Newspaper Page Text
'r H l.tfc . K i m ' . ' " - V -.a sea j n r "". w"vyi VOLUME III ' . -, - BJSBEE, ARIZONA. SUNDAY EVENING, OC. J3E.i 2, 1898 "" NUMBER -102 ' . " " 1 1 . I .. . .. ,. ) M'.. 1.1. . ..., - -7 ..t1WN ,' W- KVm,' A i 1 .V 44 V f" Vv 1iH. V & V- t A ? "1. '4 V I m v TELEGRAPHIC. The Peace Commission Have a Job. x JPAtoi. Oct. t. The American nnd Sprtnish peace commiasionera nre dtngcronrdy for apart on the questions p atijtHPjeux.'fkteqq roncbdiplomats ,.wji have conversed with both tho Spanish and American members evonaasertthat "L anlesa one aii'lo or the other1 backs down ,m fuatenal -peinU, tthewar is evidently .not over. Tho Americana may rot have to.eustain their domaods with a naval demonstration. The position taken by Spain is believed to account (or lior de- aire to keep Btaacojn Cuba, ns long aa .possible. Vith his army he could aer-. iously embara9- the, IJnited States, ahould negotiations bodealared off. vFrench influence', howavor, which .is -vory potent 'in Madrid, is tha't tho Spaniards shall accept tho inevitable and be reasonable. Frenchmen nre in dignant at their Bpanieh friends (or kaving learned, so. I it tie ifrom .thoir de feat, lit has boon repeatedly suggested to tho Spanish commissioners during tho last' few days that a'f rank confession of helplessness and an appeal to the vcaaagnanimity of the victors would secure J fer Spain the mostliber'al possible terms. But the Spanish leaders have rejected the suggestion as absurd. The SpunUh demands are-stated to be substantifliy as follows r 1 't othing beyond .iiport and a coaling . rstation'in'therPbilippines to be ceded -, to the United States; a-favored tariff tpi sdl her lost territory for Spanisii tstilc3tho power Whose sovereignly prevails at Manila to hear the -entire Philippine debt, and should part of the J island's remain to Spain, she may sell to any other powwr; th,o entire Cuban . . (4 r.debt prior ,to tlfeikwtirovolt to be sad- Celeaial Rule. Wasiuk-toni Octlc-For-Alie gpyprn , ment of qur (jivereee colonies it is said , the president .favors the. form of gov the District of Colum bia viz., by commissioners appointed by 4tbo executive. ProsUlqnt.McKiqley.iit favor of such a "government, with twoivili.ina and an, officer, constitutins'the 'boatxl of ..commissioiiers. Such commissioners have, to a certain extent, absoluto pow er, and this, the president bolieves, would qporatc to cxcollent advantage at ,Manila, Havana, Honolulu and other places bo far removed from tho central government. Naval Programme: Wahhivoto.v, Oct, 1. Secretary Long nhas received complete estimates from his 8ubor(.Mnnte8 regarding the amounts they deem mtj :uy for tiie ojet.ition ,fofJilif!r respective departments during ...the. comingfiscal year. Their figures foofup 47,00O,OO0, the largest peace os- timate which has ever been submitted. 1 1 " . Secretary Xong proposes td recommend to congress an important ship building prograinmo which will neceasitato the t expendture of considerable money dur . tig four yeara. 'San Fxancuco, , Ocl. 1 The Hawaiian f commissioners returned yesterday on the ''steamer Gaelic. Little regarding their work in tho islands and their prob- ,ble recomraendatjontf could be learned though they wcro willing to talk of the lienutied of the islands and their kind and enthusiastic reception by the is- glanders. Thoy did My, however, that the islands nre, destined to enjoy great prosperity in the near future, though t all agreed thuC it would take an ini- xaoiiso sum,cf money, to develop their resources. It waa . intimated that great consideration given by the compiittco in, its, report, regarding (.tho'liivanton of tlieisUnds by orientaU. Attention aflrcMten. A upecial meeting of the Bisboo' Fire Department is hereby called for Sunday evening, Oct, indat,.70 p. m, Busi nesa of importance to'como before the -mcetltif. Full attendance , requested. By order of V. A OVERLOOK, Chief. You can now nude your oldnrnilure.Jtablc atep in thovwar, and witn nothing ,Jor now? t B. F.Grulmm'.B. t- that ia diihonorablu or discreditable." FIDELITY, AND GRATITUDE. Fidelity and gratitude, it is paid, flourishes- in, every soul, elevating and cheering the individual with thoir influ ences. Thoy aro among the cardinal virtues th'at lift mankind, upward and onward. Amid the adversities .pf life thoy shine with the same splendor aa .from thoihalla.of luxury. Fidelity has 'been the inspiration that crowned the -niattyta .with a halo of glory; that has almost deified the