Newspaper Page Text
TS"5KS r5 r . J" m WfjiWfii wi'wwwttryaaj , jfxf fti- iT7V -?. as - TP ? LfW rvt Bf yH'i J1 jryvr'r' j ;- pwjrv. M-pi v , wKmw v-ffi r v --vfM- j-vf7"fwttT ft "" l,''r "t""- tv"r;rw nr i rtw iivp''''t 1' " "1' ' f5;' MAj! ViUfe . - 7 SET- M lWtt ltK ik" C-I; ' HTJ. LU JVJ ill UMk, RIZOftA DAILY ORB f WBLISHin EVr.HY EVENINO axuxrr auNOAYi BY Vt. i 'aLVa'N W. HOWE, .- . Wd nt thclpoit ofllca nt mo- Sowl claM watter MnylVHWT. , lrertUlnr rfttei will bo mnde known on keAtloB to this office. Legal publication Eftforralty with the Territorial Statjitm. Wins Notice 1Q cent per line for eaohllu- kJuTwnijBafut intended for lnsor-. ialnthee cojuni must bo on metal bases iy win notse aeoepwHi. , j imnnlcatlom relatlur to hews or edU 1 matter should be addressed to Editor 'All Remittances and business letters I be wWreMsd to - - 1 TLTTf ir.viN w. Ttnwn Sf $ ..'BUbee, Arizona. iP.tllWKtVPAP1? ADVEUTIS i m Agent, 81 Merchants' Kxohanjre, Son, UMM. Jl our uiiioorum ui.ciii.. ' par is kept on file In his office. r S ft !-, ! T 81 fcii pi MONDAY, JULY 17, 1899. s i -- Pub consumption of quinine by.Amercan iers "suffcrlnc from one southern For another ,d"Hnt tho. past two pears aid to exceed 123,000,0.0 c rains. In lnstanocs men in the hospitals of Cuba dfortolRloo were dosed resrularljr with grains- a week,'and there was hardly a an In the field who did not take the drujr onotimeor another. Fully pno.thlrdol retrtfre Hulnluo supply of the world la con- med In the United States. Ccobpinq to a cbnsular report the sudden la vopperl responsible for extraordl? difficulties now confrontluc the Chi- eurrenoy system. The result has been A the cash or .subsidiary Chinese coin Is worth much more than its token value silver. In fact, that the Chinese govern- lent is paying: l'.SS taels for the popper and bo out of which is minted ettdugh cash to ako l'tael In the accrceato. In the end tho Msent great soarclty In cash will cause tho j funnce di silver suusiuiury uuiuukv iu i ad. SlLva coinage at the United States mints Ljunert)atbed?$2,155.018.65, and for the six LftBths endlnir June SO tho total reaohed K.780.4U.20, The sllvor dollorsMn oiroula- n in the United States, July 1, are placed the. treasury donartmeut at (33,381,754 fits UQ,89,i80 in tho vaults at Washtneton. he latter U'repi-esented In tho active cur acyby $116,869,313 in silver certificates. Ira argument about idle silver dollars has leett dead t for two years. W lion tho crops ft Ju'i ti)e. re- ueing nnrvosiei jasi iau mo supply short in the northwest nud in tho south, uver News. ' A LoMDOK dispatch of reoont dato iays: the house of commons d urine tho recent .toon the military works bill, John Dll- natlbnalist member from East Mayo, ob- etedto the proposed expenditure on the fensestlat.Hallfnx'aiId Hermudu. addinir at he firmly elloved ull tho Yott Indian BUi would soon belong to Uie U. S., as Inevitable result of the recent wur. Tho abltanUof tho British West Indtos, Mr. libra ft!?. winlfl' fln.l f Iiav miift nf tiaoas Mty Join the United Stutes.slnco nature In ievded these islands to form a part of tho ftlted States. "Tho people of the islands 111 ultimately say so," declared the Irish tesman, "and Kngllshmen would not be so llsh as to resist. If they did, they would ve toadvance moro loans to the Islands dtiiirbuld Koon tire of that. Do the Wuevers in an Anglo-American alliance (asaglne that they are promoting good feel fafby erecting these fortifications?" J4 Mb Lima bean growers of Southern Call- rnla do not believe In trusts but they ndvo te oxohang6s. Only a year ago their kaaas were soiling ut from $1.30 to $l.tBper sW9drl pounds. Now they bring from 94 fto-txs), This rise Is due to organization aaaoiig growers.