Newspaper Page Text
;1SS?S 1 " n lrwrTMr-fTnifT r n SHsSaasSBSKS J 'W1. ix: P5f itmC '...?. v - "! t- ii .' sii"C;vyf 6H .-wfcW'.. ' - .- jr.:' & $' "V .' I' " ' f-s.-i'- : - a " s , " , i rf" . . JfcT JfV 'Afefr AiZ 4'; f-.-ET'l jsvw jic .j. & VOLUME III BISBEE, ARIZONA, SUNDAY EVENING- OCTOBER 3, r8g8 NUMBER ios , 9bii JSP"" "H "'" iy&yP tmmSrf?i 1- $5W3BSWi5 iM- ' 7 v '"TV v -; r &iM .tf-i -.','&mm rj ..EtaTasr,! i-"mbku . .. :SA'.i'ircjui's- - .T .. -' V 7,7., . "f iW.b. WV: .. v ". "iLVT" ) " -m'VW, ? VK2 & ' " "!, :. - - ..-jft . .' ' '- wrKL. ' 'ViJl.W 1 HM. 1 J .'-.. -".!...' . . adlHteswX sBPwS3Bs?smJMkmHHKv. - t - (K ,lf-v , ' v .- a r . :1.,.V-'L' WEEKLY ORE - ' zr ' -.t-" v-JL X XI J c Ijmtit - -4 f: A. ?m M , "i ' Yxrt lVI 5 ':"SF ' '. A. f'Kr ''. .T.v .-': . ' 9 t r '-"", '. Y"3l& Ce Vfr '.. i N- Vadto TUla In Vour Hat. , It boin currently roportod that, Scott Vhito recoivsJ only 42 plurality in the 'county in 1S9G, the following summitry from the official count of that year will show this to ho nn error. Thawte in Novembur will ho nbout tho saino, ns 4,trawa" now imlicatu. Hbro it ie 'keep for reference : Bisbeu Smith, 20; Doran, 131; 'O'-Neill, 10WIiito', 157; dailwoll, 128;, McOabe, !l62; Wbntwprth, 282; Ottm- :nng8, 133; Brown, (far recorder) 232; "Perkins, 1129; 'Porter, (U; Bradloyi'153; Upton, J32; Fike, 129; English, 188j Swain, 180; fteilly, 58; McPherso.n, 1G4; Shattusk, 242; Montgomery, 138; Ante- ''J0en,4, Schiuiodlnjj 52; Brywt, 86;t FackasS, 10rni:, 138fMatthta,77; . - Jpnes, 200; "Morrill, 13ttVbiggs, ,1.55; Farrington, 178; Speed, 130; Castamtda, '80; Lofgreen, 54; Crocket, 102; Errick- scn, 83. County totals Smith. 521; Doran, :262j 1 O'Neill, 357; Packard, 664; Long, .297.; Matthias, 116; Jones. 433; Kigpj, 610; Speed, 443; Merrill, 385; Farri'if; ton, 894; Castenada. 201;Lofgroen,lC8; Crocket, 183; Erricksen, 183; White, 45L; Cad well, 344; McCabe 329; Wont Vorth, 748; Cummings, 837; Brown, 519; Perkins, 407; Porter, 152; English, 527; . .Swain, 373; Reilly, 1091 Upton, 314; Bradley ,537; Fike, 212; McPhereon, 483 ; Shattuck, 450; Montgomery, 485; Anis- den, 298; Schmieding, 107; Bryant, 106 Thkiuc is no m'ore popular man in tho southwestern nart of the territory, and deservedly so, than A. Wontworth, treasuror of this county nnd candidate for reelection. Wontworth camo from the State of Mnintfto Arizona in early days, and was for several years in tho employ of tho railroads running inio Fairbanks. Uisexaut business methods and trustworthiness made him a favor ito with his employers and patrons, whiU'hiB genial manner and his kind and obligingco-oporation made him bo loved of hia'fellow workmen. Every railroad nun is Wontworth 'a friend. Ho has all tho Yankeo wit ami pociabil itjj without any of tho proverbial stingi y&M&rHeSs'nyt a rich man and never. ivtll be; There used toubenBcorea.of X-nfuyctte Day. While no special program of exercises was rendered in thoBhjbeo public schools on Thursday, yet in tho primary grades teachers told tho childron tho story of tho .life and services of tho illustrious Frenchman. In the grammar grades a .period was devoted to questioning pu 'pils in regard to Lafayette, tho topic having been previously nssigncd as a lesson in history. The -proclamation of Gov. Murphy was Tend, also tho indorsement of tho president of iho United States of tho scheme to erect a monument to Lafay 'etto in Paris from money donated by college students apd school children. The following sums of money were 'contributed by tho varions rooms: ',&. .Miss Waruing'srooinv.1. .'....,... .$3 50 hi; ; Miss Hill's room . ',.