Newspaper Page Text
f kU, v- H J , . 'Wfo rrt? 11 ' ? ( rf f Bra rjKfJBi VImWBU1v.i. .-lT MWfftlftif::5lMffiWPrrT k:- ; wmsssm, ?m .. - ftnr"" raTi. n. , imcBUSBNFvm tiiijrni ' ,jta- 'VRJ& WJBliJ-KliYOJIB. v3:M.ih:inD Jiv - 'NrtjM-f -.1 il.c jwrnrSeo ,,t RKIrfr, ,j ' jSJr '",u,',t-"K " o ej...i. a. Tit-j q? Syi:VP-iMiON- " """r""niTrrr ' -: - . . nnniiMSrtrtrj flrtn.AKn iQrtuB.K. Wirtj'?iUJJl! ISitJlU H ! A very quiet woddi..K took pMet lnl j IH3 i! mn 'lU-'U : Mil ' the k-6 U'uw of j. KrM. ; M t ' ! .- ll'.l -..--- - ... 1 F ft l W.5'""V'J ,"rt'' " -.tJ-1. Mti'ifi,,,, ... 'tVMit- x rl- :lj In tiH..i no. . : p .. 10 1I V iu va- 1 1 llt! io t'rti'ttnar :ni 'i ! t ' I. cllt ned SI 13" 1 , ViVniei hci l t, iji'('. 9 Hi n' (I John A. Campled 1 AIJ IDA) - tf ui-iTir inii lt:.'!0hy O ..h-.M W I. tlartvf.M p v 1'Utun On uivUi.n n rutnrniitro of live on ere .hm dt wjij hi oh. tod, loiiM-aimr of C I . Ik J: nub, 0. K Fn'detick. J. .1. I JJil, P ' 1, . M l! . ;' .M-. 01m!" H n. i fl it . P.-t f 'l .IK It) ( lOu'j '(( i ' t, C,')n " m .pi . j.e-Ii. ojc-di h' 1 . J . Tin- Vide w om of F!o3 ant r ch- j t "ill II. 1 I tt '. m i rl 4.4 In. ll. I ! Ik it- . nee htr, nteJ lv tier . , , , , . p rnvnl n.iH mill i iimiiihmm she liati mi:i liti-1- of fuoi.ilc. F.ii tli Mmrliivtl, K. . n,- tw 11.(5 rwn. Or nmifoiMi t' niiiHof tlvco' i r- P"t ai'flit lus ln'l I i p ! i in iii- UHW A-l) Hoi.TIUASTFll-1 KAlL110At.2i ' WHl t'tlt U-Jfm. 'tiCJl Mill O'i'ct of 111 S1- l''y eJOOtlH lli'tilltlllCJIl lif tlld C))(IJI !! w' ; .: t , -i- follow-: P. D. Qeen 8torer wIoro dho maJo iniuiy nev 00, V. L. CtUl tir M;t, A. AhI 1I1HI , F. MOjUiUIiUlllOf, rl. 1 tu . nnr.t- cay 7k07 -'..-J 7 7 4N ce R-d TIJIK TA1U.K Kii. 7. Pi'I.V lfX!!.JS'v! !TA1 i0K$. nitJ). wanl. ript. n.vs R. OdiiiW)! a-"! V. DuV . On n')!i ,i kii it"iH'i Prill-, t i. ! to 13.51 13: i. ia: h it , ni,i .... w l. Mih ni!nr hiC I Ton I 1 .. M J f .K .iro.lllIlO' lull 0 1U Jj V.wUunl iJ n l.t .. Pann'i-T ....rV9 :.',.": Wmrp TmiU... S0.lM2-n.-J S0( . C!imloitfin..,.iW 8. H : M y Ar..Virl'iinU. I.r K 0 ll:' :. T,v. .ArlO 11 :5 '"i r-ntnlnn.... 15 7 11:J ... . Tiinl 1 10-JJ " TAr... UcitHon.. Lv ." 10:W V-ielllr Tllr-.. -rinictrHnii tn- cm !(;. il, liiR, Wlt.l.lAVfi. 5titi-:-irtrr(lf"it. lJi,lpw"WCyylJWjV'l-.- rOLTIIRKN 1'ACIFIO K.MLUOAD. Jzc.'r: r-"rrir: .IAHI- .'Ot :n. Hl'ATU.NS. WK11-HtiUVll. till- n. tn. ,,. uv h. m. ... i:Cfl p. tu.l... 1:J1 p.m. ... l-M a. in. ... 3:31 u. in. ... I'':-" i. in. ... Svn rn;m-l-co... ,..ot Aiif,p!e-i...-. ..... iimo ... Mnilcojui .... .... Tiu-Kon ...... I'.rnKin , .. .HI P80 4: IN i. in. n-W p. III. U:?0 n. in 5-4(1 u. in. '2:'0 n. in, 1 :UI n. in. i:XS p. U-. 1'ultiv l'lnio. V. S. Wldhiki:. Atrt., Ill'UMIll. I.lljrory JUlW A. .V. to 12 .CO M- jnjif. u. iu;w '. iu. gentm-:jHTgr.g j?::-'t.a?s-g- -?. ' te. - IIourH. 