faithful, and immor talized tho gratitudo of Pocahontas. It (Stands hke an angel bv tho side of the afllicted, unmindful of circumstances or fluctuating fortune; adversity ennnof. chill its ardor. It never hesitates, but is always active; timidity is absolutely foreign to this virtue. It enables indi viduals to form communities and asso ciations, and is a guarantea.of perpetu ity. "Vithoutit -society would tuin wlth.doubt, and.difltiust would resolve iitiiutoreavagery, for confidence could not exist between man and man. With out it no svmpathy can. exist nor grati tude have an abiding, ph-ce. (Devoid of its feeling no law could elevate, no moral motive move or teach. Without it tho 'iniasmiatic pestilence of selfishness and greed would laugh at his neighbor's nn giliahiand mock at his agony. Without fidelity and gratitude chaoa vwoulden-i gulf mankind in desolation -anil despair.. Tho wot Id has looked in vain to find 'more contemptible caricatures on man kind' than .the faithless Judas and the traitor Arnold. Yet we find tho Ari- zona republicans rallying around and snouting (or-.a puuiorm mui is as insin cere aa'jhe protestations of Judas and as false to Arizona's interests as tho traitor Arnold was to the cause of Amcr icals, freedom. They approve tho most perfidious deed of political ingratitude that ever;8taned the' name of Arizona. They accept and applaud as .canons of their faith statements contrary to evety iuea thoy have hitherto advanced. They attqntpt to gild their cause with respect- ability!by thejpejeonality of their nom inee. 'But duplicity pnd insincerity will neet their doom in November. Gazette. ABOUT JU.0. BRQDIE. Aj'Uona" tibnors''"and respects every jlRough Itider who in defense of our country's flag and tho principles it rep resents faced death on the field of battle. They belonged to no-i party, but to all. parties. Tho cause they ifought and 6omo.died for. was the-,coninion cause of. every .'American. That they would 'be faithful in the discharge of their du ties and loyal to their convictions was expected! But when one who has here toforebeon an ardent advocate of tho freo coinage of silver, and gold at the ratio of 16 to 1 accepts a nomination ifrom the hands of single standaid forces, he no longer appeals to our admiration on-acco-untof his fidelity or the sincerity of his convictions. A vote for A. O. Brodie is not an approval of the personal ideas of the man i but an endorsement of the platform upon which he stande. lit matters wot what Mr. Brodie In the past has done'-for the causo of silver; hlt election now would mean that he should represent the gold standard or be recre ant to those who supported him. Can the fleecy halo of military renown that surroum.s Ida name hide the .issues of this'Campaign? Will the people follow in blind sympathy his misguided foot steps? Arc Arizonau miners rand resi dent voters,. capivatedl4by a gold standard platform gilded wihB.rodie'e pei&onality? Does sentiment qbUerate the life-long convictions of honest men? Can, the can,?; of silver bo shrouded in order to satisfy the ambition of one man? No! (Xhe voice of Arizona is for silver; her people will follow no stalk ing horBO to destruction. Gazette THE RESPONSIBLE ONES. The New York Journal says : 'Tho democratic party, the democrats iu congress, and aa liaa,bocn repeated ly charged the democratic .press are rcsonaibe for tho delaration pf war. "Tho American people mo .rcsponsi ble.for the war'a glory and for.ita tri uinpha. 'Tho republican party is responsible for tho. war's, mismanagement, for the deaths, the needles sorrowa that mar thn national rejoicing. "Thu democrat in congress voted freely tho funds to carry on the iluht. Not a note of discord in the hico of tho enemy only support for tho adminis tration. "But the democrats were notconcern ed in the corruption, nor conncctd with ,tho incompetence with which these funds were disbursed. Nor wero the democrats concerned in the cruelty and criminal neglect of which Holdicrs.iu camp have been victims. ' Whop ver will analyze facte and not bo blinded by a hurrah campaign must Bo that the democrats have been con nected with every honorable and cred- PoMTicMi parties are a necessity un-1 der our form, of government. It be comes tbiluty of every good citizen to ally himself with that organization" which comes in closest sympathy with hisiows. JRvery, detail of party man agement, or tenqb of party faith,, or nominee .for office may not suit him, but once the voice of tho majority