Newspaper Page Text
4)SSlJ5sKfc fits - - , . " -v - . -.. Bra ':, ,v S-- . : '' ' ' '- IBB ' Ttf ( i 1 ,1 ..-.. - - I, - . i "- " - - "W ' l Ms ' ' " " ' " IB . ;t:??K.:-- ..--..-.' - .. -.-;' -.-. .,v... -: '--'7' - " "iirt'V- ... -":. :s. 'y.:;;X ' r&' ' ' THE WEEKLY ORB. . i IvAT .)-- T 1 V, ,-W. - 'Jf "tRJ f ?.- -; ,- .VOLUME III. BISBEE, COCHISE COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, SUNDAY, MAY 15, 189S. NUMBER 31. tt ,-. v ,W . V vkv -; -. ,vir 9ft ji , - - - ':,. ,- - ' " t'V- " ir - , 'X-' - . ' fe3(y .-. rs' Av :. & , :' ' -".?,'' t 1 - 7 -'-V' 1; ri..'. lwMimmM mm Bimk of the If iritotiul papers nri giv ii g M.nilii nwie "1" iIihii Iiewi-yiHil. The Sj nnii-h Veula ialnml licet neems lo I e on.n: ' "' bee;in out of the viy ot the Oiffdn. ii ,...i..i A....i..nn .ill (1 irmr iiuini ' ' . . . wntc'iinstore lonr thrm!to rolling up ward fro'ii a lluvma. Tktdy Roo8kvklt'jJ enwhoya p'ohihly rnn iliow n fv tiieko to the bull fiphteri". Chi'nL'o Rrconl. . . . UiKtnt i ................. ... -i '' he rernte! in Spain, thi nrineipa'a be- inc inemler o' the -ov tl f unilv. . . RU-1 ' .J , SS Oor ni'tlor.t'bi'i't i-vii id fin:-w of lm i luin.'rmeri'f. Th'y bphomIIj' settlK ' the quest'nn in nv" fi'W xhotn. ' ' Witt, it l Friubiy vl'rn Pnmp'on "clean out ihi rnjv Vcile fleot? "The '." .Lotte tlieiliiv.'lx 1 eMrr t ho. deed." Thr lioiue willptui a tlicsc divi lms n lonesome look, as if the inhabit nt "ad jrone to tl e irnr for fear of a botnbardmn. Pfwky captuu'd 100,000 tons of eonl;: which is contraband. As an publisher of coating stations the new admiral U a tU'R'rh fUl'crsa. .. ,, . o.. :..i. ..... A tUUA.i rr(K.iri o;n .-miiiiii'i. uidiu " awt cclebr.tiiii ib capture of four Ampiiean orti Mobile, Jlostoii.Ten sajjl i A'i-1 'h (lpon. f'. Kdccatio ci. Notk: Admiral Dewey Iri''."" .l"x,m', to matriculate a few moio TOemlH-rs if tlio chii in lauguaev uor . ,. v'beingorgaii;T,-l ! vh r. FPANtsn piiilo is fast ha4enii: to a fall. As goon as we can move Spain to accept i he. inevitable, Uncle Sam wdl be ici.dy to quit. Slay' heaven hasten the da). At the same time, one can't help ' pi'yiiu the b'tilu lsy kiiiK of Spain. 1 his mbpr.ihlo war is not of his makfmr. .;iipw.uni raiiier play maiulvs any nay -.IriMIV ., - . ' Kcsbia fs to have. a l'.',500-tnn battle. hipand a 0,1 00-ion piotected cruiser budt in the Cramp yards at Philadel phia, contracts having just been signed tolhia tffeet. ' Uncle &ai simply bad to win the first battle of the war. He needed, t-uch a victoiy in hi business to serve as a pat lein foi others yet to come. Hence, he went for It and. irot. it. . WKTLKn is walking nNipl the htreets "of Madrid as-uring thj maddened popu lace that everytliiiu will com j out all jinht in due time. That man incapable of joking at n fuucia'. " AcriNa under llkincn's orders, the port otlicers of Havana liavo destroyed ;the wieek of the Maine with dynamite. Ihis is the only naval victoiy that Spain 1 uh won suve the ar Iii'l'iiii. Victory lesteil wi(.h the stars and stries. The Morv of our hisses mint , come.laler. It will 1h a painful one at .," Ihe best. The consolation of. victory will l'e that it pioini.-es to hasten the ..'v. V hostilities. ..' -. - . ... . Spanish honor anil tie pi ice of Span bh I oi ('sine ninving in o)posite diiec- tioi .the.foinier f'dlowiiit II e flight of ' , fitboy'a famous kite, and the I itter ?. plunging hcadlnni! in ptitsuit of t'le lamented .Mc.Gmir. . ", rr . . iaS .'' ' m. i'ie veriweive iiiinuicii iMauila ! 