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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
Just Arrived! J\ New Stock of Silk /V\ittens and kid Gloves all of the Finest Quality at RIGHT PRICES STATIONARY NOTIONS Including Pens* Pencils, Penholders, Inks, Eclipse mucilage} Pocket books etc! etc, .'V Large Assortment of Poker chips. Playing cards and pipes. THE BEST Brands of Tobaccos We Always Car ry in Stocac a complete Line of Cutlery Including Joseph Roger s celebrate l silver-plated Knives and Forks Pocket knives, Hunting knives, and Razors. Best Razor strops. Carpenters’ fools in Great Variety includingths Famous JENNINGS’ Bits Our Stock of Groceries are always complete. Duncan McKinnon. Hud son’s Bay Company (INCOIIFOKATF.D ItiTO.i . IN( '< )l 11 *< »1! ATI!l > ldTO. STEAMERS Strathoona and Caledonia I limning I l*-:>nUirly. H.irittg Season of Navignt io:i, from Wranael to Glenora o Carrying Her Majesty's Mails. For Freight ami I ’assrngrr rates apply to the < 'oinpany's Agent Duncan McKinnon Si, re a' < I lotion and Teslin l.alte Carry a full Stork of Provisions, Groceries Dry Goods Wines, Liquors and Cigars Wholesale and Retail, Honest Goods at Honest Prices Casca trading AIND TRANSPORTATION C° | Operating tlie MtigniiiceU River Steamer CASCA Capt. J. Whitmore, Master. In connection YA/ifH Pack Trains. Prepared to do all kinds of PACKING and FORWARDING o,nd making THROUGH RATES o Dease Lake and all other Interior Points. Carrying the United States and Her Britanic majesty’s Hail. Trading Posts at Telegraph Creek, Dease Lake and other Interior Points stocked with a Full Lline of General Merchandise. For rates and other information apply on board steamer or at ■ Reid Sylvester r Fort Wrangel Alaska. I) idaktmknt or'Tiik In'iekioh W ASIIINOTON. Uukat Britain Alaskan Bound’ky NODUS VIVENDI IIKTvriiKN Tiik Exited status ok America and tiik Exited Kinodoxi ok CHEAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. KIX IXi; A PROVISIONAL Boris' IAKVLIXK HKTKK.N TIIK TeRRITORA OK AL ASKA and tiik Dominion ok Can ada AIIOKT TDK tVNNC. NAL. It is li 'I'chy ayr.I bet ween the Gov ernments of t lie I’nited States and of Great I Iritaiin that the boundary line bet. ei i i a laid a anti the territory of A la ska in the territory of Alaska. >in the ivy ion about the head of „ynn (’anal shall be provisionally tixed as follows without prejudice to the c tiins of eit her partv in the permanen adjustment of the internalional hound: y: In the rcyion of the Dal' i Trail, a line beyinniny at. the pe,\ West of Porcupine ( reek, marked on the map Xo. lb of the I nited States ( onnnission Dee. Ill 1 S<»5. and on sin < t .s,,. I,1' of the j Brit ish ( onmiission. Dee. .'ll. 1-'I7. with the ntinihi'r (i.allit; thence rumiiny to tlie Klehini orKliiheelai Itiverin the dir-; eetion of the Deal; north of that river, marked fit DO on the atorsa'nl I'nited Stat «s map and fitD.'i on the aforesaid British map: thence followiny the liiyh or riyht bank of tlie said Klehini river t * tic junction thereof with the t'hil cai 11 i\cr. a mile and a half, more or i ~ . i." ' li of K Iuk wan. providiny that pci'-.'i > ..dmy to or from Porcup ine ('ree'; shall lie free I\ permitted to tin .w liie trail beteen the said creek and tlie said junction of the rivers, in to and a toss the territory on the Can adian sale of the temporary line w her ever th t rai I crosses to such side^ and. subject til such reasonable reyulal iolls fortlic protection of the Revenue as tlic CanatPan (lovernmeiit may pre scribe to carry them over such part or parts of the trail between the said points as they lie on the Canadian side of the temporary line, such yoods and article.