OCR Interpretation

The Weekly orb. [volume] (Bisbee, Cochise County, Ariz. Territory) 1896-1900, October 30, 1898, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94050504/1898-10-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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I rf r f V Ml II Hill KIT ouy questions involved in this.cam- Tho wedding ot John Bowen to Miss "-' .. , ''.&! '' W?Q&
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On Monday orentnsr Col, J. 1?; "Wilson
demoorutlo candidate for tlelegnte for con
crrculonul delosrnto, speak lioro, ns nUo will
, Frank Cox and Mark Smith,
William SoniU3iis, oaudlilnto forljustleo
. ofthopoaco on the democratic) ticket, u-ns
born and crew to manhood In Missouri. He
. hn'llvcd In Arizona twelvo years, working
most of that time luthe Copper Qucon mine.
While a thift hntA ho w.i noted for his fair
ness to nil; thU trult mora tluu iitiytlilnjr
else, fits a man for tho position ho seeks, lie
is a firm believer In tho old democratic, doc-
. trine of economy In ovory department of
Jons KiNSEXLA, the running raato of Wll-
Jlnm Scrlmshcr for the office of Justice of ihe
pence,. U dally gaining in popularity. Kin
sella was born and irrew to manhood In the
state of Mlnuosotu, but vhen a very young
man went to the state of Washington. He
wadopntyiUerlir of Skagit county in$l
ami "93 nud during that tlmo gained oxporl
ence In tho law court whlchnvtll ha of value
to him in tho position to which ho Is to bo
chosen. Ho Is 38 years of ago and .well edu
cated. Ho has lived In Hisbcosavcral, years,
being employed In the Queon mine. ''
Oun rcpublledn brethren appreciate tho
valor of Capt. Iluckey O'Neill. They take
pride in decorating their halls and places of
meeting with his photographlo presence. But
not once have they referred to his strong
and burning convictions 011 the sliver issue,
v for whice he struggled up to the moment lie
offered his services ir the cause of the Cu
bans. Copt, HuckoygJBUJUsirtft-ao-ery
i"iueiir"OfTfio stiver issue 16 to 1, yet
tho republicans are trying to utlllzo this
hero's valor to condemn his life conviction
on the greatest issue of the day. This docs
uot seem eons!stent,Capt.Buokey O'Neill and
the freecoluage of silver cannot bo divorced,
They go together. They nro in tho campaign
together and tho only way Capt. Buckey'
O'Neill's friends can show respect for Ills
memory is by standing for tho cause for
which he gave tho most carnasl'part of Jils
The republican .oggegntlon wore here on
Tueseay, and dolsvered their littlo speeches
1h tho evening of that dajv but .they plainly
esufessed the weakness of their cause by
neglecting toMuforni their hearers as to
what ure the political principles for which
they nsked't he support of voters. OnMon-
day cnvenlng next Colonel J. 1'. Wilson, the
demcoriitlo candidate for oongrsslonal dolo
gate, will bo here, accompanied by Frank
Cox and Mark Smith, and they will address
the people of Blsbee. After hearing those
gentlemou you will know how the demo
cratic party" stnnd and its candidate also.
There will bo no giant powder or pyrotooh
nlo displays either, literally or ordtorically,
fbutithe real living Issuos will be dlsoussedv
'Kepubllcans, since they could not learn how
their party stands oir theo is jucs, from their
own candidates, should hear tho gentlemen
mentioned and they will learn that demo
cratic candidates or orators are not so
The Elephant Now Goes
Round, The Band Begins
to Play. The Monkey has
a little mm ana sroaie
has his' Say -
At lmlf past povun lst evening tho,
Imnd commenced plnyipc on the library
pluza, and really Titu Oun ia pleased to
bo able to say that Ihe band pluye.very
credibly, at least to the uncultured ear
the umsifi as.mndoitl w all-lght, and
slnco there cannot o yery much said of
real value to our readers of the talks
made last night at tho Opera House, we
mention tho improvement in tho, band
because" everybody hero'is interested in
our brfnd. Toresumo the republican
rally subject: nfter the band had en
thused and aroused some of our people,,
it marched to tho Opera House and atilL
The hall became well filled hw)h after
eight o'clock-when Col. Brodio was in-
r froduced to tho audience by 0. 0. War
ner. He Bpoke about fifteen minutes.
His remarks .were almost a verbatim
repetition of thoso made at Phoenix
and Tucson, as reported by tho press
irrespective of political bias. His sketch
of his life occupied half the time.during
which he stated that he vas"born:an'd
T)redn soldier" but made nod the slight
est offort to. .show why his having been
eoborn-and bred fitted him in any sense
to becomo Arizona's congressional dele
gate. The latter portion of his speech
was devoted to tho Bough liiders, and
cording to the.Tudgo's apparent idea the
only questions involved in thiscam
paign in the territory are Statehood and
"ihodio's Sword."
