Newspaper Page Text
S5MttatfeSKStiSKmtt fr rfVf 1 J ff? 4' J C r, . A '" t. 1 81 S; m i . n v m . . Vgi py .; '? S"'V' T." T l jit. ..uc. .uc. .ut- . aw. .u. sit, .sa. .Mt. ji& , " i town Tattle Sabreribe'for Tiik Orb. Odd Fellows meet tonight. Library lamps and stand lamps just received atB. F. Graham's. t Dr: B.'G. Carloton Iias'retnfnert from lbia profeealbnal trip to Nacosari. Wood tor sale, $7:50 per'cordj-J.Car- enasVO.'K. street. 'IfcJrs. P. A. Cunnincliam returned friom a visit to Tombstone yesterday. 4 'Coffee like your mother need to make ft the Can Can. Up-to-date job printinR,at Tiik Okb. ' Vint vour Dictures iramedatB. F. Gra KttUte 'Mfcam's. The Tombstone nine tyasdefoated by iihe Pearcetoam on Sunday'by a score of fto7. Bedloungee and cotiches made to crder at'BF. "Graham's. 'For delicious ice creanvandcake go to tfce Burrs, Wallace building. AlO-tf f G. A. Overlook and family returned Vfrom a two weeks camping trip 'in the IVnnr.hlira'R. NT .. . i -I gaarameetui my suits or pants u ni wt no sale. HarriB. the Tailor. tf 'Miss Mary Boylo is-visitiDrfriendsiri mbatone. Short orders, at allhours, at-'the Can 'C&a, Omer Barker, proprietor. W : Mrs. Sam J. filler -deft Ihis'morning for her borne in Maryland, where she 'will remam. FOR SALE ATirst' class organ. Ap ply, to Mrs. Wm .' Case. , J31-2w Tom Hopkins was a passenger on 'the SBtfcoing train' today bound for Chicago. Fob Sale Furniture for a three room 'house. A 'bargain. -Apply at this office. ' uS J ft Jesse Toland left this 'morning for a viBit to his old borne Hn 'Missouri where be will remain for -several months. TOR 8ALE Batching outfit, com plete for one or two persons; cheap for 'cash. Inquire at this office. W. C. Green returncolyesterday from Phoenix and laltUoddy for his ranch on l"tbe mer. If you are in need of anything in the 2 job printing line give Tiik Oru a trial, we can please you. All kinds of upholstering and repair- .log done at B. F. Graham's. t "Hall 'banked up yesterday along the i railroad traek-in tho vicinity of Naco Junction 4o. a 'depth of nearly two feet. .FOR SALE Furnituro and house M 'furnishing goods (or three room6. 'For further prttculars apply et 'this office. J31-lw Mrs. F. 0. Fenner iB expected to re turn here next week from Las Vegas, where she has been visiting for a num- Iber of vreoka. If you want anew hat, neatly trimmed to suit your taste, leave your order at Mrs. Bewett's. JO-tf Call at "Tho Owl" lunch counter, in tlrtfnt of tho Turf saloon, sand witches, Btews, etc. ' George 111 Williams iB one of the latest of onr citizens to join the ranks of the (benedicts. Miss Delia Murray was the (Other contracting party. Latest styles iin millinery goods at iMrsblewott's. JO-tf Suits cleaned al"$2 on short notice at Harris the Tailor. tf. Just received, a nice Rne in dinner Mts in decorated china ware, at B. F. 'Graham's. t For cold air flues, roof plates and guttering, call onC. A. Newman, mlCtf Miss Edith Stowe, came in last even- ,lng, from the San Bernardino ranch where she has been spending her sum Bicr vacation. She will leave" in tho .morning or Los Angeles, where bIio ,goes to have her eyes treated. Dyspepsia can be cured by usiig Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. Ono little Tablet will give immediate reliof or 1 .money refunded . Sold in handsomo tin boxes at 25 cts. Sold by J. S. WilliainB & Co. For galvanized iron tanks and cant iteenb of nil sizes go toO. A, Newman. You can trade your old furniture or .staves for new at B. F. Graham's. FOR 8ALE The pioporty on Main ;8trcet, known as the Mansion House, (furniture, etc. Apply on tho premises. J271mo. Fresh iFhoenix cream for sale at the parrs, Wallace bnllding. A -OKI A Bew, line of fancy, French and do ,wetic pants patterns at Harris, the