OCR Interpretation

The Weekly orb. [volume] (Bisbee, Cochise County, Ariz. Territory) 1896-1900, May 08, 1898, Image 3

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94050504/1898-05-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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From Monday Daily.
Quite number of cattlo buyers nro
In town today.
Grorge Spindle is in towu from his
ranch in Sonora.
Yesterday being Sunday the Copper
Xing paid off today.
Wm. Lutley, the valley cattleman, is
pending a few days in our city.
There wnB no western mil yesterday
en account of the S..fc. train being lute.
Bev. Thompson lelt last night for
Wilcox after trending n few Java in our
An agent of the Snn Francisco Exam
iner is in the city in the inteicstsof his
Henry Afhton Is trending a few days
in our city from his ranch on the San
Quito a largo number of cattle will bo
"entered from Mexico in tlio next few
The wind and dust of the put few
tllays is enough to uivo any one the
Tho weather is rather cold for the
first, of May, for' this section of the
JeFP Itorlperp, the well known butcher,
arrhed today fiom Ton'bstono on a.
short visit.
Mrs. John Trcu returned today fiom
Tucson where she has been on a visit to
her husband.
Mrs. Kittio Thurston icturncd to
lomnstonc Muitruiir, niter spuiuung
sexoral davs in our citv.
y T. F. Lindt-ey, tho mining man, re
turned to Noguled ycstoiduy after spend
ing a few days in our city.
Ed W. Land has resigned his position
as correspondent of llm Tombstone
Fioppector from this place.
Joseph Paccholly returnel from So
nora Saturday nigh and left lait even
ing for his home at Xbgalcs.
All is quiet along the line and tho re
ports of invasion by freebooters from
Mexico have ceased to come in.
' J. II. Ruruham, tho mastc mechanic
of the A. & S. E., returned today from J
an externa u visit. u v-amoriiia.
Tom Greene, tho Now Mexico oTicor
"Who was here some time since, returned
Saturday an I will remain' for u few du p.
Col. RchitiMin, the U. S. pot oflice
inspector, is paying our city n shcit
yisii on iiiiio')nneuu-u wiui mi ouice.
O. U. Wiilenx has been appointed as
nrst sergeai i oi nno m inn tv inwpi
of cavnliy of "Teddy's Terror" that
Aiizona is to furnish.-
feThe ci-lebratul cae of tho United
Tstutes vs. tho Copper Queen company
rlrWbVbroliTii trial aMtn on tho 23th
ofthw montn. An oruor mr me maw-
'inif orthe jurv has 1 con made.
- t- .'- . r l
Tho extia which tve piimed this
Ytinruinjr was an ifsoctated pres dis
patch which ai sent to the Tucson J
Star and hlch wa, kindly forward
from ucfon eHpoci.illv to lm: Ona.
...vi, . '
Mr. J. S. llur-t, of Kington, New ,
Mexico, in rived in our city' ye.-lei day
land will lemain foi Mime time. Il
will act as postmaoter Here during tno
absence of Itev. Pi.tch.ud on his cast-' lJ'e " of l,,u Aeicaii victoiy .e
,(... co Ved by Tjih CJitu laat nignt was a sig-
'ern visit. ' .
. .. ualioi Hie Utni,; ot liiuciactceis, boinOj,
j Jr. littiniont, a noicu ey ph-i;i.uiii.
from Chicago, now located at tho
Qneo.i Hotel, and foa short time ill
lent your eves free of charge. His
"reci mmendations fiom the Fcientiflc
w orldf leave no doubt as to his ability.
B. P. Graham & Co. have ju-.t re
ceived tnoctiilcMds of fuiuitiiio; tefi'u
rrators, Lect loung-, i-oumit-, imuv
tuiggiep, go enrto. bedroom ."-ets and
.... i
yliefK'iP. ulittir. cotp, wardinhes and
-cupbairdp. Pi ices right,;' terms e.ny. i
J. V. Mixwell, the Folicitor of'tbe
Copper Queen stoie, and .Mi's Edith
Noiton, lecently of Phoenix, but for
merly of Tnittk.i, viinsns, ueio juined
in the holy bonds of miuilmonv at
tl IIIU HUM l(t-I Fi MICI IIH"M 1 ' V .- i f
Yesi.lcmee of j". &': &fttnrtlfrrinori7r
1)L'.- I
F. M. Knff. onoof tlie ISit-beo vnluii
tPiiH wlm li'ft for Whinnlu hur.tcks
Pilil.iv hut, returned this morniiiir. lie
with 'feseral others woro examined at
Phoenix, but was not able o m-h tho
fxamination. Ilut six of them woro
examined the.e, the lest will bu exam-
iifed at Whipple.
