Newspaper Page Text
-.f-'i"V- . v . , ,- O 'Vi'iS! - ,. - , - - . f '"nr:a: '- . iM-- ,. .. jeMd" '. mx- V v . rr K Wr ifa ij y i. i w s. J4k.'4 ,?-y si inr RATLROA.D TIME TABLES AB1I0MA ANP MimtHASTEBN 1IAH.H0AD CBOl rafcJi South ward. TIMK TABLE No. 10. a OCT. 15th. 18 a MIXED. tfisx "First Flrst ClaSH. STATIONS. Dully " -flu IX. Ill t-ltt ! VC ;K 3:(M 9:22 7:40 7il!i .8:( 8:H) BiJfL t 1.3 T. . .Ilmbin. . .. Ar r.1.31 1 Wii n. ..South HUbep..5.0 1:25 ..." J-'ls.. ..51.3,1:10 . .NnooJ unction. . M.5 12:55 Pnoknrd...,.43.U 12:15 UnmiliiK 35.0 12:25 .Vnir Tniilc.SO.l 12:05 4.0 8.8 12.4 19.4 25.2 80.0...Ohirle8ton...,i53.3l U: .s'Ai.rulvlmnls..Lv 10.0 11:25 isa.3I.v..rMrbut0i..Ar 19.0 11:15 09.0... Contention.... 15.7 11:00 45 8 UnU., j 9.0. 10:10 55.8lAr...lieiou...L .0; W-.uO iPaolb Tlmt.. Kla Station Stops on Ste al. Hkn. Wiij.iams, Superintendent. southxk'n rAoirio ka'iwioad XAHC UOITI'U STATIONS. , wusr- 1 HOUKD. 9!W !. in. 8:V0 rt. in. B;00 li.ln, 40;s; p. in, 1;&0 i.. in, . a-,37 ti. in. 12:30 1. in, Sun IVftnclseo....' 4:15 !' nl- Los AiiKOlej...... 5:03 ! '" I.. Yimm....:....,U:J0 u.m. Miulcupn 4!Jn m Tuomiu !?? Uonaoti 1 .J' ....Kl l'nto... I 2jLVIL' PaMl'frThno. if.-S. WusxKaAct., 10-l ii toKi 'i. S ' " ' 0QrMi I e-coi.iftoww ". Mlf'1 v",' '"Oan. M icJ 1 i' 1 LI . Ki orfan. .11 L -I ' .Tn mi T 1 II - " .-sw 5 PKOTE-IONAI. CAU'W. ia . s emh-; ;!. rrouM v . . T . !..., tv I I (" 11 all tho oourtsrf tho Torritorj, una lu tuo Supioino Court of tho United States. m j.uf 4AkUuty, rv ,4 . "-,i ;, ARTUHttFISK, VinUSIST. T.K3SONS QIV-"- ou-nt reasonaliU J"i5o. -,rvl'" K"s,!1' TBANk 13. Herevohd, SlilH E. UaZaBD, HEREFORD & HAZZARO, Iawcw, Tucson. Arizona, lmvo ortaV)!,1 an olllce nt Tomlistono with 3. A. . Upton, nttorney at low, mid will attend cuoli court term nt Totnbstonu". txfn.r.IAM SCHRIMSHBR. JUSTICE OF W tl Peace. otniyPuWio and Conyoy ancor. OfHco lnWullace U'ldlng.'.Hl-'bee, Ariz tvr. j. w. Wrrinoton.-dentistry IN D Ml Its brntilios. Sotlrftwtlon u'.uirnn teea. omco-SliTurorBuildinE. BUl.eo, Arl aotin. . . nEO. W. SWAIN, ATTOKKEY-AT-LAW. C Will practice U nil tho courts of tho Territory. Tombitono. Arlsonu. ....'.. ' ." "" ALLEN R. ENGLISH, ATTbRNKY AND. A CV.unaellor-at-Luw. Otfioo on Foirth Street. Tombstone. Arizona. A .- " W1-. STAEHLB, ATXOBSBY AND COUN- .ellor. TombstoneCoohUo Counts, A. .,..t.j SU. WIUIAM9, JUSTICE OF THC PL'CS. Notary Public, Convoyanccr. W.U Co.luslod aSpwlaltjr. TMtJDMUNDSON-PHYSICIAN AND SUR- J--,j;Bon?Bl!j6ooArUonti, OiSoo at In res- Ide'nt-jSnoarer bulldlnc,"riojct to rlnaion's. ' 'Sr Dr. Far- rtMiK HKM'-i-L. 1'lANo lb t hit. ; vJLis-nns lu Iiistriimoiitul inuUe C'a at I TIIL T-it.VliiKMll!.