Tailor's. t Attention is called to the professional (tard of Professor Arthur Fisk, the vio jHaist, which appears in another column At this issue. Mr. Ftsk is a violinist of JsOte, and those desiring to tako lessons ,m that instrument would do well to see is. De Witt's Littlo Early Risers benefit .jptrnanentb.' They lend gentle assist je to MUre, causing no pains or 'jMMkaM; MtoMBently curing coastipa- Me M lirer ailments. Copper Queen jJMftaCou - efj-n,- tw RICHARD FISHER ENTOMBED. Caught in a Cave in the Tranquility Mine ia Tombstone. Sunday mbrning about 11:30 o'clock Torabslono was severolv agitated by the report that a cave-in had occurred at the Tranquility mine and entombed Itiehurd Fisher, one' of. the miners. Fisher ia ono of the best known aud popular miners in that camp and has many friends in Bisbeo. The news of his misfortune is a ead blow to his friends. Tho cavo occurred on the 200 foot lovel and waB of "considerable dimensions. Willing fellow minors started to work at once to lescue the entombed man, and' the work has b'een pushed vigor ously. 'Twenty-four hours after tho ac cident happened, according to tho Pros-' .pector, "tho miners got within good speaking distance of Fisher and tho lat ter, -with remarkable fortitude and en durance, assured his rescuers that ho was not suffering and, although badly cramped, had plenty of air. When asked to tap the wall with a rock that he might be better located, tho answer of the imprisoned Fisher was that he could not move his hands or feet. He was pinibned" to the wall, and yet not a murmur or uroan while in the paroxysm of despair.1' '" 'M Since that time and up to 11 o'clock thh morning, no sound had been heard fromiFisher, and there now seems to be but little doubt that he is dead. The rescue work is still progressing as rapidly as possible, and time alone can tell what the brave rescues will find when they reach the unfortunate man, but all hope for tho best. Latbk. Tombstone, Aug. 2. Oan, Bisbee: Fisher's body recovered .laie this morning, badly bruised up. Fun eral will bo held tomorrow. A Night Of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for tho wid ow of tho bravo General Burnhara of Machias, Me., when the doctors said she could not live till morning" writes Mrs. 8. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, Baying it had more than once saved her life, and had cured Lev of Consumption After three email doses she slept easily all night, and its furthei tibo completely cured ber." This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to euro all 1 iiroat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50o and $1.00. Trial bottles free at the BiBbeo Drug Store and Copper Queen Co. One of the most enjoyable flocial events that has occurred in Bisbeo for some time took place at tho lodge loom of the Woodmen lust evening. The members of tljat order gavo a reception ana banquet to ine memuers c: '"5 Woodmen Circle? and a few of their friends. The evening waB Bpent in danciug until about 10:30, when re freshments wero Beivcd, consisting of sandwiches, cake, ico cream, lemonade, etc. After the intermission dancing waB again resumed until a late hour. Those who had the pleasure of being preeent repoit having a most delightful time, and that the woodmen are to be congratulated upon tho success of the affair. Played Out. Dull headache, pains in various parts of the body, sinking at tho pit of the stomach, loss ef appetite, feverishness, pimples or sores are all positive evidence of imnure blood. No matter how it be come so it must bo purified in order to obtaiu good health. Acker's Bjood Elexir has never failed to cure Scroll ulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonder ful remedy and wo sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Sold