a'l fit i it 'ft V A, : Zii. riM. J- ifi -. tf f Krn-i t ' 'SirtV . !? ' 'Jtm. ftM r vser v r , r ,$ ;-- Al-y V r , p J-J i - ? J X. 'lit Lev L j r j - My 3 - ' ruBUBnER nv ALV1N W. HOWE, EVERY SUNDAY. Entered nt tho postoffico at DUbee, Arlzo vna, is mall mattor of the second olass, May 23, 1696. TKltUS OF SUSCUIPTION. "One j oar, by mall or oarrlor 53 CO Six Months 5t) Tin ee Month,.., 1C0 TKUMS Strlotlj in Adanoe; Advertising rates will bp made known on ppllcatlon to this ofllce. Local publications -Inconformlty with tho Territorial Statutes. lUeadlng Notices 10 cents per lino lor eaoh.ln- ertlou. ToAdvkktiskbss Cuts Intended forlnsor "tlon In these columns must be on metal bases or they will not be accepted. Communications relating to news or edi torial matter should be addressed to Editor 't)KB. aP-AU Remittances and business letters should be addressed to yiibee. Arizona, T P. FISHKR, NEWSPAPEU ADVERTIS . JL. Ine Agent, 21 Morohants' Exohance, Sun, Francisco, Is our authorized agent. This paper Is kept en file In his ollice. iii Pp ol i!ol SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1699? IS THYCOUNSELLOR PERISHED? : , ' . ' The uboo (ltiotntlou, in substanoe, has 'been put to thoOitn in the form of a ques tion with roznrd to the official counsellor of 'the county, to-wlt, the District Attorney. Tho Interrogation is based on tho faot that tho tnx-puyers havo been not only paying tho salary of &n attorney to protect their Interests, but additionally, they have been compcl'cd, by ordor of tho couit, io pay largo lums to outsido attorneys, principally for the prosecution of criminals, hich sums It is claimed should i ot bo allowed, or If allowed, should bo'pafel by tlio District Attornoy out of his own salary. The Orii has attempted to malte suoh ex planatlon as would justify tho District Attorney and satisfy tho tx-iaors that the Democratic party, by its representatives in ofHco, was living up to the pledge mad during tho last campaign, to givo such an ' economical administration of public affairs as would, as far as possible, alleviate the burden of taxation, and glvo assurance of -olEelal houes y in all brauohos of the county i goerinnent. -. In tho face of nil the efforts of tho Orb to show good faith and duty on tho part of tho District Attorney, we are continually bolng reminded of the faot thut, among other things, there wavirot ono single conviction ' secured at tho last term of the District Court 1y the unaided efforts of tho District Attor- lioy ; in all cases hero ocousod porsous wore 'not prosecuted by other than tho District Attorney, mid were sentenced" to punish s incut. vieiecuo in which tho accused plead guilty. It Is also poihted out that instead of ro- "duoing the rajteof taxatlou it has been '"jnateriilly inci eased; and while the.Omi has attempted to show as much asv possible, tlut career, other than dereliction on tho part of tho District Attorney nre nccouutablo for this fact, tho nnswer has invariably oeon to the effect that if the District Attornoy .would,' 5 himself, perform tho duties of the office to which ho' wai elootod, wl hout putting tho -1 county to considerable additional expense in pa iug others for doing it for him, it would, "ft not materially lessen the tax rate, at least show a desire on tho part of the District Attorney to not inoreaso it. Tho Oiui worked faithfully and sincerely to aid in the election of Mr. Land, boltoving v It was working for tho host Interest of tho ' count at largo; to havo it proved that all our efforts In that direction wet e ns "love's labor lost," Is, to sny tl.e least humiliating. ' Tho Onb is not disgruntled nor has it any prhatou to grind; and all that it has said, is spoken in a spirit of filondly counso ,and - admonition. If thoDemooratlo narty is not ablo to fulfill Its plcdgos, made, to tho voters boforo olectlon, with regard to tho adminls- 1 trotlon of ofllco by its candidates, it were better, before tho next comentlon of tho party, to oiler the Inducement of faithful support to somo good Democrat. Onpuble of perfoimlng the duties of tho ollice, to make his rcsldenco