OCR Interpretation

The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1864-1864, May 13, 1864, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93068003/1864-05-13/ed-1/seq-4/

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ft?. i i
Bans tit res masbfacivss of scoax,
f^rp^k?^icayci mm maws asm
In *)*w ?f tfeo scarcity ami eioriwsanl prices
of gyiwi tjffllwJ p&i ariwr htqfactl of
age t&TpLton
edw A&erk%fs
? Mak*0*drti* from jbji tafccr feet
*&? &?tfb? Jptote mm m&ire tM be^l
tflfcam, 1^ tested km*
hatmoimAer&r foeem ipdtil-irt mr|
iMunm tiro mm a* com < taking care n?4
te#w the W^ *^nW
lbra?tlo? of mn of own pm tiro atai; tirol
t&e ?mr Jwjr tkbom* steegfvtibiii tb* *&&,
tacte*! cf?sptndsag iUelf in iweHaJirog Ut?
Hth- >fjf|.-jp A <n 1i ft rtlM AAA 4 r gift*" ^ fflI|*- 1L ?
OwWWfl <BW1 ?pp?aJP# Ifi# 189% W
Kibptfei; nd, so to doing, tare dbooid Sue
Sri^ ?ot to kim or Ssjare the pSsM, ** \ht
feehl "IS8!! 1$^ Wd
'miet fe eafe fef'ow tmrt*?e. Tfcwefore, Lb?
fsflsdfal of&o w IIMN M( % ittwyldl
^dte|MiiiM|?aiettdlH<ir. writ
' //'*.- "** S'Sferifc. 4?ife^MMakrifcJkiL?tofeh jE .... ^ t Ito
VRh lew BegpfrelStg Of Ss$ IPfMQRi ? graft
grefexs&hw maS? mml ftotfag* df tfce
mfc witli ?s isfcrral of a *etk ?r d*p
otms aae&i ^sstisgr It wwW ww* ?#
fam t&
J^g^sk'% i?ymi liiiyMiSSf
... ?.-. . ?_ * ? .>* - -^.-' - -??- ^L5
{?n9fe^miwK MM
Vm wSR, tote% ^Jl?mkS be meted ??
?99 ?W9m?*W9 gJW? w99BPIw9
' ill ail Ti imito It * -~- MMHfe* Ilf4^ ^mT> ft dj|
Upl JC wUHp HI JOTOB HT ?wi UM(? 10
ft*? fed net *?S flea t**l?# or flftsex
hdm 'm U? fa*. Bo aet tht plast*.
AMvlMtlriiff tSva? rooti tf ilm Mmmei
rftki nittSw; 1W m9 iMi k krn^sM.
A kiBif kidlkNiiik
... H. ^. - a.lL. ^ .?!a.?tt ^
j|^AM|yu|kMk mtflTlltwli mflfe jcSAOttik
m MK&abfo Ir waft* Msg pfatto. Wc
M f^tfW 9ftun>
a WfA .- .tY, .af k . 4j- J ?. M,
* W? 3fpH8 fippftu 10 ptoueii 10 ?rw? ?
I ISwOmuBUCm?^Wek?n,ian tU
tewradt Ntmt, Uu* Dr. Jam*, Jr? of Upton
* ea, fcwisff !?* cm a boadraJ kp by Ifeo
iMMMkUtot^fk ?SHt of a Ay
I 4 * lot, thwea being dskat tbc tfaa He M
? iMii^na nib wftbcot water. Tfce wi
hjp'inwBw iff nJ. t?ti tHwtiffii fynr^ffffi^i
e??tta?tte!Mn> lisee. Hit ualgbWt law
tistei St ?iti tea him Sattenag rwtk. Tryk.
U 4mmB*em~GtL ? A. Wyatt, of
l^aw^Se o?e?tj, Ve, (titer k?ag SO or 40
,..o* Otwt P$j?&. WHEI^W fcOOSf WW w EM? fwRrpt
^ w- attBli i? SutoWBat aat M4 llfflthflf 0BA dwj
? % . 0* fHasf fJtft* 4jj| tihA fW t/WO tfc*
$ 'd^MMSSO 01 toBO S0WH tEUdy ttdl ONI #0* 0$
^oasili? asmvl wSiflitflwwwan "irWnfffTrf^
w **HJI MWW(^ mow wpaPPPt^mfW^
Aronre*.?If She ptotm wifl boil
v^? ' 3-*. Jg m a ii * ? nJI ann ^ M- ^ ? ? ii^ 11 ^ mini i -w m.+ * 1-. <v
ft IBlWr ftftr# 19 9 Wt9f Sift BUfeflC 01 98998 WW
tbtftUfttoUwir fags* H via
m 8 apttrfj cm ?f tfe* fog cfota*.
