Newspaper Page Text
0 y-t ft ,.-,' .- c fl.-.'S.,. Rtt !" it,- AILY ORB "3 9 Vv - 2, : ! - a? VOBOME III BISBEE, ARIZONA, THURSDAY EVENrMG, AUGUST 24, 1899. NUMBER 204 "Wis 1 '' .A TTVKT k 'W -? i-. & m iSJV & ipr-i'.S i S&v.'i Vi v. Ja3 :i.-v3 8&&1 V '- j -- & W" JSS " k A vwlfV "; ;,",. .- If 38k j h P OVAL WORCESTER -JA-' . . j Wornbv Thousands of the Gentler Sex i pronounced by the Reading" Modistes, as the MOST, PERFECT FITTING CORSET MADE. Can Only be Secured At. - , , jzzzT-HE MlWUllfiii MS and nil Asrcnts for Drew. Selby & Co.'s 'LADIES' FINE' SHOES, FA' msiziu Snxfcs- tla-Sbt .. nC j&.l'w&ys Fit That is ono catisfaction you have in dealing with me; anothtr is, tlint you always gut the .beat of goods, first class work, and reasonable prises. ALL WORK GUARANTEED:- A-CHArtPAQNE, ,The Bisbee, Tailor. r-i"TJt'fTWwy ppiie pi w 1 s K ; 7" . . " TIM GRIFFITH, Proprietor. Finest Turnouts In the City, Horses boarded by the week, day or month. Horses bought and sold. Complete hack service. Hacks will mcK all trains. Good service, .... Upper Main St. t '. ".- Bisbee Transfer Company, 'Freight. &aggai&ctn& Express Delivered, to any vart of the Cityc .;, -it, Prompt Service, smd wiclc IBelivery. - 9twwTHow Assayer and t Chemiat, RELIABLE WORK AT HODERATE PRICES. Mining properties placed ti commission. Mines examined and reported on. Cornjopondcnco solicited. AIL work ' promptly attorided to. N.tE JrVdODifa PenmnTon. Street, 'Tucson, Arizona. The" California Market, "KENNEY BROS, Fresh. Bpoft -Ji.O( (!)., Porh, Vecd, Saus .,, sages, etc. tfiti :j-t Cubs :pf .Meats 'v'-. "Only, i'v-ii'. Bread 'Daily. ". ids Delivered Free 'to - .James F, "'V, '.' United States. Deputy Mineral Surveyor and Civil Engineer Wi-'r". . ... - .. SURVEYING IN 'ALL ITS BRANCHES. , tOfllcu In Wnllace Iiuildlns; 11 ". A. NEWMAN, -MS-, Tinner, Plumber and i&iK' :i' SC?"1 Had Wot!hjSoKc2il and S.old. - a88tars Fair. BREWERY AVENUE BISBEE. J-W Nothing ia so provoking to the average man as to buy a new suit of clothes ami find, that thyy do not lit. Suits made in my shop ' '. zssc - E55s?, Araaoaaa ' - --, ,. ti'WPW" Hwmvim Proprietors. V- i ' AIL Parts of the Town. upper iita:.a., iojec, 1 1- Trotter, ' niKljee. Arixoun. 0 Bisbee, Arizoua. Sheet Metal Worker THSBEAHQC SPARKS Fresh From the Wires i Points. from All.j Potnm, Mexico, (v'a Noalep), Ant;. 2-1 litM'ifiral Torres in command ar rival oppbaito Torin this afternoon, 3al ovoryoneis asking why he advanced to within two or three miles of where Bevoral 'hundred warriors were known to I, mi 1 l'.i .1 I 11 iif ' -vni! nnrchO'! I" Torin. Information h-if been loceived that a Rtat ar;ny of the lebels !mve ii tvirned wtthm the Li?t iew days to "lcal8 r.d othr jilrtcee from wh;rh they hao been rontwl; A'ffllfttll band of Indians v, ih bnws and arrows havt passeil up niil down the rivor Udlinir all the mules and horses they could find.. A -creat many rafts have been coming down the streams during the week. They are built by the Indians as a means of crossing the river on their way to the Sierras. San Francisco. Aug. 24 The pay master made his last visit to tho camp of tho Nebraska regiment today and the mustoring out ceremony was completed later in the day. On Friday morning the Nebraska boys will leave for their homes. Tho regiment goes out with a total of 851 men and 45 officers. They w ere a full regiment oi 1,-2 men wnon they left home and have been thinned out by sickness and deatli and those of their regiment who elected to say in the Philippines. "Washington, Aug. 24. The state de paitmeht has been informed through diplomatic channels that General Otfs has applied the Chinese exclusion laws to tho Plfilippiws. Tlir information whs a :;iipri;tt to I Ik authorities Jioio. lN:.iv.cod, S. !., Aug 2i Thi!; !Ieai . jntPitat, one-third of the urea i llooic-naku mijit; or thi city, U U v gol'i ill London next moi'th lis Ho'irs'" gt-t atiout ,?:. c11 -'Oi'-n.. t'li- intflrest in tli.j uonu'ataKu aiuiie ana i i.