Newspaper Page Text
""wyiygsojsr AwMtti, J - fJj7Yfc f I fl MiByP' i?:.1 'ipi i Hi ii in iitfi man-wiiimni imtt m in iwim r i i at hmft i nil ttt mww r it-tit nimw Wi pjpi-m iiMiwimiMii ! miim mii i iiiMwiiiMiMiM mw i iw wi i iw i'ii ,----j i n i n nrih rfa't'i'jr-an fin ittiiFith mrri rri tfgfygffi tfrC?5t1Kirt!QlWCT:ffig I TrffT.,JoJJil.. .. 'i1;?' , $pjzastirimrv-v - - -., yaw. , 1 , 1 , , , . wx, .. , v.. . : 1 --' " , - , lif'" - "' ' . ' ', . . . , ',.- , "jf- " ..,.. ?! !&-&:. - ywHi-L- "" . ' ' :. :'". -: ? M& jr- - .'SSW-. 1 rlJL 11 HdHdHij I . UHlX -'' - -m 'VOLUMh lif ' , 'bHl-EE,, ARIz35TTj77T nFTTTr nTTTr""" " " NUMBER .Tj ' . ' ' I. Ml i T ' mmmm - . - v -.-' t H, Y v. . !K"' T.? ; f t? -, t' .r -. il - I. ftT' -M:m uiiA ,.m I ?- 'fBfc Wmm Waste -K ; msm W$m $&&-1. ' ;o Tpiwiwjjnii ifiaaa.irBsaaKr5w?i 3vi.a . ..?-,TWli f . . , tf?r -.?tt-"--. OUR TICKET. It i. tcli'om tl at vt ti-ib livo iMi o poitnniiy to ulaiucat a tuket. fioin iqj " to ImUoni, that. pM-Hi'iiis a moii aucHpt -' alilo niray of naniiiiliilCH tlitiii ilm' iioni iiintiil hy t lie (hniuciatK oi." uim-I; n . .today. It in a moo tliiii: wiinn'i- ''fi-iini Col. Wilson down t) thu la i s, iiamr on t'c tii-kut. Colonel Wilson is not on tho count; tii-kt't. oxropt a- a iiwler in th r in- fo , t .cofiurcNR. Tliin i-t Mark Siuiin.'rt olil coiintv am) ,w fthcr. Iu or ai y itlur p Otl iii.iii i on tli litiu!itiii"t ii'lct! in ' Cotill M) rJltlilty. Voil may ilui- tlie hcml of-tlu Hckft vitl ivu v. Ill i f ivot's than lii o'iionout. Bm of iln ,Pojniit t.ekit: S' Tliere i Scott W-liitc, our oapahlo & sheriff, n'way ali'M ii t-io uxuuuiion nt liis diui!8. Thu luui-ilativi! ticket, i CHpecmlly Rtr'oh in it make up. AI. I). iScr.bner, for thu council, iTtliormulily fatutliar with can ty ulTn r., anil is tiiHt ' cut's hudliioH iiiiiu. Eu, Of Helicon, Cap,t. Tcxi, of Ho vie. mi 1 tint oilun 'yuician. Col. Ahko (.t ay, ai a tVu ' olutfilto Win l'hwy .tic p ntc.l .iii will do sotiK'thlu forCii'lii-uco in i.iri while in I'aoi'iux. Wciitwnrili is a rcg ular pacer of th Uob.-rt J. onlcr, .ilv.iv.-t ! cruf.inu' tho line in the limit. Ai lur . Jrrnuk llait', tho icpu'ili'-au-i h ivj con cctloU Iiih election vvr s.nco w:ih hlitlicil. On down thy linn au Edwuv Lund., Jwiiuo I'ernu and .McKay, lonlit-mct ultnrnoy, piohatc jiiilu and nHSCMSor, tespeciivilv. Iliey u ill make (threat lilit. Ili-liccanil the north-ciM Bcutton' of Couliifu huvq two excellent canditlatcri who will ncuiae cinint) nffaiiB w iih the id- a ol uutti-iv; down ihu i tnjc itiic. liete u cc i here inadu to JIcshth. .MC. 1 e ton an I II. It. Ut-1, t jlhe iibn.iiiucd I'orsiiperve-ors. I'lu pm cinct ticket is all iijMt. Ivoop voar i-ye. on the denize atiu ticket Col. Wil son down to the last name on the 1 .it: Colonel Wilson will sweep thulorri toiy like a pr.ur.u tire. The iVimi In of Kf,ud uoveninient aru tf-tttin alo-n-ed. The uo.