Newspaper Page Text
r Kff&n xxxmas ' ' w fe ': 4 M . V k 4 r .' A r LKO A D TIME TA BLES AM70NA ANO aotYlllBASIBIIH KAII.HOAD BC 3tt 55' i l Soutli ' ?S B,'MK TANLK 3 Si ward. o 81 ; kd. 10. ifg; ) : 3 oct. i5TH.i83.j: 3! a :S ,;. bki. x V" 7 Flm S ' - Flrst- Clu. 2 .ar&TIONS, f Clnss- ' J : I Dally " t l,v.illi8b9o.... Ar M 3 l-itOo.nt. Mb 1.3 's.feoiith Itlsbeo.. M.'J 1:2 4,0,...lon Luis . ..151.3 1:10 !' 8.8 ..NttcoJunotloc,, IB." 12:Yi. n i2.4...,.Vackurd 4J.U 12:15 1:87 ia.4.....nmilnff SS.9 12:J5 7-Vi W.2 .. "Water Tank... S0.1 12:01 ?:22 3U.(iv.,.(iharloiton.... !!5,8 11:45 7:40 'S6.?Ar..V,uirbank..Lvl.0 11:21 BilJ J.&Lv..Valrbank..Ar ill U 11:1b t'SH'O SD.or.i.ConUntlon,... 15.7 11 :M) 8:20 45.8 band 0 5 10:40 8:50 55.SAr... liousoii...Lv .0 10:00 ARIZONA NEWS. Interesting Items Culled Irom Our Exchanges. 'PaolfloTlmb. 1' Station Stops onSler 1. Ubm. Wiiojams, Superintendent. ',JSv ooutnaim, vacipio Uailkoad STATIONS. KAM-'liOUKD 4 8 -.00 ii. in. 8:20 u. m. B;00 p. in. N;37 p.m. l;')0,u. m. S;37 a.m. IS 30 n 1'ucitioTVmv WHBT-llOUHD. San Francisco 4:45 p.m. ..Lo Ancolos 0.CO p.m. Yumif U:?0 a.m. ... Mailcopo. ...... b:lg a.m. ....Tucson 2:Wa.m, Hennon l:01Ja. ro. '1 Twi '!flp - W M .l t u X.tlrat Houii, 10:00 a. M. tu 12.0Q M. 3.00 l- m to 5 00P.M. I 8:001 M. tol Kr. M. M1B9 A. HIM,. L.11'1 .11 inn l'Kl! i v 'ON W. (. vIvPS. TAVFS S 1 H!NM) ' i I 'lx -Y J lit I nw, Hisbece, Arlzoiu. Will practlco '.In all tho courts of thoTorrltory, uml In tha .? Supremo Com t of thoUnitod .States. ..ARTUimFI.VnLTNISr. , T.KS-SONSGIV- en at loason.ttuu r.itos. AddraJ Hs 4-U. Fkank B, HkusiMud, Sctk K. II azz.usd, HERU03D & HAZZAUD, Lan era, Tucson, Arizona, bavo established ' an offloo at Tombstone with S. A.JJ. Upton, nttoi uey at law, nnd will attend each court term at Tombstone. H7ILUAM SOHIUMSHER. JUSTICE OP W the Peace, Notni PijW"1 SVljCo,1J0- ' aacer. pfficoln Wullnce.U'ldluc, Blgfeea. Ana StrcLl. Tombston at C K, WXI1.XA1I9; tJI-'t 1 nSpou'alty D Idem h Shtuirm I u.M ul' iwvt l riu k' oil's. GITST Kif UJltNW'I'T. Is'. TllF 1 i: V1KRKIT1J i Junius Del l.i'wU'. Ithii A T. P. Uevlno, Tj cas. . "pOUHT IIOWKI.UNO. 14, VOilUSTESIlS Ol' ,VTAiiorIctt inert every V rdnCuduy nlyht W ' A.T. OWbG, U. ft. 3ai:t8 Ezixy, FlnnnelalStciet-u. 'P ad SCIENTIFIC J. TJiomns, of Jerome, Ari.onn, says that tlio Equator mine, on which work has been suspended for n long time on account of litigation will soon bo re opened. Jerome Newe. Quicldy ciro constipation and rebuild and invigorate tho entire system novor Erip or nauseate Do Witt's Littlo Early Risers. Copper Queen Btore. Senator Clark, of Montana, will probably visit Prescott boforo he loaves Arizona. Tho.Senator is in a position to do Arizona a great deal of good, and, as he is largely interested hore, he will not let an opportunity pass to help Arizona. He will assist our delegate in matters of interest to Arizona. Courier. Ono Minute Cough Cure quickly cures obstinato snmmer coughs and colds. ,,I consider it a most wonderful medi cine, quick and safo." W. "W.Merton, Mayhew, Wis. Copper Queen store. Tiotiilri " .' u th Trv-- ( 1 unl oil o i the ic-c il f u eu i 'il i uin '0, lS'h,uii fli's-ii! '7 i M thi-- .irmnint $la,9-(G.