Newspaper Page Text
msbmowwkS u-. -prWr , a vj -Ni, s M BISBEE, ARIZONA, THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 10, 1899. NUMBER 193 VOLUME ITI im . " & M V m e Jr v h; oooooacU s- liwil II rl (llimmAt- 3S(H MMH "THE WE must have room ! i Stock, aud in order to do : ; of the greatest clearing sales ever .recorded in uns section. Xadies' white underskirts at I cost from (v)c up. ,$ 'Ladies' crash ski its fiom, Ladies' aud Children's colortflliose, the lopsy brana, worth 35c and 25c cut to 15c. Men's Tan shoes regular price $2.50, cut to. $1.50,. Boy's -colored shoes, sizes &o 5, regular price 4x2.50 cut to jsV.dC I .E'oy,s Tennis shoes, rubber J Ail tie Balance of OUR Ms CUT 111 rraplii. - If you want to save money on your purchases, I this is positively the grandest opportunity ever I offered. IHfci MMWWMM':MNWM'WW'WWM Lots lor Sale at Naco, Ariz. " Title Guaranteed, Prices Reasonable. Apply in, Person or by Letter Pli Liven. M i Finest Turnout Horses boarded by the week, day or month. Horses oought and sold, - Complete hack service. Hacks will meet all trains. Good service. .... Upper Main St. - JSisbce, Arizona Bisbee Transfer -Company, Freight. Baggage and Express Delivered to any vart of the City. Prompt Service aaid $)isik; Delivery. Assayer RELIABLE WORK AT Mining properties placed im commission. Mines examined and reported on. Corroopondence .bolicited. All work promptly attended to. N. P. Y00D, 144 Pennington Street, Tucson, Arizona. burn 1 1 ' V Wti !, ln. r , ( !o. The aino t?VI I KENNEY l$(03, i'Fresk Beef, Mutton, Porh, Veal, Saus mges, ete. Choice Cats' of Meats '' Only, Fresh 'Bread Daily. &l Goods Delivered Free to Hcr Main - James F, 'United States JDeputy Mineral SURVEYING IN ALL "OHIc-c n Wultncc iluilUiiii; j A, NEWMAN, Tinner, Plumber and Sheet Metal Worker Second Iluiitf CToochi Kcujjht anil Sold, omoc . coewo090 Unr nn I Iff ft M -Lz X Mil - FAIR." . for Our Fall and Winter this, will inaugurate one almor-t your own price, 35c up. soles, worth 'Oc to 5oc. FA1K. to NACO, ARI25. 1 life TIM GRIFFITH, Proprietor. in the City, flODERATE PRICES. A. larKet Proprietors. All Parts of the Town- St., Elae?. 4 Trotter, Surveyor and Civil Kugiueer' ITS BRANCHES. liUibut:, Arli-.oim O. KStrect Bisbee. Arizona. a TELEGRAPHIC SPARKS Fresh From the Wires .from AUl,or ,m u,fU ocs con8,:im,-v .u.'"' " T Points. Manila. Aug. 10 After a fierce fight lasting livu hours, ,000 of General iilC Arthui's men put 0,000 rebels to llixht, just outside of San Fernando yesterday! morning. McArlhur's scouts learned that the rebels wore massing and intend ed to march upon San Fernanda, bat the general anticipated this move by sending hie men after the rebels. The enemy prepared for battle when tlie 1 m'rican appppied and pontpstwl eerv inch oi .ulvante. The tiring whs heavy on loth id- . ibc Amoricans, us? inrnd, doing the raoat'-offectivo work 'I he cncin vh fin ill' put to rout, 1p.iv. i j maiij c! id an i woundi d on tlie field. The Americans forced the insur gents back five miles before the rout was abandoned. A late report from the battle saya the American loss was ten killed and eighteen wounded-; St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 10. Mayor Zei gonheim announces that ample arrange ments will be made for the anti-trust mooting of governors and attorney-generals to be held in this city on Septem ber 20. A meeting was called some time ago by Governor Savers of Texas, lie extended a general invitation to all the governors and attorney-generals in the United States to bo present. Replies have been received from many of them indicating they will attend, and it is believed moie than.three-lourths of the states will be lepiesented. The gathei ing will be non-pat tisan. Washington, Aug. 10. Meagre details of the "West Indian cyclone began to reach the navy and war department late this afternoon in the shape of the fol lowing messages: "San Juan dePoito