- utpoBvd the same interest in ih 1' uuaco 1, Ttira a:..i llighlani will g tuihtui. . I ' Played Out. Dull headache, pains in various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the Etoinach, losscf appetite, feverishnesi, pimples or sores are all positive evidence J 11 1 "XT .. 1 '. 1 ( 01 imDure oioou. xmo mauer now ii ue- come so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blodd Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofl tilous or Syphilitic poisons or any other Mood diseases. It is certainly a wonder ful remedy and we sell every bottle n a positive guarantee. Sold by J. ,8. Williams" & "Co. ! Tho game of base ball to bo played between tho Copper Queen General Office team, and the A. & S. E. R. it. team at the base ball grounds Uj;i Louis Station on Sunday evjnint: Sopt. 10th promises to be the greatest game of the season. Both to.tmi will have; a strong battery. Special train3 will be run down to tlie grounds and notlmi will boleit undone by the railroad cbm pi'iy l ' a-i Hi' thi' ' oi ojl fl-lll) Will gO ( ("A'l t 1 n V S ii (' grt'.lt ,,'anu. lin: .11:1 :in of !,M a H'ld h.i lit en raife 1 !'v ' io'lii li'ri:n mid ii.i iiecii r l.K t-il in ll o limn '' ifii. 1 1 ' fate ii'jif. I nitoniis li.iva us-.i I . .') ::c;il t 'ill ' tv.iin Hl'd ,o boys will present a fine appaaraneu wlien they appear on the dihmond to play ball. Manager Inide'of tiio Goner- 'nroflicc team ia in receipt of tevernl letters and telegrams lronv different teams in the territory asking for games with his champion!'. ii: AlWiJIHUl iUllU'l. ; "Awful anxiety was felt for the, wid ow of tho brave General IJnrnluui of Machia-, Me., whan tho doctors said the could not live till morning" writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All thought she jnust soon die from Pneumonia, 'but she begged for Dr. King's Kew Discovery, saying it had more than 0111:0 saved het lif.. 1 I....1 .t i 1 1 ....i, itmnMmt ...c, ...... 111.U emeu uer uiv.u ,.....,-..-- rtiier inree small (tosen slio siepi .i".' all uight, and its fijithcruEecoiiJph'tt'lyJ cured her." This marvel. nn: iiiediitine iBgiiarantecd. locuii! all 'lliroa'l? Chea; and L:;ng Diseases. Only 5Jv: iUh1$L.U0.' Trial botlleflfreo at the' llliibe'p. Dru. Slom and Coi.pc.r Qir.'en Co. - For cold air Hues, umf plfo.i an.', guttering, call on 0. A. .Newman. nilOtf Fly'e l.otograp'.i (iiillnryal),' UJ of .' Win. llarr?,lpiewnry ' S?.ml8itf residence i .4 k IS A BIG MINE. mprovements Will Be Made in the i-Cobre Grande Smelter. ' vi iM r. Traylor, representative of the Coltvd lio-i works at Denver, ia at'iijui.- 'I lohas jiiBt made a oni-iM'the-.tcerltriry and was in Mexico i on jfiAiriess with . the Cobro Grande coijiffiiuy. Ie says that improvement? willtfje inado in the smelter and that already 110 tons of ore are smelted ilnilA' Tiu oro-averages about 14 per (.ont;., M,r.' Traylor says tho Co""..' (jiandc mirfe shows the most prom meat out ctufiping8 of any copper mine h' lias evtfrtJfiMu There js an iron rap ahout broa'l at one !e- and it 18 niotf1 thnieix m in ioneth About three !inli" of thii- i-ap ruo- thrjiiih tli1 (''M mine oi V. ('. t -1 o--i Ti. mine is being worked for the copper ore but Mr. Traylor says (hat the immenso quantity of almost pure iron showing on the surface would a big iron property it there were no copper. The general indications of Cobro Grande prompt Mr. Traylor to Bay that tho mine has prospects of develop ing into ono of the foremost pi oducers in the country. Tho extent of tho Cobro Grande's ore body has not vol been shown, although a largo amount ot development has been done. There is only one shaft which has been sunk to any great depth. It ha.