1.0" v. M. to .00 P.M. MlBb X. HILL. I.iLiiu Inn. Mf r, Al'mm Monduy'sDail:. n Qnitf 8 jrnil er f minorH are cntKUcrl at rp-Mitt'otinj-ln" ntiimiil iiH0sritnt'iit Kmkui t o r iiiinin,'cliilnii-, TiiArf-ct White w.ll tw th- neit 8V or rl oi toe is- itiinly in ti f.-ujjiru i-Aju hivioi t!-.vill fiiny il-o ninu (ji'eiif.t o' tiirtown pMi'y -tint lnrHiiso iif liiit it- tlifu! ret r .u c i-f (lit - u 0' tin-, flu liVoi:i:n I r iho .H-t iwo y .it, it tiii' i' u) (HiViiicii liiiv-: iilai'o-n, -a. t! ii-fi liition- vi,u.- 'iiteil, at- n. 'In: K'l f'.ai-Ucr, J ili i Mini, o .unieri. II A M '-jtiit, Wai. Soil Hum k1 tl C. G Wju i-r. '1 lie ten crviUtiitiils ifpitel tint upon (iit-HHti).Mi)ii tit- hi t ton 1 1 tin re fjtv ii rti- tlohvuleb m ti pmxy'i n utied io nuats in ih- conv n- tlOI. ' le t r n-nvitie t n ) rnmn'-iit nian z.itiznt on 1'iul okIii tif tnudo the foiln inif ri-pnil, which whh accept eil: ilie unoaty iri.'iii' iou he uisi!e v;nujitnl. 1 hut the lullot Hit; he hj Het rut hitllol ami tiinC i.oniir.t'. ttti 1- he nu'lo in iIk fvliouii-.t: 01 a : 1 Cuiniu hint). S Acnih! men 1 .sheriff. 1 I re Miier. I D.HtWct Att rntjv " 1 l'rohutc Jntltre. , I C'imni Ktcouici-. - 1 AH-e-tlr. 2 f-upei vigors. 1 County Suixeyor. RlecMiiirnf Cniiniy Central Committee T inn? in-lion til 1 1 yo'lici Lmiiicybllml niny eeme hefon the c eviition. The cnmnil'tpr mi j.Utfiun,' nnii rpeo litl oiih Huhinitteil tho follow injf it'mit: W" eiidoiro tic platform juinptetl M the KepuhPcin Na'ional Conveniion, lidbl in Hi. Loni-i, Jmo 18'H; tlie foun on whit-li w-i" our tlliiiri- Wei 1 ho looin is a jeunjr iron of Fteil'i 3 or five rn c',!r eivr .1. ii m.ii iiruUtih' up m f'n- 1: I'tjiiint , i. ne.. j.iu,.u ' joi rii! Ii nvitd Itie iti m. 1 ji q 1 mi j c-d. 1'iil O-ii J 'inn m h -ti .11 1 y :r on U oi' tho li ippy (1 111- in i lntK ihi-1 11 .1 I tliu h ippinui-s t iii.niilH in th ir ne l.fc. J 1 e V uli 1111 wai. ilie lucky w iiikt ic the Kinx tlio nciiii i.ifil-. A I t 1 f 100 vnif t ff. ltd tltio mnin. iiltf that Scull Whi'e i nil 1 h. th.- nei t-l t tiff. It loin d Mitnl.uis :i et. M.lit Well lit of "Inmhsltine, nlio reiently rotnrnel fio-u I'mlu Hun, nhifie ho went at a pnuki r in our hue hi Mith Spain, in piyin our city si H itirt if-u. 'Il.c it j ill. In Hit's of Ui-hee linvc put t lie follow mi.' j ictsinct ticket in the H01-! : For uoi h ablu-, I.i ton U. iham uinl Cliiiit FihIhsoii. For jiHtic-j oi the lime S. K. Wilhuins ami El Wittitf, YotJ M-ill no mi-take hy otina fui t'u tTew and Col. M.k Gt.ty kn" i emheiH ot tne IciHlatiue. Ilu-y luve boili heen there h. f ire, ktimv thu wo k iiil'h of h- lii-n-I.iiine .mil s-liong mill count) ilivnionuiH. Clut. Hetth, the non'ml iU'0 t of the A. fcS. E. a" Fun bunk, lt-fi l.e-tovenin tin Iltiff.ilo Kew Yoik. wlnt'trho o"on a f-hnrt vt-nt. All. I lentil ,tnd child ren who have been theri- for tnu year. pant will iviu'ii with ti tin . 'I he ionlit-t e-ntr.d cuinni'tteo met the tiity t- of R ' .11 . 