Newspaper Page Text
rMtUEr: ifaj'vr.sjtrsuJtoJi' niiiMiftflng. niinwii m 11 1 iiiiimihib hi i i i mimimi ii u ii m i mi he'imimii h imhiiiibimmbiiw iiibmipii i jijniii MtJJlJTT"t yjprrii kxjyinff EiSuSSS -v. vi. &' A' !Tf" H r? 41 H" "i ml V ..B .ViJ-. lit 4 ? . i 3. .!rj . - r. JB t?'?9sW! JWIkS! V S w-.i 1Hil''i ' i n-n- i, iiii i i . ii.i.i. i ii.. i i..... m . . t vjrAAtt ...aL "1 Jk N tt r w a- r - fk KysfeT .'. M. Waft) u - "Vfa- .J " ., ' If 1, I. 'l 1 ' t Waft l i ' . . .. . -i :.v U.l.'.li.u..tion.... 15rLll:W J .llrt li. . l.i .. '.Gi.A. l.l .' s:-U JJ.bAr... UoiiSioii.. Li .0. 10:0051; : - . !&j -y- ..-is-sases Puolile Thim.'Fl.ii: Station ritops onSlg ul. Uiini'WlM.lAitd, mx:ltitemotit. flt.LTMKl: VAU1VIO It tUUOAI). -1sm - rwacgr s.vdT- STATIONS. wkst- BOUHD. :P0 a.w Son Francisco. ..,.1 i:4STl. ni. S:M n.n Los AnuoUw i U.OO p.m. i;X),i. ni. ,..,....;,YHum ,.liaV,n:m. IUi? u. m Marie? a ' 5'Utn, in. '111 a in. 'lii'rtiu 2:.0 u. in. 1 t; n, . l,c.i..o. 101 n. in. lll, I I I I'm-. . 'ih 11. ni. :v " Pat'ltlliii.t-. ln.1 faJil. ., ip ;:rsn.v tllr. ..-.Oa. m. tw 1 : . u it. . '.00 v. m. tiiwr. ..II V. V. til it) V. M. . U8B . 1111,1 i.iuj in mil WWV4NrM- -WViri v 4.ww wt.k-1 x 'UOri;"?Sl(.N " ' 0i.M).-. T.iMS R. StIiaNJO:, ATTORNEY J at Law. Uls'occc, Art.oim. WllRfiaiiHtn fn nil tho couitu of tlwTorrlWvy. mi Isia thq 5uircnio Court of the United mjsos. , UTUI1K WSX.VIOI.INISr. T.'cS? N--OIJ," cu lit reasonable r.ttin. Aililt-dM llo. W Viusk E. Ilsirerono. Seth E. HAza.viiD. HEliEfOllt & HA.'i.tlti). I.nwvcr. Tnoon. Ar!otin, li:va i3S.t:i!)l-lieil mrutllcaut tolubitoiio with . A. U. Upton. iitturnoy ut huv, iui J will nttonil each court 4oi-m ut Tombstone. WILLIAM SCHItl SHEiJ, JL'SIWK OtH ' the Ponce, Not.u y 1'nblio tmd Couyo ncer. Olfcco In Wnlluco H' Jt its, biebte, Ariz nK.J. Y.l!,AUKINGTO,.-I)ENTISTllY IN .- ull itu briiucliuK. Sutlnluctlou uiiuifttn tccd. Oilico Shcurur Uulldliur. Wsbeo, Ari- oii:. - r. ., OEO.W. SWAIN. AXrOllNEi'-AT-IAW. ".Will practice in ull tho cuurtH of tho Territory. Tombktoue, Arlsouu. ALLEN V.. ENGLISl'u' -CtIOU.-IWy' AND A Cin-iiiollor-in-Luw. i-u lfourth StrctC Tombstone. Arlzoiiu. .....4.,..t. ,. .. . i WCSTAKHLE. A1TOUNEV AND OOUN- voll6i Toiubtoiio, C011I1U0 County, A. 3. JUSTICE OF THE PECE. KotMy Pnlilu; t'oiivoyaia-or. HllteColiVoUttl uSi't-toalty. iSIClAN VNn-SCli- ln' 'UUu-oVt WSTK t, net to Or. t'av- EDilUJ)DS(!t-PIlY ,.i-,iii. Hiilioc.'Al'izoiili ktfcj.i . Miouior nununiK! I ini;to:i . OUSTVU HKMPBL, FIAKtJ TEACHfilcV -"l.o i.otboiw in iiistrumcntiil music. Cull at l.'tl I.v.U'. Tl; K FHATEP.NlTIEh. 0ERFEOT ASHLAR LODGE. io tal". A A. M Meet lirst TTiursday ol.caoli moiitn. VUs tine iirothroti ooraiauy iuvt;cu to iiiicuu. 1. A.Swkkt. Y.M. J.L. UKoWN.Secretury; T AKDMARK CUAPTEU NO. 0. l. A. M. - Stated convocation third Tuutdiiy ncli mouth. YUitlnir coiuimiiloiu ni ood vtuiidliit are frutcvuully luvuod to .U.- J.U. PUH'JHAttU, n.4, I'BAiiK J. Obav, Si-ciotui-y, "lUKEN L0DGB;K0.6.A. O. U. W.. JlElViti Xi oerj'Suturdayeveniiii;. VUltiiitf broth .mtonlittlly Invited. VA. QtiALfd; M. . Alfred Uodtroy, ,'Kccordcr. 