-it of uiaintainiui; the pi'.H m haa been more than doiih'ed dining tho. iactsyear. Tho lax levyraii'ei (f53,O.W inone'inoiiey tli.tu' the franklin idluuii- W ' '.'ietrution did, yet tho territory liana Ided , ireailvu half millihu to thu tiiiinu-! m ( iliuiii the p.wt year. Al tcaily f'J,5U0 haa la-eii-hwijcd fiom tho looiny received for thu H.diMif capitol liondn. Thci-e IioikIj tui'.'lit have ocen sold above par, in faui.a bona lie offer of. $100,11) was made and Jj'o.nOJ -na a Kimriuit;u wafl deiuwited m tho Valley 'bank, as evidence of t;oo.l laiili. Thu boinl.s wero fofil to an Olio in in lor ('.17,500, who did not have a cent on de posit. The aduiini"tratiou wa ted for linn to Mind thu ?"), JJ. N'lelTnt h -a been made to m'cuiu tins rot ir i of this money to thu tieainy. The Inriiu anioui ta i nil out of the treasury to Bidsiili') lie nous apura haa not I ecu returi o.l. ' n or ri. s QuiTi?a i- t . u v i . a up from the Phemtx R"i ubliciin le nu-to th- hoys -do n t ptingie nnne readily. Ilcqnnsn lla'vebeen Mint mine, p.-rh ;h all holding place under ttiu Mmpny re.'ime asking them to come in. Speeiu amounts have been name 1 in some in atunces. This venlicM Uio stattmoui fiequcrily luadctnut theu. o. p., esne cially here in Ai.z na-h n-no-MiU-ion i xcept to get olli e, belli.; nold toeto r by the cohesive power of p ihiic plan ler. BRODIS AND THE SILV2R ISSUE. "Wliile eveiy Ai'h'.onau appreciates the fei vices of I be Rough Riduisand honor . tlieiii in tl.o lughi-ft degilo hrihesei vjee they lerforiiied. h is neither ju- , to them, or. thete'irtt.'iy. loiiiuisi Upon ; 'them lespoitFibilliies 'hey would sli.!,iniv, from asitimuig; l'i?ciiiJa a ciiizeu lit? displayed I eroitoti a a Mildiei it dot .not lt.llo that hs heiv no a-, a soliliei qiinlifies him to erfnriu Hie duties o jud.i'on i he beiu h. I!ccaue ho ha on fame in I i.ti'.u for his country dner not necessarily tjiiti'ify him tij law JIMll'.er. Ilccaitt-o he Inn; (chui ned lion ooable (iuihIh in thu front of the l it lie . doun not confer the right o a political j arty to appropiiate hl Valor An t pi trlotism foi paitlsUll lil'i-po-en. Insiend of giVing the full credit to thu Amt'iiitu oldk'.r in tlie catifie of the wlmlo . ,lly, and not to thu uurow desigun ot purpoae of paitisan intoioiH. There is !, not a democrat in Aii.Mim who dow noi . nppM'Ctitto and honor iho . illant ltoiih It ders h unicli tia doen the motit cut hu idas'ic lopublican, but they will no1 Bully or MRtn that tcnuiiiciippreciutiiiii bytliajVing it into the political Held, l.efote tne bljod of tho wml h of otn lieiovs ih dry, mtther will thoy ntt-nun to utilize the glory and I'lamo'i' of then j .BchieviniciitH to blind the peoplv to the v important h-site Leiuu tl,im. J-itp- Iriot.c? Is t a fui of in r Ct ion ol luroic Rcivico(or n H'.itH'u. p ity to . aitept ti Jdo .ii f o-i on (Up t- hind tho heroiMot, Laiu.i.n.''-iH it hero- Un which th Md.-jCTvlin offered hit life in fn-o Cul.aim apt leciale. , to ho ii.-i'd'hc a ftty to icdiice his own peo !!. to a noro daneion.-i l.vely than t a 1 1 " from which lie fr- ed the Ciihans? Tho slavery which the jnl.l harniiH ait arieniptin to fislen upnii t e ,in r can people and all tho.i iiiiliiM- t i . AM tKiu nro many c.i me.