Newspaper Page Text
I Property I STATE 1 Of ' - -, Sfi UBKARY ;& 3SpK); . jn&M. ,XKjfi2r;ri ir' ... B t BISBEE, ARlZON'A,UESDAy -EVENlJ, , OCT03,E.3,o-. .- u f IlMPfllC SfflKS KwliCc;' of ."t ApT'cdtiOJJ for atctti f.Mhiiiii: Ai)i?ilrta i K; o. Mm-icrN'iass.) Fresli From the- Wirek; froic All ,r.K"t v-rr fc. U.'r.R3.ittiM?. .:..-..,. A,i(irtrt, . i " 'i-tun or 12, lliW.. 1 ' -"$?'' v? ''Slh i "'''T','nf' , ' . " i - .' r vs. i ' ;"",'".' ;-ifw'' .. ' Si-dp; ' . V. . 4' ' ' .- ," -v ;:-. 1- . & &&'$ y - . t . ' y sr PAII.0RB &. tu. i,.-. , - i r..i .7 . mi nil i . ... ?-. J Mpl .fepwiis. ; ifflr -I- -." ' - I: ' WZ!&- TMiJ '---.'iLMM ii i mil i Hi i !" ! ii ilL S X I .$v . fhave made .preparjitious for2ypur Fall Necessities, ' 2 N "'t8 both" Wearing,''Wpparcl ftimd House 'Furnishings.. rs1f 3f NevidNobby Goods uch as ' ' p " ? - ' :- 5cy - in i , -r- 1 '-' ' T--J. - in i i. Hum i i t ' 1 j.. .'-f D.,.v- " -i (.. . . VUiiiO. ' . .,.-.' rm- J' "H :- I- 1W ' o- . .V.-'" . ' u -."Ik X!'. 1 v-jp r "Atpv nfre ana man)', ouiers eye numerous to matipji, 5 Wf'L''r iS ' w r i ' 1 -..t- VJv-l 1- VC.VHT5.-VE VBTEENS. DRESS TRIM Ml W K JACKETS,' dU?GS AND COLLARErrES. :l,?' ; BSJTRV PORnERESUpqUIiTAS. Wp.OW ,HADES. J i .. i ndaii otlteY-kinds " of 'IoUBv,FiiriiiIimes --Mav C cOtf- frfudiVfi patfevjn our.-FaU Asybrtnents. eo'liiinvj (t Admiral .ooiiro J)Ttt'C,'i wwwnfctmw It Will Paiyott to -''cftkiae aitdliispf;pti;lise).iiitt; VM A -nj '- mmb. r" CHID ,,. Ilia t I .falali ty "T'yirV 'S"aJ.ts 1bLt Fit-c -$&' Jin'i' ""ovokiup;lo yijt Hyernge'.Binn atP'bn'; a iiqv suit of clolhoa and fintf&t they doiiot tit. SuitH SSW -. l l ... !. 'S' v " iiinuD ill luy, nuui t l " j. ' y . ' . 'A i-i. i: . . -? , i-s s- a.- ! a , ' .: . v : iiini icm niBiiu;non voir nnvo in.vtiiinj avuii 11107 nnotht-r i3,Jll)iit you always net the best of goods, first class woik, knd reasonable prises. . A. CHAHPAQNE, The Bisbee, Tailor. i ... '-. .T Flfirjiituirc, Biiatre,- Freights a sad ItOiii-.tforiirnie national iniuhftl jsiolP"1 . " i " - " ' ' "'-'"' - - - lu.i liuiiu- whs made", the cxiisinn foi the greatest trihuLe ever jmid bv Wash in.on to any indiyiduah After th- pVuliminary welcome in Kew-Yck, it-"BU uneurpaesed in its kind, it remained iohi the highest 'and xrciit&Et irrtite tflfliiiaT xrorI idiiohiixut ttf hand ofrcetiny io tr.e tauions ndmiral'itffJtoJoui '!.' tfi zeria tn tnilding ,fJn weletee. Jit eitizong had. made evrj' prepHratum to mako thnoui:a.Mion wot thy o their heio. 'flie decoratiotiH were elaborate, H? . Ljourney f.rdjn Nl'nVYdrk-'1iifdi'b'eenthe-continuous ovation )lpiifqd'ii it's inteti-. sltj- drirybythe (lehjl'tyof.'ilffjiopulatitff. '" Col'uhibus, OhtdJOctohefv.J-Senatof" . li . Si? v Hannadenieewithetlaractisti;efflphaaiif the. report that-ho .