Newspaper Page Text
.Xir SffiKStfaS '?. 'Xt. Fk n. M. K, v- t. f:-nr'ff-r5j" f n-tift wwm -n -mi'y-w- -. ,--, -nw, .,- .- y y.K-v(.j MMMkMNMMh fiflllflilil' ' ' ' '' v ""' '"' HI (.-. T' J . A '. ffik JET IK- "V-. p tn v.n ilflf- HBfcgtoyHMWM "Mm Tattte fllF'WC' K" AW 1RJ' CoRm llke'vour mother, uaedito.inalia w?kk?S Pwm mWW !'VC."&rti. .-F?! '. fltauvnifiUeUramedatU. F. Gra i J Caw, ol California, ift- in Bis ; ob buiineu. Bodlouagei and couches tqcrder j B. P. Graham's. aM. A bargain. Apply at thia 0c. Ju5-tf . fJoteiioUe, ol F,rraQ,,qa.Ufornia, i wdeliefcui.icA-wefna.wd cake go to M vra, Wallaca buildiBfr. AHMf - . rt. liguartnite all my salts or pantB to nt rue sale. Harrlju.thTailor,. u -MHwalwe.. MHb- INtim, is-regltteraai at the BeeBemer, All kinds of vphelatering and repair mm k at B. F. Graham's. t . . -'ftf yeu want a new hat, neatly trimmed .11 yoarate, ls.YOur order at 'n.. nii'a Jfi-tf Dorn-Tp tbclwife oi'Harris, the tat Iff, a son. CaH at MThe Owl" lunch counter, in tfaat oj. thQ Turf, saloon, eandwltches, Kewi.eto. J19,M. X.Vt, sty to ip,,rflilHne?y-BQads-at Urtf-Blewett's. J6-tf The Copper Queen company received airload oLnjce fresh alfalfa hay today. Tfi nan trmfe Tflr "M furniture or res for new at.B. F. Graham's. F.M.MeComb8ol St. Louis, came fe oniheafternooa traUi yosterday and ?lMppig at the Besseme.. For Sale Two thousand shares of' South Jftujoeestock, Apply, at tub of- LodglnM ar.d board for two single bsteatlemea can be had by applying at kttJOmmpO&i.. Location Rood. ' St U. Mathias will acs a' roadmaater btHheJlt:,ifS: E. during the absence of IScorgeShibley. 1 yon wanba cool, refreshing drink the Ice cream parlor and get a 4ftk of Coca Cola. It eases heartache I ajid cures, the blues. iforbatbflt.aiMS and. plumbinjs I to Joseph Schwartz A. 14 tf George r8hibleyt aJ, wife left this tttrn.Bg for Indian Ford, Wisconsin, where they will remain " for 'several feeeks. ri t, For home-mad, cantiues, call J on Joseph Schwaitz. Patronize home in dustry. , - A W tf. Ijawr. A.pair of spjactaclca, on Main fctrMt: Dlain rims. The Under will be fs .,aa hv taklnir same. ta.Burr'a ice cream parlor. L.-G. 4ikJLtuck, our enterprising lum "imt merchant, received three carloads. -ol. dressed lumber today which ho will seil at the lowest possible price. De Witt's LittlflkjEarly Risers benefit permanently. They lend gentle, assist aaee 16 nature, causing no pains or 7't weskaeas, permanently curing conatipa-j h lidn and liver ailments. Uopperyueen , Siing Co. A fine new metal cornice is being put up today on the company warehouse, aftd.addB rauchu ta, the, appearance of that building. Jhnt received, a nice line in dinner sets in decorated' china ware,atB..F. Oraham's. aw. oiMniut t s'2 on short' notice at t t DUiW ww.w t- t- v- gjurrU.he TaUor. tf. .. xviUlnm Uiinmender, of Milwaukeey, Wisconsin, is hvfton mining businesa, jyxotnpnnied by his brothers, Ferdiuond of Colon, Germany, and Herman, of Uew York. Thoy are stopping at the Bjsssemer. , FresU'PJioenix cream for sale at the S ria, Wallace :buildlv, A -Otfl i A new line of fancy, Freiwh, and do ' ssestic pants 'patterns- at' Harris, the todlorV. t JSvery taxpayer and resident oL Bie- ' bee should make it a. point to see that Ms name is on the petition .t-be board of supervisors praying lor assistance to it&p our itreeis and. alleyways, in .a titan and bealthytcondition. . Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns,, cuts, bruises, spraina, wounds from. Misty nails, insect stings and ivy poison frg; qnickly healed, by Do Witt's Wltctf HaafciiSalve. Positively preventa ,!ioml poisoning. Beware of-counter- ' imtn. "De Witt's" is mapk and whw., ,6opi-er Queen-Mining Co. The iaU team returned from Tucron Mils afiernoiMu. Tlio boys' suffered do- b fsatbnt report having a fust class timcJ Tte core by innings was as ioiiovm: Wsb,e, L I 0 2 1 0 3 0 1-9 7j&usaaii a. 6i 0; Ou ft, 0, 0 0 x 11 Thexfidus of Bisbceites to , the Hua-' etiuca mountains still .coatUma.Bi M. filler ajxl. fsmilyv. tb Misses Miller sjul Miss Jennie and Bertha Hess made up a.purly which left here a few dayB unce for a several weeks'' stay, at tho famous siawner health -nesort. Dyspepsia i can bo cured by uaiag AeJtfr'8 nyspepsia TabletB.. Ona-little iblet will, give Inunsdisie relief-or MHMty refunded. Sold in handsome lite bsoes- at 25", els.. Said. by. J. S. WiNaws duCo.. , . L.0,, 1 iK9esisaffiss:ase t jifiiTrJ rtnKZtrtniU3ntr&trva - m i ii,i;yivswflva .TK4wtnu: ' t5- - lorvfe-Lf ,7 jfv."st v wira; v.; :? -smuvk to . k 'VjJ ia iittiffiss:a!Bx.e "uwraawwK ' BBaaKrtZK4HC8ci.'siarM"MiMKiDWQCKTBS" ma Tfhft Payjeiothft laajwrsfe. Th.following petition to the Board of Supervisors is being circulated, by. Constable Del Lewis,, pray inc the Board to ninke a email allowance for the pur pose of cleaning the streets anil alloy nsayof,$uibee, and,to keep the same in ahealthh. condition. Thia is a highly ptoper mode of procoedure, ana should' have been done long ago. Our streets and alleyways are In a deplorable con- 'ditkv, and being witbput a city govern ment, it eecuia to us that is the. correct thing te do, and we believe the Board will unhesitatingly grant the prayer of the petitioners, A. large percentage of tlm tnxfs of the county, and for that reason are entitled to some of the benefits given out and to- recognition in this re spect by, the. boa.rdNtWiQfiwho8a me.m bors tra residents. ofth:s town, and personally- know the requirements and needs, of the same. Following is the-po rtion with the names so far secured. More will be added and when full will be. fprwardedjto. the county seat. Bi3UKsAtei4ip Co., Ariz.,) "-WfcryTS, 1899. f To the Hpn.o.wibla. Board, of. Supervisors Ql,QcvcJii8e Co., Tomba tone, .Ariz..:. Gentlemen :. Wo the undersigned" citizens, property owners and taxpay er of the town of Bisbee, county of Co chise, Territory of Arizona, do hereby petition your honorable board as fol lows,, viz: That you allow George Gregovich one ((LOO) pe.r day for doing the necessary BcaveDger work, in the town of Biabee from and after the let day; of July, 1890, as we now have a population oU about 5,000 people, and Whereas, The daily accumulations ol debris upon our public streets, and alleyways and in other public places, has becomo in such a condition that the health ot the entire community is 'endangered by. the-same, and, Whereas, Theatencb.of dead animals, such as horses, burros, cats, dogs, chickens, etc., (the legal owners of which cannot be found) all of which necessarily have to be moved, though we, have no convenient manner nor method.'for their disposal, has become a public nuisance and an annoyance to your petitioners, and owing to the present condition of affairs such debris are allowed to smoulder and decay, without removal, on account of no one being willing to (personally) defray the necessary expenses of carrying away such garbagge, Whereof, We pray that your lionor ablebody will' give Utio mutter your entire coneideration, and niako such al io wenoe according to our prayer. C A (iyurloi-k L C Shattuck Peter Johnson E S Adam Jos Muheixu. S K Williams Medigovichd KobileJ A Irwin Dan llankina , E G, Norton J B Angius & Co T Luketich James Lottoa Alfred Paul TO Wright, John S Taylor G G Wetteraco Chas Godfrey William Scrimshcr 'Lewis Williams Jacatx.Scbruith Jolm Mobile George Dunn. C A Newman. Fjrank.Dubacber,' J5AVilliama&Co P M McKay & Co I W Wallace S O Perrin J J Patton Wood for eale $7.50 per cord by Jul ian Cardenas, O. K. street. j'16-tf For cold air flues, roof plates and guttering, call onC. A. Newman,. mlCtf The rains are now coming