Tho Uibje public hcIioo! children are
coutiibiiting their nickels and (limes
or tho puijKite of nssistins in the wid latt-s was tjuiiu well atleiiueilauU
"building of a battleship (otako tho place Vtx'-V leieatii.a' piogiam was lend
of the Maine. Tins e-fd i to lie called erwl. A iiuiuber uf the nijiiiujis wlio
tho Ameilcaii Uov. Tho sJliool uhil lrou w'tt " have .akju pail weie unable to
cfthe United States tue to uiibo tho do so on accoumot liaviug the measuli. :
iiioney for this pin piro. j baxuiul liundicd tickew weio bold and
A Mex.can whom Ofllcer Graham was (lu,lu 'l muo "mii ol ,1,01U!-V tt'w ,ttuuJ- j
taking to jail on Saturday evening, j Mr. John Potuidoii, of Pottsvdlc, Lc,
broke and tuu hcu near the louud . was cy ugieeably Hurprinul notion
liouvo. Graham pursued his prtRonnr-tigo. 1'oruigiiluou luoiiths hu had been t
anil tired llneo shuts at him. tho thiid liouhled unit dyseuteiy and li.ul 'ti.e.l
bringing tho Mexican to the giouinl. itbieoof tlie beat Uootoidiu New Oilcans,,
lie was then placed in the city uda- besides iialf it thueu or moie jialuut
booco. '1 lie woUud inadu was only a medicines, but itceivcd veiy little loliol. '
slight scalp one, but sulfliiieut to Dave Clutiubei Iain's Colic, Ciioluia and Duti
hlrn lemcmber it for some lime. ihut-a Itcmedy, havuii; been" iccum-'
. 4 1 I It ... IIWllllluil tfk Illlll llll ttUt It it It III ll llltll lik '
several Mexicans who nan necn tm-
biblmi too free! vol the iutce ot the ciUM'"" Uie-H ui prise, tliiee uoes ol tiial
tus plant, picked on a number of Ameri
can lads on Saturday ni,litin the vicin
ityof thaelai: damn, flfl'ho boys held,
their own lor SJine lliiu'.lmt tho Mexi-
cans receivud relnfoicamciita unci tie
boys started to retreat! when, onu of (ho
Mexican threw broten bottle at tlie
boys which struck Elmer Penney on the
right side of the face, cutting an ugly
gash from just below his eye to his lip,
laying the cheek bare to the bono.
The ladies of the St. John's Guild of
the Ep.BCopal church, are to give an
entertainment in connection with a
strawberry and ico cream social on May
In another column will be found an
advertisement of the Iwd & Fenner
Real E8talo company. This company
havo opened an ollice in the Lotson
block, in the olllco formeily occupied by
by Mr. Lund as a law office. Thogcn
tlchren will conduct a real eritato ctlice.
us their nchertiteinent will show, and
both me well and favorably known anil
will no doubt do u good business.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Prefcott is to have a summer normal
lhiilding f till continues in all parts of
the city.
Tiro weather stifl continues to be dis
ngieeable. E. U. Moore, the cattle broker, ar
med this uiurninu.
War talk is the only thini: heard on
the sticuts these days.
J. KyJoues is erectini; another dwell-
ing on his lot on Knob 11 til,
a hums wu-on load of minimi sunulies
weiu taken to Mexico today.
I'osluflice Infpcclor Robinson left last
ij.,t 0u the outgoing tiain.
j c shuttuck leodvcd Eevcral cars
- 0f im,cr dm ing lite past week.
bcxcinl Louiiiitiictal dittininers ar
ils td on the nam this mot miikr-
Fiank Hare came over 'this morning
foni I'omhstoue on a short visit.
v 'Jheie weie about thirty passengers
on the incoming Main this moruiu.