-will resign the chair'. , if: ; . "' ... inanship of theNHiioiHl'Cpublieati eonimittee. He sivyfrr "I cannot imajjin Avlwtliaiig'ivon rise to suck a reportun lessitis ray physical'conditibn, rumors ot .which tfiave been. 'greatly exaggerated." jdjlioejiix, Oct. SArticlesofincorpor iiidi of the Morj(ci fc .o'uthern. rail', road were filed heeyesterday by Phelps, Doduo & Co., of fN, hTtekv Tiifr" roacE ,. s 0.4 wtt) coraffeyfe4itHr'tKe' f4c"riti Guthrie. The road will bd'An .outlet lor 'Jloreiei.; ? ' ' . Dallas, Texas, Out. S.tThe. opened totla, the event of the morniujr beinsj llnv arrival of W.J.Bryan. The city is packed with democrats represent ing forty stated, Oklahoma "and .Indian UH.-hii.'sion, OAtoie.r. 3--Iii-Jfnilvt. t.-v. ('.ri.oim'iVViltoiyr1'-' via'ljr.'U'j ni.t;iij;iniii ( lo Ltildil Ul'i tun. nimiti ..wiient'e.U. : if. M. Ko. boui N. ,U ilc ."1111 f... TI.......A J 1 .1.. -' tllflll- l' ' J. 1V(.. All IILV 1 WJ IIV f ',.tniu.;t. 1 fct to c-ouiiUT IiOt.fUH liiiio-' 1oi, VicuttrHrlt. Hut-hrs sqnmro in mouutl of ' fk. ittBeiiwii .' iu ti .u. t(. liiriu'siwi. ( iJf' :: uin h. ,HKW'fwf to initial Mou. of . Hcillowup" Ami "Hmj;ler'. n jiii,,ii(ht,i "ei. ilh'4 inches Miliurr-lwriioHtid of st'iuo 1 'infill nsfUClrU WO.'. t U&MWUiJwt tj ofoj- ucjr, ' -o. Ur TMewo'ii . .D !. 13'ntl ti. K l&lTTeel !'i corner M 4, u imo- jmsti.l ieffc iotiy; inrlu's. Miure in ihiuu1 "hi fi-;t topluco Ut; bc-'iiiuUlu. C'oiitiunlnfc H&ti wvir j! . Sw,' -fe siilv .. !Z"T---' is" " Glaiiiii:;for breakage Or any failure to promptly attend Orders )it& will be q.uiekly ntMullv,Tj;trd.- ' ''"' ?f Officet Floodgate Un Mrirsti-eek.1; "'" IQ'tS . la Y ' II vUfffeileft ,;, izewa yf yn with the Clerk wrtt receive Prompt Attcnticm. IUWMMiW f. 1 V' - ' ' -Territory. - HtiAto: ht tUtfjSSivUlo-.VW" ami iA y? MC ita ,'c?imiik'i;" rfiiui;'i!' (!riK)4it. si'i.uteil in tho Vi'a; :li JitHh55.iMjtriCt, OiJ:,;? County, lerrui'r.v o-irzojiu, us noaci'ii.iu ut tli" N ;. i ji i !k- s'isU'r of i.iiml. J'i.tiii't, ut Tui lOs. vi . .--.. I iKi odccv iJa S on, Arii.jTia. us fol- i .7.--..vv , VI .-iS9r'. r u I I&opcniui of the Hunting Set-$p&dvaiVH near and, ,-.:UiWt it comes thoughts of New Outfits or revlc7i), s "l'mAn a-M TinliA 11.Un t .. . , .... , V.. :.,.-. - - .. " f - Ut.iiMjSt4ftetiiuy.- inetH- m,.ii..' iu t'52'Wii ? otct oiut1us,u scitishfuit'ti of the mcubiiivautsx this sjjort occasions y ., .y, There's ma,ny.fin Exclusive poWiiobdstiih'o'1'1 dgiiai- carjisaMsft-OfjaoS "of these GoUas ypu'lljj.nd'. right at our hardware ooufiiej-z ""' ' - " cu'di'ty wigyshell njeotiiigor fTficilifyj; iq. saf'q anxlvtfpid discharge JftV1'J' l?tm t'.r;-.i L ir!i,-lirVvl1lltl.lj-iitiT)t .No.v'i'itcHtowou", v, iiuiico i'o. on ,'is; fUdek lBinhlvKiM OJUeot. 