Kll'l, Vllg.1'- lllllatlt (t"!U iAl, Warli- ing'im, I. '. -V HmiiIi!' liuiiuan i ,i ti Im i'i tiuil. tore hou-t'i I an 1 I'tlior Imil !ins;s damaged -nQ I loniiiij; aii 1 Liuilx.. icjuiipd. tuu Juan, i'orto lico, Aug. 1U. Jig nal Oflicer Washington Oyclono just passed over island; prostrated telegraph and telephone lines; several killed. My quarters wrecked and signal barracks partially demolished. Many other pub lic buildings likewise. Hundreds of na tivo houses destioyed. Glassford. San Francisco, Aug. 10. The First Nebiaska regimeut has been ordered musteied out here August 23rd, and the Tenth Pennsylvania on tho following day. " S.m Francisco, Aug. 10. The trans port War: en with the Colorado regiment, on board, is expected to arrive this week from Manila, and preparations are being made to give tho returning soldiers a fitting welcome Omaha, Neb., Aug. 10. Four firemen lost their lives last night in a blaze on ttio upper floor f tho Meyer Chemical company's building on Eleventh aud Harney etieets The fire itself was small, the fatalities resulting fiom con- I.U'l ttl'll l I v IT li tl i , An 10 k ' u- k 1 of Pei.wi, put 'vit Hilly Oit of ( iiliiornw-, 111 t ne ii't'i ro lso I tonight 1'fnv. ,( 'o., vig. n 11 i. . Smelting and Mining (Jjiup.uiy yaa m corporated today. It is said the com pany will build a smeUerin Denver to compete with the .trust. Yalp.uaibo, Aug. 10. A tidal wave burst jnto riio bay yo&U-idiy evening! tearing down the embankment nnd sweeping off a numbjr of cars, locomo tives and toirs of iiu'tcliandisd. The loss is estimated at ono million dolhira. Newport, U. I , Aug. 10. Columbia defeated the Defender today bv 22 min utes and IS ppconds in a -ill utile race off wind fiom (Jiirdinoi's Uay to Newport. ruu'lo riat.i, Aug. 10. I ho Iluy.thm government soiled at 1'oit l.ilnsity nrina and ammunition destined for tlu Dom inican insurg"nta. Several Dominicans in Hayli have been arrested for violat ing tho neutuility laws. Fois Sam: A Mupo 100111 furrtished house, ccntially located. Apply tj A II. Mel.e.)d, company stoie. t J-lw The Price of Success. The iiiutn wo nfoervo thCcrPftt fifjllt ti .. !.. nn tn ihn "ttoild, tl.i- more wo eonie to thirk that What the average individual needs is not (to much more wealth as moro leisuiu. Time ! moie ih.m money. Ni w, n urn to earn that tangible success by which hho oiid judged merit, must sink all hit) finer .operations in the slavish rou: lino cf money getting. Whether you obeive n great railroad, a prosperous atoro, a successful newspaper, flr any other thiiyiiig institution be asassured it'Btands for immense pcreonal sacri fice by the men that have made it what ijLi s Constant and indefatigable work, yirough the long days and often far into o night, with no l"4- up on holidays' ii?i-ifil '.tiain t.) the liit'.ii- ng point, ftfVK11 cc 0I ' um,v '"" "U!I, l ' l",,alu,u IX -1 - e . 1 . . i f J . i. ntn .. jVx"""' non oi n,.n i wuu'acs inn 1 the Ihouglit )t tecrention, ana nr- scice of all npnortunitv t" nnd"M out) 1 cnltu.iting t'ii- 111 in I - tin" i part of the pnee a man must pay 101 succes, whether it is his own personal success or the bucccss of some institu tion for which he stands sponsor. The fearful demandu made by our condition of society keep individuals in a very devil's dance to avoid extinction. Few men ever havo any leisure. "Can't got away ftom business," is tho universal excuse, and tho result is, men become machines and poor machines they get rusty and crusty and" barnacles; they slave themselvea todeath to work to the pattern set by their neighbors; they wear out rapidly and they feel too poor to get out and give some ono else a change. Enlightenment is going to bo tho liberator of our race, and for en lightenment wo must have more leisure Socrates and Robert Lewis Stevenson rebel cd at diudgery and spoke boldly for leisuie, as few men have-dono. Rut we will continue to goon in our self destructive career, until, in due course of vevolution, we have um our courae and a new society, wit . new standards, and new asperations have succeeded outs.1 Exi- A Mother Tells How She Saved Her 1 aiii tin inotl.t i ui oi-'tii 1 luiiiit'ii .iii 1 j ',ii nal 1 icat di 1' 11,ii"u w 1 1 im iin I i. -'l uniei' in v lt' 1 danuhttM halihi di- pioivin .'o I f im. Wo tlimight ! wmil 1 i!i(. 