iijiiiicf S-Vipiwt "'ig
i. ST. PAUL,
1!J-j£ DAXQ7A FM ^0,
ifidilPd y (.H. 1' onil,
Tuwctl|iii Ittniipi on Ixto.e Mc Xni.
Tuwe wicoran onspc iciciye,V.-i ecen aki
iva, qa.«conl-Kipin xni eca, lie tip! waxte oti.
Iqa, warpan'iea'xni ecc tuka tuwe oran .sda
ta, qa wicoran ccon kapin, qa rtanipi ixteca
:?ca, takudan on tanyan un xni, qa onxike, i a
tirnanta un cco keyapi.
Tuwe markieanyairpi eccden econ. q° ta
jkudan wicoran tokeca ofr^pe
exta. taku
Iota oleihi. Ecin ccedan akiro nakaxj ocim
Jokiksape ra oran kin eciya tanhan, yicaxta
kin opeya, can wan lianska hecen ipagoya
[un ccc. Maga kin ix ota yuhe, ca wanu
ivanpi ota yuhe, ca yutapi kin ix ota ton qa
uokankin, okinirin taku icaUjapi kex, iye
Iwieakije xni un ccc keyapi.
I Cankajipapi kin. ix ova iyececa. Ecin.
s tuwe rinca owasin tipi waxte cin, nakax. tuwe
*£c uikaj.ipa wayupike, ca minihcca cca. lie ni
u i.a tipi karkiyapi, qa heCen oran kin eciya tan-
han wok-am
hh ota wanhdaka ece.
Lj Eva, wicoran waxte kin, hena owasin he
sPl c^tu. qa taku iyol^ihi tuka markicanyanpi
Fjkmhe iyotan. Ecin, niaka. qa anpetu-wi,
'I qamagaju, hena owasin cn wawokiyapi etc.
Hena hececa exta, wicaxta apa, wicoran
econ wacinpi xni qa tuwe rtani han wan
vakapi eca, ivaxapi, qa yawinorineapi, qa
Wacinpi. Decen ecx ecinpi ktatuku,
^ksapa pi unkanx.)
[P.J33L]S^]1E'B IB' T3-0 !E T)A
XOVA s 5 014,
I I'nkan, markicanyc ciqon, lie uman kin,
heciya iiace. 'Olive ohini rtawani. qa nina
taku ecainon waun, qa hayake xikxica cce
komdake. fa maka iyamapemn-i decen waun
kin, ecar iyntanlian iyewakiyui Tuka niye
qe, wicoran takudan ccanon xni, token wi
i caxta kin irapi kte, ca taku wakan ec-onpidan
ecedan ecanon. lie taku yutapi yakage xni,
'qataku koyakapi yakage xni, tuka, wanni
yakjpi eca, llunhunhe pidapi, qa hvtan
I han ina/.a.ska eca cccr nicupi, qa 011 tanyan
yaun," cya npce.
Unkan.uman qon liehan heya. Hn.koda,
iyae cin, hecetu ccen elia. t.nxicidakc do.
(. )hiniyan rtayanipi kin«n iyotanhan iyeyaki
va. Miyt qb, niinape tewarinda,qa wicoran
ecainon xni exta, itetanhan token onmaxike
caeax. Taku wakan econpidan ecainon
kin. lie taku owasin iyokilii. Ohiniyanr im
naiian ^vnvute karnir wate, fa wokoyake
karnir komdake, ca wicaxta ilulawapi tipi
kin en, ticatkuta nianka ecc. eya keyapi.
i ho hena hecetu. unkant ocim niakocc kin
he en. wicaakiran rinca. I'nkan. miirkieau
ve i.'in, lie miuiheca naka, owancayaakiran
pi rinca, tuka iye taku yutapi iyakicuya ton.
qa en sanina opcton alii ece keyapi. nkan,
taku wakan ec-onpidan kin on waranran iri
da qon, liehan hinankaha, ouxikc rinca kc
Taku ota okihi, peta iynknake, ca xina
T)e rtanipi, qa taku
tyakicuva icaryapi. qa iyaye keyapi kin, he
ex, on xkanxkan waun kin,"' ecinpi kta tu
ka. Tuwe ec in, minihenya wicoran waxte
econ eca. he wienni kage sa eoeea. Token
ira pica xni, qa ixtece piea.xni. Un wicani
wanx tox.
