OCR Interpretation

The Weekly orb. [volume] (Bisbee, Cochise County, Ariz. Territory) 1896-1900, March 12, 1899, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94050504/1899-03-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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. ' ';: " "''" .' '.y.OL&jS!' Ill ' BISBEE, ARIZONA. SUNDAY EVENING,, MARCH 12, 1899 - ' -. ..- DUMBER i24'
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Fresh Fron 'Tho Wires from All
' WAslitUitton, March 10. T!ie 6iate-
fluent can lwvepautei on the authority
"of the JcUH'Piue of the n.tvy depart-
"lhcnt iliti .AJ:nii'al Dewey will not be (
la;U Manila until he choose.-, to
nul: epVlfastiou for such relief.
iSttn Yanoireo, March lol TJjJ war
iWiKtweiit has informed tonal arm'.v
., ...... i i r ,!... r.r
'IT "Artilleiy wilUie. stationt-d at Hon-
.'vk'ln. Iti undorj-tood that the 2nd
wvl.GiiifJnefis willbe recalled, le.trtn
nlho artillery -as" sols airrlktacof ty?
)Uvaiiau Itilands.
' Xpw York. March lOKradMlteOt'tf
.,......m ,!ii ... ti. in.i.rJi.rni,.l
trade activity is still prominent' feat
urn of the general business tituution
The p'ico atreugth, too, ie notable, ea
Mctdllv in view of the midwinter ri9
' of Kebrnary, lxctit in tho ense of lead
inj; cereal., and wool. In tlu ruunu
facturin lines the situation is oirj of
great activity. Additional a Ivaumj in
wujferi announced this week seams-likely
to aw,ll the number of worker whoso
waxes are reported advance.1 closo to
175,000. Tho irou and tcel tr'de i
till excited by a feverioh tleinumi, in
Ndtqnato supplies and further anvances
in ouotntions.
ilerlin, March JO. "Sue Itjichsaanai
Kur lias pnbliflhfid a wries of official des
patches from rittuio.u .Horr ltos;t, iJer-
man consul, in his report of evuntss
,!,. , To..,,..,. .A .,l.t.t T.,n....
i i nimnij - vavv 4itj
3hvh the docisio'ofOhief duatice Ghaui
Itcraiu favor of 'Maliatoa Tnimd ws
t .'.- 1' ...-?. . ..-?
iwuuei to nave a umyuyinj: nect,-iiMH-
muohms i'thK'vrteh statohtent ilateli;
Oct. .8, 18t5, Mr. tGiuiiuber declawd'
., ,. , , . .
there wan bo "round for contesting tM -
, tanta.K Hssumpittuol the sovereignty- it )
he win? olectedku
f7Tv"'-L h i-AKDlDAlJi AiiDISSUES JN ij5oo !
, 1 m m '. it ' '
1 . - . A'
Won Kichanl i. Ulanil was-eminently j
correct when in his letter tlio l'oxt he
declined that lite piesidentia! . ctndi
dftia uest. year .would be Bryan and
McKinly nsain iwdlhat the; Democrats
wonld realllrm tiitfir faith. in tho fieu
coulnasa of silver iit,lj to l.snd .make it
one of llm loadUur.iiSue of-the cam
paign, if not the paramount one.
If tho silvr qiuxition hasinot been ho
prominently to tho front for the paet
year as formerly, it wna not because, as
the goltlbliyH claim, .there was.auydecay
of silver sentiment,. but rather because
for the time bcin the war and the incus
of dXtaiiHiou (,'i'owiflg out of it Were
naturally tho most pertinent questions
to the time. In 1000 ,tho war will bo a
thing of tho past, and tho nation will,
turn its attention onco ,morc chielv to
matters of douifstfu corwarn. The ijues
Hon of expansion, or tie policy to bo
pursued toward the new .dependencies
will, of courec, become a. Jeadinu iseiio,
. but not to the exclusion of .tho financial
;jtnd economic (luestions tlut now more
,llinn tverrnll tor the thoughtful consid
eration of tho people.