'v4' "' ' "' ' '" ''"' '''' c !I0,,P What a elori '- ous chance tbi will bo for life pres.dent t" net lid of etly isditicians and ollice icckeiB by inak ng them consuls or gov- .J, ertiora r something!.,: in thesu little . jslHi.ds. t , .Tiik rcor Spaniiuds who are suffering IJcjibIid and death for the sake of a jniuiarchfcal government, cruel in its do-f-igiiB and execution for peisoual gain, aie the bulls r-cnt into the aiena to lie r-laughte'ied, ai.d they do not know it. ill is to be hoped that the existence of I'ticle Sam will prove a new era to them. (.. r i ...1. i...t "" i-Mioi-nv .v.iH irsoum firm 11 pinnacled War would lie the final Iransform.ui.i.i of the United Stales , into a great military ower with all its eiormeiia icsource. biriiessol to the win chariot Defeats for our -qu tdrotin at ll.e outset w-miI I s.arou-o the ,o,)le that only a miw of the flrit rank would litreafter satisfy them. T .0 vo.vd.irv 11 n oi ihu civn war .en us, lor mat period, Ihe foremo t mil tary nation on .earth: mid n Ion iln.wn.mir I'linnVt. .' ' mo iu. ti in w.e lime, fhvb inn cone- ,- now would Jam! us at tlm on 1 in Ihe ,,M ndenfj l;w Spain can go 011 pay rMinu imaillon. IV. pie u Ii 1 il.Kiirove ing the i.iteren in her debt while do . oaiiU wari tl.crjforo, Jiuv-CYery reason fravin.' ttiu c-jflt of tho Cub-inand Phil -j saw that it it upon 110, to uivu the gov- j Jppm oporatlonj. ttimni'iit tlicir wiiinnst niul most loyal nupport in onk-r that thu hostilities may Im hh hrief aM iKit-pihlc. For one tliinir may m: taken for jrrantptl : The UiuumI StiUt-a wilt now acconiilith wliat it tins et out to accoinlih, and no ilii?ent or f:iiiml.lin: hy aiiy korty n-lcttizeiis WJtl swerve li.t uovennueut m.. f fi;m it b pari on1. The Itip'ra1, of IMailrid, Fays con corning lit. Cuban oitu.ition: "The moment h;u Arrival fur proving the en ilu i unco and coimuoui oiiroliiera who iIl-.Iim, to'niiarclKUoulorv.'' Tl ' Tli, i... tnitiMilt wTll'be observed .should read. "who desire to go to iilory." This U all the criticism we have lo offci. an the reference to time is ubf-oluttlv coirect, Mn. Disomy Ma ten with great exact ness what Would have I) en the revenue umli r inn taritT It. II ui-.d by lmw much it would h;iM) exceeded exneiiditures, if war had not iuteiwitud. Wo k now not wheie he gets the itfoimatioii, hut it is afe to wager that he experiences greater lehef from tlio said lutetvention than any other man in the government at Washington. Lincoln (iii.ce sad of some measure which he was urged to adopt, that, in iffeel, "it would have al out as muoh force as an elder quirt chaiged with tosewater." 'Ibis homely phrase ap- ., equally as wen to mucn ot Hie - ,, stiategv winch is I eihg developed and wasted in local, elides in these piping tunes of war, us Well m to the el'fo tive nesa of Spanish gunnery so far as de inouMr.tted. TuEgfcat naval' engagements of the present generation have taken place in the orient. The China-Jupauce fights and Dewey's victory at Manila give the east the position top of column next to uie war rea ling matter. Next to these coii;es (ho bomhaidment cf Alexandria, but the ind. cations .uc that the east wtl! Minn have to move over and make room for a fietdi story fioin the west. It Sampson ami Sjhley are allowed to meet the Spanish fleet in tho ni'ddle of the Atlantic the woihl nnllimVo to revise its stones of naval wWfare. "Remkmbek theiMaine," in blo-id red letters, floated out from the lookout on Admiral Dewey's flauship, serving a erriblo warning upon the lechero'ts Spaniards that" vengeance wis at hand; that the first opportunity since that dire disinter was at hand to luac'i mur derers that the men of this na'.ioii pro posed to wreak a feaiful upon the pe etratois of that outrage.