almoat daily and are of such gradual fall that tho country is receiving much good. The oaxtUi bv becoming, ptetty well, soaked, .and, eo far as we have been able to learn, there have been no flooded sections as yet. The grass is getting a good start and is well tet and thick on.tlie ground, and if we are uot visited later by hot, parching winds, it s rodboiiuble to pi edict u good season and plenty ol.fut cattle. For galvanized iron tanks and can teenb of all sized go to (J, A. Now man. t Mr, and, Mrs. 13. Lackamp, Elaton, Mo., writes: "One Minute Coughs. Cure saved .the life of our little boy when nearly dead with croup." Copper Queen Mining Co. Thomas Ingram, of Tombstone,, was found deuaiiii hisroom a few day's ago, and the coroner's jury found that he had died from natural causes, whatever that may mean. Tom was au old-timer in this county, hnvky lived for many years in Tombstone and who uchlorider in that camp tho greater part of the. time he resided there., Ho was well J known to all old-timers, and was a man of correct habits and upright character, and his many friends will bo grieved to learn of his sudden taking off. Thomas Khoads,., Cetiterfield, O., writes: "1 buffered from piles sevea or eight years. No remedy gave me relief until Do Witt's Witch Iiazol Salve, less tluui of which pej'munently.curcd me." fjoc tiling, healing, perfectly. harmless. Beware of counterfeits. Copper Queen Mining Co. ' II. W. HeBE.olgre8n,. who left homu about four weeks ago, taking with him the greater part oi. tlte family's earn ings, and who, it was thought by his wife, had gono to Sweden, has been heard from. Mrs. Hassehjieen lias re ceived a letter from. hltn-. which was jWritten In San Francisco. .Whether it is his intention to return to his family or not, .we, ore imabio, to state,, bat opine that such is the? case, elee he- would. tayrdlyj h&ye. wntioiUheau. f?lAS8.a-0t;. Diili hcadnchc, palns'in various pur of the body., sinking at tho pit of the stomach, loss efi'apnetiteh fevecudiness, pirn pies or pores aw-aii pooiiivo evidence of imuure blood. No matter how it be come ho it must bo purified in order to obtain goodi health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never fuild to. our,o Scroll ulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonder ful remedy and wo sell every bottle on a positive gjwanjteo. Sold by J. S,. Willlaina.fc.Gov Last Saturday night Dee Thomas- started to Tombstone on horseback, ex pecting to reach the county seat about Sro'clpok Sunday, morning, but at the extremity of the grade on the west side of the mountains and not far from the old stage stand his horse sprained one ofihis fore legs so bad that ho had to forego his visit, neither could ha ruturu. home but was compelled to make a pillow of his saddle, covering with the saddle blanket and spend the remainder of the. night' in, the.- loneliness of the h'lls. He reached home about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon leading his horse. " ..I ' , i A.Night Of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for tho wid ow of tho brave General Burnham of Machias, Me., when the doctors 6aid she. could not liw till morning" writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All thought 6he must soon die from Pneumonia, but site begged for Dr. Kiug's New Discovery, saying it had more than' once saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cuie all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at the Bisbee Drug store anu uopper Queen (Jo. If Children were Taught in school that good health is imposeible with bad teeth there would bo fewer toothaches, fewer sick people and fewer large dental bills. Every thing haB a beginning. You have the choice of attending to your teeth when there is not mneh to be done, or you can