Newspaper Page Text
aa&3M& RAII.lJnAD TIME TUH.P.S M'lVONA AS" ROC1IIKA3T3HH HAIMlOAn ARIZONA NEWS. Take the. S- v - 4 3t) ist ''tlK TAHT.K . T' C...1. iruui ll Co ward. 1.3 t 'No. 10. OCT. i". mt ma 2i t MIXKD. MliEl).. First, Clairt.v 1 Idly? i0 .nv.vrfOMS. v l , H I rirst- S ' Clasj. . i ; i Polly 14V o.... Ar SS 1' lfti in. in "i. li Hislnc lit J:2" g ' . .n Luis . ..31.. AiO ti' S."1" 'niJuriotioo IB.i 12rYi V'C I u .J Vj.runrd W U U: ! 4uiifiitni- .ir.... i'Vi .baV..ujcr Tank... SO.I U',05 iS(fW...Ca1irlaiteii....iW 8 1115 :M.jiAr..,iiJrliiwU..LvtlO 0 11 . , l.v. . intromit.. Arl I' 11:15 j 6..Conlfntlim,. 15 7 ll.OJ ;n... . 9 5 10:10 M.i Ar... l!-utjri...Lv .0 1U.0 1, 17 f,"l 7:0 7:15 . i!) ,1:-U , 1'uclUc Ttuit. Tins St v.ion Stop i:iSlff H. UES. WilAi vms, S.r.-erhito ida-it. Interesting Items Culled trom Oui Exchanges. Santa Fe Route t BOClltZhN I'AUtVTQ ll.VUrt'OATl STA1IOKS. wxir-nevxu. -:U0 n.m Sail l'vunoifoo 4.'i p.m. fejO a.u Icb Auirolii 9'ii p.m. . . il. 0 a. n. 4 10:57 ;i. iu '... MmicKiia 5-lt a. 1.1. .!;. u. iu Tucson ........ 2:VJu. in. S-.J7 a.m., 'Hens on , lsH . ia.JI.in4i....t...Kl ito i--"Vii ' -SU'i1".: I' MlllO ll i ""-l mMfM SmM fflfefS859 lsrfl -aa "2&S. S&&M&M3 gi& , j HP!!!, H a jp& Bill zdexo- I -ftSJ i-Si fears tap sPsSfe. 358s i si Jiff ssl w s& i wJteSMfa. wifts$Sffir 6, rf3 lliiw mw-T 1opF !1 thp p,E..arr throogh co; A S k f$ 0 ORIP s? G?- " A A? SSI E?5D (SO, i .. Mll'- 1 - 1. -ro a. w. t i 00 u. v 1. W. ! 1 J '. " r.00 v. m, lo '' . i.'tu i iu. 1'K 1 .-HTMK. C-f - U'N " A ",,v- Wh'W" Coko for tlio Uosemont eracltor in thp Snntii Rita mountainB will bo hauled flora Sonoitn on the N. M. & A. rail road instead of fiom Tucson. Quickly cno constipation and rebuild and invigorate the entire system never Ri ip or nauseate Do Witt's Little Early lliseis. Coppei Queen etoie. Chniles II. Mooie, Grand Chancellor Kniuhts of ry.thins of the jurisdiction of A mono, is "making ii tour of Arizona, vibiting iu bin official capacity tho vari ous K. P. lodges. Ho will shoitly be in CochiFo Couniy. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cuiea obatinato snmmer couuhs and colds. 1 consider it a raoft wonderful medi- j frp cine, quick and Bafe." W. W.Merton, Jlnyhuw, Wis. Copper Queen store. Doputy Shoiiff Joe Bush yostordav morninj,' received a letter from Harry Lee, a member of tho Thirty-fourth regiment at Fort Logan. Ho says he likes eo much ot tno I'luinim"" .ui i -'Ul I it' I'll! I re a ii. o. in ugu. !' . ' i -'.tir,, a W.I icmmeni u ' hvo fci the islainl eptii. .". hViii!i- lt llll. H I nil ' ' il liB'.n" -FKOM-o- or To all Northern or Eastern points. Close com nections made at Kansas City and Chicago with all the Northern and Eastern lines. TOURIST CARS' AND PULLMAN SLEEPING CARE All meals not served in Dining Cars are taken at the popular Santa Fe Route Harvey Eating Houses. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application to F. B. HOUGHTON, or W. R. BROWN, Genl Aut El Paso. Tex. T. F. & P. A.. El Paso, Tex 1LT T" i WAS-DORF. fl Main Streot, l.isbee, Arizona. Cit-..'