Louis Codecker was an incoming
pabheuger on the train this moiuing.
"Remember the iManre1' Hags are to
be obtained at the lec Cieam parlors.
ri. W. Gnu ton and lien Williams
have letuiiied fiom their trip to Kuco
Old Gloiy is waingficm all the busi
ness houses and lesideuces in our c'tty
.The lone highwayman who held up
tho Fail bank depot has escaped into
I Dan Hagan began the erection of a
two btoiy house on his lot on liowiil
menue u day.
AI....1 r,,i,i i,0 ,,!,., nU.,rnn
of iho'Iuuibsione u-stollico, Eunl by-'
iluw le&i 'inn
Dibhee v ill have quite a huge delega
tion at Tombstone next week in uiteii
l . . ... v
o( JJ(
U.IIilU Oil LUUi l.
Hi. U.ttn.an will thin thiity cars
cuttlti fiom Don Luis btauoti to
Kuiisus in u lew d.cjs. v
. . . , . ., ., . . .
Ihe muiiiualiou of J. G. Piitchaid to
bo pusunusiei .it Disbjo hai bv.en sent
to iho bcmito by 1'icbiduiit MuKuiluy. j
u hx J
1Mtlll.luUl of Lodge Cuv, k.,..
uiuud hcio toU.ty on utliie uiaiiieatf.
iB j,,,,,,,,,,,, Ameiicin alliauuu baud
,mo ltcUlU:d liien new liibuuments
a(la wilt Bhoiily give u public lohoou.
11. YV. Cur leiur-ied to his lauuh in
boaoiu lovlay.wnuie tiu u.u ioUiiJe.1 up
busciat muiUicit iicati ot uatiiu utuoa
Will be biougtit aciodd lue line.
'Hie eieciiou of the new Hie house
Will (.utmneuco blioiny. lue ua.Mui
la lo bu eiecieu on ino lot Jiiot c.iat ol
,hlllImilllll AMilIffv .,,,,,,, ,,.....,,, ..,,. 1
iiie guns and .tmiiiuimiou lor Hie
liiabcu liouiu Uu.uda aiitxul NcelculaV, '
aiid coon the company will buoigaiitAd
ami toiiiniui.ee Uiiluiu. Cipt. Long
liad tlbuUl CuUlpltlcU nu i,ut. of UllilU
bois. """!
LVlU..f-4he cattle inos:ctor, camo
, f K t
!' this inoiiiii.g fiom ioaleo uitpect
tint .ll I. ilm hllMilin.lttM ! ir.il I li tliiil. ;nft
. 7 '
to Le bioti-ht .ii-ioa, ttio l.na in tho
couite ol tiit- next lew davs.
ne wu '--tivcd todajr frcm tho
UibU-' Voluuiwid at Wiupplu ba.racks.
Hs expected mat tlie two truuM mil
lm'H i'""b'' Ue" u day or two
Uulu,d ,or '" An.oiuo, 'lexas, wiieie
tuu guns aim noiced tuu awaiting tiieuu
The cnteiiainmeiit given by the Good
letnplais last uvonmg tor tlie benelit of
v.. ...v. . ..,
lemedy effemtd a peimtiientcuro. Mr,
Win. AlcNttinaia, a well known mui'
chant of the eamj place, is well uc-
tuainted with Mr. Peteihon and attests
to the truth of tn.s s.atement. Tuts
icmaly nLr suL Ly J,
S, illianu !i
Co,, druggists.
From Wednesday's daily.
Store to rent. Apply at this office.
B A. Packatd has returned from a
trip to Phoenix.
How about tho Fourth of July. Are
we going to celebrate?
Theie is to be a grand ball given at
Pt-ntte on tlie 11th mat.
The weather is still quite chilly for
this lime of the year.
Chiules Uacigulupi is suffering from
an attack ot ei)etpel.tw.
Andy Walsh is spending a few days in
Tombstone on a visit to his old home.