--. DEUKECr ASHLAR I ODGL, No U V. X A M M 'Cts llrst 1 Imrsdaj o! oimli (i. -''h Is Itlnc hrotbron liuui-1 ti nttnd. F. A.SWK1.T. W.M. 0 L Uirtl MHicaij. a - J T ANDMARK CHAPTER NO. 0. K. A. M. - Stated convocation third Tuesday In each month. VUltlnc companlona In stood andlxu, are ft&tp. Fbantc J. Gbaf, Secretary, v" UliEN LODGE, NO. 0, A. U. U. VV.. AUtfifS yi. every Saturday evonluif. Vlsltlns krotli- emcoruiaiiyinvtieu. itm. v"i.,'Bt. " " rdl , Alfred cd Uodirey, , liocoruer. n. u. ukabsk, 'vinauoter, T O. 0. F. BISBEE LODGE, NO. 10. .MEETS i, V every Wednesday evening Vlsltlnebrpth- r co dlally Invited to attend. A. V. Wat v HIMB. N . G Euius M A1K8, R. S. ' 'IMPROVED ORDER OFRED MEN, COCHISE rt,. Trlbo No. 7.,'ineet ovory Thursday ovon t ,tog at the Opera House Hull Yloltinc-Uroth- sri cordially invited. M.. BENTON, Suoliom. .A.Makkey.C. ofR. Dr. Edmundson, Mndlcluo Man. HOME FORUM-BUboo Forum No. 1058. l.ioots llrst and third Monday in cauli i. month. Opera Huiimi, 7:30 pni. Vlultlnir com . vPaiiiuiis always welcome. f " U. W. Studloy. Pros. U T. P. Devlno, Tibue. Wm. burinibhor, Sac. "fOUUT HOWELL, KO. 14, FORESTE5RS OF Amorlca meet evory v'odn(!(lay nltrhi. . A.T.SOWLE, O.K. 1 t 'Jamjb Kblly, Fhmnolal Soorotary. M 1 1VTTMP an4 SCIENTIFIC ; iTJUHJUUU nnrcc - THIRTY-WtHTK TEAR, 4 IFJCOO 24 Pages : "WecHy j I ' i INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEM $3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID. si.vd ron SAMFLX COFT. MINING sdSatiflc PRESS J30IIAkKETST..SAirr8AirciSC0.CAl. r .Uiii. --..-.. do rtB EXPERIENCE Traoe Marks Debiqns CflPYHIftHTS &C Anrone sending j sketrb and rioacrlptlon mar atcklr ascertain our opinion froo whether an tnreuilon Is probably patentabla. Comraunlro ttonsurlotljconOdontlaL Handbook on Patent nt froe. Oldest nisonor for securlntrpatents. Patonu taken throueh Munn & Co. receWo ptet-ttmtkt,yit,oit charge, in tho Scientific Jf milcaEi. - A handsomely llln ftratcd woekly. 1 Jirzcst dr enlatlon of any eolontiBo Journal. Term. 13 n if.,Aiirt-ih'9i- Bold by all no-sdcalor. IIUilN&Co.38'B'. Hew York Branch Ofllro. 05 V Bt Wav-l'ilion. D. C. .Stricture SLVa Vi VJ.IV'W'fi (uunu. Cme . . . . lilloyou nloop. Dr. KlitK'H Soiutjje urutitua iiji lcs. QMlclc ami i4Ur. tCinKii'a JL'O., I2d N. Mnln St., Lo Anselo Cul ,Ptcof).t0. uHb 1 !flffllJM I ififH ARIZONA NEWS. Interesting Items Culled lrom Our Exchanges. An aero of land iB about 203.07 foot Equaro and contains 43,500 cubic feet. There are 20.G01 acreB in a mining cla'im ISOOxGOO feet. The United Verde Extension com pany at Jerome, Arizona, is making extensive impiovmenta and shipping in a great deal of costly machinery. . Mr. and Mm. B. Lackamp, Elston, Mo., writes: "Ono Minute Cough Cure Baved tho lifo of our little boy when nearly dead with croup. Cpper Qucen'Mining Co. Last Monday ni'ht tho store of A. A. Castaneda was entored by burglars and relieved of about $100 worth of dry- eoods and cash. The theives entered by 4 digging through the adoba wait on tho south side of tho building. No clue. Benson Breeze. "What might have been," if that little cough "hadn't been neglected is the sad reflection of thousands of con sumptives. Ono Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and colds. Copper Queen Mumi ' Co. t i . irrcf . t n nn! , in,kn w i j . iacud and pl.l.'M in ' ie h m h of tho ehonS 1 ist Moiuliy jostuming the kntliia Afflura frnm nnvimf food In lliu , WI.'.J V...V - ..VU. J...J ...H .