?The jecord of our billion and a half
.Jf?,llur conare, juBfc.ftdjournod, baa ctn-
tl0M.eil tho. neco3Kiiy of some kind of
mliel of tho treasury that will enable it
(to .reowiye money enough to meet the
tftverncrieiit's fixed and cunent oblia-
, lions, ryd theaatonishinircombiiiatious
iifcorpdrtttions in the inditdtrial world,
llifentenra; tho absolute destruction of
individuaVentornricesntid the complete
toiitio) -tH produi'.tivo energies of tho
, country, .lifUiand .immediate defensive
, tuition by iU4.iH6?et.
XIo avenue of ctcajifl from our cm-
,lul rassmeenU $i I lUnuer ippsur to
,tlto 'Domocrac party to be plainly;
.marked out and to bo theoidy ones the
people can take in their lljdit against a
...virtual oim'avoment by a plutocracy.
Tho.first step for rVllet is toincreaee tho
YOddno and tho more ireneral .distribu
tion ,of mr-in-y and iJjuh prevent the
''corneriugii of the country's circulating
xnedium.by theyicat money wyndiaa.tea.
'i'Jiero is but one way on earth to accom
plir,h this aud that i hy tho ftvo' coin
iyia of of eiiwrat tho Id to 1 tauo. Tiiia
tenet will b:coiuP, then fore, once moie
ami naiuriUly tho kuyEloio of the arch
of DomociAcy.
lint to bi'Otik up mo inpily in tho
Jiandlin of our money would bo only
partial relief. 3 he ind uMnul moliop
oliea tuttet go thu laww against the
trusts must bo on forced. Then the
nation mu-t takn steps to koep dowu its
expuiiics jui'l concent alo itn energies
0ji lojno doyidoiiri.piit. To do thh)
j we must )ut impoiialism behind ua us
! si Uangi'ions tern ptation.
L H will be twi), tliuiefore, timtalrpudr
j the jrreat.is.Nues of the cnnuuiu (f 1DJ0
liuve boon itonniteiy ouiiuicu, air. j.ryati
will -nmloubtediy carry the domocrntiit
bannurud stand upon platform of
dec silver, ami-monopoly and auti-cx-paiisioti
beyond the western hciniaphere
v.-hitu iir. ilcKink'j will fi-uiu the
banner of a single k'1 fitRwlurd, mun-
I ni.f.lL' oiul tiiii. Inhmii. .Tlitut.t will 1
j''.. ,liul,.ni0l.riu.v f n rerioiia
character, but the l?t siii! lu: conii i
ence in tlio rapacity of the people to see
that their bt!t intetoa-Ke alimx Dotno-
eratic Hiifts Til Pmo iisiw.
'At It Again.
ni.dt liM&oflk-o at n Slm n lu-.i
boen robbed om Tiietda'v nitcht by tev'
'"' cowboys, apposed to be a part of
ll, 1J1ck Jc gaug ttho iow have
their rendezvous in the Ohiricahna!.
The robbers weio mounted and heay
ily armed. They rude into town at
dusk and iuiioundtrd tljo &toro where
the postuffivi! ia located. One of litem
vntered ami leYelinx 1 i Winchestor
compelled tho postmaster aud a cowboy,
who wtta iusido.to throw uj) their hand.
Another member of thevtan then jsath
'e'ted niiHUuh 'money and posUo stamp1.'
sis -could be loinid and left yoiny eoinii.
