OCR Interpretation

Dakota tawaxitku kin, or, The Dakota friend. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1850-1852, November 01, 1850, Image 2

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93099999/1850-11-01/ed-1/seq-2/

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auf, tmv., (|fw. /(§50.
Marpiya maka ko icaryapi ki'n wanna
ehantanhan waniyetu kektopawinge xakpe
ikiyedan. Maka kin de icaryapi kin hetan
lian waniyelu kehtopaminge topa kacen, he
han Jesus wicaxta icicage ca makata hi. lie
Wanikiya eciyapi. Waniyetu yawapi kin
hi qon hetanhan yawapi qa maka
toka icage cm hetanhan yawapi xni, Jesus
hi kin he wannaehantanhan waniyetu kekto
pawinge wanjidan sanpa opawinge xahdogan
sam wikcemna zaptan [1850] Maka tokar
icage cehan hanyetu, anpetu, mdoketu, wa
niyetu ko hena hecen hehan kagapi.
"Wakantanka heya keyapi "Marpiya oko
tonyan kin ekta taku iyoyanpa yuke kte on
anpetu. hanyetu kici yukinakunyan un kte,
ra he on inakoncaga.
Iho hena hecetu.
Hehan anpetu-wakan kin ix he decetu.
Wakantanka cin unkanx, maka kin inhuhana
rin incarye okihi kta tuka heceii ccon xni
ito anpetu xakpe hehanyan econ. Ive he
ccn waxte kta sd( ca, on etanhan anpetu xak
pe hehanyan marpiya makako icarya. De
cen on liecon kacen epca. Iye oran kin
eciyatanhan anpetu xakpj.kin en unmnihe
capi kte cin he on onspeunkiyapi qa iapi
ecedan on opspeunkiyapi xni. lye oran kin
eciyatanhan wicomniheca onspeunkiyapi
ehantanhan ecen econkupi xni kinhan he
xice kte. Iye token econ kin he iwanyag
unxipi. Hecen anpetu xakpe hehanyan
Wakantanka taku icarya yanke-ca taku he
nakiya owasin ecen ehnake cehan, ixako.vin
anpetu hanrana ca, wi kin liehan hinyanrin
axkatudan tuka okitaninyan hiyu qehan taku
owasin okirpa yanka wanyaka nace. Tuwe
taku kin hena owasin icarye cin iye kax he
han okirpe ca oran kin awakicin yanke ca
on iyuxkiri Unkan heya Anpetu okirpapi
kin lie de e kta ce, eye ca hduwakan qa hdu
waxte. Iye rinca he en okirpe cin on he
con. Taku owasin hecen okirpapi nacc he
han Hecen tokar taku icaryapi kin en an
petu xakpe rtanipi qa ixakowin kin en okir
papi kte cin he hehan kagapi. Iye Wakan
tanka hecen wakicunzo. Iho hena hecetu.
Adam taanpetti tokaheya kin he anpetuj-wa
kan kin ee nace. He wica^a,-kin etanhan
oyate owasin icagapi, he on,iye hehan token
econ qon owasin ecen econpi kta naceca.
Iho hena on etanhan unkujapi kte xni: an
petu xakpe wicoran mnihenya econkupi qa
ixakowin kin he wakandayan unkiksuyapi,
qa wicoran econkupi kin owasin ito unkih
nakapi kte. Anpetu-wakan ahanhanyanun
yakonpi kinhan Wakantanka ixtenunyanpi
kte. Iye ecin he kage ca ahope unxipi.
Ito hekta ekta anpetu-wakan kiksuye xni
unkupi kin he iyecen tokata econkupi kte
xni: detanhan piyar ahounpapi kinhan oki
ni Wakantanka waxte dake kte.
mind why
[d] 0^7-RaratonwannonpaWaxicunktepi
qa on pawicayuksapi kta keyapi qon, econpi
xni. Ito kihnakapi kta Wicaxtayat ipi kin
eva keyapi.
~[bj MaJtoc^ lCBgopti
Waxictin decen makOce icagopi. Mdotff
itato wakpa wan Hoka wakpa seiy&pi
kitana itatowapafanhan. RaraWakpa e an
han icago ayapi, qa hetanhan wiyorpey a it
itoheya eciyotan ayapi qa Wakpa-dpakxai*
oiyorpeyapi hehan hetanhan okarfuya wak
pa kin he ohna ayapi qa ecen Minixoxe ekta
iyorpeyapi hehan ake hetanhan Minixoxe
ohnayanr tatohekiya ayapi, qa tuktc wakpa
wan Maka-ska wakpa eciyapi hecinhan he
hanyan aipi hehan akex hetanhan waziya*
takiya ayapi, qa Sagdaxin tamakocepi km
hehan iyah^leyapi hehan akex hetanhan
wiyohiyanpata eciyotan aupi qa mdeyata
mde wan tanka, Mdeiyotan eciyapi kin hen
hivorpayapi hehan hetanhan okarkiya ah
iyupi qa lJoganwarike kin he hiyorpayapi
qa ohna ahiyupi mdotekin hehanyan hehan
akex hetanhan okarkiya Rara^ wakpa ohna
ayapi qa totanhan tokar ayapi qon hen ake
kiyorpayapi. Iho hinskoya makoce icaqopi
qa Minisota, Makoce eya caje'vatapi. Wo
wapi kin en "Minisota" wandakapi kinhan he
kapi Jvte: qa Waxicun kin "Minisota" eya
vakonpi nayaronpi kin tinskoya makoce
omdake cin he kapi kte do.