1 : . -.i i f 1 m an 1 - ' - -- ,... '-"g jSj?'1! WMt&wei 1 i $& ' .' Wift . l . !,MJfflrMi,,i - " :y Qcsa Da-l doea It Mornin-, JU&Wl JH-tTO111 li ! " lS? l noon and night. Malics all fw T I ' Ss ' iML: I 3 a delight vitb Vi5i-M "W SS I zW A Hlsf'. S life: .ii it' mS u f iri rj 1 r im '&!, x 11 3 Msil ffl fti --d ...'. 4 - I iWAflCT Was?,ns. i jmiaa Kowaer i SWINGING THE OTHER WAY. Th- pnlitit-al nndnhini j evidtjnt'y onca icme tiwiiiincr tho other vt.ty. It f-uwt t to !. ih no-t -Kite a:nb'iie ui lfi'O fin 1' '. Miwiii of :j-- .xr -it-pr III the c .ro of Itio lioo,;', lit' tn fi-ji'i'il ei 'iiiih- 1 he ad-" tu irti it'on. II111 lai t tlf tne matior inn i.. tl.,i thei exl him-enf reiin' "ill wives to l.v eleeied in Nnv.'iul)--t, in in ' dniih'. Ii t'.i .M-T.e in I V- rniont io e i oruclly r Kei-la ilie )npu,n- temper in the trjuiitn nt laiKi'ithc democracy, will , land :ui excellent chance of geciHnj; j fl . 1 : fr.cth t. ii.ien 1" Ci'l itol C'l'ti,'. -.-ii -. Ai,:pi. (. '.i i f 1 u an i nnor 1 ii'lii'in. c 111 the in' prol oiiia and llatijeis cuil-iili 1 u the 111 ! ii lir." do. naieitVtt woikin de.ideinii repub I cm out nWiMiu d rvivin Ii iinpea of the pan v 1 i .siivr and inpili n, iilncli nun overwhel i.ed in lSJfh cPiii:fifl I (W.i-s.) R-'ixihl.Rni. Washing Powder It Rives to en humble home or a palace the cleansing; toncli that Si alike require. It'a woman's beat friend nnd dirt'a rroist enemy ooui aincc require, u's woman's best fnend nni dlrt'a rroist enemy ran .V. 2. FAlCBiaa COarANT, Cilcac. St. Louis. Kow Torlc JJoatou. FbUud. tVggaasaaBaaPr.i..ju.jLi-jj.jjw-ijjjji TdAT liinheu lf.rtltJ HilVn n tncinbci ill the bo.iiil of iiipeiv ror-, is ailmlltnl h ttl I he ) ec pie in this ftction of 1 0 loniitj. Their 11 Inn one cmthdrtto on In tieki it- tor tl :v o'i'.ce f 0:11 he e, an 1 republic n- a- v c-il a- di-mo ui? hi I t-ee thai M 0. D-uio:i l- uneif vii laM mi 1 li. v.-iom. otiM-n'-i 'I. niMin m iw.ic. - ,ist 1U!ht .,,, llllCll tlw I1(me.;. j. heariilyapprjv. of m in w'i.eli NI(.C)1,l0 0 t,ieir tu;kt.t K,CMrjl,ie in. jf... pre-ident (-oiid-ic e I the 1.1 r iirSf.fff ,Hr h m J.-n .9-.i.--l (rrn W4III MIC.lllJ llli 1.3 l """" m- .in-.. , , ,, , h in a am thi he w D . E ii.-Cul'm , no fiipe'i'i"! Jiud but feiv ti'i i' -, i- 0111 ,-,... it, 1 1 u 1 oi u tu in W ( it I'll 1 n t hat 1 1 . 1 . . .,1 1 ''' hi or ur cli Inn a our in Itin.uv. iiftniitrt-'oire hei with I t e ky', iho lOMilty a m1 h,' In j very o our Hunviupl navy, ac'ueved a srlorini'R a .iu- Hiri, J -hort time. c neiu (!' 11. f irm erly n 1. 1- -; r " nt hi- iiteil VitiUoi o Ui.-bie ( r .1 iiilud li-en ntciiliiiii o. MMp,.rtini! I. m'vip,0 y , Ur Wir wt SMillf a ,(l ,,0 regaidlc u 01 who iv-ioivcs lie litunina tioo at thw lutuds f tuc.r p.triy. We are itifonnoJ by Hupeiiiitcndent Ulxckburn thai iho affair, oi tne Cip e. Kills of -Arjroiiu a, thid undnre in r, iniwt mltiffauiory Woib. nt Uupe-lt in i;ilit! vieaddy f.irv,irod wun "out any huchi wain pinny, ore body inceannirand mviytniiui:o,iu -nuinlli. At .Solomon bptinh the incline eh.itt , wheiethey nic now wo km, to a depth of thnij-lhe foot, and iho le.ljje. whiuh wax wad hut thtee ineli a widu at J he antfaee, id now about two Icet wide, and tho ore rich in chloud.