- The way that gallant llidiip pmrcl shot and shell :nto the ranks of the Sp:inia.'d wa evidence that the brave men had the sad remembrance of their dead com rades in their heaits. Oxn of Gen. WeylVa ntorcsting s'atements in 'his speech before the Spanish senate was that ho had prom ised Prime Minister Canovas del Ua till to he i early with 50,001) veterans to atiaek the United States bv April, 18.IS. As that promi-o must haw made some J tune before.' death, ii reveals fhe temper of ihu Spin sli premier of the day aid tho earlv designs of the eunscrva'ive party upon thisenntry ,u ca-e the canipiigu agiimt tho in-urrei:-lion hail gone on Nueces-. fully. Invade the United Stale-! Such was Wevh-r's programme It is a pity that his plan iniscariied. The Cincinnati Knqtiiror say: '-The emperor of Germ.inv succeeded to tho throne aftera period of war which will always be conspicuous in history. Mo bus not. been satisfied witbpeico. Ho looks foi glorv in the clash of arms. He is now pho.ving foiiip iestlesn-eiR to get into our little affair With Spain. If he gets a part in that tragedy, I hough, it will bo under circumstances that will bring so many other rulers and govern ments in that ho. may not be able to plivn star part. T'-me are other dilli culties. ton. It would, Im awkward to get young William info a fightwiili his amiible grandmother of England." Titi-nn is materiil teasnn for French pympath v! inin. The London COIie-POIldeilt of the New York I'lnnn. . ... . . .... ciiil Olirouiclo writes under date of the nt, inRtunt : "It is estimatol that French iiivesiments in Spain are not Jh than four milliards, or HU.033.013 ,,,, hXmm (80),0)J,03.)). The haukrupiev of th Spanish government, fmvcd bv a lurlhor great ,f(.precitio,i of the paper mnncr and widespread failures i 1 commercial and niianoial circles, would inflict terril.h. losw upon Freiieli inveitors." One of ,1.. - .. .1 ... AVhem the war between this uotintry and Spain will end U just now n eonjVc ture. The outbreak of a revolution that in now threatening Spain may result in overthrow of the present government. The nituation in Spain m.iy draw their of attention from their miw wluuli an cariy prey to our .will tall fleets on account of their ignorance of our uove.mants. They have ho lar ilis played very poor maikstnan-diip in every enaeinent. Mot of tluir uu cineers sue English who are cither iii('o:uie.eut or hIio.v n ia:k of inte.-c.U. Afte"- tro.iiH are 1 in ls 1 i-i Utilnanl , llvaim captiued. the. b.ickh ,ne ol Iioh , tnitieH will tiuuouiiic uy im nni.c-u ami a speedy termination of the war may he looked for. J lie war department is put tii g ft lib ( veiy iffoit to habteii matters and have is-sued orders to prutcuutu the war with vior. using both land an I naval forces. The American people trust it will sjoii bj over and their honor upheld. USE OF THE SUEZ CANAL. Since the war with Spiin hi.: in tluri has been a difference of opinion am in; newspaper as to whether thu, cuts could use he Sue, canal. This inn been set at rest hy an (WJicial of the state department at Washington who has given out I he pioceciiings of the .-.onvention of October 21), 1888, which gave out the principle of the ne.utr.ili. 1 tion of the Suez canal, and which was signed by the six. great powers and Tur key, Spain and tho Netherlands. Snictly speaking their action doe nit hind the powers that were not parlies to the convention, lint as 11 uih is of any impoitance except the United Slates, and all have .distinctly acquiesced in what was done, the pmoiicil result is much the same as if the whole body of civilised nations had fonnally exprjsicd iheir adhesion to it. The convention I'eclares that the canal is to he open in time of war as wull as in time of peace to al! ships, whether- belligerent or neutial, but no acts of hostH ty are to he committed either in the canal itself or in ll.e sea to a (iisiauee ot tmee miles trom eittier . - !-- -" - The entrances are not 'o he blockaded. The stay of tho belligerent vessels of war or their within the ports at either end U not to exceed twenty-four hours, and belligerents are not to em baik troops or munitions of war within the canals or its ports. 