gee. G* 0iy Smith. v * Brig. Gen. Ah a K. Smith. Between three urn! fasr hundred negro wo, men end children, who had heen taken from their legal owners, were recaptured at Flym* mnh, The men were either silled in battle, or wade their way to the swamp* and fere*Is.? Man? of the latter trffl no doubt lo* taken, A Yaake* lieutenant, who wan. in otnmand of the negro fereea, has, by order of General ll^kr, Wi? eowfliiil wttft ibe Mgnt warnm ! ALItitnami CSflMfffs?. .% , ?, ; , *5 -. >: W*4 % 'ji-t " '"^l" '" Th* wafef* <*f ampm &sd&<3 $re t* Mtd peewit**. Tim m tr?WI will* glial tiwate* W t&? 1 j"... uainii ANNOTJNCKMF.XTS, uMimum i??m <r-w IWWW wrv- ^M.kiwx - v* --i ?i * ^ 14ft t&tto* A* One IW to *pj?fwa feiftf? fttei ?* M Mm* Dufmt, wftl bw t? tried. !!** ft? irfli ffpwmai tte?, k Uu ihr^v U|ii-R|er? ?n Mtnwifttihr fwezBiCMivd th? fe^kyoriksc Kvtst}<ittnt ! . . ."*/??> * . *.' : . j > j?'."?; y, ;;i-: .* . 5 -V,- ? /??* ^ M?i A. U. MOYKtS <f#r M4 4. St. NSADMOItK. ? Oft W. ? LKITKKft. ?jr * April IS, MA&T V0TK8& i II . "*?* ft*"*- ? r#f i fp? WJaflpr. Writ* aaihorwd u>?w>eafc? Cot A. U i*OOD* tnr$f. w * Ci*#&UJ* f?r tW tpp&Iafcm* >V tft* VMM* toe eweiMK). A|Wil? ; ^ ,'** If -v tin Hums: Ton wilt aomMtouctt WILUAM CLTBl'EN,mm auxHdst*fert&etoethgi otcMcoftbt <Wt of CmmkmI Fto*, fct X<nbiw Dtfirks, and ob%* MAST FBIKNT* *- Apnl Ifr. ' , * '". . " ,v Wo aiovtqstaetod to Wit T WILSON asneosd&ftte Car CM of Uw Coon tt *1* Mit April 21. MJLIiKIED, 1 Br the R*r. J. & $?&*<**. oe U* Hth taeunt. Mr* t. J mw to Ulm KLUaBKTII thompson, ill vfMwimw Dtotrttt, _ y- , -. -; ; NOTICE D& T W. S ALMOND, has resorted th? practice of : his pioftwtoft to too Tim of Vtaadm so* its nkiaisy. Offioooo mtto street. May 19 ^ ?f COIR POM eSCHAIOE. T *KBSOM8 bavin* two or throe tag* pots or boltera IT okQ tsefestog* Xbtm for oera, at for rates, by aj* airing at o?* at ?&* oflk* Uaf 13 H VOTICE. " mHSIE oontha aftar thia dale, application wfl) be P tO ti? Bank of Casden 80. Ok., to taw a tatata ctft&ato torero abaraa of stock of mid Bang, Ka. 15W, Jaty ? t**>. ataoding initio mow of e?!#3'?5Sp||.gU?I-i JUy13 ?? j CBON Jtl JWMiW* ?n Towdtf lW. iral, btack bL wm. uh??i ? ? * /** 1 ? 1 - READqiLMlTERS, ^ " I COMHISSAnTGRjrBRA^S DEFT? AC>? OotCMBtA, May 4, Ififcl. rTlHR attention of the public ft ratpectlailr called to -1 iho following notice: i Under Ibo Act of 10th April, 1803. a eeniraJ d?t&Jerr wm established at Columbia, and the below eaaped agents, 98 of whom Hare filed their bonds in this xdopfrtswmt, were appointed in the several District* sad parishes to sell spirits to applicants under certain regulations. *it: 51 1st, The sfinta arc delivered by this department on!r. to rexularir bonded agents, wlio alone are onUwrijeed tq**U nod distribute the same, for current fiinda. 