(J4 sie taken in fiom th.' salefe of public lands; $2,3)102 as f.-iM .mi ! commission') a'nl $1 2"1 rl f.i timber . tresspa cii'-p 1'iu i es of t'n ofHci? have clni mi ,i ci ni.iikfi m rea-i ' eiuce tliu cetluiy at1. tie ol the torct reservation in Auguot , of -Inst yeai. Journal Miner. 1 Jamil Jon Claik, of Ch-uncey, G.u, gnyji li.i feuff'i'O'l with iw.un: pilos twenty years before trying I)j Witt's Witcli liaxel SUve, two Inrs of w'lich completely ctitred him. Rnwue of. wortliloso and dangerous eminterfeitg. Copper Queen stoiu. News reached lrero Monday that the dam at the American Valley ieservoir which was only partially constructed,- in danger of being canied out by Mio recent heavy rains. The Pt'i-kholdcia have spent a great deal of m moy on (he leeervoir and intend fiii.ahui it aoon, but if it should bo waehed out now it would probably cause a'seiious delay in converting a level, but dry prairie bottom into a blooming valley of farms. This reservoir would stoio a.iiruiont wa ter for the irrigation of several thousand acies. St. Jojjn'a Hetald. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoionghly digests food without aid fiom the stomach, and at the same time he lis and ie9tore3 the diseased digastivo irciT T i L'i ml, n n lb ltd -. I oth of tilted thing'-an 1 im In rcli"! upon to . imii.t'tilh line ihspepiii l'liiNO -"TLfHHn Goppur lLni!) Uoio. inontiil juusiKt. C til ut i SliPiifT Heeler returned Wednc-il iv Kfning from Solomonwlle li ther ho hud gone Willi A in pn(r.on who was caplUK'd near bpnngerviiie two weeks ago in company with Climax Jim. Imagine Mr. Beeler'a surprise and joy at meeting Climax Jim in charge of Sheriff Glark.t It fcceins that Mr. Cli max was only trying to save Mr. Beeler the trouble of taking him to Solomon villo nnd had arranged to go there himself. Climax Jim had gone to Mor enci to Eettle up his business affair preparatory to quitting Arizona, anli Deputies Jim Nix and Dutch Kepler in vited Climax to accompany them to SolomonviHe, which he gladly (?) did, and took up lodging in the most sub stantial building in town. !I will, of course, lecoivo qvery care and"fcind attention that puuIi noted men deserve. St. J.ohn'8 Herald. "Do Witt's Little Early Risersdid me more good than nil Mood medicines and other pilld," writer II. Jacob, of Thompson, Cunn, Prompt, pleasant, never giip, they cure cnnsUpntinn, arouse the torpid liver to act and give uuv.ii;tiu ujoto, niciioj lltll M", II UlC.ll brain and a hcilt appetite. Copper ' , Queen store. MAKES CLEANING "Manylundi malie light wokl, and o iotA 'old Dust w amine r owaer. hands''lnyour house Wathlne Powder. If you are not In a position to employ many s 'tnyi :. vou both pleased and work, you will be astonished to itre how much you can do v, ith one nalr of willincr bands by using Sft in Washing Powder With it you can do your cleaning easier, quicker, cheaper and better than with soap or any other cleanser. tTry it and be convinced. . For greatest economy buy our large package. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY M Take the. Santa Fe Route -o-FROM-o- CHICAGO ST. LOUIS NEW YORK BOSTON DBatvIKTO- or E3L. PASO To all Northern or Eastern points. Close com nections made at Kansas City and Chicago with all . the Northern and Eastern lines. COUCHES, TOURIST CARS AID PULLMAN SLEEPING CAfe All meals not served in Dining Cars are taken at the popular Santa e Route Harvey Eating Houses. Full information cheerfully, furnished upon application to THE WALDORF. SSestaJuLJcebza-tii Main Street, Btebee, Arizona. ' r 3t "W. Gcscnliofer. Prop. Fioim Restomimt in BisDee. Rowas lor Footilles or Pnrtlts F. B. HOUGHTON, or Genl Agt El Paso, Tex. W. R. BROWN, T.F. &P. A.. El Paso. Tex'- 4 Important Gateways 4 THROUGH. FAST FREIGHT I rcsh 1 "- an ' l kind Oi" imp in in. fl e t .hie iiipplieil with the best llx' tfor lo. TR. J. W. PAKRINGTON.-DENTISTRY IN J all Its brinmlieg. Sntisfiictlon Kuaran teetl. OlBce Shearer Biilldim;, liubea, Ari zona. pEO. w7 SWAIN. ATTOBKBY-AT-aw. Uy,! practice In All the courts oKtSia lerrhory. TomUtono, Arlzotm. , . .- ' - ' f ALlisIH R. ' ENGLISH, ATTORNEY VAN!) A. C!n,innllor.ut-Lnw. QUtce on Fourth Arizona. - 1 - W0.STAKHI.K. ATTORNEY AND COUN- .ellox. TotiibsJone, C0U1U0 County, A. 4 -JUSTICE OF THE PEACH. Notary Publlo ; Convoj ancer. Ilillsi Collected ,Tl ,:rMUNrSON-PHYSICIAN AN11 suit ,1 l.i 1 l T1 IIANINKR. SRO., Proprietors Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Bisbee trade especially catered to. LEON LARRIBU, Pr piotor. fa-irbanh:, M ARIZONA. AND PASSENGER SERVICE, The direct through line from Arizona and New Mexicd to all points in tho north, east and southeast. Low altitude. Perfect passenger service. Through cars. 0 lay-overs. Latest Pattern Pullman Buffer Sleepers. Handsome He' Chair Care. Speed, safety and comfort combined. For particulars address. B. F. DARBYSHIRE, S. W. F. & P. A., El Paso, Texas. E. P. TURNER. G. P. &T. A., Dallas.exas, "NO TROUBLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS." R.;W. CUR3CIS, . T.F. & P. AV El Paso, TeraE.V' La Union Saloo n "- w Julian Cardenas. Proprietor. O. K. Street, I Bisbee, Arl'2&t1ki -$k ilootM lirst Tliuifduy of cr.oh month. Yls Ull J.J AI.DMARK CHAPTER NO. 0. K. A. M. ': .. .1. i. , i.- i . aa , ne nretnren coruiuiiy mviieu io uiiunu. F. A. SWIET, M'.AI. J.L. UKOWK.bocratary. DEUKCCT ASHLAR LODGE, No 12 1-'. & A. M Iti V. - stated convocation third Tiiosduy In saob month. Yisltlnir coinimnloim In sooA tandlntr are frutornnlly Invited to visit. J. O. PRITCHARU, H. P. Fbahk J. Giur. Secretary, Ul UN LODGE, NO. 6, A. O. U. "VV.,jaCElS . $C every Satunluy evening. VUltlnir broth ers lordiallylnvltod. Wm. Qualls. M. Vf. Alfred Godfrej, . Recorder. H.-C. KuAflnit. FlnuiKilor. BISUEB LODGE. NO. 10. MEETS ary Wednesday ovonlnx Vlsiitlnirbi'oth- T O. O. P. evarv WfHiniiS(lavBvenlnr V Ultlnc- . .. : 1 " : ; .