Tho HUiouut that was uecured hy thts
lobbera was not Uwrned, but it ia not
Uioujjht to hn very laige. Soaielhing
f this eort bus bveit expected hy the
otliceiB for teveial weks past as it was
known that a u&ug ef outlaw bad been
-Kotht'iing in the vicinity of the Mulber
ry ranch, icvsral new incuibcrw of tho
fang haviiij: ro:cutly arrived from
Tuxaa. Tiiest; wore the ftiiticiut:n who
en kindly iifpiopriaikrii the -two saddle
- t hie.i and M-dilic tiniutirtt O K cortal
Wiit!ihe.r lilitck J.4Ck is v&tl tho out
lAwtor not st't'ins tube niimcli disputed
.uuvo.ivM, 4 iiiitvi, tk.ivr civn 11112 umM ifi
r.Jitubf I... .it.init...i u.i.. ...... i,.. l.n.l.. ..r
w outlaw yutlt.il to Uialiam count v bv
ltertf: lien'Claik, poittvely statu thai
ita kvum otlwr itian ttlack Jack.
HWiitle otbts afUrm tbtit itlae.k Jack la
! ,, ,. .,--
irsttll aUve ami is in Icssb. fctill another
paity, wht? is pretty tfod authority,
:tjyc thai Buck 'aok ia nith thu ifiimci
.tiiid was in Uubtoi .not u monUi. ao,
Jeiviny ajneasagBiJ'qivaiiio'ULfriend:
3SrWtT"''prT"j t T"1 i "-' j " -."-
mo uang woo ist
sjjrmt! shot up
.Fronteraa aud were ansied by the
UMnxican ofli 'ers, and afterward bribed
4lie o(Hcil8and made-thir escape, were
mot u part, of tbe Black Jack uani;, but
wreri ome outlaws from Texas under
the leadership of Tom Kate hum. Those
iieu when lat. heard-of :tvero supposes ;
to have been killed in the Sierra Madres
by the Mormons, who became enr ul
at them tor their- m ah roKtinjj one of the
wo-meii ol tno co'uuy.
A po.isols said to be.in pursuit of-the
San Simon lobhers, but H is doubtful. if
thcf will be overtaken aa'thuy had suv
cral hours the btait jtnd am now niob-
ahlv safe in the'ir strouholds in the
UhirJcahua muuntains. Other depreda
tions may be lookud .for in tho near
future .if the fiung ia not. broken np.
Legislative N.otcs.
Tho&intu Crtia county bill has boon
passed iiy both' ltousea and now only
lricks the Governor's signature to irntke
it tho ISth county in Arisonn. The
now county embraces Nocales, lltvrfchaw
flnd Crittenden and the southorn part
,o f Titna nctosis to the Colorado rivor.
Tho -varioui appropriation hilla are
now being considered by the Ikuiso and
nkjsht sessions are bcinv held.
The home bill to protect the
American flag, which passed tho hotiSr?
Tuesday, was introduced in tho coun
cil yesterday and passed finally under
H'Jspension of tho rule?.
When tho hotuo memorial, asking
coiiRresa th.at Arizona bo.glvm t-Ut e-
hood, was picrentcd in the council vos
terd v, Mr. Kunch raid tho northern
tier of counties arc now practically with
out taxable property, but when the ter-
iHory becomes a stato the Santa Fo
rl'ach railroad will bo subject o tax
ation, an." for that reason, if no other,
lie favored the nd)p:.n of the memo
lial, rrcKuhr.t 0!dwater askrd if Mr.
Munch desired the. nirirorial nddtessed
to tho t nnta Fu racih'c comprtMy, and
Mr. Bunch snid ho had no object.
Tho hoiice adoptc 1 memorial to con
gress asking that tlu terr try b'. Kivcn
jehargo of the ntiblic grazing hinds, to
tho end that the cattle and sheep
interests niav he regulated. It als
Hiioplrd tlio n eu.orials asking cou;refs
that tie U'lT.-orv In nlloucd fixtcoif
reembvra in the council and thirty-two
inonibeiEff lha house, audio increaco
tho salary to $8 per day.
Council bill 04, reducing tho time of
holding tchool from five to thiee
months, jnseod io council unanimously.'
A vit!untfer Kohb'j liiJpr laj' stret'-tfil out.
ui tilstoii ;
Whlto Bio:tiln;;t !o;iJ mid oui-kh tcu; ttte
t.-opiu air Jid rowl,
Aud tie suiKcou tiouil i;tiJo Ji!tc wl ilo tlio
Vhn;.la; i:oU Ids IwirJ, '
To puiilu the I.usky cowL-oy tj tlie tf.tter
spirit land .