-W..W V ..V Icstimatira 'iOtii the 1 iiud of supen:-! IgoisiudcTi'i' .'l to"-M u i-j t vj " I . f . . U . ..II.. t i..... 1. Oi UiiiUur Oil uwi uiu i ta iu uj iiou .11 a basis for the asses: or fo assess said lands. You ran't rmodyspppiiu hy dieting. Eat good, wholesomo food, and plLnty of it. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests food without aid lrQin the ptomnch, and fS'inade to cunu. Copper Queen Min ing Co. George Arthur Rice, who is intereste.1 in Mineral Creek Copper properties with ox-Senator Dorsuy and Senator J. P. Jones, was here qnito recently with ABsayer Aubrey of Ism Angeles. Mr. Rice went over to the Picucho, near Yuma, to iuvcstigaie ofhsr wining properties owned by the same parties. Citizen. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers expel from the avstc-m all poisonous accumU lationtt, rogulatu the Btoniach, bowels and liver, and purify the blood. They diive away disease, dissipate melan choly, and give health and vigor for the daily loutine. Donotgiipeor sicken.. Coppei'Qut.'un Mining Co. Ab Williams, uccoiding to the News, Willie Morgan lode by eomo other small boys, threw his lariat into the crowd, and put spurs to his horse, hav ing 10 idM that ho had "'ronfd" a boy IT.. !. I I. . . . . . r 1 1 I . . .. 1 ' " v ' " l N ' ' u ' ' ' ' ' l ' '- ' ' hy tlj foot. Frin 1 ! l uw d a,j 111 tli 'air atow Uwm hi'inrf Tiioigun tonpdl his horse. Friend has a luokeii .1.111 and a good many 'iy hal brius' Com ifi . A dibcaocd bloinach ouiely under mines health. It dulls the brain, kills, energy, destroys the nervous system, and predisposes tu insanity and fatal diseases. All dyspeptic Doubles are quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It has cucd thousands of cases and is curing them every day. Its ingredients are such that it can't help curing. Cop per Queen Mining Co. Flagstaff Gem: Sheriff Munda re turned from tha Garden Canyon neigh borhood yesterday. He was satisfied Charles Bishop, tho Verde aasa sin, is still secreted in tho vast quaking asp foieBt in that region, and that ho probably has provisions to last him six months. The rthoriff; lias by no means given up the chase, but is lieie to take aftesli Htart, and will keep .after his man if it takes his whole term to catch him. For Sale A two-room furnished houto, good lot, centrally located. Rents for $15 pei montli. at this office. Only ? 500. Apply jy27tf Th? Old Made Young. 'i'Wv:k acL- 5ironjj The ."?ck Made Well rv i he usr "F ROYAL A WONDERFUL REMEDY- PERPETUAL HEALTH BYTHEIR DAILY USE f O ONE NEED 13E SICK. tW-tCkMM Tiiey wii pnt nn i.rin toan minster tn jiHaNe: rxvHKiru VtiiiliiiGlveNw Life lov- cr juttl Eincrir- lu Ail, ill! WW. U.sccJ U.v Vlctfrn i Rfl Tnhlcts SO Contc At (IriitrIsts, or bent by mull on l cooipt ot ii loo l) ROYAL TABLET CO 218 l.nfac:tu Ave, a B (? um DETROIT, - - MICH I A BLESSING TOANYHOMEu ..... uounu nana ana 1001 iu household drudgery, scrub bing and rubbing day in, day out. Women, why do you do it? Break away from the hard old-fashioned way of doing your cleaning with soap. G?s Washing Powder more 01 tne play. You will b bippler, healthier, save a For greatest economy buy our large package. more of the play. You