. G h;rcr, Ps-tin. e Resiaoroni ii t ,d. m in Families if Ponies 4 Important Gateways 4 THROUGH. FAST FREIGHT in. r r h c T fil. ?j In all tho courts of thn Ten Itory. unu In tho Supromo Court of tlioUattctl .Stutei. a i: rumi rx v-c. violin is r. r.53 Jp q i v- " en ut 1- o. 1 rnb'.-i'. Ad U'rw ! '"'' FmaskE. Il.atrtij, Kaxn 1'.. Ua-c.uid, Lnwjore, Tucson. ArUonii. havo ostnbll.sliod an utlieo at l'ombtouo Willi fa. A. U. Upton. i:ttorii(. at law, and will att.'iidonoli court term at Tombstone. x;ILMAM SOI1RI ISHF.n, JUSTIC.J OF thoPehoo, Notni Pnblio and Couvoy anopr. Oillco InAVnllnco U'l ling, HUbbe. Ariz Hi:. J. W. rAF.niSGfTONV-nENTISTKY IN L nil Its branches. Satisfaction aunran tocd. Otticc Shearer Sulldlns, IJUIoo, Arl lonn. pfiO. W. SVJUX, ATTOISNKT-AT-L.VW. " Will' til t-cttco In oil thn couits of tho reriitorj. Tombstone. Arirona. ALT.EN R. ENGIJS11, ATTORNEY AND " (.oune1.lor-p.t-I.n.w. Olfico on 1 ourt.i 5trc t. Tombbtono. Arizona. '- -:r yx; C. STAr.HLE. ATTOIWiSY AKO OUN VV . sollor. TombitotiB, CofldsoCountj. A. T f "'"""4 JUSTJCEOFT)-:?: PC5.C". tt'n-y Public; Convcjam-cr. Hills Cuilcotcd nSi,tSJt:.. J il 1. i DMiriMiN i 'i ..M ) "': ' , . on. Ii -!e, Arltor I'ljientli i liliw.x. fdi r b '..ill i. ' 'i -ri. k i' li.IVK lihH'KU PI J J n. !. Tut u-li"t,Tmi In. ll HI w'. IV hi a; i KM'iirs. r:' V I . o P ' 1 ( u' .thKl i .1 i '.yof i It ltitr lirctbron uonitulh iu attjiut prKl . i 1 1 LOwr. i n i i.C 1 . 1'. .t. Swekx. W. M. J.L. UiioKN.Soorotary T ANDMAKK CUAPTEK NO 0. K. aTTiI. - fctatod coiu'ocntloii thlcil l'tscsJay ' in cuoli month. Visitltii' Loniniiiloim in food stiuuling aio fratci nolly Ir.Wlud to vUlt. J.O. PUirCUAUU, 11. P. Fiiask J. Geaf, Socrtftury, UrEN LOPQK, NO. 8. A. O. U. W.. MS UTS W. liicn Satmday evening. Yikltlnirlirotli eii. cnriflnlly invite 1. Wm. QttvLU. M. W. AlfiedOodf oj, . Hecorder. II. 0. Fuabeii, Fli.aiiclcr. T O. O. T. HISBF.KL0D3a.iJ0. 10. SI3ST3 ovory Wednesday evonl'i; V'ultln,;br,itli eri. ci ulally invito 1 to atioml. A, i. W.vr kin N G iiitt.s ,M vifKB, It. o. TMPROVKU 01U)K OF RKI) JIKN, COCII1SH Tnim No. 7., mcot ovary TlMrsrity cion inj; ut tlio Oivra-Uoiiso slall A'Ultlnjr brpth sihuordliiily invltuti. " M. C.11BNaX,S.81id-ii. .A.MASS2V.C. of K. Dr. UdiuunJson, Mcdlcino Man. U.vii.. i.Hib hulure living Da Will's Witch Hazel Sahv, tTwo boxes of which completely cuied luni. Bewate of woithless and dau;;eroid t'ounterfeita. Copjer 'Queen Hlorc. CimI Engineer Andrew Barry, J. 0. Dobbins, Earl Parker and Ed Enpclp leturncd yesterday niomiiiu' fiom a six weeks' euiveying tup m 'IVnio Batin alhuiingndditionnl data for the Hud son Reset voir empany. A higlicr contoitrwas found rci'isaiy. Tho woik was gteatly delayed by violent and almost daily, and sometimes three times aday, thuuder stoinu in the valley. Republican. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoior.My digests food without aid from tlm stomach, and at tho same timo liealti and restores the direased digestivo organs. It is the only lcmeJv thatdces both of these things and can be iclied upon to permanently cure Jyspepsia. Copper Queen store. Mr. William Mekzer has received a letter from bin eoii Ralph, who is visit ina at tlio C'op?to mino in Sjno'-a. This mine is lojated not fai from the Yauui U . I I .I . I l ll "T"? ' mi I in i i- 1 m w n t1 i ! " i ii' h a '" ii. in. 1 1 i' i n Oj:l i Itiik.ii ,1 Mi ' ilia S llPil ' M UietrimliK- Willi the Mix"in i'iim 'nieiit aii'l n il i'i'h miiy p i -ful 1 Vrmii: will I pti ,-.luil hv t'ie Mi i c in tiu ip- ! . k ili r i ' IV WiP'- I i1 V! ' ll. i ill 1 iu. more good than all blood medicines and other pjlle," writes Geo. II. Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasant, ii8ver giip, they cure constipation, arouse tlio torpid liver to act and give you clean blood, steady nerves, a clear brain and u healty appetite. Copper Queen store. A woikman named Adams, who was engaged with a crew of men in blasting at the quany in tho foothills south of Phoenix, was eeriously injured thii morning. Ho -was employed at consid erable hiaht on the quarry when tho J granite gave way and he fell to the pit' below a diotanco of almost 100 feet. i i i'i i h. mo markuL atrorua. lij. . 1 whi iywi,iwniiiaiftBt Mimsfprwvrf """T ' ' - mrf nrn trm-i firmiiri iimimhhi i minamiiiiM MANINGEH BjROS., Proprietors Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Bisbee trade especially catered to. LEON LARRIEII, Pr.pietor. a J RQS3 H AwSy. mib ??js5 AND SERVICE. PASSENGER Tho direct throhch line from Ariznn.a nn.l Npw Murii-n In nil nrtJnfc ;n n,- north, east and southeast. Low altitude. Perfect passenger service. Through cars. No lay-overs. Latest Pattern Pullmnn Buffer Sleepers. Handsome Now Chair Cars. Speed, safety and comfort combined. For particulars address. B. F. DERBYSHIRE R.;W: CURTIS, S- W- & P. A., T. F. & p. A. El Paso, lexas. El Paso, Texas. E. P. TURNER, G. P. & T. A., Dallas, TexaP, "NO TROUBLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS." La Union Saloon, Julian Cardenas,. Proprietor. J FAITSBAHK, ARIZONA. O. K. Street, A I r o ) V1 w. tis- I. ... -CC. I I 6j' .R"- -. T S 9 rtr JKOLJt .a- r. OOME nSilll-IlMifn Fovum Ho. 13i3. x meets tits.t a-ul tli . . ..J .inlay i.i uaoli month. Orra U(,iiKO,7:Si I'hlthii. ooiu- paiiloud nhtcjsielco'no. il. vV ?., ll-vi t , . T. P. Kevhio.Trcai WnJ....wi. ,"j poup.T U')VBI.L. no. J j. r w::- : -, or Air.ei lea moot uvory "VV.i in- 4.n , .,t , ,. ,', A. T. i rt . , t !t. JALra iki:.y. Unnntlu! tooictnij. M f MI MP and SCIENTIFIC l A. llTYCr THrRrY-ararir tt 24Papcs : Vskly s Il'ustratec!. INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. $3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID. flNl roil BAMPLE COIT. ' MINING Scientific PRESS ,X10 MARKET ST.. SAW rgAITCISCO. CAL. ,J bAAds' dIO V i-,' ix4K2L.-r w...-:""r ?-t?i.s'k'!-1l4NCE W" V L - ANCHOR SALOON r -TJ . f?S ilJI' ?.iTl T-HirTyO,Tt,m-rT TrTTMTl t tA-to.ta -a-r-rx - ks imritri.1 mi vv x. i.iii w.s a rw i uakn. ? y5 ..--.. w, -..WWVM .J., WJ.J.J.J.V . Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars enu 5JiI(ird j'KUltr. pttiet Club Iioonis. KM Kvl U t - i rr & t t j. mM it" - t jVElftUJI Jiti 5 S yjji'Bu W. m rifj! B ,v -k trf!- I 5H H iI t rr - fi.w i.1 . it Mf3 r. .('.' Rending and Card Room3 Attachc.1. Give Us a Call. Opposite Oje JLiarary, ISisbcc. EiDkJDl&iSitoisJabisaiSii ij. . ict5: ?vvnTVft7'"Sir?"s-?rrjjiT "t.., If aJii2i&MLiayii dBS&M ??k r-? t1 lEISTROlfG- BROS. :i j Ail'imu .ina l.rvi. .l. t . 1. .. .:i.. .1.1. ' .AUU...O .1(113 UlUUi.. .tl I11U LillJ llllU ,. aftonioon and ho was still alive at a ,. late hour. It is thouyht that he is iu-'Whcn You Want g' jured internally and theie is consider- ' To move anyti in light, i&. able doubts as to whether he will io-' Anything heavy, g . . ' . ... it.: i. .. i.. a cover. llerl.i. . ""i"" ueuuj g Acuvn'a Eni.msh Rimiiiy Will Stoi oareftil liandlim;, call AnMoirnmic mine i .i couvjh at nay t.iue. and will cure the 'j,unsfei..,,i 1,,,,,.,. hvorst cold in twelve hours, 'or moui'V Rcanoiiiilno K-itoi. refunded. 2"5 ctp. and o0 cts. Fbi ml' P.isbei" Diuc tore. ri il ' '?:? ry ity B QS( jTi.e Old 'l ..!: on tak Ma-c Siro: ihc 5icK Made WiJi" uy Ti.c . zzor vnr-vrvat .'4.i-t w - jr-. v-h jt; 1 P FPrnrr y v )ivif.uK.vt Ai TKTWf'Hi I5J Ci 1 mw ROYAL H na c;p g 3 UTI (10! "MMMmranMmiMMnMMNMHMwti arner sor fiJ. 'n! M'ikb& Witti", Propiiotois. llaix Cl,tl,.,!-'' -''aviajr mid Sl.ntiiroolne IJllfip ,oncnlont and Coininudioiu Ulith Roonir, Attached. tcij- tliiiiK Pirot-C'lubs. 1 J! ' wain Mutt, - . Bisbee, mm r ' Ji Utr . 'r If tr1 r7 rT ir-t Tff w-i tt wi DCOMiCK 195 fci . W. al!ace : : AGENT AND BROKER. Arizona 1 Rcpresen I'nig Mining Projj i" erties. Real Eatato Bought and Sold. Jloney Loaned and Invested. Collections Made. Ittl lift ft i 1 ffi RRiEfflBffiag. nu LL. Has first class accommodations, newly furnished rooms. Tables suppliedvritk. the best the market affoids, at live and let-live prices. The patronage of tho public is lespectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. BEJNTSOiW A. A. CASTANADO, Proprietor. AltlZONA II " ULIi 1 it JLLi) Jl? BEaYSOaNT, ARI20KA. First class rooms from 60 cents per day upwards. Fires for families a specialty in rooms. Good meals at 25 cents. Bar attached to theihouse. Satisfac tion guaranteed or no pay. SADZ. FXtXEDMAN, Proprietor. CARETTO'S SALOON. O K Street, Bisbee. DOOR NORTHTO"? 1 m. i 1 llll tl an J Citrar';. i tit ii. A WONDEnrUL RCMEDY- LIEE ITSELF. TriADE Marko Dmiqhh ' po?YniQMTa.&c. it -ntn imi1 H. .- prws.rt,itfps.saR?B,o?sS3; LttJif 11 lll V Ulflllllllllllllll I .trill l.Anl. atnntg IPERPETUAL HEALTH BYTHEIR DAILY US, NO ONE NEED BE SICK. V J..lLV U-JVMMMlMMKWUMnjKaCUl llicy u Miit mi i;M" to till iViimtcr ol l!tfc:itius ut'sioti: C'l.ltalllM(Ue New i.tsu t..v- cr utwi lincrijy io All, ; '&!?'. 9JJ"!' ?FweyVof?SSVIJSr,SM?nT; j iuiiui m iuroui.n diunu & Co. rccalvn tptetaltMlu, without clmreo. lathis rctolvo SeEcftfifiC JlKKrican. A handsomely lllnitrntpd weekly. sracst cir culation of nny sclaiitlllo ioiirnni. 