11. O. jc'uabbh, limuicler. , , r O. O. F. BISBEELODGK.NO. 10. MEEK irery Wednosdayeveuins Vlsltinjibroth- rw cordially InvlteJ totittonil. -v, . a:t- S1K8, N.G., Emils .M.vuk-3, K. S. iMPROYEDOltDEUOFiHED MEN, OOCHISE I Trlbo No. 7 meet "every Tliurt.duy o,-cn-ms at the Opera Hoiise Hull Yl.vitiiiir broth- II bcoidlally United. M. C. BEN TON, Sauheai. ' . A. MAltKBY, C. otlt. Dr. Edinundsoui Mcdlcluo Man. . -. " !' l"Sfal - T - UOME FORUM BliiiwVpriun Ko, 1W3. fL.ncN first' 'lil third J.l'in I w In euoh in' I, i iloiiso. 7j?y ij. . 11 't-i. -" y 1.1 isuiwu-. ei(uimifc .i. iv. t I'Lsy, I'toi. , lev'uo, I'rmiH. Win .-K-ii.inU -I, Sio. "... 7. T . Aini-i ion m.-t every Wpino.nyn'glir ! JwwB.LivJil.lft.r.liir,. BHnv " ?. ' i " mtm a- I TmTTTM ana :t"TI3NTrcTP mNllI (TinirTn ifaWAk 24 Pages j Weekly i Illustrated. 1 INDISPENSABLE .TO BONING MEN. $3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID roil 8AMPL1 corr. MINING sd?ntific PRESS 330JHUXTSTnSAirnAirciSCO.CAX. i 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' Trade Marks-T Designs C0PVRIQHT3 Ac Anrnno ending n .kotrh nnd dencrlptlon may anlctlr nsrertnln our opinion free whethor an lllTOIlIinn iij,n,uRuiyiiwimHiu, n. nlr cllrcnnaa.miui. iiananoo it ftco. OMct nnenP7 for iiccurinir pa l'ntcnts token tlirotiKli Jtunn ft Co. reeolve ,l,IH lIKI " w.. T .v, .. t Scientific Jftaerican. tstcirti notice, without cunraro, la tho indiome ly lllnstrntflil ireexly. .nrccst chs Hon of nnficlciitlUo Journal, Terms; $3 a ! four month, $1. Soldbyftl! norartn!crii. HH Co .fJSrNew York ranch Offioo. ttt V BL, tYashlnRton, 1). C. Branch Strict'ure .i!" or Gleet asr while you xloop irtri Kinic'A Haltililc fJreiliial no u Ives Quick ami! sure. KlnurM M ..Pj r, 13 N. iMbi St., I4 AutfeJo. UJ H HR PT1. (, i ... -CEOSA KWS iBlWaturs! -UeciS? Called from Our s ' l k Tbn f 'im tVi- Uou' fl'0sputlivo?t "v J'a'''"'' ' ' - 'biAeffcct tl,at HJn'twi Burti.m- V iXCInik lias 'ph fttfarvdarid ... -u.nOOO.OOO for if ,iu s at Jerome.. a t'.. t, is n lot of . v - ot tjM'ro the offer Ml- fU rt . r 1 1 ptt Sti, ki '-', iJ : , Mo., 1ipp.1- lfi "i fmutr 1 r m- , oayearwaiid !r-.d his tU"- -" !.r n ' :.'g'by;U3iii- !' v 1 . ' , - c It cures-ttil ncin aisoasca. (Jopper tiueBU"BturosR-.; lion. A.J. Down, wlsohaajbeeoaworkr ing the Acuuleiitul mine under, bond for a j'etir or more, .closed the deal for it on Tnesdtty by paying the amount of the purchase pneo Jo its owners and j receiving a deed fur it. air. Dorun im mediately executed 11 deed for the prop erty, transferrins it to The Montgomony Gold Mining company. JournaljMiner. Millions of do' ars, in the di x placed Mrs.MuivH l.tiriaL-'iiji, It , on tin' !.... 1 i.ii ..i.i.i. . i. ....i .