-Suuthorn Callfornlu is tho chief producerof Lima Ubaua lu tho world, Wys an exchange, but the growors hud no Wgaiilxatlon, and the market became unt Aerly demoralized. The growors thought by combination" a' price of $2 could bo had, and s they organized last j car. ihoro was a from the crop of tho previous season, and te urst oirort wo to uispoioot tins uyuo veloping new markets abroad. This was brought about in short order, through an mfreament .among- the growors thut they '.would sell only through their oxohango. Tho l5rlco nt ouoe'rose to $2, and lurge orders j ftrom" abroad, through the efforts of the cx- iJange, soon exhausted the surplus stock Bd created a keen demand for tho new rop. Now buyers are impatient for tho eomlng erop, whllo offers of $1,10 await tho consideration of tho exchange Arizona has galley sections where the Limn bean should b grown ex'tenklvely. The Arizona grower eukl rely upon getting California prices, er better, because he is nearer tho markets. It Is so as to celery-and fruit that nro ship ped from this territory. . IjusiVKBS men In various cities nro com plaining that tho common schools of today to sot tench tho pupils how to spell or 1'Unu tunte. It Is said that n verysmall proportion ef all tho young men and Women who apply 'for office positions, particularly, ai stenog raphers and typewriters, UnowtliQ first princlpleu of theso very necessary acoom pllshments. Spoiling, capltulzutloii. dlvlson f words and, piinotuatlou are looUod on as lialmportAnt, apparently, nnd It, Is only after tie yotinit people have succeeded .lu getting position in some office that they pick up these things tlioy should "have learned In the lii m Goctiise fitter griuWof thu puhlio Mhools. It Is un doubtedly true thut the teachers iu the pub He school do not pay the attention to those things that they should. The teachora thorn gclvc aro niton very shaky In their knowl edge and praotlco of tho technical details of Brltlmr. This In nil wrnnir. Mon of wide ox- r serieiice will uy thut a cjenr nnd correct ftBowieage of me ruuimcutMoi nngusn ex presslun, In reading, writing" and sponklng, of more direct and Immediate boneiltto u fce yciiig gruduato from the public f.ohools n uuy other single uocompiuuinent. .More than one cap comes to mind where young men liavo gat good positions r arid have been,.ulokly advanced on account t ability to write a good letter. Most men & nothing about tl)0 so-called sQlcnco of ling uhuraotbr from liund waiting, but Mke greut majority of good business inon adge m person at ou?e by the uppearuueo of $ke letter he writes. Too much luslstonco auiKit be ploocd on tho overwhelming 1m rtauee ef groitliiig the young whllo they re in school-fu-the principles und practice ftheiaost scrupulous accuracy In ull mut ters relatliMr to snelling. punctuation, and FAtttll.nli.. he Old Made Youn g Hit vvcaKniciue ?Lrong iThe Sick Made Well BY THE USE OF ROYAL Life Tablets A WONDERFUL REMEDY LIFE ITSELF. PERPETUAL HEALTH BYTHEIR DAILY US NO ONE NEED BE SICK. Tliey -wil put mi END to nil nimiucr oi uisenHci KCNiore Vitnlityi csive New Life row cr and JSuerjfy to All, RavaKCH of Old Ako Hto p c sjBea ay viciora 50 Tablets 50 Cents At driiffclsts, or sent by mnll on receipt of price by ROYAL TABLET CO 218 Lafayette Ave, DETROIT, - - MICH RESTAURANT Fresh Kansas-City Heats Constantly on Hand. We Cater to all Classes. Private Parties and Ban quets a Specialty. Nothing but white help employed. Give 179 aCall. Omer Barker, Prop. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature la strengthening and recon atructlng the exhausted digestive or- gana. It is the latest discovered digest ant ana ionic. Spatit ?n SBSSSfflB itly.relieveaandperaahentlycures can Btantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckHeadache.Gaatralgia.Cramps.anq all other results of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. OeWItt A Co., CQlcago. T. METZ, Prop'r. Clffirr A"1 WorUii, Toirthstono Cuiijon, VllltC llliboe, Arizona. Soda water. Sarsaparilla, Ginger-ale, Etc., Rt'c. 3j5 :5& Orders from cboad will re ceive prompt attention. Orders for the city of Illsbeo will bo deltverod free without delay. Kainlly order solicited. I Incorporated Under h CAPITAL STOCK In 5,000,000, One ttc lc ifS be n ii i 1 fill Sill Full Paid and Non-Assessable and Carrying no Personal Liability. OFFICE OF THE COHPANY: Room 4, Bryson Block, 1 LOS ANGELES, CAL, . " ' " PETER JOHNSON, i; Fiscal Agent for Arizona, Legal Advertisements. DlHSOlutlou ol copnrtncrnlilp. Notlco Is hereby ei von that the copartnership herctoforo oxlstlntr between J. II. Jack and N. V. Chase, under tho linn nnmo of J. II. Jack Lumber Co., hoi tliisdnjsbeon dissolved by mutual consent, J. H. Jack nssmuJiifir full control of tho business All monoy duo tlio Into llim Is paynblo to hlin, and all accounts ugalust said firm will be paid by him. N. W. CIIASU, J.H.JACK. Dated Ulsbee. July .1, 18'9. Summons; tn the justice coubp, no. 2 precinct, County of Cochise. Territory of Arizona. J. S. WILLIAMS CO. Plaintiff. JAMES SHIRLEY. Defend tint. Action brought 1" the Justlco Court No. proolnct, lnuud fortho County of Couliise in tho Territory oi Aiizona. In tlionnmo of tho Territory of Arizona to James Shirley defendant, gieoting. You aio hereby summonod aud lctiuirod to appoar in an notion Inotipht against jou by tho aliovo named plnlntllfc, in the Justico Court of No. 2 Product, in und for tho County of Cochlso, in the Terrttoryof Arizo na, and answer the complaint filed In said Justlco Court, nt ftisbee, in said County, within fle dajs, exchisho of tho day of ser vice, after the torvlco upon you of this sum mons. If served within this precinct, but If served without this precinct, but within the county.ton dujs; If served out of the county, fifteen dajs; in ull olhor cases twenty days. The said uction Is brought to obtain judg ment against you to recover the sum of $125.00 duo tho above-named pluintlir, to gether with tho costs of this uctiou or judg ment by default will bo taken against you according to prnjer of said complaint. Given 'under my hand at (Seal.) Bisbop this 13th duy of Juno, WILLIAM SCRIMSHER, Justice of tho Peace of said Precint First publication Juno 15, '99. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. SWEEPSTAKES MINE. To JamesA. Nolley, yourholrsor assigns; You are hereby notified by -tho under signed, your co-owner In the Sweepstakes milling claim, situate In tho Warren Mining District, lu the County of Coohiso, Te rltory of Arizona, the looatton notice of which is recorded in tho office of tho County Booorer of tho Comity of .Cochlso, lu book 0, page 60t), Kocord of Mines, that it has expended tlie'sum of ono hundred dollars in each-, of tho years from and including the year eigh teen hundred aud eighty-seven, to, and in cluding tho year eighteen hundred and ninety eight, making u period of twolve years, in the performance of the anuuul work