is heard, tho dictates of good senHO, as well as the obligations icsUm: upon every honept party man, call for ins active aid in furthering the party pur poses. Tho time to question the plat foim and tho nominees is before the party organization has spoken v;hen tho orders have been issued, tho true, bravo soldier oboye them promptly, even thengh he may mentally question their propriety. Loyalty is an honor ton, man, it is one ofijmtute's noble vii tues that elevates .and cntbuacs man kind in, all conditions.. it is in party affairs a compliment to his intelligence, to his honesty and to his earnest desiro to accomplish eomethingfor hiscoun - ttry. Party fealty springe from the , eamo manly impulse that makea us faithful to country, to homo and to friends. It io the political Ishmealite who is to! be feared and dispisci. .'Let those who-believo in the policy of Han- jna, and gold as the only 'money metal, .vote in accordance with their convic tions. The democracy is asking no" favors, its standard is upraised, and with free and unlimited coinage of gold and Bilver as its cardinal principle, it ap peals to ovcry voter in Arizona who co incides with it on that question to join its ranks. Gazette. Coi.. Wilson stands for all that dem ocracy means. He stands for the fiee and unlimited coinage of gold and silver by the United States without waiting for the consent of any foreign power, font more equitable system of taxation, whereby the great trusts and combines that aro accumulating millions by ,vir ,tue.of laws of. favoritism, shall pay their proper share of taxation, and against government by injunction, a doctrine that is fraught with the gieatcst evil that can attack a free people; and last but not least, for clean honest govern ment of local affairs. Col. Wilson is an "able and sincere advocate of tltoeo'prhV ciple8 and as such will receive .tlio full vote of his party and a large independ ent vote, which will insure Jila elation. Star. cLmiiT the Democratic torch of justice in every state, county and town throughout the land. We aie assured from national headquarters, and fiom the political outlook all around us, that democatic success in the coming elect ion is certain. 'Let every democrat buckle on his aimor and go forth to slay at the ballot box, the political paity, who, under the leudeiship of Hanua, has plundered the national treasury, and brought death nndstaiva tion to the most patriotic army that ever enlisted under the banner of fiee dom. Down witii the men, who in the faco of a foreign foe, plundeied the nation, aud out. of the patriotism of our gallant soldiers foiged chains of death dealing destruction in older, to enrich tho cohorts of Mammon. A li, indications point to a glorious J victory for tho demociats throughout Arizona this fall. Tho effoits of the le publican party to rule into office on the glory achieved by tho Rough Rideis will not eavethnt party fiom a ciushing do fcat. The people ail honor and respect Col. Brodie for his biavery aud coldierly qualities, but they will not not bubmit to having tho gloiy won on tho bloody fields beforo Santiago iieed to cairyout political schemes in Amonn. Inn, democrats never hod a bettor opportunity to elect the eutire ticket in this county than this fall. A long pujl and n strong pull all together will do tho busincbs. Let eveiy democrat do his duty and the result will not bo in doubt. The same applies to evory county in the territory, and tho nation al campaign. r t)R.CIiARK, :Jr- I'liyslcian and 8mreoij. ELKCTItlCITy In tlieilhcuk-iof onicii, rhcmmirihiii, iicurnlla uuil Kuocial de bility, cuinpleto nnil bct-t cicctrlcal upplluuccs X-HAY Edliion'n most poworf ill. Tha only nienn of nbsoluto (linguosls In oertnln fornu if dUciwei of women, dlhcuies of llor, hidneyk. tumors, uiut dU enm of boncx uml joiiitn. MODItltN SURfiKRY M.voiTlcolspiiili)i,tlth ovrjthhisr icnnheil to praetloo Hxsptlft ami nntl-soptlc HiirKorj ; no blood plUdu, ci'jsliislasor Miiipuiatloii ., follunlus oiicriitlpiu. Iiioiant siircpons, mittiiuatpil metboila, vnuto tliunu, UYBAKDUAUDISUASItS-SIx years' work In this kpeula! Held. Crossed ojoi, cutnrHot, pt!rjttun. ifranulnteil Hds, nUlniliimiiuitoryamtMirck'iildliseuH'v of tlinojo troutttl. Yp, I IltfflnsMHj will correct mhfltyou cot from tlio . truvelluv "opticlau." I Ueop till klndH, .tyles and prices hi yltu.uBS.1 CATAKHH, ASTHMA AND CHKOKIG SOltlJ THROATA pofcltlvoemo cuarnutoeil In h11 enon treated. Chranlo torn throat, enlnnrod tolislU niwl moutli brcutlilidVln ti, child lead to Jncurablooutnrili, viinntnt: oura and dcufno. Mltr-ti'iith (if ull canes of totul iiIIihIuohj uttd doafacxj cmatiiilu from vuni Ide cnaes. nt f )ivii Iteinultii;. 