in our count sufficiently long to qualify and becomo tho part 's candidato for tho olllco of Disti lot Attorney next oar. ' This would bo 1 etter than that the tax pa ers should sond their money out of the county to scouro tho service they have a right to expect fiom their duly elected officer. Tim Ouu roitorntes that it has tho kindest ' fcallngs tow nrd Mr Lund, and w ould rejoice ti rco him acquit hlmsolfctodltabl ;butour duty to tho tux-paers of Cochlso county is still greater; ami wo would be doing less -than our duty by them, if wo wore to keep fclleut In tho face of repeated and apparently well grounded complaint. Wo hopo this hint will bo iccelvod lu tho sumo friendly splilt It is offered . Secretary Uoot hug been boIiik over tho iui oi trooiwinp nvuJlnblo on tho PuolUo f . . . -. . . Const for rrupgoortntionof tioorn toMnnlln . .. -. .. -. th ,?'' '" "Jt antl -itloil that tho piiHjnt fleet 1m VWllelont to tet tho twenty now roglmcuts nil thoro hj ChrUtmun. It Is llkoly that ho J III ni rui go t ( h.irtor u lilltlonul vessels. Thk trial lrli of tho Vnltrd States torpedo 1 front Tulliot, wliioh la lielnir equipped with ' oil fuel fin uncus nt tho Noifolk mivy jnrd f 'will iiil.o plnco short!). '-Tho Innovation Is ;l)tli tf clofloly ntchod l nauil officer', somo flL ''n "I'Paioritly ijulto Eoeptlcnl of tho mio- "W,"cess oi tho no fuol for war khl 8, though, If succiH.ful. It uould ieolutlonlzo nuuil Arcliltcctino. "'" NKt.oatATloNS hotweou tho United States ntitl CI nt Hi (tnlit i(i4.l ! li ln. .! Hlluebth ciiAIdnkauiMCiiiialalmvoiiriio. tloi.ll ln-c.i concluded, lloth countries mmlo conievi'l ih, hut tho result of tho negotia tions iiuikt ho accounted as ti lctory for ScoieUiry Hay, slneo mokt of tho inutorinl point i over which thoro w us a ditpute havo been determined in our favor. Cauadu lier elf Inn lioan htually Ijuored. Great llrlt.iiu i,1iouh uj disposition to pounlt hor American colony to cumo dUboiihlou t o twoo'i tho tvo croat KiiIIbIi upeuUIni: nations. I PHd;;;;;;,::;;;ut,ouL;n,i,r:that orlmo over carried rnt In that Ktuto. Capital punishment for hlnh ay "robbery Is usually j suppo-od to prevail lu tho more sparsely jpopulatcd nud'los'i well oidered cominuul- tin itwi.n.1 a.,iii . .i "" ,"' ties jt hcoiiis that they uto strict or about I A .,,,.,.,...... i I. ..i....... thco things lu VlrRlnla than thoj are lu tho wlldwost. If capital piiuUliinont'wuJ ctor justlHub'o It Is im ti punishment for tho crrnuio t nil n robbery, lu which tho acts or ImmlliB orten luipolll tho live of hundreds ot peopln. Tho penalty khould Lo strictly entotrcd an.l (piloklyn.irjlo.l out. Bishee piomifts to out rival Butte in tho production of copper, within a few National politics are already warm inn up, and largo dailies are beginning to boom the presidential candidates. On account oi tho heay shipment of cattle to Cuba, beef is becoming scarce in somo portions of Mexloo. An export duty is to to be placed on cattle to pi event such heavy shipments. Cochise county is now J enjoying a mining prosperity that ehe baa never before experienced, and during the next year it will for surpass what it now is, in the lino of mining. v IfoII of tho rnilroadB aie built that have filed articles with the secretary of the territory, Arizona will be well in terwoven with steel lails and the echoes of her hills will reBound on all sides to the wistle of the Eteam hoise. Now is an excellent time for President Loubet of Frauce lo get to the front with a 'solution oi the Dreyfus problem. A fulfand complete pardon for the prisoner1 would fill a long-felt want, and would probably save a heap of trouble in the futuio Likutkxast Pkary'b latest "daeh for the pole" accomplished little beyond the loss of seven toes, sustained by the lieu te'nant himself. Peary, however, shows a disposition to saciifke the other three in .another effort to leach tho mysterious regions of the Arctic. The Solmonville Bulletin aska this question of Smith, Brethitt.Cox.Elling wood and, Wilson: "Are you going to be candidates for delegate to congress next year?" "We think the Bulletin a little bit previous; time