-! I'licio ate mat y wionns conwuitiud in theuanie.of Iumoch under tho j.'lamotir f v. clone for the country, in the pres enCeof poiupuil jmr.i 1 of fl . ting .-I hoiv.uiii'or u.ei:Ioil-oi tiu-e!ry .if.pUf latiumi'in i- tu c y of 'rhVeoi'le. I i he pci pi.-.", - ' Hie to, (ilijiean pirty .if .Vruui.i lrt endoiVed withoii qu.iliticati m tlcuold Mainlaid. iw- hl'I fonli in tluS.. ti'iuw p atl'orm. Tne dunocrit'c puvy li .a en loreed tho fre'o "ilvcr doctrine, as hoi fo th in the Chic ijro platlovm. The iswiie in AriZHia between the two par is clear ami definite. It is fren ml ver auainst the u'ol.l or aiiihiHtandard. The republican party dam not' di-cu-s the i.sui!. Tiioyd.uo not meet t o Ij uiiiciitu'y on thu. ivue. . On tiioii' 'ii I p'.uf inn tli c pi i -o Col. llrn.lie. the hertiof Li ti.iisiu.t.. An A i zona hern, and attempt to hide ilie sil ver i-Mic hcliind Iiih ii mi an 1 In., j to use liia u ory and hcroi-m ti forjo iln coal Hiaii'laid cluitux ii on the p. o,ile i-f thi nl vr trejUM'ol leiruory. I'u m t.ick tneiii 1 1 icy would citn.n-l m to wniii.d .ir de.-iliM' Ail.-, ci ;'.( luro, wh-li t tev two li.m u'-ta decoy or fort Mention, toil vtrov ihc rtilvcr thii til" v.;r mi iiit of Ai-i,0.111. Oli. iiii 1 1 On in tid.iH'S toe! 'lis noiilioi ju-t. air, nor t : part of heroism, to couip 1 in to b ay our friend, to ivo .the sacred rinti ot the pcple, or to ptotiut t.iem against t .e all duvouriii in.i.v of the uunuv b.noudof the I in 1 AI.ih, however, is fate. The onu tnusv. needs aaffcr for the many; Mich is the law of Hi'-. I'lio rd.itost H"0 I to the gicatc&t uuiubci- must Siar. F in Fiiiluy'a l'.u.y. The dt'iiuind fort-ii(till,cottai;e.-i.i8 daily-iucrea.-iug, and thu demand for ice le daily decri-aidu. J. II. ilcl'Iiefsoni'ilf' Toml'stont'.'iji eieciinc i wo frame dwelingn on the lad ! just above thu Warren laundry. Mrf. M. CioH'V, the popular pio))ri- ctici-s 1. 1 the lJecMiiier, is conliiicd 10 .'i -i r..oin with illiu.-s. Judge E. M. Mi fmil, o, i a VlhllOl li Ihsie-. lie I- un hi w.y liniiie iiom., .Soiiora. J. It. S i man h making rp ue cxtcn eivo iiiiprovemciK'i on hu lunm on Qu.di y II ill. Jlrs. Dr. Toney piescuted her hue band wih an utgl.i mind Imv on Tin tin v. Mother ami sou aeoth do,nL: well. Disbud irunisus to bo thu bittle grouii'i wm rj thu turning vi I ho heni, a- a c will poll-.aliout I al. il.o oua in ii o juiimy. A puny cf Denvi r capitalists ate ex picicd licin i-hoilly on their way to .'i.oin, heiuthe go to inspect tome co or propel ties. O.ip! lie.itou. the W -II kown pjospeorand scoui, will ac company tlie n from huro. Tuten Mexicana wc.o arrested at I'cane on .Monday lajti charged with ihuk.ilugul two of ihoir coniitiyiuen ai tlie .Alid ilii'i.rcli c.tinp one tiny i.isi week. l'i o pnso.icis li.iV' l o u vl . to await the uciion of the gr.uid jury. 