-... Ill' ill 1IUI Clllill, Wlllll. till: BUICU IIUIII tioti; by 1 lit is -T- ot One Minute tuiujli ; 1 rrur I store. i An Aesocfntod Picss t-Ifgram fiorn Mts-)Uia, .Uo'it.i. 1,1, a.' tiuiu ei-Uov. ATcUtyd oflrfsoiia, ilelivwrod an elo qjuuit'tfifdroat! before tho irrigation cun greiis on (lit) subject of reclaimation- of arid lnutls. He opposed cession of the arid landa-nnd'navo good and sufficient reasons why Twould operate digastrous trously in Arifeoua. 11 u plea was for tin national inigution system, that tlie government aid in construction of res ervoiie. 15tt plenty, Kotlol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you eat. it cures all forms of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E.K. Gamble, Vernon, Tex. .nays, "It relieved mo from the start and cured me. It ia now my everlasting fiiend." Copper Queen store.' I Articles of int-oiporation wero filed tviili llio Eccielarv of the territory met .Friday by the St. Jores Bay mid East- em Kuilioad company. The incorporat ors tuo: J. H. Holme", C. P. Moore hotu'e, J. 1). Hnlmwi, W. 11. "ta.ita .iml Vv. S. Wiicht, .ill ft (.'tilifoitiia. 'lln1 prni' it. il piue oi btiMiiebs lo fixed at lJaailfiia Ihe roa 1 vvill be cons-tiui twi fiom the Los P11.103 Mines in tho Altai district, -unoia, to a point on San Jor- es NlVtn distance of thirteen milea. The'uapVmrstovk U $l'00,000. "If you scour tho -vorld j'ou jvtll never lititln remedy eiinal to One Jlinute Co b Cure," says Editor Fackler, of the Mica ;iupy,Flu., Hustler. It cured his family of La'-Juppo and sines thousands from pneumonia, bruiic-hiUB, croup and all Ltbroat and mug troubles. Copper Queen ., rt , ',,.. . , y, . a. n. unnmpe writes irora uoiumpia, a mining camp fifty miles north of Phoenix, that i hey are in need of a : school teacher, and prefer a widow with thn-u or four children of school age. But he suggests that if ehe is (incum bered with a husband, that he can find waik in the mines. A male -teacher would bo hotter than none at all pro vided he hod the children. Ho explains that tho continued drouth has caused one or two families to move out of camp, leavini! thodistrict shortof the required number of school children, and they re quiro the teacher to supply the deficien cy, Phoenix Republican. The "Plow Boy Preacher, 'LRev. J. Kirkniitn,Bello III ve,Hl.,eays," After suf ferinir, from bronchial or lung '"rouble for tei yrhTf, I ni cimd 1 One Minute CoitthCur" It is all tint is churned lor jtitl'l." fj cures couiths, colds, g' lppe "i .ii .!... L.v.J r.i. pel QilPPll store. IVI.i..,,iW ,k.rt-nt minced nncos n IiKtwett'd. all-tf . Tlu Ok! Made Youn e V eak Mack Stsong The 5ick Made Well nv THE USE OF ROYAL ikii X A V;ONQERUU REMEDY- LIEE ITSELF. PERPETUAL HEALTH BV THEIR DAILY USt f,0 ONE NEED BE SlCK. -i Tliey -roll iut nn i:rii to all nilnncr of mnoaHct HcNtorc VltnlltfJilve?iuw t.Ub iow llllllll)uivu.iun !.. cr nutl JjiiL-iuy to All, '. l( KnvntrcH oroitiAiru siop VHeti ny vtctora 50r Tablets SO Cents 'At driicrulst, or Ront by mall on recolptof prfco by KOYAI. TABLET CO ji8 Lafayette Ave, DETROIT, - MICHJ ! shlpfQ w 015 Qsm-ltialf Gold Dust cleans everything about the house better, with half the effort, in half the time and at half the cost of soap or any other cleanser. Bead (or fr? booklet "Golden Rultt far?Bowrk." THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Ckkt( StLo-U NewYork Cmtoa THE1WA1 3estai"u.rsLKLtEi Main Strei-t, Biibee, A'tzoiia. Olto W. Gelse?.ilsoier, Prop. : f i!8si liiiiiiiisie!). ' Frpsh ej.