& sH i&U 1 85 ,Miss Howe's room 2 00 Miss Cohn's room 3 15 'Miss Stowe'a room 2 00 . Total : $1260 Thus Bisbee has her sharo in this en terpriie. men in tho Copper Queen iminesand n few are still loft;; who Jqa explain why. -They got into Fatrbank broke and Wontworth quietly furnished, tho meaps 'for their getting to Bisbco, whore work was to be had, and gave them a square meal beside. If they repaid him, all right; it not 'twas all tho same. Tho next poor miner who needed help, got it, and no talk about it cither. IIo has twice been electci' countv recorder and once -county treasurer. Each time he was in reality, as now, more of a citizen's candidate than a party oumlidate, and the voters gave him largo majorities. In otfico ho is just ns business-like and just as kind and obliging ns in tho old railroad days. Ho doesn't know how to "put on airs" and can, never learn. He never tells his troubles to other people. Those who kno.w him well are never surprised in any part of tho county where he goes to see tho great number 0' men who give him tho hearty shako of tho hand call him by tho sacred name-of friend .and on election day place a great big cross right next his name. ;" - For his Sweetheart. Joseph Fleisa, who was employed for 'some time prior to last February as a clerk in P. A. Deraartini's store at 'Fatrbank, coramitteU suicide last week at Santa Cruz, California, by shooting himself in tho head. Ho was despond ent over tho death of a girl in the cast for whom ho had formed a passionate attatchment. Fleiss had been in Santa Cruz several months, during which Itime he ran a cigar store, closing up tlio business after an unsuccessful run. . Ho had threatened suicide several times. Ho was also a sufferer from ;hcart trouble. A mom: the peculiar bequests madoby Fleiss was $300 to the First Christian church at Santa Cruz, becauso the church society needed money to com pleto tho ediQc6, although the young man was not n regular attondaut. Ho also left a typewriter and a watch to his former Fnirbank employer, and 80 to defray, his burial expenses. Checks were issued by him for tho last mention ed bequest and that to tho church. Flciss left $2,000 in government bonds and"$380 in bank. No rcforencoja mndo as to wha, dispocition was' to made of tho bonds. Tho deceased was twenty nine years of age. fa A gold-bug county platform can't slnndviu Cochiso county, and tho planks aro beginning to weaken under their heavy load. On the 9th of Novo m bo r thero will be a dead thickening thud, and tho platform will be consigned to its last resting place by tho free silver Totes of Cochise county. X detachment of tho Oth cavalry, the olorcd gentlemen who distinguished themselves on tho hills of Santiago, are now doing duty at tho San Bernardino ranch. Thoy have many interesting stories to toll and nre always speaking of tho valor of tho Itotigh Itldors Jackson said, "By the eternal, we shall seo who rules thia country, tho bankers or tho people." Tho Bryan platform saya tho same- thing in sub stance. Aro you in favor of tho bankers ruling tho country? If you are voio the republican ticket. Our Mineral Wealth Four persons aro enjoying the hospi tality afforded by tho town jail. Two are Mexicans, ono nn Italian and t,t fourth is "Mississippi Tom," properly quoted, Drisdalo. Ono of tho ntmber desired n shave this inorning nnd Tom Vftughn accommodated the applicant. COUNTY DIVISION. Tho manner of tho democratic and republican partiea of Cochiso in dealing with the county division question is characteristic of their different meth ods. The democrats, while conceding that the divisionists are perfectly honest and .have many good reasons for wishing to create ii newjebunty andbelieving-that as soon as wealth and population