will he happier, healthier, save or BTii economy ouy our large package. The N. K. Fairbank Company THE WALDORF. .KestaA3.rstrLta Main Street, Bisbee, Arizona. r tto W Geisenliofer, Prop. -y. Finesf islii io Bisfte 8. iiloifiliis'oMii? Frpsh oysters and r.ll kinds of giune in RtE0n. TJk table supplied with tho bet tho m.ukt t iffor 1p. nr '14IM"t.r JnlbtV V lwiraisi'QL? HANINGER6ROS., Proprietors Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. . Bisbee trade especially catered to. LEON LARRIEU, Pr pistor. FAIRBANK, B-l "1?. ANCHOR ! ' i r . .1. ,, r !.. Bill IHarris, Piup. J j' IMPORTED WINES, s t IB Reading and Card Rooms Attache.!. Give Ua a Cali. Opposite tSic library, Bisbee. iai til w n Wlicn Von WtK'ii To move anything light, Anything heavy, Anything that needs careful handUng, 'call ARMSTRONG BROS.' llnpld Delivery. Uimsonubli) Kutct.. FA. '4- Ai" City Barer Shop -And- Bath Rooms. Maflcs & Wittig, Propri-tois. Ilnir t ittlnjr, t'iniri(f nm' S!minicohi i j.i, Contr. innt i""l Uit ire lious I utli UtHin A tts 'ted. t.eiy thmt 1 n.l-Uli. Main Stieet., 1116 nee BESSEMER ' firs. n. Crcsci-y, Prop. A First-Clans Hotel, Centrally Located. Elegantly Furnished Rooms. Lighted hy Eleotricity. Equippud After Modem MpI h cdb, w ith all the convt r.iuncea ).:, 1. ,i. il.,.tn tr, 11... trnu. clers' comfort. ...v.. V............V- . ...- The Travelinir Public iB'Invited ' to call jitl-HE liE.-'SLiMJ'jW. Jti3efWC4)jrtfftW MCvKMrrtvJll'1'M'J I The J. H.JACK v . LiDcr flod Gonsfmciion co. i Yard nnl otllpc-Diilmchor Canyon JCIOMISER of nil ItliulH constantly on Imtiil. AUo S Sash, Pooru anil MouMIiirs, X JInntlos, Ointos, cto $ Anonts for btudobuUor Whkous g iv. xv. riAHic. omi1 nixm'cr V SMW4W40WW4Mm Hf .1 i w:-".". "j'.'- (. . 7 -.'.'i j -.-'"' ' -.- : i" -K'.r A' ".x - . - 7 , . ' I ..' s'.. ,. ij. (.!K-nww. vMv..wMWF.t drwFWlSPM.k -. Mr t T W 1 JT W T tUT! 1 f V J t VVV.TVVrawaWVV V.IITt i-nsijs;jHiuijwnwircisnisfc ' ABMSTR0M4 BROS.' a 4 a iS8?t 1 1 has proven the emancipation of hundred! of thousands of other women. Why not yours? Let Gold Dust do more o' the work, you do money and many an hour of winy. 'CHICAGO UW HEW YORK BOSTON ARIZONA. SALOON, v.raac.-rrj v3 i 15 LIQUORS AND CIGARS. a L W. allace AGONT AND BROKER. -, Arizona Ulsticc Represen ting Mining Prop erties. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Money Loaned and Invested. Collections Made. lliUiillUU l)) On Drunght Constantly on Hand.3 Flno Importod and Domqstfo Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Your jiatiuiiuc K. spocutb Solicited Dubacher i . . & MUaieirn.' HrfMci) A-time 11 .!'o. Vrizona ASSAY OFFICE TRICE LIST Gold and Silver in ono sample $1.23 Silver 1.00 Gold , 1.00 Copper, Iron, Zinc, Silica, Lime, Sulphur, Antimony and Lead, each 1.10 Sample? liy mull or expros roooive prompt uiilcuivful iitloiiiion. bpcoliil rntoh iivcn un no s.u. i:c. '.mi lor .animo uiicks. cuui !'""' cm' i it'll ufAiijf. Joerag. uiuco ue.i. tLolil Liuvomil, onNoblllll .VH.a-- TEI.I.AM, nibboo, Arlaon.i , ! Ci&enp CASK Store, i I CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Ff.!i .Ffiiis oi fill Kinds .Hcceived Doll. wini:s, LIQUORS, CIGARS, AND " TOBACCOS Qoods doHvcrril to nil parti of town. HlKOUtll & NOBH Jf 1 1 f 1 W 1 i&y ri. ..n i n fit? mi urniwpfl urn I UIjUI nil Take the. Santa Fe Route o FROM o IDB3bsi:i3iTC3- or Bid &J&.