alone can tell who the democratic racers will be. Per haps there will be some dark horses sprung, The Oiih oldce is in receipt ot Vol. 1, No. 1 of the Arizona Graphic, published at Phoenix by Paul Hull. The mission of the paper is to advertise the resources of Arizona by description and illustra tion. A paper '0"f this kind has long been needed in the territory and we are under the impreesion that tho Graphic can fill the field. The proptietor has our best wishes for success. American capitalists are Btill acquir ing new mining interests in Mexico. They continue buying silver mines just as if the metal had a real commercial value without the election of demagogue Bryan and the introduction of his absurd and disltpnest silver coinase schemes inr htothe financial system of f the United States. Silver has commercial uses which will extend and which are per manent, so that there is no danger of the metal becoming less ptecious than it is now. The celebration in Miouor of Mexican independence was most fittingly ob-eerved-in our city, by thecitizensof that republic. A parade was formed on Sat urday afternoon, consisting of floats, representing battleships, the band, email boys in uniforms represortiim the etateB, besides their order? and citizens on horsebick and in carriages. Exer cises weie held in the Opera House in the atternoon and at night a giand bill was given, which was largely attended. National salutes were fired at sunrise, noon and sunset; and, on the whole, the affair was ono of which the committee in charge may well feel proud. Quite a romance is liable to result out of the recent affair which occurred at Naco last week. In the article which appeared in tho San Francisco Examiner of Tuesday, the 12th, containing an ac count of the killing of Clayton and the killing and wounding of tho Mexican guards, thero also appeared the name of a wen Known cowuoy. imagine ins surprise a few das since to roceivo ri !....- :., t :..:..,.. ...!...!.. r ..,., i icnoi in luiiiiiiuio muium urn; miu junv marked San Frnncis-co. '1 he letter was well written and asked his forgiveness , ! for having taken the liberty of writing ! i i to him. but as eho had alwavs admired I-----. - -...-- the Hestern cowboy, and as ho was per ,!ral hundied thousand dollars havo idol, fiho hoped it would be overlooked. ( already been advanced for the develop- Tho letter has alieady been answeied, pientof the mines. innd when the young man pops to San ( AYhile in Denver, Mr. Shirley oideied I Francisco this winter ho will hunt the the machinery .for a 20i)-ton smelting young lady up. i plant. An electric light plant, saw mill I ' l and all the paiaplianalia of a first class In the United States seriate ono man mining camp will be pnt in as bortn as on each side, a democrat and a republi j men and money cm do it. The inachin can, is selected by his party associates eiy is now on route to the mines, to arrange pairs. Whenever tho roll is Mr. Shirley was itu:jnip,iniQ.l to Alex I to be called on any pnrty quif-tion tho aheent Democats nro paired against the , absent republicans, and in cbeo more 1 . f " Party thnn o! tho 0tl,or 1,,,p)en to no out of tho ciiiuber enough ot tliopowhoare pi esent refrain fiom vot- ing td fill out tho necessary pairs'. Sen ator Pasco, of Florida, has of lute years represented tho democrats in thoso ar- rangoments. Ho so ofton had to piir bee. Mi. hhirh-y's peoplu urn ibtiriug himtelf to make things como out riflrt. I on I uilding a rnilioad fimn tin- unrip to that itiised to be eaid that he never cast I'tmnect with the nmd luuuirrg lo Unity n direct vote. This was nir oxaggera- mas or wiijitbo iiisbio load if it is e. tion. Sometimes ho voted, but innroj tended into Mexico. Thev prefur the otte whe ,ii8 ,a,nu h :o9 8ny-: "M" President, 1 am palled with tho senator from Dash. If he were preeont he would votoave, nnd I thould . ,, ., , ., . . voto nay," tho last par tof he statement ' . ' varying, oi com so to suit circumstances WANTED A woman to do house workund lu'hteookin,:. For pirllculars apply tj C. A. Fernando, not later than S p. in., Central Lodging