have sufficiently increased, such n step will be for tho benefit of all concerned, still maintains that the time for county di vision haB not yet arrived. Tho democratic platform declares squarely against the division of any county by act ot the territorial legisla ture. Tho nominees for tho legislature were pledged in convention against tho measure before receiving their nomina tions. Lieut. Wilcox is in perfect accord with tho democratic platform. Henry Etz is in tho rnmo position. Captain Tevis was tho man who, in the Sixteenth legislature detailed tho bill introduced io divido Couhiso' county, and Col. Miko Uray was the man instrumental in de feating tho passage of n like bill in tho Seventeenth legislature. Thus in their platform, and in tho pledges and tried records of their nominees for the legis lature, the democrats stand openly and honestly against tho division of our couuty at present. The Mark Ilanna methods of the re publicans aro in direct contrast. Their platform wholly ignores this impor tant question. In their convention no word was allowed to bo tpoken on tho subject. . But they chose all their legis tivo candidates from Bisbee and Tomb stone. Thoy say to tho countv diviH ionists: "Tho democrats aro against you. Our platform does not oppose you." To the anti-divisionists they say probably truly "our men nro all se lected from tho south and are, of course, dead against division." KbhoMy is fooled by this acrobatic feat with two stools. Without any fear of tho lesult, wo say alike to tho voter? of the north and tho voter&of tho south, take y;ur choice On Thnmlny evening of next week the local lodge of tho Workmen will give a ball, thu occasion boing tho 30th unniwrrniyof the institution of the An cient order of United Workmen. Cardt. of invitation arc out in liberal supply. During tho early part of the week Mr. Lewis Williams did not faro well, though ho is again 0I1 ilia road to recov ery and in able to sit out doors at inter vals. A oust trip is contemplated, wilh the 11 u;i of getting into lower altitude Frequent shipments of oro in cads pass through tho camp from Pilatcs, Mexico, to El Puto for treatment. To day a shipment waa being loaded, Mr Mio'iucl Brophy superintending tho naidfor. ToinlMoup board of election and bal lot clerks will roaciva $5.03 each. Bis bee board (10 00 each; Benson, Willeox and Pcorcc, $4.00, nnd all other bjui s $3. 0, encli. Mr. Tracy, tho well known nurte, who has been located in Tombstono for years, is in our cityand will remain he; ndoflmldy.- Tub Brodie crowd was at Flagstaff Saturday evening. -It'Consisted of Col. Brodie, N. O. Murphy, 'Dr. Tickers, Judge Wright and and a correspondent of the gold-bug Arizona Republican. The meeting waB fairly well attended. A draped picture of the Into Captain O'Neill was used for political eiTect,nnd' a mockery it was, as O'Neill put his best' efforts in Arizona denouncing the Murphy gang, and thoy wore bitter as could be against the honest champion cf the people, which O'Neill was. Col. Brodie talked about the war, and seeined very much ashamed of tho company in which he, found himself; in fact, it is stated that lie could not stand it nil, and told Okes.lhat.he must go homo'. After tlio.golditb Yneoting dispersed, the town caught firo and the entire block west of the Bank hotel burned down. Tho peo ple considered tho outfit n hoodoo of the most iinfortuaato vintage. After the lire, Babbitt's storo was bu-glarized. This happened before Murphy left. As this crowd will be here in a few days, people will do well to bo on their guard. Prescott Courier. Thank you for the warning. Bisbee will prepare for their coming on the 20th bjvstrengthning