-tcrq aini all kinds of wine in f-i"n. Tin table supplied with the best the market affords. P'lirflffWKWW'TX'JW 1JT"1 MMIWm II HANINGER BROS., Propraetors Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, j Sil y Lisa i Bibbcc t;aiL csx cciallj catt..v A ,. LEON LARRIEU, Pr pieior. FAIRBANK, IS sea rrSx i X Sid Harris, Prop. IMPORTED WINES, Reading and Card Rooms Attached. Give Us a Call. Opposite the Library,' Blsbce. ts M Bisbec Assay Ofiice. MET 1RIC LIST. Sliver, Gold and Copper, in onotumplo.. j'2.00 Silver and Gold V& Silver, Gold, Copper or Lead, each 1.00 Zlno..". ... 2.50 Antimony, Iron, Liino and Sulphur, ench 2.00 Wolframite .., 5.00 All Worlc tiunrnjiteeclj If not. Correct .Honey Keluntlcd .. . . CASH DISCOUNTS. 3 5.00 worth of worlc. 5 por cent off ltl.tO : " 15 10.00 to ?20 CO " VM " ,,t;t.llti.,-i. v,mn.ip biu-hKncii on ui.piiuatioii O'J'"1' "'' the old ifiuvcyurd, on Nob Mill. AI.F TRI.I.AM.,.5.,t.. .. .v'.iiil)lcs by nioll orexiiros iccoivo pio:npt v ","T 106 E-FLSfiV USliV- A. V. STRUflAH Prop Pure, Fresh Milk Delivered to AH Parts of the City Every Evenins: PURE CREAM lN LA'"" a wv-, v.vniw SMALU GUANTITV The Only Dairy in Bisbec Hlooded Cows. Ilavin Satisfactj Guaranteed Leave orders at tho Strumiu bonrdini; houeu or this oflice. IT BE5SEMER firs. n. Crossey, Prop. A First-CIntD Hotel, Centrally Located. Fnrultlted Rooms. Lighted by Electricity. Equipped After Modern Meth ods, with all the conveniences wli'i h contribute to tho trav elers' comfort. 'I ho Timeline Public is Invited to call at 'I UK UESSEMEU. SKi 3KXiK"W'o.)KWsro Luw OOlce of LOGnN,'DEMONDSHARBy, VI William Stroot, Now Yorli. "WALTEIt S. LOOAN, CHARLES M. DEXIOVD, MAKXE.HAKRV. . NORTON CHASE, FltEU C. HANKORU, Renretentl In Arizona Vv Norton Chaia. akibi Mei. t-aooniz. iuii-w a jxm&tTci mramr n Save A Roomsllor feilH pas a.. . ARIZONA. h&? SALOON, .ii OS eta tftm LIQUORS AND CIGARS, g ?sfs :.M 71 I. W. Wallace AGENT AND BROKER. Arizona Bisbec, 9f Represen iing Mining Prop- erties. Real Estate Bought -and Sold. Mqh Loaned and Invented. Cnllectii'iis .Made. Phi fliiii Deer On Drnnjfht Cnnntantb on Hand. ;b"ino imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Your puti ounce Ilrtpecully Solicited. nv -t ? r 7-? - i,i t LDORR ii M tfOt ' 4B M5k Rn? u h ji a H a a vS? H cX2s 223 0 uilieim.P'P Brewery Avenue. Biuben. Arizona Cheap CASH Store. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fiesti Fruits oi Ail Kinds Mm mil WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, AND TOBACCOS Good delivered to nil parts of town. & rCKlXIi I IIKEDICCVICH TrHnTY-SEVENTH VEAR. - i. a WORLD-WIDE CIRCULATION.? -MrfPairWeeklVTUiiqtmted J X HVUIJ &"' - -J ,. .v. i i INDJSPEMSADLE TO MlNINO MCM. i THREE DOtlARS PER TEAR, IiSTPATJ). i 6AMPit cyn nut. ' 'MINING AND SCIENIinC PRESS. 