15y n-ung the Suez canal Spain's ves sels will be compelled to go only 7,2.)0 nines 10 reach AJiiiu'a. 1 lie steaming radius of the Almirante Oquendo, Vis caya and Inanta .Maria Teresa is 9,700 mile-, voing at the rate of ten knots, and they, therefore, could gm t he entiic distance without reoalin. If neces sary they could take eoil.e'-s ti'ong. None of Commodore Dewey's, vessels has such a gie.u steaming lahm, an t if they shoul I be sent to the ..Mediierra neau they wuul I have to tak- colliers alont. and might be cuujit wit'iout coal in that sea. Mr. John Petiuso:i, of P.itt-ville, L-i.. was very agieeably surprise I nulling ago. For eiglite-1' months he h 1 1 been troubled wit'i dysentery and h id tr.e I three of the best doctors in New Orleans, besides half a uo.en or more patent medicines, but icceivedvery little relief. Chamhei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea 1'emedv, having been recom mended to him, he gave it a trial and to his great surprise, three times of that remedy effected a permanent cure. Mr. Win. McN'uinara, a well known mer chant of the same plac is well ac quainted with Mr. Peterson and attests to the truth of this sra'eni-n. This remedy is for sale by J, S. Williams fc w., uruggntR. m Notice ot Sale. Notice is lieieby given that we will pell at hihlic auction at the Palace stables at U) o'clock ii, 111., May 20th, one hay horso branded X on left shoulder; also one spring wagon and harness, the piopeity ol Charles Daley. Tho above Mini is to fecure the pay nientof ihe sum of (-12.70 for feed and caio of Hiii.l property, and also the cost j of said (ale. - .1. S. Wiixtamb & Co. Dated Bnbco, Arizona, May 13, 1838. Notice to (tie k-tioilc. Mr. John Heaton has been appointed personal lepiesentative of John P. Martin, president of the South Uishco Towr.sito and Improvement company with an ollie.j in the Norton building, where lie will intend to al, bmiiiess of the cottpany. All panics knowing iheniF.elves in ,,uule(l ,0 tlio undersigned will please' call and eetllu at C. A. Ove.lock's, as I need the iimni'V. J; a. Miliar. Our linu ot wall paper is tho very latest, being designs of 181)8. . a23-1- AoatisT J0KM8. LATEST PRESS DISPATCHES. Bv W'ESTEnN Tuess VAsnt.VGToy, M-iy 13. Seeretary Long at 11 o:l ek this morning re reived a dispatch from Sampson that the Spinish s.iu.iilron bad been sighted wes. of-Martini pi". Washington, May !.'!. It is discov ered at noon that the Sp-.niah fleet is 1 big one. accnmpinie 1 by sn-iply ship Navy department olliciil.i believe that tho licet is biund for Cienfuegos. There is an active, energetic consul at Martinique, and it is btdiev.'d ho would have immediately notified the state de partment o; the ii-rival of the Spanish fleet at St. Pierre if ho had been per mitted S mo naval oflictals are inclined to the belief that the fleet is going to meet the Oregon. Marietta and Huffalo, hound from P,:ihi-i, to Kev West. They think this idea reasonable. The Cane Verde fleet is J500 miles nearer the Oregon and the others than is Admiral Sampson, and it is contended that tho three American ships woiild be interrupted-anil tile bat tle concluded "two days could get to them. Commo 1 iro Retney at Key Webt has been instructed to Imri v news, to tho blockade fleet of ar rival of Spanish fleet in West Indian watcit?. Madrid, May J3. Madrid has bee thrown into a state of fervent expajt ancy upon learning of the arrival of the Spanis fleet off M.irtiuiq'ij. As soon as ihe nesof thu fleet was received, the government cabled Aeniiral Seryera, in fot'iiiuig him of evjrytliiug Unit had transpired since, the fleet left Cape Verde islands; also gave him instruc tions to put in at Martinique and take 011 