-mid aul phithti of filver, it all SJ dd and co.iper anil inmo lead. The initinuotuont here jm-v' tor yBangi.o.i.dpio-pect ,un 1 hope bni n t.. b e t'ieir nne ti lunii-K out bullion. Time is now ih.r y-iio nauiea o . tho t . K. 1 ay mil. moiiMiiited ilut the Uoi'ud Stttsj i, and tni'H be ii'cosjnized tii ono of ihe f-aemoH jc.ieri ninoiig the natio. a of ll e einth. We imqulifiedly endorse thn pi it form adopted by our T riitoiial Republican Ut-mt'iilion iu Prescott on this Uhh of Peptt nibcr 1ms , belli 1 inu i to be a pint fm 111 on which inn one, who has the welfare of our torrit.ny at heart,-may teel proud to eland neon- I'll iippcoi.itijlhohuu'irdtiefe'lnw riti zen who have fonj;ht and bhd itudei the 11 is of.our I'linPiryw chur.icieiiatn of ippublnan t-m;nnd we I enfr lopub 1 caiiw nil' prt.n I that our piny ban nominated for dde-iite t. eonie-s ti hero of UirLtto war, Col A. O. BrnUo. In cosuify iilf.wr", tie ikv ir n eco no i-adni Wo tiuhe.qth t nurv ..ff. ,n khoit d lio mnrli- tn I'dlli'f- . The re nam ma I . on the lopl of ill Ht r Je of ,a3tl0ll- , , r v( r ramtliU n.orn.112 by a, jtoBt.coin,,i.i, , t,iw wu ..ib.aau politiciHi. Hid "lepuli i- oHJcrr. fl0)U jmon. , can party ivoold look afloi tlifi Kotiii llnler' wan ill limed and not met W.lli a beany cheer, which n lutuiuly did not merit. Tho oitiZ'iu of ll.sdiee. iionpectivo of putty, biivu all jnnciio (jive a botrty welomo .1:1 i t. h. ior tho leiuininn v.du.nuci"''. Uemocun, rn pubhciins ami po,iiih-la havo acted toyuther to ive our bravo boys a pii'i- -otic leccption o 1 their homo cumin,:, bat it rema ned for an ontm.le p litii:..iii to attempt to make dpi 11 1 out of it. lint thanks In the iood dene of our people, bin teinaikn feW a- ft it in a wel hlunket on the vrowil The eon vcrat'.is nfterwarl com-prninR the mini w 0 tri'd Ihl.i lit Io p. rfunctiny tchu 1 0 nould haullvd 1 fo-public ition. a d Ii ill he hear I w nit wa Haul hii earn would lave iiirV.I and SI c'iek bin no -I w th rh mi. Th ma Wits i -j, one f f our teturn inu Ki.u h Hid rlicnup wii weli'iiiiiet! horuu thia n omin I V a faluto of dyna mite, the hlnuinjc of win tl"n and con tinued ihceia from thu ctnwd tlut had unM2iiihled nt the dopit. Toni o te of our hoya whodi I not fno uk !u'kMyii theotlterHiit Suitiauo, hut received a hitllot M01111I iu lili hip winch w make him a i-rlpple for life. The hii' let i Kill iu h's tin an 1 until oxtracted will ennse Mm more 01 I tH irnubte Ho h:u nlaii ben a victim of fvir an. other difoaea co tranted while doie aervic forh'H cnu trv. lie hn a im e and thin npe.iraico an I Io ikn tlutipi 1 0 ha to 0 tbrniih r'lnille able. He in tl w uk 1 lit will torme lor oy h 1 mm y r.en le in lllaheu. Tli'Maeoni . ruiloiLo ' this ju 1 di tlon w Ii I el a (4 obi It a e b'gi'aiini; Novcmlxr l't'i. Ihia mi a oabtodly lu u raml iffrt.r, if pn ro omi- of then ' 8U8U111H a e io 1 u t..k ? a criterion , lor t in Masnn of An.u . 