Tho audience were plainly disappoint
ed at the non-material izalion of the
magic-lantern, Bkirtdancet singing quai
tette aggregation which, it was sup
posed, nci-ompanied sthe republican
show, but Judge Wright's talk partially
. 1 - ."" . ' ' 1
conuorieu tnem,npnniitsconciu&ion,ine
band played "Nof for Joe."
Thus ended the most gigantic polit
ical farce that was ever thrust upb'11 the
people of IMsbee.,
Tut studied and persistent attempts
of thb republicans to obscure the real
issues of this campaign are sb'clumsilv
and palpably- apparent that no one
surely can fail to see through them.
"Col. Brodie's eword and statehood,"
said Jndge 'Wright, here, "True Ameri
canism," said Gov.Miirphy, atNogales,
certainly a remarkably indefinite decla
ration of principles. But what do they
mean by these cunningly formed
phrases? This explanation they care
ful';' avoid for tho very good reason that
they mean nothing that they want the
voters of Arizona to know. Statehood
and two moro gold-bug senators is not
wanted by Arizona. However, every
thoughtful person knows that the terri
al .administration, ,as r.now .constituted,
does not want statehood ,ior Arizona
The. republican party-coflld. have given
us etatehood' long ago had they fcs?a
willing to do so. Gov. Murphy was
elected delegate four years ago promising
us statehood. Did he secure it, or even
sincerely attempt it? Yet Mr. Murphy
is now reitterating the statement that
Col. Brodio wijl do what Delegate Mur
phy failed to do. He does not attempt
more esueciallv to .tho Arizona sauad- rto explain why ho failed, nor why in
Tim following cxtraot from the Glubo
"Silver Belt" U especially pertinent just
now: "Tho Arizona Sliver Halt from Its llrst
Issue up to the present tlmo has been con
ducted ns an independent dewspaper, in ac
cordance with tho promiso made by A. H.
Hackney. In tho early days of Olobo there
were no Issuos dlvldng tho tho two. parties
that seriously affected the welfare of the
west, and tho chief intorestln looal politics
was to eleot the best men to fill tho offices.
Since the demonetization of sllvor, however,
and especially-of late years, the policy of tho
republican party has gradually become ln-
"imlcablo to the west, until now under tho
administration of William McKlnley it has
discarded all pretense of doing anything for
tho restoration of silver to Its former, posi
tion ns baslo money. The democratlo policy,
on tho other hand, harmonizes with western
ideas, and It Is manifest that tho remouetl-
'zatlou of silver never wUJpbo accomplished
unless the democratic party s restored to
power. Believing this, tho Arizona Slluer
Belt.wlll hereafter advocate the principles
of tho democratic party, and urge tho elec
tion of democrats to office, but wo will en
deavor alwnys to conduct tho paper on clean
lines, free from unjust orltic2sm or personal
abuso of our political opponent."
THIS campulgu Is 0110 that should receive
the closest study by tho voters In Arizona,
as It preaonts n condition which deserves
.and domunds it. It should bo considered
without regard to the personality of cither
candidate for congressional delegate Both
Col, 'Wilton, the democratlo candldato, and
Col. Brodie the republican candidate, stand
before the people of tho territory with un
tarnUhod reputations as regards tholr per
sonal honesty and standing us types of good
citizenship. But thoy roprcsont widely dif
ferent political policies and principles, and
thew differences nro of vital importance to
tho people of the territory. The republicans
tell us that silver Is n doud Is. me. The dem
ocracy know-that'lt Is not sot and -they will
not willingly permit tho republican party to
continue tho process of murdering it; The
republican party nre endeavoring to seoure
the c'c3tlou of their congressional candi
date, thatthe territorial administration may
claim it ns evidence tliut even Arizona fully
endorses tho republican national polioy,
luce tho platform upon which Col. Brodio.
stands dooH so distinctly. Tho cry by tho re
publicans of "statehood for Arizona," almost
imn.edlately upon the election of Colonol
Brcd.o, Is tho merest bosh. Tho republi
cans don't want statehood for Arizona
nearly so bad ns do tho domocruoy, and they
havo oleruly shown If for years. Thodcmoc
rnoy would hall with. delight tho prospect of
being able to add two United States senators
ito tho number of silver advocates lirthe up.
per houso of congress. At tho same time
very Intolllgot voter cannot but know that
the republicans will never porinlt us that
oportunlty mj long as they can avoid It.