from two large trans-Atlantic steamers and leave immediately after The destination of the fleet is not stated but it will probably bi some days before it tackles the American Mu.'t. Wasiiingtom, Mav 13. The navy de- 1 partincnt this. in- ruing leceived the fol lowing' illipulcirrroni Sanson iitiiicr date of St. Thomas, .vesterday: "A portion of the squadron under my com mand reached Sail Juan this mori ing. No armed vessels weie found in port. As soon as it was light I commence.! an attack on the batleriu defending the city. T"is lasted about three hours and icsulted in much .damage to the batter ies, and incidentally lo a portion of the city iidjtici nt to tl e 1 atteries. The bat teries 1 cplied 10 mr flic, but without effect. One man was killed on board the New York anil' seven wounded in the- squadron. No seriom damage to any boat resulted. Sampson." Hampton Roads, (on board the Texas) May III. The signals to bo ready to put to rea at early daybre-ik weru displayed on the flagship ISro.iklyu at 2 a. in., and was answered by all the ships in Com modore Schley's squadron. The ships have been in readiness to sail for live weeks, so there remains little to do. Sleani launches were put on board ready for action. Keen hut quiet excite ment prevailed on the battleship Texas when theoidvr wa received. London, Mav 13. Lloyd's agent at Martinique coiifirnn earlier alvivi to the effect the C.ipj Vordj fbjt wa nt Fort de Franc. Madrid, )l ty 13 The Spinish flet iias been ordered to leave Martinique immediately for an on known destina tion. Key West, Mav 13. United States troops, company E. 1st regiment, dipt. I Durst, landed at I'untti Frieas, on the j west hore of Cabanas bay, resterday noon. I hey routed tlTe the Span ish garrifon, killing one nlflcer and tlire soldiers. The only American hurt was 0. Aichlbald, of San Fran cisco. One hundred Spanish soldiers were in ambush, but by Indian tactics the Americans routed them. The con voy gunboats Mailing and Wasp shelled the Spanish position in n twenty min utes' engagement. One pris .tier wis taken. He gives tho name of Francisco Revetted and says there is no food ashore. Key "A est, May 13. The expedition which lelt here i-eveial d ivs ago on the steamer Gussie, has lauded wi'h sup plies f..r the insurgents, including Nten thousand rifles. Madrid May 13. The Spanish official report of Ihe eiuagenient between the American squnlion an I the fortiliea tiotiRiit San Juan, Porto Rico, says the damage done by the American flro was ilicousiderablo add lossosof the Spanish insignificant Kort Monroe, May 13 The flying SaU.ldroil. Scllbv in inimnflml. mlliiil nt 4;ll this n. in., nniceedim-nontli nml... JBenhd orders. Thoro aro ten 8hipB in in tho nquadrou. Association "Wines. Key West, May 13.- Tho torbedo boat Winslow, which was damaged and lost 'fiVo men in the batt'.o ai Cardenas, has arrived here, coming under own team, two engines, but only one boiler, she was in charge of Lieut. Bailey, '.ransferred from the Wilmington. All ho wouuled are on board of her. Key West, May 13. -The funeral of the four sailors shot in the Spanish trap in Cardenas bay Wednesday were, hehl here thU morning. A detail con sisting of sixteen marines from the Panther headed the funeral procession with an es.