# Aw98ta^)tx?Yio?B0o Cmwuul?A
hem* ofBfMbgotmoty report* ifo fefow8ft
?ff?ctroi rtrotdj I
Ti4?of??w?o from emos pine
| |W9| w po8t> of povdmd wrfphwr om taUo
|rt| o^^iKac aofts ^b? Uble Jpoottfol,
* * aboro ufwrnt ? gtwn when tbe dinsM ?
jrtl dinmowd MliiflU fcoft h k 9 ?m pre* *&%
aad ^ gir ? m time to hog* with tbo
- ? 7 --ar . "
.? ?.....?
fi&* Sor?.?Tdta wbfc# stock, teason it,
?*& ?tfcw *W? ri? bofcl Iffl w?y tawhr ?
?<Mr?friMtti}r(wBMd; Wf pound will
v, ,
^&"| ; :* '
gals- ' -%
w--- ^
A Femali: V am pi rk.?There it a young
married woman 30 ibis city, a native of the Canton
of Berne, Switzerland, who is afflicted with
a disease which the calls **a dancing of the
heart,* and which the physicians proooancc in*
estahie. The lady with the "dancing heart19
firmly believes thai the can be cored by drink*
in& a few drops of the blood of a man who has
been exccntee*
Her came u KKabeth Mood, and the is
twenty three yea** of age, and baa bean the
mother of three children, none of whom snrv
m She ha* mads tmmereia apphcaiioas at
the ja$ to ifepfarwhen them woold he an ex*
iaMtoa, gad a? theml?a teen no case of espi*
m. X 2.** lii <fc>a teS Sit MllW |gl ? Hlfc 1
ft} II wtt SfiMttUyOD ?w WWW
month*, her dewre for bomao blood has do!
boos fnttlltd. She beard that John Abihifo,
uatofo&d hy (wit martial to be bong by the
geek, w? to be exeeoietl to iiio jail yard on
the ISt^JraterdajJ at it m stated in the
papersw fte execottoo of the rnitcoe^ ba*
tref, wa? ffapeoded, sod on ben? informed*
that the map ?? trot to be Imoft Ma Hood
appeared to be gre*Uv dmppoioted awl eb*?
gttraL Gapt* Bishop dstered btr drooping
spirits* bovrovor, by letting her that on the 15th
afijMtt a man aroittd ha hong by the nock
tttrttt ho wot "deads dead* dead**and that the
" A* tluMM alul iAliiilt A il/iU n/ {)(A
wyw WVU AMU vwtww m wmn vi w?
blood of Yakutia? Hmhm, At wnte>t jto
vidcd Goftnior tlal! did w& pjwtSoo or ryi
to ffimtfial, and the pbjradcftmt would stow
her to exttnet to comifco tod. With to
pM^Mv^Un, Mood look W do*
jwtsiCi gmtif (CWKkd. Hm k ? cfsrioooi
IMS <?f HKKitffl S&p?fftt$tM>9k,
Sl lAmtM IHrfmtth.
A ifkiBdUMkiO *"?? *-Oi0?i a jai* A iMti^ ill tf i> iMi^O wfrff A
A imRRS pxpftf BMNSOOnl 0 gtliWiW 01
slat&kftf titfo of mied, who to kogt a mortal
roootd of to dcoertto ton to Cfcnfedmtf
&smf met the fim Boll Boo, a* to? km
ton reported to to Norton* w&rtt&h ton
to# to too, nod ike *a? lotol tow* tot $r
too atodtod
Iitm* 1W? oooopow wytol with a tut#*
snoot which tpee*m!? not toot Ago, in to
Kewtorport Jwtkf, tool n otto who hod
Bated down, for to period of too monto,
14$ holktto Of to*, 141 wme eoatmlkied
within * do? or two of; tofer sppenvoacc;
?m mt ese or two of the rest aewd
A iv?if Aa^rfft Eartaoa*?A sto? is
going fori* that k eretftuhl* to the Emperor.