Frank Haio returned to Tombstone
jebteuiay after a snoi t visit to our city.
-E. W. Lund lelt jesteidav on a shoit
visit to Ins tattler's much uoui lkiibon.
lie huie ami buy a ticket to tho lied
Men's enteitainment to be given on tho
lUih mat.
Mib. Fied -Beau has recovered fiom
hei itttiil illness mid is ubie to be
about aaiii.
Mis. Walter Campbell left last night
foi New Mexico whcicfcho williumain
loi bouie time.
Quito a huge quantity of lirewoiks
weie bet oft laat infill in honor ot
wwej't victoiy.
Flags and bunting are in demand at
piebent .and our city presents a Foitith
of July appeal mice.
W. F. Nichols, ot the sanitaiy board,
spent esteiday in our city on business
eoni.ected with that office.
Tombstone has foi med a company of
seventy homo guaids who are fttily pie
I aitd to mtet any invaders.
The hills below town sue covered with
ppiing floweisof all kitidc. 'Ihe led,
white and blue seem to predominate.
The Copper Queen company have
been receiving several carloads ot slag
pots and slag cais dui ing the past few
Nothing was heard from the Bto'bco
oluutecis today and the bunpobition is
that ihey have all passed their exami
nation. ExGov. Thornton, of New Mexico,
who is at present heav.ly iutereated in
the San Miguileta mine in Souorit, is in
our city on a bhort visit,
Miss Aurelia Sendiey will leave Mon
day for Pearce, where she will start a
dancing school. 'She has been guaran
teed a class of twenty live pupils.
The la rue fl.-u: nolo in the van! of S.
V. Clawon was hioket off during tlu
high wind ye.teiday, and aj a con-e-quence
Cti.rley'a b.g Hag is not flying
Tho A. & S. E. Com piny havo com
plete'd their work in relayuu tiu tracks
in the yaids here, and they have bjeu
thotoughly cleaned up and present a
et.y creditable appear.nco.
'Hurt-cluck tiding is becoming tho
i.tge in IJifdwe. Neatly oveiv nioiiiin
ollle of our tumiuiiiu equustiienues can
be been btartiug out for a trip tluouh
the valleys below heie.
A. L. Woiden, well known in our city,
and who for soine time was connected
with the company store, was brought in
yesteiday fiom Souora biitfeiiiig fiom a
bevei u attack ot appendicitis.
"Hah for 'Nited States of Wlerica!"
sliouted an old booze who was leaning
up against. i 6n on Mam street Ian
nigl.t. ".My fi tend," said a pis-.erby.
"Geitin ' diuuk h a mi 'htv iuji way of
ihowingtoui pjitiioiisin." "i'l", hey?
Will, 1 (tile) guess ou hain't heaid
'bout that new tax on beer."
It wonl 1 make most of us feel funny
to bo pitoied over a "mine held" by a
little ) atiol boat, with ihe knowledge
tl'iitoulv a few yaids, the act of piess
iir4 a button lay between up and eter
nity, 'liavelon the long Inland Sound
bteanieis has already deeiea-ed veiy
mnikedh', ing to the neivousnesi of
Simon Figarro, a Moti'an who was
arrested here a few days since on u
chargo of horse-stealinj, was bound
over to appear before the grin I jury
and was taken to Tombstone e terlay
bv Deputy Sheriff Vaughn. 'I he Mexi
can stole (hue houes in Pcaice and
wasliailed here where two of the horses
were funnel, which ho had sold to
parties living here.
Peter Weiilner, manager of the South
ftishec Towusite and Impioemeut
.oinpany, leaes soon for Los Angoles
where he will remain for a hhoit while.
Tlie company is pushing tho wotk
rapidly on their claims. The new
double comp turnout shaft i iuw down
to a depth of over sevontv feet. The
new whim has nrred and will be
placed in pos lion at once, which will
iiiateiially increase the facilities for
pn-lun.r the woik. Picidunt .Mic'in is
still in the east in the interest of the
company, lie is expected back here
"I would not bo without Cliambor
lain's Cotuh P.einedy for its wwiglit in
gold," w i lies D. J. Jones, of Holland,
Yu. "My wife was Doubled with a
cough for neatly two jeaisT I tiled va
liotis remedies, bcMilcs numciotis pre
sciiptions fiom physicians, all of which
did no good. I was at Lint peisua led to
try n bottle of Chuinberlaiii's Cough
Itemedy, which pioniptly .elieved tho
cough. 'Ihe teioud bottle effcutod a
complete cure. The -'5 and 50 ent bot
tles for sale by J. S. Williams & Co.,
druggist!, m
Shooting Scrape.