- as the\ desire, without bo5ny required to pay any customs duties on such yoods and articles: and from said junction to the summit of the peak fast of the Chileat llivrr. marked on the aforesaid map Xo. lb of the I’nited States Commission with the number n-ilb and oil the map Xo. 17 of the afore said British Commission wit li the num ber f hib. < >n the Dyea iiml Skaguay Trails, the summits el the (‘hilooot anil White I hisses. It is understood, its formerly set forth in communications of the Department of State of the i’nited States, that the citizens or subjects of either Dower, found by this arrangement within the temporary jurisdiction of the other, shall sillier no diminution of the rights and privileges which they now enjoy. The Government af the I'nited States will at once appoint an officer or offic ers in conjunction with an officer oroffi ce.ts to he iiitmed lie named by the Government of Her Britannic Majesty, to mark the temporary line agreed upon hv the eree-tion of posts, stakes or other appropriate temporary marks. They Prefer Veal Now. Mary had a little lamb, that time lias passed i.wav. No lamb could follow up the pace our Mary sets to nay: for now she rides an air shod wheel, iti skirts too short by half; no lambkin •shares her airy flight but you should see her calf. But who is there that can com plain or cry in woe. “Alas!” So long as Mary’s calf’s all right the lamb can go to grass. So all the men delighted gaze, their joy is not a sham, for while the other critter is out they have no | SKRIOL'S STARRING AFFRAY A Colored Soldier uses a “Razzer” on a Prominent Citizen and Inflicts an Ugly Wound. On Wednesday evening last, a stab bing affray took place at the Warwick saloon which very nearly caused the death of one of our most prominent cit izens. . C '. it appears that at fcliout I0:4b p. m. Mr. Healey and M i'. Garrett., the lat ter one of the proprietors, were play ing a game of cri hhage in the so loon when Corporal [.loinor and Ityjvate Harris mine in. Joiner and Harris had been drinking hard till day and were in a quarrelsome condition. They immed iately began to inter"ere in the game and when Mr. Healey objected they called him several vile names and show oil light. Mr. Healey at once jumped to his feet only to lie attacked by Jo'n er who made several pus-os with a raz < r. The spectators at once interfered and ejected the soldiers. 1'pnn examination Mr. Healey found several cuts in his clothes and a gash six inches longs cross his abdomen. H<‘ was at once taken up to Dr. Hen driekson s office v ■ i■ > u imod .. n carefully stitche: ., ,4 Hi si. A v r\ , little moiv and Mr. i bully would have! been fataly injured. Congressman Snl/er On The Alaskan 'Juestion. Tlie .loruNAI. acknowledges tin- re ceipt of a very interesting 1 ■ • 111■ i- from tin* Hon. Willia . i gn-." man for New York and loader for tlie lower ! House of ( ‘ongrrss, .Mr. Sul/.er sa\s i - part: “The spietidfd editorial and eartoon of Mr. Hush in i -■ X'r.v. York World of Oet. -•> iiuent “Tlie Alaska Boundary Tangle" sum tlie whole ease up in a nutshell, mentally and ocularly. I trust I tlie President and -Secretary of State will see them anil read them, and he governed accordingly. “'land's greed for gold has instig ated .Canada to make preposterous claims to our A.aska territory. These alleged claims are naterly untenable, and about as jusiiliabla a> Kuglatid's cruel war against the Boers. Kngland always strikes wherever gold is found. 'I'lc thirkers of the world know the reason why. “Kngland wants a port of entry on Alaska soil for the reasons you mention and for ulterior and more hidden pur poses. 1 nder tlie guise of temproary friendship slit* is now sei king to hypno tize tlie wabbling Washington adminis tration to cede her Alaskan territory. Why should we give up an inch of our hind'.-' Why should we expatriate it singl»> citizen who now lives on Alaska soil and under the American (lag? if Kngland wants an entry to U*e Klon dike let her build a railroad on her own territory from Fort Simpson to Dawson City. And she will if we maintain out rights. “Woe betide the Administration if it gives an inch of out’territory to Great Britain! “The American people ars watching Mr. McKinley and his pro-Knglish Sec retary of State. They will not tolerate nis sacrifice of American rights and American soil in Alaska, and they are opposed to help Great Britain in her unholy war to subjugate South Africa. “The little, Napoleon of the White House should remember the sayings of the great Najjoleou, “Beware of perfid ious Albion!” Wir.biAN Sulzer. Washington, I). G. Glut rcli A n non nee nient. The subject for the sermon next Sun dap evening at the Presbyterian church will be: “Why do people go to church” '"he subject is suggested by a late arti cle by Dr. Lyman Abbot in the “Out look” upon the same sub net. Will he Missed. Dr. I'. W. Lupsloy a well known and mueli respected plivsieian of this city left for Skaynay on the s.s. Farallon Pnesdny last. The Doctor came here a year ayo last March and durine- his stay made many friends who sincerely re ffret his departure. Ilis ssccess in prac tice together with his jpmial qualities made hin?