kkwd thai riding om day fa lb*
street he nwH? redt etc** !iltfeb<^. bet polling
?p iIhiS U torn
net hen, ashed him* good *#5tredlrt if he
vmSi fist to m the Ewpeiot. *N?r lifiW
thedtHd,^ Art lather mot* brfca*coeiHirelM
?ak the StspHur, -I sun
?tty to hear that# bet I tf?hk j*<wr fukrels*
not be much of a jed^pr.** T m\& U e
tort, "bo is a mater;* np^wmb toe
hjusi^i tnd nM W t?ttsne, i4t ??* p
nmptofgy it Uk nolrr, a he <to
elided toflib of b?*r ti. *ikJ nnVwi,
?... mi .#? .,> ... - * ~ ]!
A N*w Musi or Lecottoraa*--A f/?dss
jpipe? says that a jmeantaiic tube is now in
aetnal offisrios between a ?*ilnwd ttasionand
the pestoftre; ??d that for met* tbaaajrear,
the malt*
hare been centered between the two peml* nt
the rate of Xbm? mites no boor. Stelfhitita
small tfrfr and the apWtt are ltew%fog;
the Comemcmt to allow then to sooetrart
Hues faptmngm and other traffic tbroogb
all parts of the dtp* She same papf ghee an
estimate showing thai by this new method of
teeomoifeft amedofsis info** retool* mat
fwj f?d% he obtotosd.
Tea D*i*AS7?*rr or Bsfftic# Va*? It is
reported, though not yat ofidallj announced, :
that Major General Bo^ Rarecre, of North ,
Carolina, baa been ajsaitoliid to take so? mead
ofiiDypstowtCTHwrb (Bkbosd City).
/jiUk ffloAin ttL* Lam IjM? iiran >T ? a ?- ?
that, imported pof>tK?v b*rt&$ at biTTwo rt- 1
fNtf, fa* tvti to thejStkL
Lejm^Airr Gssrsaai. Houisa^~Tb? Bab
esgb &*ftd*r*U lean* that tk Adrauet G*Mllerti^8tat*V*et?ved
A deapteh, oa Tbaad*?
bat, foforflriag hies that Lmtcaaat r
Qw<wl H^iMt baa bt?*s aasigtod to. tb* coe>?
maad of tb* "tteacrvad Forai* in North
ii -?
At Eogikh nwrcpajter tayt list onlr cet
K**? got to lb a bottom of the Schiwwjg. j
in ttooitioD and be wiu ? German {irdb
KS? who fRsmgdiafeiy went mad.
Lord Aahiejt before ha charged el the battle
of Edge Hili, made than abort prayer: *OLord!
?**.?- 1 t A * ,. i_ .ii. i
im ?bcw?h sw vmf i muM DO UJ? WJ j;
if I fergt t That, do sol Tboa forget mtf
Ck&ttfne has i?raod aa order affair
Use abomm&ble practice which nUte is the - ,
?ry of making iport of pftssm-b/ end i. it <
hoped other* will fellow him in this laudable <
? MM j
The firemt? of Mobile are to be enrolled and
detailed aa {beam, to rtmara hi the city.
Dm?Mir- *y ? 20 r. *
Ck???Sunday, Tuewk, 4 Thursday, at 0 00 P. V
** Tu?KUy,T!rargliy A Saturday, at 11 00 A. 2
LAffCASrtft, FLAT *OCt, 4c.
Dat?'ifaodsy, Wednesday A Friday by 12 00 N
Cfcttfr?Sas* days, at 11 00 A. 31
ntm bill, itrsccL place, 4c.
Dct?Thvrmby. bf It 00 1
Clww ffiti day, at 11 00 A. J
tiller's rsftur, jcrrfcftso*! 4 c.
Do*?36?4ajr, by It 00 3
Chati gridir. at 10 CO A. 3
Turn 9 09 A. M* to 2*00 F. M3. an*l he ?hot
ttot dfterepetisaf d? nfi fit ft*!*.
Wr AKTKDfi One mi* i?nc?feep* or a ??**! ??