'J he cafe in the Can Can restaurant at Tomb tone wua opened -on Tuesday night and $4t)) in mouy obtained, by the inhber. Theto me no clews to I lit: rotihcr, hull. It he n.n-t have liecn ae iiiaiiileil with ihu siii'i in. inn. c, I'om ilo wy in uliU'h , tin-deed ivas acco.n plNhl'd'. "" Henry I'lillwcit'ii miner .vholtii biicu op rutin.' fifty iiuIsh I elow llisbie, in Sonora, wf thro vn ly a'huckiuc hoise nt l-'roi t las, the animal falling on him and f'asurini thu Immuh of li-s r ght lei;, A uvsican tenm loouglit tho wounded mun to Li Moritu whetu a con- v-ymiuu w'it. secured ami ho ua j brought here yesterday. Dr. Kdintind-1 w is mi iimoivd and phmo 1 thu inj ired ' linibtn splintt mil llinlweg- is restinj: ! nicely at tho .Norton House, lie will ; bo confined to-lna room at least three waks. " j Kergrant V. W. Green wool who was nt Ibinky O'.S'uil'i side wlnjn a Hpani"1! j bullet 'Ktruuk" Caplnin O'Neil in thu I mouth causing instant death, arrived th a morning. Tho Sorguiut recelvd n bullet in ijm leg a 1 1 ninth r tru t!t t' e iiintep o Ubo r it ' i it in I wn jtnii'i el from Hi- li el. T u- inmciigor of ileath the Sergeant carrie- on his watch o-'ta'n. lie wdK-i witn a etnn mid vl 1 go to the hospita'. Ale!; Klcr Mid Gieeiiwool met near tho lUroy and tho twot..l!ed over their wir expe It'no s of lule lint. On-enw ol is w II along aj r bin bariing ibe Ini'nu- ittos niiNi, is lit to lLht uaiti it j ntcumary.' i a Eira mji k.r:j ; .! i Two ilen Dead, An m if.- "" 'v - III .ill! IIU Ull"K ill I rioxiicr Likely to ja,l,'," ( p'i,.ihi.hi-. During f-t Li'"' .',:uo ,,!,".Fv"F,,JJ"'.ti.'i'itt1il uaa Da K'Vy pV'a-GF'5'1'"'? 1,'-v,, '"' " .t''','!t,,'itc.i'rir'ii. I n.--Cr'l7JllI tsil -C 'dale will I e at iiiit'iied in JiiM.ce il r'ously Cut.-, i MORPHINE KILLS TWO. A Forty-five Bullet Causes a Sev:re Wound A :'.' j Small Knfi Does Wicked Work. " ' " " Hisln-e, du'rinj; ibe pa-j. tweut v-oir Jtnili-S has had mo-e tlim hei- Muirc of "'venis, ll n't i'ionicli' I- lieliic.i Two iiii'ii :h .vc'; a-f-ed i.ver 0 o g at , beyjiud., an a ti.rd may lako iTn-j.mi-m'v: . Merri'it TI ibon engiied a reotn rarly Wed les.iay 'veiling at i Le N'orto'i Ho.u-u atr.l diiilig tie afteriioou.yu-iterd.ty the, ?) nou'eKC per weni 10 mo room out waq uuaolc togain an t' Mr. Norton was nofitie I and rapped vigofiftaly upon the door without icnpose 'l:-oui5 wilhin. lie n onu.ed a chair and lo.N.iiu over tin tiao-oin disciivere'd thu o.-cun.i.tit lying ii the lied up, ar inly .lead. Thu dour was for ed ail I the body o Hub foil was. tu .ii I -t ho col I l i death, he evidenrVyfiavi ig expired s.-vtral hniir.s An iinsinc I mite flo: "Ynu will iiuil my grin and a de cent suit to bury me in at the cxprur-s olliie." On the dead niaii'i. clntiiei.was found two dollars, in ch uigo and two lctteifitlKted Willcox, Uci. 1!. i'E. A. Xiel.uls', ifnin-t, and h O.e to o her to Ja s rrcee, of Mii'shce. 'Iho latter ttt-n u ilic iiiii ur oi a ie ,uj 1 1 1 wa .1 h ii i I.. a . r ,i u. Gloi -, he hav n. or mu iv St.. p, i-i I ai Itiax-e's. Ilo 'Mjn teem. t nave chaiiucd his in n 1 and came to binbec, going to the Ii'oriou House. At the coione.-'a inquest, l.elit in Ju.-lii'c i'eriiii'r oilic--, it mis ,-lio.v'n thai Ho. is ai had taken a narcotic. Dr. S.veei having given uiai i vinmc ,u his, te-timou, Iroiu u.e elf ct ; of w.ncii h d.ctl. Twie III in's lieav.) bicailnlig was loud by iiL-ig.ibo'rs at about li o'cluek inti' moiling, fii in in -a have "I'd a o'l n in . 