Newspaper Page Text
whm."WmK'm mwwIE irnrir rrrri"trj"fj wwcm mafm lf ' i ltV-itVl'--ii' vtvwiiwui si ...- ' Smfuwi.imt4mm ZONA DAILY ORB rUBUSIIKD KVT'.HY KVKN1NQ EXUKrT SUNDAY. BY ALVAN W. HOWE, Kl at the voXt offloo at Rlsbee. a sec ond claw matter May 12. 1897. frtltinff rates witl bo made known on "itlon to this office. Local publications i.w!? -.i.i, iho Tni-ritnrlnl Statutes. fog Notfcos 10 cents per lino for eaobUn- ... . n.. In.AMrla fm.'ltini j these columns must be oninotal bases r will not be accepted. il . 1..1.. nanra rV AflL matter should be addressed to Editor All Remittances and buslnoss lotters be addressed toLYANWH0WE "V BUboo. Arizona, niomni mmoiupim AnVKUTIS- V. AgenU 21 Merchants' Kxohanue, San. fieo. is- -our authorised aiient. This ,11 Keys Oil mu m.mi u."vw. I! iff oi Wise V .TJESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1899. VV$4teUntlits havo about finished tliolr if bf cyolonos. They know all about thorn htcept how to predict and how to pro- Eczema! The Only Cure. Eczomais more than a skin disease, and no skin remeuies can euro u. xne . doctors aro unablo to efiect a cure, and their mineral mixtures are damaging ' to themost powerful constitution. Tho J whole trouble is 'in the blood, anil Swift's Specitio is no umy remeuy which can reachsuch deep-seated blood diseases. Eozcma broko out on my daughter, and con- . ill . tlnued to spread unui her head was entirely covered. She was treated by several good doctoraf; but graw worse, and thbx dreadful diiease spread to her face. Sb" was M taken to Upcelebrntettitjfw, .-., t..a 1,t r. rr?. ' .VSti-Cft-.! eolvodno benefit. Many-Mfr'W patent mcdlolncs were talcon, bub vltlitfut re sult, until wo decided to try S. S. S'., and by the ttmo tho flrst bottle was Unlshed.her-head be gan to heal. A doion bottles'curcd her eom niotnivnud Inft her skin Borfectly Rmootli, She t Is now sixteen years old. an has a magnificent growtu ox nair. oi a sigusui mo arcaiuui disease lias ever returned.. - H. T. SnonE. 27M Lucas Ave.. St. Louis, Mo. Don't expect local applications of soaps and salves to cure Lczema. They reach only the surface, while tho di sease comes from' within. Swift's Specific M5sjSA fi &S8fii& 5sih dead deteriorate ?" asks a Splrlt K V journal. Tho consensus of opinion j?A Jundertakers Is to thoeffcctthot.'ir not '.lllmed, they do. S . i ,,.. , -..- , ufcs bus ueou uiscovereu in i-uuus) -vuiu yjUg been holding dowu the same polltl- y wee for sixty-eicht years, no may do i know n good tiiitur when he sees it. chewing gum 'trust is actually organ- rith a capital of 19,000,000. This is a Ileitis 'hope, which will treblo prlcc3, lie hlshor'thn prices tho smallor tho Ity that will bo usod. I case of the western joungmnn who Sgun suit for damages because ho was en for a burglar and badly beaten. s a valuablo lesson, Even when court- Hi well to go boldly to tho front door lng the bell instead of clipping around side of tho houso ami tapping on a It may not be so romantic, but it nolo lot sufer. JPULIST paper discloses a startling con fer in tho following editorial statement: Jou ever notice that tho northwest and aave been constantly in the front lino? la a motive in this. Tho ndminlstra- awuro that for overy western man ills in battlo thero Is a silver vote shot Iubthor words tho gold standard pro- o carry its end, oven If It Is compelled rder silver men-enough to accomplish Int." It seoms that tho beef trust is feeding jv-ltlshqrs at our exjienso. A ruprosoii- I of Nelson, Morris & Co., has announced tioy wero shinpinir beef la larire ciuuu- to Eu'ropo and selling It nt n loss to 3 the competition of Australia, and bcounts for the high price of meats at I Tho question naturally follows. After aavo killed off the competitors, will Ease up tho rates in auv degree for the ifforhig Americans, or must wo eml- Nto London to get tho benefit? 