2d. The spirits are to be sold only for strictly medt* driel fwrpjeca, and only on the certificate of a regular pwrtferitsg pl^kdan that tbey v* weired for strict^ taedsriaal y^fpoew; and tbe written pledge of ihepor caam (wiurfl mum ia Ml ca*e* oe ti*Ke?ji usai m?r m m requited, lad trill be *o osdL 3d A get) (ft n&l other* ore not showed m ctiaijg# ah ?tat of mow ifcato 25 per cent, oo the ami of, UV Spirits, (wh&i U|& per gallon for whwfeejr, attbe disUlteryJis per sectaoa 3. Act IQLb April, 1S53, the language of which U; be lavfol for a^otbe^rie^ phialetans, or oilier penes*. who shall pswefewo or proonre of of the ste sbol or *ptritt;o?s liquors dis&M bjr Uk? afttfcorit? afomski to nwwil or dispose of &e same. la say qnantity, to aor person or pwsow, Jbr *nr other &on sirlcthypcdidMl pitrjtfeep, or atm *<h n??K? of m^re ihsa jjfper eeotnw ooitseort; and ?nr piMam who ?fe?3 tktot# the pforiristrt of this ?oesfea shall be doomed Xfrilt* of a wwderaeaoo*, and. oa eo?ricrioo, bo toprtaeed for aoj time cot esoeedieg ?? month*, sod fioed in asr sum eot exceeding fire hundred dollar*,4* 4th. Acoot* *fw rrcommettdrd lOMrll m small quantftiw, mi tsbeedrng one gallon to sny one person at ? Ikifftft. Agents mps thai they wiH b* supplied with spirit* in torn. w*a&mi mtrn> hi received from tb* j cfot^aJ dbtaWrr, on aptfioatfcm to ih1* departOKfit and j.jMTDMfiK of cw, indtH&if fexfwow of packing for ahiprofat flroigrtU. Jtc- Kot cxw 'JSaa ooo barn?i ?f totfty 80 fifty galk&s will ho *cat to any a^rol at toy ooctftoe. T AO ptrnfti? to ortote knewhdgo a rWai?*i ?f the third lection of Act !Oth April lt?l, attptoted above. ?r conn oro immnii to make affidavit of ib? kn hctoa any magistrate, awd forward tatcc to tbi* de* paitmcfti. - , IVniww dfafoms of being appointed agent* b ?uy of the District* or Pariahs in wHm?i no appointments havo bw? made, trOi ??d tJbair nppfieatfeo to thia depotu meat, utwumwifci! hf ttedefegstfcp of their District or P*ri*b. which trill ho Mtfot&tod to hb Kraeifeft^* tho Governor for approval nod eojdlnnatka \ LIST Of AORSTS, Rdwb Kirker. Abbe?iil District?Psat Office Ab [ heriOe C. M. . Aadmww OtmfW?P?t Offief,? " ' . BimwtU RioWtS-Pwt Oflbf. -?S $*&<*} JMtmwi BfiipAm District?tfaffi Office, Bbbertavfife. . ...';-r v: . . Chttrlraton DHrict?IVwt office, ??> - John Mar, Gotfetoo IH&rkl?Pa? Office, % MWW * P. J Kc&* Dtatoct-Pwt Oflk*. Ctentw. ... ,jQmmXtobK^ViMQQ**.?? .. . Charon loo Diaries Pwtf. Office. ~~ Itiu A Hut fhgtotMn Knrfat?