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'* ' * , v - ' i *, | ^ . ti 18 m -i swm sMgtiSoeiitlj foraafaed-^ iirfW well mpplwd witi the 4eBc*eict le^smte w> fiab^wMe^ iandieoB egtotfee, tw^d tofkey, ^p?d in eilrer, llmied docSMSke, tbo perijgfoad toyr*tt*p6ti jBost ia vocuc. rastttod be crowdofMmlekept to {MWtbe u!lj jmiiffivrorapdMtlislk tebeot to stoop, sometimes e*ea to koeel before fa ha, fl^e J'-B U w^LJU Sua k*H?? IS WW IWBt} UW W Hit ItV HIKHf W? WVMWI | w$*bf?d to "ito&r the jare*e*<?/ before ho *?h tawd to judge ^tW style of tolhti best eak?to&iox afld tmrwuo^ pfO*^l tbfit cf cAma^ ??re eoastowUt dimwit in fmnt of IViruii doerf rhife their &ir owner* ?rcm gow^ wad, dt*^*& that [; ftrtlfeaneit iu ?ir Its i fay w m* m** m* wp war tft*ww um MKe?4d! kin torn hi te-bow* w-f MfiMitMo. fbey ray too?J iblnfc *?oew?e?wr coiwfowfeot * feitjr jartifi?! m wi bow wo "dwad&l vronk' 4e?wB??d l<j : Umw Bftrr, *1k? 2u4 good roMoo for ?ki?tt?j ag dono-ltoubo <*?*. y ?* ki#AMiV nil wUi IM. Jtn?eiidft of 5 fed a?d ?t 05? for IMfit Marfowl^W, jta motherdtairml him W pal b? wrnmt* tola *aX,i*ot returning for mm time.??? fymtm^fe*?vSwir^ few Aauvfumn wim Gtar?ThoSa. mamh "Rr-piMW U indebted to the courttry of Urn operator of the Cobts line for the j wiaf pn??fe dupafh, rraiwd titer* ..a the (Site T*u.M?AM*8, May 9.-Mr. J. K Ham* stotaajtHt tttfewi at Quince* from W?t Pfortdtt jtateafbst the blockade Meaner off A uwtiaehicd* WM eaptamd, with all on board. 350 sttitJMt iwgtsS, fMT an expemuon ?.? mrbciL No mt m oor tide, Koriber par. tteafcm not j*t newtd. ylRe Mtaring rent it met cftan quoted. y? it bat to mock povtr tbat it ought tobt mT?' ihHtTawMmM, Has tturasd Use amn* a met: A Hm ' ->#- ' * ' J-- ' . > . I W'y r.f ' V I ' * i.." " # '. v V I JBfc UWCOLXt ASPAJSJED B J A FHIKHV re e&g&m of He. Lincoln," from the fcar that to Worn rale." Who the trowaai) oooW be it *e&n* diifcnJi to imagine, from the following sketch which Brownsengives of h? fetorite.? Tblj ha pit?t have a deplorable choice, if Lineofe ia his beat. We copy from the Washington CcmHUtffaMd Union : His ?oal <teeass made of leather, ami mcapabk of mf pmd m emotion. Compared *i$ the mass of fen, h^^ s goo ^rf fewem, be Hem elevate* yon, You leave hb presence with yocr euthwawa dampened, jour patter fee&ags crashed, and yont hope# cant to thawfekk. Yon t&k not can ilia mm emy the nation through Hi terrible struggle#, hot cm the aatkn* emrtj this man throng* them, andtwtpemhm the attempt! * *' * **- - 1^. WkiH, u ? | HS?wmr #6 Mr ? ?* W?? OTV hit* ttpcm a poJky wteaBttalij good b fa?K bdi&k ^IwaiW^orm #me km. Bernifkkass feomMamralb?| fbolukwm. We blame him oat, tap the amiable hmwturn^ bcaum he k mok eyed, and not eagle eyed/and that be bas no sa*pkb? of that higher region of tboogbt and adioa rn #bkb lkUi^gmtlnteraEtaand qsmtkms be if mailed nocm to deal with as President of ibe trnteJ State*. Hk c?!f feill k b the mkfcrfor fcb J " ^ Mr. Lbcoln * t* a raomba&m emismttif mf,% ?o be mawk ,We bate u?w bean aU* to dt**wi if* him i f^^|mdhy b any roan . **** ?#> of Ml" WW ^ ^ ^ ^ JUliiliiBil* <Mt Ittfini * Hi hn mimmM Mr tsi' lilk. IV 0 tvffwsi' fa*lli3Sow.s*wN ?i(tinjf oat in tb? iwwtw sftenxoa watebtng ihv jxvgk, white alt who h&ri K teicf ?*j* *?. ?to?^ it *r?l tolfcobo* Orinff ??b? Bet it w?* *u& for urn m% ? awm ~7*f?reiy exerted by him?that people admiral m? co&remttoiK They admired, abo^e nli, r *kwrp jiufeta, lvp> and wwemat itber&hfy, wbkh marked him m am who %a? a aage at well m a iforr-tcller, and **i0ie wefe valuable became he war* sage. "-. j Thirty Srrymkw vemfe *4 war aic now waiting for ?