1 hftioa reputation of nevor rtoni an ' tiling by halven, and Mien n lomtti 1 hospitality an I oo I felluwf hip, iho rei idunti of 41nbe don't tuk'ii back ca for anybody. It inexpiitoi that th Kailroiid will b eomp'uted to Globe h that time to the outtre trip can be tuace hy rlh rvbonld ol ct our otlicer. fic-,11 anions thu inu-t le pon-i- hl and ioiuI.Ih repiei'eiiunivea of our mining, and mojk ra tutu uiterefis For Comieiliiuin, C. C. Warier wnf nntniiiHteil by aclani tion. ForARM itbli nio-i (' L. Cumiii'is". , I. Woo-lf en I . W. K'ndi.d hav in: rec ive 1 th" hisilvt nunibei of vnten, iere doclared the ehoicj of the ci'iivent'on For Slier ff ". J. Mi'Cahe wan placed in i-ondnii n lv Win. Schilli.ini and el.'Oti-d hv i-plHtnninn. fnr Tten iirei F. N. Wolen't vhn-rd in 1 omiiiatmi h.i M . A. Aloruan and i.t.ted hv an-dHmalion. For Dia r'ct Attornov G. W. '"wain wbh id to ! in iiotiih atmn bv C. 0. ar nor n oV t "I hv neelaim't on. Fr eoji-ler Em:I M r';-wt p' 'cd i n m a on bv P-. rnny r. : Iho-. Wi'iii h , J dm Mi 1 Hum tv. Vo e uinult d a foll.wi:M:irki 30 Wig!iiic, l'. For Ahmw W, A. HnrAo. d whh laced in nomiirition hv Ed h. rkt r and otiiinated hy mvl mi ti ". For PndMte Jmhtf-Wm. Hr-idle ran place 1 in ti mnn trtmi hy C C Warner, and lion i mil d hi a :1 mi mon For Piipt-vin nt, ll. Ger'viii. of Hen aoi. mi d F. E. Cad-u I, of V- nice, wei nominate! by iifn'ntuiiio'i. ForSurvevor I A. Rookfellow wu miiiiiliated hv Hcclninnhon. The pieciuc ti k-toi ihe di niocr.i . -i imm u -d liit evn 'n u a tl - a ftilnua: To jitceof 'lie pta , Win Sui.iitiiohur and .h.lni K ns hi. F 1 en 'inb.u, I'om alf!hll and DJ hw . .1. N .hmei leturneri thU 111 rnin. oin Hoiton, wlieie be went as 11 re.pi. 1 -tat vo 10 tin S vcei-'ii ir..inl I 0 Ii f .he Independent Order ofOdd Fellow El NVwvit and 0. S (hn'ket leit t lchlf r Ihi'hoii, where tl ey 10 to t t 1 d the I. S. com I a" trll j " 8' M'p. .M. I3'l KiililttiilU-r rrtird ii oinini,' larhcnMF ,ni "w lra " u ' morning. P. Woetiu, by a throw of 'iU, uoii the ot ttceiitly rallied by I. 0. 2. Adtim El'Na tl Bfker wan . 1 cted chairman nn ! Jot n A. t'smiphe'l i-oeri'trtiy of the Kiipublii an County Cmi-ml Committee at their meeting latt nnthr. The iiam.s of the full Gtywoiitfi 0" w ill be publis?! ed liter. A. 'Wr.NTWOHTir, the ppaent coun'y treasurer, bu filled that office with ei -tire palipf 10 tie people dining iho pi"! irr yeais nnd there i no jrond ii'iii-r.n why be Mionid not do an for two m"io. One of tl e- qur'z cars i-i Rn-nr man ner yet ! oe lai-t evninL' and rame down the bill back of i' o lihrarv build ii'K at a 'iO-iiide va'f, a i e ewiich Mimed the car Mint off the nhnit rail but 'tn rronipniiiiTi wi pneb that it 'fln nn th tiep for flit- y.ird" further, dam-aiin-r the ear lonfiide-aMy. TiifK G nhani coiuttv democr'it veiv cle.nly and cot recti j e.prerti-cd the 1111 h in their pi l f.o in, at-follow- "We chi" iho re,eibi'.n piriv of Aiizona wiih 1 Iu u-pp iH-iinliiv of ittenp im t buiden Ihepeipte if Auk ma wit' die nl radio id IniinU in Yaviim county, which the 1 efjple dLMited tn content in the com la. rtii'se b-miN, ainoiiniin tn early a tjiiaMer ..f a million ilodir-, wein funded ti'.