&Q To all Northern or Eastern points. Close- com nections made at Kansas City and Chicago with all the .Northern and Jiastern COACHES, TOURIST -CARS All meals not served in Dining 'Cars are taken at the popular Santa FeRoulo Harvey Eating Houses. . Full information cheerfully furnished upon application to F. B. HOUGHTON, or Genl Act El Paso. Tex. 4 Important THROUQM, FAST. A -AS pOT3 PACi IhailwayJP AND PASSENGER SERVICE. The direct through line from . , .1 t and New Mexico to all point? in tho north, east and southeast. liw -I tude. Perfcrt passenger service. Through cara. Nolay-overs. Latest I'-t'i.o Pullman Buffer Sleepers. Handsomo Naw Chair Care. Speed, safety an t . -tnfort coaromed. For particulars addrcs B. F. DARBYSHIRE, R.'W CURTIS, S. W. F. & P. A., " T. F. & P. A El Paso, Texas. El Paso,- Toxwh E. P. TURNER, G. P. &T. A., Dallas, Texas, "NO TROUBLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS." . M 1 La Union Saloon, Julian' Cardenas. Proprietor. 9 B.est of Wines, Liquors and Cigars fiiood Billiard Tabic. ISuiot Club XTooms! H.ih flrRt p.lnsR nnf.ommndntmns. hrwIv , j rt"" "' m jW tho best tho market affords, at live and let-livo prices. The patronage of tha r --? ... .... ........... .. i puunc is respectiuuy soiiciteu and A. A. CASTANADO, Proprietor. BENSON, I HI BENSONABIZONA. First class rooms from 50 cents per day upwards. Fires forfamilies a specialty in rooms. Good meals at 25 cents. Bar attached to thelhouso. Satisfac tion guaranteed or no pay. SADI. FRIEDMAN, Proprietor. CARETTO'S SALOON, O K. Seet, Bisbee, Fine Wines, Liprs and Cps, Both Imporleti .and Domestic. YOU WILL TI. TKEATKI) IUM!T wiijen ou visir . MY PLACE. . THE EQUITABLE s9 Bi i 4MF THE UNITED STATES Outstanding Assuranco'Dccembcr 31, 18')7 iSow Assurance written in io;u Pioposals for Assuranco Examined and incomu Assets Dewmtar W. . Uf "A;";;;;;;,;uin;ddllotJr iivBcni! un un I'iinmis ivhwot v-. linlnlitii'H Surnlus, 4 per cent, standard Paitl Policy Holders in 1897 LARGEST STRONGEST EST Meet innnrnnco fn force. Largest Burplw. luiueBt dividcnds-(lioOO,000 molo during WALTKB N. PARKIIURST Geiiciv.l Mnnacor New Mexico and Ai iiona Department, Albuquerque, . M.. JP. iC. FENNER, Resident Aent ..JJISDEE. ARIZONA lines. AND PMN 'MM CMS WR.'BBOWN, T.F.&P.A.. El, Paso. Tex Gateways 4 FREIQHT O. K. Street, Bisbee, Arizona fnrnishnil rnnms. TnhlAa unnnliuluntV satisfaction guaranteed. ARIZONA Nil M5. FIRST DOOR NORTHIOP .. . CITY JAIL . . K" P COl.P RKFR (STNTI.Y 0 iv.jai (.m-jriri vm OHDKRI.Y irESORT. r ssurance Soicety .$951.1C5,837.'V Declined;. . . . U50,yoo,ua3l 24,491,978j .... ......... -v.v. a w., JH R79 'HK9 ? . ,...Zob,0,3U.U . .ifift tM 1 W: --"v,-,-"".- 5043,174.ij ,,21,100,314ii . . . .. Pays death cW Pr M last fivo years. Issues better polici( .4 - iR &&.$ A, ks& ara&t ' r'i'! V'tfS' afe 1 . ' V ' WW 5tw$itS JHS&Jt j" T jl