*** and tmkr* hare been iaancd fe^Moreri tfoiwind argrt?Ci rm?stly e&)9te*i ja Maryland, and fn tmnnfar fhm imresale!? to ihe I?r?t Secretarr Welh* fceviag fwamnted to accept them in de&sdt of able or ordifearr :' f * ?,i ' A yum fellow, who Im tfted it* my* th*rr m* two Wirta of wfctMrcy in Afknt4-~*'oni> j* swallowing atj juwiy eat; a?4 the other like p&Bing !fe* aftiww' taekVtlR taft?* ft -~4^ | , . The name of gallant o&cer, the hzro of jor General, to date (torn Ujc oaptar? of that place* b destined to occupy a prominent po?Fro? a ftfend, CknHim Stat, obtain* the following concerning the General ; Robert F. Hoke is it satire of Lincoln coostjv N. C Hb father wa* a eamikiaSe for Governor when.he died Bofeortwaa tons gfewi 1835, and b now about twenty-nine yea? of m? and in, therefor^ mot to the ywtsgni MajofGesicwl so Cosfedlfasseros% At the time of the breaking ftp ef*%e Pea* Gonfcronce, he held a eororaia&iov in one of the Gotermaant Departments** WwhbgtoB, He im medmtck resigned tod went hem, to take command of a compas? in lib satire atmsty, togotoCharfeaton. tbb ws* before any O? -. ite- ... . . x jdmaaee mi oeeo pswsa uw NmtfeCmXm* H? wmmny mm pi*?d in tie 14 Nortk Carroro* Engifcwm^ amte? cowmsmi 4 Cot D* if. Hilt At the battle of Bethel, if* 41^ tieguisfntd fcm*eit ami hoa?ta&f mm* wa???^titiesfterpwoted to tfce. sad Regiment, comra^ed by Col Awry. At die batik of NtwbemUas mraaeBt dfs&a* gnwbod iueIC Col Awj wm wiiiiurtiil and otpieml Tb? Lse&teaaat CobaeJ ??9 abo totmdid, ?ad lite eowoaad deroivotf ?? Major Hofeft. fa cotnmaod of tb? 33d Bq?~ ^ meal bo fought through tbo lattk* imtti JSiehoa&d, and wa* aooa after promoted to Cofotre! of ibe 55th ft C. Regiment* asd pbced m Bmobfe Brigade. Some iim ?o rjowtoibfthsttteo?^ I tkkmie with ?*w ptaooa* He badsat ns&soatlf i*femrfd mom hti wmnfeie bo at Getmfnag, aad aooa after th* rotm of hit hrigodo from Mar fjiaiwi n ww flwgoeo vo wssj )t tm snow mJ^S**!!**f?"^. *"*T'^l *f B?^P?T mMffW *??? *? wpjpw^p **?V?3Rt m: W nt^gff yStpm^lM- fw wlf ted tftft higdHos&d CMsft gesteas^ Isl* ?*& *e Ww hope ,<tf fe? Lorn NanasW* P*t*$s,u. AfpEmjp<x n * * ; W- |M AnpiwiK pranm twwww cww i*tlia? dwcriM w a U? tetter fmm Ito; . Tfc#^e?<wi af^wanuwe of Kiifwteaa TIT. , ^wwm^Ike of the man wilfc tbewm hi*. Cfeemay tittdy ft for !*#?*? wiU&gl de^ '*'. ., ffflf* menUl dj*rad?mUa?. IVwe fe&yf ^rtificifiil f*w prepared for th* ocawbo* *htfo *M t&l men* like ih* prkslm of !k# ; hidden, msd deliver* short, etaadar ttftwrosea behind it He ? #bort m tktigfe hie feed? i# foil &??&%? sb?. Bc&e* ft* uppeer* to grwfojf sdvastegr in a fwwfcae. Of to* y car* h? h? pro wmmkst neipate* rih so, if the stone* %xwm& '** be tree. Bis appearance on honwWrk *lfm great credit to m* kawgaMBtship. vhkh isgfta*rctfl? allowed to be the mewl eksiifel in Burilfm, f He S* the terjr fbwd of horse* and W i&tfc thorough undemanding of their nature which f ?itablt#hc* a certain ?rmpa% between the an* I iflul and hi* rider, jX; .. V ;" :^;V ^frl;"' ;- * *ta* DirKxassca.?One of the o&om re remark to fopuin Geodeiioa, a* the litter 1 port* to the Montgomery Advertiser : ?Tbe most astounding thing that his arrested af attention 1 hate ban* in saptiriiy h tie etromronHng *pirit of ymr aekttei*. Ifaa? are Imag npon atari ratbnsof bnM and meat, A ttftt ft% I nam hoard a complaint eecape their , ^ f %)*. They ne*er mention their p*t a* a matter of important*, end mm entirely dcwted to a principle. On the other fated* oor troop# have emy Inxwr that men could de&ra, ?W?y comfort which the nation can t, ??4 yet M^lkdwith diiconteiii, 1fa*y ate 0% damorons for tb?r pay ? it were lbs ?ofe object. 1 candidly acknowledge that the '; wtmt strike* mt whi dismay." : :MJ*; . *.