1'. e vct.i.ct ..i t e io n i'd wa in a Loiilance ui li ticet.ic ii.uiitol the a leniliiig pliVnii i in. .Mr. liui.ccn.ll now it II i. on a long nine ami Had not oo eiw-.l at a iy tun.; in il eal, oiib u!' di'spo'iijaucy in ins m.i..iier. iJicciue.l wib ali.iiit f ft-two Oin of age', and of lolntil phy.iiuo. Recumly. heluul b en worked al iriaml Reef, nordi cf iilcISc , ami one ol hi leilers iiiilicauil that he had hid luck there. irdl has a biothtir at M.'siCi.y. nea I'lioeul.t, who his been lcL-gr.ipa-ed ofT 1 luli-iii, 's death, 'lint icma.iis wei.o piep.tied for burial by Underiakjr Adam. , As a requel lu a li-ght cif yepiprijiiy nun n nt', when Xjirniiin I i unli ill inter le ed b, we- n Inn D-is la o i I ii'ii r man. l)ii.-d,de, .v.lio i b' lli-.r kii i vn a ".Mih-is'sippi Tom," ptmre I hot shot inio h.r .bull in fiont of ihu Fashion bar fhorilv a ler -ti bc o:l: ih -i m ru- iiig. A foriy live ha I nt re I the right I hip o. 'I urkl.uii, the hulii t lol.iiu in the giniu. T.iiuhull was taking a dunk with an acquaintance at ilie n-ue, when Drisdiile appio lulled and lliedtv.o kIios, o.dy one doing daid.i,'e T.tur- bull was lemuved to a loom in MN, ,;.., 0,.,in hm,.t., where he was (lm.0l 1(ll(1(;r ,K, iUjue..0O, chloroform n, !., Tont,v ,, v.hvun bon P'o- cw.,t'd to of lic.iin.- tue in H-! g,i0. The hull was extra.'. ed about un i, ,ur (,or t0 hMinnj ;l i t)u winiiid'i d es cd and huul.ig-ul. Tru noull was t.ken o his homo helo.v the b! ig duuip mid was resting eay at l.nt acjo.tuts. Tneio is dangerof ciimplicatioiH rutting in that may r. stilt fiutlly, and it w.ll bu a meraulc if the woiiiidc 1 in. in comuj nut of tho a tnlr with h,- l.e, Tho-ia who wllucKscd ihu'a ioou ig .-ay th it .t was don without lining i, tie ptoxo a tiuil, the a'-s.iiiiiiit b.n.ig itmler the in iluencu o lipuir at th' tinu ot the fimotiug. Ihoaftir nf Ihu morning picvions ha I no do i'u Kinkled Dii.i.ile, and, up ii h ci ig Tumi. ii. I a :. in Inn t-iiipergn I. .u i u tiii" ' lam. O.licor D.tle Gialitiin w.iS a. id procucdcU I to arrwut UriuUlu vhoiu ln,found in tl I prev.otis. An iinsunel note, in pencn, ' lllH hoi. of . , ,.",,; CarriaiHL's wab lying oiiajahlejyiiich jhtLilf ova,, hhWl u u.TSfpJitwa-o'KfciticJClS Ifa.'l i vidi-'uily writ inn and lead a-i. f.d- WiUwina. :.:v",.: ..-'". ,'7T" '" ' $1 m-ui.Ii rlfi .ii ol I oh in i v of n i li ur previinirt. DriHdnlo went f the Uvtio quie'Iy and fiv. uml'l hve ihniijit bun tn liave b t'n un er:an.i5t. . Ilnth men have been- ficre so no- months and have iviul;;il',Mrif ivcentlyois eiceli in'e chips, dcdjin; at th.-fno c line in ili casino i, Of III wo, Tumhilll wa-i physicallc tin hc.