-uliisL the pro etit of the hnard of -mi' ivi-on nt Y.vupai county, who hid emi'l' ye.l counsel to their leu if v " WALDORF. Main Street, Biabee, Arizona ' ' Otto "W. eisenliofer, Prop. a bi iii in tl. Rooms iif Fomilies oi W FicnIi oysti-rrf and all kinds of Mine in fpanon. The tabla aappliod with the btt the market affords. zir r Ti. ? V ill 71 Saoon m HANINGER BROS., Proprietors Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars P oa oiubr-on 1 xnc.- the Ki"-l P'o-ji-iiiih - lvi m tiii ir i-i'iip 'ii 0 uft,-wthh 1 mi. iv an I 10 U n 1 1.5 o;t ihitiMii'- ot il.'iur- in nn uj I fifcliuS 4 z4Cm IE EB HALL, :i:tt:':,:::.'.':'.'',,:;:.;,;,,: Fresh St. Louis Beer always on tap. cCHAS. BUS.OTTSj.Propritor. Uppar Main Street, Bisbse, ArizoiU; i.e-s til, i-k -, tl.e pi '! 01 llif .011 , 1 iptilli t-ili into d c y; h 1 liecomiutc jsieen with urowuu U ma and weeih; lid lueichaiitH and biisu s mnn. the tew that ale led, .-ntinc with Inhhd tiaudfi, the iiiOii'imentu of d. a pal t ; her jdoi havnn: ilepnted, and nil of thin tieiu-e bei main i du-nry Im b en killel by clt hvipl.ttion and il u 011b of a ."clri-li nion-y pow r .u d ( f nia'-pitu nio opoliea. II w d id the nfl'clloii to til-: (Utlnni- of MannMjn II IO iiiimniiiLLa hpp Mini.- who Uv dwelt in he hi. e Hsis that clnsi accommodating, newly furniehed rooms. Tables snpplieiwU pio-peinu- 0 nhi'v but Inn.- dr l d the bent tho market afforde, at live and let-live prices. The patrcinaK of tbej a a at in o.der to e.n n then daih txead public m respectfullv aolicited and aatidfactiou guaranteed. "' " ami tne wheiuwnb 10 keep I fo intliu bn i.e- of their ..ive I onec. But a.i . r jspcctfully aolicited and satisfaction guaranteed. A. A. CASTANADO, Proprietor. attll h it 10 t-oe aoiii of her uw.i re pie JKTSOjS hDIVI'il' wi'li Ilie leiiiniciu p.ti V 10 iiuav 1 ei- 1 11111 complete by eiiduiMii 11. in 11:1 and ihetold bim pi iiloima. All, ihe 1 tfo't ct m ii.e 1 i It; 1 topic to ii-e lti.111 ihe htt eij.-i ul niouli er ua decay .lie tin t ''V the oppo'itio 1 ol nth rs aIih itapeaia me utteiiy helple-s in tho j R ad and enmo'ra ihe nla'f'rnii of both 1 arf'ra f 'b 1 conniv. Tlien com- fetters thai limit m pn tv.uid a uatae pare tie .andirlaieo rf tbo iepPrtive pnitiP p.iM'd'nv rn (be jibitf'T-nnf th ir pirtv. Then cho'-H" bi"ivn them on tbepii'C-'ple of vi hit will be the lie.t for the tidmitvMration of comity tiffV'r-. The pti'ity ' f the election laws tnrhid rt candidate to treat tn ili iiiba". ciirni-o, dinnerp or to promipe n'lr'hincof v line, or otPce. or nv c aidera'i n of nnv kind to pry en" nil le I e '" a cni did ite, undei the penal v 0 fnufei ini hi elec t'on, or o tfipe f e'n-tpl. But it does not ptnbibii 11 c indidnte from mihne. hejiw v 1 y "111 bane, fiiavo and altojither 'Ptlteel. A letter was r pivrd t 'biv from ore f the BMi-e bov-i n MeC.ird'H ie-i- I it 111 I I! til I 1. I m A Arf . I1IIIV ARIZONA. in 1 it ill III, ft? A W t mid a furimie. 