: frr wfeo? Mi) w?$i* wSJ to p?!<L
Jnhr d Ifttt' JtocttfiftK Ofltoe.
AprilW *. It
HAVeUBOR ?,ORflli:C?/l?f.
0ivision no. s.
I TOE OwfiMwitiiofltofifeiwii tHo Town A*j
wHWa tto thrtnet* of Lnmi
ttr. Karftor, CfcsMk&i Mat? k**k tkuUa&rm &
Hon, Oattt&m. VTgikfttttoni ?sd fforrr. w{
forthwith t&mtm *8 tbrwhtok** wfe&m tfcwr r??*<
tiv* Ut&il*?o*t!torOXK FOCRTIi of timr *****
fistfe tt EaaA Afito fit tto BhM Dnnct mmh
ttoir wiim*?? WEDKE^OAy. t*? tw*?if?0ft'
(293b) diy tif OfaQT 3*tiasft, at I m. ttom t
wilt cmefiporlaiiiocito T&trejr Vbp
Uhrvf tax ihtf fbrtiHitkM.
tL Si(^ oftatMin d jtn?6 for Mv?n
ftrfffcbtiftfefe Ihrtem m nSI ttxM*(4tf*. T
tvoM amfmkm u4 \h*y fee mn c
fttwi4riy( ititlM, im iiftMMy wmmiot v*$rrs
wtAi Agnm or Uaot mnnua
t!i The wmmntvtWm inMioffiOH
tat etH ftaftt tMf rm U%) 4m &
mdkVmAbm*. & & JOH5i?0y,
Aftst ofl&it# ofSbCk
mrt s
CT CUHmm SSertwy ?n) &m*r cm iwk* i
wmk for hat weefou coat (lit m? fin
South CaroMoa Kershaw District
BY pefsqSnwi ofA. L KCOoimM Ortimtr
for the Ifelrfct titxS afo**5??*l. viSS t? an*
fc? Sheriff efftenfow Nrtrtc*. mt tnd rf b?! U
fengtaf to tin f&st ?f W. & C**um 4c?'d> wufasf<*?
kwdml and t&rljr-fire *??*(l&l awrew^n, td
Joetw&lr the bad# of J. fc ftttherfamd end others on U?
vnt tSidWttofn RJw.
tarscAXSftniosx. ss**ar
* *?. a
0 &CW'TO m
XV 1 **? mtthatM Nt **? *4ihw fcr PwMrtiw o
xmh. tttlBT M XrSSEttW
jMawrpwiwfrff*.i ?IIX?ii?I ?? uiMiiTowrnwnnci ww-.?r.ninwmMi^ i?t??iKKoMMKiMmM?WK??*KBK?KKiKi
g/|A BttflOT&S ?f K/OfEla fry*, i>r *KM? tf*
tHJlJ It^winicTll^iiifva.
Afmi ft a ftHOCOTT.
nnwir iBiinr >m?iiimm t norwufiw r3?->i,iw -..fwtJbwiA^ '?rw?
t <mMUS OK BAKTr.lt.
'Ptt'O ?tof? tfte 1W| OSff, M?
1 |;ht( MM) Qwt ((4 ?.?ik Tobmefv
C^fWft Y#r?, iW, lUvw, 44w) Lsi ftr
Ai^jt ,-,;v^:,,.;.;. fta naeorr
anmrn n 4>- * ' . v? i MU?*HOK"A? % <-*.%. .. .. .* , mux, m*? 'qWm.I >?
0?**Ter&?tra Cmmusa, iiCQAoa ifp Vu*u>i
: CfUftLamw, 8. C, April iik l#?4
rf orferlo exmtfuttt* fcrnwHfc# ?f padragt* w
tfeeiefeKor* fn lH? <*?**&& fieoicailX J. J
Mt&m* m Mtttem t? Mt *&*$*?. ?#
yba ?k*r llu. ?. i?i.i?lf^ / - -* - - ? -
wuhhipww wm ^?i i ** wwkwf^wm w ifii^n
vtflMio tin toww to tfefe Vtftrtmrwi by tinii
11* flrtB ?iwb vykh^q^ l? jwHw At lit* JUQt?;
Papc** and ftoq lis* Rxpna* Commay. ail package*
? parol* rtitnwwtfte wddfem and *vll t* held
rnrrrrintinlt fef tiwir prompt 4utfi^tka.
fractal ttgftiistat Moaid bt pa*l to lb* ttltetsan d
box** ksf Ttoname of lb* atddjet, and tettftf ?f the
cMRptftj to which h? bataf* or iha bam ?I iba
frptab, wall m toe number of the RegtoMH, abouid
b* ntinitiftf?