1 lind (eril ! 1 1 11 mi .k 01 1 it nothing seeined to do her good. I saw by an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoealtemedy was highly recommended, and bent and not a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medi cines we ever had in the house. It saved my little daughter'j life. I am anxious for every mother to know what an ex cellent medicine it is. Ifa 1 1 known it at first it mould hivetavod me a gieat deal of anxiety and my little daughter much suffering ' Yours truly.Mrs.Geo. F. Burdick, Liberty, 11. I. For sale at Bisbee Drug stoie. A Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dv.'pep 8ia because its ingredients aie such that it can't help doing sj. "Tho public can rely upon it as a master lemedy for all disorders ariglm; fiom Imperfect diges tion." Jamoi M. Thomap, M. I)., in American Jou'inal of Health, N. Y. Copper Queen store. Wall !'np2r. Our line of wall paper is the very latest, 'being designs of 1893. AtlUUdlO 01:1:3 'A Fni;Iitf''l 1 I'i ur 'A 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 : i 1 I urn 4 ru ' III 01 lillU-i' 1U kii'Il'd ill.i" .ll0, tin 111 -' III II' HI' 11 W ll hU- tin pai 1 tint 1 1 1 y lie 11 it. ( mi' Old - n , ! 1 v. r - e , 1 !i lb, U".l, d'olony. Coin.-., ad biuu LiupUuii.i Beit l'i cure o.i earth. Only 25 cts . r. box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by the Bsibeo Drag Store and Copper Queen Co. Time Tifcblc BisiGe & Haco Daily Stap. Lp.ive ttiMieo at i) a. m. eve.'y day ArriviM at 1 at 1 1 a. in. . LoavoH Nac j at : p. 111. Anive ut Ilistice at .") p. in. Olllcu 111 ll))it Stiie, il tin Sirup 1 HL 1 r 11 U 1U Jl MRS. M. BLEWETT PKorKlhTKKSb A I'Ul.t MNK OK CCOlSr SllOCS 01! GDJI'il WIHIS.GCKI. mi uii'i h M M KtHII'. II L THE V PPER i w - furniture .ic rsounces the arrival of an immense line of Furnituretwo full car loads of nothing else but Furniture of the newest sort. Furniture is no more exempt from the dictates of fashion than are other classes of merchandise, so each succeeding season finds new im" provenients that mark manufactur ing progressslight, but, important changes in shape or finish that dif ferentiates Furniture with style about it, from cheap ordinary Fur niture costs no the stylish, excellent, durable Furniture. Its In knowing when and where to buy. THE TIME to buy is NOW, the PLACE Is HERE. ' Iron-Beds, double ard in white, blue and olive green, from that up to $27.50. Bed Rcom suits in birch, maple, oak and mahoganyl finish, $16.50 to $40.00 a suit. Children's beds and cradles in wood and enamelec jf Little Beds, little prices. iSfe iron. Tahiti of mil id oik, fn Chair, "li'i oik,t.m s.iuvl, Sidc-b urd , .itid c iina cloets T'ockt-rs in w(od, uphoKtei'ed and rattan the 11 -jst c-i.Kit- :u fr.Vbh an 1 si; the picking out of any one as Swing Rockers, oak finish, $2.00 and $2.50. Dressers, commodes oak, mahogany, maple aud white enameled. Tables, cabiucts, cupboards, safes atid all sorts jf Kitchen Furniture. NoTK. A discount of purchasers of Refrigerators. make .the carrying of any unlikely. ' ' ' . lie Co -.". QUEEN STORE. '!' y Department an more to get Ml three-quarter size, enameled T Jt brass trimmings $5.00 and two lpuothc, six and eight fee $1.50 each, $S. 70 for set of many styles. ot ip s. Such anassorlment tlu best is difficult, $2.50"to $10.0: and washstands :o:ld pieces i ten per cenj; will be allowi This price couciSiiou is oyer 'until next season ve ueei pper Q 3 a s a nj, ifSlilifEU wU "jp .V Ji t$h& tjPl '&-', - i - toar tV i . 2 V &$&' WfSVl . J - ShM' a fr . gr S4,C"v.. aa l H2S