TUa broiieo-biutei' erualid. uA IiO rollsd and
towed about;
"Doesono It, Voe., what ail re-? Pny. cun't
you mulie It cut?
Buck thai? iu Arizouy I never had weeh pniu,
Thar' suthin w.'uuvr tiooiit- rao. L'o:., I tee
that mii;Ii.y pialu;
Iffties-i t'.if eomuiUkafj'snJF, foi- il Is my ),u-
I sat tilths crasipu fruia oatiu' that refritfer-
j.tc.l bee!.
"Tull TVddy l'a u fonor; thut J faras div.n
Lcrs to Jitl;t
Thce yniter-hliicd ;;rtagrs, L.jit It 'u lost ipj-
' ppjjlU,.Tl-,-- ..m"-." '-.'
Xn'I vi oiuiercd' what in thunder matte :ce-tv:-i
ij mean ciuh divj.
! r-r I'tnrallca a holy terror In our lt;iid ko'
I fnrnwtn'.
Ev'ry tih . I'r '.i uiy tlhiu.r.ran' ct cthor
tiui 'h?''--'.?, -
I would hsv hleli taraal ftcliu's utuJeraotitti
lii.t hiiMiy hhlr; . -
I've iwf lien'tl canter II mi' piiU uu' blue;
n-au-is by the can;
I'vodowiitd s:.(ui;h of 's.r.w-bintiVl.tuH'tfr
kid a .'oiamou initn.
Put tioth'iit' tlint l'v fcwoHercil ylt hez clvc-
ttr me roller. ,.,., ' ,.
An' I Ity the hull derijod blzno to "tatiii'
Kuuu'i; l.i of.
"Tell uiy dad in Aitaony that mviuuiucei
brother, Jim
Mut nittho Itorui) howl when I uiu goae I
feavo it uli tor him: , ,
IJiHtvhcnhcaoPH toTonilfuun nahoul-
iu' .'umborce,
Tor luck an' cstra tuu Tilonsr in 1o1h'
thouuhl o mo;
Au' when ho shoots tbeJmhta out dowu hi
i'o.-.er 0 lniV jax 'ihoj.
To besartln s.ro hit uities brother Will-
lam'ti Hm3: 'po;'
Ver ev'ry tiiij 1 tut tiro ruueh au' vi.niaised
iiitor tj vvu,
I painted tldnifK verniilllon, an' I did tlw
job it f, brown.
Toll Jimcjlo alt I've told you, unJ. thut I
cams to eriiif
Frum oat ,n' Kutjuti'H eaunod, embalmed, ro-
friy crated ctef.
"Tull tlv i follera when they sathor foi1 Hha
wj und-up in tho fprlnir,
That I've croiidil two Gieat Divida to -whars
'jo H-jrdui' s o icjts si.;g; "? "
That.Vm brundt-d uu' bui l;cr.e.l in Iiii,br-
rm in ih jluci,
AuVnin pii.kiii' on a'tmujo of a spscial make
Ibev bunted in l.t.-it broncho; I key plugged
. luy ninu man.
iXbo J. um'c dohu niueli tor bra o; I lev
douo tho bot I oanf
Iln't kilieJ uny-diiuocy, fr'.I:ulu:t.iidnT
.TsmanJ the yaller diviU where thay uvr
shovql xiiov,-.
If Doo. wid ou;y pull ma ihroush " and he
srute u sou of jjuet',
"I aw'.u' i'ii uovur tas aar'ui rcfrJireratd
beat. x
"Therc.s anothor, not a vis.er. but "a half
!. td jiij .'n ii:uuK,
OuiUooiitj ro.urtuilo.i, 'twixt the ranch
Ui.d ...cxi o,
Ya'h know no.- bv her frockkd fauo (.ho
liau tuo in .111) .... om .)