by J. S. Williams & Co. A telephone messago was received from the San Bernardino ranch last evening stating that Pablo, a Mexican in the employ of J. H. Slaughter was killed by lightning during the after noon. The Mexican was assisting Willie Slaughter in repairing a part of the wiro fence, when a thunder Bhower came up, and tho lightning striking Pablo killed him instantly, while Slaughter was knocked down and rendered unconscious for some little time. Arthur FiBher, who Ib in tho employ of O. A. Overlook, received the sad news of tho serious illnoss of his mother at tho San Bernardino ranch, this morn ing, and left at once for that place. Ackkh'b Dysi'bpsia Taiilets are soul on a positive guarantee Cures heart burn, raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief 25 cts. apd 50 cts. For sale at Bisbeo Drug Store. Experience is the best teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money ro funded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by J. S. Williams & Co. James Howell came in last evening 'from the San Bernardino ranch and will return tomorrow. He reports good rains in that section of the country during tho past wfiok. ft --irr- " " Toothache Suffering . i i is very real. That wjlicld you think awaits you in the dentist's chair is all imaginary. v .' i, . , People forgot that old-timo dentists with their bnrbarous jnstnnnentsjio longer exist. Modem dentistry, m prac ticed by us, is a painless, scientlUc method of tooth preservation, Let ua attend to your teeth as soon as there is the slightest symptom of any thing wrong, and you'll always have good teeth. Dr. W. K. Chambers, Cliisliolm Building. Mr. David Cohn, of tho firm of A.1 Colin & Bro., yesterday morning re ceived a trelegram baaring the sad in telligence that his brother, Isidor Cohn, had died in Los Anjjeles on Monday' night at 10 o'clock of typhoid fever. lie had been 111 for some time and on Fri day tearing the worst Mr. Adolnh Cohn left to attend at his bedside. Gazette. Rick Headacho absolutely and 'd er manently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb" drink. Cures constip, ation and 'indigestion, makes you eat sleep, woik aud happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 ut,s4 and 60 cts. For sale by J..S. WilliauisJ & Co. , . . Otto Miller, who has been employed for tho past nine months as foi email of the OKI! office, left this morning jyecom panied by his wile, ior Phoenix where they will remain for sometime. Thomas Rhoads, CeDterfield, O., writes: "I suffered from piles seven or eight years. No remedy gave me relief until De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, less than a box of which permanently cured mo." Soothing, healing, peifeetly harmless. Beware of t-oumei feits. Copper Queen Mining Co. J. H. McKim and J. Bentpn came up last eveninc from tho Roy mine in So- noia. We understand ,tho papers trans fer! ing the property to tho Denver peo pie is to be made out today. For Sale A three room furnished .nouse, centrally located. Apply to A. h McLeod, company store. 24-w lohn Serg, of Prescott, has been sued ly a California widow for $20,000 on ac crunt of a breach of promise of mar riage. Seig has an income of $100 per day from a gold mine. Fly's Photograph Gallery opposite residence pf Wm. Han is, Biewciy gulch. ml3-tf United States Assistant Attorney Bennett arrived todav from Phoenix to prosecute the cases of smuggling against tho three Mexicans recently arrested in Dixie canyon. A telegram was received today from Roswell, British Columbia, stating that Robert Grant was recovering from tho effects of his injuries and was out of all danger. An amateur editor has made a fort u ne by h's pen. His father died of grief on reading ono of his editorials and