put it off until there will have' to be a great deal done. It's the falsest econo my; to procrastinate. The present is the time to act. , . . Daf WVK. Chambeks, Cbisholtn Building. ! ' , 110UP UUOH 01 N. Angius, Prop. GHOia- FAMILY GROCERIES, HIKES, LIQUORS. Cigai s, and Tobacco. A full assortment of Candies, Fruits and Nuta. Cor. O. K. & Railtoad Ave. Strum House Fliscst-Class Board Day, "Vfcek. or Month. BOARDING noUSE IN BEAK OF MASONIC TEMRLfe. Mas. A. W. Strdmm, Proprietor., V. G. MEDIGOYICH, . Wholosiilo anil Itetuil Dealer In GROCERIES. Poultry. GAME HEGElVEI OHCK WUliK Liquors, wines- doors end lotos, 1HEUHI0N MUTUAL LIFE IN8RANGE COMPANY OF PORTLAND, MAINE. (IKCOKPOKATKU 1848.) After 3 yeura extended insurance se cured automatically by tlitvoporation of 'a statute-'Oii tho Statu of Muino. Tho only company in the world doing busi ness under hucIi n ltfial provision. i pays moro proportionately to living pol icy holdcrB- in auttlcment, of. policies than any othor company. It's insu ranco isgiltedgo if every way.- , ;Q H) .Adams, N. W. Chabx, i Manngor, Kesident Agent, ' Etoeniwi.aiabecArJzona.. limn y'JF'asJi' ""''"" jWTj uMi BBS ly.SSS- Piles di M n! WANT "COLUMN. EOUNU-A,q1ipcU for $'J5 on Tularo County Buuk.,Tuluro, California, ilruwn iiufuvot of San i'nanclw(.iliij). Owner can have tf.inio by provlnir property anil paying for thW notice. JlSift WANTED-A food copper property, or trrojip,of,' claims.. SimkI full .lcsoriptic.ii of property, location, dlstnnco from railroad, wuter, f ucl, cto. Send tmuiplo of ore by mull or,- c.presH, prepaid. Address, ROBERT IlUItNHAM. 121 Camp St , Providences. It. I. KOltSALK Ono medium huuvy uot doublo lmrness complete, nlsa 0119 liouvy sot uliulu hartleys wit Lout collars. lioth sets lnivo lirecchliitf and in ilrst clusi bhapo. Aiijily to. Uie Old IloUnblft Trnnsfor. J5tf " FOR SALE-XIje O K Harnes SUop.busi uess stock and Will reL t room foti sumo. Apply to I), F. Graham &Co. J2tf KblMJU-A lady's black capo with fur trimmings. Owner cun havosamo by cullinff at thisollico and paying for tills uotioq. r a bu i'OK REiNT-l'our furnished rooms, buth room illi oonnectlon without -.extra charge. Apply to S. K. Williams. J27-tf COPPER IS THE 'METAL. The Cochise Copper. Mining Company, ' Bisbee, Arizona. This company cwns a very valuable group of mines situated) In Warren mining district, county of Cochise, Arizona, lying immediately east of. and adjoining the toiwn of Bisbee, and ad lolnlng the property of tho Copper Queen Consolidated Mining, company on the north. The latter company has been in operation for about twenty years,, and employs about-1,500 men daily in the operation of. its. mammoth, mine and smelters, and as a result has produced copper to over 34,000,000 pounds during the year 1898, and the net proceeds of audi production are. reported to have been over $2,O0O,OO(h and It has been Bald by experienced miners "who have been under its. em ploy for y,ears, that the Queen mine now has.3uffipierit ore in sight to keep it ' in constant. opejtion for the next twenty years -without furthei de velopment. Is" it not reasonable to believe that the' property of the Cochise company is fully as valuable, when It is within such, close"; pjoximity to such a won derful mine? The blasts set off in the underground- workings of the Queen property can easily be felb and heard at the shaft of our mine, and oftimes the concussion has1 attracted marked! attention. The original owners of these valu able mines are local business men, well and favorably known in Bisbee and Bufrdundlng vicinity, who are doing their utmost to make this enterprise a sudcess in every respect The board of directors are original owners, and are donating their services to the com pany until such time as the mine will pay dividends. They