Tho Tombstone Prospector contains
an account of a shooting affair which
occurred at tho Tedrow ranch near Sol
diers Holes in tho Sulphur Spring val
ley. Piero Lagrange, i well known
cowboy, was shot in tho abdomen by
Porter McDonald. It seems McDonald
and Lagrango had some words a few
days before regarding a steer, when
Porter walked away rather than have a
qrarrel. Tho next day McDonald ticked
Ligrunge 'for Eomo money that ho owed
him when Lagrange slid off his horns
and fired at McDonald, who returned
the fire. Piere fell and McDonald, put
ting his gun up, started to walk toward
him to render any assistance that might
tie necessary, when Lagiange filed
another shot, narrowly missing his
head. Porter then disarmed his foe and
went to Tombstone to give himself up.
Lagrange was taken to tho county hos
pital where he is in a precarious condition.
With exception of the English papers
tl.eEuiopean pres is distinctively hos
tile to tke United States. Some of the
at tucks are exceedingly bitter, and if
they indicate popular sentiment, Conti
nental Europe evidently reguds the
cause of Spain as "her own to a certain
This pcntimcnt, especially at this
time, 'dots not do tlie trreat poweis any
paiticttiar credit. It is true that Spain
has proceeded in a line of correct diplo
macy and has made somo formal,
though ineffectual concessions. Under
ordinal y circumMunccs these conces
sions would have been treated w itlt
more couideiation by our government.
Their speciuitsuess and emptiness were
too apparent, however, to secure the
additional time for which they wore
chiefly made. Thiouuh Sptin's one-
! sidtd rrcseiiuttonof them to the courts
of Em ope, ihey have gained for her
mo c coiiHideiahon than bhe deseives,
but not eliouuh to cause alarm.
It is lather significant and suggestive
tliat Get many and Fiance, in parti u
lar, place no confidence in the adminis
tration's1 avowal that our movement
upon Spain is notirepiicd by a desire
to acquire territoiy. Yet oui declara
tion is clear and emphatic on that
point. The skepticism of Europe is
doubtless based upon her own proclivi
ties lather than upon American tenden
cies. We h.ue not pm sued a policy of
acquisition. Euiope has put sued such
4i policy. Neuily everv one of the for
eign powers has u number ot" colonial
j possessions. Any'one of them, with
less piovocatiou, would long since havo
'made Cuba a dependency.
Ettioi e'a insensibility to tho atroci
tiis pei polluted on the Cubans by the
heaitless Spaniaids is entirely com
patible with her criticisms of our inter
biition. It Is just a little dilhcult to
1 secure European credit for nat.onal
altniistn. But we know what we ate
j about Mid why wo are about it. Wo
must show them.
War may make tho issuing of more
bonds uecesf.tiy, but it will largely off-
1 tet litis by strengthening the bonds
which unite the different paitsof tlio
countiy i'n a haimonious whole.
"The Americans don't know yet what
I wo Spaniaids are," says Senor Polo.
1 o&bil.y nut, but they know what you
! aie uoing to be lnashoittime if u
pciYisl in this attempt at suicide.
Too much ciedeiicu should not he
given dit-patche liom Gape Veicle to
the effeel that fie Spanish licet is test
ing quietly there. '1 heoe dispatches aie
edited by a Spanish pics censor. The
(het may be ne.ning Havana, oi posst
blv making for New Yoik.
Willi l.-i::r.
Prom 3 ecu's a lull -p. Artistic do
signs at lainahy'.-.
Thirty-eighth Aniriial Statement
EpitaWe Life Assurance Society
j AvorusTB ruto of Interest cni noil on tho ns
sota uiuiiii: the jour of lbil, 4.0J iior cent.
