Newspaper Page Text
I r- ' '?''- -1'- ' ' "" " ' ',vl .''"- ki" . '- ''J .:--..;i :rt- -AWSi J py A. 1JA1 iY iJlcrv -I VOLUME III BISBEE, ARIZONA, FRJDAY EVENING, AUGUST 4l i8q9 . NUMBER i83 ,' I i . lhii.i.i iu nn , ,, , lllln r-.-Ll!BW'"'-'''''"TlITTy'y'''i','l ' irniMii'ii""1 iimuhihii in i.i'wwwhwiIwiwmi wimu m rwi ip , , wwMWM,MMgMHMMM1MMMMMMMJMMMMMMM , ' -om-ow TFTliTTIAPlTTr PAW! Attempted Suicide ' "" , f "SNAPPY BARGAINS. ' ', TheSanFraneXaminerofJuly' ; ' ., $ ' 5 .'Rrooll BWm !, TXT:n f..V. All M.-o C'..l.:i n il..i(.f n, 1? P r H "W "H Wi i." V .. 1 is .i m -w 'V .AftAfcL."" TFi? are glad to Jiote the constant insti'eami , nn. n p' , ' n! ,,. I """- 06 PW a-?ifZ account chasing vublio in OwvmablMtlmwnt. Z . r flftw ' . f ; '. , . ",. ' K J. JL JL-tf i We-are constantly offering. The oalance of this evowdedtrom morning until night, tlie &j .ai i x $ BARGAINS We offer'will be the cause of it all. UNDERWEAR. Lmliea'Silk Llnle Vests worth 40c go at 30c. Ladies' Silk LiBle Vests worth 35c no at 25c ' Liulies' Silk EjrvptSan Vests worth 25c fto at 15c. Rnv's Balbricgari .Underwear sizes 5 to 14 worth 70 to, 9oc per euit, irp.nt 50c. , , -,, e;Ohildrun'fi Sleevelesn Eej;i)tian, Vests worth Js and-20c go at ur e AJ U itlN UWDER WFAR. Ou fflwSS r Line of M mil in Uudeiucra- is Positively .the Bnrnn wllji ' : worth $l'.mi ." at ?1 K. IjuMi' Wf" I'ti.Iei.-kiits, wftl, ! -,r m at sfl.10. l.ti.iiits' VV1-,- c Ci lei-kin, wo'''i' .-(.' r-. .ii .-1 -0. L,uliCh' While Li.ucis-.iU, wcy - ," ' C t ;;' ';'-'.;.. Lu'dlcs'-"Whitd UnderskirtsV woith 75u' i'J-.$f 'K- ' -.- 'SHOES. ; . jr ; Jfen'n Tim' Low't-nt "Vict Kid" Shoes, woith ?2fi0t;o at a 1.50. THE' Agents for Royal All Summer Dress i $ . ' Hoy's Urown Shoes, sizes 3 to i, wo-tli .f .M kq at .i.u. I'' -Men'H-'Jleaw, ail Shoeswort h i?2.f0 at. $2.00. ? Ladies Black and Tan Oxford', worth 1.00 vn at !f2.00. X ' All Other Goods Wia'Hnyo Cut from 20 to LJ5. pyr cent.. A 'AU OUUIIUCI icasuuuua 3 ttuu j un. v XTJ&GOr Lsts for Sale Title Guaranteed), Prices Reasonable. dpply in Person or by Letter to "' bVW- Mn Dm. it Uiti tQQf TIM GRIFFITH, roprietor. .Finest Turnouts in the City, J5 , HMUMIMi ! IAUTOH WIHIftBMMiHi I Horses boarded, by the "week, day or moiitli. Horses jbought and sold, Complete hack service. Hacks will meet all trains. Good Upper Main St. Bisbee Trahsfer Company, "Freight. Baggage and Express Delivered to any vari Kir " . ... oiJkcQity. if Proanpt Service siid wicSi 35eSxvcry. y, -C . , 'sAssayer .and, Cheoiiat, RELIABLE WORK AT ' HO DERATE PRICES. , ifetft-s '"' 'itijf. ."Mining properties phnvd on commission. Mines examined " '''$. jand. reported on. Oorri!iondonco eolicited. All work J' ' .promptly nttomlcil to. jfp WOOD, 144 Pmiino:ton Street. Tucson, Arizona- I'u. ,, ' I l'nl.1, i' stw t-a .(, p - - -4.0C. I IKU,M2' BOSo Proprietors. Fresh j)eef Mutton, ,""" sages, etc Unoice- Cats of Meats Only. Fresh , Bread Daily. W&L 3SDOK ." r.V M aU "t.rAr TV-li .t i-.- i m uwua jjcuverfu rrec iu "" ' V&2x uyalii Pw rW-K James- F. jy&Jted' States Deputy Miaeral Surveyor aud Civil Engineer : "' SURVEVINQ iVT ALL. ITS BRANCHES. Wnllncc SluU'.M:i;r , . Ztlnlicu, Arli-.oiii. -C, A. NEWMAN Tinner, Plumber and Sheet. Metal Worker -Second IXfl C'ootils Bossftlii astiXSoItl, i-.