the police forcb and adopting other precautionary measures. It is rediculous to listed to the gold bug republican dilating ujton protection, and depreciating tie 1 tct of the democ racy endeavoring to destroy the terri tory's prosperity by the advocacy of free silver. These statesmen will dilate for hours over the advisability of protect ing some nail factory or toothpick man ufacturer iu Connecticut and shed tears because of a possible defeat of such schemes, and become mad at their neighbors who demand that Arizona's great production silver shall sharo in such beneficence. An individual or party that will strike a blow at the bed rock of his country's progress and devel opment, and aid in the upbuilding of a state throe thousand tnilesway, is unfit to Ifoldn public ortice in tho section ho maligns. We think a man has more nerve than discretion who will assail his home and its products and shout for tho advancement for a far-away state; Let us' begin irLAjJ2oniu-tIp-ivcloprnentof her silver mines, then wo can-turn our attention to the needs and requirements of new England. Home first, tho world afterwards. A mah who will lend influence to strike a blow at his home industries is a traitor to his county nnd untrue to his kin. The Benson and Pearce vote in 1890, were tho same; 02 in each town. The assembly in 1897 was twenty democrats and four republicans. A son of Mrs. Enright i working on tho Prescott Journal Miner. Hugh Conlon is in St. Loup, nnd when he returns will bo accompanied by Mia; Conlon. Ske that the "silver dollar" is at the head of-tho ticket you voto on Novem ber 8th. A large photograph df Col. Brodie ar rived yesterday. The cover wasniarked '.Ben Williams, BisbeM'. eeMionic)nnectipny between tke various O. Q'. ftfiieea' Vilt'be established shortly, likewise between the homes of several officials of tho company and the departments in town, and at the plant nnd:hoists. Says an exchange: "The big mining camp iu tho Mule mountains will bo . largely composed of brick buildings after next spring, particularly so on Main street. Insurance rates will fall to less than one half what is fixed on frames at ' this time. When tho late Captain O'Neill was a warm porsonal friondof Brodio's.Brodio, like O'Neill, repudiated the gang with which Brodie now consorts and whose infamous platform he swallow s. O'Neill would die a thousand deaths before he would surrender to tnis gang, as Brodio has, were tho gallant captain with us today. Courier Thia clearly demonstrates the power of mind over matter. . v-c. ,"",fitN - : .1 1 ,,',f"' 4 rtf? m f04) . THE COPPER QUEEN Consolidated Mning Co, ;m For County Treasurer: F. N. WOLCOTT For County Recorder: EMIL .MARKS. For District Attorney; G. W For Probate Judge: W For Assessor; When a lepublcan candidate tells you that this territorial administration i3 not resposiblo for the acts of tho Mc Cord administration, refer him to tho republican platform, which says: "We point with prido to the wise and effi cient administration of public affairs in this territory under republican offi Junais S. C. Pekhin, is ono of the most active candidates in these parts. His extended exnerience as a neace official makes him an ideal candidate, one who will step into the office Of probate judge lully equipped to oxecuto the duties of thu office in a manner satisfactory to tho people. All tho county tickets are before the people and the choico lies with tho vot ors. Will they accept tho gold standard of tho republicans or Htaud by the dem ocratic colors, which are unfurled for the lreo coinage of silver? You cannot accept tho former and be consistent. "I am not a free silver man," said a prominent citizen