PftGksgt* flraat oca ceaiain mora Una cm hoddred
pooada?ba wall Mcmtd?and ami at tf* expanse of
By ommmi ofCtaund 3KAURE0ARP.
B WtVTM Ftsussex, ,
Cbptata and A. A O.
Hiring beta appointed lo f&a abort duty my otto*
vtUb* forth* tfcm* 00 Bfttoa ftmi 3rd ftom
Kbf Stvwt JKO J. MKJLL0N.
April 91 la Superintendent^
Ex. office.
Cajmjb*, a a, April 19th, 1004.
PARAGRAPH L The Cfettatos of Beat Compa&tM
la Xerahaw ftatrict, ra fbnsiafc mo, at coco,
with a hat of aU j**w*>a in their rtapactiva Beaia between
the cfeatx H and 10 art! 41 and 50 fear* of
a;*. W. a LB1TNKR.
April M tf Copt, and K O. K. P.
CaWMDr, a Cs April 13th, 19*4.
ALL psrmm between tht cgfet of asrwiieen ted
?fly jwn of am, will flwrt for t&
/ ofifat forthwith. 1
II. All oartiAcatas of esetnptfo heretofore issued;
yy KonvJiiftg Officers, under previous Act* of Cm.
grew, (cxocot?:??pUon? of rc*il contractors, drivers
/ j^tA-covxm and hack*, and oo account of religious
ore repealed; and all person* hoWhsg such
n*?Bpt*?4 are otdered to report for eorollracfit,
III. AH pereeos who hoM eiwsptious for phisfoaJ
Jirebflitjr, from the Medical Board, are also ordered to {
napes* for enrodsmu By order of
Aj*ti it \1 Capt atdf. 0. K. 1>.
| '"pH IS Celebrated trotting Stallion. of the If org* a
i J stock, wiS ftt&d the eoaosag seasoa (1st Ms mi
to 1st July) st my plantation on Granny's Quarter
?" j Creek, 9 miles from Camden, Liberty Hill road, tt
, forty dollars payable in advance. No insurance.
r Groom fee $1,00. ZACH. C ANTKT.
r March 11 tf
1 j r" LOST,
! AK the cars between Camden and Cbremoct, s
t ! 1 f T!?r>'w.Lin PITfiStl? m. nr-.tim. f?> Cii
VA ywvww V WWWIIKM^ CO )VI ^9? 9V|
[. OQ J. D. Dinkina. drawn payable to J. W. Backntror
borer. The public U warned against trading forisid
- note, bearing <&**? December G, 1803, as payment ie
J stopped on the same. J. W. BUCK5ER*
11 January 8 1/
, WD?liA*SaEffABD.
I' THE tbotf rrtrsrd will be jvkl for lb* detection of
1 the rascal who cut the Rio-tend of the subscriber,
on S*it!?dsr abht bst. Persons owning shoe shops
V win pfeoae seep at* eye on all sole leather sent to their
.hat* SCTHKRtAXb k LEMMO*?.
^ PefertaryS St
4 LI? those who hare not made * annus! returns of
the estate* entreated to tbctn a* administrators
of executor*, will do wed! to make their annual returns
? of the wtofby the hurt day of February. 1864. ss tbo
. Ordinary's Office will not he open after thai date, only
on Woodsy* and Frxbv*. until Uw end of the year.