1 ifty purosnt of all .itmUuit:i uiul lift) ar proplo need t;liii'tt?t. RXCKI.t.ENT ROOMS AND TRAINED KUIWt?) fur putlonljiltequhlnc roimnncd ,. ti cut incut, mcb iwohitetrJoHl, or otlior.oaiuf, fotchicliiom udidla!io OOlee-Jicad of JMaln;strcot. .flsa. i ' The republican managers of Illinois have Btruck a new campaign scheme. They will use a kinetoEcopo to show pecnea of the SpanisleAmeriean war and attempt in this way to mouse inter est in the icpuhlican cause. Viewa of tho interior of hospitals and of commis sary depaitments will be studiously, avoided. Tkuk tliere is plenty of gold in tho United States tre-uuiy. It would be panning Ptrnngo weiu it otherwise when $200,000,000 in bonds wore Bold icueiitjy. lint money in the tieasury is not all that is wanted. Some c.tahii .the pockets of the people is definable. Fbqji every eection of Arizona comes the gratifying neua lhat democrats aie all in lino for Wilson aa delegate jo con gress. Populists and Bilver republicans too, aie enthuHMStio and Cojonel Wil son bids fair to cany tho territory by the largeHt majority on recoid. He is ia ti'ue silver man ' 'own 111 uen. WheelSr's district in Alabama, says the Chicago Kecoid, they i are having a peace jubilee preparatory to leturmng the general to congrecs by unanimous vote. Everybody might join in the movement -and make him honoraiv congressman at lare for tho whole United States. Senator Hoar doubtless winked other eye when he declined to become ambassador to England, to make a place for anothor fellow in the senate. He omembercd Sherman. TnE lcpublican papers might repro duce Some of tho articles they publish ed last year en the wheat and silver question. But then thoy won't, it would injure their c.tubc. TnE glad hand and tho bland xmile of the candidate is n&w in order until elec tion. After that, tho icy Ptaro and tho the marble heart. Ir our name is not on the register you cannot vote. Remember this and go and join the list. Tun gold standaid means acarcorand clearer money and an indefinite era o fall ingjJ rices and hard tunea. "Wttaojf, Statehood and Silver" are the watchwords inscribed on tho banner of the Aiizona democracy. Coloni:!. Bryan ia still woriying Use partisan republican editors. Ho can't do anything to please them.. Tin: "F01 tunes in Cuba" advertise ments arc beginning to appear, but' the wise men will class them with other get-iioh.whilfr'you wait schemes, and keep the little mnnev ho ha. When the people get n chance will wipe the Algorism policy out, of ro'urse the lepublican paity with it. China is coming to hei henpes. T- c em pei or reeognizcu the newspaper og the most important uid to the progress of a people. II. M. Woods today waa tho happiest man in town, the occasion of it being the arrival of a 11 pound boy. Woody has not yet decided whether it wiU be Hobson, Sampt-on. Schloyor Boo&cvelt. Mr. James E. Foitell, of Burnt Houge W. Va., has discarded all other diarrhoea medicipea and now haudlcH onlv Cham berlain's Colir, Cholera mid Diarrhoea Remedy. He has used it in his family and cold it to his customeis for years, and has nolieaitatimi in saying that it is the best remedy for colic and dinr lhoea, ho has over known. It not only gives ua relief, but effects a permanent cui o. It is nlfeo pleasant and Fate to tnko, making it an ideal remedy for bowel con. plaints. Foi sale by tho Bi-bce Drug Store. S - &' ) SPECIALIST IN W 4 euroulu inscaMC'i- Kre, SJnr, 4 Uroat, rtouc. Slosirn iu to n lu 5. -S"tHs 1j" '5'",!7;' t;itrtU4'3iks,'i4r?iri;ii5 - :t: y.; . . w '$ m m 1 Consolidated Jlining Co." ' 1 wa - - lift "44 -' ',' : '"1 VS 3 ... ' vf r 'I " mrr :?EAL :IN '-''SiVi - A " WW f-d '' tig 1 ncivcriAi I :' MaflV ajg A. M if Jai aW A. JL rW ! the 1 ;fi; 5:55 m - --v , --? -sf irj9 yr .-ij'wh,,,y',"it 4v, 3 rs I n rf- ? n a n &h qdh r! 1 0 Hi '&3 I u v i H' HI &a SI II 1 v I j5 5 1 fit .v3 r tai 1 every:-' v: I I Department! 1 Complete"! SQ - & M3 - i'-r! 'iA I WITH Al. NT." . . l . ?! 1 CAREFULLY &:-; m m S3 SELECTED jfi I. - if lw Bjfi tll m WARREN LAUNDRY CQ;j PLANT : iwuaimrKjH ' Situated in ' ' C it V )' Wallace ' O ffice " mmsmBeim SL' 2TSlS'kERSir'iBt' - niJivaii '' r - '3' i ' L ? Ol "-. r?ri i - w HIP i tjiS m STOCK. ftt5 i nv Building, "Et Entrance. :. sr Sir J rtt I H 4 set. - , .ViWi S .3SSS aajBrjLwafjjutgjqpiaviwsga