Newspaper Page Text
fw i hi iw 1 1 1 hi hi TrTTirnnnBrTTmmiSinTtiiHT 'm .fltf-T-. r-r - --.. wt. V ,r rs" i. I tw a - i'urTAfce-i tfrf-w.tey nv K m. l .J ? . -V-f.'iK - --i s ' 1? s&!!&j4!&!4iiSlS:.&!i:-ife iw mil Town Tattle '3R(WjJ55JK'A-: W5j Got your pictures framed atB. F. Gra haxi'e. t Coffee Hko your mother used to make at the Can Can.,1 sl7-3t FrerhTlicenix cicexii lor ealo-at -t If ice'creamjparlors. WootKfor sale, $5.f0?por cord, a tlio OKgiocery. m23-tf. Two pieco .Jdroom-eeta for fit) at P. F. Graham's.- f Go to Arigupt.'JoerE8 for flno wall paper. " . a23-tf Fiesh fruits of all kiuds at tho Iec crerrrn parlois. 10-tf You can now trade your old furniture for now t B. F, Graham's. t I jruaranteo all my suits or pants to fit or no sale Harris, the Tailor. tf. Just received hyMrs, J. Blcwetta fino line of ladies', fall and winter hats. 2t All kinds of upholstering and repair ing done nt B. F. Graham's. t i Our line oL wall paper Is tho very latest, iktfr)3'desig:ns of 1899. a23-tf August Joerss. For Kent A neatly furnished room suitable for ono or two gentlemen. , Apply to Mrs. Dol Le,wis. S 13 tf. Fott 'REST A three room house near Opera House. Apply to Mrs. Welch, on premises. ea-iw If your 6ove or stovepipe hecS re pairing, it will pay you to see Joseph Schwarlz beforo having them fixed'vby any one else. s7tf A nowllino of fancy, Fiench and do mestic pants patterns at Harris, the Tailor's. tf. , A new Etock of saddles harness, etc just leceived at tho 0 K harness shop. Call and see them. j22-tf Tho greatest bargains ever offered in Bisbee in house furnishing goods, arc to be had at B. F. Graham's t Our e'ntire stock goes now at prices that will surprieo you, on oveiything Call at once and get our prices. B. F. Graham. t To Let Three rooms in private family, opposite school house, two doors east of Rev. Pritchard's. Will rent with or without board. Mas. E. M. Dujilev. Just received, a nice line in dinner eels in decorated china waro, at B. F. Graham's. t Library lamps and stand lamps just received at B. F. Graham's. t Fob SI A two-room houso with kitchen; good location; terms reason able. Enquiro at Tin: Orb. .;J3-tf B. F. Graham's new stock is now coming in all the time, Vill havo u euIT." pleto line of furnishing goods in this month. t Call and examine that now stock of ladies' fall and winter hats, at Mrs. J. Blewet's. 2t Suits cleaned at $2 on short notice at Harris tho Tailor. tf. Fot Sale on to Lkt A seven roomed house, nicely furnished, and known as "Tyler Residence" on Castle II ill. For further particulars enquire on the prem ises, s 10 lw Joseph Schwartz, tho tinsni'th, has- now in his employ an cxpeit tiuHuih, and is now more than ever before fully prepared to do all kinds of work in Ihe tinsmith and plumbing lines. s7tf Whilo tho tri-colors of Mexico wore everywhere conspicuous yesterday, Old Glory was given tho place of honor in almost every instance. . At tho Grill room tomorrow Mrs. Crossey will have an especially propared -read for Sunday dinner. All thodelica ries" of ti'iw eea80n' hosides tho most toothsomo substancials tnS ISftrll9t fif fords will bo at your command, and her " coffee cannot bo excelled. Strange to say, but truo, that although yesterday was tho greatest day of tho