1'heueo K,'21 .lot tulir. T; 145U feet to odi'uer No Zr&'wTnri Host injnottfia or stone,, insorIbttU3-128SvS. hi, CJ pine pqfct.t ft. loxiif tiis. sinuire.ln mouiul of stono, tynWribed ;3-lv;t:S; S; M.r U. Thehce Nf, itoci M Will- K 1W ft. tp vomer .No. 4, Klenti .t'tilwitL IMtuioucoriter nnd'cortxTr No'.a'Uiel- Hii'w ntarltett in ndditlim, 1-128 S. fa. C. TtioufelvV; 5U,. -deBiXill InlniTmW.-.'jtBlJj twt ..ta"" corner' No; l, the place iiK bpftftntns. Containing.. 18:18 -7w uorw. Total tier area.' Sti.SU, ucros, . und form iwjr u portion of tlie'nuhrter-ofiectietiln toWiiKhtij'i , sontli of i'une2t, Eust meridian. The lociitlo'i of thlil mltt&tij recorded In th otlicti or tlietJotnity ltecorder of Cochise County 'pn;iio.14J und ,J0- of Uonk Itof Mining Lode Claim. Adjolnltstr olaimnnti are the-Coi, Q. Cin. Mhdne Co. oii tlu nouth-wobt (Sweeit-rftuke vlaim), Jijlinlirinly et. itl.n thenorth-west, and Thomas Hiaglus on the north oHd' north-eust, f ... Any iiml all ieroi3 claiming adVor'e1y an) portion oi kuiu mine ui, surface, crotuid ui Ai ym''11 "d h('rr' afwal& provided ii Tins sufficient,. .-Lm Iluiiting Kftifes,:Mmtift0iGo&t$ SJznfr. (rums. aM.tJ.;'fth$ffl.ifa&fi4Si-lhi 7iiio; ov,'7Xu..7a. r tvdiiired to tlle.thelr''ii(Ucrsd clulmK with- the llegjster; 6ftho IJjdtetl States Lund .Olhce tit-Tiieaenl Iinin Couiny, hithe TBrrltofS at .iTizonB," uuriiis tun.Jtixjy oayauectou ot iubllontloh lioreof:'or thev ft-llltm WiVnA tv' Virtue', of- tlttf provWom .of -the statute. l-'.Ilnn tit Awor tJiKlt fttitfftto wAtltWrti flu, fll tif -? r-ri " - i Notice of ApiiIIcation for .. i j- - J"lT' " -.1. l-iiiSMiSfSffifSaiH i Tailor-made Gowns. ' y BisNe Tmiiisfef Cbnlpailiy; ( . i "''i ;. ...4 ? i. ,t,2f i- w wL . . -;-. Freight, Baggage, and Express delivered 'It .T '." ",""" totrny"paiirof" thfesit"3'T''"'''1 ....--x----.i.w if, f- r If j i JBt M WWn 1 1 i n JS.iT ITS T " "'w Prr-ait Service aiul4 Quick Delivery. ibalCalifomiai . Mar fet, Fx43fih-BeefrMuttonrPork7'-VealrSaiisa"-Efc:w" ' , Choicttu ofroniv. "" Fresh Krr.i'1 ii.tilv w ..,. ... onOotrr Octob'ctr-S'.-HlJiKJtis -fttiiiTjf .. ; I -r ' i- i r f ni'i";7 - j uupe'x'wn ueciare an lmuiedtate rup-; lure of 'dipldtfilttic rclsttbns betweeuJ Great JlritniTJ-SBirstfe TfKi&vaiUutMC It .is certainly .yer.y unfortnnato the school children have - not more room foir play:grbupdvitrhftfBantlxouiil:red-. ily be year)OTatoriaijiy.x,tnde).'byrjMul-; ingand..fllliug, buM-here Are--no meanaf at thet disposal of. the schopl, board tp d'eJFhy .fins "atlentlant" expense. , Why not get' up some form of .entuf'tainront .oy wnicn iuuus couiu pe. ruseu ior.tnis MVJ"l'Mt- r" (llliiins .Vpiillciltiau No. .!J, Survey No. 131 J .1'. S. Loud OHIr-jj, Tucson. Arizona.) SeiHemijttir.H, IfclW. f - Notice U Jietftbj iiipunsttuiirnot the United Stilts Mlniiiir'iaiV.'