(£5- TheDakota article will stand first in
order, and the English which immediately
follows, when a translation, may be known
by the letter which stands at the head.
[a] DAKOTA TA A\\l Xl'l'Kl KIN.
Si. Paul, Minnesota.
st. Pam, Minnesota. Ninety-two Winnebago Indians came
It is now near six thousand years since up on the Nominee, on Thursday the 14th
the Creation. From the Creation to the na- inst.. on their way to the upper country •w-
itivity of Jesus Christ was a period of
four thousand years and since the birth ox
I Jesus, eighteen hundred and fifty years have
glided away. We date from the birth of
Christ, and not from the creation of the world,
i' The division of time into months and years
is natural, as well its division into days and
nights. And God said "Let there be light
in the firmament of heaven to divide the day
from the night and let them be for signs,
and for seasons, and for days and years.
I But how came time to be divided into weeks
Here it is.
I (Jod could have brought into existence U^n
thousand worlds in an instant, with infinite
ease but instead of doing so, we are in
formed that in six days, the Lord made the
heavens and the earth, &c. An adequate
reason was present to the
he should extend the
of creation through
six days, and only six days. N\ as not that
reason this, that G,od in his wisdom and con
I descension designed to teach men hy his own
i example, as well as by precept that time
should be divided into short and convenient
periods of six days for scoular employment,
i How ought wu to be influenced by the ex
ample of such a Being God has enjoined
upon us diligence in business by the authoi
itv of his on-11 example.
'After six-days' agency, by which the
heavens and earth, with all their varied eon
tents were brought iortli as the youtlnul Ling
of day, arose to
his mellow light over
the vastly extended and glorious productions
of the Almighty—he was greeted with a scene
of universal beauty, sweetened by lvpose.
The Seventh day had dawned and the mys
terious. the adorable Creator rested rom (ill
the works which his hand had made.
And, moreover, God blessed the Seventn
day and sanctified it because that in it he
had rested from all his works which God had
created and made. Nature rested. 1 hus,
time at its very birth was divided into weeks
—six davs for labor and the seventh for rest.
Adam, the father and representative of the
race, in the blissful garden, spent the first
day of his existence in acts of humble ado
ration of that wondrous Being, from whose
hand he came forth to gaze witli* admiring
love and gratitude on the surrounding works
of the Deity, over which himself was consti
tuted head. What a Sabbath was that
what a noble, what an elevating employment
for Adam Kxample worthy of imitation.
Did God sanctify the Sabbath and rest from
all his works did Adam in holy raptures
"Keep the Sabbath day holy!" and shall
we, can we continue our secular employ
ments through its sacred hours, thus tramp
ling it under our feet and contemning its
blessed Author 1 No—we will break offfrom
our sins by repentance, and "Remember the
Sabbath day to keep it holy.''''
[d] The execution of the Chippewas who
were sentenced to be hung at Willow river,
Wisconsin, on the 25th October last, has
been postponed by the Governor of that State.
Icagopi kin, tona \V axicun icokam unpi
kin hena Minisota wicaxta ewicakiyapi.—
Makoce hinskoya wokunzc tolceca yuhapi,
qa Imnijaskadan en Wicaxtayatapi yanke
cin he Wicaxtayatapi yuhapi. lkccwicaxta
tona icagopi kin he icokam unpi kin ix na
kun he Wieaxtayatapi yuhapi. Ihukuya
unpi qeya nakun otoiyohe oyate ecekcen wt
cayuhapi. Imnijaskadan en yanke cin be
Alexander Ramsey eciyapi. Iho hena ,ajkta
[h] Boundary liueoi'MiinicsotaTerrilo/y.
"Beginning in the Mississippi river, at the
point where the line of forty-three degrees
and thirty minutes of north latitude crosses
the same, thence running due west on said
line, which is the northern boundary of the
State of Iowa, to the north weit corner ofs.ai'd
State of Iowa, thence southerly along the
western boundary of said State to the point
where said boundary strikes the Missouri
river, thence up the middle of the main chan
I nel of the Missouri river to the mouth of the
White-earth river, thence up the middle of
the main channel of the White-earth river to
the boundary line between the possessions
United States and Great Britain thence
astand south-east along the boundary line
between the possessions of the United States
and Great Britain to Lake Superior thence
in a straight line to the northermost point of
the State of Wisconsin in Lake Superior,
thence along the western boundary line of
said State of Wisconsin to the Mississippi
river thence down the main channel of said
river to the place of beginning." This is
Minnesota Territory. All those white men
who reside within these limits are called
Alexander Ramsey is Governor of this
Territory and Superintendent of all the tribes
of Indians within its limits. Under hitn are
Agents and Sub-Agents ofthe United States
with each of the tribes of the Indians of Min
nesota. Minnesota is governed by its own
0^/- His Excellency, Gov. Ranjsey and
Hon. Richard W. Thompson, havebeenap
pointed Commissioners to treat with the Sioux
for the lands west of the Mississippi.

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