year with our Mexican population, so far as wo havo heard, not an arrest was . ruado or a bostcrous iwfecont drunk seen on tho streets, but all were orderly, fc sober and rcspectiblo. This is quite a comment on us upon some of our fete days of the past. The five-year old child of Mr. flams, the tailor, met with a vry senoue and painful accident yetterday morning, while playing around its hoini, uncon izkr&ft. of Miy danger, tho httlo fellow rxiado a miss step,ttnd losing his balance, fell from the poich totho ground, sus- v 'taing a fracture of the bones of ono of his arms at tho elbow which may make him a cripple for life. The littlo follow lias the sympathy of many friends. J-"V7. Bnggett, of Oak Giove, Fla., had an attack of tho measles, nonily threo years ago, and the diseaso loft him with very severe pains in tho chest. "I thought 1 would die," ho writes; "but to my great joy, 1 was saved by Cham berlain's Pain Bairn." Pains in the chest nearly always Indicato tho ap proach of pneumonia, and by promptly applying this liniment on a flannel cloth, which should botxmnd on the chest, an , attack of pneumonia may ba prevented. It is always prompt and effectual. For sale it 25 and 50 cents per bottlo by tho - Btehco Drug Store. H Thk Ord has had mauy pccftslopg to refer to the grand acts of thoCoppei Queen company in regard to its deal logs with tho public. Tho Queen man agement is not moiibund as is evi denced by thefollowin dispatch, which shows that thoy are Arimans to the manor born and aio patriots undis puted. It is not Solely that tho-Queon Company has tho biggest mino in tho southwest that its management favors thobo from this section. The action bears them out that thoy aro'frionds to not only thoir employes but tho entire Teiritoiy. Tho following dispatch is self-explanatory and will bo heartily appreciated by tho public; 'Nkw Yobk, September 17. Profes sor Douglas, in behalf of tho Copper Queen, of Arizona, gave a grand excur sion to tho Aiizouti Rough llidora to day. It was a gioat success, and I wi-h you weio here. "W. II. Bropjiy." Our Mexican citizens and friends did themselves proud in the arrangement and carrying out of tho programme for the celobiationof their natal day, which was commenced on the evening of the 15th, tho programme for that paitof tho feto having been published, our people aro familiar with what took place; but for lack of time wo are unable to givo as full and detailed account of the proceed ings yes today, which included a grand street parade in tho afternoon, that was paiticipated in by many good people, of the beautiful float which was occupied by about thirty young ladies, costumed in elegant robes and presenting a spocta clo of loveliness itsolof, and of the grand ball last night, wheiojallant gentlemen paid court to lovely ladies and whore each one vied wiltrth& other to mnks ' '. nninrt AliA nf rirfiSfmt Jov ftnil grateful memory, and where, when the evening was spent, one and all could say: "I am glad that I was there," asjwo, would liko to, but we promise our readers a,sfull description of all that took placo in Monday's issuoof The Oku. The Onn is leliably informed that tho trustees are seriously considering tho proposition and neccssitjiof increasing tho capacity of