- pierced into a deposit of sulphides which indicate a mine at that point. He says deep shafts will .be sunk alon the outcroppings. The deposits at the base may be iron or copper sulphides. In the tormer in stance the Cobre Grande will not be as big a mino as he anticipates, but the ore in sight easitv justifies the smelter now at the mine. The carbonato ores on the surface aio slightly richer than the sulphides, and th?re is a big showing of surface ore. Tho de posit of sulphide ore is outlined to rm ' ' v.'tn 1 i' alt J 1-8.1 II CM (I Ll 1 1 1 1 1 ill .i ( Oiil'tCl I'J 'U. ni iron. K"ptiblii:a-n. A Mother Tells How She Sared Her Littlt Daughter's L-'fe. I am the niotlicr (.f i'vht chlldn n aiwl ' v. e hud a yr. .it ii'.il u! - 11. 1 ii'i'HV with iiiediemes. La3! nnmsier my little laughter had the dvte'itery in ii wdl urn. We tlni'ilu .-lie would die. 1 tiied everything I could thipk of, but nothing seemed to do her good. I saw by an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlain's Colic,-Cholera and Diar rhoeaRemedy was highly recommended, and sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of tho very best medi cines we ever had in the house. It saved my little daughter's life. I am anxious for every mother to kno.vwhatan ex cellent medicine it is. Hal I known it at first it mould have saved me a great deal of anxiety and ray little daughter much suffering. "lV.irs tiuly",Mrs.Geo. F. Burdick, Liberty, It. I. For sale at Bisbee Drug store. A Tho Helvetia Mining compiuy oper ating in the Santa ltitas, nourIlo3e'uont is said to intend in the nrar future, tho commencing of tho building of a stand ard gauge from their mines to Tucson. At present their shipping and receiving point by tail is Vail's statu 1 on the ri. P. Tho Helvetia company has acquired by purchase a larga area of very promising coppjr properties near. U'j.-mm.t, : ,, r ' .-f C.f 'h:m' !nv- in III'.-. i ;!C. t i.. i ' 1 l' .1 ci i ,i1M v M.I ' ( ', lie 1 d-iit. .-me-' Ui ' '"'m- I t 1- 'I ' 1 .1 . W Ml" 1 !i . .M. , , ! I llt.'i'.l 11 il - M'l, "in,". i "i . ii 'k- . .! ) " J'i i tin- ill I'll IV 'M.'. 1 t'l I. " i.l . Deveiopment is suit baiius (-aiaod on extensively, over 200 men baing employ ed .ceding tho erection of a reduction works on a larjjo scale and every iti liga tion now points to tho Helvetia becom ing at a comparatively early day one of the laigest copper producing cainp3 in AriHi na. Tliii Helevtii comjiany is pot Erased of umplo cajiital. It is fre (HU'iitly mentioned as an off jhoot of the gieat Camulet and Ilecla company and in a genee may be so considered, since its slock and management are said to bo contotle.l by il.ose also iu. Control of tho Camilla and Ilecla. John A. Krueo, a Chicago capitalist, arrived on tho afternoon train. Mr. Kruso is financially interested largely in (he botmra i-nitu aim uame coin pan v ... ,uld n)so in K()ia ull,jj , ln0 vicinity of Huaqui Grande, Itouuiu He is i;ow ob his way lo look after tiiocu iutoru-iti iu person. Kodol Dytpepsia Cure cures dvnpe sia because ilu ingredients are such that it et.n't help doin,; no. "l'ho public can relv upon ilns a master remedy 'for all di.