'lornis 3 n Bf,,.tIPJwit,ls,a 8l"a,jral' ncwsdwilor" W!,B"'r. New York nruucU tmioo. IKS l C, '.ViitlilnBton, l'. ", Stf leer zxxs: whl In Vnn slnn t. Iir. Kind's uolulilo Uretinai st ( KiKCHltulcic unci Hurc. KIiikhjii.k. t'i ., t. is SIul ii St., l.os Angolcs Cn'l. .rlnoSJ.Ill. 'icture iS'i" j tTV-No Knife ' e or Curo fe 8!il M Mil Ma iMJnhUJlbkSJIlTI RWITNVllAMftJtul... tlavnire-i i(01: A ie ttiej inai n) 'lie; rii firs. fl. Crosscy, Prop. A Piret-Class Hotel, Cent! ally LoLtited. Elogantly Finnished Rooms.i Linhttd by KU-ctiicity. Equipped Aftei Modem Meth nif'! w uli ml tl i i diuenienccs vhith ti.ntiil.i.ti- to tho trav eleis' conifci:. 'iht'Jiaehni; Public i.slmited to mil m 'illli l-K.ssEMEi:. .f 1 cs It III1! Dubacher & Muheim. Urowory Ao:iuo, Illshoo, Arizona ASSAY OFFICE CITY JAIL . Fine Wan Liquors and Cipro, Bofli Imported anil Domestic. YOT W !1 L 1.1 i KF V! I ' KK.U I K F-COl H ! 1'FR ONSTANTI.Y ON WHEN uU Mbii . . 1D1.ALC1III- QU1L1 AND MY PLACE. . . ORDERLY RESORT. ijimwo wyw'ivjiwpfc' i. I EQUITABLE,imwm 50 Tablets HO Cents At dtuirfflHts, or Mint liy mall on rcoulnt ot i ico l)j 3 ROYALTAJiLET CO! xxtt I.alactte Ave, J DETROIT, MICH PS '. frKM-ilv, ct.'r'. CAn e.- i ftrl .'. fl ,, vf I i il The J. H.JACK ?1 ; i lajiH a toMa im. i Yard anil mo Piilmtdior t'lituon 5? & of iilllslmlsiMiistantb on huiul. Mm X oiuh. Dooi't Mouldings, X Y . i'iiiii iij-i. u; lien, ot PRICE LIST I Gold and Sliver in ono sainplo fI.L'5 Silver 1.00 Gold 1.00 Copper, Iron, Zinc, Silica, Lime, Sulphur, Antimony and Lead, I eacli iniplos I) ir.nll oroNj-ress rccolo prompt ami im uf u I attuiition. i col il ir.tnsiMn on 11; o t.ainiK'n. I all tor stimiilo barks. inn li!n urn U mil at Auir. Joo.'s. Othi'u tiiiu 111'- mi1 t;iacuiili on )l) Hill. 'J 1-;K-I.A3S, CZ2 ? M Z R CO SK B-'t ? iA. 3JaBS JlPP iia P. llSjIfl Soicety F THE UN5TI2D STATES twii..wlwi Outstni.diii Assurance Deoembor 31, 1S'.)7 'ew Assui.ino.o v.iitton in 1S!)7 . ... ftloboj Atison i Pioposals for Asptirance Examined and Dacimed Income .... ?!)51,lfio,S37.0a 15rt,!)55,(i93.0J J34,4')l, 073.0.1 448.172.209.53 tr"TiM-i (fflffiiH (!--... AHi-t'ts, Deuinliei S1.1897 2:(i70,30S.04 WldaJ V-Jf2.,JiU ,3 &?& .. Itcterve on all esistiinj Policies (4 per ei-nt. standard) and all othor CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. , iiiphiB. m, vnV.VtandiiriV '!!!'!" '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'. !V.' ..' fio!ri!l7d!si 21,100,214.14 jvonti lor btiu'olKilior V'it"o:i3 i. w. cuAsrc, ciwt'i niut'Kf I Fresh Ms el ah KiBds received DCiii?. W1NES, LUJUOIt',, CIGARS, AND . ! '1 01! A CCO? Goods dtll tied to all pr.rtsof town. ili..jllllll.'0 i ' uipltin, 4 poi ei-nt. Btniidnrd , Paid Policy lloldois in IStl" LARGEST STHOjSTGEST 3 JEST Mi'tt ii'Huranco fn foico. Lai jjc&l surplus. Pays death claims prompter. Pav laigett dtvitlendb (1,UJ0,000 moio during last livo years. Issues better polici'ei WMirit N. PARKHURST Gciipn.I Man.'KCi New Mexico and Aiizona Department, Albuquerque, N. M.; F. . FENKER, Resident Agfent BIS BIS E. ARIZONA mm3!vmmx&FWis&