our public schools by tho addition of two or threo rooms and the employing of moio teachers. This is certainly a wise raovo, for under the present crowded condition of tho threo lower looms it is a physical impossibility for tho teachers to do justico to the children now attending school and the numbers are increasing daily. In the primary department there aro ninety children in daily attendance one half in tho forenoon and the .remainder in the afternoon. There aio quite a num ber of these children that might bo pro moted to tho second reader room, but for tlio reason that this room is so crowded that seating capacity is at a premium, and tho third reader room is in about the same condition, but not so cramped for seats. Last year tho trus tees recognized tho growing ncedgof tho schools and increasod the accommodn tions to what thoy thought would meet tho wants of tho crmmunity, but now that echOOl isoptnen tllSJ' Mi tlwlwn with tho new addition the room is en tirely inadequate to pressing demands; henco thoy aro considering further im provement. Tho people of Bisboo are fortunate -in having a board of school trustees who are 60 thoughtful of thoir childrons educational wants, and are over ready and willing to do all within their power and means to meet that want. Mr. Jnmea E. Ferrell, of Burnt Houe I V. Ya .has discarded all "ill! d .tnhoi'ii imu cuies ami now handle onlv Ciiaiu Wthuti'b Colif, Choiera nd D.nrriioea Remedy. Ik' has uted it in Ins fana'y and sold it to li.a customer-! for eai?, and has no hesitation in baying tliat l is the beit leuif.iy foi eol c and da 1 1 nea, liu has eer ki'o y. It not on, . es us tel cf, but effei s a permanent cure. It is also p'ea-ant and sale io take, making it an idoal iruiqdy t r boive. com hi'iits. For sale by the Bisbee D-uu'Stoit-j S The City Bakery J. A. MILLER, Prop. J VUUUUj fPIKS, ETC., ETC. Only Ilakery Wagon in Town Ornamental Cakes a Specialty RAKERY IS NEAR OPERA HOtSE 81. Hi BEER HILL, BISDEE, ARIZONA. L. C SHATTUCK, Proprietor Aconts for Anhousor-Duscli IlrowliiK Asso- ointlon. W1io1pMo ntul Ilotall. ICE-COT P PEI-'R ON PUUTGHT n U' K. G. NOJlTON.Prop. Large, well-ventilAted rooms, excellent furniturc,'3potTr less linen, free from noise or smoke makes the Nor ton U a desirable lodging house. Upper Main Street, Dir.beo. 1 11 1 1 Democratic Primary Elec - lion Plusuantto tho order of tho Cochise County Demociatio Central Committee, tho local membeis of said committee, for the Bisbee precinct, dcdjyiHle tho Queen Hotel, Main ntrcet, as tho placo w hero- tho Democratic primary election shall bo held on the twenty ninth day of September, 189S, for the purpose of electing (20) twonty delegates fiom tho precinct to tho Democratic County Con vention. Primary election board: S. C. Prrtuix, Judge, S. M. Burnt, ) riui.o B.J. O'Ri'illy, CWks- J. N. JOKES, Chairman. J. S. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Democrats, Attention. Notieo is horeby gien that a caucu' of the Domocrats of Bi-bee precinct will beheld at ihe Publ.c Sihool House on rriday. September 23d, 1893, at eight p. m. for the purpose of nominating delegates to tlio Democratic Count. Comention, to be voted Toi at the pu inaiy election September 2!)th, 1S()R. Per order Democratic Central Com initte,e in Bisbee p ecin t. J. N. JOKES, Chairman. J. S- WILLIAMS, See eta-y. BISBEE- - MRS. M. BLEWETT PHOPRIETKEfeS A TULL LINE OF 085 end Genrs finnistilnos Goon: Itepalrlnc Neath Dono The J: H. JACK j Lliisr Mill C9DSIIUCHI C9. I ? Yuid uiul office DubaUier Cunjon ! LUMBER I 5 of alUtlmls pon-itnnt't on hind. Also 5 .. Sust). Uool-. and Moil di:ig&, y g MuijtlsiuOiutes,, otu. ? N. "W. CISAbR, OeM'lainn'Kr THE O. K. UN!, M i Ml 8tfi io. p- Horses boarde'd by tlie da', week or month. Rigs furnished on short notice. HORSES TAKEN CARE OF AT KATES TO SUIT 'J.'liU TIMES. Horses Bought and Sold., E. S. ADAMS) Prop jo 1 t -rr -i tf- .irfer illi-LIjiiM PQ ioi in si Pn 1 JO. tir Hangs Paper Over Dilapidated Wails and Writes Signs. Artistic I Work. I SIQNS WRITTEN AFTER MODERN PSOSi&WjOJ&S A" of My Worlt Gl? "BCTT T 1ST' U vJJLXJLC' B, E QRAHAil & CO., "ave not gone Ths Furniture Business. Goods businesss people crinefipc r because we sell goods! But we do This for the Benefit of the Public. Ponder Well and Act Accordingly.. B. F. GRAHAM & COMPANY, The Assassinators of High Prices. SWWMMWfrWM &&feMtom,W'W S" mess is And the C. A. Overlock & Bro., "With an eye o the interest of tlio public, havo a lefrigerator, where all fresh meats aio kept on ice, preventing tho absorption of con tagion and picseivini: ns fiesh aa when first elaughtoieir, insuring tho continued liealthfulness of tho consumor.3 1 Thea$LUnionKonarket and Bakery ? Is Koploto With ICxcrjtlihJBtlmtContrllmtPf. ton Fhst-OlasH General Mn &frwvWMWwwoe,owwm j EJ&TO; na5SE IDS House Hull. VUitlnirbiotk. D. A. Maiukv, C ri. i)r. Kilir.;i;lso!i, Medicine Mnn. At Kogales, one porrcl mare mule, lfi hands high, lnanded on light shoulder with tho letters UK combined; mane and tail roached obovu two months ago; barefooted and tender: veiy gentle. A suitable rewnid will bo paid for itf rc min, or for leliablo information of its whereabouts. P. J. Skumf-t, Agent, Kogales. PHOTOGRAPHS ! ! THE ATLNTIC AND PACIFIC VIUW AND POKTH.UT CO nro in lli'liw nml ran bo found in Tonibstntio Cnmon, just nbovo "Custlc KocK." Wo nro prppnreJ to ninl:o nil tlio Intc.t stjio Photos lit ipnsonable price:. FT?OSt $2 PER BOZ."UP Satisfaotion cuainuteoil orinouey rofiintU't'. A'o .no tho-only Kallny in Arizona outslilunf liicson nmi Phoenix mnlciua: the "'PLATIhO pnoro." C31 oiiil Inspect Our Wor2t 1 4? Almenar w Cardenas , Receive Fresh Fisii $ Every Friday, Fresh Fruits Every J Day. v Vood for Sale in tirl Any Quantity. Place ol Business O K Street, Bisbee. Mke A N I Humphrey Proprietors. Pure fresh milk delivered to all pails of- the city every evening at ihe lowest market price. Your patronage is lespect fully so licited. Leae your oulers at Humphrey's Meat Market, opposite postollice, and you will be p-oinptly terved. W. W. WEED, Oiiicici m RCBoiier, nrsi Jediciai Disinc TERUITORY OV ABIZOKA. Phonogrnplier nml Tj plt, ami Notary Public. Office ailjoinin olerU's otlieo in court house. 1CCSON ARIZONA Cheajp CAS'H Store. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Fresn Fruiis 01 mi Kinds Received WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, ND TOBACCOS. G001I3 dcllered to all parts of town. MEDIfiOYrCH & X03II.IT. r r c tc 1 V'. a-, fvb SJPAINTS EVERYTHING ). W i? ooo6oi 'w( ITrastiiQg i Work STYLES. Is Guariiult'ci!. THE PAINTER, PAPER-HANOER AND ARTISTIC SIGN-WRITER. 