left him $150,000. Charles Jlerkho ff, is the happy father of a blight, bouncing girl, eleyep pounds, that arrived at his home .yes terday. Dan Hagan has returned to Los An geles after spend ing several daysin our city. WANTED Board and' lodgings for man, wife and babe, in private family. Apply at Oait office. a2-5t Wall 1'nper. Our line of wall paper is the very latest, being designs.of 180S. August Jokrs THE O. IS c- Horses boarded by the day, week or month. Rigs furnished on short notice"; HOllSBS TAKEN CARK OF AT KATKS TO SUIT TIIK TIMES. Horses Bought and Sold B. F. G&AIIAM & CO., Irop Strum House First-Class Board Day, Week or Month BOARDING;, HOUSE ' IN REAR"OF jWASONIO TEMPLE. V t ', Wns. A. W. TJMJMM,rrronfiotor. -m Si II 111! WANT COLUMN. FOUND A chock for $05 riii Tularo'County TtAtilt.Titlnre. California, drawn in fnvnr nt Sun l'rnnctsco llrm. Owner, can have snmoJ by provmff property ana paying lor this notloe.. JlStf VaNTKD A Bood copper property, or group of claims. Sond full description of property, locution, distance from railroad, water, fuel, etc. Sond sample of ore by mall or express, propuld. Address, KOBEKT nURNHAM. 121 Camp St., Providence. R. I. FOU SALE Ono medium hoavy set double J harnoss coii)plcto, nlso one heavy set chain llarncES without collars. Doth sets have brcoahlns and in flr,st class shape. thop'ulBeliobfojlVansfdrv' '' , Apply to -t' i ' 1 1 ' i FOB SAtX Tho O K Harness Shop IiuaU nois, stook und Uxtiues. Will root room for same. Apply to U. F. Graham & Co. J2tf BOUND A ludyfs black capo with fur trimmings. Owner can havosamo by calling: at thisotilce and paying for this notice. TBOB KKNT-rour, furnished rooms, bath room; lu connection' without extra charge. Apply to S. K. Williams. J27-tf COPPER IS THE 'METAL. The Cochise Copper Mining Company, Bisbee, Arizona. if. ' This company owns a very valuable goup of mines situated) in Warren mining district, county of Cocniso, Arizona, lying immediately east of and a$6lning the town of Bisbee, and ad joining the property of the Copper liueeu Consolidated Mining company oii the north. The latter company has ben in operation for about twenty years, and employs about 1,500 men diily in tho operation of its mammoth mine and smelters, and as a result haB produced copper to over 34,009,000 pounds during the year 18'J8, and the net proceeds of such production are reported to have been over $2,000,000, and it has been said by experienced miners wlio have been under its em ploy for years, that the Queen mine now has sufficient ore in sight to keep it in constant operation for the Inextwenty, years "without furthei d.o jvejopmeiilti' '" is it not reasonaoie to oeneve mat 'the property of the Cochise company is i.uiiy as vaiuaDie, wnen u is wicnin such close proximity to such a won derful mine? The blasts set off hi the underground workings of the Queen property can easily be felt and heard at the shaft of our mine, and oftlmes the concussion .has attracted marked attention. The original owners of these valu able mines are local business men, well and favorably known in Bisbee and surrounding vicinity, who are doing their utmost to make this enterprise a success in every respect. The board of directors are original owners, and are donating their services to the com pary until such time as die mine 'will iay dividends. They ovn the con trolling interest in this property, and as a protection to stockholders nave placed their entire interest in escrow for a term of one year. d The stock, books of our company are now open "for subscriptions, and a lim ited number of shares are offered at ten cents per snare. No application for less than 100 shares will be ac cepted. The company reserve the right at any time to advance the price of shares Without further