for each of said years, required by the laws of congress to bo performed upon said plulm to hold the same. ' And you, your heirs and assigns, have failed to contribute your proportion of the expenditures required by section 2321 of tho rovlsed statutes of the United States, to be 'made upon suld claim for tho jours from and Including the year eighteen hundred and eighty e en, to and including the year eighteen hundred mid niuoty eight, making a period of twelve years. Tho sum duo from you, your heirs or as signs to the undersigned, your co-owner in said your proportion of the mon eys expended by It upon sold claim as above set forth, is six hundred dinars, for which you are dollmiuont lit the dateot this notice You, your hoirs und assigns, ure hereby notified, that, if you should full or refuse to contribut) jour proportion of tho above expenditure within niuoty days after tho publication of this notice once a week tor ninety dujs.your luterost in theSweophtakcs Mining cluim will become forfeited to, und tho property of. your co-owner, tho uudor sigued, hoe residonco mid place of busi iic.s aro at Ulsbee, Cochlso County, Arizona. CoiTKR Qukkn Consolidated Mixi&o Co. Dated July 1st, 1899. Trustee's' Sale. tSS ot th0 ostato of Jumc' Qulnn' i.T ""It. , , ,... . ,.. . .,.. Public notlco Is hereby given that on tho 2oth day of July, 1899, 1 will bell all the nrou crty of the above named estate, at public auction, to tho highest and best bidder, for cash curVenoy of tho Unltod States. Said property consists of an assortment cf srrooer ieti and general merchandise. Suld sale will commence at 10 o'clock a. m. of thut day, at tho storo formorly occupied by tho said James Qulnn, in tho town of Big bee, opposite tho store of J. Ii. Augius. SCOTT WHITE, Trustee. AH 1 or other ladies who wish to work Can lam Lots of Money Woikuig for uh in sparo time at home on our cloths. Wo offer you a ood chance to make plenty of spending money easi ly, in leisure hours. Send 12c. for cloth and full diiection for work, aud com mence ntont'U. Cloth Hont nuywheie. Address W1N00SKET CO. (300-S) Jioa ton, Mass., Mfg. Dopt. the Laws of Arizona. - - $5,000,000 Dollar Shares. , DO YOU WANT I ANYTHING? I For instance, to J buy, sell or rent propcrt3rj real or f personal? If so, advertise in I THE DAILY ORB. &4044te06'0440r0044ftfr006 The Jersey Dairy, A. W. STRUHM, Prop. Pure, Fresh Milk Delivered to All Parts of the City Every Evening, PURE CREAM IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITY The Only Dairv in Bisbeo Blooded Cowa. Havin Satisfaction $fc Guaranteed Leave orders nt the Strumm boaiding house or this office. BISBEE aid NACOSABI 5tage Line, TIM TAFT, Prop. Leave Biabee Tuesday and Fridays. Arrive in Biabee Tuesdays and Saturdays Office At Copper Queen Store W 1 nc Inloimiitioneun chad Cut Roses ofall kinds for sale at 35 cents per dozen Special ratca given to festivals and parties. Particular attention given to shipping orders. Flow-, ors carefally packed. MRS. J. O. DUNBAR, piol Addition. Phopnix, Arizona. M. P. FREEMAN, President. Wm. C. DAVIS, Vice-President. THE Of Tucson, Arizona. Capital Paid Up $ 5o,000 Surplus and Profits 10,000 Deposits 400,000 Slonoy transfers made by draft, telegraph or cable to points all over the world. Accounts of individuals, firms and corpo atlr n solicited, und thoir interests carefully looked after. H. B.TENNEY. C'ushisr Hi ID 1 M. JOHNSON & CO.. Props. Second-hand goods of all kinds bought and eolt. Sewing machines cleaned and repaired. Matressces re aired. If You Want to Buy or