>^at OAdol fWr* -SI i' fW?t KdsM Oifct, IW?. Mi C H W K. AiW ftiffefct l>W?fet-4Y*0??, W-ns,. i b^Ct. ..,,.v.:' ': . i-....- ..;. ^ ^ ..4. V ,- * ; -JL I), tern <JI*DS|^ 0d?rlct?r<m 0&op, &*$* ! f tfB# C It. fejfc f. j ft O. 09K j | W. jlSiL. 36eoA^?w Dtei*kt?I^att 06k% Cafe*f 4?<w* Otirfetfl, latKSvm 0&?tet~FV>4 Q&fc : ''' W ' '^' ' ~' wy^~ * j X B 1 Jcttiy ?b4 4 TT^M Uev*< Uof***? DM?* f>? oflk** Uumvs C. H. , H. 4 Hfm?fe MfM? McMmOd^ Hfef* 4 A S*il*rt?ftd. ttittukfr-tfm Q&'#> W a IteJIi&m, **&m *?> titm a If. - ir-h? ' ^ 4. \V\ liHcrscM, A*ew;*t*y Oflfc* "4 A. ? liaJasna, Or>fcort FH*?rk*~-Piwt Office 0rws$*1*.r?r C ft ? 2, fNHcww r%4rtd-;^0?cn ~ a H. m Kator 4 ifeiuitth. ?4 r, a. listing, Btehlft&I D**vki?r&*t Ufi^ i^uaifei*. NT- M ? m = *. . A . ?. r? iwttmflfccjwwiwif* C If MdCa#m A !UcH*?te? awl John T**fcjw?v^flW*** Dk*lmt? Pwi O&ce, gtwuter r F. II. Oferf* St 8*rtbotane?r'? F?rt?H~P?Pi OfRcc WaUtrtor* "1 , Uukw IK?rkt-~P<?t <W8cc, - J. a B ?i*SfJfijgtoo~~ WliUamsbarr 0f? fit Ktepw*. R. C. ftoM?. York DMrt~~Pret Mm, Roclc HCBL J. B. Altam, T^ I)wtrt(^Pott Oft)#, Yc^fJtnUe *JBr eater of U*e Gev*∨ fUOUATtft OiPWKU* UmL OaL aad bm?b^.G?am!fc -ft * -. M?yU "" ?*W I 0T AU popart ia ttaBUto an* rapjarteA to copy ?x*, io<J *eri*d b;U i?i dapUoi? to tfcte dcpartSKat with coot of adraruacajeot ?mM fee jayrwmt, BUftK paid quartette ?'*' ^>' "'"" ' HI.IMII????<MI I II lll^l I ill ? NOTICE TBRdottMsmafRw Scteoh tof Kwabaw l>t*mc?, are laqoootod to &*& Hi Camde* on Usa flr*t moatey lo Juoa bexU their aUdxtem ?? highly mcemtrj, ts a Chairman and Treasurer rot?i bo eiortrd t*> AH too pkaca of Ibooo tte tww pmioorir atertad, who h*r? sH*? besa called awl boool tofo fait? Confederate ia^rooe. B? enter of ifet Board of F?a 9cb'*4*. A. L. McDONALO, Secretary of tf?e Board, V*J 13 4 1 D. isroTioR To Fr?e Sekool Teacher*. 'VBACHKDd who aro cocaftd io toarhiog Frqp 1 Sd?oo?s agae* tot flrttef Aptf! win in* re- j feir* any coaipeivNtooa for lUir ?nricw from the Board ft?y having not complied with toe daoiwon and reqai&tksa of mid Beard, at it* i*M (Beating n?raeIf: to call and rtxmr* omifrrafc# of qtw liftaatiw^ Which was publish**! into# Journal. By order of too Jtaard of F. & & D. a. l mcdonald, May 13 1 Secretary. k ' . v , M ^ ? cmumA&Y &mmikwmpi?r& c? , &ar 4; 1?W. *?