OCR Interpretation

The Thlinget. [volume] (Sitka, Alaska) 1908-1912, August 01, 1908, Image 1

Image and text provided by Alaska State Library Historical Collections

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94050023/1908-08-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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Devoted To Tin: Interests Ok The Native People Oi Alaska
Vol 1 Sitka. Alaska. Ai ai kt.l'.ti 8. No. J.
Our Paper bears the
name of The ThSingef
not because this is the
name of the largest tribe
of Alaskan natives but
because it means "the
p3opb"Although prirnar
ally a scfrooi paper The
Thlirret will be constant
ly devoted to the wel
fare of ail native people
of Alaska., With this
introduction we arc glad
to make your acquaint
ance and earnestly hope
that our acquaintance
may develop into warm
On Monday the seventh of Sep
tember the Sitka Industrial School
opens its doors for the twenty
ninth year, which is to be the
most profitable of its history.
There are enough pupils in the
school now to make the year's
work valuable, a sufficient num
ber have declared their intention
to return to make it intensely
interesting and with the large
enrolment of new scholars
hoped for, a grand success is
assured for the year of '08 and
'09. The corps of workers has
? never been better, the equipment
is being enlarged for more and
t practical work. The Superinten
dent Mr. W.G.Beattie has com)
j lete supervision of the institution
and isprincipal of the schoolrooms
The office work,discipline and
general oversight make him one
>f the busiest of men, yet visitors
md prospective students will find
lim at the o ffice ready to attend to
heir wants. T.ie Assistant Sup
irintcndcnt Mr.Geo.J.Beck who
needs nointroduct ion to the people
?f Alaska, has charge of the Ind
lstrial Department. Just at pre
ent he is very busy as he has to
ake the place of the Instructor
m Engineering: a vacancy which
we hope is to be filled shortly.
Mr Beck's entire time
will be taken up in planning and
drafting new work and machine
ry; overseeing the construction
work and he will conduct a class
in bench carpentry this winter.
The Instructor in Engineering
will oversee the laundry with
its engine and boiler and other
machinery, the forty horse hoist
ing engine, the saw mill and the
water system wi' hits two wheels
pumps and tanks.
1 tie instructor 11 carpentry
Mr.D.C.McTavish has charge of
all construction work about the
school. The present winter is to
be taken up with repair work
preparatory to new buildings next
year. The Instructor in Shot mak
ing is Mr.George McKay, who
learned his trade at the school
eighteen years ago. Repairing
the school shoes occupies most of
the time but some outside and
new work is done.
Mr. McKay, is also an experien
ced band master,and is leader
and instructor in Band Music
Semi weekly practice is to be held
and music furnished for all special
occasions. A new baritone has
just been ordered and we hope to
j add one or two trombones in
' the near future. The outlook for
ibe band was never bettor.
The Commandant of the
training school Mr. Geo. J. Be ck
holds semi-weekly drill and the
Company is one of the attractive
features of the school.
Cur print shop with
Mr. II. B.Parks as forerr.an lias
become a regular part of the
| school. Through The Thlinget
which is a sample of our shop
work our readers will he led into
an acquaintanceship with all
d 'paitments of our school.
Mr.Parks al: o has charge of the
genet al work force and the black
smithing and plumbing for the
school. Mrs.M.F.Schuknccht
is the matron of the girls
home. Per time is taken up in
being a mother to the fifty or
sixty girls that are here each
year. She has general over
sight not only of the girls build
ing but of the sewing and laun
dry work as well.
Miss Susan Davis matron of the
Boys Home is kept constantly busy
up trvisi t r t ie boys' building
taring for t! e:r clothirg and
looking after their general wel
| are.
T'e Hospital is r en etc rvcr
by Bliss Esther Gibson, whose
w >rk as a trained nurse has lorg
; been appreciated by ike native
The Hospital is at present only
open to pupils, but much djspen
, sary work is done er org the
people of the native village.

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