1 Iiocky Mountain News has been dovot- column or two every few days to :ia and Now Moxlco mining camps. nude some Crlpplo Crook miners "hot tho collar," and they protested. Tho Inn well written editorial u fow days Sgavo the Cripple Creek egotists a Jiful that has silenced thorn, and to i that it meant what it said, is giving special write-up almost dally to one other of tho prosperous mining camps 2SO two territories. Tho Denver Ro Can, too, is doing good advertising for inlngr resources of this section, and s j Denver Daily Mining Kocord. It Is to Jvantngo of Colorado to help develop Uues, but it Is only of lato yeurs that lo has becomo awaro of tho fact. Sno with Gootho's dying cry for "more 1 must go thundering down tho ages fry of tho Kaisor for "more sonp." a delegation from tho medical con- fccalled upon tho latter he listened to an at of their proceedings and nskod questions bearing upon tho work. Sin converration, after tho formal ro- Jn was ended, ho remarked with char- Istlo impulsiveness, "Soap, moro soap! I tho weapon to cheek disease." Teoh- ' the Kaisor Is right. Saponification Is ration. Goneral Wood procoeJed on boory lu Santiago and proved It. Con- Is diseases, selentists toll us, aro dirt it. Eradicato tho dirt and you arrest lion dnd Its consequent disruption of . It-ull depends upon your definition If tho ordinary combination of oils fall aro considered tho crying need of rld is moro sonp, as the soap trust "fullly ngrcoi If by tho term is meant Ileal lubricant, wo havo entirely too snap already. n artlclo on tho copper oros of tho vest. Mines and Minerals says: "Tho t knowledge of copper In thn south- as from Mexicans, who in tho lattor f tho fast century, discovered tho San nines in Now Mexico, near tho present of Sllvor City. Tho Mexicans called mines Crrdora del Cobre, tho place coppor was created, the natlvo inotal lng out of tho ground. Masses a ton lu t were oxtraoted and shipped to tho f Moxlco to bo eolnod Into coppor . In 1838 tho Apaches drove out tho r, and not until 1873 wero tho mines pd under American management. In lonelCarlotou's California voluutcors. ng Indians, discovered Coppor mouu- lor the present Clifton mining district feona.'and work was begun in 1891. Tho lng of the Southorn Paoldo and tho Ic A Paciflo through southorn Arizona kpod tho mluq and exerted a marked face on tho copper industry. Tho prln- dl rlcts aro tho warren, Globo and Kongo " A Frightful Blunder 11 often cnueo a horrible Hum, , Cut or KruiBo. Bucklen'o Arisen i, the besf in the world, will kill tin and promptly heal it. Curof ores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Uoils, Corns, all Skin Eruptions I'llo cure on earth. Only 25 cts. n Cure guaranteed. Sold by tho Je Draj; Storo and Coppor Queen &&5.Blood is tho only euro and. will reach the most obstinate case. It is far ahead of all similar remedies, because it cur03 cases which aro beyond their reach. S. S. S. is