-'n..',. j.1. T slTW Ii II HI J. II I V.V A . ' i fill r: . j i" ff I .w I L. M n 1 .. I 'j I M..M L i.v A ai-f-aj jl j. - 17 VWlll tf VlitV ilrj.iw, .. , week will find Qurbigra X ! FAIR. ii niv w Worcester Corsets. Goods y2 aud j off. at Naco, V fj! " B, 'J. O'REIIXY, KACO, AIIS. mm m' o ' . w .lyjewgjc nn ni-l,irti-j V 0 V u Oli Mm, service, ESasbee, Arizona town Hmf5at,tti6iidiu;-g3Fpy 7 ctsts.'s 'Whit" 'hirtorsW!". son e with Jnsertin nnii"'' n wvMVMnnmKmKotaii 'n,i I, i.-r, C!. Porto, Teal, .Saus- All rj .j? n.. m o A'f. 111 rails 01 me iuwn ?;, St., Blafoee. . ci. ' 1 lMWWMVWIHMMi(iailMtmiUtt WAJMW WWy V Trotter, O. K. Street. 0 "Bisbec Arioiri DISOec, ivnOlUl. M Potam, Rio Yaqui, Aug; 4. via Ortiz, Snuni Yesterday, Lieutenant Henesa with a small detachment of troop en countered a group of Indians who., fought vigorously for a few minutes and then retired leaving five dead. Col. Anastacio Torres in another encounter with the Indians repulsed them, killing uiroe. ah rtvi)i" ir, tt.f v.'!.'- ie i fli'rinjt to the to iv i. s aixi r.inohed wli-'re i imnu uio iruui. iiif uyiKing mi I'lrinrning was head 1 by Gen. D. Irenzo Torres in pc-ron. While at the lifadoi ; !n- I ro0-8 in lie u'C-'uxd a wound in the thiuh. The Indians 'retreated leaving fifteen dead. The government ifi makiim every effort to forward addi tional troops. Nogalts, Aug. 4 Two gatling guns anJ a dotcchment of artillery soldiers irom the Citv of Mexico via El Paso, have been hurried southward to the i cone of the Yaqui war. Troops are also being marched across the mount- ains from Duraugo and Chihuahua to join tho forses in the field. From points over Southern Arizona it is reported the Yaquflaborera are leaving for Sonora. Mayor Overton has sent Gov. Murnhv of Arfzona a request to a,sk the war de- pariinuui. 10 eenu a iroop oi cavalry from Fort Huachuca for the protection of the town. Paris, Aug. 4 The Iutranslgeant today springs tho following by Genera! Mercier: "Dreyfus will undoubtedly be reconvicted. -Tho report, shows that "either ho or I is guilty. As it is cer tainly not T it must a Droyfu. T in- tend to toll H all at the tria " Mot cier will swear tint unt V.m .lucn ' Sit, (-ieri'ian amr,ajfaiuir to Pniip. tihl him thai Dieyfun liad givon Fiptiah luilitarv t-p. tots t( tie.iinanv. Mereiet's utateuicnt la not takv-u seriously. Manila, July 30, via Hong Ko'ng; Aug. 41 Troops in the southern islands are cbmplaining ol the vations which they claim are not tuitcd to the climate and do not include sufficient fresh meats. During six months stay of- the Califor" nia regiment at Negroa tho regiment was without fresh meat except for occa sional supplies of inferior native beef. Thcro is plenty of refrigerated meat iu Manila harbor at this time. Capo Ilaytian, Aug. 4. Later advices Irom thfc Dominican republic indicate that tho revolution is growing in num bers. At Santa tlu la Cruz 400 well armed men have risen, under command of Generals Pacheco and Proyes, who are very influential in theiro districts, and have joined tho insurgents with several other generals, each command ing important forces. Washington, Aug. 4. Official letters received from the representatives in ('imaiiy bunging details cone :ni:.-r t tie imnt action in 'at eiuntrv ll; in' to the exclusion of btvt i-laiJ. 1 in Belgium from tin; German maiikcts an I leave litt'n room for.lonht tint th i- is done for tho purpose of prev.