All, by tlio bru . . .ntf m iier o-r; ths bm:(.i
on tojj Itor kenuo.
Go tall he. I've uep-ai' ted tjlL liuppj hunt-
lll' Ll'nuiid,
An' that I'll loo. t out fur her if hpevtrdrop
loll her tli..t jiut nfnral turned my ti.es up
lioro today,
I made m.t will, nn' left her nil my duds nn'
nil my m ;
An' bend my son nn' pistol to her olcdnd
theaiiivf, v
I guoKs I'h never ue Vm artor eKtlp'-Easan'i:
His voice crew t hiok Hiid husky rtri.-l ended
hi a shriek,
Ah tho incis cook liollered "erub pllo" ho
hiwhed and ceased to speak ;
Tho'fiii'iscou tui'utd him ovor, but he'duhuf-
flodolf lilo'seoil.
An they pluntcd tirothor Wi.lium 'ucath six
feot of Cuban soil;
And all of Teddy VTei rors, from tho cowboy
to theelarli,
That liny d.il extra labor on n piece f fr.noy
'Twnsa hendstouo far poor William, lind its
mii face pl-inly tdd
Tho way tho hthky cowboy died, hi lotters
Ills; and bold,
Thoy planted "Died" up at the top; below in
has rollnf,
"A Volunteer Kouh Itiilor from cuU.ijj
Enfc'un' bcof."
E. A.Kiiisi.NMTOOI. hi Los AntelenTlmcJ.
Paul Perry, of Columbia, Ga., suffer,
ed agony for thirty years, and eutod
his Piles by lining Do Witt's Wilch
Hazel Salve. It heals injuries and f-Icln
diseaieHliko ma.ic. m
Another tino asfortmont of spurs,
bridles and caddies just recieved at the
0 K Harness Shop. Call and seo them.
ni'S tf
To insure n happy new year, keep tho
liver clear ami the tolv vigorous hy us
ing Do Wiu'. Little h'arly Risers, the
famous Jittiu pills for constipation and
uvcr trounies. m
Food does mora harm than. good when
not digested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cun
digest) what you cat. ItnrevenliSHaat-
ling diNMiFei and cures stomach troubles.
It cures indigestion, sour stomach and
bvluhhig, and allows a woruout stomnab
rest. It acta instantly. m
Lost Watch charm; gold guineau,
with gold bund around it;' betwoen
Bisbco and beball grounds. Party
returning same will be rewarded. lw
We have saved mnnv doctor bills-
since we bean usfna Ohamberlain's
CtiRli ReinHly in our homo. Wo keep
a. bottle open all the time and whenever
any of my family or mwelf begin to
catch cold wo i-gin to uee the Couch
Remedy, and r.s u tult we never have
to M?nd away for a do-jtor and iucui a
larae doctor bilt, for. Cuuui'oerluiM'iJ
Cct;. Ui-ii:H:y"i ever fuii Id euro. It
is cmiuiuly a n.ctlicir.o.oi great merit
and worth. 1). S. jiifAUKLis, general
.MoM'haut and I-'amiei', Mattie, Bodrd
county, Pa.
Tor s.iIp l- Hib03
' Moki Tka iwimin.Y cviuex Sick
headache, indigestion and constipiilion.
A delightful herb mink. Remove ail
eiuptn-ns of the s-kin, producing: a
Cik iwj tiiutr'. iWWhr-tiy ,7. S. Vi'l"-linh;--
.'t (!j, - ' "
0Uiv- FnCE. . '-'
ShoftH t'i" r'tuts it your feeltpii-? :'.Al
thoctateot your iiefiltir a.i well. Iim-
r'J'.V ViVJ'J-aiakvS iUyif r.pptir.'iif in , it
Vdic'fi)l A.,ili.iV eca:-j',i?xiciC Plnipkn.
and Jjkih iJrupb"..?. It" you are feelinj?
tV'eali end v.rn o-;t r.i.i 'do not have a
healthy r.pj earanci vou .should try
Atkci's '.lrnl hlisir. Il eules uli
blood di-.-1'ii-'-- vi". t.beap arsayar
iiiniiuni .! (rti'dt iir.riuers. fuii; know
hig this we sei. uwi; imttle on a pos
itive Kuaianif Fir ' sale at Bisluni
Dru. Htor-'.
v-,i..:i it per.