-ort of ovor 2JJ iner. from the war ship3 in the harbor. London, May 13. It has been sug gested here that the Americans should caput re. anil hold Cett'.T on the African side of tho Streights of Gibraltar nnd now used by Spain as a penal colony., With England holding Gibraltar and America in po? session of Ceuta, as pointed out, the Anglo Saxons would dominate the seas. v ' Madrid, May 13. It is eaid tho Cape Verde fleet has orders to to Porto Rn o and engage S.imps.Mi's fleet. Note to editors Malrid dispatches are often sent out to misle 1 1. Tji 1 tw fbat this morning are reported 403 milejapirt, and so it would s.'yiu they annul tnsH today. London, Mav 13 1 he London Timrs in a strong editorial t-ays, in the fnluie America will play a prominsnt part in jiffairs of the world. It admits there is much uneasiness in Europa ovar the Philippines.'iniliilh'It m ly Indebt ed, however, whether any concert of continental powers ie po-sibl for tho purine of attempting to apply coercion to the JUnite.l States. Englaud assur edly would 1101 join in any such enter prNc, and might in certain circum stances take active part. in foiling it. "Washington," May 13. Secretary Long submitted to the cabinet Admiral Sampson's repirt of tho bun- bardment of San Juan and stated that the Cape Verde fleet liad been da covered near'MartinitUi. Thor.; wu a brief discussion and tho cabinet ad joitriied. ' Key West, Mav 14. Tho cutting of the cable at Cienfuegos is considered hy naval experts to be the greatest accom plishment outside the Manila affair, n it reiiuers uianco impotent. 110 H irtually shut out out from tho world now, and can only wire Madrid from Santiago do Cuba over the English cable. This Gomez has planned to pre vent. The Mangrove, tried to cut the cable three weeks ago. but failed. WARHtNaTON, May 14. Department officials continue to be considerably worried over a suspicion that France is secretly aiding and abetting .the enemy. The delay to a St. Pierre cable gram from Captain Cotton giving the information of the appearance of Ad miral Oieyeas fleet off Martinique- gave the Spaniards great advantage, enabling them to get twenty-four hours Btart of us. Washington, May 14. A bulletin says the state department has an official report fro-n Curacoa that Spanish ves sels have been sighted there. Curacia is 50:) miles southwest of Martinique and 700 miles southeast of de Cuba. If ibis news is accurate it indi cates tho Spanish fleet sailing away from Sampson. Washington, May 14. -Great anxiety is expressed here for the Oregon, Dnffa lo and Marietta, as the Spanish fleet is from hist accounts headed southward, and is over 003 mile- ahead of Sampson and between him and tho thiee Ameri can ships. The three vessels, which left Ilahia some five days ago, should now be off the northern coast of brazil, and would p.ob.ibly meet the Spanish fleet in the- course of the next few davs. Denver, May 14. The city is cele bratmg the Diwcy victory today. A mounter military parade took place this afternoon, led by the Colorado volun tcers and nl uniformed societies partic ipated. Thousands of visitors from all over the state uniting with the citizens 111 wild enthusiasm. Decoration of, bufJilingB is tupcib. Pi reci ackers and cannon cause a continual din. It is a greater day than has been the Fourth of July for man v years. A pretty feature of tho parade was the Confederate Y;et erana and meinbera. of the G. A. If. leaning on each other's amis us they marched along whl bands played "Dixie" uiut.'-Jolm llroirn'a lhdy." St. Louib, May 14. Utmey day was celebrated by an immense outpouring. Fuji y fi.fty thousand strSngcro in town. Kky West, May 14. A fight has taken place off Cienfuegos. The Marble bead, Nashville nnd Windom woro pitted against the forts. The Windom has just come in with tha wounded Americans. Two men killed nnd eight wounded. The 3Kinish loss wa over 400. The action took place at the en trance -6f Cienfuegos bay on Weduas day. 