Sell Any thing Let Us Know Before Going Elsewhere. Place of Business, Brewery Gulch.sec ond door north of Shattuck'a Brewery .Saloon. l Mrs. M. J. BInir, Prop. A complete line of tho kites styles of Spring and Sumraor Goods Just Arrived. a ttern Hats of the Latest Desip. Hats trimmed to order a specialty. Call and inspect niy goods before purchasing elsewhere. W. R. THOM, Itlsbce, Arizona. Headstones and Monuments a Specialty Stone Cutting of nil kinds done with neatness and dispatch. Lpcve oiders oi me pistfie Drug sum loses Roses. oi in i MILLINERY mi I en . . THE PORTLAND . . Ill Sill fniii 10 1UI tNCORPORATED UNDER Capital Stock $5,ooo;ooo; In 5,000,000 One Dollar Sliarcs. Fully paid up and forever non-assessable and carrying a personal liability to the holder. HOARD OI? J A tflvlMjr nmr .O 7? C. E. E. D. Collins,- A. H. CUiiniELL, OFFICERS: G. A. Ovi;nLocii,- President, C. K. Cumminos, Vice-President and Seen u y, Asa Barnaiiv, Tieasurer, Edward I). Collins, Oeneral Manager imiOSITORY: Consolidated National Bank, Tucson, Arizona. " HOME OFFICE AT I5ISBEE, ARIZOjSTA. A limited number of shares are now beinu offered for 6ab at 10 cen share. Applications may bo made at any time to tho Secretary, nnd no up; tion for less than 100 shares will be accepted, the Company reserving the right at any time to advance the price of stock without notice. . Louis Beer GSS rr-r" ii - IB I W, UQK 0 Agent for rAnheuiser Brewing Association, Wholesale arid Retail. - - - ' BREWERY AVENUE, - BISBFE, ARIZONA. THE SEaST-TS, !: Experienced Mixolo- sp gists. ' Well furnished Club Rooma for the use M In of Patrons. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. McKay & Finlayson, Props. HAIN STREET. WARREN LAUNDRY CO, . PLANT Situated in MA to- PHv ) Wallace Office j (44Ma0-4MrKOKOVO FREE COINAGE SALOON J. E. BROWN, Prop. Carries the famous FINE WINES, ETC. International and Sun Spot Cias A. JOERSS, tea II to Stationery, Wall Paper, News Depot. as MAIN STRI3ET m nUJ uia N? mi &u mmwp mvm WHIX2AMS & IB i LOIS BHH OEnSri lIouHca looked after m tho ubaejiconf )lw tenants. Hunts collected. ToiniB reasonable. Wo now liuvw tlie follow itiji barKaina to offer for cash ; don't delay if you want to buv, or i-ojnti one olse will cot in ahead of you; A four-ro'oui furnished house, centrally located. Two two-roojned houses, ri','ht in town. One two-roomt'd nouto in Uiewery gulch, near old graveyard; furnished u otherwue. Building lote, aln-ady grad&l, $115.00 up, in Brewery gulch, Ono lot, Chihuahua hill, graded and fenced; a7xl00 feet $0. Ono lioiise ai.f lot,-Brewery Gulch. Gpou location, near wagon road. Afour-ioojii liotiMJ, huge ynid, chicken and out houses,' together with oa? room adobe $100. wiwilP M If ilOliD liiiU Gil THE LAWS OF .ARIZONA. UIKECTOHS: CUMMP'G3, rnrf fVf'Q Ao Hun t,v Hall, gianmitm L. C. SHATTUCK, F'r-;?. a New and Elegant Quarters , AT THE OLD STAND. .2 Wf BISBEE, ARIZ. A&- -m omit .Mm mix: 8k! vv Buildinp;, East Entrance. . frti ra THE JEWELER. 1 j,, rj' ts HESnEE, AIUZOXAr; GiJ niuaJ n HOWE, Props. i SOI fil GiliS a u yrx a end S Xk R VI F, Hi. Ill I a n rf i .j V r '"4 h i r xrrr . ji " ' I.wWiia u ,? tm fAaaiiffl iJTitWHrjl awv a r ..i & -TJ -v vs I if wwfmwin .- jauaxyu? tut. -.'' fu1: tv5 "rik.i v -. -s ' Kr.' - c. .r-- -.iat' 3&y d ', rrWS fiVWhl SlIA-Su! 'wi&c. r" --' J JrTf9 WMmMzS W?Smm(fiWi! '?TMny2&AJZti3i ", vs?raKn4iS,&vV4'.S, . Vi... .Wiarsaa.' fJxixvxtJ?xiefPZciKiS.l cifflcjicaEisffl?K "Ja?ts8jaK2aKia lM&JSmiP&&SBKSr2VZtrZr Ae'1Ai!OiK &?C&.'?arsxGKt. 5dirtrK.'Ji!rL-L'.5 1 jmWvi$ Jto &?JWSZfflr