!., Alurtiii Costilla, whose ik&toiiiLtt ' atiiU-i'sji. i 'lomhsfhiif?. r!iiliii.n T....A4:Krv. ;vJ?i.... ..,..1... .il:....-., i.. i... Not toEarly to Think ot.Tem mirnrTX TO TELL qIt.WO KLXDS-both equally -- tr od from event point of view whether it be thai of ship,orloion'isYofPnf2H'' ' ' ' ' ' One i a Ch eviof $rg&. jfaJMpvtj . md black. Ja qkppy rp. has fiy front, withirdflJkveqjij0to7is each; ope"r t & scfanr sUivhcuLthroulibJLvWb-sUk'. sie'evM a. $&fih a t .-enT ' -.."i8r !" --- -... wurrH.MiwltK-iii8tri. boci.i County. fitting, flariftgisMghtty a,t the wrist; bottom us scalloped " lerrltory of ArinQriu, hh tlesicrill bJ th ,,-,.. " j wotku post, ami pp i. bpi ?, COVCO, WITH T brCC 7'OWS Of StltiilLUMS. t LP. 1 U.l.ll.iS 7X nt iX - ko'5-; vy inii.o.uio of i(n.'L(CKiMier oi - 31 -..-..., ., vf inra Skirt is tight fitting over hips with three cifiuT locution, trtrfnor ai.o S.W t-oruvr f.. Straps ((.ttpltZCNH; ptncl$ffQcl4&gC&foQshWrm JJVciriurlodc.a rtxtwood poit, fuel hlj.'l ..i-Tl.M , 4 $1 K 1 Ty fe' r W&&-&W W ' tiualj.tuMiunud.of ston?. inscribed SttlXtitJiVKtyL. i S i5r ?5u ". ' 1 r. R.'STJt- ?-K- JS& l-l!Sm.Al.&LxC.. whence the V. S. mluerul dtt0,of& .' 'sj S .r?.5f t & ? S t- fS' reowunMmt;o.4.bcursN.i53do.aoinln;E.5-'93 . ; 3 ,r :s : .ITriCe ilS X..OOi - m 3 '" v-? rii t . ' ti . - t t. -t v - purj)oseV Goods Teivered Fres 'to All Parts of the Town. VStf "ffWJT. TsSM.,,...,.. ' wssa and, Chemist, v- ; -f yJ,-'rtr; 7i . -Rf yfftr1??1? o0rrjpDBTM6p8. ::N- -. 51. -V4 Mlmfit !titlHH v'TsS"'1 "" commJMiof,, Mitres examined ' '' '',';. fr .. .' . and retorted on. Uonuopom'lence solicited. All worlc V .' L ." " promptly nt6mled if.)1r ' - " " '--5 ' s, !! . .. ..,. . . .. - i. .. ;', ;.7f sr -r.-M ,. Sliows tlie state juf (jfpur Ittel'ngs-and lie tatoot your, IiealtU its-well. Im pure blood makes itself apparent in a- paleand sallow completion, Pimples and .Skin Krtpjons,, If. yon are feeling weak and worn.oiianddg not liiwe.n hl'tt'lrhy up'puararibe 'H'otf'tiioatdrVfy Vxkerls Rlood .Elixir, ..;it-cures-ali blood ,diseaeos whtt,.,eheap Sarsapar Uas a.nd f nM called .purHiem fall; Jcncnv jiyj this .v seli, every," botUu .-on a .jios- J?rty torfl. iui.(,s 1.i -J "Vv.Vi". Jtl'V' '"'' '-iff!1 I' "' t'1 On'thelOthof Deceniher, .lS-JT, Hi-v. S. A. iHviatioe," pa'tor' M. K. pi.urph. .South, Pt. Pleasant, V, Vu., contraeti?.. a severe rold which ,w3 atendel frpn. the benhinrn by violent coughing. Hi says: ""A'f'ter resi-rti.' U .t number u; Ho-i-'cll.'.l 'pfH'cili. -,' us ,lly Kept, in tin 'l?'' - '" l'urI'ut,i l purchased . H"W,e -?r?bnm.berlaira J3oiigU;Rom y, fYJ'KjjthVH.. ,ikAu jhtiriH. . I, ht'rrsi .cJhr?ftb:pi".mejidilit.jqi the public,!' ipr,aif .ujvu,!! flrtijrjtigtii. Q, V Hill J ... M..,.bM.. .r.... ... .. ..... M. WW AW WV" ...U. A,.tlUC Ukl; ICCb niKit f incnetr hhuui-o mmotimii.f otone ln'lbed J-Wl-'i. J1.