purely vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guorantecd to contain no pot ash, mercury or other mineral. Books mailed free by Swift Spaciflo Company, Atlanta, Georgia. THE O. K. Livery, Feel i sale m Horses boarded by the day, week or month. Rigs furnished on short notice. HORSES TAKEN CAKE OF AT KATES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Horses Bought, and Sold B. IP. GRAHAH & CO., Prop V. G. MEDIOVICH W'holesalo and Itotall' Door In GROCERIES. Poultry. GAME "RECEIVED okob. Liquors, nines Igioofs end todm. IHEUHIOH MUTUALLIFE IHSUR.1N8F COMPANY OF PORTLAND, MAINE. (iNCOKPOnATED 18JS.) Aftor 3 years extended insurance Be cured automatically by the operation oi a statute of tho State of Maine. Tin only company in the world doini; busi ness under such a legal piovision. It pays more proportionately to living pol icy holders in eottlomoiit of policies than any other company. It's insu rance isgiltedj;o in every way. G H, Adam3, N. W. Oiubk, Manager, llesidont Agont, Phoenix, Bisbeo, Arizona. BISE1 id HACflSAIil Stage Line TIM TAFT, Prop. Leavo Bisbeo Tuesday and Fridays. Arrive in Bisbeo Tuesdays and Saturdays Off Jr At cPPL,r HutzKii Store Vlllw "Wh cio iiilurinni .f.iionn i htd ItESTAUEAISTT Fresh Kansas City Heats Constantly on Hand. We Cater to nil Classes. Private Parties and Ban . qaets a Specialty. Nothing but white help employed. Give Us a Call. Omer Barker, Prop. IE MILLINER I Slid Mrs. M. J. Blair, Prop. ' A completo lino of tho lates styles of Spring and Summer Goods Just Arrived. Pattern Hats of the Latest Desian. Hats trimmed to ordor a specialty. Call and Inspect my goods .before purchasing elsewhere. BISBEE Si i k ire MRS. M. BLEWETT PUOriUETKESS A FULL LINE OF eoois, UK and Gears Fiirnisninos W Legal Advertisements. Dissolution ot Copartncrsmp. ' Notlco Is hereby given that tho copartnership ' heretofore existing between J. H. Jack and N. W. Chase, under the Arm name of J. H. Jack Lumber Co., has thlsday been dissolved by mutual consoat, J. H. Jack assuming full control of the buslnoss. All money duo tho lato firm I paynblo to him, nnd all accounts against said firm will be paid by him. N. W. CHASE, J- J.H.JACK. Dated Bisbeo, July 1. 1899. Peoples up n Ml ii 3$. AssIms, Prop, SHODr FAMILY GROCERIES, VINES, LIQUORS Ciga?3, and Tobacco. A full assortment of Candies, Fruits and Nuts. Cor. O. K. & Railroad Ave, W. R. MARBLE 1 HE CM Summons. I!islcc, Arizona. Headstones and Monuments a Specialty Stono Cutting of all kinds done with ncatnoss and dispatch. Leave orders gi inc BisDee Drua sicre. OLUOi nun Qinnr ID SUE '. M. JOHNSON f CO.. Prop.i. Second-hand goods of all kinds bought and sold. Sewing machines cleaned and repaired. Liatreseees rei aired. If You Want to Buy or Sell "Any tiling Let Us Know Before doing Elsewhere. Place of Business, Brewery Gulch, cec .uml door north of Shattuck s Brewery Saloon. TN THE JUSTICE COURT. NO. 2 PRECINCT J- County of Coohlse. Territory of Arizona. J. S. WILLIAMS CO. Plaintiff, vs. JAMES SHIRLEY, Defendant. Action brought in tho Justice Court No. precinct, In and for tho County of Coohlso in the Territory ot Arizona. Inthenamoof tho Territory of Arizona 'to JumesShlrley defendant, greeting. You uro hereby summoned and required to appear In an action brought against you by tlio abovo nnmed plalntUrs in the Justice Court of No. 2 Precinct, 'in and for the County of Coohlse, in the