'It was' begun by tho firing of shelU lty-the Murblehead and Nash ville in'thccrtly n.orninz, when a chip tried to cut the cable. There was no firing from the shore for two hours while the emit- and. tb V n loui -kept tip fire. Small' boats racceede.l in grappling the cable, and before letting go v.c-omplished its purpose, stopping the cable Vusefu! nes. ietaU of the engagement tritowthat the American fought niainst fearful odds. They wero victorious, rind-nt the present writing tlie southern C.tbui as. tort is in ruin, and the dead and ilyin, fill the streets. It was dete. mined somo time a?o lo cut the Spanish cable at Cienfuegot, thus preventing tho innvemanu of American ships on that side b-inginide known at Madrid. The task was as signed to the three cruisers mentioned. At 1033 yards the fort opened fire. The Windom replied with her big for ward rifle, and inside of a few minute left Ihcjortificaiions nothing hut ruins-. The NaBhvilleand Maiblehead mean time sailed in close, cud made every effoi t to draw the fire from what masked batteries tb Spanish might have. Under cover or a cannonade the NasIi ville and Mnrblehead launched bo.ita and their crews pulled .into the place. When half way acroji the bay masked batteries on either side of the lurbir opened fire at the two lioat loads. . The boats were riddled and the occupants were: soon struggling in the water. The treachery was qnukly atoned for, From the guns of the N.iahv.lle and Marblehead belched forth a rain of shot and shell. Every shot went trnp. M...1 earthworks, gumi and ivera seen flying in tlio air us eaih shell burst. iln the meantime. Capt. McGuirelow e.e.1 his boats nnd reaciiuiLtlj.tvMiiide.tr7 me iioiue.i or uvoiieait men were also recovered. "We avenged them' eaid Guilt. ilcGuire. "Wa sent iully one thousand shells into their city, nnd -I really believe there umn ba as many dead Spaniardi." The Windom arrived here this morn ing with the wounded. Tlu djad will be buried on Cuban soil. Capt. Mailard of the Nashville was struck o-i the hea I bv a shot which only inflicted a slight injure Lie it. Winslow lost three flngera of the left baud. The dead are seamen of the M irble Gunners Robert Ujltr., John Davis. Jo ii Doran. Ernest Sunezench, Herman W. Kochmauter and I. Hjiu derson were.woundo I. ICey Wbst, Miy 14. The personal bravery of the men in the "four butt from the Marbleheadntiil Nashville at .CieiiTuego3 win "wonderful. Thi man all volunteered nnd work-id nt the task laid ilown for them whde but fifteen or twenty yards off the beach. Man after man was wounded, b-it each man'a place was tinmeately taken. The men were made of stem Btuff, and two of them, Hendrickson and Bnltz, nr worthy of speciaLmention. The physi chins say they cannot live. Ilenrickson was shot throtyh the liver and HolU had three bullets through the cheat and one through the h:ad.v Hendrickson suffers greatly, but- repeats: "I would do it again if I bad to. Dr. Stavis saya it will go down in history as a deed of superb daring. The' Nashville and Marhlehcad will take C.enfuegos, if they have not already accomplished it. Chicago, Mav 14 Ex-Banker Charles Warreil Spalding was taken to Joliet prison to lay" to serve sentence for hy pothecating the lunds of the University of Illinois while president of thu defunct Globe Savin 1-8 bank London. May 14. A dispatch from, Yokohama sava 203 fishing boats were swept away by a galemi.l xv.ivrat Swat j. More than :i thousand 'mea' were lost. London, May 14. Mr. Gladstone U' very low this afternoon. '-'I- would not bo without Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for its-weight inv gold," writes I. J. Jones, of Holland, V11. ,rMy wife was troubled with a cough for nearly two years. I tried va rious remedies, besides numerous pre scriptions from physicians, all of which did no good. I was at last ieraua;led to try a bottle of Chatnlierlain's Cou-h Remedy, which promptly relieved tlm,,. cough. The second bottle effected a complete cure. The 23 and 50 cent hot ties for by J. S. William & Co., drnggiatt. Wl, I ' . .V ;; ,'t 1 m '" a. .. ' ' ' " -f-V; : V;"-',s4' JarS5??i-WlWiW