*a favorite with all classes of imr varied population, and we feel cer tain that we are expressing the feelines of all \\ rane'clitcs in wishing him every success in 1/fk new home. AIM-INVOCATION. I? -- •OtJoii: have mercy'” a mdther As she humbly knelt at the cradle s side. ) (loti, have ni‘*t*ey enn beer ihv j>r.i\ *• »* And i ike my lulus in thy te:*V*r can i *r liu* Anrel of Death is in tie* mom 4 . r \nd i- eailiii-T aloud i <r my babe to regno. I ton. tlien, alone hast the power r.» save *>h: tio.l liave mercy .*tis all i crave. ’ A tlnyirravo 'nc-ith a willow’s shade. Tellotb tiie answer Hie .Merciful made. > i’at her in heaven proteet my bay j-.1"'11 *^i'' '•'• '•f'. »it i,p y from sin’s decoy; !• i o. i i re snare- and irmptut.ion* of i;frs dark ( h.m and keep him pure for i lice.'. Uea >'<• a mo:hr rpr.iy.-.l n< her fhirliiur son \\ im: forth to battle the world alone: A!o:i ‘.save i he iile-^inc iris mother /ave. Anti thru pr:t,\ <'!• to < hid to keep and saw. A no nlerer's uibhet liijjh in the air. \:iv.' r *.l that noth *r's trusting pniver. A tiititer mui /mi; liur h m -. them down Toirethi-r tu fore tin- Hternul One. And with tntstimr hearts impler -d heaven W.'idd imar 1 Fir tinwer in ,p- n ,. hud ,,-v,.n W'aild seeji tin iri los.umin-.' dau‘.''iier pure And shield her. n vn from the !emp;"r's lure. And t'roui "u rv stain '.viadd keep her free i he liiie- : dal hi. an in eteanit.v. A ■-•'If-sluin f i t . sc in,... i. i,..:rayed. \Vu. 11 ■ "lily answer thill ileaven made. A beautiful maiden knelt to pray I* i *t* tli ■ 1 i i e of u P i veil om ■ fa r a way * Away in the ii. PI- where life and death Ha.'. - • P dsud in the sea la t hat t ije. with a ■ PI. I id her O' .Ml Ivies, prntin • tin- h • irt * 'f him lluv |r mi 'in- I'.i. ui . dun : V.'ie-M.'i . a-i. r on on the eaar-dni-' Hetliou hi-ankle, a..- -tinu/in. his shield.” A manali 1 corpse and a soldier-.-rave Was the answer tin- Father of ftP-r.-Irsuave, The niplit wtisilurk on ..c.-an- breast. And the waves rolled hi”it in wild unrest. When a stately canine wa. da-him.' "it Towaads a breakers crest with her rudder pone Around the captain iti wild .l.-pnd Thecrew had mi thered and joint d in pi-, y.-r To Him wild only had the poc -j-1,, To deliver iiu-m froma watt r\ /nivi-. A crush and a pulpltur wave . n Were the answers of the Omn. >. it - m i 'Twas midnialit in the city's hettV - And slumber rciirned oc'r home an When the tire-tlend burst from its t, re Ami wrapped all thintrs in bis flerce\- in ■ tilt: then lmw many n friendly prayer\ To Heaven for safety rent the air ' For homes, for liv.-- for loves, and tli-n S Tin- flame- that crisped them sneered amot Homes.!.- - ,.!s an-1 loved ones cri-.ped and ehnmM \ Told how heaven I heir prayers had heard. From tin- earliest dawn of nature's birth Since sorrow and crime hud first darkened the From clime t., clime, from pole to pole [earth Wheresoever 'h waves of humanity roll The breezy robe this iihtnei wears Has quivered and e-lmed with eomniess Each hour a million knee- are bent, 'prayers A million prayers to heaven are sent There,s not a summer beam but sees Some bumble supplicant on Ids knees There's not a breeze that murmures by Hat wafts some faithful prayer on hi-jlit There's not a woe that amietsottr race i’.ut some one bears to the throne of - rue And for every temp:we umy meet We plead for (trace at the mi-rcy sen'. lint til • .earns smile on and Heaven serene Stii! b M ■' u • lull! :1s no prayers had been And tell- sizes mom, us the brenehes wa ve' "Wh -n in: I, isjti'.vi rless 1 eav can not save,” ' ■■rg i■; be let* the benifit of 1 1 , ;'s himl. No canvas win 7„. made for money this year. Those who desire to contribute either in money or goods to help us in our work will kind ly give their names and amount, either N in cash or goods, to the parties who j ave this mat ter in charge. The mem- J bcrs of the committee are: Mrs. Geo I Bailie , Mrs. Cagle and Mrs. Bennett. I 1 tie committee wishes to acknowledge I a cash subscription of $5.00 from John I Finlay-on for Etolin McKinnon. I H. P. CORSEH. I