Territory of Arizo na, anil answer tho complaint llled in suid Justlco Court, nt fllsbeo, in said County, within flvo days, exclusive of tho day of ser vice, after tho servico upon you of this sum mons, if served within this precinct, but if eorved without this precinct, but within tho county,ten daj s; if served out of theeounty, fifteen days; in all other cases twenty days. Tho said action is brought to obtain judg ment ugalnst jou to recover the hum of Sl'iVOO due tho above-named plaintiff, to gether Wth the costs of th s action or judg ment by dofuult will bo taken against jou according to praj'or of said cjinplaint (ilven under my hand at (Seal.) liisbce this 13th duy of Juno, 18 9. WILLIAM SCRIMSHEU. Justlco of the Poaco of said Preciiit.2 First publication June r. '9.1. NOTICE OF F-OPFEiTURE. The jersey Dairy, A. W. STRUHM, Prop. Pure Fresh Milk Delivered to Ail Parts of the City Es'ery . Evening, SWEEPSTAKES MINE. To James A. Nolley, j-our heir-sor assigns; You are hereb notified by tho uuder siirned, jour co-owner in tho Sweepstakes uiiuing claim, situate in the Warren Mining District, in tlio County of Cochise, To ritory of Arizona, tho location notice of which is iccorded ii! the oliioe of the County ltoooror of th i O.nntj-of, lu book (5, page 003, liocor.l of Minos, that it has expended the sum of ouo hundred dollars in each of the years from and including the year eigh teen hundred and eighty-seven, to, and in cluding the j ear eighteen hundred and ninety oight, making a period of twelve j ears, lu tho psriornwuico of tho annual work for caoh of said yearn, required by the laws of congress to be performed upon said claim to hold the sumo. And jou, your heirs and assign , havo failed td contribute, j'our proportion of tho expenditures required by section 2344 of the revised stnttlles of the United States, to bo made upon said claim for tho jonrs from nnd including tho your eighteen hundred and cljfhtj' seven, to and including tho. year eighteen hundred and ninety eight, making a iifriod or tnelvo jears. The "Him clue iroin ou. your heirs or ns sl.rul to the u lUdr-.i.r'icJ. j-jiir co-owner in nu'd claim, us your propo' tin of thoniou cj , e.tpended ly t upon ni id claim n alovo t-'t torth. :s s:x h m ti'i'd i liar'-, for which j ,. ; i,io 'iciiiiijiiij t til lu'! d.ite of tlii notice. iu, yjm hns in.l rti'ns, ate Inreby notihed, that, if joa hhoulu tail or roiiisj to eo'itrilmt jour proportion of tho above expenditure within ninety days ufti r tho publication of this notice oneo a week for ninety dajs.your Interest in theSweepstakes Mining claim v.-ill becomo forfeited to, and tho property of. your co-ownor, tho undor sig:ied, wluse rosidenco and placo of lutsi I'Ois r.iiiu Bisbeo, Coohifce County, Arizona. ColTiiuQtTEEN COHSOI.IDATISU MlMISQ CO. Dated J lily 1st, 1833. PURE CREAM sSSM MALL QUANTITY The Only Dairy in Bisbeo Havin Blooded Cows. Satisfaction S Guaranteed Leave orders at tlio Struram boardinp house or this oifice. visa wvm i mu m fPiis T. METZ, Prop'r. Ofvrp And VoiOcs. Tomlivtono Cnmon Ji.llG Bisbeo, Arizona. rjfe Soda water, 0 Sarsai)arilla, $fe Ginger-ale, Etc., Rtc Orders from aboad will re ceive prompt attention. VTSS-Ordori for thn citv of Illsboo will bo delivered freo wlthout.dolay. family ordor wllulfrd. fiM It! or other ladies who wish to work Can 'Earn Lots of Money Workwiji for us in spare time athomoon our cloths. We