Wicaxta noin owicayakapi, unkan deccn
I man markicanye cin heca, qa uman kin
ix, tak'udan wicoran econ xni.
Taku waican econpidan, qa iraoi to n.
eced«?.u ccon keyapi.
hipaxkudan ko, i kin eciya tanhan
iii\ uva, isau o on eaicipa s,'c:i kc.x ilnluhan
okizi hecekcen xkan kex. tuwedan, liehan
'en etonwe xni. anna tamahei-a, hayake
ko xice cehan. liecin'hihda ke\-api "ilehc
he eliaiKjon decen waxkan. tja on waran-
ran niifida ece e qon, deccn takwdan i\'oki-
hi xni extanhan nii'.ukcan xni. Markicanye
cin, he iwara, qa onxike wa.Iake cajon, iye
eb.anqoh, tanyan un, qa nnye r. onmaxike.
Taku wakan econpidan ota owakihi qeyax,
heianiian imapi xni, qa macc/.e xni. Iliom
eca. detanhan wicoran wanji onspc miciciye.
ca rtanipi c-ce ecamon ke^' ccm hilula
liio tuwe waecon kapin, qa ira.'a/a un cca,
he o'jim teriya waakipe kte. 'i'uka tuwe
.'inze, fa co/.a. .xa wopnla i\eifiya.
I I v v
I oran miniheca. qa wicoran waxte econ kapi
xni eca, tokau onxikapi kex. iye cerpi ki
•. "J
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{Dakota Friend.
He who learns to work, accustoms himself
to it, anil holds out. will dwell in a good
house and will not be poor while he who
conducts hima-h'ihiuless'.y, refuses to work,,
and is ashamed of work, it is said, wdl bepjur
and destitute, and a beggar.
cultivates the earth, though he may
notxJyHow how to perform any other kind ot
labor, can acquire much, l'"»r. because by
bis constant aijplication he becomes expert,
the result his own labor renders hint con
spicuous among men like a tall tree in the
forest, lie comes in possession ot land.cat
tle, and stores of pnnisions. so that wlien
others sutler from want he lacks nothing.
his the same aiso with the carpenter, lor
everyone wishes to live in a good house.
Therefore an industrious expert carpenter al
wavs liuds employ, and thus by means of his
labor he is aide to acquire much. Indeed
this is true of all kinds of'wholesoine labor,
but the cultivation of tiie earth stands iir^t in
importance because tho earth, sun and rain
all lend their aid. Notwithstanding these
truths there are men who will not labor, but
when they see others at work endeavor to
mortify them by calling them women and
deriding them. They ought rather to con
sider, and would if they were wise) that they
themselves subsist on the -surplus products
of the laborers earnings.
lie who is industrious to labor, as it weie
creates life. Honest labor cannot be deri
ded. nor spoken against.
The following is a short story of twoP.K").
one a tanner and the other a man of pleas
ure, u ho was expert at tricks of legerdemain
The tanner said to the other—I am always
hard at work, coarsely clad, and com red
with dirt, and I feel that my lot is a irardonc.
You, on the contrary, have nothing to do but
make men laugh by your slight-of-hand
tricks. on neither produce lood nor clo
thing:'bv it, vet vim excite mirth in those who
witness \our performances, and they give
you n i o
n e v so that you are iirwant of nothing.
The man of tricks replied, Yes. my friend,
what vou say is true. You are always hard
at work, and I pity you. -As for me, I think
too much ofmv hands to set them at work,
still 1 am far enough from b' poor.
niv surprising tricks, 1 can obtain any
thing. 1 always feed on choice food, wear
choice clodies. and sit in the highest scats of
great men's houses.
After a time, it is said, that an unexpected
famine prevailed throughout all that country
but while all around were sullering, the
farmer who had been industrious,-had sup
plies in abundance, and men from all quar
ters came to hi.n to'buy food, 'ilic slight.
'cO.NU.l =!OX