F. C. Fcmier, Resident Ajj't.
DrF. E. McGregor
Twenty-five ycais' experience.
Cancel's removed bv the latett
medical Hciencu. 3uro guu.iii
teed. Hefeiuuccs: Homy For
rest and Mori is Dcnu, Lhshcc.
ntsuun, AtuzoNv
TiSErur. pttnsENT imiek to 'anyone
u koiuilic mo it) old i.tiiiii)jj nil hlu Is ami
colors t;o. Look oor your old tottors, cut
tlioin oif unit J on will 13 plcusoil. Tho inoio
you houdtho ulcortho oio.out jouttot: ail
Urcss. i 1. JOHNSON,
i 19 Kowport, It, I,
Work Guaranteed..
Marks & Wittig, Hain Street.
Waters' Shoe Store, The Avenue.
i-l2CLensur 2z
Game in Season. Free Delivery.
O. K. Street, Bisbee.
Jvervbod v
- TO
-.LL poitts east. '.
Tlicse arc a few of the reasons why peopie prefer it. if you wish tinYo
cards, uitcs or any information pertainim: to treight or pasaen:er busiuesi,'
npplv to E. P. TURNER, (i. P. & T. Agt., Dallas, Texas.
13. F. DARBYSII1RE, S. AV. F. & P. A., El IVo, Texas.
JOHN C. LEWIS. T. P. A., Austin, Texru.
Take tt
Santa Fe
' o -FUOM-o
To all Northern or Eastern points. Close com
nections made at Kansas City and Chicago with all
the Northern and Eastern lines.
All meals not served in Dininp; Cars are taken at the popular Santa
Fe Route Iltuvey Eating Houses. Full information cheerfully furnished
upon application to
GbiiI Ajjt El Paso. Tex.
AVE repair bills and all trouble by tiding Cliasts T
Toujjl Xlircad Tires. lUs at punctuiea
jicrfectly, and arc as lesilient as any other road
tire made.
Chase Tires Bpreil Free of Charge Dnring 1897 ')
ilF dciiveicd at ourstoie. If oui dealer hasn't them in stock ;o will deliver ' "
it to jou, I'xpress paid, if cnth m companies the older. Price per pair, with
pump and lenair outfit: 30-inch, 13; 28-inch, $12; 2(-inch. $10; 24-inch, $'J.
JJ ORGAN & WRIGHT TIRES $0.50 per pair; PALMER'S, (8.50; HART-"
FORDS, ?8; JUMONDS, $7.50. J
Qoutltwcstcrn Depct for Clxasc TircSt Bicjcles, Typewrit
ers, Plioto Stocrc. PIICENIX, ARIZ
Carries tho
Sills TTelTT-et
International and Sun Spot Cigars
$ f at -
-Ccrry a fine line
VccctablM. Fhb tvl Oysters,
Butter thst ran Lc lu.i in town.
and Nw Gmceric. I-rce Delivery to any part of tho City. ?
T&e GId
Is now better prepHrcd to Mtet the wants of tho public than over bafore. His i ,
prices mo a low ) the lost, nl liii inoiU arj strictly (iMt-clui. Hi ,kcop3
the intiMontsof the public in mind, and therr is nothing too gool for him to pur
chase for the benefit of his cuitovuers. Parties who cau usa beef by tho qua'rter -t
will do well to call jud stirivrs. ?;
And delivcted to any wit of the city freo of charge. Give htm a call. $
Market at tltc corner of O. K. Street 'and Railroad venae t
Takes The.
A 'W-C-
Because it i the shortest, vIts equipment is superior. It
has the best scenery. It has courteous and polite train
men. Its connections con b? dependoi upon It has the
reputation of beng the moat popular line in the South. '
T. F. & P. A.. El Paso. Tex
You Puncture
Your Tire?
k CO,, Prop's. 1?
Brewery Gulch,
Iiisbce, Ariz.
Fresh Fruits,
TI: nicest Dressed Poultry and
Also have a full line of r-resh
I&elSable BSatclic,
: f
i 4
'JC "
. j j&
m mm
w Si h '
t ' '
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