'Iho Nt' Y.i k Pfrsi ol Itepte 1 1 er 30 I . k mail s an aiutiiitot ibe n 11 r iiao of UeoiKe Alb. rt N v. 11. v 1 11 kii.iwii in Yuma an ''Hi? Al." He w a one ol the R "uh Uide.'H who went f 0111 Yum 1, allhuitli tie failed in Jl ri now 11 tn (J'ltu in the C'l'iui cimp ii;ii, I eili anions ibe mil I 0 I 'It at fanipa, I he was H.1II.1 Knuh Rider, and b n tliindromi) and c.-tKien l-t wilhd, In- wa-i not Ion,; in 0 1 up II. 1,: the c ij.niil 1 110 1 ol p i-t.i M -jL-.ti- I'lu'ii iMii-lw a 'i I. in h a 1 tu 1 ifi bo 1. i h cj ii : id.ip I ited 'nt tlneo .tcek-. i i p Lihtirwaf not wcullv, except in BENSOX, AHIZGftA. Firfct chihs rooms from at) cents per day upwards. Fneu for familiei a specialty in looms. CJooI ineala at 25 cents. Bar attached Vo thu iioate. Batisfac- tion gu-nnnteed or no pay. ' " ' SAK. FKIED3SAN, Proprietor. rp,j -S rJ a bv M (& b b sb ffn t?a c ri ' a :..) Mn r- ia- u 11 ', h .: m x-m y5 0&a HRSHi-ifla rIIIIjS. un.u aHa w.-wwj OF EQUITABLE Q--' 1 .uuiciy THE UNITE STATES mentat loxh- t 11, riiii.-kv. p'ati'-e that thev bad iete led oider" to p-ick nu attain and w r-t he ent t linn" vile, Ala'MUR. where thev will j tin A. .... , .- 1 I... . wonern " " it-h o-"ix huh hi- i-ii. m mm i Finm t hip It : face and tmtn, and ( 111 llipo l- 1 1011 , t.ti we toe n-liabl,. intirucd fat Mi. N.-v.lte and 'anoint .la i.e.-. .M im'.v nave -u.:uial Si5,JH v th tlioin .0 o ca tl 0.1 1 ii--s in 111 11 . t'n'n toilo Enrihon dmv. Finm ihtPit l)d nu t, . (ll , ot , w. ,, w -oik will be en ila ivi b an at lnai o y, w ho. in c ir im 1 on hou-in a peoheivice n f 'til a wb -h ibey have fo ,lt ihei-, cmil I not do to i much loi the null rli-ahe'. hy will pnbib'y 1 nvp for Cn' 11 tin 1 it part (f 1I1N month ie t'ie lift i' 1 R iijj 1 R. lei . I'liin 1 -u 1. 3ctnofrat:u c. auruce. T. A. Swcp'i of Biabee, I'. .1. O'l eil , of I ishco. Se iciiuy. M M KHJ. Lieut lice. Wile x letnined vctei nioiiiin.'. He w.iJ mei .it t(he tram by I 111 dui'p ( f eitiz- up, while line hundred pclin il o i I Ir.t 1, with iheii le.ich -ih. awaite I Inn in fion of Mi- . ... . For IMsbee- . P. hlnlimk. V. '.' copper yn vii .-.,.m-. ,v ,,f-,., ..- w ,-,.lH,ne , hot .11. F. M. MoK.i nnd ''' " ru ;' '" li- x' rl . a , I at d ic.uiiiiiu' d Uih R de. in tti lead 1 c. m; u . For lombpton" Heniy frav, Mar" !o tello, Gmr ti T. 'uTertv. For He 11 so ii- F. J. I)-leha ty. I or c it c Wir 1 1 r .wu. tor ui.lcuk. i-,. . .cnii-'. 1 'fnliowid h 1 e - Ii - I eliii iii-n. . at b CU' I llll! .