-t man, ho being .in 1 un flu in. oiiiu ons. win) ins iii. me t eniient v it,- in. limbec; anivinii 'iho lasi time on S indiiv. was found 'dead' n't hi f.ihe" 's h inio thi- inorninir. Dec-aed has been aldictedto morphinu and if few lp itrs hif ireuicnir to bed lie tonkan overdo', fid nini'tired ,hy his Mend S. E. Rob o 'b. wli aKo.ioolc a dose but in lees qiliiilitv. Th" coroner's jury, sittb g t'HH aftornoo'i at .Tm-H cc WilliauiH' oH'icc, leiidetid a verd ct in line with tlie a ov" fn.nts and exlioiicrii-eil R.i -o I-, tiom bJHine in the pieud-us". Ti. d.iceaHc.,1, who was iwe. f.' voirs'of a e, .Iiih, like TtTilmriK, associated with lie -ifjjr-i itiij fMit.'iuity ,-ome tun . T o nneial of I'.kh tok pla.v at -1 o'clo k thi" af. emno i. A man naiin-'ii-... nnt the I'BBl'l- dit'i' leconler, li.m a'lnisuiiilei's'a'i i ina with s-oii-e Mv,siciiu- at iho'r ali'out ti n o'cjo'lc last, evening aiuK'in mix up' Murk' kuo'.kWI down two .Tf his npltoui'iits and mfii -ted three cuts on the. person of a third. The cuts were j'nm,je wjt a pen'Kiiife, oneiii the aide about an inch in depli and two oth-r.i in thc-bick. Thuiiij irien are not of a d-imnrnits liimre iiul-m it bo that the V" ' cuf in iho si le ha-? penetrate I the in- t'stnies. Anto do Cirrizo-iii the injur- jet man, a t eated by I)-s. S..vect juid l Gieene an i they give an opinion, that . the pilio ii !- ii u 1 1 m III" IlilC" isitlir'- no- Iw.-i airti uhu i.l.i.l un o nt.un t;i nv mf ii-c-Mtj f.Mia- SI.,, should ! adm fal i to iho ,,. , . .' ., ,. ,,' ' oti.-L- will, inflict i.j.i a l'.di..a frii.Au iitiin -x ado-i of JI !.?SS'tlv iH -Ll,lJ,,J',s " ,,-reoa..1, ,: i ' ' ' ' i J M ,.- i. ,r iwy.pi r "I - V i- li.W ,5 ... . -',.. . , .? a " Ari7,uii-.C lt.lKlitS. is no, gnod. o'r-i'V.-ii plausible ThN' reason why (the adilission of Ariz nut i t the. inioUj,-iH.i.fiill-fliiiLed state a inu'il be'lij'laycij hyoild the fo.rhe. la in s sio i of o ig es , s M iI.o'Lh'Au-g- 8 il n u it n w. jIlcm dnii to ih.-bo-i miihoiuies, -fie. Iisi-a am. pi in anii.i opulatioii.i.f 'lilttjOOJ Minis, over and nlmve the niillK: auny of no- iiiadic cat lumen and the pio-nitfclors uliOM din i veries aie fast brnghlg he! up lnwiiid the fori'iiins't iniiiniz Plate of tne lin-.ou. Sli.i has not gold :.u I stU'er, up. I cn'p J er, m ilnit. she is in t de pi'inleia.upoii 'a y Miiule I'laneh of the inimnj indtis try. A' ibis ilicgreit v-tluo of the il.:cii!eut "g a--s pi-uiicH in her moun tain roue , aad you have a s atec.ipa bl ur mi, oitiii4 m ire th i i a mill on m of i opul it ion, even .f -he d )-s li it iiiibU . i'i , her ojn bieidnuffi, but i oidiged to rj i.uiirt Hi. m iroiu .California, it is ex sj change of produ :t.s that makes business iig fa- itiili'ii.i is, and we all know how im portant a p n t railio.tils play in the de ilo(.iii nt of new states an I icrrit iries. N vada was ailmi.ted iniii thu (Jul' n in ISO I. as i; piiiiii-au meaMiie. It v:.s tuciie, thai .-li.i had, a. that i line, oi, 0 J pi i pi-, Inch is t xi'ecdingly doubt in. Si.e .nay imvo had 1)5,00), for V.r g.uia City cerianly ha.f liJ.OOJ mid 'Carrou ai.outlO.OJJ, but it is very mil ii to bute-iicd t ,at ihe whole st.i.u will not sho.v much over 7,0JJ ut present, boine of her laive low ns are rap d.y u i iiih- iiilu-ts meat a a in ls.ull. .Aii.oiia, un I. and, iastrong t Ml I H' 'j ai d Virile, H not only ivich in tnu pieoniiia uieial, hut li.n a oo l.eivy do- S3 po.itfs ol iioin.:.uii.