*1115 bcfonr named perrons testing- executed #nd I. f51ed their bonds in Una * Department, la eomplv anec with the requisitions of anAnt to amend an Art, entitled "An Art loauppres the nsdue dwUUation of spirituous liquors in ibis .Stale," posed nth Decernher 1S&S, ate appoints by bis RrcelleneyJUie Governor agents to manufacture ?ud sella RtoiU-d quantity of Afoohol and Whiskey, in the Puttricta ntwed to regij^riy pratf/ann# pbyfician* aad registered dref^ gist* of old l>a:rt?a? for medical puiperes. * All other j^csoas distilling In ibis $Me are doingi<o so direct *K^atfon df tbc law, and are anrenabfo 10 it* penalties, ^ i - -. - ->-vf-jjr It is Use duf j of all leaders of patrol to report all if&k pwon*, and of aU magistrates to sets? jmd top* pro** Umrjiftjfc AH p^raotsto whoa* knowledge a wo^6? ?f Ibe aWc miov*! Act/by agent* or othere, ma? &ms?. one- f^PflWiwi to make afSdarH of the fects bdtvfi? flsy iittgtamo, ard forward tin? same to lb* Ife?;?art*ft6t?k ^.JVrwma dMirom of b*i&~ appointed agents to roanuS>ct?re and sjwrite in ony of U? restricts in which no ajipofomgnts nave ?*&? mode, wdJ *e?<3 Uttrir apg&M&fe*,. rctrsiuficnded br the delegation of their 4^atHct? to thw ftepgftimttt. when the same ygm to , , sewoiUed sa nXBHStocj Uta Gorwnaf fcrappronl ai*S roafimrnSKwi: . / >.*>.. ... ..*\ P Tfwsu K#lshtt? Po?tOfiio?, AbbeTflkcir, A. Cam^l?, Awkrwn I>krrf??Post Office, Aodcr*oa C. Hv * p c >?, V. duiker, Banned DaUrfcfc?P<*t Office. C. XI. ~~ ;/.?">> Xta&nt PiHricS-?P<wl Office. B T>. Sdmr, Chark^oti IK*trk:?Port Office, Cbtet. '"' > ' * ' ' { ? <*U*iaa OktridN-tal Office-*??? Jit*. Mz&vr, Cbmscrfold IHiirki?Pvst Office, ffasoti*' (gwicr Dtiirkt?pivst Office, Cb&ler w , ws & Hudiftti Clamdoft D**?5ct? Pm Offioe, Vlawkft Jf!1. Stacker, Iftritagtwi D*tf*?~Pc X Office, Dar liactcs (X II. '!' P W I* 0,** Edgi^l tHtfrvei-Patf Office, Lccgtern's W ' K. 8. Safe* ftfrtM* Pttft Oficfe Sttolb*r'? > -0: X P. r??Jr Gfcearilfe Office* OfeecVlUc C II. ?: * iii ii i 11 fur Geegefeiwa DraSHctPo*' Office. ? ?% i%, . - 1&. .a. **'-?- - ?l? IV WWJff, IIWTT fWIM11 I Wl \AWBi) mmwwfctf* ' , ' 0 0. ptwiOtoi, u?4cp. If. ??. Owuyf, Laurens IHtirtrt?Pott Otitex, Crow urn.. & A, <2a!p, Iaiwwkt Daariet?ftjtf Offi**, T titan left 0. If. J Eptfas* Uxiog?*** 2tatrici~P&tt O&ct, Hepo Stltki]. ,V; % y. t^X*gc& UgrtWo Duirwrt?Po^ 0?ca? B?o& & litre** D??$e,t-~Pa*fc OS?fc. tttiftta*' Itat**. , .. .-? , ,r District?PotlO&cw U JU Dwli, Qm)g*ta?? Dtasrirt?Port OSoe, dvamta?yC.'H. * Wat, Ctewct*, Mm Ptot OflSst, Wwtw c u, " ' * -* ffc-/ r* mrrt*~pa* ^ LV Ui^bijL. Lj K &?&Vr?n, FctukJ Dbtrkt?Poaft Ofik& ShO<&. artaijUirfc P&irtet?Pcwt Office, l-i * fc nix. 0?feR c. n. i* l). H?fps?ft tttframft&sy 05c*. Ktogttftlk ,,, ..,. . . ~ n Mtki-r& oto* r*te*t*. By ?d? oCiNtt Governor. ^ * ' ' Y~' nmTimx>v*w*wm M*fl3 1 Meat Col tad Com. G?