*LKX L> WcDOSALE. 0. K. Z>
? Fefeftery It Cf
> i *** ?ub#cffber, dst m&e? ?b?T* Ouadca. on
g JT the Lsfccaftfcrr Hood, titrv* Milcfa Own, ttro Dry*
* Co?r? and t?t? Yoarfias* sutrtod thcr Sjrure 7 ia Um
I. rtffbt ??f *?d ft Mrariknr fork wwi oadprhvt 3a lb* kft.
? Is ii balkm*! tf*?l Uvr abotc fasti* ban* bera ttolta.
j' a* lb* tnilrh ?mt* Wt U*eir calrwai i<?cne. A !?b*ra?
ttwaril wHI fe* jwid for mfcrtftftttra thai iriH bad to
. fhwr letotw. or br ih$ drtttitoe of Um? ihitf. If
Z rfofett. .JAMES U>TK
a Felmtary j tf
I^T OYICE l? bcfftuy jpirws thai CoafeteM* ftotftft. of
>. ift til dtfeonitisgafcm*. wiH be nwehrtd. ia pay*
9 at*ut of State tax**, URiO lbs 3I*s ia?t After thai
date, aerntel mtm be nadetiihef icv bBk vf
to K***, W. McKAlK, 7. C. SL D,
M?ftb 4 ' if
J; ? HA??
THIS Itoct&sJ tfcroroujeM***! ywp? frailton. *?
Jeff Psri?, dua b<jr Etrtaw Shark. wBI rt?ad at
- Hfdskirlr HiB lb# ?smd?fr xmMft T[l<t March to Sat
r FsAy ctoftaj*. jtfttabSa ia ?4rftft<*. No ia
I iaraacW $1,#0 u> the Onuta,
Jtfarrb 4 if
Dr-J-MoCaa 6 Dr. fi-Xlbtkm
? rvmcv?two door* a*ovk tub branch
wt genu* 5*. s. ?. Uitrnjowv,
Jjnmry 29 ft p,
' fXAPT.W. R lirO*?OS wiB.rf^a.r Ap?ti>r
V U? lmfk*?ciWi of *8 toiwtoe** to rr&rttK* to In
?f?ww Apwrj, Awto# tny stasct to 4? nrrto*.
itamtj 32 if W. L. D*PAfcA>
f IVOTtrB.
BM? URCfWX fc? mt +nihori*t4 *jr#nt for
tftaetre f??t# housr. * & KYKK&
. FrHmitt 13 t tf
k CI JlMCX PKWr, U?rfc tili, ISM.
4 FTKK lM# ?Ut* *ft?i tmtil fortfctr notta,, th#
/\ !>wpisrru*to*? "? lie IUMICK
rcn ?? :
Ifavn* IVokH*. V?*isr* TTf4o?^4tr* ?r?4 Friday*
?t 3.I& a. m. Arrir# ?l 6 a. m !mr*
Kb#**#!# 4jn\ m. Amtf *t 0?is?W ? 30 p. m.
On TwM*}-*, TNmfyt owl Satmim fc*r* Pamtto*
, ?i, |> a. r. r. Rowarth.
4fc FopX TniwmortafHwi,
14 if
*1^IIK tiadrfKktn^ Im* tor??la w*ttrtn*r?iiit> I *
1 the ptwctk* of medkrifte, in Camden and iu ?}
h X. P*SArf5Sl-RK, If, !>.,
April I tf
VI7 ILL he at bU stable at the Hcrmiugt the *t?.
wing cemw&cmg the first of wsich.
tWaw?Fiftr Dolby* the* Season. fmrnbh in adFebruary
II if
THR Pwpb are aotiM that ibe Otti&c?!*s for
Tax iu Kind, imtod br me, ar?D<* fit* resfteti *
and they most be poateotect to James Jcmsl Tax r<i
lector, before the first of April
Mwtfc? if A.1C!
rIK TOdWjifDWl tUU Ulij d?T OMM* ?U Hill
ft* tt. parcW h^r CSbgSZ
?grt** ., pmrtH dry (foodt, .mj
j,r- . , ? ? ?j ^.wnywi, von, H |M|MM tC
receive goods on ettuagajneat at for ?or?g*.
AttmUao will *1*0 be gitet* to the buring and selling
oJ Reft! Eststi and Ne#*##.
Liberal advances made <m all eooesgoraeate.
Office cu Mais fimt two doon above the Post
Office * D. D. HOCOtT.
Aprrt 16 U
A NEGRO Girl from 10 to 12 rears of age. far
farther psrtiento ipply at the Feet Office.
April 29 iI
The highest prices paid ids whit*
ftoecor cotton rtft. dtWorrt it targe?r??if
qutitiM ?t this oC?. ,

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