-61. C. Thenetf S. 41 dey. K lU.oili, Uic.'lfiOU rleet-to coniery.- u pine.l)6st net in leJfte of rock' in n mound ot stone poist u I Ret Ulgu.4 tueliossquar-, inscribed 8-1381 HJM, M. O. Thonca N. 4U d.c. UI mill. OUU fc2tjcoruer 4, u pluu post-,4 loet high 4 iiiuncsiiliuuie'lii. JdOUi'kI ot. sttlitoMiibritred 1-1381'C; 'X'liauoe N. 41 (teg. 1U inin. V. 1500 et to pluco of beshiuincr. Variation of ull cofners, 1' jictr..)'ui.n. ,K. Coutuiniut: twenty drtd:siity;i.ix,iutidre(ltli (iffl.tW) ucrcs, mid tortniiiff u portion of the quarter of sec tion in township Noi-iJ b. of rungo 21 E. liu:uirve'od meridian. Tho locution, of this mine is recordedsjn thootfiuoof the CQiiut'y.itccorder'ou pag.O of bptjlc 1 , Couhlsu County, Arizouu'. Recards of MinesA Adjolplnir claimants ore: A portion of the north.eut boundary is the south-west end li::oottli Wuljiier und Hope claims putent No.- llUltJthcl-Koy chiim adjoins .t on'the uortlt-WOtotik point about lJi-inilos b'diith of tha tgK-n'of illsbeo. Any aiiil hII liorsoiisrlaimlhrr advcrtelyany portion of said mind or sitrtuto' fiounj uro retprirenioiue tMuli'ouverKecltilinswitnthe ltciristor if the United State Laud TnoMtt; in-the 'i'eii'itoiy ot Arizoun; during tlm'sixty ayrfp6rTo'd ot pu-Hiciition' ho'Teof, or tlicy will be barred -by irtuojot the pro- VlsloUiof thowtatut'e'. ' :..., m ,,- i'Mlli'l'OJ.K. MOOKB,;;',' Jfiq.i t- " V Trr j- w- The other is of Cheviot Serge also in navy and black. Jacket is HgMfittg lsWtaffita silk. Skirt is plain, &;7'-''i(V'jX9 it a satis factory skirt. Price. SS.oo. ?-'; r v .'- !V . i Mr? -. The New . Dttss r i'l K 4 " ' 'J fry t tt . . jf mnnc. M.JJMy trcu ftJX1"" ;oi f15 ffs J ' Jin i . e?:sviA-jr. , iJPehningtonStreetrTu&oii, Arizona. formerly of tjono Wool, Uenver. Colo. :'i '.V 'ft" James F. Trotter, if lted-Stales Deputy-kJaerarSitrveyor (ikiYiVng He" THtyNIO;IUTOALriftmsURflNCE aOMPrfKi . .OF. PORTLAND, WaINE. w. (oitpou'WKh '18')8.) , . - -.:-' .After. 3 years, extended .insuranco se cured .automatically by. , the operation a "a Btatute of tho State of .Maine. Tin "') uumpuuy iu nie worm- Going bust iiess under auch a legal provision. It meer rTrTTyy- r"j u --.wii WT Mm-) , Wallace nuuaiuc:. .S- at ' .-v " .s ,, -o.... . iilHbce, Arlxonti, if Mih . 'v KnsIiMcr. ;1 V". CiCLARkivto-s'or. Mf.-.t.. ...-.. " r'k"7 . Bwveyor. '- W ' ?AiByinttttW'Wtf-L',,t'v AT"' ,. i m..fStm qtf $ in Hcn iWtea, Vn W W ,..Vr u ,jtj 1-gtl niytyof MiMirl. .?& "' pays more proportionately .to living py! icy holders in seUlemeut 0f jwliciei than any" other" company..1 It's liV.i. CiiEitnoai Notice. Ull mi., iJ. - .rf,.l lit .(11 tlj Kcbhilla to tiui(i mi i i lit. title, intoifht oVeoiiet'ol ol any u tuiu inniiiiB' claiiim in tli Hn kIim n Moii..tuin. r .