-11. I . t im 1: 1 .inn Mil" j l t.iijit '.i ,1 !i Ii in in 1 t o! tne oiton 'II 11 e, wlieie L.'.n. W In ix in a Uw i it.q 1 nt te ii. ik- illie elih s-c ol ch.ldien. lie rciiinip to ua covend lninai dine At-PUi ance Pecemlier Si, 1897 !)51,lf6,8S7.W Ni w Arrtiriiuce wntien in IKV7 50,955,693.00 I 1. plinth 'oi' AbPiiiaucu Examined and Dachned 24, 41 1, 073.00 I I . oine W1572.:!M).i3 At-. Dcieinbei 81. 16-J7., 23ti,87t5,30rJ.M l.en in- on all txitlni: l'olieies(4 per cent, atandard) and all other ' h di 1 tn-p 166,333,1118.26 nrnlnp, -1 ei 1 lit. Pt.ind ird. &9,543,174.8tl I aid Policy lloldcia in 1SU7 'Jl,HXl,31f.I4 LA KG EST STRONGEST BEST Mcpt insiiiance fn foice. Larupsn aiirpliH. Pays death clalini pro-nptar. JJy& t laiM'stdnideiidis (tl.OW.000 morodurini: hiPt five years. Issues better' -policies WXLTKR X. FARKHDRST General Mtinagor Now Mexico and Arlwrna l)iiartment, Alliuauerquo, X. M. F. C. FENCER, Resideat Agat UISBEE. A IZON . I in Si. I avid.-i aiuunk mil llaidj'd (i) mii ( f Huch ua John b. niuinll. For I on lliiaelniei, e-t Iliiachnca id IliiachiiiM Sidiiv C. h n.-niilaP-. lien-foul and . tj. li eeiip. . j uim f h co nii.iin-l. Io what w.ip ( in. Fm. ,,;,.,,,, ,, ,,, ua-pind (miiiali fm 1 ? Mi . ror inert, .in.- It. iuii Itideia. Il5tnm lloll'P W . U. li eeliP. For Mm Berna1-! 11. rl nilfflullll 01 C.IV. -' " ; n.iu For Dili Cab '.a-, IJjwleii'el leviieim mail mietit we. I be p ouil lie was a kiowlc.'tf d in be tne turn (loop pom inaii'lt 1 ill all the 1 of tin Hi- Ip I eln id by the Me ii-, dr ink and tdopt ivitn hit- Iciriii lu.nvlf in thei I nn 11. thcielix eitdciriii .-.. 1 1 . 1 . ai. ii. iviucnuio. 1 i,,.llu it, , i.j ,,.w........l 1 i iimiiiiiii in ..VU..Q .l ... . .. . ,'-.. ... ettsmA Out io Lifel o 1 I 5 As well aa in the thick of the battle, la . IJck51? f3 0. time when a man snould be carefnl --1 1 . i:-tar.-L-Z. - .. a.inui. nvui uuu vvum, u.qMk. . im A i5'"TUiSl iS imprefcbiona are half the victory. Who i Jj sA-'K'fS'i SQCg" has a better chance, even in looking for I ll 1 ccn5S&'S---- attire is an evidence of tasto, thrift and I juuKnmuii iuuu)j wcu nuu wiaii ru ... ...!i 1 n. :. ror li s a.o3, uxni " ,,, .,,.. ,,i . I. S Willu.wA Edwin 1 mi ar. . ,, , t For ..r8.vM-.i-nrluiiHei.iii. .-' N"' '" fV '-"ll, For UoeliiM, Middlcinarch and Bar j th-V luv.. been -..uiJuj ;.lho sa.nn.ei ,etw:rail&do. fWJ; A DrosnerHhould order their Suit mad i.u . - (jycrcoats irom Al. BORN & CO., The Qrcat Cbicsgo Merchant Tailor, till AVik oner SS m. at the ma-l of Ihe Custom 3Vude. I Plr;-' 111 nnL.. r.n Im Clitf.rl 2..1r A ..,. I.TIZ. .. I ...... VW 0U..VM. V.fc . IV. MV C.UU iTyL'-irl.tA1 nf-kmaishiii are sriisr.ltiti-ed. Ttii toWf'ft'SS" HSV.' worltt'i. b st looms Mtpplvtlu material. SsSm U;SHj'T tu u u tXy,m T&c ftlost EcoBomktX ' 5 r7 - -.arV1 . MO a. CfXt ilVv-4tSI &h r. att . k A..tkHM fKAKta V w ,xKr , Ey&sY ml -m .' m & mm j m j a1 fr., .i! f', itcr a n - j ij$T! ffl& -.i mM -s ;5?Wto,-5i t--nacri