When It comes to the wur question, thojro
jmbllcans shriok about "Col. ilrodle aud'hls
word" and "True Amerloanlsm." Colonel
TVIbon has aNo worn n sword on tho field of
'battlo at the head of Amorloau Koldfery, and
In that-senso proved his Americanism equal
ly with Col. Ilrodle. Tho domoorntlo plat
form approves tho wur with Spain nml glo
ries In the Americanism of the heroes of the
Arizona squadron of Rough Hlder. Tie
'democracy, its platform, alms and pr.'a'lpks
are un open book. Surely k IntelHreut,
honefct voter of the torrltory can hesltalo in.
'his choice between the two pnrti t and their
ron of that command. His tribute to
Buckey O'Neill, elicited the only marked
applause which he received. .
At the conclusion of Col. Brodie's
remarks the band played on. This
time it was the "Star Spangled Banner,"
after which Col. Zabriskie was brought
forward .and'iutroduced by Mr. Warner.
The Colonol pleaded lameness i.and
fatigue but warmed up and proceeded
in his usual vigorous style. Judge
Wright, in his speech following that of
thecolonel,8aidhe"ripped and snorted."
Zabriskie has justly been styled the
"silver tongued orator of Tucson," and
Brodie's labored utterances, which pre
coded apd Wright's drivelling tommy
rot which followed, eervedas dark back
grounds for Zabriekie's flowery oration.
He is a good lawyer and as such made
most of a bad cuee, talking of matters
having no more bearing on the present
issues than a discourse on the "Wara o f
the Kosee." People never coase to
wondor why, when such men as Za
brifckio are in the party, the republi
cans continue to run such men for dele
gate to congress ns Doran and Brodie.
In addition to his stereotyped talk about
thoi greatness of our country and its
grand futuro, tho credit of which largely
belonged to tho Hough Ridera (ho for
got that the McKinley administration
demands all the credit) Col. Zabriskie
did'refor to the subject of silver, but
said that question was settled at the St.
'Louis convention two yearaagoin defer
ence to the wiser and more experienced
and matured judgement of the eastern
Charlet V. Wright, of Tuccon, was
then tiotted out. He had meanwhile
been occupying a especially prominent
position on the platform, giving tho
uignul for npplauso when ho thought a
littlo show ot enthusiasm "the thing."
Tho kottlo drum and the trombone wero
at his command, which added to tho
loud' "applause." At other times ho
smiled softly at thoughts of some of tho
good things he was going today later,
especially the "buttermilk" gag on Tke
Oni). lie started with a blunder by
mentioning silver in an indefinite way,
which bought oub the first real applause
of the evening. Latr ho" became dfl
nite, stating that silver had jio moro to
do with this campaign than the ques
tion ofInfantDamnation,FreeLove or the
Tern oral Tower of tho Pope. Ho thou
attempted to get funny bucause The
Obb in yesterdav's issue voiced the sen
timents of (ho Bisbee )coplo in pro
testing ajninst tho public school chil
dren being turned out to welcome tho
republican theatrical troupe. He stated
that patriotism was tho chief lesson to
bo taught by tho schools. Just where
paviijg hotnago to a gang of politicians
out hunting office constitutes, patriotism
he of course omitted to explain. Phys
ically, ho suggests to one the extinct
species for which Darwin long sought.
Ilia mental processes, if thoy ever ob
tain recognition, will suggest a new de
parture in the school of Psychology.
Much of his tlmo was dovoted to Col.
Brodio's record aB n liough Itidor and
Gov. Murphy had bequeathed to him
tho story that President McKinley and
all the great men in congress, both sen
ate and houso, would favor statehood for
'.Arizona if Col. Brodie be .elected. Ac-
what respect Col. Brodie so far excels
Delegate Murphy in ability. New Mex
ico has repeatedly elected a republican
delegate to congress, and at many times
been considered safely republican on
all questions but the silver issue. Tho
doubt of -tho result on that issue has
-kept that territory from out the glorious
constellation of states, and will keep
out Arizona as long as the coldites are
in.power. For the friends of silver in
Arizona to sacrifice their principles 'and
Ltheir -votes lor' promises of statehood
from republican manipulators would be
suicidal and ridiculously so. True
Americanism is being true to our coun
try, and also true to ourselves; voting
for republican candidates does not con
stitute the first, nor does voting against
our convictions constitute the latter.
Hi Bowen-Hninphrey.
Tho wedding ot John Bowen to Miss
Jennie Humphrey, last night and the
reception which followed at the home
'of the bride's parents was one of the
most notable social events of the season.
Both parties to the marriage bond are
so Well and favorably known that the
number of friends attending wns verv
larieand tho wedding presents very
numdrouB and in many instances ele
gaatiud costly.