own. the con trolling interest in this property, and as a protection to stockholders have placed their entire interest in escrow for a term of one year. The stock books of our company are now open for subscriptions, and a lim ite&i number of shares are offered at te,n cents per share. No application for less than 100 shares will be ac cepted. The company reserve the right at any time to advance the price of shares without further notice, or to reject any apjilLcation for stock at their discre tion. Every cent received from the sale of stock will be expended toward the de velopment of our property and the erection of hoisting works, and all other necessary improvements, and to njak'e our enterprise a.success in every particular. We invite Investigators and their experts or their engineers to closely scrutinize our property. Applications for shares may be made to any oft the directors of the com pany, or to any of our legally author ized representatives. L. C. SHATTUCK, Pres. J. MUHE1M, Supt. & Treas. G. W. HILL, Vlce-Pres. S. K. WILLIAMS, Set):. Bisbee, Arizona. j j J, 1 d- sU -I jj sl ,! k-lf. 1IOWLAND & CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES'! -; Wholesale and Retail'. 7211 S. Main St., Los Antreles, Calif il'rr-rfC-TTS -vTJrvrr-JTs-Tr Jfrrp-r-vjrl .THE . K. lift Feed (I Sis 81 o- Horses boarded by the day, week or. month. Rigs furnished on-short notice. HORSES TAKKN CAUB OF AT KATES TO riUlT THU TIMES. Efbrses Bought and Sold B. F. GUAIIAm & GO., Prop THE NICHOLS & FLETCHER, Proprietors. A representative estabx lishmont catering to a representative, people. o:o Good Fare, Reasonable. ELates. Correct Service; OpDuiajilIitL i itesnmraiiL Til SILK I SILK I .LOSING OUT 1o,oqo yards of finest SHF, any color, 15 yards at 13 ik3c per yL For 10 Days only, beginning' J uly 7th. Send early and get the best. 510 1 8th St., Denver , V . m m B. R QRAHAH & C m (.fa House :: Furnisher fee fa I BISBEE, ARIZONA. im W- TURF SALOON. GEO. DUNN,. Proprietor The Home Bakery J. A. S: MILLER, Prop Is now open for business in the Duffy building, Brewery Gulch, and is now ready to furnish patrons with the best of Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies At ed-Rock Prices. He-will also continue business for a time at the old. stand, O. K. Street, next to the Orb, office; 00OM oofro9ooc)oeaecQaooGeogocoooooo Did You Notice That all duy their C. A. Overlock & Bro., I Union ' yHxMvMM4X!!X BISBEE DRUGSTORE Keeps-on hand a large assortment cf PURE DRUGS, HEDICINES AND CHEMICALS; Also a full line of the leading Patent Medicines, No tions, Toilet Articles and Perfumes. Physicians Prescrip tious Carefully and accurately Compounded., Also n.wcll selected 6tock.of.tho bofti WINES, LIQUORS AMD CIGARS? Oftll and see us. T. S. 77BillisL3SCLS dz, Co. Time Table Biste &. Naoo- Daily Stag Leaves Bisbee at 0 a. im every day. Arrives at Nueo at 11 a. in. Leaves NacoatSsp. in. Arrives nt Btsbeoat 5 p. in. Oflieu nt Hoodoo Store, Main Stree '"BISBEE ol i MRS. M. BLEWEIT IUtOPlUETUESS AIFULL MNE OS" Boois,.oHoeaoM1Genrs Furnisninas Goods Kennlrliu&HeAtliI)Qnoi sj-v- tit i ir 2!!MJLlSk I 5h -! It? I S oi the oest people ofBisbae Meat and Bread of . . flarfee& edo THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. -f '(' WORLD-WIDE CIRCUUTION. Twenty PagcsrWeekly;Illustratedi Indispensable to Mininq Mew. TS2ES DOLLARS PIR TEAR. riSTPAH). tAMPvt tOIU FIMt. MINING AHD SCIENIIFIC PRES8, , 220 Market St;.. San Francisco, Cal. Attention, Sinokersl When jou want n.jrcimln Mexican Cijtrar' nutl a aooil gmoUo, call for the Ln9o NacloHes," MwliAin. Mosuvlo. Eon s&laojrer.xMAw- itf Mmmtt i if? UK- '. 4. ', f'?w'Vll' xXmil V. ' t j ) . ' JT. ty"rfi'sAx t.-..- .-.. kH, ? V.V J, v- ..?. -.v. Ji SS KiSEK SB C'''f 'smxi M iVeg:' f.'r '.A'.'.' ' V A, . ir , A life-' vVJ&vT