of Phoenix, "but 1 will vote tho democratic ticket this year. The republican platform is ono of hyp ocriay, consequently not entitled to support." A totk for E. W. Lund for district attorney' will help to swell his majority, and will placo in tho ollico u young man who is energetic, faithful and fully com petent to discharge tho duties of the same. Fum. down j-our record of tho vote of 1800 and &ee whoro the democratic ticket war. It will be tho eamo next mouth, with thedifferenccthat tho whole ticket will be elected. received indicnto satisfact ion with ti.e nomination of Geo. P. Wil cor for councilman. Wilc:x is u sure democrat nnd will makou fino race. For . f-tf -. -. ; M " x s . - . ft'.- v . '. .-' . .-. 'A-'aSlaf 5t"' i -, - ' -- -i,"?- M?--: i x . 'i-..i ' "V . iMMk.i fiifti liftl. STOVES -f 1 l. ' s T O V F S -!' i FOR DELEOATE TO CONGRESS. I ft' V 1 1- tf-V-t S COL. A. Q. BRODIE. T - " . ' Wm REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET, ' . v '; ? S For Counciiraan: . ' u, W&&? c1c:warner. ; . ; v p , rtM. . lii For Assemblymen: , , 4'i? , JLc - V V , J- - rf,v; '..!Mfet!- , J W&M H.M.WOODS, ;,,s '4: " '' - . - - 'Wm- ' '' WffiM A..yaNDRED, . i$fh. . .-;.. , ,, ., ,. 3? . - MKBKBfl9f -"r Mm g. .t.Mccabe: . -;-!;. ?V' 'O I J V n, & wMW'f-1 ,-.' Hi SWAIN, -s ; ,-r , ;..,-' ' -' -,f ' -v . . .- -, . - . . '- , ' . BBm F.BRADLEY. '"'". '.' '" ' v My! ''" ' - '''- "- ?. .-?"'" BH Vf. A.HARWOOD. V)- . , .SJrVb," mr f WM - ----tii , mm - .Sm TwtEL v.''' ' ' j ' '".MM?! i v '- Sk A CAR LOAD OF '"' M B Cooking and Heating jl 1 Stoves Just Appined- . 1 . t&&$ ri-: m mam 4t-' muiumi a s " v . 4.. 'v mM PRICES- .'.. vi:. I UHKH - IB BEE ' & ty ' mm .- -fe. IMBrB in tIf ':swm .- ish ui i vii -mm,! vpubwi,! r tasE wv-- Ii ' , ; lis Surveyor; J. A. ROOKFELLOW. For Supervisors; F. E. CAD WELL, II. GERWIEN. PRECINCT TICKET. For Tustices of the Peace. S. K. WILLIAMS. E. A. WITTIG. For Constables. DAYTON GRAHAM C. C. FINLAYSON. REPUBLICAN COUNTY PLATFORM We endorse the platform adopted at the Republican National Convention, held in St. Louie; Juno 1896; the plat form on which was elected our illustri ous president, William McKinley. We heartily approve of tho manner in which the president conducted tho late war with Spain; that as a statesman, he has no superior, and but few equals, is our unanimous conviction. We rejoicothat our unlimited resources, together with the skill, the loyalty and tho bravory of our army and navy, achieved a glorious victory in our war with Spain, and de monstrated that tho United Statso is, and must be recognized as ono of the foremost powers among tho nations of tho earth . We tinqulifiedly endorse the platform. adopted by our Territorial Republican Convention in Prescott on tho 20th of September last, believing it to be a plat form on which nny one, who hns the wclfaro of our territory at heart, may feel proud to stand upon. To appeciate tho honor dne follow citi zens who havo fought and bird under the flag of.our eountry is characteristic of republican i3tn; and we being repub licans nio proud that our party has nomiunted lor delegate to congress a hero of tho Iato war, Col A. O. Brodie. In county affairs, we favor nn eco nomic administration . Wo believe that every effort should bo mado to reduce the presont rnto of taxation. In order to accomplish this wo Bhould elect our officers fioin among tho most responsi ble and reliable representatives of our mining, agricultural and tto;k raisin? in teres te . REASONABLE. WARREN LAUNDRY XO, 4lfc PLANT Situated fGMy ) Wallace Building, Office J . yEast Entrance. H0MdlM0OMMHHO tenM MtMMH0giHW) B fe W !? -SMS- gau- V 7 , IfiJWKSct- l"-f-A?iiH?VJ!