The room in which the ceremony was
performed was elaborately and beauti
fully decorated. Tho charming bride
was cleganllydregsed in white brocaded
silk trimmed in"jJassementerie, with bo
quet of white cbrnatioW, Later the
band serenaded the happy couple, and
still later they retired to their own res-j
idence on Castle Hill, it having been
previously put in order for their rccep
ion by willing hands.
Advices from? Paris show that tho
peace commissioners are very far apart
in their views. That Spain will event-'
ually realize that she was quite recently
adly whipped there is no doubt, but it
'seems still very difficult for them to do
so, at least openly.
11' T
For Councilman:
Wk know that Judge Wright when
speaking here said very littlo, although
he talked a whole lot; certinly ho did
not Mty anything really affecting what
are the true issues of this campaign, yet
it was hardly to be supposed that he
knew nothing of them, but it Beems ab
solutely true that he does not know upon
what kind of a platform the candidate
for whom he nska support is standing
on. In witness of this we quote Irom
the Phoenix Republican (which has a
special reporter accompanying Col Bro
dio's party) in tho report of the meet
ing at Nogaleson Tuesday last: "Judge
C. W. Wright in his address maintained
that he knew nothing of the issues of
the campaign. He said a political plat
form was like the label on a whisky
bottle it is put there to sell tho whisky.
"I have never red tho democratic or re
publican platforms,"' he continued; "I
did not como here to talk politics, or
epeak of silver, the tariff or any other
questions upon which wo have no voice.
I came hero to try to stir your hearts."
For Assemblymen:
Consolidated Mining Co,
For Sheriff:
1 -t0t"4'
G. J. McCABE.'
For Cou nty Treasurer: v
-nor County Recorder:
For District Attorney;
For Probate Judge:
For Assessor;
For Surveyor;
For Supervisors;
. J ; , . ri,',v t ;.
. .- ";..; -f' '."' ',
TOTRB. -., ?.;.;. " i .."- "tV.'.,
-' S TOTE S. ",;M-,: 1
. , :-.-.- ;. - 1 i-:
PmvATK Goodwin of the Rough Riders
is still a democrat, and both the repub
lican newspapers and orators aro simply
following out their lino .of deception
when they stty ho ,is Supporting Brodio.
Private Goodwin introduced Col. Brodie
to his Tcmpe friendB. He-refused to go'
on tho political platform, however, and
draws tho lino on politics. If some
others would, like Private Groodwin,
becomo Americans, instead of politi
cians, tho situation would improve.'
Even Brodio might learn wisdom ofj
Private Goodwin, who said: "1 wont
to tho war a democrat and I returned an
American, but in bo doing, I nm none
tho less a democrat in my political be
lief. I can now distinguish between
politics and patriotism." This is what
Private Goodwin said. Enterprise.
Wk congratulate A. V. Lewis in ad
vance on the flattering vote ho will bo
given for constable on November 8th.
"Del" was born in Utah 38 years ago
and camo to Arizona fourteen years ago.
Ho has twice been elected constable of
this precinct, recoivihg each time tho
largest voto'of any of the sevon or eight
candidates for the office. Ho would be
a crodit to any polico force, and the best
is good onough for us.
.Arizona will not allow it to go forth
that she has deierted tho silver stand-id.
For Justices of the Peace.
For Constables.
1 'a
We endorse the platform adopted at
the Republican National Convention,
held in St. Louis, June 1896; the plat
form on which was elected our illustri
ous president, William McKinley. We
heartily approve of tho manner Mn which
the president conducted the late war
with Spain;, that as a statesman, he has
no superior, and but few equals, is our
unanimous conviction. We rejoice that
our unlimited resources, together with
the skill, tho loyalty and the bravery of
our army and navy, achieved a glorious
victory in our war with Spain, and de
monstrated .that the United Statso is,
and must be recognized as one of tho
foremost powers among tho nations of
tho eartb.
Vo-unQ.ulilledly.cndorse tho platform
adopted lay our Territorial Republican
Convention in Prescott on tho 20th of
September last, believing it to be a plat
form on which any one, who has the
welfare of our territory at heart, may
feel proud to Btand upon.
To nppeciato the honor due fellow citi
zens who have fought and bled under
the flag of our country id characteristic
of republican ism; and wo being repub
licans avo proud that our party has
nominated for delegato to congress a
hero of tho lato war, Col A. 0. Brodie.
In county nffairs, we favor an eco
nomic administration. Wo believe that
every offort should be made to reduce
the present rate of taxation. In order
to accomplish this we should elect our
officers from among tho moBt responsi
ble and reliable, representatives of our
mining, agricultural and stock raising
'-, ..is"1-
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Stoves Just Arrival.
c ..:-r. W; ''Sjl m ... dsmk
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Situatedin -':&C-
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Office ( l' " WtlEntriiiKc, ' B
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