- .f -.. ersci'idlally invited to attend, a, y. wat- kinb, N . G Eui;,a Mabkb, R. S, SltlSf tt rtlPllOVED ORDER OP RED MEN, COCIUSfc Ti ibo No. 7., meet every Tliurndiiy even tntrtii the Opeia llotieo Hull YUUin broth' era coi dially 1m Itcd. M. C. BENTON, Sadism, .A.Mabkxy. C. of R. Dr. Edinundsoit, Medlclno Man. J5 bl C t7 li.U A.J- i. j. &. - ,''l,j.' v-'.jtii.i -K -. '(JL'iii ANCHOR SALOON, UMcsrnM. iioQH.'itgijMi !,. cMmfl Best of Wines, Liquors and Cig&l'&l Cootl OslItaTd ToJile. (uicf ?'' Stoonm. i Sid MiarriSj Prop. if IMPORTED WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. pi"! V l"1 '1 1,4-1 lit l l..Ll Reading and Card Rooms Attached. Give Us a Call. Opposite tlie Library, Hisbee. m m 1M K,1" Ev) i rttMl 1 AH BISTRO m WW HOME FORUM-HUboe Forum No. 1933. ' ircotH llrnt and third Motidav in racli month.'Oiierii lltmo, 7:S0p. m. YUltintf com- paniiuKiniwajH wtjioome H. W. Sludloy, Pro. Wm. iJurJin.liar, Sj Wlicn Vo Want To movo anytl ing light, Anything heavy, Anything that needs careful handling, 'call ARMSTRONG BROS.' Ti'aiisfor. Rapid Dollvory. Kuu-iOLuLiie Rutcs. :'. '.1? mjiAL JutiiiiiiiBnFj nmiiAJ? i ld ? !C1y Barer Shop "Y-nnti' m ?;Pa, t Vi-ekly : IHusf-atcfl. XSPENSJZBLE TO MTNING MEN. $3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID. K.V1) roil SAMPLE COPY. MINING Scientific PRESS 330 MAKE! ST.. SAW fRAITCISCO, CA1. 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE n kmAA A jmjra Trade Marks ( UE3IGNS COPVniQHTS &.C. Alirnna lenrtln A nlcMrTi nnil tlxscrlnllnn mn oulchur usceruin our opinion freo whether nn j Inreilray la probnblypjitonlablo. Coimnualca. tloni Hrlctly coiiBaentltl. IlftnabookonPateiiUi , ent free. OMost nponty for Bcciirlngj)nH-nt. Pftlcnta token tfirnuidi Munn & Co. roceivo tpecW notice, without cliarso, In tho Scientific nmftm. A hjinrtsomelj IllimtrntPd wookly. Ijirir06t clr calatlon of nny arloi lido Journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, $1. Sold by all tiosdealeM. WUNN & Co.38B'. New York .Branch Office. KS 5 St., Wuhiiaton, D.c Strict, tire 10 Dys. 4 C i a fvA-:' Millie. ueet tfis Mhllo j on klcrp. Dr. TCIujj'M Walu'jle U.-ul'iiltl no i Kle. inicic, u r.i 'Jura , !iu;nti(j Co,, 12a N. MiUi a:., bu .n) Ui h Old Alacle jjgWtak ' a do nic Made WeH 13 T-IJ- I'SFOF s .- 22 S '5 1 ill! IS A VONDSnFUU riCMEDY-- JJIPJS ITSELJT. PERPHSAL HEALTH BYTHE1R DAILY USt O ONE NEED DE SICK. Tiny vl pill nil IKN!) (Oi.ll Vniincr l llM'iiiet Sicstorc VllitllbiOWcNcw ism Vo. r nnil Unerfty to All, IS8 if FHfKl III iinvfi:rcH of oiti Aire sto p Dhl'iI uy viciorii SO Tablets 50 Cents Al ditiiayUt, v BOt by niall on i"Hjit of iirjce by mOVALTAHLKTOO 1 ?5iK l.ufnyetteAvc, DETROIT, - - - A1ICH Batii Rooms. Marks & Wittig, Proprietors. Ibi" nl 1 1 t L,ui.ii, ai 1 Slinmjioiii.l 1 w . jj l llllW i if it i til v. I'll i ui i s I tli K on,- i I 1 ,i n thliiL' l'lrbt-Ulass. I It I Main fctieet. - - liifhce ! ,j BESSEMER I firs. H. Crossey, Prop. A Firat-Ulase Hotel, Centrally Located. Elegantly Fntnifhed Kooms. Lighted hy Electiicity. Kquip ed After Modem Meth ods, with all thucoiiM'iiiutices vhiih I'ontiibnte to the trav clor&' comfort. TheTrau'lhus I'uhlic'is Invitedi loeall at THE UHfSUMKK. n I M IAU 1 lftG 3. U.JA & 1. W. Wallace SJisbce AQfiNT AND BROKER. - Arizona Rcpresen ting Mining Prop erties. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Money Loaned and Invested. Collections Made. Pit into Bs On Draught Constantly on Hand. Pino Imported nn! T)nm"st! wines, Lw -. aiiti Ciuars lour iiutioiitkc ot tilly Sollritnd. Dubacher w f; r S II ? fulfil Kr., KLTl I Iff) ii nm$ LL. Has uiBt class accommodations, newly furnished rooms. Tables suppliedwitk the best the market affords, at live and let-live prices. The patronage of the? public is respectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. A. A. CASTANADO. Proprietor. BENSON, AIIIZONA I GRID HI 111 ISTVNrfiOTSr. AT?TZn7TA- First class rooms from 50 cents" per day upwards. Fires for 'families a specially! ; j .i in rooms. Good meals at 25 ccnts liar attached to thehouso. Satisfao-I-" tion guaranteed or no pay. SAM. FRIErt&ATC, Proprietor. esa i CARETTO'S SALOON. O K Street, Bsbee, FIRSr DOOR NORTHOr( , . CITY JAIL . Fine fftees, LiQiiors and Ciprs, Both InpiM and Bouiestic. r i YOT WILL LL 'IHEATKI) & Muheim. m m u-e. ItiGIITIOK-OOLD UF.KR COKSTANTLl l IRAUGHT QVU-rV AND uUDERI Y KEbOllT. llrowory Avonuc. DUbee. Arizona ASSAY - OFFICE PRICE LIST Gold and Silver in ono oamnlo 1.23 Silver 1.00 1 Gold. 1.0.) ' Copper, Iron, Zinc, Silica, Lime, bulphnr, Antimony anil ixau, each .. 1.C0 THE EQUITABLE Nice OF THE UNITED STATES i J B w CsW I $W"X mi Soicefv 'kaWl Samtilpsbv innll ornxmoss recoio pro lint , and ciiiofnl intention. t-piciiil iaton uliou on ihu tuiniil.!-. Cull lor sample hiu'KK' 5 mi- ' ' ' ' I'los can In. lurt at Avir. Juts. OHico no.u' ,-.,,,., ,- , ... .,., tiiH.ihi i.i.ivc)urd, on Nou Hill. Outstanding Assiuanco Dcpembcr 31, lb(J7 JA.V txci.lak, New Assurance written in 1897 bUbeo. AiUinii ir0p0Falg for Assuranco Examined and Doclinod;... income fr, y -.-rr a.. I AssetB, December 31, 1SS)7 , ?LvillCIlp LA2riL StOire. ' .Kcservo on all existing Policies (4 per cent, standaid) and all othor CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. FIKB FiGllS CI fill Kinds WM DOIIV liabilities ..$951.1G5,S37. .. 160,955,693. .. 24,491.978. .. 48,572,209.1 J0,3(0,W3. 180,333,133. SurnhiR. 4 nor tunit. ntniuhiril 50,543,174 Paid Policy Holders in 1S97 - 21,100,314. I ILA11G.EST STRONGEST BEST WINES, L1QUOUS, C1GAHS, AND TOBACCOS Goods delivered to all parts of town. LumDer ond consiruciion go. ,vj. Yard and oil mv-DnlmuliAr Cunyon . J JLUM25E1BL of all kinds ootiiituntly on hand. Also J Sash, l)!in aiul MoitldiiiKh, a MnntlJ . (irnua, oti v v AKonti for tiiduhukbr W'ncoiu g ? N. V. CBIAhli:, GUH'l Mnit'lfr ,9 i 1 M.ioi i,,Mr,, I., f.iwn 1 nn.naf .ciirnlufl. P.ivs ilfith claims iironmter. P.i. , I'lDI, IIICllHUILU J.I ll'ivu. ....iijWw.-.-. ,--- j r - , fl I I . , , ,.h, inn tm ... .!....!.., ln. A.. Tan. ...a l.,lfiAV .1-1,11 " J UllgeBl UIVIUCIIUS lfl,UiWUWJ Ilium uuuiiB iiioi, uvu juaio. woikj iranm uitv.u , aCCts WAUlllK iN. I'AKMlUHol Gcnori.l Mnnnccr New Mo.ico and Arizona Dejinrtmcnt, Albuquerque, N. ll F. C. FENNER, Resident Agent , BJSBEE. AltlZONA est-i3w.2 - UMAmM MEDIGOVICH & NOBIH2 rSSi -c