5C IS m 1181, Have been sold chaeper than ever before; Some mess, Best Assurance One Ha3 That the Food is Not Ad u Iterated or Unclean, Is to Use Qooil Judgment JnBuying. FLETCHER P n Wlicis You Waui. To move anytl ing light, AnythiiiR lieavy, AnythinR that needs careful handling, call FLETCHER BROS.' Triuisfei. Riiplil Helix pi y. City garber Shop Ami- Bath -Rooms. Marks & Wittiff. Pronrietors.l x Unir Ciitthi-r, Slmx-lncr nnl Shnmpoo'nc Lnrtre, Cnnveiiient ii:k1 Conirooelious Hath Kooiiih AttaclioJ. Kvoij- thlsiffFlrbt-ClaKs. JIaip Street. Bisbee. Dubacher & Muheim. Brexxery'Avcime, Bisbco, Arizona. 88 M, On Draueht Constnntly on HuuJa. Fine Imported and Doms.tlc Wines, Liquors and Cigars. YourPatronaco Kespccull Solicited. itt MB ChaftTpaorne. The Bisbee Tailor,. VO cu. a id make to order Air EIeani Suit of Clothes for vr ff 2lre r-r-- v.. ' ! l?," Ira - built hart i'Sir - be "by hoiue 11:. I"are? to kp iiirir for c; yea. 1! s ts ttirvcd ut at rr Fhop.' CO.O 000':iiO! 0 M-W itrvW'vi. ' I III I..II lllll. II... I I I II . . s A COHN . WU1IJLI9 Carries a well-selected stock ifb oi'i. y. vV- Mr ie? ?i? vix." i? RETAILERS MAIN STREET W L. Humphrey & Comp'y Ilax'e "tit otipnf 1 anil x ll keep oa land a fu 1 l.iie of Fresh Beef, Mutton-, VealPork SAUSAGK, HUAUCUEESK.JBOLOGXA.EliTC. v Bread a Cakes frepli from the ovens ilailv JOHN DUFFY. I?aimuc.f CARETTO'S SALOON 0 K Street, Bisbee,, FnCT g"" 0F Film Wines, Liprs ant Ciprs, Boil Iiipr tei ani Domestic. YOU WILL BE TREATED WHEN YOU VISIT . MY PLACE. KIGHT:; TURF SALOON. r QUINN & LANQE. CARRY A SELECT STOCK OF Fancy Groceries, And make a specialty of catering to the public. Tlieir goods are fresh and of the best qnalit', and are sold at a reasonable margin. Goods delivered at your door without extra charge and without delay. .!.. fiWe Guarantee JTJj Remember theQhouse Ujiper Alain Street,Bisbeev iiilillll! One three-room dwelling house, furniture and cooking- , utensils complete; lot 47x20a feet; situate in Brewery Gulch. Piice very low; must be sold; For further particulirs, ap ply to S. K. WILLIAMS. w THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. - - -r WORLD-WIDE CIRCUtATION. Tventy Pages; Weekly; Illustrated. li"glSPfcNSA3lC TO WlNlk'Q MEN. iSVXR TiOLl&KS PZE TEAR, nSTPAU)! rilNING ARD SCIERIIFIC FRESS, 220 Markct St., Sm Francisco, Cal. -,y Pure well water delivered to any pait oF the town. Prompt service, Rates are made known on applica tion. g J-eaxe jour order at 'Ihe 0u Oflice,, . oe MCt. 1? The Bisbee.-. TOBACCONIST,r of" a t. Cigars Tobaccos and Smokers Articles- j.i j ''.1$ ll a AND JOBBERS "BISBEE, AUIZOKAt ' ', Goods delivered' free to allfparta. : .of the city 4 ICE-COLD BEER CONSTANTLY ON DRAUGHT QUIET AND ORDERLY RESORT. " "fiS9RW?iSVW0r i nilifWfilGrf'n raisewte a3EO. UNN,"Froprictor Satisfaction, i X ' s J 3 "-U.I &J - K 3K!?!?,E!3SeS"3c fcir'-2nrw" T7jr;$ r i- ? V "t" mm.; &8B&BS8865teB ASttkmtA- .L-JJX.-. ::7, rodm CtfSSSS523fe?5 ; . - . '-v vyJjV'5iWS trJLiTi rrrtvjrr'A3LAJritfrTTr .ljxsjr.A.siarAt' J -tA; "'-: ?,v.''yr KtwJLia:.', jG.M.,'-t: Ti jk -jo t ft- j c . - .. .- -- tj" . r-r -jl.-w. xx. vx -TW4j-JjfcrirT.i-iiC!s3