-. ;it 'i ..ttt-ui;i.'i jo uo oeutidt Q.v J. i' Ifpj'ctt und ..'. Vi'Ditnton. "Mid ilttc'.iiite'i a imi! u'".' calU'd in, li mit" ut ..ion.t.i ii", i-;.MCtUi'l., mid nt- !S2I!-LJ.: :.m.i.y,i.. ".: ffiU?.7W.,R i miuof-iiioiwHviuiiB ioiik nine wvn iiuutril nil the OUTLOOK and OUTLUUK tvvHLN'SiU.N. ituuted near the sulutult of the middle pealt of'the.rniilrelietWetfn tho imad of Kuiiay aftttMaplo-Cutlyohii, whiWi cluiiits'Voie not opentov IB'UHutittYtlieUatAlif said att'omhts. ,t hVlropr:ationb"sald J.'lt.Tlppett und 1C; WUIltOII.- ) ' ..' .?'. ' I'iirthermore, all work done on f,Bald ground lit tho OUTLOOK und OU i' LOO ft' liTKbI0N . by said piiitien liforesaid is iiQioiiy-ciuiiucu u:iu tne sumo will bo for the ibiioiit'oT 'wtiil OU LOUft and OUlLOOft tlXTENMON iiilului; uinhun, ihcpiop.-ity'of hiJuiiUersiifnnd,. . J. W.SiUUP COr ' SuptewbOi-aitti, lb03 .: -,. - scp27-im VGW- rahce is giltetle'lh every way. ' 4fifADW." i-titN. -W.tGAait, -j , ,'vMi.iageiv,ifv!RfiideatAgent,- -.- -; -tlUVYJjAJND & CO. : pal H? Main bt Lok Ameclea, Oalit1.. I 'i.v it u.r.xu.i r .A -i City garber Shop , And -, gath Rooms. , .i iSfhrlcs & Witlig, Proprietors..; J .:' .5rf;HBRYTJHIflGt wft.tell.-of t.hese:.days damibeitrthl fully prefixed, .by. A jpv.l?. r.E&pecia.llyiao dpes;.thibjpply- to Dress tiootV'. This concerns Novelty Dress Goods, of which we have about fifty pativ:-,: no two alike. In the dress goods woilJ, the reigu of - the plaid iis-supremer7-so in, .this .collection . pjaids .are plentiful. fbjit there is no lack of fancy weaves m plain colors, and'thi' plain weaves, so cesiablefor siutingeX'? Crepons ana Toplius, bayedere and two ibned eflfects, rough and smooth finished goods checks4nd..Vplaid, stripes and drisjcarefuj selection: of the "best the East crn inarkef'ha'd to offer, ''and, we doubt not, the highest' class dress goods to be fouud in the territory. Prices are from-"56-6 tfjsf'a' yard burwiffi out the goods before 'you price means little. ,: V - Inlr.iCtUtllur. .hi.vllnr nirl ilisniijn.iliiv. ,' t.-i-wM..viiivui'aiiu Auuiniouious - 1, jUau.iluuii.iituuit!d'rvnry- V ,, ruiuu-i,irt-uiUM. , t It TJ .5 ; 1 tTuji,rUtit,u YiJ-u I S ' Difthei ',-. Xit'entSdii, --Smoker?! , ?i. J. v wjle" yoUj.yitfttfuuIno r i"-u v.And ft Rood iMn)t.tll for.thb v' . ;i:'Tkito, JH,'.iN;a'tWiies A VJ, Majkhi Noffftlaf., JT3SlCtfJW'V.VyTsA.V';Bsffl8 I-or sale every well S3551 3. ..THE COPPER PEC ifO'tVl M''jrfl i't iVi'c"a';,v? SSSSaSBSBSRgaSSSSJ wr3cas?.ePTBrjaMBLo!ettojKTTjK.."'.. jf .,. .r :'-' ''..'.. '- r sv.TprcsVMjufDcwsw3a,3t ieTfjaBoji!iKBRflMflcjriirvirruc s. -f.s.rji'-r- v" . .' i...--r -jtp1. 'v.bvs7wAS).i3cuMUBivw 4 -v. Hi 1 k' M-v Tfctt-S - "TL4.J- "a.--;ijbji -Jt ; 'C-'n'-sV H"A. &j?.JF'-:TiMSS "i,-VS&i ?" "V'fftM 'w"'.t. S2S,K3SiSg5sif SrsCTW?:' . &tE3SSWWPWCW