-ntn thointroductim of tho Amoricrn pfo dncts. , ' .- Glasgow, Aug. 4. The cup challeng er, Shiunpronk, was rigged yesterday and eailed from the lower Clyde for New York nt 10 o'clock this morning. She was accompanied by Sir Thomas Lip ton's steam yacht, Erin. A large crowd cheered the Shamrock's departure. As the yacht left hor anchorage, Captain Aichio Hogarth shouted to those on tho shore: "The cup is us good a? in. the OIIUU1IUUK Ii lOCKUr. AiFnghtful fllundsr Will often causo a horrihlo liurn, Scald, Cut or Drui3o. Ruoklen's Arnica jSahe, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures j Old Sores, Fever Soros, Ulcers, UoIU, "Fc!ons' Corns- y'd EmptlonB. ( Host rilo euro on earth. Only 25 eta. a jbox. Cure guaranteed. Sold by tho i Uaibco Drug Storo and Copper Queen vCo.. ' ' - , The San Francisco Examiner of July "1, eavs: . Mrs. Sybil.Dunn, the wife of Dr. E. C. Dunn, of Fre.-no, attempted to jump fioin i ',vha-f Mf. Third ami Bfry Btreete (into tJift liaj ti 1'iid ho ' lif 1 f" ni'hf. A Imatman on the wharf caught her just iS e'.Vj had thrown off hor jacket and waB i"vi'''nui; in piungo lino mu waim . The woman struggled to escape from him and carry out her purpose, begging "all the time to bo allowed to end her ex- islance. She had been drinking and she was turned over to a policeman, who had her locked up on a charge of drunkennpfsa, po that elm could havrf no I'hauce to li.irin hi t--!i. Mrs. Dunn hm vrv '.lospunilent in tliopiison. Slie sain she and lier hus- -j hand had become estranged, and that !ie h-'l nc:'hnr home nor friendf . i$Dr. Dunn i .u extcu-jn vine.ul;s in KiOiitio county suiil owns co:sidi ahli' property in San Francisco. Sho claims that he commenced divorce proceedings against hor about two weeks ago, and since then sho has been so despondent that she considered lifo not worth liv ing. She declaredjin tho prison that she would end her existence at the first op portunity that offered. "I would mortgage five years of my life if she- could bo reformed," was the remark of Dr. E. C. Dunn when in formed by an Examiner correspondent of the attempt at suicide of his wife. Dr. Dunn is a well known physician of Fresno, California, prominent in fra ternal orders and high in tho Knights of Pythias, holding a commission .as Colonel in the Uniform Rank, of that order. Ho married his wifo fifteen years ago at Tombstone, Arizona. Tho news of her attempt upon her life is not a great surprise. Sho has made several attempts here with morphine, and her life was only saved by tho strenuous efforts of her husband. The woman is a confirmed victim cf the liquor habit and her husband has done all that science could suggest to cure hor, but to no pur pose. They have been separated 6ince J-epU-uilu'r i.i'-t, '. lit. 1 1 aw a 1 tn mi'dy he sent to -an lianci- . -i.i i--.-.11J to be. o.u ,o-e:;"e 1 ol a f mcida! lumnhi wlK'ii tin' ono 1' her altat-l Ji. 1 in.') 11 l"o week a no in- stituted suit f r a :.voi:e. Mi?. Jhinn has a euite., th un, ,t w. ;, i. si... ' has also numeious other reiauvus in tiie Santa-Clara valley.. IS IT ItlGHT, For an Editor to Ilecommend Patent Medicines? From Sylvan Valley News, Bsqvrad, N. C. : It may be a question whether the editor of a newspaper has. tho right to publicly recommend any of the vari ous proprietary medicines which flood the market, yet as a preventive of suffer ing wo feel it a duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic,. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Wo havo known onjJ used this medicine in our family for twenty years and have always oiind it reliable. In many cases a dose of this lomedy would save hours of suffering while a physician is awaited. We do not believe in depending implic ity on any medicine for a cure, but wo do believe that if a bottle of Chamber lain's Diarrhoea Remedy were kept on hand and administered at tho inception of-an attack much suffering might be avoided and in many casos the prcaenca of a physician would not ! required. At h'.if-t tin l't h'-ii our n.'j- p.lSI tv-i't't v vl .1 -. l U 'stdtf G.'in: Sl.t-nft Mui'l' ",'-n,'l fr-'m thfi, u I oil .myou -i. horhoo.l v-j;ori;v. Ili was ..itislu-d tiiat Ciiuiles Bishop, the Verdo assa sin, is still secreted in thu vast quaking a'sp forest in that region, and that ho probably lia3 provisions to last him six months. Tho sheriff h is by no moani given up the chase, but is horo to tako a fiesb smrt, and will keep after hii man if it takes his whole term to catch him. KESTAU11A.NT Fresh Kansas City flestts Constantly on Hand. VTe Cater to nil Classes. Private Parties and Ban qaets cC Specialty. Nothing but white help employed. filvcUsaCall. Qmer Barker, Prop. COPPER STORE. 2. f ' "if 's "Betwixt and Between here new. .In the interim between the final outgoing of the summery goods and the advance oncoming of the new season's merchandise little prices oir lingering lots of present need goods prevail. For instance: Shirt Waists well made and of good material, reduced from 65c, 75c and 85c to 5oc. This is a thrice-told tale, but it bears repeating. SHirt Yfaists that were 5:. 25, 1.35, 1.50 and 1.75 Si. 00 ami $1.25.! If you've need of a waist , , tllcsc few words arc important Low Priced Lawns to our regular 8c assortment have been added a lot of 10c colored lawiis and dimities; This means greater choice and an added element of 8c yard. Womens' Umbrellas nat- ural wood crooked haudles,1j'tached or detached; every de- ' 1 75c; steel rods 85c and $i.25.sirable styleandkind Colored Underskirts two ruffles at'bottpm,together w ith dust ruffle $1.25! White Pique with welts j ivuuiiiii.; across the go(!-, iji - - I . 1 .- 1 . . t T .' iieaa o; nonzontany. . iuKnoclceu on tneirpnce. Jtteg- stock again at. 20c yardij mtxraiw Womens' Low Shoes the odds and ends of sizes and kinds.. The little prices marked on them will make it worth your while to look for your size. jl I SPft' 1 v ia ri n vn e? w-w k Zm n. The Copper QUEEN 'Jl Mens' Wool Pants-a small lot of only 71 pairs left. For-; mer prices were from $1.50 tot $4.50; now $1.00 to $3.00 a. pair. ' Hens' Work Pants not5 wool, but wear resisting cot tonade in dark, dirt-proof col or's from $1.25 a pair to $1.00. Littje Weight Underwear for Hen the fancy sorts. Broken assortments make prices much less' thaniisual, . , t Negilee Shirts-soft or stiff bosom, collars and cuffs at- '. 85c to $4.00. Mens' Straw Hats smooth or rough braids; soft or flat brim. Reduced from $1.75 4 $2.50 to $1.50. Mens' Linen Crash aud Co- Veri. Suits have had u dollar . .iv. X-. ularly $5.60, now $4.00 a suit. tar.m mtm i 1 il f Boys'. -Wash Suitsr-the$.2,so $2.75 and $3,00 sorts,- all novf $2.00. Queen Insng So. 1 1 1,. i r&4 Wr" t &, 4f- ' T .s 'J. ft ': 1