Inline. Mli-tf BENSON SCHOOL CONTROVERSY Benson, Sept. 14th, 1899. To the BisnKE Orb : Please permit us to correct a mis statement relative to our school which appeared in your paper of Went date. You say, "It appears froin an editorial in tho Breeze that the scho'ol trustees in our neighboring town havoemploved a gentleman to teach the school in that place who is afllicted with tuberculosis, at least one physician has to certified, etc." All of which is not true, and does a great injustice to our school, which we claim is equal to any in the county. Professor Kirech was principal of our school last year and gave general satisfaction. No one denied but he taught the best school we have had for vears. Last year tho trustees did not requite the teachers to file a certificate of health with their applications and there-was no scarecrow "tubeiculosis" made his appearance, notwithstanding we had tho Bame teacher last year as this. This year the trustees' did make an order that all applicants must file with them a certificate of health from a practising physician beforo their appli cations would bo considered. Professor KirBch Underwent a thorough examina tion by Dr. I. H. Walkins, a practising physician of this place and who is em ployed, by the Southern Pacific Railway company as their physician and surgeon. Dr. Watkins gave a certificate that Professor Kirsch was in no way physi cally incapicitted to perform the duties of a school teacher, which was filed with his application and we employed him as principal of our school. There has been no phvsician certified to the contrary; Profeesor Kirsch has not been examined by anv other physician, tfhich fact the editor of the Bieeze is well awate of, and if he wished to do justice by the school, as well as Professor Kirech, he would have corrected your airicle in place of reprinting it in the Bieeze. Every one m Benson knows there is no truth in the item, consequently it does no harm in our town ; but iwe are sorry to say tho papers from our neighboring towns copv from the Breeze, which has the suppoit of a very small portion of our town, and in towns wfiare they do not know the facte, is where our school gets the black eye. Through the influ ence cf the Breeze there was a petition circulated in town asking that Professor Kirsch submit to another examination by what they teimed a reputable physi cian. The town was thoioughly can vassed and they succeeded in getting four families n ho have school children to sign their petition, and one of tho four has moved heie from Kansas with in the last three weeks. J We atk yon to publish Hheatxvye in fairness to all, not that we Inwe any fight to make on tne Bieeze, but simply to correct a misstatement wjiich ap peared in your columns as comiiig from the Bieeze. We,astrustees,claira to havo done our whole duty in selecting teach ers for our school, and we aie encouraged to see that we have the support of the whole town, except peihaps the Breeze and one or two whom he influences. We wish to say in conclusion that our school opened on Monday, September 11, and all the pupils in Benson are attending except one boy, L. W. Cooley's son, who is taking private lessons from the editor of tho Breeze. H. W. Etz, ) TrilRtpPB W. H. SKiNNEit.f ' lrU8tee8- The Cananea Properties. James Shiiley, the tireless mining en terprise pioinotei, is atiain in Prescott, after a business ttip ranging from New Yoik City to Mexico. As usual, his labors have not been without tangible lesnlts. In fact, from information gath- pit'il l,v flin roniirrpr. Mr. KliirlriV linn , this time succeeded in placing on foot a , very considerable enterprise looking to the development and working of a most valnnble mining proerty in the state of ' ,. .. , , . coiiora, niexrco. up naB Biicceeneu in interesting Now Yoik capitalists in the Pur-nnni's mining properties, which lie in the Cananea mountains, and adiacent ' in ilw Pnli.n fJr.n.t,. nrnnriiiii Sev- ,.v..wwv - .. -w. ...wr..w. ico by n technical engineer of Fraser & Chalmers, and while thero located the emelter site, started tho suiveying for roads and put men