-o'dcrri arising frOin ltnperfeet dittos lion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in American Journal, yf Ieiiltli, .N. V. Copier Queen atore. , 4 . THE COPPER . ..immB&mwmi jfr - --( ufnWfMkJMi Tabic :ir. ;.nd Cover.; ' Of a Cotton Crepe material, friiicijd and embroidered with Gilt Cord as only the patient Jnnane'o ,can .do. Ft, in delicate shades of Pink, Blue, Green and Yellow. These are distinctly sum mer table covers' and are cool and com forting .to look) lM anfl 85 cts. each at cheap too TOWELS. Three kinds as an index to many more; all equally good Linen Values: Damask Towels, 19x42; knotted fringe, bluo borders and solid white. Soce'ch, $3.25 a doz Damask Towels, 22x49, knotted fringe, border of blue and green, and yellow and green. 35c each, $3.5o a doz Huek Towels, 20x44, damask figured and satin finished. 40c e'clli, $4.25 a doz Ready Made SSteets; 1 i i) ) : ... 111' :! : toi u aii'! ti'ii-'ii'il u itli a .u-ej, lifin at 72x90 :-.ueets, Ooc each, 6.00 a dozen 81x90 Sheets, 65c each, $6vsj n down 45x83 J, Pillow Cases, 20ceavii, $.2oa doen Men?s Straw; HatsChoose f rom the Best, at $f. 50. Men's Crasii Suits-$4.0Q. Boys' Wash Suits$1.25 to 2.00 Women's Shirt Wai$ts-50c6d;25 - -.- Colored Lawns, .8c a yard. SOAP . .Of the making of soap there U no end, but this hay to do with a new soap 8 that different as can bo from soap J " and every. !' tie i- I, .ii., 4"il i u Copper Queen Soap." . Put ii for Toilet and Laundiy Purposes rv it and bo pleasantly sui prised. At the Grocery Counter. rrstfSLSKSJ Sis- ism ule l'r uso .s . w i here. T!.,f- is i-i i '.'. ' tllli ( pi. '.rd ,v 'U' .i' in '".ii ; . i' 'ii - Iveai. ' - ( in t.i .' the The Copp Consolidated M ning QUEEfi QjSTblvi TAILORING. H i N A trifle premature, perhaps, but this-.' is merely to suggest that we are ready with Fall Samples" of all that is best and proper in materials for Men's made-to-measure Clothing Promptness in delivery and complete ness in assortment are some of" tho advantages to be derived froman early selection. e Trousers,..froin 400 Suits, "1 $j4.b'" NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. Soft Bosoms, Collars and Cuffs attach ed. The goodness of these shirts should sell them, but there's and additional incentive in the prices: $1.25, I.5) and 2. 00 for Shirts, the former pi us of which were $1.75, 2.00 and 330 lA ra NKCk We'vo corralled a lot of Men'aTies I Hand Bows, Club Tiei, Four-iuHands, and Tecks. Ti!" sha ;, patterns ani colorings of the Ties are nil right, but as thert are not many ol a kin! left, we've. 1 branded new prices on .25c each now them SS-IOE KEWSn.,-" ...Here's the first hint of Fall" iti. I the Shoe Btore. A. Shoe for Women, made of, Velour.' Calf. A leather as soft as vici, and vet:. superior to vici in tlnlt it will not peal. ", ! c! 4iiK", mi a m.i i ' a 'M.i'ini(ii i-'i 'e.' fin ,, : '-r-ne T'i iiiad atil neri . . ! 1 'in- tn in it :t s-.'il-iUle, en:.. r. i-1 ,, , t i 'i ' ne It r I'M .-I'll aed sivImK ueaiauce hOeeaenttai Ml ,VOUlua Sfa&OUU, K'"'--i;' r ii, i, fs not lacking-cither. . " "v 3.5 a Jair The same style Shoe on the samu,lastt iu vici kid for those who prefer it. 3.50 A I'AIR. ...Infant Moccasius made of i silk striped cioth sewed on to soft leather soles, fur tops and tied with ribbon. Cute little foot coveringa.Joruto little I teet. 75e-A PAIR. iseeni rs P Co,' K - I-fc2vH MZt&M &t&&m . . :& ;7.h i.- l- ' V.( r&x f"M '.' ,vr.'. r,- -. v .,' -.x'l ' " temrn mzp;:-w, I' , .ji ', . 'is 'AJ Si .-f.T -5!. - v i t in By.ii'