offer you a uood elianco to make njenly of spending money easi ly, in leisure hours. Send 12c. for doth nnd full lireclion for work, and com mence at once. Cloth sent anywhere. Address W1NO0SKET CO. (300-S) Bos toa, JMas3.', 11 fg. Dept. tUJ S gh SBia Cut Hoses of"all kinds for sale at i!5 cents er dozen. Special rates given to festivals 'and parties. Particular attention given to shipping orders. Flow ers carefully packed.! MKS. J. O. DUNE ATI, piiol Addition. Phoenix, Arizona. . . THE PORTLAND . . is. in liiii. Hi Dl IIIl WW. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF ARIZONA. Capital Stock $5,000,000 In 5,000,000 One Dollar Snares. Fully paid up and forever non-assessable and carrying n personal liability to the holder. HOARD OF DIItECTOKSt C. E. CUMMINGS, . Asa Baunabt, O. A. OewnTftfTT. . .. V ,,.UWW, - - - E. D. (JOLLINS, A. 1. UAMPOBLL, OFFICERS: 0. A. Ovehlock, President, C. E. Cummings, Vice-President and Secretary, Asa Baunauy, Treasurer, Edward D. Colux's, General Manager. nEPOSITORVl Consolidated National Bank, Tucson, Arizona. HOME OFFICE AT BISBEE, ARIZONA. A limited number of Bhaies are now being offered for sale at 10 cents per share. Applications may be made at any time to. the Secretary, and no applic-. tion for less than 100 shares will be accepted, the Company reserving the right" at any time to advance the price of stock without notice. "" '' "J --"-"-iJy,'.;',.'-. " iTrrrr-T : ;jayjajy;a ii esi ii i Agent for Auheuiser Brewing Association, Wholesale and Retail. - BREWERY AVENUE, - - - - BISBFE, ARIZONA. Experienced Mixolo gists. Well furnished Club Roomp for the use ft of Patrons. ? In New and Elegant Quarters .AT THE OLD STAND- Fines Wines, Liquors and Cigars- McKay & rinlayson, Props. HAIN STREET. WARREN LAUNDRY CO, 5-i!i- PLANT Situated in DPI .HE . CltT ) Wallace Building, Office j East Entrance. 06d96A00-HJKh. 0-0-fre -.1 ! at- ! ?;? !. -as REE COINAGE SALOON J. E. BROWN, Prop. Carries tho famous !I13s "Velvet tVTloJL&lsz& FINE WINES, ETO. International and Sun Spot Cigars ii fa ff TvS m A. JOERSS, iea 1111 1RFF PflDPFD ill AND i ijulilii oioDLL jUi'lK mil Hu lu s HI IflEII lllf.l ii Ti5E JEWELER. II O.? m m fii mi Stationery, Wall Paper," 'News Depot. SN STRKSiX, Err w. nrcniM." ni7nvi tS AcM.a-., v-.v i .6?5 "Incorporated Under the Laws of Arizona. CAPITAL STOCK - $5,000,000 In 5,030,00'J One Dollar Shares. Full Paid and Non.Assessable and Carrying no Personal Liability, OFFICE OF THE COHPANY: Room 4, Brysbn Block, LOS ANGELES, CAL. V JP&TER JOBNSON, Fiscal Aget for Arizona WILLIAMS & HOWE, Props. II IfllS Bill Hi SI H ' ISO IB L. C. SHATTUCK, Prop. fie. lis Dili. E1SBEE, ARIZ. Houses looked after in tli absence of tho tenants. Rents collected. Terms reasonable. We now nave the follow ing bargains to offer for cash ; don't delay if you want to ' buy, or some one else will get in ahead of you: ' A four-room furnished house, centrally located. : " Two two-roomed bouses, right in town. "' Ono two-roomed houso in Broweiy, near old graveyard; furnished fff'fc otherwise. - -Y-uilding lots, aboady graded, $2S.0O up, in Brewery gulch. Ono lot, Chihuahua hill, graded and fonceu ; 37x100 feet $00. . ,. Ono house and lot, Brewery Gulch. Good location, near wagon road". A four-room house, largo yard, chicken and out houses, together with Qtv v room adobe i-100. J.M'TOE JN MJBAlillt m rt -A THS1- v - $ ft!? Jl 3b? t , 4 msmm x9,