-c and wuifraantu, ! jU wnicu.aiv inili-pen-aUc in thu ICgJ nig ol stieie lor armorpbite. U itli u.e pi lutein ucccca.iiiy that i.ov'cxi-ts for a rjc'3 larger an I more eiti.ucut navy, tne do rt4 iiiiimt lor there metals must uicicu. o raiher lli.iu d.miui.-h. The introduc tion of canido p'Ot-ess into modern iuiuiii' has, mot cover, reudt-red v.ilti- ablw many j.u!il and M vcr properties in i Aiioua liiai hitno'to count un tmilr 'wciihwl ut'a boint a a word, Arum a I'-i is a gieut teui'.ory and rapidly growin.', ,',i4 litigation lam aliu.uly b.'giiu to w...k Hy woiiiieisin heriiiduair.Md improve. neni ; ' 'i and the development of new waiur ays-1 3 tenia is daily bringing into cultivation $ii many hundreds of luros that Iuvj hitli- j ""4 erto lain idle. i iM Tnciv can ba no rcaaonahlo doubt that f$j Arizmia bus nearly tout times as much U po.uiluMoii in N. vada has at tho pros - cut t me .Shu has a hui.ier clim.U'i ! Sn than v-vada and isago.ddcal clowr the ;J oliicr st.iics, from which tinmigraiiun is i to ha drawn. Sim has as goo I cattle j ranges as eiilinr Oregon oi W.isliiugf.'r and can p.odiicj aclas of frui s thu llf w.aa cannot bo grown prontahl. tu either of those slatuj. hhu is UetiiL-ut in native tiBab - r, to bu Btiro, but can urow in the . ; I I III , . , i ! ... , .8..J. r, .,' iJiext ten vcai.s 'iic.ilypim, enough - to ! make up th di fi ? n:v. Shi ixIiichh inei.ns iqiiu tn t.i so of Oeixi,i, and. pe.ieiies flint out nit l) Hiirp.'iBBebtlHH cide of tho IVltware.rivi r. She grows is hiyh a K'Hdeof wo"l;an anv .'f the tates except Ohio, Oregon " anil" Ver mont ; hiuI with nil tl'e u ilivia tii'H of piimiuv prixbi i t-, t-he 6 ,o".lfl,o, ImSier niHtateiotonthu.lJiiii.nJ be isolated fro Ilia en tenm idle i; r Btii'.l'fkfuMn' .liigiiiiiiy tl : r- . , .. . ' .ilisa sirtiMJl uon.njajr, ni nj.-jiuucr- , ... !":,V H"!' l rt". H'Vinl arrjVal ' c'itynd "' -, ho d to N VidTiiiild Tiv themio Ail. 1 .. ' ,..v - V '.. .t I'- . ' ..-' m nr-4 I'M COPPER QUEEN S3 Consolidated IB 1' -DEAL . i ' ' a oil a VERY 3 GENERAL - , "' A at'tt m m m . P Department! jComplete WITH A CAREFULLY SELECTED &:- G?Jl 'J S&m&'$2 Ato.f a. TESSfflP V '7 jT V Ml-af ' 'muMjm . -i.. 5-(-. -. JT.-Jt ". l.'V., SIK im BE". TS . '- ,",. . c tidies aLihitiven a Mifficientarea of the nublic lnnde to be sold for educa- tional purposes, to bring her nchool facilities tip to those of th arljecent ftntcs ot Coloiado and Caliiornm. Ti eie ip no any quettion involved in thip prop- s t'oa. It i eiiaplv a mjttter of lonx-.def. rrl ju-t: to vijioroai, a.a bluoaa'aud hopHab.e people. ' '' -' ' . ' J . , '" 'c Mining Co. IN- -ii l: n (I i s E -"J 'ti . .STOCK. is.! - I 1 ' iA t IIUmkha. 7 . 'jWftPlW-. ii ".vi 'tj " i s : !T j . ' f- ft. 'iiil 'i 5?w '?'K i '"' jcis' . , i i? M n tf- ..- j4 1., I 1 f- 1 v f - 'if V - m ' . iv- v ii :i v tlr-W. , rihx ''yK-m t'fffiif'. Wm L -b .g! ..iafi-a "yA,. S5-Stfirw - Mi'z .tzQZyrr1: ase! I w. -I" fXJI . .W .- ? ' k u. (j. -.v- r2. iSih '-: . Jk. . .. v; Li , f& tJ2