to wmk constructing roads anil excavating for tho tnrelter foundation. A telephone line will ho tonsil iictul from the camp to Nac, on the bolder, and the prctieut tei munis of the lailiond wiiieh i una south from His- hitter cotnuctiou. lu (.oiiEcnufiice mi the stai ting up of tl.ctc mines, both tho Ameiicaii and Mexican custom houses will locate pennr.iicntly at Naco, which will ba u great advantage to Mr. Shirley and his people in the matter of tho shipment of rnacliim-iy. James shirley and his friend, William Vanderbilt, of Piescott, retain one-quarter interest in tliCBJ mines. Prescott Coyne. Copper King News. The following article appeat s in the Copper Situation, published in New York City: Mr. Stephen J. Whelan, lato superin tendent of the New York Iron Works, has been appointed supeiinten lent of the copper Kingof Aiizona Minion com pany, and Iiub taken charge of its prop erties, making his he.ulquarteis at its Barrett mine. Mr. Whelan is a man well qualified lor his new position. He has been making a study of mines and mining for some time. He conies of a family of mechanical engineers. His father is now the superintendent ot the Atlantic Iron Woiksof Boston, where he has been in charge for many years. The new CoppenKing supeiintendent has been superintendent ef the famous Union Iron Works of San Francisco, which built the engines of the United States battleship Oregon, whose per formance in steaming from San Fran cisco to the coast of Cuba, during our late war with Spain, has never been equaled. He was also assistant super intendent of the D. M. Nichols & Co. Works and of the Atlantic lion Works of Boston. Though never directly in the employ of the United States govern ment he has done a large amount oi work for it which has been commended in the heartiest manner by the officers who have had it in charge. He can be depended upon to develop the Barrett mines of the Copper Kin,; of Arizona in the ablest possible manner, and also their properties at Bisbee and Solomon Springs. The Copper King of Arizona Min ing company, has purchased of the El Paso Foundry and Machine company a fine new extra steam engine for use at its Barrett mines. It has made a con tract with the Colorado Iron and Fuel company for a six months' supply of coke for its smelter at Barrett, which is now being delivered, and it has pur chased from tiie Pacific Tank company two large 6toiage tanks, having a capacity of 30,000 gallons of water, for Barrett. In a very short time now it will begin smelting copper, and very 60on it will not only be earning its opeiating expenses with its Barrett mines, but it soon thereafter will be a dividend earner and able to develop its Bisbee and Solomon Springs mines also. Its futuie is bright with hope, and before another year rolU by-the Copper King of Arizona Muring company will take its place among tho great money-earning copper companies of Arizona. Benson Notes. Miss Fannie Armitage pjid Benson a flying ?iBit on Monday rjiforning. She reports all well at Contention. Our genial tonsorial artist, Mr. Zeek, waB a visitor to St. David last Sunday evening, incidentally calling at the Ash burn ranch. The Bisbki: Oiur is taking a firm hold upon the affections of our citizens, its columns are read with interest. Long may it expand. Mr. Ashburn and family are recent arrivals from Kansas. The gentleman is a brother to Oscar Ashburn, the well known cattleman. The work of boiing for artesian water is going on and some of oui sanguine citizens are taking up government land in anticipation of success. Four carloads of patriotic soldier boys passed through our town since Saturday morning; they were on their way to the seat of war. God bless them all. The very eligible corner store, form erly occupied by Mr. Castenada and re cently purchaed by Mr. Dibble, stands dismantled, preparatory to rebuilding. Morning and evening service was held in the Methodist church last Sunday, pHV. r. Uoherts. nflicintim?. This con- dudes the pa.tor'a labors for the confer- ;unco year. , ,. ,., u,,i., i. .. ..., ,..,,. i, i"'ao HJ """"' "" """ v" "" the Huacliuc.i Siding