^S. , *M CJ8T1 AS pw? tb Sr iDltr coco* tod ??&$ VUte ta duj^4& mill cojijp of aiwfuitt???<*ftttarbtd. to than t%|wrtm?ji for pfmeuL Bill* jsaid quarttrljr. ,... ,,,??. ,. ? ? . ., MJ To the Planters of Kershaw, Sum- * i tor, Darlington, Chesterfield, Marl! boro and Marion Districts- ' * I ' _t, ' fi ".? - ,** ? yl . ' -J " IT i? with &*i. I taak? tor tcfcooirkdg*to ycuu for Uki wbfo tmoner ia ?Wek you # bit* KMltittflR&jilwe wr tpjtffotSftWit to && IHArfa, U% fisfjitsfcfeif too M to e*5wr of the 0<wo? ' foot, witii cor: fop ?w repjMt <* o<tr g*Utftl trsfof. i Aftd mm ita& &e Tia ia flLiad It a?*r!y exiwu-#d, ftitf Utter t? ?uU for <*>o, I mu*i respectfully Mfc % $*1 yoo *xO, w!*?i calJa4 ttpoo tof my age&Wv l|M* ?$*? toot gftntfbw, tod 'spire to tint l&a fetwte*?, for I be Wiedf''of llKM? who aw fosfomitog' root boom. & ?y pmstwsfoa flifofi to bttfftm am for tratjrburp&iM, hut I sm proud to tray, 1 btTtwm | beta fated to nrtK>rt to *0C9 painful ts*ans S% metIP# * uiMtii) anJ K.?ar i A', h*as f dSJ to r"tfQB U> -dM ; eiyMMrtsac* atttftOfr *?4 tt&iy, thM#UcrU* yre* & I cisl oawfuugu 1 e?y haw tb<v unj$atkab& ptettRtf* sf tf*t I haw an* mpnm*fr*n* com Corn Wwtr I tmart hawft.?*i iW you *$ *# tiii' ilW #f?a? to rey 0*1! with <4x?wfbte<j?c Capt. (w?? it ' \ the afar te cfeWK*? of K?v*s*w And dratt? P&ufcta, f atssl mU utk? ptanur# fctwm&g the planter* of thns* PUirieM to tbe tart of M? afcftlat JAVKS S0WR88, 4 | - -v.j i. M?f 6 ? iS^Sjfe . Mg P {IT Portia#^ &w&rj% ?k! Sumter flfafctaai \ wfUptaswoopy three ttm% *nd md MB to Oq*. * 11 Sower* floreiw. < mM> To the Planters of Kershaw and # . * Sumter Districts. | TTAVnftl IxtCM*** by Cup?. Jtm? Soft** * IA Cb?f of Foffcg* District g, to procure com, oat* are! fixidcr ^ our r nay, I too#* n*pec?faISy urge upwj you to throw open your graiurte*, tod tet re# haw *51 of jour tmrpius for ihs xtm af our gallant <fe- * fftxtet* e? t^e cry it jpaUl for com, Lj&firc the powrr to io?prw?. but I hope i shall sot hfitnjnb a aisgie is- 4 stance the Qnptapu$l duty of using Jt, I trill not if it inn h? ?ro*Hj?L but corn I most have. Mr. P. Ifc Queen my p?to?p*3 agent for Kmhaw, will bavs foil fe eh*rge in m? abeam*. Mr G. & Dootrfaa, my potdiftning agent. wjH give you a call and I trust ycra rill respond heartily to hia appeals m behalf of tfcoso now pntee*ing your homes and | The opportunity hero occurs of returning my thanks to the people of those EHstrictft for tbo uniform courtesy ami kibdneas I fr&ve received sineo my arrival among tbem. R. II. OVTBX, j May <5 3t Capt and A. Q. U. I JJf* Staroterv Wokkm^H pleats ?wpt. * 1- *> ' * & iar^