1 220 Market St., 8an Frnoisco, Cal. ' '5wmn rtmH5wil 5 Take the. Santa Fe Route - FKOM 2-B:jiTa- or To all Northern or Eastern points. Close com- nections made at Kansas City and Chicago with all the Northern and Eastern lines. COACHES, TOURIST GARS All meals not served in Dining Care are taken at the popular, Santo ? l Fe Route Harvey Eating Houses. Full information cheerfully furnisEad upon application to F. B. HOUGHTON, . or Gonl Ai,'t El Paso, Tex. 4 Important THROUGH. FAST AND PASSENGER The direct through line from Arizona and New Mexico to all points in th north, east and southeast. Low altitude. Perfect passenger service. Through cars. No lay-overs.. Latest Pattern Pullman Buffer Sleepers. Handsome Nw Chair Care. Speed, safety and comfort combined. For particulars address. B, P. DARBYSHIRE, R.:W. CURTIS, S. W. F. & P. A., X F. A P. A. El Paso, Texas. El Paso, TM. E. P. TURNER, G. P. & T. A., Dallas, Texas, KY" TRflTTRT.T?. Tfl 4MJ1WPP nnVQTfflVS - V AV J -&S fc V .MIIV La Uefoii Saloon, Julian Cardenas. Proprietor, ii dP est of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Good Billiard Table. Quiet Club Itooms. Has first class accommodations, newly furnished rooms. Tables suppliedwitfc the best the market affords, at live and let-llvo prices. The patronage of tht public is respectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. A. A. CASTANADO, Proprietor. BENSON, ARIZONA ID ill 1 MU BENSON, ARIZONA. First class rooms from 50 cents per day upwards. Fires for families a specialty, in roomB. Good meals at 25 cents. Bar attached to the chouse. Satisfat tion guaranteed or no pay. SAM. FRIEDMAN, Proprietor. CARETTO'S iO K Sfcreet? Bisbee, I Fine Wines, Lipors and Ciprs, YOU WILL BE TREATED RIGHT WHEN YOU VISIT . . THE EQUITABLE j Life Assurance Soioety OF THE UNITED STATES Outstanding Assurance December 31, 1897 jmcw Assurance written in ioi ;:------ Proposals for Assurance Examined and Declined J js's im S AmcS? Deccinber'3 1, 1897 . .' .' .' '. .' .' .' ."."!! .' .' '. '. .' .' ' .' .' ;i :: l i , W ' 23087030301 Reserve on all existing Policies (4 per cent, standard) and all other liabilities " w'SS'ISm Siirnlns. 4 nor cent, standard oO,a-W,i-t.6f Paid Policy Holders in 1897 LARGEST STRONGEST i Mi. ot insiirnnrn fn fnrv. T.arrrest surnluB. la8estaiviieiulB-(l,lRW,inw moroauring WALTER N. PARKHURST - Oenoral Munnrer New Mexico and Arizona Department, Albuquerque, N. M, P? C. FENNER, Resident Agent "ItlSBKK. ARIZONA ' n T.' - o - 23L -P.SO AND POLLIAN SLEEPING r CAifS W. R. BROWN, T. F. & P. A.. .El Paso, TexJ M Vr FREIQHT SERVICE. UW JUl.ttJ AAVilU '- JW Vfc v 0. K. Street, Bisbee, Arizona. . FI RST DOOR NORTH OF " 7 . CITY JAIL . . Both Imported ni Domestic. - ICE - COLD BEER CONSTANTLY ON DRAUGHT QUIET AND ORDERLY RESORT. . , . 't lKrt h'iv i'2 '1,100,914.14 BEST Pavs death olaims nrotnntivr. ' Pay inst nveyeara. .unwk i.y,- ,SF. Gateway f M J SALOON., Sj WA 5 ,- Swffifefs