school. We con gratulate tho district and the children in particular. A good conscientious teach er is to be puzed in any community. j Norman ltoboi ts left for Tucson Sep tember 18, where he is to attend tho Territorial University. Owing to his sterling Qualities -nrd manly character, his many fi iends predict for him a bt ight futuie; his foimer schoolmates astern bled at his home Saturday evening and , gave him a suipiiM' The young peoplo i li enj)jed thernr-elves. A Mbit to our public school is a suffi cient unarauti'O no to its effectiveness. The choice of the trustees is indorsed by tho community, with tho exception of a few unimportant objectors. The indi vidual seats introduced aro a bom to tne Echolurp, as they can readily be raised or lowered to suit the individual. Also a case of line relief tuaps is on ex hibition and for use. The advanced scholars aro under the watchful eve of I'lofetaor Krieli, while the primary do 'ptttlment has tliu advantage of the ox peiience and ability of Miss Minion. Kev. Piitchard yesteiday received a letter fiom a woman, Mis. Collui", ho is confined in the Uermisillo Jul on a chiiige of mindering a Mexican who, she claims, entered her houso and tried to usoiiult her. Sue relates a pitiful tale, but it does trot correspond with the one fiom Heimbillo published in tho Sunday Los Angeles Times. Tlie latter is wiittcu by a man named Allen, a correspondent of the Times, and id undoubtcdfiil a correct version of the affair. i THE PORTLAND . . II P M VIM I in in ill Ml!, INCORPORATED UNDER Capital Stock In 5,000,000 One Fully paid up aud forever non - personal, liability BOARD OF C. A. OVERIOCK, V, Ji. UUMMINGB, E. D. Collins, . C. A. Overiock, President, Asa Barnary, Treasurer, BKPOSITORVi J Consolidated National Bank, Tucson, Arizona. HOME OFFICE AT A limited number of shares are now being offered for sale atTlO cents per share. Applications may be made at "any time to the Secretary, and rro applica tion for lebs than 100 shares will bo accepted, the Company reeerving the right at any time to advance the price of stock without notice. K """ M ISO Ageut'for Auheuiser Brewing Association, Wholesale and Retail. - BREWERY AVENUE, 1 Experienced Mixolo gists. Well furnished Club Rooms' for the use of Patrons. J , In Fines Wihi McKay & Fiulayson, Props. flAIN STREET. WARREN 'LAUNDRY GO. PLANT ft? Situated in At. CXts ) Wallace -Mi Office $ O000VmKC frfrfcfrfr CAlO0tf frftfrCOOSOTg 0OOC440O0 FREE COINAGE SALOON- J. E. BROWN, Prop. Carries the famous Sills "Velvet "WTa-isIcesr FINE WINES, ETC. International and Sun Spot Cias JT .' t ft fid A. JOERSS, j$3 O: Stationery, Wall Paper, News Depot, S3 m IN-STR1iEiT, aa ""ESY eJ n'ifb tiHt i fttji nil va? iy.-cyj. kim.' uluJ WIIXIASIS St i LCfS Kftl HOUSS I Houses looki d aftir m the nl rotue of the tenants. Hents v collected, lein s ieani.al.ii'. Wnow bine the follow- ing bargau s to offer for cufIi ; don't dMav it vou want to - . T buyor sonic- out- elFPwill irei in nhe.id of von: - ' A four-room funiihed hoin-e. centialh located. '" Two two-roomed houses, right in tow ii. One two-roomed lionise in Urewery gulch, ncai oU guueyard; furrrishdl otherwise. ' 'uilding lots, already graded, $23. CO, up, in Bieei v gulch. ' ?t One lot, Chihuahua hill, graded i.nd fniicea; 37x100 feet ifOO. Ono hoiifcnndlot, ltrewerj Oulch. Gooti location, near wagon road. A four-room houto, large yard, chicken rind out houses, together with oka room adobe $400. -OFFICE IN nUDAIIKU IIITILD7KU ill IliWli lift Ol THE LAWS OF ARIZONA. $5,000,00 Dollar Shares. assessable and carrying no to the holder. DIRECTORSH J Asa Barnahy, A. H. Campbell, OIFICGKS: 1 ,r C. E. Ccmmi.ngs, Vice-President and Secretary, Edward D. CoLLiNsJGeneral Manager BISBEE ARIZONA. fi . -i" 10 i Tyzrvzyzzxi L. C. SHATTUCK, Prop. i i Hi BI5BFE, ARIZONA. New and Elegant Quarters AT THE OLD STAND. . in es,Dquors and Cigars. CISBEE, ARIZ. EH il'' 5l n. t Building, East Entrance. A?. iiy if? ft! THE JEWELER. j rirgBEK, ARZZQHA HOWE,, Proir: ff M (B illil: 1 rrj m&wt y.7Twi'" 'csw - HTSiffl llffpp t m -ii HI ft 4 'it if 1 i f v. 1 V i.ii. . 1 'u y :