Oar line ot wall piper is- the vidy
latest, loin; iicis.i of IS'.tS.
. ArotT .T'):a:.
Firt clam wild Kay prcsedj (ir m1,
atlo per ton, delivered to any pint of
town without ad iitio'iul ccii!-.'. Ap
ply to Mcdbjovich & Noble. fL'S-lm
All persons jiro horeby notified to dis
continue dumping manure and other
garbage at tho foot of Blag-dump of the
Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co.,
or in tluit vicinity from and after
the date hereof, as the .same ban
becomo'-a nuisanee and offensive-to
parties living in that vicinity.
Partjey'inilim; to comply -.witlrdetuand"
.will l,e doit-t with acccordiJtfjjo -law
a. y; lewis,
Sanitary Inspector.
Dated March l!rd 1899.
, Koti V.e.
All persons are hereby notified not to
buy building lots, in theytown of Naco,
iroin any person or perso Ms who may bo
offering the unmo for sale, i I have liltd
upon tlio same, in the L:'nd Ollirs of
this Dif-trict, according to hi V, and will
defend mv.t.tioto the same in Me courtti
" "" a
It necessary. .- -
jKO-tf ' .W. T. McKEIl.VON.
Ackku'u I'vf.-i'Ui'HtA T.i:t.j:rs mii: Oul
on a positivu guarantee. Cures be.Vt I
burn, raising of the food, distress afttJ
eatin ' or i.n v form uf ifvsnensiu. fim ,
little tablet gives immediate relief. 25
cts-. and .V.) its. For sale at Rislme Di tig
Pimples Turn
to Cancer.
Cancer often results from an im
parity in the blood, inherited from
generations back. Jffew people ure en
tirely free from omo taint in the blood,
and it ia impossible to tell when it will
break out in the form of dreaded Can
cer. What has appeared to bo a mero
nimplo or scraleh has developed into
the moat malignant Cancer.
"t hnd a severe Cnncer which was at first
only a few Notches, thut I thouBbt would
soon pasn away, i vfls
trcted by several abtn
g& ph.vstntaiiii.biit in sjdte
aJjSftf! eerpprpart until inyconr
SSTf2Jt' Vr UtloiibfitincalAl7illni?.
I Ih fl After mnnv iiKinlliU of-
..r fiw tientinent anu growing
US - t" stcadilr worse, I do
&? 7v elded to try S. B. 8.
j.'tin ittf . . . - . .
V-X Kiwi'i pTOvrmont. I eeatinncj
Wtea tho mcdlelne, and fS
Ri-r ra'. four month:! the last llt-
fyl'y tlo scab d ropped off,
' Tun vonM Iinrn .1nn.4i.rl.
...I ma i ' . ,... .i, rf -... .... , '"i- I
n nwKHEiuu oi nit uiucuso uas roiurnea.
11. K. WlLt.tANN,
Olllsburp, MifS.
It ia danserous to pxnp.rlment wfth
Cancer. The disenso Is beyond tho Bkill
Of phyaioians. 3. B. S. is the only euro,
because it is tho only remedy which
goes deep enough to roach Cancer.
(Bwift'a Specific) is tlio only blood
remedy nuaranteed Purely Vegetable.
AU others contain potash and mer
oury, tho most dangerous of minerals.
Books on Oanoer and blood diseases
mailed free by Swift f pacific Cotnpaay,
AMaitta, GorfliR. (
-p-.. SirT' '. ;;-i -, J252L' w-
r -
-"i mizs.
'!' 1 V ,
ij.' r-i."
. ;'.
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