notice, or to reject any application lor stock at their discre tion. Every cent rcceivedi from the sale of stpek ivill be expended toward the de velopment ot our property and the .erection of hoisting works, and all other necessary improvements, and to make our enterprise a success in every particular. , We Invite investigators and their oxperts or their engineers to closely Scrutinize our property. , Applications for shares may be made cto any of the directors of the com pany, or to any of our legally author ized representativts. L. C. SHATTTJCK, Pres. , J. MUHEIM, Supt. & Treas. G. W. HILL, Vice-Pres. t t S. K. WILLIAMS, Sec. (l Bisbee, Arizona. jj slf 1 y j fc.) J J X ,,J., ,j-' 12 HOWLAITD & CO. . JfflOTOGMPHie SUPPLIES.! 4 ' Wholesale and Retail. Jf T211 S. Main St.. Los Anceloa. Cnlif.r "7J f. -jv. . j. ,, ,j. . i,- -j-. -r- -i- T"' THR NICHOLS & FLETCHER, Proprietors. A representative estab lishment catering to a representative people. Good Fare. Reasonable Rates, Correct Service, Open Day aud Hiikl! fkt:eman. Pio.Munt AVm. C. DAVIS. Vico-I'ioliluiit. THC ;i bQOK Of Tucson, Arizona. Capital Paid Up $ 5o,000 Surplus and Profits 10,000 Deposits 400,000 Money"' transfer made liy drnft, telegraph or coblo to points ull over tho worW. Accounts of Individuals, firms nnd corpo Yati'ixasolloltcd.nndtliolr Interests carefully tnolicd after. H. B.TENNEY. Cor .'. . . .. -hl ft! If B- Ml I M. P. GOBQOftfl 110 SILK! -CLOSING OUT' 1 0,000 yards of finest Silk, any color, 1 5 yards at 13 ,i3c per yd. For 10 Days only, beginning July 7th. Send "early and get the.bps ttII 1 510 18th St., Denver, Colo.." ' Mining Engineer. GEO. C. Assaying at Current Prices. Late Instructor in School of Mines, University of Missouri. !SJIK5S55J?SS5iK?JS?S8J r-iiT, i ,--. ,: -r.'viv ,v, omi-K-nwimmaiio. r-w. KM B. F. GRAHAH & GO -, to- House :: Furnishers. Mi. If IS! m BISBEK, DVMfmni z TURF SALOON. S GEO. DUNK, Proprietor! The Home Bakery J. A. S. MILLER, Proji. Is now open for business in the Duffy building, Brewery Gulch, and is now ready to furnish patrons with the best of Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies At cd-Rock Prices. He will also continue business for a time at the stand, O. K, Street, next to the Orb office. io&wticeefexwfr&i v f SB E P E 3 (fo That all buy their Meat and Bread of . C. A. Overlook & Bro., Union WMVrHWUWtWXWI&VP BISBEE DRUG STORE Keeps on hand aJlarge'assortiileut of PURE DRUGS, HEDICINES AND CHEMICAL Also a full line of the leading Patent Medicines, Ni tions, Toilet Articles and Perfumes. Physicians Prcscg':? tions Carefully and accurately Compounded. Also a well selected stock of tho best ' WINES, UQUO&S ANE5 CIGA-R'S Call and see us. T. 3. "TilB Time Table Bista & Saco Daily Stap. Leaves Bisbeo at 8 a. in. every day. Arrives a t Naco at 11 a. ua. Leaves Naco at 3 p. in. Arrives ut Bisbee at 5 p. in. Ofllco at Hoodoo Stoiu, Haiti Strru BEBEE- l M MRS. M. BLEWETX PROPnilJTItESS A FULL LINK OF J epmau snoes.cnd jsenrs i K Hiiirr "."' SILK! SILK! i.i CUARK, '?Sg -vx-i-i a ARIZONA, i '; j Sis! msmmxm t'ikTiiSii ,-, old" o the best people'OJ3isJ)ee ! t t I flarket. WW - isisL dc Co, ; THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. 4 S 4 4 WORLD-WIDE CIRCULATION.) Tvrcnty.Pages; Weekly; Illustrated, j Indispensable to Mining Men. TSaZE 30ILARS PXRTSl rVSTPAn.( I MPwt CO FUI. : HIKING AKD SCIENTIFIC PRESS, 220 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. ' T Attention, Smokers! WVonjou want n areuulno ;Mexfccan Cljffir nd o irood for tlio L,ns Dos Nncioncs," Mdcln .Ivjqpole. Fqr le ej-ywhqr ' S MM iiWMUaiuvaj5.aiiisiui!iusimLmaimmimami v iar nr , i. ' 1 ' ! .ftj m4 '4 i i V. 7 f sin d 4. "h ."' ' t ' lA A 0 "r-'liJ Arj' w S' . Kv . . j&$ ' " 'ff,j ' m,W t i- .""&" e - f I'TKFV HKBfS 2